CE602 HGE Module C-Conv

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N © Website: www.algate wordpress.com All Rights Reserved @ PB Page: hups://erww-facebook.com/calgare © _ bteps:/ /awww.youtube.com//¢/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS MODULE E| 4 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. M Emails calgare@mailcom HGE Relative Density DENSEST CONDITION CONDITION maximum and minimum dry unit weight in KN/m/S that the sand can have. ANSWERS: Ymoist = 18.17KN/m V dry pax = 19.58KN/m? Yary min = 13-40KN/m? Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the TICALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. N © Website: wwnw.ealqare. wordpress.com Alll Rights Reserved @ FB Page: bupss/ /wwwefaccbook.com/ealqare 1m /¢/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS E| 4 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. M Ena: calgare@mailcom © _hetps//www.youtu HGE MODULE C Soil Compaction: ‘+ In the construction of highway embankments, earth dams, and many other engineering structures, loose soils must be compacted to increase their unit weights. ‘* Compaction increases the strength characteristics of soils, which increase the bearing capacity of foundations constructed over them. ‘+ Compaction also decreases the amount of undesirable settlement of structures and increases the stability of slopes of embankments. Principle of Compaction * Compaction, in general, is the densification of soil by re ‘mechanical energy. The degree of compaction of a soi dry unit weight. ‘© When water is added to the soil during compa ing agent on. the soil particles. The soil particles slip ove packed position. The dry unit weight moisture content increases Y © When the moisture content is compactive effort is used for compaction, in @ unit volume gradually increases. © However, th (t= wy , any increase in the moisture content eight. This phenomenon occurs because the water ould have been occupied by the solid particles. The h the maximum dry unit weight is attained is generally um moisture content, i i ae 5 é Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the ZICALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. E HGE + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. ia Bra ltiaateate fied All Rights Reserved 2 FB Page: hips /wow-facebook.com/calgare © _bteps://www.youtube.com/e/DActNGINEERNGTUTORIALS MODULE C A. (Laboratory) Compaction Methods Standard Proctor Compaction * In the Proctor test, the soil is compacted in a mold that has a volume of 944 cm? (& f°). The diameter of the mold is 101.6 mm (4 in). # During the laboratory test, the mold is attached to a baseplate at the bottom and to an extension at the top. The soil is mixed with varying amo compacted in three equal layers by a hammer that delivers(25 blows to each layer. ‘The hammer has a mass of 2.5 kg (5.5 Ib) and has a droy . Designation -698 (ASTM, 2014) and AASHTO Test Designati 2). * For each test, the moist unit weight of compacti w Vm = volume of the mol * For each test, the moisture content of the compacted soil is determined in the laboratory. With the known moisture content, the dry unit weight can be calculated as: _ y re Tw) where: w(%) = percentage of moisture content Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve asa practice problem forthe 31 ALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. M Ei: eatate@gmailcom + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. © Webs ‘cal 7 ebsite: ww calgare-wordpress.com E| Alll Rights Reserved PB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebookcom/ealare © _httpss//Awww.youtube.com/c/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS HGE MODULE C * The values of yy determined from the equation above can be plotted against the corresponding moisture contents to obtain the maximum dry unit weight and the optimum moisture content for the soil. theoretical maximum dry unit weight is obtained ‘aces—that is, when the degree of saturation equals dry unit weight at a given moisture content with zero by substituting $ = 1. pasate Yo jeav T+ WG, ee wc where: Yay = zero air void unit weight in the variation of yqy with moisture content, use the ff. procedure: a. Determine the specific gravity of soil solids, b. Know the unit weight of water yy. Assume several values of w, such as 5%, 10%, 15%, and so on. d. Calculate the Yeqy for various values of w. Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the AIL CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. N © Website wwwreagare wordpresscom All Rights Reserved FB Page: hips: Jaren facebook com eagare © _bttps:/ / www.youtube.com /¢/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS HGE MODULE C E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. © Ennis calgare@mailcom © The figure above shows the variation of yzqy with moisture content and its relative location with respect to the compaction curve. Under no circumstances should any part of the compaction curve lie to the right of the zero-air-void curve. Effect of Compaction Effort: ‘The compaction energy per unit volume used for the standard Proctor test can be given as: ‘Number /Number\\ _/ Weight ofbiows}x{ of | x ew Aperlayer/ \ tyers ‘Volume of or,in ST units, ‘same mold is used avolume 944 layers by a hammer that has a mass of 4.54 ris 457 mm (18 in.). The number of hammer asin the case of the standard Proctor test. M ‘Test Designation D-1557 and AASHTO Test ses the compactive effort, the Modified Proctor test results in an xximum dry unit weight of the soil. The increase in the maximum unit weight is accompanied by a decrease in the optimum moisture content. B. (Field) Compaction Method The Sand Cone Method ‘+ The sand cone device consists of a glass or plastic jar with a metal cone attached at its top. The jar is filled with uniform dry Ottawa sand. Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the SICALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. All Rights Reserved PB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebookcom/ealgare © _bteps://www.youtube.com/e/DAcENGINEERNGTUTORIALS E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. PE daar gaman rn HGE MODULE ‘+ The combined weight of the jar, the cone, and the sand filling the jar is determined (Whtets)- ‘* In the field, a small hole is excavated in the area where the soil has been compacted. ‘* Ifthe weight of the moist soil excavated from the hole (Wer soit) is determined and the moisture w content of the excavated soil is known, the dry weight of the soil (Wary sous) can be obtained as: Wet sot Wary son = Pees « After excavation of the hole, the cone with the fille to it is inverted and placed over the hole Sand is all ill the hole and the cone. action Test was carried out on a clayey sand in a cylindrical e of 944 cm}, The specific gravity of the soil grains is 2.68. The moisture co the mass of the six compacted specimens are given below. 1776 1890 2006 © 2024 = 20051977 ‘Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the BICALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. 2 ENGR, DARIO A. CALAGUE, JR. al was ecacewooena All Rights Reserved 2 EB Page: https:/ /www-facebook.com/calgare © _bueps//wwwrjoutube.com /¢/ DACENGINEERINGTLTORIALS HGE MODULE Using the compaction test data determine the optimum moisture content and the maximum dry unit weight. ANSWERS: Optimum moisture content = 10% Ans. Maximum dry unit weight = 19.1 KN/m* Ans. Example: The volume of mold is 1/30 cubic ft. Given'the weightof compacted moist soil in proctor mold corresponding to its water content as tabulated below Need Re ase 10% 3.78 Ibs. 12% 4.01 Ibs. 14% 4.14 Ibs 16% 4.12 bs 18% 4.01 Ibs 20% 3.90 Ibs Detetinine the following: 1. Max. Dry density unitweight of compaction 2, Optimumsoisture content 3. Percent compaction in the field if the sample at the field has wet unit weight of 135 pcf, specifie gravity of 2.65 and a moisture content of 11% ANSWERS: Optimum moisture content = 13.8% Maximum dry unit weight = 108.92pef 5a fie R= Atel — 99.98% Smax.iad ‘Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the 71 LARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. 2 ENGR, DARIO A. GALAQUE, JR. iat wane eeaacomenal All Rights Reserved @ PB Page: hups://erww-facebook.com/calgare 2 _btps:/ ww. youtube com/c/DACINGINEERINGTUTORILS HGE MODULE C MOVEMENT OF WATER THROUGH SOIL WATER MOVEMENT IN SOIL } crops Root Zone Soil Water Pidgeteic Water lmpermeable Layer Interna! Water Bottom Line O exons Soiiiater, (Root Z8ne) intermediare Water Land Surface CapPiary Fringe Water Phreatic Water (Ground water) A Impermeable)bayer Internal Water Bottormines Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the for the calculation of the given reviewees. Always refer to our live discussi problem. Do not share module without the per mn of the owner. Intermediate Wate Ground Water tate Capillary Fringe Waker Zone of A (Unsaturated Soil Zone) (Vadose Zone) Zone of Saturation (Tension-Saturated Zone) (Phreatic Zone) Zone of Rock Flowage BICA QaR E| 2 ENGR, DARIO A. GALAQUE, JR. ist wane eeaacomnaal All Rights