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Before we end this semester, make an essay out of this question:

1. How’s your 1st semester journey in Phinma Upang?
2. And also, before our subject ends this semester, kindly share your experienced and
takeaways in the lessons that we discussed from the beginning of the topic up to the last
discussion that we had.

Title: Reflecting on My 1st Semester Journey at Phinma University of Pangasinan

As the semester comes to an end, I find it valuable to reflect on my journey at Phinma
University of Pangasinan. This essay aims to discuss my experience during the first semester
and share the key takeaways from the lessons we covered throughout the GEN006 subject.

1. My 1st Semester Journey at Phinma University of Pangasinan:

My first semester journey at Phinma Upang has been a remarkable one. From the very
beginning, I was captivated by the warm and inclusive learning environment. The faculty
members have been knowledgeable, supportive, and passionate about their subjects, which
made the learning experience engaging and enjoyable. The campus facilities and resources
provided by the university have greatly contributed to an enriching education. Overall, the
first semester has been a fulfilling and memorable experience.

2. Lessons and Takeaways from GEN006:

Throughout the GEN006 subject, we have covered various topics that have broadened my
knowledge and skills. Here are some of the key takeaways from the lessons we discussed:

a. Time Management:
One of the crucial skills we learned was effective time management. Balancing academic
responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal life can be challenging. However,
through the lessons and discussions, I gained insights into prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and
utilizing time efficiently. This skill will undoubtedly be valuable in my academic and
professional journey.

b. Communication Skills:
The course also emphasized the importance of effective communication. We explored
different forms of communication, such as verbal, written, and non-verbal. From
presentations to group discussions, we learned how to express ourselves clearly, actively
listen, and collaborate effectively with peers. These skills will undoubtedly contribute to my
future success in various aspects of life.
c. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
GEN006 encouraged us to develop critical thinking skills and apply them to real-life scenarios.
We learned how to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions.
This ability to think critically and solve problems will undoubtedly be beneficial in both
academics and everyday life.

d. Adaptability and Resilience:

The subject also emphasized the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of
challenges. We discussed strategies to overcome obstacles, manage stress, and maintain a
positive mindset. These lessons have helped me develop a resilient attitude and adapt to
changing circumstances, which are essential qualities for personal and professional growth.

As I conclude my first semester journey at Phinma University of Pangasinan, I am grateful for
the valuable experiences and lessons gained. The supportive learning environment, coupled
with the lessons from GEN006, has contributed significantly to my personal and academic
growth. I look forward to applying these learnings in the future and continuing my journey at
Phinma Upang with enthusiasm and determination.

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