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The World That Then Was

An in-depth look at the Gap Theory



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Avon Lake, Ohio 44012
“Creation” by Frederick Elmy

Copyright © 2005 by Frederick Elmy. All rights reserved.

Published in the United States of America

by Tate Publishing, LLC
127 East Trade Center Terrace
Mustang, OK 73064
(888) 361-9473

Book design copyright © 2005 by Tate Publishing, LLC. All

rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without
the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA
copyright law.

All scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, King
James Version, Cambridge, 1769.

ISBN: 1-59886-10-3-4
The 19-century scholars who took an evo-
lutionary survey of human culture and religion (e.g.,
Sir James George Frazer and Edward Burnett Tylor)
held that the notion of the creation of the world by a
Supreme Being occurred only in the highest stage of
cultural development.
Andrew Lang, a Scottish folklorist, chal-
lenged this conception of the development of reli-
gion ideas, for he found in the writings of anthro-
pologists, ethnologists, and travelers evidence of a
beliefin a supreme being or high god among cultures
that had been classified as the most primitive. This
position was taken up and elaborated by an Austrian
priest-anthropologist, Wilhelm Matthaus Schmidt,
who reversed the evolutionary theory, holding that
there was a primordial notion of a supreme being,
a kind of original intellectual and religious concep-
tion of a single creator god, that degenerated in
subsequent cultural stages. Though Schmidt's theo-
ries of cultural historical stages and diffusion and
an original primordial revelation have for the most
part been discredited and abandoned, the existence
of a belief in a supreme being among primitive peo-
ples (a notion discovered by Andrew Lang) has been
proven and attested to over and over again by inves-
tigators of numerous cultures. This belief has been
found among the cultures of Africa, the Ainu of the
northern Japanese island, Amerindians, south cen-
tral Australians, the Fuegians of South America, and
in almost all parts of the globe.
(Encyclopedia Britannica online)
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This work is dedicated to my wife, Kimberly,
whose love, faith, support, and devotion have made
this book possible. And to my children, Christopher,
David, and Amanda, who are always in my heart.

Who shall separate us from the love

of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or
peril, or sword?
Romans 8:35
In Memory of:
George William Elmy Sr.

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say

unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in
Luke 23:43

I am grateful to my mother, Barbara, for the

many wonderful hours we spent together in conver-
sation over Bible topics. To Jake and Sharone Trotter
for their wonderful support. To Sandi Clark for her
great knowledge and wise assistance. To Robert O.
Vincent for encouraging me to pursue my vision
even though he did not agree with all of its con-
tents. To Rick Bowers for his assistance in editing
after my not so nimble fingers continually hit wrong
keys. And to my sister, Jan, for her faith and support,
and for her many, many long days editing at the key-
board. Lastly, to the folks at Tate Publishing for all
their very hard work making this happen.

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Imagine my surprise when my brother, Fred,
asked me to edit the manuscript for this book. I had
no idea he was the Biblical scholar he shows himself
here to be. I had no idea he could even type, since
losing most of his dominate left hand to a saw mill
accident years ago in his late teens. I strutted like a
proud mother hen before even receiving the manu-
script. To me it didn’t matter what the contents of
the book would be. The fact that he had done some-
thing so few of us are able to accomplish impressed
me beyond measure. Then, after receiving the man-
uscript, I read with awe the new knowledge I was
obtaining. Until reading the manuscript for this book
I simply assumed that either science or Genesis had
to be wrong, and did not consider that it was my black
and white necessity that kept me from understanding
much of the Bible.
In these pages Fred will take you word by
word through Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, and will show you
that with an understanding of the origin, meaning,
and placement of words used in the Bible, a greater
understanding can be realized. Step by step he shows
us that science and Genesis are really not at odds
with one another if we understand the language used
by the authors of the Bible. He methodically corre-
lates science and Genesis in a way that helps lead us
to a new appreciation for what Moses, the author of
Genesis, was telling us.
Jan Elmy 2005
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I started studying about the Gap Theory
around 1995. As a young man, I studied the entire
Bible, desiring to know everything I could learn
and reading many well-known commentaries by
great authors such as J. Vernon McGee, John Gill,
Matthew Henry, etc. In my earlier years of study,
I came across the idea of a time gap in the Bible,
and as with everything else, I investigated it further
through much reading. Being a Christian, I studied
the Bible extensively, and all that occurred in it. |
was unable to just read about something and accept it
as fact. I had to delve deeper into it to find out exactly
how and what happened, seeking more information
for the best understanding possible.
A good friend first introduced me to the Gap
Theory, and told me his thoughts and ideas about the
subject. But that wasn’t enough for me. There are
many places in the Bible where all the information is
not given in that certain place, so one must look more
deeply. I started this book and then came to a com-
plete stand still. Then one day talking about the Bible
with some friends, I realized that everyone’s opinion
of this great book differs dramatically, and this gave
me the purpose to gather all my original manuscripts
together and finish this work that I started so many
years ago. With this said, we must consider the teach-
ings of the great Apostle Paul, and what he wrote in

2 Timothy 2:15. Study to show thyself approved unto

God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of truth. This verse points
out three very important facts of dealing with the
Word of God.
First, the Word is to be approached with
eagerness. The word study simply means applying
the mind to learning and understanding a subject.
The Word of God should be more than just read,
since studying implies learning, and learning comes
only from understanding.
Second, we are to engage in this study for
the purpose of pleasing God and not to satisfy the
demands of mankind. This purpose of Bible study
should be recognized not only in personal study, but
in group study as well.
Third, we are advised to rightly divide the
Word. The idea is that we are to use a straight line with
our walk through the Scriptures and not a twisted path
that can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. It
is apparent that the verse in 2™ Timothy implies that
many divide the Word improperly, and this error is to
be guarded against. To allow secular theory to dictate
the meaning of many important verses of Scripture
is not consistent with the warning given in the above
verse. I trust that what follows will be understand-
able, useful and meaningful to your study of the bib-
lical account of God’s creative actions.
So, we study with a straight line. Receiving
the Word as literal fact. Next we must take into con-
sideration what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. All

scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is prof-

itable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
works. God inspires all Scripture. The Spirit of God
not only once inspired those who wrote the Scriptures,
but continually inspires, and supernaturally assists
those who read it with earnest prayer. Therefore it
is profitable for doctrine, for instruction of the igno-
rant, for the reproof or conviction of those that are
in error or sin, for the correction or amendment of
whatever is wrong, and for instructing or training the
children of God. The phrase the man of God refers to
he that is united to and approved by God. He may be
perfect, blameless himself, and thoroughly furnished
or equipped with what is needed by the Scriptures,
either to teach, reprove (to be right), correct or train
others. Here we study time, as in the possible age of
the earth, and what the Bible says about it.
When I first heard of this concept, feeling the
same as many do, I didn’t want to believe that the
Bible was wrong, and started researching this idea.
I remember as a young man in the 8" grade, when
learning about dinosaurs, I asked my teacher why the
Bible doesn’t mention dinosaurs roaming the earth,
as we were being taught. My teacher’s answer was
that in one part of the world dinosaurs were thriving
and in another part the occurrences of the Bible were
taking place. This had never been a suitable answer
for me.
My motivation for this work is twofold. On

one hand is the scientific view, which I don’t wish

to exclude. On the other is my commitment to the
Bible as the verbally inspired and infallible word of
the true and living God. As a person who enjoys sci-
ence, | have investigated as thoroughly as possible
the claims of science in the realm of the origins and
evolution of the world and universe. I have found the
evolutionary concept of a natural origin, and devel-
opment of all material in the universe to be destitute
of true scientific proof and lacking even as a philo-
sophical answer to man’s origin, purpose, and destiny.
The link between evolution and the Gap Theory 1s
found in the theory’s statements that express a desire
to provide for the lengthy time periods required for
evolutionary concepts and to harmonize these peri-
ods with the biblical record of creation.
The Gap Theory says that there was an
indefinite time gap in the Bible in the first chapter of
Genesis. It asserts that God created a perfect heaven
and earth that was inhabited by a pre-Adamite race
(the people before Adam’s time), human or not, I
cannot say. Whichever the case may be, this pre-
Adamite race, was ruled by Satan (this we will study
later). With this in mind we will see the evidence that
the Bible gives us. However, when Satan desired to
become like God and rebelled, sin entered the uni-
verse, and God judged His original creation, causing
a mighty flood (as some suggest), that was worse than
the flood in Noah’s time. I personally believe that it
may have been an ice age. Thus the Gap Theory pro-
poses that what we have in the Bible is not a state-

ment of the original creation, but of a re-creation or

restructuring of the earth in the six days. As this is
read, you the reader must keep an open mind. Lest
there be no meaning in this for you. What follows are
the results of my studies. Let’s take a look.
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The Gap Theory proposes that an indefinite

gap of time exists between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This
time gap is usually considered to be quite large, per-
haps millions or even billions of years, and is also
supposed to include the so-called geologic time. This
geologic time refers to the physical formation and
development of the earth, especially prior to human
history. This is to say the human history of the past
6,000 years.
Proponents of the Gap Theory also suggest
that a cataclysmic judgment was pronounced upon
the earth during this period as the result of the fall
of Satan (Lucifer). Some biblical scholars, such as
the author of the Dake Bible, think of this judg-
ment as being in the form of a worldwide deluge or
flood that destroyed every living thing on the entire
planet. Though the Bible does not refer to a flood
other than the one in Noah’s time, the possibilities
are overwhelming. One possibility is an ice age. The
term Ice Age, defined by the Encarta Encyclopedia,
is described as a period in earth’s history when sea
ice or glaciers covered a significant portion of the
planet’s surface and significant cooling of the atmo-
sphere occurred, thus covering the earth with a blan-
ket of ice.
20 FReDerickK ELmy

An article in the February 2001 issue of the

National Geographic says that the last ice age at its
peak was about 20,000 years ago, with the exact
dates being unknown. We must consider this a suit-
able possibility. The first verse of Genesis, chapter 1,
describes the first, or original creation of the heavens
and the earth. The second verse describes what many
scholars call the re-creation or reforming of the earth
from a chaotic state and not an initial creative effort
on the part of God. The word chaotic literally means
lacking a visible order or organization, completely
unordered and unpredictable and confusing or relat-
ing to a sensitive dependence on initial conditions. As
described by many after Genesis 1:1, the earth was in
a complete chaotic state, and this we will study in the
up coming pages.


There have been many scholars and men of

great influence, who have pondered on the concept of
Creation. When it happened, how it happened, why it
happened, and who or what caused it to happen, and
they have given us their ideas over the centuries. Here
we wiil take a look at the possibility of when it hap-
pened. Radiometric dating has enabled scientists to
arrive at an estimated age of the earth. Their estimate
is about 4.65 billion years. If you look to the Bible
for the answer, you would get an estimate of only
about 6,000 years, this being from Adam to present
day, and that is what most biblical scholars suggest.
In dating the earth, scientists must rely on the latest
scientific theory and methodology, and therefore can-
not say with assurance that the beginning was a spe-
cific date or time. God’s creation of the heavens and
the earth in the beginning could have been millions
or even billions of years ago. If geologists can prove
the age of the earth to be what they claim, then we
have no scriptural authority to disagree. They cannot
contradict the Bible, for it does not reveal any time
element in connection with the earth’s original cre-
ation. This much is certain: according to Scripture,
the earth is around 6,000 years old, and there were
inhabitants in the earth before the days of Adam.

This will be proven according to the biblical text, as

these things the Bible does tell us.
Through the centuries man has tried to deter-
mine the approximate age of the earth, whether
through science or through the Bible. This book is
to give all that read it an understanding of what the
Bible says about the creation of the earth. If you say
science is right, then the Bible must be wrong. On the
other hand, if you say the Bible is right, then science
must be wrong. For neither are the same, and I say
neither are wrong. This is to give credit where credit
is due, but is not to take anything away from either.
Let us look at some ideas from noted scholars.
Anglican Archbishop James Ussher (1581-
1656), an Irish prelate and biblical scholar, who
had established a long-accepted chronology for the
Old Testament. While working from the genealogi-
cal tables of Genesis chapters 5 through 11, wrote in
his 1650-54 writings, Annals of the World, he had
determined the date of creation to be about 4004 BC.
Many scholars of his time accepted his dates and it
was also included in the old Scofield Reference Bible.
Although he was among the most noted scholars of
his day, his findings are no longer considered reliable
James Hutton (1726-1797), a British geolo-
gist, originated the modern theory of the gradual
evolution of the earth’s crust. Hutton was born in
Edinburgh, Scotland and educated at the universities
of Edinburgh, Paris, and Leiden. Although trained
as a physician, he never practiced medicine, work-
Wuo’s RIGHT AND Wuo’s Wronc 23

ing instead as an agricultural chemist and then as a

mineralogist and geologist. Hutton is often called the
father of geology. He rejected the theory of the world
going through catastrophes (a sudden violent change
in the earth’s surface), which was popular among
scientists of his time. These scientists claimed that
only major catastrophes could change the basic for-
mation of the earth. Hutton formulated the uniformi-
tarian theory of geology, which suggested that such
processes as sedimentation, volcanism, and erosion
caused changes in the surface of the earth and had
been operating in the same manner and at the same
rate over a very long period of time. Thus, he saw the
earth as being much older than had been previously
thought. This aroused strong opposition from those
who believed in James Ussher’s biblical chronology,
which was published in 1650. Hutton summarized
his theories in the Theory of the Earth.
Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), a British theo-
logian and preacher, born in Anstruther, Scotland,
and educated at the University of Saint Andrews.
Chalmers came up with the original concept of the
Gap Theory in its modern form around 1814, and it
was given wide circulation early in the twentieth cen-
tury by a number of writers, including C. I. Scofield.
Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), a British
scientist. In 1831, Darwin, whose ambition was to
become a country minister in England, had an oppor-
tunity to sail as ship’s naturalist aboard the HMS
Beagle, which was to set sail on a five-year, round-
the-world map making voyage. During the journey,

as the ship anchored off South America and other

distant shores, Darwin had the opportunity to travel
inland and make observations of the natural world.
In the Galapagos Islands (a group of islands in the
Pacific Ocean off South America; owned by Ecuador
and known for its unusual animal life), he noted
how species on the various islands were similar, but
distinct from one another. He also observed fossils
and other geological evidence of the earth’s great
age. The observations Darwin made on that voyage
seemed to suggest the idea of evolution, rather than
the idea of creation.
Darwin’s theory was first announced in 1858 in
a paper presented at the same time as one by Alfred
Russel Wallace (1823-1913), a young British natu-
ralist who had come independently to the theory of
evolution by natural selection. Darwin’s complete
theory was published in 1859, in his book On the
Origin of Species. Often referred to as “The book
that shook the world,” the book sold out on the first
day of publication and subsequently went through
six editions.
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selec-
tion is basically that, because of the food supply
problem, as described by Thomas Robert Malthus
(1766-1834), the young born to any species intensely
compete for survival. Those young that survive to
produce the next generation tend to embody natu-
ral variations, however slight the advantage may be.
This process of natural selection and these variations
are passed on by heredity. Therefore, each generation
Wuo’s RIGHT AND WHo’s Wronc 25

will improve adaptively over the preceding genera-

tions and this gradual and continuous process is the
source of the evolution of species. Natural selection
is only a part of Darwin’s vast conceptual scheme. He
also introduced the concept that all related organisms
are descended from a common ancestor. Furthermore,
he provided additional support for the older concept
that the earth itself is not stable but evolving.
Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (C.I. Scofield 1843—
1921) has a history of great works, from enlisting in
the Confederate Army during the Civil War, to minis-
tering the Bible in his later years. In 1909 the Oxford
University Press published The Scofield Reference
Bible. In his Bible, Scofield gave thought to the ori-
gins of the earth and gave a great deal of commentary
on the ideal of The Gap Theory. Scofield advocated
this in notes on Genesis | in his 1909 edition, but
in his 1917 new and improved edition of his refer-
ence Bible, the notes were attributed to Isaiah 45.
Scofield’s Bible was considered by many to be the
greatest study Bible of all time.
Finis Jennings Dake (1902-1987) rejected
Christianity until he was 17 years old. Then he
received the Holy Spirit and soon began his minis-
try. With his unusual ability for memorization, Dake
could quote hundreds of Scriptures though he had
only read a little of the Bible. Later, as Dake began
to study, this spiritual total recall would make it pos-
sible for him to memorize volumes of Scripture. He
studied Greek and Latin, and authored a reference
Bible entitled Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible.

Dake spent 43 years and more than 100,000 hours

researching the Scriptures, Bible text, and secular
history, to compile his study Bible, having taught
himself Greek and Latin meanings of every word
in the Scriptures, along with the opinions of various
other scholars. Dake’s Bible would become the ulti-
mate study Bible. Dake incorporated his findings on
the idea of a “time gap” between Genesis 1:1 and
1:2, which is known as The Gap Theory.


