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Name: ________________________________________Gr. & Sec.:________________ Score: ____________

Teacher: ____________________________________School:____________________ Date: _____________

Objectives: After performing this activity the students should be able identify the different layers of the Earth’s
atmosphere and differentiate this in terms of temperature and altitude.
Big Ideas:

1. The Atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the Earth that is held by the gravity. It is composed of a different
layers based in its temperature.
2. A Troposphere is the lowest layer, extending from earth’s surface up to about 13 km. Its temperature generally
decreases with altitude, where clouds were form and weather occurs.
3. The Stratosphere, located just above the troposphere stretching from around 50 km above the earth’s surface, has
tine air and gets heated by the sun. The temperature generally increase with the altitude due to the presence of the
ozone layer.
4. A Mesosphere is extending about 50 to 80 km. It characterized by decreasing temperature with altitude, and it is
where meteors burn up upon entering the earth’s atmosphere also break apart into smaller pieces.
5. The Thermosphere is around 85 to 500 km at the edge of the space. The thermosphere experiences in
temperature increases extremely high with altitude. It is the region where the famous aurora borealis formed.
6. The Exosphere is the outermost layer of the atmosphere, extending from the thermosphere to 10,000 km of the
edge of space and above the earth.

A. Direction: In which layer of the atmosphere can we see the following pictures? Write the correct answer in the
space provided.

1. 2. 3.

_______________ _______________ ______________

(Meteor) (Airplane) (Satellite)

4. 5. 6.

_______________ _______________ ______________

(Space Rocket) (Volcano) (Hot Air Balloon)

7. 8. 9. 10.
_______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
(Rain) (Ozone Layer) (Aurora) (Ionosphere)

B. How Are we Different?

Direction: Fill in the table with necessary data. Write your answer on a worksheet of paper.
Note: The first layer has been answered already as an idea.

Estimated distance Estimated Between Events happening
from the ground Temperature temperature and in that layer
Troposphere About 13 km Temperature As altitude increase Cloud formation and
decreases 6.5°C to temperature weather occur.
about -60°C decreases.




Guide Questions:
1. How do the layers of atmosphere differ from each other?
2. How were the layers of atmosphere determined?
3. Based on the given data, can you generalize that the higher the layers of the atmosphere (that is closer to the Sun),
the hotter the temperature? Why or Why Not?

Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1. Which layer if the Earth’s atmosphere is closest to the surface?
a. Troposphere b. Mesosphere c. Stratosphere d. Thermosphere

2. What is the layer of the atmosphere is responsible for weather phenomena?

a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere

3. Which layer of the atmosphere is the most important for protecting life on Earth from harmful solar radiation?
a. Troposphere c. Thermosphere c. Exosphere d. Stratosphere

4. How do the characteristics of the troposphere differ from those of the stratosphere?
a. The troposphere is warmer than the stratosphere due to the presence of the ozone layer.
b. The stratosphere is colder than the troposphere due to the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases.
c. The Troposphere contains most of the Earth’s weather, while the stratosphere is more stable and contains the ozone
d. The stratosphere is closer to the Earth’s surface than troposphere, resulting in higher air pressure.

5. Which of the following statement best describe the role of the ozone layer in the atmosphere?
a. It prevents harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface.
b. It regulates the temperature of the Earth’s surface.
c. It is responsible for the formation of clouds.
d. It plays a crucial role in the carbon cycle.

Reference: Science 7 Quarter 4 Module 3: You Keep Me Warm pp. 4-8

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