Reserved EB Page: https:/ /www.facebook.com/calgare © _httpss//www.youtube.com /c/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS HGE MODULE C Son Wi [Root Zone) (Wnsarurated Buspended Soil Zon © Caoilan rina ar (Vadose Zone) Ground Water More operatic Gracsonsare Zone [Prreat Zone satic Water water) © permeable Internal Watgag Bottom Line Transpiration \_ Evapotranspiration Evaporation Root Extraction ‘Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve asa practice problem forthe 91 CAL GARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the per of the owner. © Website: www.ealqare. wordpress.com E| 2 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. M renal cagate@zmaicom Alll Rights Reserved e brepsi//awww. youtube.com /e/ DACENGINEERD HGE MODULE C How fast the water moves through the soil pore or fracture network of the soil)? Hydraulic Condilbsjvity, K Infiltration | L Deep Pepéoiatn Capillary. :s% Gy ovate RECRa? 9c Soil Permeability Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 10 CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. FB Page: htps://avww.facehook.com /ealqare All Rights Reserved @ FB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebookcom/ealqare © _bteps://www.youtube.com/e/DActNGINEERNGTUTORIALS E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. PE lkdiaaprgincan: sari HGE MODULE C SOIL PERMEABILITY A linear relationship between velocity and hydraulic gradient. vei 1856 Darcy published a simple equation for the discharge velocity through saturated soils vaki Discharge velocity > Quantity of water flowi it gross cross-sectional area of soil at right an; > Does not account * Size of double layer (clay type) Hydraulic Gradient Head loss per unit length is: An hy Tere aED Note: Sample problems presented inthis module serve asa practice problem forthe 12 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. 2 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. SF eae All Rights Reserved FB Page: hnps://arew facebook com eagare HGE MODULE C where: i = hydraulic gradient Ah = head loss between points of interest L = distance between points of interest Hydraulic Conductivity Hydraulic Conductivity Kr Tabla 6.1 Typical values of hydraulic conductity a forsturated ih eceeea Ses nceraeee em At OS Homan ore 0041 X= absolute pomesbity (2) Course sand 10-001 = dono as Five sand 01-0001 = gavtatona constant sity ey on-oexxnt viscosly of id a= Unt weight of fig Seepage velocity v, = kin > Seepage velocity is significantly greater than the Datcy’s discharge velocity. > Seepage velocity is an avetage velocity through the pore voids - Higher velocities will occur i small poré throats - Low velocities in large pore throats Laboratory Measurenient of Hydraulic Conductivity Two of the many types of equipment for measuring permeability: 1) Constant-Head/Permeameter 2) Variable-Head Perincameter Constant Head Test Falling Head Test a = fore task EA SMe ton) ‘cmowenenaeet Sette mae oL ‘ssslaaure cm sea oe Aht oe Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve asa practice problem forthe 12 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. oo All Rights Reserved PB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebookcom/ealgare © _bteps://www.youtube.com/e/DactNGINEERNGTLTORIALS HGE MODULE C Falling Head Test Falling Head Test *Well pump test *Permeameter “Borehole packer test K - Relations for Granular Soils Recommend measuring K in the lab or in the field if it is critical. K field measurement methods: Bail test Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 13 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. N © Website: www.algare wordpress.com All Rights Reserved PB Page: hupsi//enww-facebook.com/calgare © _btepss/ /awww.youtube.com//¢/DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. M Emails calgare@mailcom HGE MODULE PAST CE BOARD EXAM: What is the permeability of a permeameter having an area of 1.19 sq. ft. with a flow of water of 0.336 cu. ft. in O.4hr, and the loss in hydraulic head flowing through ft. of soil is 2.4ft. ANSWER: 3.53in/hr PAST CE BOARD EXAM: Calculate for the measurement of the permeability of a clay lini |,as the following values were obtained: a= 0.26 sq. in A= 153.20 sq. in. t =62hr. L=5.16 in. hu = 66.1 in, he = 59.1 in, ANSWER: 1.6 x 10“ in/hr. PAST CE BOARD EXAM: What is the velocity (ft/year) a n 1000 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. of an unconfined ground soil overlying a compact clay. Flow distance is 100eet. hydraulic conductivity, k of 3.8x10~ ft. per sec. Assume Ee Compact Clay of Low Permeability =u ANSWERS: 19.84ft/sec Q = 0.076ft3/s Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 14 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. 