One of the most persistently asked questions

has been how the universe was created. Many once
believed that the universe had no beginning or no
end and was truly innumerable. With the concept of
the Big Bang Theory, no longer could the universe be
considered infinite. The concept of the universe was
forced to take on the properties of a finite phenom-
enon, possessing a history and a beginning.
About 15 billion years ago, a tremendous
explosion started the expansion of the universe. This
explosion is known as the Big Bang. At the time of
this event all of the matter and energy of space was
contained at one point. What existed prior to this
event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure
speculation. This occurrence was not a conventional
explosion but rather an event filling space with all
the particles of the embryonic universe rushing away
from each other. The Big Bang actually consisted of
an explosion of space within itself, unlike an explo-
sion of a bomb where fragments are propelled out-
ward. The galaxies were not all clumped together,
but rather, the Big Bang laid the foundation for the
The origin of the Big Bang theory can be cred-
ited to Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953). Hubble
made the observation that the universe is continu-

ously expanding. He discovered that a galaxy’s

velocity is relative to its distance. Galaxies that are
twice as far from us move twice as fast. Another con-
sequence is that the universe is expanding in every
direction. This observation means that it has taken
every galaxy the same amount of time to move from
a common starting position. Just as the Big Bang pro-
vided for the foundation of the universe, Hubble’s
observations provided for the foundation of The Big
Bang Theory.
Since the Big Bang, the universe has been con-
tinuously expanding, and thus, there has been more
and more distance created between clusters of gal-
axies. This phenomenon of galaxies moving farther
away from each other is known as the red shift, or a
shift in the spectra, which refers to the distant gal-
axies move toward longer wavelengths, and this is
generally interpreted as the Doppler Effect, resulting
from the velocity at which they recede as the universe
expands. As light from distant galaxies approaches
earth, there is an increase of space between earth
and the galaxy, which leads to the wavelength being
stretched. The Bible does not allege that there wasn’t
a Big Bang in the creation of the universe, but if the
Big Bang occurred, then my belief is that God caused

The reference to a Supreme Being refers to a
supernatural being conceived of as the perfect, all-
powerful and all-knowing originator and ruler of the
universe, the object of worship in monotheistic reli-
gions. Almost every ancient and modern civilization
believes in a god or gods and worships them. At the
same time, Atheism refers to the belief that there is
no God, and it is not uncommon today. The belief
in different gods attributed to different civilizations
came from the tower of Babel. We see this in Genesis
11:9, Therefore is the name of it called Babel;
because the LORD did there confound the language
of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scat-
ter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. This
concept comes from the belief in the Hebrew God
as the oldest in all civilizations. Before the tower of
Babel there was one God that all worshipped. A god
is the center and focus of a religious faith, a holy
being or ultimate reality to which worship and prayer
are addressed. Especially in monotheistic religions,
this refers to the belief in a single god. God is con-
sidered the creator or source of everything that exists
and is spoken of in terms of perfect attributes. Most
religions traditionally ascribe to God certain human
characteristics that can be understood literally.
Many religious thinkers have held that the
Hebrew God is so different from finite beings that

He must be considered essentially a mystery beyond

the powers of human conception. Nevertheless, most
philosophers and theologians have assumed that a
limited knowledge of God is possible and have for-
mulated different conceptions of Him with divine
attributes and paths of knowledge. In the monothe-
ism of Judaism and Islam, the Holy Being is con-
ceived at its most transcendent and personal level.
This puts Him beyond and outside the ordinary
range of human experience or understanding. In the
Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity, an attempt is
made to combine so as to form a new entity, through
inherence, which is an essential characteristic.
Many cultures believe in polytheism, which
refers to the belief in multiple gods. This has been
widespread in human cultures, past and present, and
it has taken many forms. This has been of natural
objects and celestial, atmospheric, and earthly forces
(stars, rain, mountains, and fire) and has often been
identified with divinities. Gods have also been wor-
shipped in the form of vegetation (especially trees
and cultivated plants) and animals, for example, the
monkey in India and the hummingbird among the
Aztecs. The assumption of human forms and char-
acteristics by divine beings, or anthropomorphism,
as in the definable human passions and behavior of
the Greek and Roman gods, is virtually a universal
feature of polytheism.
Ra, the sun god of ancient Egypt, was depicted
with a human body and the head of a hawk. Ra was
usually considered the creator and controller of the

universe, his chief symbols being the sun disk and

the obelisk. Originally of a local cult, the worship of
Ra first became widespread during the old Kingdom
of Egypt. The chief temple of Ra was at the city of
Heliopolis, which became an important center when
the cult was adopted as a national religion. Ra later
became associated with other important deities, par-
ticularly Amon and Horus.
Dagon, the god of fertility, was worshipped
by the Philistines and throughout the ancient Middle
East. His cult was known to have existed as early
as 2500 BC, and a number of references to him are
made in the Old Testament (Judges 16:23; 1 Samuel
5:2—5; 5:7; 1 Chronicles 10:10). The possible deriva-
tions of his name are numerous; these are a few: from
the Hebrew word for grain, or from the Semitic word
for corn, or from the Hebrew word for fish. The last
of these derivations gave rise to the common image
of Dagon, which is a merman—half man, half fish.
Dagon is also regarded as the legendary inventor of
the plow.
Zeus, in Greek mythology, is the god of the sky
and ruler of the Olympian gods. He corresponds to
the Roman god Jupiter. Zeus was considered, accord-
ing to the Greek poet Homer, the father of the gods
and of the mortals; he did not create gods or mortals.
He was their father in the sense of being the protec-
tor and ruler both of the Olympian family and of the
human race. He was lord of the sky, the rain god,
and the cloud gatherer, who wielded a terrible thun-
derbolt. His breastplate was the aegis, his bird the

eagle, his tree the oak. Zeus presided over the gods
on Mount Olympus, in Thessaly, a fertile plain in
the Aegean Sea in east central Greece. His principal
shrines were at Dodona, in Epirus, the land of the oak
trees, and is the most ancient shrine. It is famous for
its oracle. Another shrine is at Olympia, where the
Olympic Games were celebrated in his honor every
fourth year. The Nemean Games, held at Nemea,
northwest of Argos, were also dedicated to Zeus.
Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans, Cronus
and Rhea, and the brother of the deities Poseidon,
Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. According to one
of the ancient myths of the birth of Zeus, Cronus,
fearing that he might be dethroned by one of his chil-
dren, swallowed them as they were born. Upon the
birth of Zeus, Rhea wrapped a stone in swaddling
clothes for Cronus to swallow and concealed the
infant god in Crete, where he was fed on the milk of
the goat Amalthaea and reared by nymphs and beau-
tiful maidens. When Zeus grew to maturity, he forced
Cronus to disgorge the other children, who were
eager to take vengeance on their father. In the war
that followed, the Titans, which were the offspring
of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), fought on the
side of Cronus, but Zeus and the other gods were suc-
cessful, and the Titans were consigned to the abyss
of Tartarus. Zeus henceforth ruled over the sky, and
his brothers Poseidon and Hades were given power
over the sea and the underworld. The earth was to
be ruled in common by all three. Zeus’s image was
represented in sculptural works as a kingly, bearded

figure. The most celebrated of all statues of Zeus was

Phidias’s (500-432 BC) gold and ivory colossus at
Druidism was the religious faith of the ancient
Celtic inhabitants of Gaul and the British Isles from
the 2" century BC until the 2™ century AD. In the var-
ious parts of Britain that the Romans did not invade,
Druidism survived until Christianity later replaced it.
This religion included belief in the immortality of the
soul, which was believed to pass into the body of a
newborn child. According to Julius Caesar, drawing
on a biased account of the cult written by Posidonius,
a Stoic philosopher and historian, the Druids believed
that they were descended from a Supreme Being.
In Gnosticism, a mysterious religious move-
ment that flourished during the 2"? and 3" centu-
ries AD and presented a major challenge to ortho-
dox Christianity, most Gnostic sects professed
Christianity. However, their beliefs sharply varied
from those of the majority of Christians in the early
church. The term Gnosticism is derived from the
Greek word gnosis (revealing knowledge). To its
disciples, Gnosticism promised a secret knowledge
of the divine realm. Sparks or seeds of the Divine
Being fell from this transcendent realm into the
material universe, which was completely evil, and
were imprisoned in human bodies. Reawakened by
knowledge, the divine element in humanity could
return to its proper home in the transcendent spiritual
To explain the origin of the material universe,

the Gnostics developed a spiritual realm and devel-

oped a complicated mythology. From the original
unknowable God, a series of lesser divinities was
generated by emission. The last of these, Sophia (wis-
dom), conceived the desire to know the unknowable
Supreme Being. Out of this illegitimate desire, was
produced a deformed, evil deity, who created the uni-
verse. The divine sparks that dwell in humanity fell
into this universe or else were sent by the supreme
god in order to redeem humanity. The Gnostics iden-
tified the evil god with the God of the Old Testament,
which they interpreted as an account of this god’s
efforts to keep humanity immersed in ignorance
and the material world and to punish their attempts
to acquire knowledge. It was in this light that they
understood the forcing out of Adam and Eve from
Paradise, the flood, and the destruction of Sodom and
Many Mayan, Aztec, and Incan deities were
derived from astronomical observations. However,
pre-Columbian civilizations identified their deities
not only with particular plants or stars, but also with
the cyclical movement of the heavens as a whole.
Just as the heavenly bodies move and replace each
other in specific sectors of the sky, a number of major
pre-Columbian deities had shifted, with overlapping
identities. Consequently, individual gods and god-
desses are probably best interpreted, not as distinctly
important entities, but as fluid and shifting compo-
nents of complex supernatural powers.
Allah is the Arabic name for Islam’s Supreme

Being. The term is a contraction of the Arabic Al-

llah, which means the God. Both the idea and the
word existed in pre-Islamic and Arabian tradition,
in which some evidence of a primitive monotheism
can also be found. Although they recognized other,
lesser gods, the pre-Islamic Arabs recognized Allah
as the supreme god. The Koran, which is the holy
book of Islam, asserts that Allah is the creator and
the one who rewards and punishes, he is unique and
can only be one god, he is eternal, and all merciful.
The core of the religion is submission to the will of
Allah. People must abandon themselves entirely to
God’s sovereignty.
Although as creator, Allah is utterly transcen-
dent and not to be compared to any of his creatures,
he is nevertheless a personal god, a fair judge, merci-
ful and good. Each chapter of the Koran begins with
Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, and before
fulfilling religious obligations the Muslim recites, Jn
the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Islam does not acknowledge a mediator between Allah
and humans, as Christianity does. One approaches
Allah directly in personal prayer and in reciting the
Koran, which is considered, literally, the word of
Allah. The prophet Mohammed, who conveyed the
word of Allah, is not considered in any way divine,
as some think. According to tradition, Muhammad
traced his genealogy back as far as Adnan, whom the
northern Arabs believed to be their common ancestor.
Adnan in turn is said to be a descendant of Ishmael,
son of Abraham though the exact genealogy is dis-

Jehovah is the name of the God of the Hebrew
and Christian people. His name is mistakenly trans-
literated from the Masoretic Hebrew text. The word
consists of the consonants JHVH or JHWH, with the
vowels of a separate word. What its original vowels
were is a matter of speculation. Because of an inter-
pretation of such text as Exodus 20:7 and Leviticus
24:11, the name came to be regarded as too sacred
for expression. The scribes, in reading aloud, sub-
stituted Lord, and therefore wrote the vowel mark-
ings for Lord into the consonantal framework JHVH
as a reminder to future readers when reading aloud.
The translators of the Hebrew, not realizing what the
scribes had done, read the word as it was written,
taking the scribal vowel markings as inherent to the
name of their God rather than as a mere reminder not
to speak it. From this came the rendition Jehovah.
Evidence of the Greek Church Fathers shows the
forms Jabe and Jao to be traditional, as well as
the shortened Hebrew forms of the words Jah and
Jahu. It indicates that the name was originally spo-
ken Jeweh or Yahwe, which is often spelled Yahweh
in modern usage and is traditionally considered His
professional name.

Genesis 1:1
In the Beginning God created the heavens and the
Genesis is the English title given to the first
book of the Bible, and is derived from the Greek
word Genesis or kosmou. It signifies origin of the
cosmos or universe, and it is also the title of the first
book in the Greek Septuagint. The Jews know each
of the five books comprising the Pentateuch by either
the opening word or the first significant word of the
Hebrew text, and they entitled this book Bereshith or
Bereshit, which means “in the beginning.” This first
verse is an introduction to the whole Bible and all
history. This is the very essence of the book. Without
this we have nothing, for this emphasizes the very
beginning of creation.
Genesis starts with the fact that in the begin-
ning God did something. He created the heavens
first, which consists of the area around the earth,
outer space, the stars, and all the other planets and
galaxies. Then He created the earth. This marks the
boundary between time and eternity. It is believed
that this verse is a reference to the original creation
of the earth. And we will see what follows in verse 2,
as many say the possible re-creation or re-establish-
ment of the earth. If we study the Scriptures verse by
verse, and break them down, and get the true and full

meanings of these verses, then we will have a better

understanding of what we are trying to learn.
The word beginning (Hebrew “reshiyth’)
means the first, in place, time, order or rank. The
word created (Hebrew “bara’’), a prime root (abso-
lute), simply means to create, to cut down, select,
choose, make. In this beginning God created the
earth. Before this God had already created His angels.
He had already established His kingdom in heaven.
When the author of Genesis (which is attributed to
Moses) wrote “God created the heavens” he is refer-
ring to the first heaven. There are actually three heav-
ens. The first heaven is the area of space that sur-
rounds the earth, as we can see in Genesis 1:20 And
God said, Let the water bring forth abundantly the
moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may
fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
The second heaven is the vast expanse of the physi-
cal universe, or outer space as we call it.
These two heavens constitute a continuum
called the firmament, and this firmament is collec-
tively called heaven. The third heaven is where God
abides, and where the saints go according to the
Apostle Paul where he wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:2,
I knew a man in Christ about fourteen years ago,
(whether in the body, I cannot tell, or whether out of
the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one
caught up to the third heaven. The words heaven and
heavens are used 718 times in Scripture. They mean
air, clouds, sky, expanse, stars, and the area on which
God dwells. This first verse of the Bible specifies the

first creation of the earth.

By the word heaven we must understand that
this is the supreme heaven, or the third heaven. This
is the habitat of God, and of the holy angels. This
was created perfectly in the beginning, and there is
no mention of it after it was made, as of the earth. It
is supposed that the angels were at this time created,
since they were present at the laying of the foundation
of the earth, this we get from Job 38:6—7, Whereupon
are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid
the corner stone thereof (7) When the morning stars
sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for
Joy? The references here to the morning stars and
the sons of God are His angels. The lower or second
and visible heaven, aren’t mentioned in Scripture.
The expanse of it is not mentioned, nor the air yet
stretched out, nor any light placed in them, nor are
they adorned with the sun, moon, and stars. So the
earth is to be understood as not being of that which is
properly called earth.
This is not earth in its chaotic state, or as it was
first brought into being by Almighty Power. This is in
the sense that God created with the heavens, whatso-
ever is in the heavens, and with the earth whatsoever
is in the earth—that is, the substance of all things in
them—all things in them were made together. This
is said, that it was created, that is, to be made out of
nothing, as some say. For what pre-existing matter
from this chaos would be made out of nothing, when
it could be formed Usaiah 45:18)? Paul wrote of this
in Hebrews 11:3, Through faith we understand that

the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that

things which are seen were not made of things which
do appear. The word created is sometimes used,
even in this chapter in Genesis, for the production
of creatures out of pre-existing matter, as in Genesis
1:21, And God created great whales, and every living
creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth
abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl
after his kind: and God saw that it was good. There is
nowhere in the holy language, or any other word, by
which it is signified the bringing of something out of
nothing. And it deserves notice that this word is only
used of God, and creation and must be the work of
God. For none but an Almighty Power could produce
something out of nothing.
The word used for God is Elohiym, which some
derive from another word which signifies power.
God is the object of all religious worship and adora-
tion, and very properly used. Moses makes use of
this appellation here to teach us that He who is the
Creator of the heavens and the earth is the sole object
of worship.

Genesis 1:2
And the earth was without form, and
void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
Jace of the waters.

To many scholars, this verse is considered to

describe the re-creation of the earth, if we look at

the word was (Hebrew “hayah’”’). Those scholars say

it should be interpreted became, and not was. The
phrase without form and void (Hebrew “Tohu va
bohu”’) signifies “waste and empty,” as most schol-
ars agree. Then this verse describes the earth with
the word darkness (Hebrew “Choshek’’) and simply
means darkness, as if to obscure the earth from the
sun. In the Bible, darkness almost always is a result
of judgment, and it is never used to signify creation.
Many scholars refer to the phrase darkness was upon
the face of the deep as a reference to the world being
covered with water from perhaps a flood, and this is
possible, evident with the last phrase saying And the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water.
This is why many refer to this verse as if the
earth had been flooded, and this flood destroyed all
living things. This could be an actual statement. This
flood was more devastating and lasted longer than
that of Noah’s flood, for it destroyed even vegeta-
tion, while the | year and 17 days of Noah’s flood did
not. There appears to be no conflict between science
and the Bible. Real scientific discoveries, however,
must be distinguished from theories. Science, espe-
cially in the field of geology, is still in its infancy,
and the testimony of rocks is actually uncertain. True
statements of God’s Word must also be distinguished
from man’s interpretation of them. When scientists
finally agree on the age of the earth, and then place
the many years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis
1:2, there will be no conflict between Genesis and
42 FreperickK ELmy

This verse is as independent from verse I, as to

time and subject matter, as all the other separate acts
of God. Verse | refers to the whole universe being
created and inhabited in a dateless past, while verse 2
refers to chaos, as some suggest. Chaos, as meaning
the earth was destroyed, and it’s second habitation,
with present man and the new earth brought back
into being some 6,000 years ago. Looking at Isaiah
45:18, we can find a little more about this created
earth that was in the beginning.

Isaiah 45:18
For this saith the LORD that created
the heavens; God himself that formed the
earth and made it; he hath established it,
he created it not in vain, he formed it to
be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is
none else.

