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Gheorghiță (Marin) Nicoleta

Homework 1

1.a) The children in the foster care have been diagnosed with disorders like ADHD,
intermittent explosive disorder and anxiety.
b) Some tips to help you build rapport and trust with your clients: show empathy, use
a collaborative approach, respect diverisity and inclusivity, create a comfortable environment.
c) Practicing self-care can be an antidote to burnout, which is a combination of
mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.
d) The strength-based approach allows for people to see themselves at their best in
order to see their own value. Self-care is crucial for us to stay lovingly, committed to work.
Make it a priority to personally practice all of the coping skills and self-care techniques. As
we prioritize strengths, we foster an environment where we can thrive on our pthts of healing
and growth.

2.a) The mission of Social Work is to promote and support individual and community
well-being and to fight social injustice.
b) Hospital social-workers
School social-workers
Licensed clinical social workers
Geriatric social-workers
Social-work managers
c)Martha was a social worker and Bob was a client with a severe mental illness.
Martha convinced Bob to be volunteer to the local Coast Guard office. So Bob has a job and
money and friends. And it all happened because the soacial worker tapped into his super
power of radio listening.

3.a)attitude of service, authenticity, a growth mindset, having grit.

b) People whith a fixed mindset measure their success and self-worth based on
situational outcomes.
People with a growth mindset belive that everyone can change for the better.
When you are growth-oriented, you are dedicated, strategic and willing to accept help.
Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset means letting go of fear and failure, and
learning to embrace hope and posivity.
c) Unconditional positive regard refers to accepting and valuing the client precisely
as they are without judgement, criticism or evaluation. This allows an opportunity for clients
to explore their feelings and experiences more fully, perhaps hearing themselves vocalise
aspects of themselves which have remained hidden or denied to self for many years.
Expressing difficult thoughts and feelings, which are often accompanied by a sense of shame,
in an environment free from the threat of judgement and rejection can help the client
to internalise the therapist’s nonjudgmental attitude and to promote self-acceptance and self-
love – making growth and change possible.

4.b) To Integrate Learning a Foreign Language into Your Daily Routine we could:
watch Movies, learn a Foreign Language by Practising With Native Speakers, travel, speak in
the Foreign Language, get a Notebook, take Advantage of Language Apps and Games, equip
Yourself With Some Helpful Writing Tips.
c) Because I work in the field of social assistance, profesionalism in social work and
continuous professional development would be topics of interes. Learning the laws, reading
and waching movies in the area of social work would help me.

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