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Tanabata holiday

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Form 11B
Japanese holiday Tanabata which is
also called “the festival of starts” is
held on 7 July. It it’s a time for
people when their dreams come true.
Preparation begin weeks in advance. Japanese
make a colorful paper called “tanzaka” and
write their biggest dreams. For example: “I
want to become rich”, “ I want to find my love”
Also people decorate their homes with
bright paper composition of traditional
Japanese characters.
On Tanabata day colorful paper strips
“tanzaka” are attached to bamboo sticks and
it gets a traditional decoration called “sasy “.
These “sasy” could be seen everywhere: in every
house, shop and in the streets of many cities.
Also clean paper strips could be found in many
places for people to write their own dreams.
People wear traditional clothes and a lot of
parades are taken place in the center of the cities.
And at the end of the day the holiday is closed by
the fireworks.
It is also believed that if the day of
celebration is rainy, you will wait for
your dream for over a year.
Tanabata is an exciting holiday,
which is rich in traditions and full
of happiness.

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