In this we are reassured that God created the

heavens, and formed the earth and made it. The word
established (Hebrew “Kuwn’’) means to set up, in a
great variety of applications (establish, fix, prepare,
apply). Here also is stated the true purpose of God in
creating the earth. He did not create it in vain (Hebrew
“Tohuw’’), which means empty or to lie waste. If it
became tohuw, or empty, was it this way in Genesis
1:2? It must have been made with inhabitants in the
first place, and destroyed to become empty after that.
Then this verse goes on to tell us that “He formed
it to be inhabited” by man and the various species

of animals. He makes it a convenient habitation for

them, adapts its climates, its soil, and its products to
their nature, and makes it yield abundance for their
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As mentioned, radiometric dating has enabled
scientists to arrive at an estimate of about 4.65 bil-
lion years for the age of the earth. Although the old-
est earth rocks which scientists specify are dated this
way, are not quite 4 billion years old. Meteorites,
which correlate geologically with the earth’s core,
give dates of about 4.5 billion years, and crystalliza-
tion of the core and meteorites is considered to have
occurred at this same time, some 150 million years
after the earth and solar system were first formed.
Human evolution, scientists say, is a lengthy
process of change by which people originated from
an ape-like ancestor. Scientific evidence shows that
the physical and behavioral traits shared by all peo-
ple evolved over a period of at least 5 million years.
The scientific communities also say that one of the
earliest defining human traits, bipedalism, which
means the ability to walk on two legs, evolved over 4
million years ago. Other important human character-
istics, such as a large and complex brain, the ability
to make and use tools, and the capacity for language,
developed more recently. Many advanced traits,
including complex symbolic expressions such as art
and elaborate cultural diversity, emerged mainly dur-
ing the past 100,000 years. Humans are primates, an
order that includes lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, apes,
and human beings. Physical and genetic similari-

ties show that the modern human species, the Homo

sapiens, have a very close relationship to another
group of primate species, the apes. Humans and the
so-called great apes (large apes) of Africa, chimpan-
zees and gorilla, share a common ancestor that lived
between 8 million and 5 million years ago. This does
not mean that we as human beings come from the
ape; it is simply a scientific theory.
Scientists say that humans first evolved in
Africa, and much of human evolution occurred on
that continent. This is the so-called Out of Africa
theory, which we will discover in the next chapter.
The fossils of early humans who lived between 5
million and 2 million years ago come entirely from
Africa, scientist suggests. Since Charles Darwin
first advanced the theory of evolution, mankind has
strived to connect itself to lower, more primitive
life forms. Theories of the origin of the human spe-
cies, and modern understanding of human origins,
is derived largely from the findings of paleontology,
anthropology, and genetics; this involves the process
of natural selection (Charles Darwin 1858). Although
there are gaps in the fossil record due to differential
preservation which prevents the complete specifica-
tion of the line of human descent, the Homo sapiens
share clear anatomical, genetic, and historic relation-
ships to other primates. Of all primates, the humans
bear particularly close affinity to other members of a
group known as hominoids, or apes, which includes
gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. Humans and their
immediate ancestors, known as hominids, are notable

among hominoids for their two-footed locomotion,

show a rate of maturity, large brain size, and, at least
among the more recent hominids, the development
of a relatively sophisticated capacity for language,
tool use, and social activity. If we look at all this, and
then the genealogy of the Old Testament, which con-
sists of about 4,000 years, there is a big difference.
All this occurred in the so-called pre-Adamite world,
or before Genesis 1:2
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Out of Africa is the term used for the humans
that migrated from the African continent. Ancient
humans lived there for some 3 million years and sci-
entists wonder what finally triggered the first human
migration out of Africa, which refers to the move-
ment that coincided with the spread of early human
populations throughout the world. The answer to this
question depends, in part, on knowing exactly when
the first migration occurred. Some studies claim that
sites in Asia and Europe contain crude tools and fos-
silized fragments of human-like teeth that date from
more than 1.8 million years ago. Although these
claims remain unconfirmed, small populations of
humans may have entered Asia prior to 1.6 million
years ago, followed by a more substantial spread
between 1.6 million and 1 million years ago. The
first major habitation of Central and Western Europe,
on the other hand, does not appear to have occurred
until between 1 million and 500,000 years ago.
Scientists once thought that advances in stone
tools could have enabled early humans such as Homo
erectus, which is a member of an extinct species of
human being and probably an ancestor of modern
man, to move to Asia and Europe, perhaps by helping
them to obtain new kinds of food, such as the meat
of large mammals. If African human populations had
developed tools that allowed them to hunt large game

effectively, they would have had a reliable source of

food wherever they went. In this view, scientists say
that humans first migrated into Eurasia, which is the
landmass formed by the continents of Europe and
Asia, and this is based on a unique adaptation.
By 1.5 million years ago, early humans had
begun to make new kinds of tools, which scientists
call Acheulean. Common Acheulean tools included
large hand axes and cleavers. While these new tools
might have helped early humans to hunt, the first
known Acheulean tools in Africa date from later than
the earliest known human presence in Asia. Also,
most East Asian sites over 200,000 years old contain
only simply shaped cobble and flake tools. Acheulean
tools were more finely crafted, larger, and more sym-
metrical. Thus, the earliest settlers of Eurasia did not
have a true Acheulean technology and advances in
tool making, but this alone cannot explain the spread
of early humans out of Africa.
Another possibility is that the early spread of
humans to Eurasia was not unique, but rather part
of a wider migration of meat-eating animals, such as
lions and hyenas. The human migrations out of Africa
occurred during the early part of the Pleistocene
Epoch, or between 1.6 million and 780,000 years
ago. An epoch is a unit of geological time. This
Pleistocene Epoch is the unit of time just previous to
our current epoch, which is the Holocene Epoch.
Many African carnivores, which refer to any
animal that feeds on flesh, spread to Eurasia during
the early Pleistocene, and humans could have moved

along with them. In this view, Homo erectus was one

of many meat-eating species to expand into Eurasia
from Africa. Relying on meat as a primary food
source might have allowed many meat-eating spe-
cies, including humans, to move through many dif-
ferent environments without having to quickly learn
about unfamiliar and potentially poisonous plants.
However, the migration of humans to eastern
Asia may have occurred gradually and through lati-
tudes and environments similar to those of Africa.
If east Africa populations of Homo erectus moved
at only one mile every 20 years, they could have
reached Southeast Asia in 150,000 years. Over this
amount of time, humans could have learned about
and begun relying on edible plant foods. Thus, eat-
ing meat may not have played a crucial role in the
first human migration to new continents. Careful
comparison to animal fossils, stone tools, and early
human fossils from Africa, Asia and Europe will help
scientists to better determine what factors motivated
and allowed humans to venture out of Africa for the
first time.
The oldest known footprints of an anatomically
modern human are embedded in rock north of Cape
Town, South Africa. A human being made the foot-
prints about 117,000 years ago by walking through
wet sand, which eventually hardened into rock. In
1978 in Laetoli, Tanzania, a British paleoanthropolo-
gist discovered 3.6 million year old footprints pre-
served in a layer of hardened volcanic ash. Two early
humans of the species Australopithecus afarensis

left the footprints as they walked across the African

Prehistory refers to the time before written
records appeared, which occurred about 3000 years
BC. Prehistory includes the Stone Age, the Bronze
Age, and the Iron Age. Societies without written
records preserved their history through stories and
myths passed orally from one generation to another.
The Stone Age is a period of human technological
development characterized by the use of stone as the
principal raw material for tools. In any given geo-
graphic region, the Stone Age normally predated the
invention or spread of metalworking. Human groups
in different parts of the world began using stone tools
at different times and abandoned stone for metal tools
at different times. The Stone Age began roughly 2.5
million years ago, and ended in most parts of the
world about 5,000 years ago.
It had been long thought that the use of bronze
had originated in the Middle East, but discoveries
near Ban Chiang, Thailand, indicate that bronze was
known there as early as 4500 BC. This preceded the
working of bronze in the Middle East by several
hundred years. Bronze objects have been found in
Asia Minor that date from before 3000 BC. Raw cop-
per was being pounded into tools and ornaments as
early as 10,000 years ago. Later discoveries at Rudna
Glavna, in what is now Serbia, have shown that cop-
per was in use there about 4000 years BC, although
bronze was not made at that time. By 3000 years
BC bronze began to be used in Greece. In China the

Bronze Age did not begin until 1800 BC. Where the
Gap Theory is involved, this, and the next chapter,
has a lot to do with the full understanding of this
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Most scientists agree that the human history of
North America began when the ancient ancestors of
modern North America made their way across a land
bridge that once spanned the Bering Sea and con-
nected northeastern Asia to North America. Scientists
also believe these people first migrated more than
10,000 years ago, before the end of the last ice age.
The first people to come arrived in the western hemi-
sphere during the late Pleistocene Epoch, about 2
million to 11 thousand years ago, which at this time
there was an extensive glaciation of the northern
hemisphere. Most scholars believe that these ancient
ancestors of modern Native Americans were hunter-
Scientists found the first definitive proof that
these early humans hunted horses for their meat.
Prehistoric horses, which were smaller than horses
of today, standing only about 4 and a half feet high
at the shoulder, became extinct about 10,000 years
ago. Scientists considered it likely that hunting by
humans was a major factor in their extinction, but
until now there was no hard proof. The first conclu-
Sive evidence comes from spearheads tainted with
the residue of horse protein. These spearheads were
found along with other animal remains on the river
plain of St. Mary’s Reservoir in southern Alberta,

In the past, science could only attribute the

demise of these ancient horses to climate and envi-
ronmental changes. There has been suggestive evi-
dence at other sites, such as Lubbock Lake in Texas,
for instance, that early people were utilizing horses.
But this discovery raises the very real possibility that
over hunting by Clovis people played a significant
role in this extinction. European explorers reintro-
duced horses to the New World several thousand
years after the ancient ones died out. The floor of
Lubbock Lake is covered with animal tracks of mam-
mals, including wooly mammoths, camels, and giant
bison and helmeted musk oxen. Clovis points, which
refer to the spearheads associated with some of the
first humans to reach the continent, were found in this
river plain, and have been dated between 11,000 to
11,300 years old. The area where these remains were
found is large, 1 to 1.5 square miles. The remains ofa
prehistoric horse with several smashed vertebrae and
bones were uncovered. This bore evidence of butch-
ering. Several Clovis points were found around 550
yards away.
As the last ice age began to retreat on the North
American continent 14,000 to 12,000 years ago,
humans made their way to this New World. A mas-
Sive extinction of animals weighing more than 100
pounds occurred in North America about 10,0000
years ago. The role of humans in the extinction is
the subject of debate among scientists. Retreating
ice would cause changes in temperature, vegetation
bands and probably patchiness in vegetation and

loss of habitat. This would stress the animal popula-

tions, quite possibly contributing to their extinction.
Environment and climate changes were definitely
factors in a megafaunal extinction event, but there
had been numerous instances of glaciers advancing
and retreating during the Pleistocene age, and this
is the only time of the megafaunal extinction. The
arrival of humans is the only real new factor.
For much of the 20" century it was widely
believed the first Americans were the Clovis people,
known by their distinctive spear points and other tools
found across North America. The earliest Clovis sites
date back to about 11,500 years ago. However, recent
excavations in South America show that people have
live in the Americas for at least 12,500 years. A
growing body of evidence from other archaeological
sites, including studies of the languages and genetic
heritage of Native Americans, suggest the first
Americans may have arrived even earlier than that.
Many of the details concerning the first settlements
of the Americas still remain shrouded in mystery.
This shows that early civilizations go back further
than has been generally believed; it also shows the
possibility of a tremendous gap in the first chapter
of Genesis.
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Dinosaurs are reptiles, which dominated the
earth from the end of the Triassic Period, about
205 million years ago, to the end of the Cretaceous
Period, about 65 million years ago. Only four
descendant orders exist to the present day, these are
the Squamata, which includes lizards and snakes;
the Chelonian, which includes turtles and tortoises;
the Crocodilian, which is crocodiles, alligators, cai-
mans, and gavials; and the Rhynchocephalia, which
includes the tuatara, and this is often called a living
Dinosaurs varied greatly in size and shape,
ranging from the giant Apatosaurus, which grew
to lengths of 80 ft., to the Compsognathus, a small
predator about 2 ft tall, or about the size of a modern
goose. The Pterosaurs were the first of the dinosaurs
to fly, and these were not insect-like animals, having
a bird-like beak and membranous wings supported by
the very long fourth digit of each forelimb. Evidence
suggests that some Pterosaurs were partially warm
blooded. Pterosaurs flew in prehistoric skies begin-
ning in the Triassic Period and continuing through
the Jurassic Period, until their extinction at the end of
the Cretaceous Period, along with most other dino-
An Oviraptor fossil (which is from a small car-
nivorous dinosaur) was found in 1995 in the Gobi
60 Freberick ELmy

Desert of Mongolia in a nesting position over fossil-

ized eggs. Scientists believe this is the strongest evi-
dence yet of a behavioral link between dinosaurs and
modern birds. Fossil evidence of the earliest dino-
saurs dates from about 250 million years ago. This
evidence, found in Madagascar in 1999, consists of
bones of an animal about the size of a kangaroo.
Controversy surrounds the extinction of
the dinosaurs. According to one theory, dinosaurs
were slowly driven to extinction by environmental
changes linked to the gradual withdrawal of shallow
seas from the continents at the end of the dinosaur
era. Proponents of this theory contend that dinosaurs
dwindled in number and variety over several million
An apposing theory suggests that the impact of
an asteroid or comet caused catastrophic destruction
to the environment, leading to the extinction of the
dinosaurs. Evidence to support this theory includes
the discovery of a buried impact crater (thought to be
the result of a large comet striking the earth) that is
134 miles wide in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.
A spray of debris, called an eject sheet, which was
blown from the edge of the crater, has been found
over vast regions of North America. Comet-enriched
material from the impact’s fiery explosion was dis-
tributed all over the world. With radiometric dating
scientists have used the decay rates of certain atoms
to date the crater, eject sheet, and fireball layer. Using
similar techniques to date the dramatic changes in
the record of microscopic fossils, they have found

that the impact and the dinosaur extinction occurred

nearly simultaneously.
Although large amounts of ash suggest that
most of North and South America was devastated
by fire from the impact, the longer-term planet wide
environmental effects of the impact were ultimately
more lethal to life than the fire. Dust blocked sunlight
from the earth’s surface for many months. Scorched
sulfur from the impact site, water vapor and chlo-
rine from the oceans, and nitrogen from the air all
combined together to produce worldwide fallout of
intensely acidic rain. As a result, both the herbivo-
rous dinosaurs, which were dependent on plants for
food, as well as the carnivorous dinosaurs, which fed
on the herbivores, were exterminated. On the other
hand, animals such as frogs, lizards, and small insect-
eating turtles and mammals, which were dependent
on organisms that fed on decaying plant material,
were more likely to survive.
In recent years paleontologists have begun to
explore new areas for dinosaur fossils, including
parts of South America and Asia. In a rock formation
called Rio Limay in Argentina, fantastic dinosaur
species such as Argentinosaurus and Giganotosaurus
were found in the last few years. Both species are
among the larger of their type ever found. The flight-
less bird-like Mononykus was discovered during
the 1990’s in a fossil rich region of Mongolia called
Ukhaa Tolgod.
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Evolution is a complex process by which the
characteristics of a living organism change over
many generations as traits, which are passed from
one generation to the next. The science of evolution
seeks to understand the biological forces that caused
ancient organisms to develop into the tremendous and
ever-changing varieties of life seen on earth today. It
addresses how, over the course of time, various plant
and animal species branch off to become entirely
new species, and how different species are related
through complicated family trees that scan millions
of years.
Evolution provides an essential framework
for studying the ongoing history of life on earth. A
central, and historically controversial, component of
the evolutionary theory is that all living organisms,
from microscopic bacteria to plants, insects, birds,
and mammals share a common ancestor. Species that
are closely related share a recent common ancestor,
while distantly related species have a common ances-
tor further in the past.
The animal most closely related to humans,
for example, is the chimpanzee, as some suggest.
The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees
is believed to have lived approximately 6 to 7 mil-
lion years ago. On the other hand, ancestors com-
mon to humans and reptiles lived some 300 million
64 Freberick ELMy

years ago. And the common ancestor to even more

distantly related forms lived even further in the past.
Evolutionary biologists attempt to determine the his-
tory of lineages as they diverge, and how the differ-
ences in characteristics developed over time.
Throughout history, philosophers, religious
thinkers, and scientists have attempted to explain
the history and variety of life on earth. During the
rise of modern science in Western Europe in the 17"
and 18" centuries, a predominant view held that God
created every organism on earth more or less as it
now exists. But in that time of growing interest in
the study of fossils and natural history, the begin-
nings of a modern evolutionary theory began to take
shape. Early evolutionary theories proposed that all
of life on earth evolved gradually from single organ-
isms. Their knowledge of science was incomplete,
however, and their theories left too many questions
unanswered. Most prominent scientists of the day
remained convinced that the variety of life on earth
could only result from an act of divine creation.
Evolution is not a Christian concept, and the
fundamental Christian does not believe in it. Yet,
the Bible does not discard evolution. New species of
animal and plant life are being discovered everyday.
This is not to say that humans come from apes, but
even as Christians we can’t discard the theory of evo-
lution when we consider what science is learning.

