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Fabellon, Mark Andrew L.


Mrs. Carrie Ann B. Emprese

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Breaking the Chains of Poverty: A Closer look at the Philippine Dilemma

Poverty is a global issue that affect millions of people worldwide. The Philippine is one of the
countries that have been struggling with this issue for decades. Despite the government’s effort to alleviate
poverty, it remains a significant problem that affect the lives of many Filipinos.

As of now, based on my observation, the poverty in the Philippines is multifaceted issues that has
many underlying causes. One of the primary causes of poverty in this country is corruption. The
government’s inability to manage resources effectively result in poor infrastructure, lack of basic services,
inadequate social welfare programs. This leads to a vicious cycle where the poor remain poor and the
wealthy become richer.

Additionally, the cause of poverty in the Philippines is the lack of education and job opportunities. Many
Filipinos lack the necessary skills and education to compete in the job market. This leads to high
unemployment rates, and those who are employed often work in low-paying jobs that do not provide enough
income to support their families. Although, there some people who can find a job but it is not long-term,
may be they just lack of perseverance. So that the effects of poverty in the Philippines are devastating. Many
families struggle to feed themselves, and children often suffer from malnutrition and stunted growth. Its
state of their situation that they don’t have enough money or basic things they need to live. Nowadays, we
struggling on the issues of high price of goods, if an ordinary worker and has large family the income will
be enough. Poverty also leads to poor health outcomes, including high rates of infectious diseases and
maternal mortality.

While poverty in the Philippines is a complex issue, there are simple solutions that can be implemented to
address this problem. One solution is to invest in education and job training programs. By providing
individuals with the necessary skills and education, they can compete in the job market and earn higher
wages. Another solution is to increase access to healthcare and social welfare programs. This will improve
the health outcomes of individuals and provide them with the support they need to break the cycle of
poverty. Finally, addressing corruption is essential to reducing poverty in the Philippines. The government
must take steps to manage resources effectively and ensure that social welfare programs are being
implemented effectively.

Poverty in the Philippines is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. While
poverty is a significant problem, there are simple solutions that can be implemented to improve the lives of
millions of Filipinos. To avoid that excessive poverty, avoid stay away from bad habit, invest in education,
as well as improve it and have self-discipline, another invest also to healthcare, and addressing corruption,
the Philippines can become a more prosperous and equitable society for all. For as being Filipino don’t give
in to the saying “There is no happiness in the world” work diligently and earn your own money so that you
can buy you wants and especially the important needs in your life.

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