4 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. Alll Rights Reserved HGE M Email: cagare@gmaileom © Website: wwwecalgare wordpress.com 2 FB Page: beps//arew: facebook com/ealgare htps:/ /www.youtube.com /e/ DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS. MODULE C Sample Problem: For a given flood control, levee system as shown 120m Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the = 15|CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. E| 2 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. a Br liane All Rights Reserved ¢ PB Page: hups://erww-fscebook.com/calgare © _btps:/ ww: youtube.com/c/DACINGINEERINGTUTORILS HGE MODULE C PAST CE BOARD EXAM: From the figure shown, the thickness of a permeable soil layer is 1-1m making an angle of 14degrees with the horizontal. Direction off Seepage right angles to the cross-section shown /m. Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem for the 16 |CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. All Rights Reserved PB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebookcom/ealgare © _bteps://www.youtube.com/e/DActNGINEERNGTUTORIALS E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. oo HGE MODULE STRATIFIED SOIL Sample Problem: Determine the equivalent coefficient of permeability for flow in: a. Horizontal direction b, Vertical direction ANSWERS: Ky eq = 0.10mm/s Keq = 0.00069mm/s Sample Problem: For a given soil profile o} Determine the following: a, Equivalent coefficient of permeability i ion of canal. b, Equivalent coefficient of perme i 1n the bottom of canal. Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 17 |CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. All Rights Reserved PB Page: hups:/ /www-fucebook.com/ealgare © _bteps//www.youtube.com/e/DactNGINEERNGTUTORIALS E| 2 ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. a Br liiaatinaie: amie HGE MODULE C HYDROSTATIC FORCE, F F = yhAwee = Pe.gAwet Where: y = unit weight of liquid used h=vertical distance of the centroid from the water surface Ayet = cross-sectional area of the object submerged Pcq= overburden pressure at the centroid of the object submerged Location of center of pressure to center of gravity, e Ig ay 1,= moment of inertia with respect to center of gravity e For Irregular Shape, make use of Varignon’s Theo: Fy» = YAO») Where: y)= location of center of pressure Technique: Just focus on the submerged C.G = location of center of gravity (whole Bo = location of buoyant force PAST BOARD EXAM: A square plate having, jerse in a water surface ina vertical position such that the be horizontal in order that the center of the pressure 8a gravity. a) How al id the upper plate be submerged? b) Whatis pressure from the water surface? ° i ‘acting on the plate at this position. A cubical box 1.50m on each edge has its base horizontal and is half filled with water. The remainder of the box is filled with air under a gage pressure of 82kpa. One of the vertical sides is hinged at the top and is free to swing inwards. This box is submerged at a certain depth below the water surface. To what depth can the top of this box be submerged in an open fresh water without allowing any water to enter? ANSWER: h = 7.67m Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 18 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner. © Website: wuw.ealqare. wordpress.com E| + ENGR. DARIO A. CALAQUE, JR. IM mai: calare@gmaiicom Alll Rights Reserved @ FB Page: bupss/ /wwwefaccbook.com/ealqare © _https:/ /www.youtube.com/e/ DACENGINEERINGTUTORIALS HGE MODULE C PAST BOARD EXAM: The triangular gate in the figure shown weighs 1000kgs, what force F is needed to lift the gate. ANSWE! TABM kgs PAST BOARD EXAM: A veftical platé\shown isSubmerged in vinegar having a specific gravity = 0.80, Assume a. Find the depth of the center of pressure of section Al from the liquid surface. b. Find the magnitude of the hydrostatic force on one side of the plate c. Find the depth of the center of pressure of the whole section from the liquid surface, ANSWER: Py = P; + P; = 1344KN & he = 655m Note: Sample problems presented in this module serve as a practice problem forthe 19 | CALQARE reviewees. Always refer to our live discussion for the calculation of the given problem. Do not share module without the permission of the owner.

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