The name Satan means adversary or accuser.
When used as a proper name, the Hebrew word so
rendered is the adversary. Satan is mentioned in the
Bible many times, sometimes by the name of Satan.
There is a good reason for the exposure he receives in
Scripture. If we are to withstand the enemy, we must
know about him. The Bible gives us the information
we need to get a clear picture of Satan’s origins, char-
acter, and destiny. Satan has many biblical names.
Two names are most widely used in Scripture:
Satan (Hebrew “satan”), the arch-enemy of
good (Greek “‘satanas’’), the accuser,
1 Chronicles 21:1
Job 1:6—12; 2:1—7
Zechariah 3:1—2
Matthew 4:10; 12:26; 16:23
Mark. 1213,,3:23, 2634: 152.8735
Luke: 10:132.03:16: 22:3,34
John 13:27
Acts 5:3; 26:18
Romans 16:20
1 Corinthians 5:5; 7:5
2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:14; 12:7
1 Thessalonians 2:18
2 Thessalonians 2:9
1 Timothy 2:20; 5:15
Revelation 2:9, 13, 24; 3:9; 12:9; 20:2, 7

The devil (Greek diabolos), a slanderer,

Matthew 4:1, 5, 8, 11; 13:39; 25:41
Luke 4:2-3, 5, 9, 13; 8:12
John 8:44; 13:2
Acts 10:38; 13:10
Ephesians 4:27; 6:11
1 Timothy 3:6—7
2 Timothy 2:26
Hebrews 2:14
James 3:15; 4:7
1 John 3:8, 10
Revelation 2:10; 12:9, 12; 20:2, 10
There are other names like Abaddon, which
means destruction, the Hebrew name (equivalent to
the Greek Appollyn, destroyer) of the angel of the
bottomless pit (Revelations 9:11). Beelzebub (Greek
“Beelzeboul”), this is of Chaldee origin meaning
dung god (Matthew 10:25; Matthew 12:24,27; Mark
3:22; Luke 11:15, 18-19). Belial (Greek “Bilial”’),
this is of Hebrew origin and means worthlessness,
frequently used in the Old Testament as a proper name
(Deuteronomy 13:13; Judges 19:22; 20:13; 1 Samuel
hos 228221027a 2S 50-225 2 Samuel
16:75 205 Wakines 217100 132 Chromiclestl3:7,):
In the New Testament it is found only in 2 Corinthians
6:15, where it is used as a name for Satan, the per-
sonification of all that is evil. It is translated wicked
in Deuteronomy 15:9; Psalms 41:8; 101:3; Proverbs
6:12. The expression son or man or Belial means sim-

ply a worthless, lawless person (Judges 19:22; 20:13;

1 Samuel 1:16, 2:12). Leviathan (Job 41:1; Psalms
74:14; Psalms 104:26; Isaiah 27:1), a name of Satan,
it is transliterated from the Hebrew word Jivyathan,
meaning twisted, coiled. It also denotes the dragon,
which, according to Eastern tradition, is an enemy
of light. The actual meaning is a wreath animal, this
is a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other
large sea monster); figuratively the configuration of
a dragon; also it is used as a symbol for Babylon.
These are some of the names applied to Satan. There
are many more, but the one name that sums him up
best is the evil one, (Matthew 5:37; 6:13; 13:19,38;
John 17:15; Ephesians 6:16; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1
John 2:13-—14; 3:12; 5:18-19).
Satan was created. And at his creation, he was
the model of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect
in beauty. He was in the Garden of Eden and every
precious stone adorned him. He was anointed and
ordained by God as a guardian cherub, and was blame-
less in his ways. But then something went terribly
wrong. Satan’s heart became proud and on account
of his beauty, he corrupted his wisdom because of
his splendor. He became filled with violence. He led
many of the angels in a war against God and he and
his angels tried to take God’s place. In other words,
he sinned. He is therefore credited with sinning since
the beginning. Because of his actions, he was a mur-
derer from the beginning. He abandoned his home in
heaven. He was driven and disgraced from the mount
of God and expelled. He lost his place in heaven,

was thrown or hurled from heaven, fell like lightning

from heaven to the earth and was made a spectacle
before kings.
The distinct personality of Satan and his activi-
ties among men are thus obviously recognized. He
tempted Christ in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1—11).
He is also referred to as Beelzebub, the prince of the
devils (Matthew 12:24). He is the constant enemy of
God, and of Christ, and of the divine kingdom, of the
followers of Christ, and of all truth, full of falsehood
and all malice, and exciting and seducing to evil in
every possible ways. His power is very great in the
world. Satan has the power of death, not as lord, but
simply as executioner. Satan was an archangel ruling
over the earth, and as we will see in due time, wanted
more, wanted to be like God. The prophet Ezekiel
describes Satan in Ezekiel 28:11—18:

Ezekiel 28:11
Moreover the word of the LORD came
unto me, saying.

Through the ages God has spoken to man just

as He does today, if people would just listen. Here
God is speaking to the prophet Ezekiel. The word
“Moreover” (Hebrew “Owd” or “od’’) has the mean-
ing again, repeatedly, still, and more. It is said that,
the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel again saying.

Ezekiel 28:12
Son of man, take up a lamentation upon

the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus

saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the
sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

In the book of Ezekiel, he is often referred to

as a Son of man. The word “Son” (Hebrew “Ben’’)
means a son, as a builder of the family name. This
is not just a reference to Ezekiel. It is to all man-
kind, as we are all sons and daughters of God. The
word Lamentation (Hebrew “Qiynah’’) comes from
the Hebrew word guwn and means to mourn, chant,
or wail as if at a funeral. Tyrus (Latin 7yrus; Hebrew
“Tsowr’ or “Tsor’) means a rock, a place in Palestine.
Tyre, or Tyrus, the most important city of the ancient
Phoenician world, is located at the site of present day
Ur in southern Lebanon. Herodotus, the Greek histo-
rian, records a tradition that traces the settlement of
Tyrus or Tyre back to the 28" century BC. The earthly
king of Tyrus was Ithobalus II, but the supernatural
king was Satan. So this we must understand: what
we have here is a double reference to the earthly king
of Tyrus, a man, and to the supernatural king, Satan,
who ruled Tyrus through the earthly monarchy. Both
the earthly and the supernatural kings are referred to
and addressed in this prophecy.
The prophet Ezekiel was told by God to mourn
for both of these kings. The one we are concerned
with here is Lucifer, the spiritual king, for that is the
main reason for this prophecy. So we look at the word
sealest which comes from the Hebrew chatham, and
simply means to seal, make an end, or stop.

The word sum is very important here (Hebrew

“tokniyth’), and has the meaning admeasurement,
consummation, and pattern. Here God is telling
Ezekiel that he is going to stop the things this super-
natural king of Tyre is doing. Some suggest that this
is possibly a future event, and has nothing to do with
the past or the Gap Theory. But the next two phrases
tell of a perfectly created Lucifer, and a Lucifer full
of wisdom. This was Lucifer before his fall, when
he was the ruler or king over the earth, an archangel,
before the time of Adam and Eve. This vision that
Ezekiel is having is clearly not of Satan in his own
person, but of Satan fulfilling himself in and through
an earthly king who gives to him divine honors, so
that the prince of Tyrus foreshadows the Beast or

Ezekiel 28:13
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of
God; every precious stone was thy covering,
the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the
beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire,
the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold:
the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy
pipes was prepared in thee in the day that
thou wast created.

This phrase Thou hast been in Eden the garden

of God, refers to the serpent in the Garden of Eden
that beguiled or deceived Eve. Some say that the ser-
pent in Eden was not Satan, but that is false, for only

Satan or one of his angels can deceive. This proves

that this is a reference to Satan, for the earthly king of
Tyrus was not yet born in Adam and Eve’s time. This
serpent was Satan as he did tempt Eve to eat the fruit
of the Tree of Knowledge, as he tempts us today to do
things that are sinful. This is proof that Satan was an
evil creature at the time of Adam and Eve. Then God
shows and tells Ezekiel the condition of Satan before
his fail from grace, using stones as a symbol of his
glory. The sardius, (a deep orange-red variety of a
translucent to transparent quartz), topaz (a mineral
that occurs in crystals of various colors and is used
as a gemstone), diamond, beryl (the chief source of
beryllium: colored transparent varieties are valued as
gems), jasper (an opaque for of quartz, red or yellow
or brown or dark green in color, used for ornamenta-
tion or as gemstone), sapphire, emerald, carbuncle
(a deep red cabochon-cut garnet, cut without facets)
and gold. All these were precious stones, and he had
all these precious stones and more. Then we look at
the word workmanship, from the Hebrew mlakah
which means a minister, employment, or work, and
goes with or is the same as the Hebrew word malak
an ambassador, angel, king or messenger, and add-
ing the word tabrets which comes from the Hebrew
toph and means tambourine, and this indicated that
there was a parade fit for a king. We understand this
through the last phrase, was prepared in thee in the
day that thou wast created. It appears from this verse
that there was possibly rejoicing in all things when
Satan was created.

Ezekiel 28:14
Thou art the anointed cherub that
covereth, and I have set thee so: thou wast
upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast
walked up and down in the midst of the
stones offire.

In this verse we see him as the anointed cherub

that covereth. Anointed comes from the Hebrew
word mimshach, and this is only used here in Ezekiel
28:14, and has the sense of an expansion, meaning
outspread (with outstretched wings). Elsewhere it
comes from the Hebrew word mashiyach, usually
a consecrated person as a king, priest, or saint, the
Messiah. “Cherub” is taken from the Hebrew, Kruwb,
an imaginary figure, and an angel of the second order,
whose gift is knowledge and is usually portrayed as a
winged child.
Cherubim is plural for cherub, the name of
certain symbolic figures frequently mentioned in
Scripture. They are first mentioned in connection
with the driving out of Adam and Eve from Eden
(Genesis 3:24). There is nothing given in Scripture
about their shape or form. They are next mentioned
when Moses was commanded to provide furniture
for the tabernacle (Exodus 25:17—20; 26:2,31). God
promised to commune with Moses from between the
cherubim (25:22). This expression was afterwards
used to denote the divine abode and its presence
(Numbers 7:89; 1 Samuel 4:4; Isaiah 37:16; Psalms
80:1; 99:1). In Ezekiel’s vision (10:1—20) they appear

as living creatures supporting the throne of God.

From Ezekiel’s description of them (1:10; 41:18,19),
they appear to have been compound figures, unlike
any real object in nature, artificial images possess-
ing the features and properties of several animals.
Two cherubim were placed on the mercy seat of the
Ark of the Covenant. They were placed one at each
end of the mercy seat, with wings stretched upward,
and their faces toward each other and toward the
mercy seat (Exodus 25:18-20). They were anointed
with holy oil, like the Ark itself and the other sacred
furniture. These are two of colossal size, these /iv-
ing creatures are also mentioned in Revelation 4:6.
Those on the Ark are called the cherubim of glory
(Hebrews 9:5).
The cherubim were symbolic. They were
intended to represent spiritual existences in imme-
diate contact with God. Some have regarded them
as symbolic of the chief ruling power by which God
carries on his operations in providence (Psalms
18:10). Others interpret them as having reference to
the redemption of men, and as symbolizing the great
rulers or ministers of the church.
Still referring to Ezekiel 28:14, we see covereth,
in Hebrew cakak or sakak, which means entwine as
a screen, to fence in, cover over, protect. Satan was
a protector and king over this earth, and his pre-
Adamite servants. I say pre-Adamite because that is
how many Gap Theorists refer to the world and the
race before Adam and Eve. God made this so, and
gave the earth to Satan to rule over. We know this

because of the word set, from the Hebrew Nathan,

which means to give. This holy mountain of God,
some suggest, was Satan’s throne and indicates that
this was where his kingdom was. But Mount Horeb
(on which one of the summits is Sinai) was referred to
as the Mountain of God in Exodus 3:1. These stones
offire, is a reference to the altar on which Satan was
to worship God. We know this to be true by looking
at the Hebrew meaning of the word stones, which
comes from the Hebrew word eben, and means liter-
ally to build. All through the Old Testament altars
were built of stone for worshipping.

Ezekiel 28:15
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the
day that thou wast created, till iniquity was
found in thee.

Here again Satan is referred to as being per-

fect in thy ways from the days that thou was created.
But sin entered in to Satan’s heart, and some sug-
gest that Satan slandered God, as we will see in the
ensuing verses. The word here, iniquity, comes from
the Hebrew evel and has a meaning of evil, perverse-
ness, unjustness, unrighteousness, and wickedness.
God gives us the answers to all questions, here God
is telling Ezekiel of the state of Satan before his fall.

Ezekiel 28:16
By the multitude of thy merchandise they
have filled the midst of thee with violence,

and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast

thee as profane out of the mountain of God:
and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
from the midst of the stones offire.

Merchandise, from the Hebrew word rekul-

lah, means trade (as peddled) traffic, and goes in
part with the Hebrew word rakal, to travel for trad-
ing, and only has this meaning here and in Ezekiel
26:12. This refers to Satan traveling around slander-
ing God to this pre-Adamite race, and to the angels in
heaven that would listen to him. This happened until
he had all of the congregations of that pre-Adamite
race and one-third of all the angels in heaven rebel-
ling against their Creator (this will be studied in due
time). Whatever the slander was, it is unclear, but it
is clear that it resulted in violence, and Satan sinned
and broke with God. This phrase / will cast thee as
profane out of the mountain of God, refers to God
dethroning Satan as ruler and king over the earth. As
we know today, God did not actually destroy Satan,
but He cast Satan to the ground and took all wealth
and authority from him. Profane (Hebrew “chalal’)
means to bore, wound, to dissolve.

Ezekiel 28:17
Thine heart was lifted up because of
thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee
to the ground, I will lay thee before kings,
that they may behold thee.

This gives the cause of the fall of Satan. His

heart was lifted up because of his beauty, the bright-
ness or splendor of his kingdom, and with his author-
ity. Here, as mentioned before, Satan was cast to the
ground. Jesus witnessed this as we can clearly see in
Luke 10.18: And he said unto them, I beheld Satan
as lightning fall from heaven. We know that Jesus, in
His spiritual form, and being the second part of the
Trinity, is mentioned in the book of Daniel (Daniel
3:25). He answered and said, lo, I see four men loose,
walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt;
and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
This statement, and the one in Luke 10:18, show that
both Jesus and Satan are eternal beings. The phrase, /
will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee,
gives the impression that Satan was made a spectacle
for all to see in the time before Adam and Eve, or
that he will be made a spectacle for all to see at the
Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Ezekiel 28:18
Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the
multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity
of thy traffick; therefore will I bring fourth
a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour
thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the
earth in the sight of all them that behold

These sanctuaries were the ones Satan had in

the pre-Adamite world, where he and his pre-Adamite

race worshiped God. Here he put forth his greatest

effort to cause his subjects and those of God’s angels
to rebel against Him. The iniquity of his traffic was
that of slandering God to those pre-Adamite peoples
and gradually leading them and some of the angels to
rebel openly against Him. This fire and lightning com-
ing forth will bring Satan down to eternal torment.
He will be brought down like ashes to the ground.
Ashes speak of the deepest humility and like them
he will be literally brought down to the ground, and
even down to hell where men will behold him. This
has no reference to his body being burned to ashes
at all. If he were but ashes then these men could not
see him or know that it was the devil. Therefore, it is
not to be taken that he has a mortal body, which can
be burned to ashes. If we look at the book of Isaiah,
the prophet gives us more answers to the reason why
Satan sinned.

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O
Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou
cut down to the ground, which didst weaken
the nations!

Most biblical scholars agree that this and the

next few verses refer to Satan in the dateless past.
Lucifer (Hebrew heyle/ and Latin for light-bearer),
is the name for the planet Venus when it appears as
the morning star. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah used
the term in satirical allusion to the king of Babylon,

describing the frustrated ambition of the morning

star to rise higher than all the other stars. The iden-
tification of Lucifer in the book of Isaiah with the
devil began with Saint Jerome and other Fathers of
the Church, who held that Jesus implied the identifi-
cation when he said J beheld Satan as lightning fall
from heaven (Luke 10:18). Consequently in patristic
literature, Lucifer is used as a synonym for Satan.
The 14" chapter of Isaiah refers to the Babylonian
king Nebuchadnezzar, but here it is referring to Satan
as the supernatural king.

Isaiah 14:13
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne
above the stars of God: I will sit also upon
the mount of the congregation, in the sides
of the north.

Being ruler over the earth was not good enough

for Satan. God knew from Satan’s heart what he
wanted. As it was written in 1 Samuel 16:7, for the
LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on
the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on
the heart. These stars of God are most likely suns to
other planets in other solar systems, or possibly this
could be a reference to the saints of heaven as stars.
This mountain is where the congregation of heaven
gathers for regular worship, and possibly the holy
mountain in Ezekiel 28:14. Some refer to heaven as
if it is located in the north part of the universe as

pointing from the earth.

Isaiah 14:14
I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds; I will be like the most High.

This is a good example to prove that Satan’s

kingdom was located on earth under the clouds,
under the stars, and under heaven where God lives.
For he wanted to ascend above the heights of the
clouds, and it refers to the fact that he would take the
throne of God.

Isaiah 14:15
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell,
to the sides of the pit.

Here again we must look at what was written

in Luke 10:18. Satan being cast like lightning from

Revelation 12:7
And there was war in heaven: Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon;
and the dragon fought and his angels.

Revelation 12:7—10 tells us of the rebellion

itself. It is difficult to imagine that there was war
in heaven, but Satan has had, and still has, access
to heaven, and as long as he does there will be this
problem. We are told in the book of Job that Satan

comes with the sons of God to appear before God

(Job 1-2). He probably had as much right to be there
as they did, for he was created the highest of all cre-
ation. We can also read in Zechariah 3:1—2: And he
shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the
angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right
hand to resist him. And the LORD said unto Satan,
the LORD rebuke thee, O Satan: even the LORD that
hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee. This shows that
Satan has access to God and is able to communicate
with God.
Michael, an archangel, one of the seven archan-
gels in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is presumed
to be the leader of all the angels, and this can be seen
in Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1. His name is derived from
the Hebrew word Miykael meaning who is like God.
According to a collection of apocryphal writings,
and one known as the book of Enoch, Michael and
his command of faithful troops (angels) defeated the
rebellious archangel Lucifer and his followers, cast-
ing them into Hell. In the Talmud, Michael’s rela-
tionship to the other angels is compared with that on
earth of the high priest to Israel; thus, he is consid-
ered the immediate lawgiver to the prophet Moses on
Sinai, according to Acts 7:38. Michael also disputed
or reasoned with Satan about the body of Moses in
Many refer to this war as one at a future time,
but as most scholars know, John wrote of present (his
lifetime) and future events. Here in his writing, He
uses the word was, as it had already happened. This

verse along with verses 8, 9, and 10 go with Isaiah’s

prophecy concerning Lucifer. This dragon and his
angels refer to Satan and a 10" part of the angels
of heaven. In Satan’s slandering against God to the
inhabitants of the earth in the dateless past, he also
slandered God to the angels in heaven, or at least to
the ones that would listen to him.

