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Thing to Check

Thing to check
1 Why is this audit being performed?
2 Was this website recently migrated from another platform, server, or domain?
3 What was the reason for the migration?
4 If a migration was performed, was there a drop in rankings, conversions or organic traffic?
5 When did the migration take place?
6 Are there crawls of the website pre-migration?
7 Do you or the client have admin access to Wordpress dashboard?
8 Do you or the client have admin access to DNS settings?
9 Is Google Tag Manager being used?
10 Do you or the client have access privileges to Google Tag Manager?
11 Do you or the client have access privileges to Google Search Console?
12 Do you or the client have access privileges to Google Analytics?
13 Is Google Search Console connected?
14 Does Google Search Console have data?
15 Is Google Analytics connected?
16 Does Universal Google Analytics have data?
17 Is there more than one UA profile?
18 Has Google Analytics 4 been set up?
19 Does Google Analytics 4 have data?
18 Are AMP pages being tracked in a separate Google Analytics property?

>> Crawling-related (mostly) | robots.txt | GSC | sitemaps | internal search | JS |

# Thing to check
1 Is there a robots.txt file?
2 Are crawlers or search engine crawlers being blocked in the robots.txt file?
3 Are paginated URLs being blocked in robots.txt?
4 Are JavaScript files being blocked in robots.txt?
5 Does the robots.txt file disallow parametised URLs?
6 Are there any host status problems reported in Search Console crawl stats?
7 Is there evidence that Google has stopped crawling the website in Search Console crawl stats?
8 Are there crawl requests being made for "refresh" purposes in Search Console crawl stats?
9 Are there crawl requests being made for "discovery" purposes in Search Console crawl stats?
10 According to Search Console crawl stats, have HTML files been crawled in the last 72-hours?
11 Does the website have a sitemap?
12 Is the sitemap XML or HTML?
13 Is the sitemap index URL(s) referenced in the robots.txt file?
14 How many URLs are in the sitemap?
15 Are there more than 1000 URLs in a sitemap?
16 Are non-indexable URLS in the sitemap?
17 Are there URLs that are blocked in robots.txt that are found in the sitemap?
18 Have sitemaps been submitted to Google Search Console?
19 Has Google Search Console processed the submitted sitemap(s)?
20 Can internal search URLs be crawled?
21 Are any redirects done via JavaScript?
22 Are redirects being done client-side via meta refresh?
23 Does the website have pagination?
24 Have paginated URLs been included in the sitemap(s)?
25 Are there any internal links not wrapped by an <a> tag?

>> Rendering

# Thing to check
Is there a trend of increasing "Submitted URL seems to be a soft 404" in Search Console index
coverage errors?
2 What theme is being used?
3 Are there known issues with this theme?
4 Does the website use a pagebuilder?
5 Does the pagebuilder have known issues?
6 Is lazy loading applied to above-the-fold images?
7 Does the primary navigation menu load when JavaScript is disabled?
8 Is all the body content visible when JavaScript is disabled?

>> Indexing-related (mostly)

# Thing to check
1 Does the website rank in the top 2 positions when searching for the brand name in Google?
2 Does http redirect to https?
3 Is the site www or non-www?
4 If www by default, does non-www redirect to www?
5 If non-www by default, does www redirect to non-www?
6 Do URLs end with a trailing slash or non-trailing slash?
7 If URLs have a trailing slash by default, do URLs without trailing slash redirect to trailing slash?
If URLs do not have a trailing slash by default, do URLs with a trailing slash redirect to non-trailing
9 Are there orphaned URLs in the sitemap?
10 Are there 301 URLs in the sitemap?
11 Are there 404 URLs in the sitemap?
12 How are sitemaps generated on the website?
13 Do any of the sitemaps in Google Search Console show errors?
14 Are there errors reported in Search Console index coverage?
15 Are these errors expected?
16 Are there URLs marked as "Submitted URL blocked by robots.txt in Search Console index coverage?
17 Are valid URLs reported in Search Console index coverage?
Are there an increasing number of URLs reported as "Indexed not submitted in sitemap" in Search
Console index coverage?
19 Are there excluded URLs reported in Search Console index coverage?
Is there an increasing trend of "Crawled - currently not indexed" URLs in Search Console index
Is there an increasing trend of "Discovered - currently not indexed" URLs in Search Console index
22 Is there an increasing trend o0f "Excluded by noindex tag" URLs in Search Console index coverage?
Is there an increasing trend of "Duplicate without user-selected canonical" URLs in Search Console
Is therecoverage?
an increasing trend of "Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user" URLs in
Search Console index coverage?
25 Is there an increasing trend of "Page with redirect" URLs in Search Console index coverage?
In Search Console Search Performance, are clicks trending up, down or staying steady in the last 16-
In Search Console Search Performance, are impressions trending up, down or staying steady in the
last 16-months?
28 Are there non-indexable URLs?
29 Should these URLs be set as noindex?
30 Are there 301/302 redirections in place?
31 Are these redirections correct?
32 Are there internal links pointing to 404 or 301 URLs?
33 Are there redirect chains?
34 Do URLs have canonicals set?
35 Are the canonical tags correct?
36 Are internal search URLs indexable?
37 Does the website have internal links pointing towards URLs generated by internal search?
38 How many indexable URLs does the website have?
39 How may URLs are indexed on Google?
40 How many URLs are not indexed on Google?
41 How many low content pages exist?
42 Does a site: operator search show paginated URLs in the search results?
43 Are all paginated series indexable?
44 Are paginated URLs being canonicalized to a "view all" page?
45 Are paginated URLs being canonicalized to a root page?
46 Do internal links to paginated pages use "rel=nofollow" attribute?
47 Do pages that don't exist return a 404 or 200 HTTP status code response?
48 Have URLs been submitted to Search Console removal tool?
49 Does faceted navigation create indexable URLs?
50 Does a site: operator search show parametised URLs in the search results?
51 Do all pages have a h1?
52 Are there empty h1 tags?
53 Is there more than one h1 per URL?
54 Are title links the same as h1?
55 Can title links have different text as the h1?
56 Are Wordpress tags being used?
57 Are Wordpress tags indexable?
58 Do Wordpress tags have canonical URLs?
59 Are Wordpress categories being used?
60 Are Wordpress categories pages indexable?
61 Do Wordpress categories have canonical URLs
62 Are URLs with parametised URLs indexable?
63 Does the business have permanently discontinued products?
64 Can these URLs be reused or repurpused?
65 Do permanently discontinued product URLs return a 301, 404 or 410 HTTP status code?
66 Have permanently discontinued product URLs been marked as noindex?
67 If a 301 redirect exists, do they point to a relevant or irrelevant URL?
68 Does the website have product detail pages (PDPs) that are temporarily unavailable?
69 Do temporarily unavailable PDPs return a HTTP 200 OK status code?
70 Do temporarily unavailable PDPs inform users when the produce will be available again?
71 Do temporarily unavailable PDPs have Offer Product Schema markup?
72 Is AMP being used?
73 Was AMP used in the past?
74 Do non-AMP URLs reference to the AMP version using "link-rel=amphtml" attribute?
75 Do AMP URLs canonicalise to the non-AMP version?

