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Classification of criminal

Crime is the violation of established rules of the society and the violator is considered
criminal. Almost behind every crime weaker personality is there, so personality orientation is
a very important fact in the classification of criminals. The classification of criminal is as
1. Legalistic Criminals: These are those criminals who commit the crime due to
unawareness or unjust law enforcement. Other wise these people are normal citizens of
the society with normal personality. These criminals usually commit criminal act like
violation of Traffic rules, non payment of Govt bills. Crimes are directed to get some
economical benefits. Not against individual.
2. Moralistic Criminals: These are those criminals who indulge in anti social activates
generally on individual basis, These criminals usually committed offences like gambling ,
adultery, and prostitutions homosexual activates etc.
3. Psychopathic Criminals: These are those people who can not adjust and control their
behavior in defined manner, These people are mentally disturb and facing mental
problems like complexes , phobias , acute depression, suicidal thoughts , aggressive
behavior due to emotional problems and maladjustment due to social cultural
environment, These types of criminal generally found in highly urbanized industrialized
countries. The rate of suicidal act is high among those people.
4. Institutional criminals: These are not professional criminals and adopt this criminal act
form their institutions. People form middle or high class usually commit such crime.
Criminal act like income tax fraud, business tricks or professional cheating and other
similar like frauds are the examples of institutional crimes. Generally these people are
called white Collar criminals. Their crime is directed towards property and institution
rather than individuals. These are the normal and intelligent people of the society for
example Doctors, Businessmen, Engineers etc.
5. Situational Criminal: These are the normal and law abiding citizens at the society, in
certain occasion when they have unique experience of unfavorable social situations in
which the emotionally involved, they commit the crime. In such situation they
emotionally disturb and due to their disturbance they can not control on their actions,
Situation like elopement of wife with other person, makes the husband mentally disturb
and the commits the murder, similarly murders in self defense etc are the cases. Taking
revenge also in most cased directed towards individuals.
6. Habitual Criminals: These are those people who due to their social environment and
financial crises become slaves of such habits, which are considered against the rules, and
regulations of the society, these acts include mostly addiction like heroin, opium, vine
chars etc. Drinking among high class people is also an example to shoe their status.
7. Professional Criminals: These are those people who develop the philosophy of
criminals in their lives and adopt it as a profession or full time job. These people are
specialized in various techniques of crimes and always try to adopt new and modern
techniques. These are very dangerous for the stability of society and for an ordinary man.
Professional killers, robbers, smugglers etc are the example of such criminals, these are
less organized as compare to organized criminals and pre planning is there on a small
scale, the crimes are usually directed towards both the property and individual/institution.
8. Organized Criminals: When the professional criminals organized themselves and form
a group or gang under some one supervision and control to create a suitable and favorable
atmosphere to carry on their criminal activates in a successful manner, these are called
organized criminals. These criminals commit the crimes in an organized way with proper
planning, big smugglers mafia, groups, and Qubza groups. Timber mafia etc, are like the
examples of such criminals. The crime is directed toward individual’s property and
institution. These criminals have contact with the high ups of various institutions and
agencies and get full assistance form them during the commission of crime and give
portion of their earning to them.

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