Revelation 12:8—9
And prevailed not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven. (9) And
the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out
with him.

This is where we see the truth, for if this was a

future event, it wouldn’t have been written as Jesus
seeing him fall as lightning from heaven. The final
battle between God and Satan will be at a place called
Armageddon and not in heaven. Here Satan is cast to
the earth, but in the end he will be bound in the bot-
tomless pit for a thousand years.

Revelation 12:10
And I heard a loud voice saying
in heaven, Now is come salvation, and
strength, and the kingdom of our God, and
the power of his Christ: for the accuser of
our brethren is cast down, which accused

them before our God day and night.

John heard the rejoicing of the angels in

heaven, and the saints of that dateless past, of the
pre-Adamite time. If Christ was from the beginning
then God is before the beginning. Christ became an
eternal being when he was created. We see more of
these rebellious angels in verses elsewhere in the

Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation, he
hath reserved in everlasting chains under
darkness unto the judgment of the great

These angels, then, had fallen. Created holy,

they had sinned and became wicked angels or evil
spirits, and the followers of Satan. Their first estate
was heaven. The definition of estate is everything one
owns, all of one’s assets, whether real property or
personal property, and liabilities. There is no Greek
meaning for this word, but it is self-explanatory. And
left their own habitation. Habitation (Greek olke-
terion) means a residence. They left their own proper
home. Some see a reference to this in Genesis 6:2.
God hath imprisoned them and kept them for judg-
God created all angels with a free will. Angels
do not reproduce as human beings do. Therefore,

they do not inherit a sinful nature as humans do. The

fallen angels, exercising their free will, chose a sin-
ful course. Apparently, the fallen angels are divided
into two groups. The group whose rebellion was so
great is evidently locked up, incarcerated, and has no
freedom of movement any longer. The other group of
fallen angels apparently has freedom of movement
and is under the leadership of Satan. It seems evident
that these are demons mentioned in Scripture and the
ones we deal with from day to day.

2 Peter 2:4
For if God spared not the angels that
sinned, but cast them down to hell, and
delivered them into chains of darkness, to
be reserved unto judgment.

Peter reassures us that, as mentioned earlier,

some of the angels who rebelled are already in chains.
The others are very active in the world today. The
word hell, as used here is an unusual word, which
does not occur in very many places in Scripture.
The Greek word is tartaroo and means the deepest
abyss of Hades. The Greek spoke of the lost being
in tartaroo. Hades means that which is out of sight,
a Greek word used to denote the state or place of the
dead. All the dead alike go into this place. To be bur-
ied, to go down to the grave, to descend into Hades,
are equivalent expressions. Satan is not in hell. He is
abroad in God’s creation.
84 Freperick ELmy

Genesis 6:2—4
That the sons of God saw the daughters
of men that they were fair; and they took
them wives of all which they chose.

Some suggest that these sons of God come

from the lineage of Seth, who was a son of Adam,
and were professedly religious. And these daughters
were the descendants of the apostate Cain. Mixed
marriages between parties of opposite principles and
practice were necessarily sources of extensive cor-
ruption. The women, religious themselves, would
as wives and mothers exercise an influence fatal to
the existence of religion in their household, and con-
sequently the people of that later age would sink to
the lowest depravity. These sons of God were the
angels, which kept not their first estate (Jude 1:6).
We know that there are no female angels mentioned
in Scripture, and we are expressly told that marriage
is unknown among angels (Matthew 22:30 For in
the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in
marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven).
These are not the angels of heaven anymore they
are the fallen angels. Satan is their Lord, and has the
power to change this aspect.

Genesis 6:3
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not
always strive with man, for that he also is
flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and
twenly years.

This shows God’s displeasure with the marriage

of these sons and the daughters of men; he threatens
to withdraw his Spirit from them, for they had grieved
Him by such marriages, contrary to their convictions.
Fleshly lusts are often punishable judgments, and the
sorest of all judgments. Or, as on another occasion
of the great wickedness of the Old World, the Spirit
of the Lord, being provoked by their resistance to his
motions, ceased to strive with them. This he warns
them of before, that they might not further disturb his
Holy Spirit, but by their prayers He might stop them.
Note that the time of God’s patience and forbearance
towards provoking sinners is sometimes long, but
always limited. Reprieves are not pardons; though
God bears a great while, he will not bear always. The
one hundred and twenty years refers to the time span
God gave man to repent before he would destroy the
earth with the flood that is to come.

Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those
days; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which were of old, men
of renown.

We have here a further account of the corrup-

tion of the Old World, when the sons of God had
matched with the daughters of men. Though it was
86 FRepeRICcK ELMy

very displeasing to God, he did not immediately cut

them off, but waited to see what would be the out-
come of these marriages, and which side the children
would take after; and it proved, as it usually does,
that they took after the worst side.
The fact that these giants, or beings of abnor-
mal size in body, have lived on earth is one of the
most clearly stated truths in Scripture. The Hebrew
word giant is nephilim and comes from nephil and
means giant, bully, or tyrant, here, and in Numbers
13:13. That they were abnormal in bodily size is clear
from the fact that men of that time were as grass-
hoppers in size compared to them (Numbers 13:33).
The Hebrew word gibbor is also translated from the
word giants, and has the meaning of powerful, giant,
mighty, or strong man (Job 16:14). To say that these
original words refer to a degree of wickedness, as
some suggest, instead of bodily size, is a mistake.
The Anakims were a people great or tall in size
(Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:10—11,21; 9:2; Joshua 11:21—
22; 14:12—14). Anak himself, (lJong-necked, the son
of Arba, father of the Anakim people Joshua 15:13;
21:11) was of this race of people from giants, and
if he and all Anakims were of such size, we can be
assured that the other giants were also. The land of
Ammon was a land of giants, for giants dwelt there
since times of old (Deuteronomy 2:19-20). The
Emims were a warlike tribe of giants as with the
Anakims (Deuteronomy 2:10—11). The Zamzumins
were also giants. They dwelt in the land of Ammon
from times of old (Deuteronomy 2:19-—20). Og, the

king of Bashan, is described as a giant, or gigantic in

size whose bedframe was of ironstone and was 13 4
ft. long and 6 ft. wide (Deuteronomy 3:11). This is
not a measurement of wickedness. Bashan is called
the land of the giants (Deuteronomy 3:13).
There were many nations of giants other than
the ones previously mentioned, such as the Rephiams.
These nations of giants being great in size, tried fill-
ing the whole country to contest God’s claim on the
promise land. All these giant nations came from a
union of the sons of God, or the fallen angels, and
the daughters of the men, after the flood. Some of
these giants had six fingers on each hand and six toes
on each foot and carried spears weighing anywhere
from 10 to 25 lbs. (2 Samuel 21:16—22; Chronicles
20; 4-8). Goliath, whom David slew, was about 13
ft. tall (1 Samuel 17:4-6).
God’s law of reproduction from the beginning
has been everything after its own kind (Genesis 1:11—
12, 24-25; 8:19). With this in mind, it was not pos-
sible that ordinary men and women could reproduce
giants. It would have taken a supernatural element,
the power of Satan and his angelic force to make an
offspring of such size. It is not only unscriptural, but
also unhistorical to teach that these giants came from
the union of ordinary men and women.
It was the purpose of Satan and his fallen
angelic force to corrupt the human race and thereby
do away with the pure Adamite stock of humanity
through whom the seed of the woman should come.
This would avert their own doom and make it pos-

sible for Satan and his kingdom to keep control of

the earth indefinitely. Josephus explains it perfectly:
“For many angels of God accompanied with women,
and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all
that was good, on account of the confidence they had
in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these
men did what resembled the acts of those whom the
Grecians call giants” (Antiquities of the Jews bk. 1
chap. 3 ver1).
With this in mind, we need to look at the book
of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 4:23—27), which gives a full
description of the first judgment by God over the
earth. The prophet Jeremiah was also given a vision
of what Satan was like as an archangel. These verses
are vital to the understanding of the earth’s great

Jeremiah 4:23
I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was
without form, and void; and the heavens,
and they had no light.

This first verse is of Jeremiah having a vision.

He sees this desolate place that the Lord God
destroyed. This verse is very similar to Genesis 1:2,
and corresponds with it. Even though there is never a
place in time given, this had to have happened before
Adam’s time. Beheld is from the Hebrew re ah
meaning to see. Jeremiah is seeing this vision. The
words without form have the same meaning as vain,
derived from the Hebrew word tohuw, meaning to

lie waste, desolation, a worthless thing. God would

not have made the earth a wasteland, but in this verse
the earth is a wasteland. The next word, void, was
derived from the Hebrew word, bohuw, and means to
be empty, an indistinguishable ruin, emptiness. This
phrase And the heavens, and they had no light, refers
to total judgment. Again, almost every time the Bible
refers to darkness, it is referring to judgment.

Jeremiah 4:24
I beheld the mountains, and lo, they
trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.

The earth as we know it is moving constantly.

In 1912, a German scientist named Alfred Wegener
developed the theory of Plate Tectonics, which is the
branch of geology studying the folding and fault-
ing of the earth’s crust. Looking at the shapes of
the continents, Wegener found that they fit together
like a jigsaw puzzle. Using this observation, along
with geological evidence he found on different con-
tinents, he developed the theory of Continental Drift,
which states that today’s continents were once joined
together into one large landmass.
Geologists of the 1950s and 1960s found evi-
dence supporting the idea of tectonic plates and
their movement. They applied Wegener’s theory to
various aspects of the changing earth and used this
evidence to confirm continental drift. By 1968 scien-
tists integrated most geologic activities into a theory
called the New Global Tectonics, or more commonly

called, Plate Tectonics.

Tectonic plates are made of either oceanic or
continental crust and the very top part of the mantle,
which is a layer of rock inside the earth. This crust
and upper mantle form the lithosphere. Under the
lithosphere lies a fluid rock layer called the asthe-
nosphere. The rocks in the asthenosphere move in a
fluid manner because of the high temperatures and
pressure found there. Tectonic plates are able to float
upon the fluid asthenosphere because they are made
of rigid lithosphere. The theory is that 240 million
years ago the continents started moving, and arrived
at their current position about 20 million years ago.
This is called Continental Drift and refers to the
gradual movement of the continents. This continen-
tal drift is possibly what Jeremiah was seeing in his
vision, as since the time of Adam and Eve, there has
never been an event with such an enormous magni-

Jeremiah 4:25
I beheld, and, lo, there was no man,
and all the birds of the heavens were fled.

Some put this verse with Genesis 1:2 also, as

the re-creation starts. We can be confident that this
is the case with the phrase all the birds of the heav-
ens were fled. The word fled comes from the Hebrew
nadad and means to move to and from, flee, to drive
away (rarely, to flap up and down). As previously
stated, if the flood or ice age before the re-creation

was to the extent believed, then all living things were


Jeremiah 4:26
I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was
a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were
broken down at the presence of the LORD,
and by his fierce anger.

These fruitful places were the trees, and all liv-

ing plants. These cities will be uncovered at their pre-
determined place. Here we see the reasoning again
for the re-creation, for it was by God’s fierce anger.

Jeremiah 4:27
For thus hath the LORD said, The
whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not
make a full end.

This is the only time when the sun, moon, and

stars of heaven were forbidden to give their light
upon the earth and this was in the period before the
six days of the re-creation, as in Genesis 1:2. There
had been light on earth when it was first created in
the beginning, and there has been light ever since the
first day. So the period of such darkness took place
on the earth some time after the beginning and before
the restoration to a habitable state.
The mountains and hills have been moving and
will continue moving through earthquakes. But there
never has been a time like that from Adam to this

day, nor will there ever be a time from our day into
all eternity that earth has been, or will be, without a
man, bird, or any fruitful places, as seen by Jeremiah.
Therefore, we must apply these facts to associate
these verses at the same time as that of Genesis 1:1
and 1:2. We are not made to realize that there were
men, birds, and fruitful places on the earth before
Adam’s time, which were destroyed by a cataclys-
mic judgment.
The earth was created initially to be inhabited,
and man from the beginning inhabited it, and these
men lived in cities of nations (but not nations as we
know them—consider the time), and there was a
social system, probably not like ours. The members
of these cities were mortal and therefore capable of
being drowned or destroyed. They were creatures that
Adam and Eve could replace, for Adam was com-
manded to replenish the earth. We will look at that
later in this study. It is clear that the earth became
desolate and empty after its original habitation. It was
cursed, and later restored to a second habitable state
and replenished. It is only logical to associate these
verses with Genesis 1:2, and agree that it was the
original earth referred to in both sets of Scriptures.
One thing is certain, these verses could not
apply to Noah, for at that time the heavens had
lights, and there were men, birds, and fruitful places
on the earth after the flood, whereas in the curse
brought upon the original earth, none of these things
remained. Therefore, if we rightly divide the Word
of Truth, we should associate these verses with that

of Genesis 1:2. And we will see later, and recognize

there had been light, fixed mountains and hills, men,
birds, fruitful places and cities on the earth before the
curse, and before Adam and the six days of work in
the restoration of this second inhabitable state.
The purpose of God in showing Jeremiah the
total destruction of life on the earth was to reveal how
the land of Judah would be destroyed, and to make
a comparison between the two times. In the origi-
nal judgment on the whole earth, all life had been
destroyed, but in Judah, God was to make an excep-
tion; He declared He would not make a full end as He
did on that original creation.
The comparison here is that God would make
the land of Judah desolate and empty as He had made
the once inhabited original earth desolate and empty,
but He would not make a full end of the land as in the
curse of the pre-Adamite world. With most verses in
the Bible, you must look deeper to find the true mean-
ing, but these verses are self-explanatory. Peter also
gives us something to think about in 2 Peter 3:5—7.

Zeer 35
For this they willingly are ignorant of,
that by the word of God the heavens were of
old, and the earth standing out of the water
and in the water.

To many Gap Theorists, this along with ver-

sus 6 and 7 refers to the re-creation. Here the word
ignorant (Greek “/anthano’’) indicates to lie hidden,

unseen, or unnoticed. There are many things that we,

as humans, are ignorant of. Some use the word igno-
rant to mean stupid, but this would be incorrect. The
word ignorant from the dictionary means: lacking
general education or knowledge, or unknowing of
the fundamentals of a given art or branch of knowl-
edge. As we see, there is a different meaning from
the word Lanthano and the English word ignorant.
The phrase by the word of God refers to God speak-
ing the materials into existence out of which He then
formed the heavens and the earth. This verse goes on
to tell us that the earth was standing out of the water,
and in the water, which is a reference to the fact that
the earth in the beginning was not created wet. It was
created dry and then flooded, and later restored back
to a dry state. This word flooded doesn’t necessarily
means by water. One definition of the word is ren-
dered powerless; especially by an excessive amount
or profusion of something. With this in mind, it is
easy to understand how this verse could be referring
to an ice age, the water from melting ice.

ZsPeter 3:6
Whereby the world that then was, being
overflowing with water, perished.

This is where a concept of a universal flood

before the time of Adam and Eve comes from. But
we must understand the phrase the world that then
was. Referring to the flood of Noah, the world itself
was not changed. This is referring to the re-creation

changing the actual structure of the world as if con-

tinents were moving. Here the word world (Greek
“Kosmos’’) simply means the world that then was,
being deluged with water, perished and was changed.
This refers to the pre-Adamite world that totally per-
ished by a possible flood before Genesis 1:2. As ear-
lier noted, there was left nothing living, unlike the
flood of Noah.
Peter refers to two different time periods in
earth’s history. First the world that was before Adam
and Eve. Second, the world that we have today (as
we will see in the next verse) after Adam and Eve.
The former world was created in the beginning and
was then destroyed by a flood or an ice age, as in
Genesis 1:1. The present world was then restored
in the six-day creation. The flood of Noah did not
destroy every living thing on earth, for some were
preserved in the Ark, and as Genesis 8:11 tells us,
Noah let a dove out of the Ark, And the dove came
in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was
an olive leaf pluckt off: Noah knew that the waters
were abated from the earth. There is no reference to
be found in Scripture that refers to a change in the
heavens or on the earth in Noah’s day, as in the days
prior to Adam. This proves that the words that then
was had to be before Adam’s day, because the heav-
ens and the earth which are now, came into existence
at that time, and not at the time of Noah.