>> International SEO

# Thing to check
1 Is the website multilingual, multi-regional, or both?
2 Does the website use a geo-redirect?
3 Is hreflang being used?
4 How is hreflang being used on the website?
5 Are all hreflang tags self-referencing?
6 Are all hreflang tags bidirectional?
7 Are the correct ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 formats being used?
8 Has an x-default hreflang attribute been set?
9 Are hreflang tags using absolute URLs or relative URLs?
10 Is there a separate canonical tag and hreflang tag or have they been combined?
11 Does the website's language encoding match hreflang designation?
12 Is there more than one URL provided for a hreflang value?

>> Ranking

# Thing to check
1 Do important product category pages have a crawl depth greater than 2 clicks from the homepage?
2 Do primary keyword URLs have a crawl depth greater than 4 clicks from the homepage?
Do important service URLs have descriptive anchor text internal links pointing to them from multiple
Do important product category pages have descriptive anchor text internal links pointing to them from
multiple URLs?
Do primary keyword URLs have descriptive anchor text internal links pointing to them from multiple
6 Do important service URLs have a crawl depth greater than 2 clicks from the homepage?
7 How many pages are not mobile-friendly?
8 Do any 404 URLs have referring domains linking to them?
9 Have these 404 URLs been 301 redirected?
10 Do the pages with the most traffic link to other important URLs?
11 Do internal links have descriptive anchor text that conveys what the target URL is about?
12 Do internal links use a variety of keyword-rich anchor text?
13 Do any internal links have rel=nofollow attribute?
14 Are years, months and dates used in subfolders?
15 Are years, months and dates used in URL slugs?
16 Do ranking URLs have rich results?
17 Do FAQPage rich results have internal links?
18 Can FAQPage or HowTo rich results be added to existing ranking URLs?

>> Other technical SEO incl. UX

# Thing to check
1 Does the site load via https protocol?
2 Is HSTS enabled?
3 Does the webite have a staging environment?
4 Has the staging environment been indexed by Google?
5 Is the staging environment indexable?
6 Are there internal links pointing to the staging environment?
7 Does the staging environment have password protection?
8 Are there plugins that have not been updated?
9 Is the active theme up-to-date?
10 Is the version of Wordpress up-to-date?
11 Does running a crawl on the site cause browsing on the website to become significantly slower?
12 Does running a crawl on the site cause 5XX status codes?
13 Is there an SEO plugin installed?
14 What SEO plugin is being used?
15 How many plugins are installed?
16 Are there images over 750KB in filesize?
17 Are there images exceeding 1MB in filesize?
18 Do internal links use absolute URLs or relative URLs?
Method Instructions Response Triage
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A N/A
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
manual check in-browser N/A N/A
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
ask the client N/A #NAME?
Google Search Console N/A #NAME?
Google Search Console N/A #NAME?
Google Analytics N/A #NAME?
Google Analytics N/A #NAME?
manual check in-browser N/A #NAME?
Google Analytics N/A #NAME?
Google Analytics N/A #NAME?
Google Analytics N/A #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

manual check in-browser link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
manual check in-browser link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
manual check in-browser link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
manual check in-browser link #NAME?
manual check in-browser link N/A
manual check in-browser link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link N/A
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

Google Search Console #NAME?
manual check in-browser N/A
not applicable #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
not applicable #NAME?
Lighthouse #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

manual check in-browser #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
manual check in-browser N/A
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb link #NAME?
manual check in-browser link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
not applicable #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console link #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
not applicable #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
not applicable #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb N/A
Screaming Frog with GSC API N/A
Screaming Frog with GSC API N/A
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb N/A
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
ask the client #NAME?
ask the client #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
ask the client #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog with GSC API N/A
Ahrefs #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Google Rich Results tester #NAME?
not applicable #NAME?

Method Instructions Response Triage

manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
ask the client #NAME?
Google Search Console #NAME?
SEO Pro Extension #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
manual check in-browser #NAME?
manual check in-browser N/A
manual check in-browser #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?
Screaming Frog / Sitebulb #NAME?

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