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press shift+D, enter the code on the left of the description

Press Ctrl-D during gameplay end enter the code!

backtostart - Returns you to Fort Avernum. Very useful if you get stuck.

dontshowmeall - Stops making all characters appear on your automap.

editor - Brings up the character editor, enabling you to freely edit your party’s skills, traits, and spells.
Before this will work, you must enable it on the Main Menu.

forgiveme - Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you were hated there, you won’t
be anymore. Note that certain crimes won't be forgiven (like stealing).

fps - See Avernum’s current frame rate.

giveasnack - Gives your main character some cake.

imdrained - Recharges your spell energy.

iampoor - Gives you 500 coins.

ikilledathron - If you killed the dragon Athron before she could give you a key piece of information,
this cheat code will teach it to you.

iwanttobestronger - Gives you some experience.

leetbuffz - Gives each of your characters multiple blessings.

ouchouchouch - Heals and cures your group.

owmybrains - Cures any character that is suffering from a mental effect. Also removes a death curse.

resetboats - Returns all boats to their starting positions. Boats you previously purchased will no
longer be your property. Use backstart to fix this or if it screws up.

showmeall - Makes all characters (even ones you can’t see) appear on your automap.

While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + D, then type one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function:

Result Screen
500 coins iampoor
Gain experience iwanttobestronger
Heal and cure your group ouchouchouch
Recharge spell energy iamdrained
All characters gets multiple blessings leetbuffz
All areas forget most of your crimes forgiveme
All characters appear on automap showmeall
All characters no longer appear on automap dontshowmeall
Character editor editor
Cures characters suffering from mental effects; removes death
Learn info from the dragon Athron if already dead ikilledathron
Return all boats to starting positions; boats previously
purchased will no longer be your property
Return to Fort Avernum backtostart
Main character gets cake giveasnack
Display frame rate fps

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