2 Peter 3:7
But the heavens and the earth, which

are now, by the same word are kept in

store, reserved unto fire against the day of
Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

The present heaven and earth is restored to a

second perfect state in the days of Adam. Peter pro-
nounces that it will not be harder for God to burn
heaven and earth with fire in that day which is
appointed for the destruction of the wicked, than it
was for him in times past to create them only with
His word, and afterwards to overwhelm them with

Demon (Greek daimon and daimonion, Latin
Dacmonium) is a supernatural being, or spirit, with
a force capable of influencing human lives by evil
means. Demons have played a role in the traditions
of most religions and also have appeared in mythol-
ogy and literature. An exorcism, the practice of expel-
ling demons that possess people or places, has been
carried out by many religions, usually by a person
with special authority. The study of demons is called
The belief in evil spirits and their ability to
influence the lives of people dates from prehistoric
times. Many early civilizations believed that spir-
its occupied all elements of nature. Demons, or the
evil spirits, were the spirits of ancestors who brought
harm to living people. Societies that practiced ances-
tor worship sought to influence the actions of both
good and bad spirits. Some ancient societies, includ-
ing those in Egypt and Babylonia, believed that such
spirits were responsible for the functions of the body
and that demons caused specific illnesses.
Evil spirits and demonic beings became an
important part of Hinduism, which is the main reli-
gion in India. Hindu scriptures, called the Veda, writ-
ten between about 1500 BC to 1000 BC, describe a
variety of evil beings, including the aswras and the
panis, who harm people and work against the Hindu
98 FReDeRicK ELMy

gods. The word demon originated from an ancient

Greek term, daimon, which referred to beings whose
special powers placed them between people and gods.
These beings had the ability either to improve a per-
son’s life or carry out the punishment of the gods.
Basic Christian ideas about demons originated
from references to evil beings or unclean spirits in
the Old Testament. By the middle Ages, Christian
theology had developed an elaborate power structure
of angels, who were associated with God, and fallen
angels, or demons, which were led by Satan. Satan
himself is considered the original fallen angel. In
most English versions of the Bible, the term demon
is translated as devil, and in the New Testament,
demons are identified with an evil spirit. Satan is
clearly included among the evil spirit population; we
can see this in the book of James and Luke. Thou
believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the
devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19). But
some of them said, He casteth out devils through
Beelzebub the chief of the devils. And others, tempt-
ing him, sought of him a sign from heaven. But he,
knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every king-
dom divided against itself is brought to desolation;
and a house divided against a house falleth. If Satan
also be divided against himself, how shall his king-
dom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils
through Beelzebub (Luke 11:15-18).
Islam also developed a complex system of
demons. Muslim writings describe a group of evil
beings, called jinn, who cause destruction and pre-

side over places where evil activities take place. The

original jinn was called /blis, and was cast out by
Allah for refusing to worship Adam, the first man.
Demons also have become part of folklore through-
out the world. Many of these demons have peculiar
qualities. They include such familiar creatures as
vampires, which suck the blood of living creatures.
Another variety of demon is the Japanese oni, which
is said to bring on storms. In Scotland, legendary kel-
pies haunt pools, waiting to drown unwary travelers.
Popular belief in demons and evil spirits, however,
has steadily declined over the past few decades.
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Angels (Latin “angelus”; Greek “aggelos”;
Hebrew “malak’: to dispatch as a deputy, a messen-
ger). The word is used in Hebrew to denote indif-
ferently either a divine or human messenger, which
includes a prophet, a priest, or a teacher. Angels are
represented throughout the Bible as a body ofspiritual
beings intermediate between God and men: You have
made him (man) a little less than the angels (Psalms
7:5). They are equally the same as man, that is, they
are a created being. Praise ye him, all his angels:
praise him, all his host. For He spoke and they were
made. Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he
commanded, and they were created (Psalms 148:2,
5; Colossians 1:16, 17). They are spirits. The writer
of the epistle to the Hebrew says: Are they not all
ministering spirits, sent to minister to them who shall
receive the inheritance of salvation? (Hebrew 1:14).
They are attendants of God’s throne in the court of
heaven of which Daniel has left us a vivid picture.

Daniel 7:9-10
I beheld till the thrones were cast
down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose
garment was white as snow, and the hair
of his head like the pure wool; his throne
was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as
burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came

forth from before him: thousand thousands

ministered unto him, and ten thousand times
ten thousand stood before him: the judgment
was set, and the books were opened.

Glimpses of life beyond the veil are only occa-

sional. The angels of the Bible generally appear in
the role of God’s messengers to mankind. They are
His instruments by whom He communicates His will
to men, and in Jacob’s vision they are depicted as
ascending and descending a ladder which stretches
from earth to heaven while the Eternal Father gazes
upon the wanderer below (Genesis 28:12). It was an
angel who found Hagar in the wilderness (Genesis
21:17); angels drew Lot out of Sodom (Genesis
19:15); an angel announces to Gideon that he is to
save his people (Judges 6:11—14); an angel foretells
the birth of Samson (Judges 13:20—24), and the angel
Gabriel instructs Daniel (Daniel 8:16, And I heard a
mans voice between the banks of Ulai, which called,
and said Gabriel, make this man to understand the
vision). Though he is not called an angel in either of
these passages, but is called the man Gabriel (Daniel
9:21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the
man Gabriel, who I had seen in the vision at the
beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me
about the time of the evening oblation).
The same heavenly spirit announced the birth
of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus, while
tradition ascribes to him both the message to the
shepherds (Luke 2.9), and the most glorious mis-

sion of all, that of strengthening the King of Angels

in His Agony (Luke 22:43). The spiritual nature of
the angels is manifested very clearly in the account
which Zechariah gives of the revelations bestowed
upon him by the ministry of an angel. The prophet
depicts the angel as speaking, in him. He seems to
imply that he was conscious of an interior voice,
which was not that of God but of His messenger.
Such appearances of angels generally last only
as long as the delivery that their message requires,
but frequently their mission is prolonged, and they
are represented as the constituted guardians of the
nations at some particular crisis, such as during the
Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 14:19). Similarly, the
common view of Michael is that of the prince of
the Kingdom of the Persians (Daniel 10:13; 10:21).
We are to understand that he is the angel to whom
was entrusted the spiritual care of that kingdom, and
we may perhaps see in the man of Macedonia who
appeared to St. Paul, as the guardian angel of that
country (Acts 16:9). How large a part the ministry of
angels has played, not merely in Hebrew theology,
but in the religious ideas of other nations as well, this
is indicated by the expression as an angel of God.
It is three times used of David (2 Kings 14:17,20;
14:27). It is even applied to St. Stephen’s face, being
said it looked like the face of an angel as he stood
before the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:15).
Throughout the Bible we find it repeatedly
implied that each individual soul has its guardian
angel. Abraham, when sending his steward to seek

a wife for Isaac, said He shall send His angel before

thee (Genesis 24:7). The prophecy of the ninety-
first Psalm, which the devil quoted to Jesus (Psalms
91:11; Matthew 4:6), is well known, for he shall give
his angels charge over thee. Although these passages
and many like them will not by themselves dem-
onstrate the doctrine that every individual has his
appointed guardian angel, we can be assured in the
words of Jesus: See that you despise not one of these
little ones; for I say to you, That in Heaven their
angels do always behold the face of My Father which
is in Heaven (Matthew 18:10). The general doctrine
that the angels are our appointed guardians is con-
sidered to be a point of faith, that each individual
member of the human race has his own individual
guardian angel. Paul also informed us, be not forget-
Jul to entertain strangers, for some have entertained
angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2).
The foregoing passages, especially those relat-
ing to the angels who have charge of various districts,
enable us to understand the practically solid view of
God the Father, that it is the angels who put into exe-
cution God’s law regarding the physical world. The
Semitic beliefs of spirits which cause good or evil
is well known, and traces of it are to be found in the
Bible. Thus the pestilence, which devastated Israel
for David’s sin in numbering the people, is attrib-
uted to an angel who David is said to have actually
seen (2 Kings 24:15—17). The Semites clearly felt
that all orderly harmony of the universe, as well as
interruptions of that harmony, were due to God as

their originator, but were carried out by His angels.

However, the angels who appear in the earlier works
of the Old Testament are strangely impersonal, and
are overshadowed by the importance of the message
they bring or the work they do.
After Adam and Eve’s fall in the garden, two
cherubim who are clearly God’s ministers and a class
of angel, even though nothing is said of their nature,
guarded paradise against them. In Ezekiel’s marvel-
ous vision, these cherubim are described at great
length (Ezekiel 10:1—16). Two cherubim guarded the
Ark of the Covenant, but we are left to guess what
they were actually like. It has been suggested, with
great probability, that we have their counterpart in
the winged bulls and lions guarding the Assyrian pal-
aces, and also in the strange winged men with hawk’s
head who are depicted on the walls of some of their
The seraphim appear only in the vision of Isaiah
6:2,3,6, and 7. This word, seraphim, means fiery ones,
an allusion, as is supposed to their burning love for the
Most High. They are represented as standing above
the Lord as he sat upon his throne, ready at once to
minister unto him. Their form appears to have been
human with the addition of wings. The word sera-
phim in the original form is used elsewhere, but only
of the fiery serpents (Numbers 21:6,8, Deuteronomy
8:15) sent by God as his instruments to inflict on the
people the righteous penalty of sin.
The term archangel occurs only in 1
Thessalonians 4:16 and Jude 1:9, but Paul has fur-

nished us with two other lists of names of these heav-

enly beings. He tells us in Ephesians 1:21 that Christ
is raised up above all principality, and power, and
might, and dominion; and writing to the Colossians
in 1:16 he says: For by him were all things created,
that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers. It is to be noted that he
uses two of these names of the powers of darkness
when he talks of Christ in Colossians 2:15: And hav-
ing spoiled the principalities and powers, he made
a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
And it is not just a little remarkable that three verses
later he warns his readers not to be seduced into any
worshipping of angels (Colossians 2:18). He seems
to put his seal upon a certain lawful angelology, and
at the same time to warn them against indulging in
superstition on this matter.
We can see how in Daniel 10:12—21 that vari-
ous districts are allotted to various angels, who are
termed their princes, and the same feature reappears
still more markedly in Revelation 1:20 where its
stated to the angels of the seven churches, though it is
impossible to decide what is the precise significance
of this term. The angels of these seven churches are
generally regarded (by some) as being the bishops
that occupy them.
We know on the authority of the Scriptures that
there are eight orders of angels: Archangels, Angels,
Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Cher-
ubim and Seraphim. Paul, writing to the Ephesians,

names four orders when he says, above all Princi-

pality, and Power, and Virtue, and Domination, and
again, writing to the Colossians, he says, whether
Thrones, or Dominations, or Principalities, or Pow-
ers. If we now join these two lists together, we find
nine orders of angels.
The only scriptural names furnished of indi-
vidual angels are Michael and Gabriel, these names
signifying their respective attributes. Apocryphal
Jewish books, such as the book of Enoch, supply
those of Uriel and Jeremeil, while many are found in
other apocryphal sources.
The number of the angels is frequently stated
as exceptional (Daniel 7:10; Psalms 67:18; Matthew
26:53). We can see a reference to the relative num-
bers of men and angels in the parable of the hundred
sheep (Luke 15:1—3), though this may seem unreli-
able. The distinction of good and bad angels con-
stantly appears in the Bible, but it is instructive to
note that there is no sign of any dualism or conflict
between two equal principles, one good and the other
evil. The conflict depicted is, rather, the war that is
waged on earth between the Kingdom of God and the
kingdom of Satan.
The gradual development of Hebrew con-
sciousness on this point is very clearly marked in
the inspired writings of the Hebrew forefathers. The
account of the fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3) is
cast in such terms that it is impossible to see in it
anything more than the acknowledgment of the exis-
tence of a principle of evil that was possibly jealous

of the human race. The picture given to us in Job 1

and 2 is equally creative, but Satan, perhaps the earli-
est individualization of the fallen angels, is presented
as the intruder who is jealous of Job. He is clearly
an inferior being and can only touch Job with God’s
permission. How the theological thought advanced,
as the sum of a revelation grew, becomes apparent.
In some of these passages, the angels may be
regarded as avengers of God’s justice without, there-
fore, being evil spirits. In Zechariah 3:1—3, Satan
is called the adversary who pleads before the Lord
against Jesus the High Priest. Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel
28, are referring to the fall of Satan, and Our Lord
Himself has given color to this view by using the
imagery of the latter passage when saying to His
Apostles, J saw Satan like lightning falling from
heaven (Luke 10:18). In the New Testament times,
the idea of the two spiritual kingdoms is clearly
The devil is a fallen angel who, in his fall, has
drawn multitudes of the heavenly host in his train.
Jesus termed him the Prince of this world (John
14:30); he is the tempter of the human race and tries to
involve them in his fall (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4;
Ephesians 6:12; 2 Corinthians 11:14; 12:7). Christian
imagery of the devil as the dragon is mainly derived
from the Apocalypse, where he is termed the angel
of the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:11), the dragon,
the old serpent (Revelation 12:9; 20:2), the Devil,
and is represented as having actually been in com-
bat with the archangel Michael (Revelation 12:7).

The similarity between scenes such as these and the

early Babylonian accounts of the struggle between
Merodach and the dragon Tiamat is very striking.
Thus far we have dwelt almost exclusively on
the angels of the Old Testament, whose visits and
messages have been by no means rare, but when we
come to the New Testament they are named on just
about every other page and the number of references
to them equal those in the Old Testament, or more.
It is the angel’s privilege to announce to Joseph and
Mary the dawn of Redemption, and to the shepherds
its actual accomplishment. Matthew describes their
life in heaven (Matthew 22:30); for in the resurrec-
tion they neither marry, nor are given in marriage,
but are as the angels of God in heaven (Luke 20:36,
Neither can they die any more: for they are equal
unto the angels; and are the children of God, being
the children of the resurrection.). He tells us how they
form a bodyguard around Him and at a word from
Him would avenge Him of His enemies (Matthew
26:53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my
Father, and he shall presently give me more than
twelve legions of angels); it is the privilege of one of
them to assist Him in His agony and sweat of blood.
More than once He speaks of them as aides and wit-
nesses at the final judgment (Matthew 16:27 For
the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father
with his angels; and then he shall reward every man
according to his works), which indeed they will pre-
pare. And lastly, they are the joyous witnesses of His
rejoicing resurrection. It is easy for skeptical minds

to see a disbelief in these angelic hosts, with a mere

play of Hebrew fancy and the wide growth of super-
stition in the world, but do not the records of these
angels whose figure in the Bible supply us, at most a
natural and harmonious progression?
In the opening page of the sacred story of the
Jewish nation, the Jews are chosen from amongst
others as the depository of God’s promise: as the
people from whose stock He would one day raise up
a Redeemer. The angels appear in the course of this
chosen people’s history as God’s messengers, not as
that of an individual personal guide. At one time they
were the contributors of God’s law. At another, they
actually forecast the Redeemer, whose divine pur-
pose they are helping to mature. They converse with
the holy prophets, with David and Elias, with Daniel
and Zechariah. They slay the hosts camped against
Israel. They serve as guides to God’s servants, and
the last prophet Malachi. This entire loving ministry
on the part of the angels is solely for the sake of the
Savoir, on whose face they desire to look.
They guide the newborn baby Jesus in His hur-
ried flight into Egypt and minister to Him in the des-
ert. His Second Coming and the alarming events that
must precede that are revealed to His chosen servant
John on the island of Patmos. It is a question of rev-
elation, and consequently His ministers and messen-
gers of old appear one more time in the sacred story,
and the record of God’s revealing love ends almost
as fittingly as it had begun. J, Jesus, have sent My
angel to testify to you these things in the churches

(Revelation 22:16). It is easy for the student to trace

the influence of surrounding nations and of other
religions in the Biblical account of the angels. Indeed
it is needful and instructive to do so. But it would be
wrong to shut our eyes to the higher line of develop-
ment which we have shown and which brings out so
strikingly the marvelous unity and harmony of the
whole divine story of the Bible.
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Mesopotamia (known as the cradle of civiliza-
tion, or the first civilization) served as the site for
some of the world’s earliest settlements. Named
after the Greek word meaning between the rivers,
Mesopotamia occupied the area between the Tigris
and Euphrates rivers that now constitutes a greater
part of Iraq. The Sumerian civilization, which began
in the region in about 3500 BC, built a canal system
and the world’s first cities. It was later absorbed by
the Babylonian civilization. The region is also part
of what is known as the Fertile Crescent, so named
because the people who lived in this crescent shaped
area developed rich, irrigated farmlands. A civiliza-
tion is a culture capable of sustaining a considerable
number of specialists to cope with the economic,
social, political, and religious needs of an inhab-
ited society. Other characteristics usually presented
in a civilization include a system of writing to keep
records, significant architecture in place of simple
buildings, and an art that is no longer merely decora-
tive, like Neolithic pottery, but representative of peo-
ple and their activities. All these are characteristics
of a civilization.
All Sumerian cities recognized a number of
gods in common, including Anu god of the sky;
Bel, Babylonian god of the earth; Ea, Babylonian
god of wisdom; Enlil, god of the air and king of the

