Strenghtening Good Relatioship Among Religious Groups of Selected Barangay in Zamboanga

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Peace means societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence.
In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and
freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups Promote peaceful and
inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and
build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. The term 'peace'
originates from the Anglo-French pes, and the Old French pais, meaning "peace,
reconciliation, silence, agreement" (11th century).[3] The Anglo-French term pes itself
comes from the Latin pax, meaning "peace, compact, agreement, treaty of peace,
tranquility, absence of hostility, harmony." The English word came into use in various
personal greetings from c. 1300 as a translation of the Hebrew word shalom, which,
according to Jewish theology, comes from a Hebrew verb meaning 'to be complete,
whole'.[4] Although "peace" is the usual translation, it is an incomplete one,
because shalom, which is also cognate with the Arabic salaam, has multiple other
meanings in addition to peace, including justice, good health, safety, well-being,
prosperity, equity, security, good fortune, and friendliness, as well as simply the
greetings, "hello" and "goodbye"
On July 26th, President Duterte signed the Bangsamoro Organic Law
(previously known as the Bangsamoro Basic Law): Republic Act No. 11054, is a
Philippine law a unique and historic moment in one of the longest running conflicts (and
negotiation process) in the world. For the first time in decades a peace agreement is in
place in the South of the Philippines, signed and ratified by all the main parties
involved. Although a plebiscite amongst the intended future population of the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region still needs to take place, this is the official end of the
war between the Philippines government and the two Bangsamoro fronts. It however
does not mark the end of tensions or violence in Mindanao. The challenging part of
implementing the agreement and creating lasting peace is yet to begin.
Objectives of the Study

To determine what are the factor affecting good relationship of the people in the
To find out what are individual perceptions towards strengthening good relationship
among religious group in the community

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