Sumerian gods, and Ishtar, goddess of love, fertility

and war, counterpart of Ashtoreth and Astarte. The
gods seemed hopelessly violent and unpredictable,
and one’s life is a period of slavery to their notions.
The epic poem, the Creation, emphasizes that mor-
tals were created to enable the gods to give up work.
Each city furthermore had its own god, who was
considered literally to inhabit the temple, and who
was in theory the owner of all property within the
city. Hence the priests who interpreted the will of the
gods and controlled the distribution of the economic
produce of the city were sacred for their supernatural
and material functions alike. When, after 3000 BC,
the growing warfare among the cities made military
leadership vital, the head of the army who became
king assumed an intermediate position between the
gods whose agent he was, and the priestly class,
whom he had both to use and to conciliate. Thus,
the king and priests represented the upper class in a
ranked society. Below them were the scribes, the sec-
ular attendants of the temple, who supervised every
aspect of the city’s economic life and who developed
a rough judicial system. Outside the temple their soci-
ety was divided between an elite, or noble, groups of
large landowners and military leaders, a mixed group
of merchants, artisans and craftsmen, free peasants,
who composed the majority of the population, and
Many mythical accounts ascribe to impersonal
agents rather than individual deities. In some African
traditions, a cosmic egg hatched to release spirits

called Nommo, who then set about the creation of

mankind. In Egyptian mythology, both personal and
impersonal creative forces came into play. Elemental
(being or representing a force of nature) energies
were personified by four divine couples, which fused
together to form the cosmic egg from which the
sun was born. In later Egyptian mythology, the sun
god became identified with the figure of Ra, a deity
who gave rise to a pantheon of high gods, which
was known as the Nine Gods of Heliopolis, a city
of ancient Egypt, and this came through self-fertil-
ization. Many mythologists include similar stories of
self-fertilization by a creator deity, whose offspring
then gave birth to other gods, creating a pantheon
based on incestuous family relationships. The most
famous such line of descent occurs in Greek mythol-
ogy in which Zeus begets offspring by many god-
desses and mortals.
There are many creation myths that focus on
the idea that primal elements were separated or made
distinct from one another during the act of creation.
In ancient Egypt mythology, creation began when a
mound of land first distinguished itself in the midst
of the primal waters. In the biblical Genesis story,
Yahweh’s creation of the world is described mainly
in terms of separating. For example, separating of
light from darkness, and the sea from land. In other
creation mythologies the raw material for making the
world derives from a specific source. A widespread
Native America myth tells of the descent into the
depths of the ocean of a so-called earth diver, an ani-

mal, often a turtle, who brings back mud from which

the world was fashioned. In Indian Vedic, which
relates to the Veda or to the ancient Sanskrit in which
they are written, tradition says the body of the pri-
mordial man, Purusha, is dismembered to provide
material for the world and everything in it. A similar
theme occurs in the Norse myth in which the primal
giant, Ymir, is killed by Odin and his brothers, who
then make the sky from his skull, the earth from his
body and the sea from his blood.
Cosmogonic myths generally culminate in the
creation of humankind, after which the mythic cos-
mos comes to resemble the world of human experi-
ences. In mythic history, the earliest era of the world
is usually the closest to perfection, such as the Golden
Age, or Garden of Eden, with later phases showing
the progressive degeneration of the world as it grows
a more distant from the original creative impulses.
The earliest humans are often thought to have been
of extraordinary stature and longevity and to have
been much closer to the gods than are the humans of
the present day. In many traditions, the story cycles
associated with demigods and heroes, are even a
richer source of mythology than those stories involv-
ing the gods themselves. Such myths enable the lis-
tener to recall the time of creation when the world
was in its infancy.
Cosmic myths are concerned with the world
and how it is ordered. They seek to explain the ori-
gin of the world, universal catastrophes such as fire
or flood, and the afterlife. Nearly all mythologies

have stories about creation, a type of story techni-

cally known as cosmogony, which means the branch
of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution
and structure of the universe with the world included.
Creation stories also include accounts of how human
beings first came into existence and how the earth
and suffering entered the human experience.
The oldest cosmogonies known today are
those of Egypt and the ancient Near East. An exam-
ple is the creation epic of the Babylonians, Enuma
elish, an ancient epic poem which dates back to at
least the 12™ century BC. According to the Enuma
elish, in the beginning of the world there was only a
watery void in which fresh water mingled with salt
water of the sea. The fresh waters were personified
as Apsu, father of the gods, and the salt waters as
Tiamat, mother of the gods. This myth describes a
conflict between these earlier gods and a younger
generation that sprang from them. Ultimately the
younger gods won the war, led by Marduk, who was
the chief Babylonian god of thunder and lightning,
and resembles the Greek god Zeus and the Norse god
Thor. Marduk defeated the army of the elder gods
and killed Tiamat, who was represented as a dragon
in single combat. He then split her carcass in two,
forming heaven and earth from the halves, and estab-
lished the sun, moon, and constellations.
The Enuma elish contains several themes com-
mon to many ancient Near Eastern creation stories:
the ordering of the world out of chaos (which is what
the Gap Theory specifies), the central role of waters

in the creation of the world, the victory of a divine

king over enemies who represent chaos, and the cre-
ation of matter from the corpse of a world-mother.
There is a very different type of creation story which
appears in the Spider Woman myth of the Native
American Hopi people. According to this story, in
the beginning the only two beings in existence were
Tawa, the sun god, and Spider Woman, an earthly
goddess who lived in a shadowy, cave-like under-
world. Human beings were created from clay by this
Spider Woman and animated by the gaze of Tawa.
Tawa used his light and heat to create dry land, and
the world took shape. Spider Woman led the humans
and other creatures up to the earth’s surface, and each
species was assigned its proper residence and role
in the world. This myth features the common Native
American theme of emergence, or gradual beginning,
in which creatures emerged from the earth as if from
a mother’s womb.
According to Greek myths about creation, the
god Chaos (Greek for Gaping Void) was the foun-
dation of all things. From Chaos came Gaea Earth,
the bottomless depth of the underworld, known as
Tartarus, and Eros. Eros, the god of love, was needed
to draw divinities together so they might produce
offspring. Chaos produced Night, while Gaea first
bore Uranus, the god of the heavens, and after him
produced the mountains, the sea, and the gods known
as the Titans. The Titans were strong and large, and
they committed arrogant deeds. The youngest and
most important Titan was Cronus. Uranus and Gaea,

who came to personify heaven and earth, also gave

birth to the Cyclopes, a one-eyed giant who made
The Aztec civilization has its own creation
story. This story is about the gods that the Aztecs
believed in. In the beginning, the earth crumbled into
ashes and the jaguars devoured all the living people.
After all the people were devoured and gone forever,
the horrible destruction ended with ferocious earth-
quakes. As the earth was dying, the sun was dying
along with it. One thousand years later, the god
Quetzacoatl, the god of the Feathered Serpent, awoke
to find his beautiful earth turned into ashes. So he
created a new race of people from the dull and gray
of the ashes. These people would live on the fourth
world in the age of the water sun. These people that
Quetzacoatl created were very greedy, and as punish-
ment, all the people that lived on the fourth sun were
turned into fish in a terrible flood.
Everyone was turned into fish, except for two
people who were spared by the gods. These two peo-
ple were called Teta and Nena and were husband and
wife. They were spared before the floods. The gods
visited them with their voices when they were work-
ing in the fields, telling them that there would be a
flood, and that all the creatures would drown and all
the people would turn into fish. Teta and Nena were
very afraid, and they asked what they could do to
live. Legend has it that the gods told them to find
a tall hollow tree, and to hide in it. And if they did
that, they would live. But if they should tell anyone

else, they would not be spared. When the waters

had receded they could came out and walk the earth
again. While they were hiding they had to take one
corncob. They were told not to be greedy, as their
fellow people were.
With that the voices were gone. Teta and Nena
did as the voices told them. They took one corncob
and found a hollow tree to hide in. One hour later
they looked up to the sky and saw dark gray clouds,
looking as if they were about to burst. The ground
was already flooded and under the water they could
see their village.
Other types of creation myths are found in
the cosmogony of the Mayan people, with its many
cycles of creation and destruction, and in the ancient
Hebrew account of a single, all powerful deity; this
is the one we are concerned with.
Every religion, culture, nation and background
has a way of explaining how life began, and usually
this is based around a creator. Today, over 95 per-
cent of the world’s population believes in a creator.
Over one hundred and fifty years have passed since
the theory of evolution was brought to the attention
of the world. Before that, and for many today, all we
have to explain how we arrived at this point in time
is a Story, a creation story. Creation stories are as old
as human civilization and have been the basis for
law and lifestyle. But why are they still so important
today when science claims to have all the answers?
Perhaps it is because we still trust our hearts and the
traditions of our ancestors. Or, perhaps it is because
science just can’t explain everything.

There are two popular interpretations of the
creation account in the book of Genesis. These inter-
pretations permit Christians to accept the gather-
ing of paleontological evidence without abandon-
ing their faith. The first is the so called Day-Age
theory. According to it, the six days of the biblical
creation from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:4 represent
the vast geological ages rather than twenty-four hour
periods. In scientific circles there are at least three
competing versions of creationism which circulated
during the first half of the 19 century. One version,
embraced by Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus
(1707-1778), loosely followed the biblical story in
proposing the simultaneous creation in one location
of single pairs of animals, which then multiplied and
migrated to their eventual permanent geographic
locations. English geologist Sir Charles Lyell (1797-—
1875), by contrast, advocated the notion of multiple
centers of creation established at various times and in
different places. There was a third view, which was
held by Swiss-American naturalist Louis Agassiz
(1807-1873), who denied that species originated in
single pairs, whether at one location or many. Agassiz
argued instead for the simultaneous creation of mul-
tiple individuals in each species, all distributed over
the areas God meant for them to inhabit. All three of
these views, and especially the last two, allowed for

earth’s history to extend far beyond the chronologi-

cal record of Genesis.
To get the full understanding of the Gap
Theory, we must look at the six days of the biblical
creation story. In the Bible, from Genesis 1:3 to 1:5,
light appears. The world was already in darkness, as
we know from verse 2. In verse 4 God separates the
light from the darkness. Then He says the evening
and the morning were the first day in verse 5. The use
of evening and morning may be held to limit the use
of the word day to the solar day, but the frequently
found use of a natural phenomena may warrant the
conclusion that each created day was a period of time
marked off by a beginning and an ending. Neither
here nor in verses 14—18 is an original creative act
implied. Here the word made should be used instead
of created. As in made to appear or made visible. The
sun and moon were created in the beginning, before
the time of Adam and Eve. The /ight of course came
from the sun, but the vapor from the new re-creation
of the world diffused the light.
The second day He creates or reestablishes the
firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide
the waters. The vapors from the heat of this newly
re-created world were condensed and fell upon the
earth, and because the sun was withheld from shining
on the earth the waters could not be evaporated again
until the restoration was complete. If we look at the
word midst (Hebrew “tavek”’) from an unused gram-
matical root, as used here, it means to sever, or bisec-
tion. God divided the waters into two equal parts, one

part water on the earth and the other part moisture in

the sky. Then God made the firmament, and divided
the waters which were under the firmament from the
waters which were above the firmament. Here God
places the atmosphere into its place. And God called
the firmament Heaven. This 1s the first heaven, the
one that surrounds the earth (Genesis 1:6—8).
The third day God allows the waters under the
heaven to be gathered together unto one place, and
let the dry land appear. After this God separates the
waters, He then commands the rest to return to the
center of the earth, back to where the rivers were in
the beginning, and all the low places on the earth,
which were created for them. God then commands
the earth to bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose
seed is in itself, upon the earth (Genesis 1:9-12).
This would show that there was plant life before this
time, for this verse uses the words after his kind. It
is by no means necessary to suppose that the ability
for seeds to germinate perished in the ruinous judg-
ment, which overthrew the first primitive race. With
the restoration of the dry land and light, the earth
would bring forth abundant plant life as described
here. It was animal and human life which perished
in the first cataclysmic judgment, and the traces that
remain are the fossils.
The fourth day, God commanded that there be
lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the
day from the night; and let them be for signs, and
seasons, and for days, and years. This is the clearing

of the sky for the sun and the moon to shine through.
This shows that the first three days could not have
been a literal 24-hour period, because the day and the
night were not separated yet. He made the stars also
(Genesis 1:14—18).
While the first day refers only to the day and
its twofold division, the fourth day refers to signs,
seasons, days, and years. These signs are to serve as
the great natural chronological clock for man, hav-
ing three units. First the day, second the month, and
third the years, marking the divisions of time, not
only for agricultural and social purposes, but also for
drawing the eras of human history and the cycles of
natural science. They are signs of place as well as of
time. By them the mariner has learned to mark the
latitude and longitude of his ship, and the astronomer
to determine with precision the place, as well as the
time, of the planetary globes of heaven.
Seasons mark the four divisions of a year; this
is determined by the position of the earth in its orbit
around the sun. These seasons—winter, spring, sum-
mer, and autumn—are characterized by differences
in average temperature and in the amount of time
that the sun is in the sky each day. The seasons occur
because of the axis on which the earth turns and is
tilted with regard to the plane of the earth’s orbit
around the sun. The earth’s tilt causes the North Pole
to be closer to the sun than the South Pole for half
the year, and vise versa. The hemisphere that is tilted
toward the sun has a longer day, receiving more of
the sun’s rays, and more directly than the hemisphere

that’s tilted away from the sun. When it is summer

in the northern hemisphere, that hemisphere is tilted
towards the sun; this corresponds to winter in the
southern hemisphere, which occurs when the south-
ern hemisphere is titled away from the sun. If the
earth’s axis was not tilted, each night and day every-
where on the planet would always be twelve hours
long and there would be no need of seasons.
Day, in chronology refers to the period of time
required for one rotation of a heavenly body, in this
case, the earth. In common usage of the word day is
the distinction from night to day, and is the period of
natural light between dawn and dusk. The period of
daylight is most constant near the equator and varies
with latitude and the season, reaching a maximum of
24 hours in the polar zones in the summer, a phenom-
enon known as the midnight sun.
The fifth day, God said, Let the waters bring
forth abundantly the moving creatures that have life,
and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open fir-
mament of heaven. God created the great whales, and
every living creature that moves, which the waters
brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every
winged fowl after their kind. This is possibly a refer-
ence to the fact that this had already been a creative
event. Or, He brings them out of hibernation. The
animal kingdom here is divided into three parts in
reference to the regions to be inhabited: the fish, the
birds, and land animals. The fish and birds are cre-
ated on this day. He then commands them to be fruit-
ful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and

let the fowl multiply in the earth (Genesis 1:20—23).

Day (Hebrew yom) is from an unused gram-
matical root meaning to be hot, a day (as the warm
hours), whether literally (from sunrise to sunset, or
from one sunset to the next), or figuratively (a space
of time defined by an associated term). Looking at
this definition of the word day in Hebrew, it gives no
indication that it refers to an actual twenty-four hour
period. There is nowhere in the Bible that refers to
the six days of the creation as consecutive days or one
right after another. The six days of the creation could
have possibly lasted thousands of years. Psalms 90:4
tell us that a thousand years in thy (God’s) sight are
but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in
the night. 2 Peter 3:8 tell us to be not ignorant of this
one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day. The period
of time mentioned in the first day to the sixth day
could be thousands of years. Whether the six days
were consecutive or not, we see here that each day
has lasted possibly a thousand years, or more. This is
the Day-Age Theory.
The sixth day God said, /et the earth bring forth
the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping
thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: This is
where there is a problem; for the living creatures, the
cattle, and the creeping things to bring forth after its
kind, would mean that they had been on the earth prior
to this. God then said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness and let them have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
Six Day CREATION 127

over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Genesis
1:26). If we look at the words image, meaning a
visual representation, and likeness, meaning a simi-
larity in appearance of character or nature between
persons or things, this is the outward appearance of
the Trinity. Then Genesis 1:27 says God creates male
and female, but this does not specify that they were
Adam and Eve, but rather, indicates the gender of all
species so they could procreate. Adam was created
in Genesis 2:7, and Eve wasn’t created until Genesis
2:22. Adam is not mentioned in Scripture by name
until Genesis 2:19.
The Jewish historian Josephus says this about
the forming of Adam: “Moreover, Moses, after the
seventh day was over, begins to talk philosophically,
and concerning the formation of man, says thus, That
God took dust from the ground, and formed man, and
inserted in him a spirit and a soul.” This man was
called Adam, which in the Hebrew tongue signi-
fies one that is red, because he was formed out red
earth, compounded together, for of that kind is virgin
and true earth” (Antiquities of the Jews Bk. 1 Chp.1
Genesis 1:28 leads to even more wondering
about the creation story. It tells us that God blessed
them (male and female), and God said unto them,
Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and
subdue it: and have domination over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living
thing that moveth upon the earth. God created them

male and female. Even if this verse is referring to

Adam and Eve, and not with the possibility of having
created another male and female, the misunderstand-
ing becomes apparent with the use of the word replen-
ish, which comes from the Hebrew male or mala and
means to fill or be full of. The dictionary gives the
meaning fo fill something that had previously been
emptied, or to fill again. This word is only used twice
in the Bible, here, and in Genesis 9:1, where God
tells Noah to replenish the earth after the global flood
of his day. This tells us that the world had human life
before the six days of the creation of Genesis. This
was the human population before Genesis 1:2 that
Satan, as archangel, was ruling over.

The final mystery of the biblical creation is the
story of Cain. Cain was the oldest son of Adam and
Eve and the brother of Abel. When Abel’s sacrificial
offering was accepted in preference to Cain’s, Cain
slew Abel and became the first murderer in biblical
history. Cain was cursed and condemned to a life
of wandering. A divine mark was placed upon his
forehead lest anyone meeting him should slay him.
Sevenfold vengeance was to be visited upon anyone
who disregarded the mark and killed Cain (Genesis
4:11—16). At this time, if we look at tradition, there
were only three people on earth. Abel was slain by
Cain, so there were Cain and his parents. So who
were these other people that should not slay Cain?
Most Bible scholars suggest that it was Cain’s
other brothers and sisters, but there is no evidence
to support this theory as Adam and Eve didn’t have
any more children until Cain’s younger brother
Seth (Genesis 5:4) And the days of Adam after he
had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and
he begat sons and daughters. The fact is, back in
Genesis 1:26, God created the first man before He
formed Adam. Formed from Hebrew, yatstar means
through the squeezing into shape, to mold into form.
But if we look at Genesis 5:1, we see that the author
of the book says, this is the book of the generations
of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the

likeness of God made he him, and it is here that

Adam was created. As earlier stated, the word cre-
ated (Hebrew bara) means to create, to cut down,
select, choose, make. As for Adam, we need to look
at the word choose as the suitable answer. God chose
Adam for the people that He created in Genesis 1:26
as the backbone of the entire Bible. For Jesus Christ
was from the lineage of Adam.
The Dake Bible says of the time of Cain’s
punishment, that Adam had been on earth about
130 years (Genesis 5:3). At a very moderate rate of
increase there could have been 500,000 people by
this time. This would be the people God was refer-
ring to regarding the punishment of Cain. With this
in mind, Cain built a city, which would require many
people (Genesis 4:17). This is more proof that there
had to be more people on earth at this time.
Next Cain travels to the land of Nod, which is
east of Eden, and dwells there (Genesis 4:16). The
word Nod has these meanings (Hebrew “Nowd’),
wandering, or (nuwd) to nod (shaking the head in
sympathy), to wander, flee, and disappear. This is so
called because of Cain’s wandering. This is supposed
by some to be ancient Tartary (in Eastern Europe and
Western Asia), or perhaps China, and is referred to
as the land of Cain. With this we need to look at the
nation of the Kenites, a tribe inhabiting the desert
lying between southern Palestine and the mountains
of Sinai. The name Kenite is mentioned six times
in Scripture, whereas Kenites are mentioned eight
times. There are two related Hebrew words gayin and
CAIN 131

kaijin, meaning the first child, a place in Palestine,

and of an Oriental tribe, Cain, Kenite, or a decedent
of Cain. This is more evidence that Cain wandered
possibly to China. The second word, giyniy, means
a Kenite or member of the tribe of Kajin. They were
tinsmiths, and hence it is concluded that they were
the same tribe as the Midianites. Theory has it that
they were wandering tinsmiths, gypsies and travel-
ing tinkers of the old Oriental world. A Canaanitish
tribe also of Oriental origins was of the Kadmonites,
which inhabited the northwestern part of Palestine
in the time of Abraham (Genesis 15:19), and they
were probably identical to the children of the east, or
from the Orient, who inhabited the country between
Palestine and the Euphrates.
Tartary is a name applied during the Middle
Ages to the central part of Eurasia, which was the
landmass formed by the continents of Europe and
Asia from the Dnieper River in the west, and the Sea
of Japan in the east. In later times a distinction was
made between European and Asian Tartary. The part
of Russia that was once the khanate of Crimea was
called European Tartary. The term Asian Tartary first
applied to the whole Central Asia, but was gradually
confined to the region call Kurdistan.
Then, in Genesis 4:17, Cain takes a wife: And
Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Enoch: he builded a city, and called the name of the
city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
Josephus tells us differently: “He also cast him,
together with his wife, out of the land. And when he
eae Freperick ELMy

was afraid that in wandering about he should fall

among wild beasts, and by that means perish, God
bid him not to entertain such a melancholy suspicion,
and to go over all the earth without fear of what mis-
chief he might suffer from wild beasts; and setting
a mark upon him, that he might be known, he com-
manded him to depart” (Antiquities of the Jews Bk.1
Chp.2 ver1).
Then in verse 2 of the book Antiquities of the
Jews, Josephus says, “Cain had traveled over many
countries, he with is wife, and built a city, named
Nod, which is a place so called, and there he settled
his abode; where also he had children.” The most
likely place of this /and of Nod would be China.
The area that is now China has a long prehis-
toric background. China in prehistoric times, or dur-
ing the long Paleolithic period—which is the second
part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,000 to
500,000 years BC, and lasting until the end of the
last ice age about 8,500 years BC—had bands of
predatory hunter-gathers. Homo erectus (an extinct
species closely related to modern humans, or Homo
sapiens), appeared more than one million years ago.
Anthropologists disagree about whether Homo erec-
tus is the direct ancestor to Homo sapiens or merely
related through mutual ancestors. In either case,
modern humans may have first appeared in China as
far back as 200,000 years ago.
Beginning in about 10,000 years BC, humans
in China began developing agriculture, possibly
influenced by developments in Southern Asia. By
CAIN ge:

5000 years BC there were Neolithic village settle-

ments in several regions of China. On the fine, wind
blown loose soils of the north and northwest, the pri-
mary crop was millet, while villages along the lower
Yangtze River in Central China were centered on rice
production in paddy fields, supplemented by fish and
aquatic plants. Humans in both regions had domes-
ticated pigs, dogs, and cattle, and by 3000 BC sheep
had become important in the north and water buffalo
in the south.
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Eden (Hebrew Eden or ednah) means plea-
sure, delicate, or delight. This is also the garden in
which Adam and Eve dwelt (Genesis 1:8—17). No
geographical question has been so much discussed
as to the location of this site. It has been placed in
Armenia, in the region west of the Caspian Sea, in
Media, near Damascus, in Palestine, in Southern
Arabia, and Babylonia. The site must undoubtedly be
sought from somewhere along the course of the great
rivers of the Tigris and the Euphrates of Western
Asia, in the land known as Shinar or Babylonia.
Most competent authorities have agreed on this area,
which is a very rich and fertile tract, as being the
probable site of Eden.
Among almost all nations there are tradi-
tions of the primitive innocence of our race in the
Garden of Eden. This was the Golden Age to which
the Greeks looked back upon. Men then lived a Jife
carefree, and without labour or sorrow. Old age was
unknown, the body never lost its vigor, and existence
was a perpetual feast without a taint of evil. The
earth brought forth spontaneously all things, which
were good in profuse abundance. As mentioned ear-
lier in the book of Ezekiel (28:13), the prophet refers
to Eden as the Garden of God. Eden is not relative to
the Gap Theory, but to understand certain facts we
must investigate this garden.

In Genesis 2:8 we see that the Lord God

planted a garden eastward in Eden where he put
Adam. Genesis also speaks of a river flowing out of
Eden, which parted and became four heads or rivers.
Pison was the first and it surrounded and bordered
the whole land of Havilah. The second river was
Gihon, which surrounded the whole land of Ethiopia.
The third river was Hiddekel, which went toward
the east of Assyria and this river is the modern day
Tigris River. The fourth river was the Euphrates.
Theologians, historians, ordinary inquisitive people
and men of science have tried for centuries to place
its location. If the area thought to be the Garden of
Eden is in the Persian Gulf, which if that is the case,
was flooded when the gulf waters rose, possibly from
polar ice caps melting. When glaciers expand during
an ice age, the sea level dropped because the water
that forms glaciers ultimately comes from the oceans.
Global sea level affects the overall temperature of
the planet because solar radiation, or heat, is better
absorbed by water than by land. When sea levels are
low, more land surface becomes exposed. Since the
land is not able to absorb as much solar radiation as
the water can, the overall average temperature of the
planet decreases, and cools, and may contribute to
the onset of an ice age. Then the ice melts gradu-
ally over thousands of years, and the sea levels rise
again. The idea of the Persian Gulf rising can pos-
sibly refer to the movement of the landmasses. But
the main reason for mentioning the Garden is the fact
that Cain settled east of Eden. This could very well
put the land of Nod in India or China.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).
God is eternal and has no beginning or ending. The
meaning is that the Word of God had an existence
before the world was created. This was before the
mountains were brought forth, the seas filled, and the
landmasses came together, and this eternity is com-
monly expressed by the phrase before the foundation
of the world. (John 17:24; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter
1:20). It is clear here that the term the Word had an
existence before the original creation of the world. It
is not, then, a creature or created being, and must be,
therefore, eternal. The Almighty God is from eter-
nity. Approximately 15 to 20 billion years ago God
created the heavens, and it is a real possibility they
came into existence with a big bang. This creation
consisted of the universe with all its celestial objects,
such as the other planets, the stars, galaxies, and all
the other universes. Before this He had created His
Heavenly Host, and appointed His Christ. He also
created His leading angels, which are who we refer
to as His archangels, for they were ranked above the
highest in His celestial hierarchy. He was pleased
with His original creation.
Somewhere around 4.65 billion years ago God
created the planet earth for the dwelling place of His
future servants, and formed it to His specifications.

Out of all He created, this world was to be His ves-

sel of worship. Concerning this planet we call earth,
He gave full responsibility to His archangel, the one
we refer to as Satan, for day-to-day operations. The
plan was for this planet to develop on its own. But
for this planet to develop by itself, He had to plant
the bacteria that would grow to give the world what
it needed.
About 4 billion years ago, life started forming
in the oceans first. This was from chemical reactions
of molecules from such sources as water, carbon
dioxide, and methane. The first life forms were the
prokaryote organisms, which are unicellular organ-
isms, having cells but lacking membrane bound
nuclei. Bacteria are the prime example, but also
included are blue-green algae. This occurred up to
about 3,800 million years to 2,500 billion years ago.
From 2,500 million years to about 544 million years
ago the cooling rate of the earth decreased and the
plate tectonics began to slow down and large moun-
tain chains formed when the continents collided,
ending in their current positions. Eukaryotes (an
organism with cells characteristic of all life forms)
first appeared during this time. By one billion years
ago, cyanobacteria, predominantly photosynthetic,
prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in
addition to chlorophyll and a great variety of proto-
zoa (single celled animals) were the dominant organ-
isms on the earth. Between | billion and 800 mil-
lion years ago, the oxygen levels in the oceans and
the atmosphere were high enough for multicellular
A New Wortp 139

organisms to evolve. These organisms had soft bod-

ies. As of this time God’s plan was working well.
From about 544 million years to about 230 mil-
lion years ago, the ocean levels rose, covering most
of the earth in warm seas. Marine plants and animals
living in the oceans were the only life on earth. During
this time the earth continued to evolve; early plants
and the first land arthropods, which are invertebrate
animals related to insects and spiders, had appeared.
About 230 million to 63 million years ago, large rep-
tiles and the first birds started appearing. Dinosaurs
evolved and dominated the earth and took over many
environmental habitats and roles. About 190 to 135
million years ago, mammals started appearing and
60 to 55 million years ago, the first primates,
who scientifically include monkeys, apes, and
human beings appeared, along with the first horses
and rodents. 41 million years ago the early anthro-
poids, which scientists say is a member of the human
ancestral line, started evolving. Hominids evolved
from them about 15 million years ago, and the mod-
ern humans evolved from them about 2 million years
ago. At this time, they existed only on the continent
of Africa.
At some place within this time frame, Satan
rebelled against God. The humans existing on earth
and one third of the angels in heaven followed Satan.
God overthrew Satan as one of His archangels and
the earthly king He appointed. 1.6 million years ago
humans started migrating from Africa to Asia. This

was a rather slow migration, as science suggests.

About the same time the last of many ice ages started
forming. This was the result of Satan’s rebellion. This
ice age peaked about 20,000 years ago, and slowed
the migration of humans to other parts of the world.
Many speculate on the extent of the ice coverage
on earth in this period of time. Somewhere around
13,500 years ago, as this ice age started declining,
there was a glacial bridge from northern Asia to
the North America continent, enabling humans to
migrate to this continent.
Between 12,500 and 11,000 years ago, God
started reestablishing His creative work. His origi-
nal creation was on the entire earth, but recreation
was only in the area of modern day Iraq. This last
ice age destroyed everything living in this area. For
approximately the next thousand years, God started
restoring the light (Genesis 1:2—5). 11,000 to 10,000
years ago, He started drying the land from the ice,
and the water from the ice that had already melted,
and separating this water from the moisture in the
air (Genesis 1:6—8). 10,000 to 9,000 years ago, with
the ice melting, He started allowing the plant life to
grow, and to bring forth fruit (Genesis 1:9—13). This
purpose was so that His chosen people would have
food to nourish their bodies.
Between 9,000 and 8,000 years BC God said,
let the sun and moon reappear in the firmament of the
second heaven fo divide the day from the night, and
let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for day,
and years (Genesis 1:14-19). Let them be for lights
A New Wor-Lp 141

in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the

earth. God let these two great lights reappear from
what was probably cloud cover and the mist from
the moisture evaporating. He also restored the stars
to shine. God set them in the firmament of this sec-
ond heaven to give light back upon the earth. These
lights were again to rule over the day and the night,
and to divide the light from the darkness (Genesis
8,000 to 7,000 years BC, God said, Let the
waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature
that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth
in the open firmament of heaven. God created great
whales, the fish in the sea, and everything that moves
in the waters, was brought forth abundantly. And
God blessed them, saying, be fruitful, and multiply,
and fill the waters in the seas, and let the fowl multi-
ply in the earth (Genesis 1:20—23).
Around 7,000 to 6,000 years BC, God said, Let
the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
cattle, and the creeping thing, and the beast of the
field after his kind (Genesis 1:24). And God made the
beast of the earth, all after his kind, and cattle after
his kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth
after his kind (Genesis 1:25). God said let us make
man in our image, in our likeness (Genesis 1:26).
Let us make man as we did in the beginning, let him
come back to this area and let him have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
142 FrReDerick ELMy

Did God choose man that He originally created in

His own image? Whoever they were, God blessed
them, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over every liv-
ing thing that moves upon the earth (Genesis 1:28).
God gave every herb bearing seed, which is upon the
face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit
of a tree yielding seed; to man it shall be for meat. To
every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air,
and to everything that creeps upon the earth, wherein
there is life, He gave every green herb for meat. God
saw that everything He had reestablished over the
previous 6,000 to 7,000 years was very good, and
rested for the next thousand years to let everything
He brought back to flourish and multiply?
At the end of the last ice age, the sea levels
were still very low. God planted His garden in a
place called Eden, which in the Hebrew tongue is
eden, and this refers to the region of Adam’s home.
This place is in the present area of the Persian Gulf.
God chose Adam and Eve to carry on His ascent to
the birth of Jesus. Sin entered Adam and Eve by eat-
ing of the forbidden fruit and they were driven out
of the garden. The sea levels started rising from gla-
cial melting, and Eden, the garden of God, may have
been lost to the sea.

With all that has been discussed concerning
earth, creation and the age thereof, we must take
some other facts into consideration. Archaeologists
say that the old site of ancient Jericho is the old-
est settlement yet to be discovered, with significant
archaeological remains dating back possibly as far as
8000 years BC. located about one mile from today’s
city, the settlements included a walled community
and a high tower. Additional findings from the period
indicate that there was irrigated agriculture, reveal-
ing the prehistoric shift from nomadic to settled
forms of life. Jericho is well known in biblical his-
tory as the site of a siege by Joshua and the Israelites.
The city functioned as an administrative center for
the Persians in the 6" century BC and became a royal
resort in the time of Alexander the Great around the
4" century BC. Around 30 BC Jericho was awarded
to Herod the Great by the Roman emperor Augustus.
Herod laid out new aqueducts and built a theater and
winter palace there.
The site of modern day Jerusalem was occu-
pied during the Stone Age, but the people who had
advanced into the Bronze Age drove out the aborig-
inal inhabitants in the period from about 5000 BC
to 4000 BC. These invaders were the Canaanites.
Ongoing excavations in Egypt continually reshape
the views of scholars about the origins of Egyptian
civilization. In the late 20" century archaeologists

discovered evidence of human habitations before

8000 BC in an area in the southwestern corner of
Egypt, near the border with Sudan. Nomadic peoples
may have been attracted to that area due to its hospi-
table climate and environment.
From early Paleolithic times people lived in the
land that came to be known as Assyria, a fact con-
firmed by two adult Neanderthal skulls discovered
in a cave on the northeastern fringes of the region.
Settled agricultural life did not begin there, however,
until about 6500 BC. The ethnic composition of the
earliest farming communities of Assyria is unknown;
the inhabitants may have been a people known in
later days as Subarians.
The Watson Brake Mound Complex in north-
east Louisiana consists of 11 earthen mounds con-
nected by low bridges. Archaeologists reported in
September 1997 that these human made structures
are more than 5000 years old, making them the oldest
large-scale earthworks in the Americas. Researchers
studying prehistoric human migration patterns in the
northern Chile Atacama Desert have concluded that
a mysterious pattern of early occupation and aban-
donment of the region was related to climate change.
Humans first occupied the high altitude desert, which
extends from the Pacific Ocean to the base of the
Andes, from around 13,000 to 9,500 years ago. The
region was then more or less abandoned until around
4,500 years ago, when people began returning.
Civilization as we know it began in the Middle
East. The cultivation of cereals was first undertaken

in the Middle East around 8000 BC, which led to the

creation of the first settled communities with perma-
nent dwellings. Large archaeological mounds, called
tells, contain the remains of some of these communi-
ties. Tells have been found in present day Turkey and
throughout the Fertile Crescent, as well as ancient
agricultural regions containing parts of present day
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. Jericho in
the present day West Bank and the Catal Huyuk in
present day Turkey are two of the best known of
these sites.
Cities began to evolve in prehistoric times
when groups of nomadic hunters and scavengers
developed a settled agricultural life. In order to pro-
tect themselves and their food supplies from raids by
aggressive nomads, they built their dwellings within
a walled area or in a naturally fortified place. Because
the availability of water was also an important con-
sideration, these settlements were usually along a
Paleolithic artists painted scenes in caves more
than 15,000 years ago, such as found in Lascaux,
France, where a leaping cow and a group of small
horses painted with red and yellow ochre was either
blown through reeds onto the wall or mixed with
animal fat and applied with reeds or thistles. It is
believed that prehistoric hunters made these paint-
ings to gain magical powers that would ensure a suc-
cessful hunt.
The Chauvet cave paintings in southeastern
France are some of the oldest and most spectacular

examples of ice age art ever found. Red and black

drawings and engravings depict a wide range of ani-
mals, from the more common horses and bison to
the rare lions and rhinoceroses. These paintings have
been dated to about 32,000 years ago.
It is essential to understand that one’s salvation
does not depend upon one’s belief or disbelief in the
six days of creation. One’s speculation on creation
itself is not sinful thinking. Traditionally the concept
of creation was to keep to the book of Genesis as a
day by day nonstop work where God literally took
only six twenty-four hour days to make all of His
creations. I believe, as a Christian, that the Bible is
an historical document that we as Christians must
research for answers to common questions, such as
creation. In this case, as with many other facts of the
Bible, we must read between the lines and study in
order to come to a full understanding of what our
beliefs truly are. My attempt is not to give greater
age to the Bible but to bring Genesis and science
closer together so that we may all believe. This work
is not intended just for Christians, as it is not just for
the atheist, but for both. It is intended for Christians
to give a full understanding of the Scriptures, and
for the atheist that they may, by reading this, turn
to the one true God. I am sure that if Moses, while
writing Genesis, had written everything that science
tells us about the earth coming into being, the book
of Genesis would have been countless times greater
than it is. It is hard to imagine how intelligent minds
can be so naive to the facts. With this in mind, we can

take into consideration what the prophet Nehemiah

(9:6) wrote: Thou, even thou art LORD alone; thou
hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all
their host, the earth, and all things that are therein,
the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest
them all: and the host of heaven worshipped thee.
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bo AsBibicen © Maher we rb en .

Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, Finis Jennings
Dake, 1992
The New Scofield Study Bible, C. I. Scofield, D.D.,
The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the
Bible, James Strong, L.L.D., S.T.D., 1990
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2003
Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus
Thru the Bible Volume 5, 1 Corinthians through
Revelation, J. Vernon McGee, 1983
National Geographic, February issue, 2001
WordWeb 3.01 Antony Lewis 2004
Contact Frederick Elmy
or order more copies of this book at


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