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About this document: online math test 2020b for CHR, CPQM, CEST(Materials Science) and CDISE

Authors: Sergei Boronin (CHR), Mikhail Skvortsov (CPQM), Andriy Zhugayevych (CEST), Nikolay
Yavich (CDISE), Dmitry Yarotsky (CDISE)


1. Find derivative with respect to x of the function f (x) = arcsin2 x for 0 < x < 1

2 arcsin x
◦ p
(x − 1)x

arcsin x
◦ p
2 (x − 1)x

arcsin x
• p
−(x − 1)x

2 arcsin x
◦ p
−(x − 1)x

arcsin x
◦ √
Solution (3 min):

Z1 √
2. Find the definite integral x3/2 e x

• 6(3e − 8)

◦ 6(3e + 8)

◦ 2(3e − 8)

◦ 4(3e + 8)

◦ 4(3e − 8)
Z1 √ √  √ 
Solution (7 min): x3/2 e x
dx = e x
−8x3/2 + 2x2 + 24x − 48 x + 48 + const

sin(x)(cos( x) − 1)
3. Find the following limit: lim
x→0 x2

• −
◦ 1

◦ −1

◦ −2

Solution (5 min): Expand into Taylor series

p √
4. Calculate partial derivative with respect to y of the function f (x, y) = cos (πxy) x2 + y 2 ex y at x = −1,

• 0
◦ −√
◦ √

◦ − 2

◦ 2
√ p √
∂f √ p xex y x2 + y 2 cos(πxy) yex y cos(πxy)
Solution (5 min): = −πxex y x2 + y 2 sin(πxy) + √ + p = /x =
∂y 2 y x2 + y 2
−1, y = 1/ = 0

5. Find the first five terms (up to x4 ) of the Taylor series expansion around x = 0 of the function f (x) = esin x

x2 x4
◦ 1+ + + O(x6 )
2 6
x2 x4
◦ 1+ − + O(x6 )
2 6
◦ 1 + x2 − + O(x6 )
◦ 1 + x2 + + O(x6 )
• 1 + x2 + + O(x6 )
x4 11x6
Solution (5 min): f (x) = 1 + x2 + − + O(x8 )
6 90
6. At what α > 0 does the function f (x, y) = xy/(x2 + y 2 )α solve the equation (∂x2 + ∂y2 )f = 0

◦ 1/2

◦ 1

◦ 3/2

• 2

◦ 5/2

Solution (10 min):

7. Let g(x) = sin[1 − exp(−x)]. Calculate the coefficient in front of x2 in the Taylor expansion of g(g(x)) at

◦ -2

• -1

◦ 0

◦ 1

◦ 2

Solution (10 min):

8. Determine the area enclosed by the parametrically given curve (x, y) = (sin t, cos3 t), with 0 ≤ t < 2π

◦ 2π/3

• 3π/4

◦ π

◦ 4π/3

◦ 3π/2

Solution (10 min):

Differential equations

9. Determine type of the differential equation ux − uy = xyu2 + uxx

◦ ordinary differential equation

• partial differential equation

◦ first order differential equation

◦ linear differential equation with constant coefficients

◦ linear nonhomogeneous differential equation

◦ nonlinear homogeneous differential equation

Solution (2 min):

10. Write general solution of the differential equation y 000 + a2 y 00 + a0 y = 0

◦ A cos(λ1 x) + B sin(λ2 x)

◦ Aeλ1 x + Beλ2 x

◦ Axλ1 + Bxλ2

• Aeλ1 x + Beλ2 x + Ceλ3 x

◦ Axλ1 + Bxλ2 + Cxλ3

◦ explicit algebraic/trigonometric form does not exist

Solution (2 min):

11. Solve the differential equation 2xy 0 + y = 5x2

◦ Cx1/2 + x2

• Cx−1/2 + x2

◦ Cx−2 + x2

◦ Cx1/2 − x2

◦ Cx−1/2 − x2

◦ Cx−2 − x2

Solution (10 min): can be checked by substitution

12. For the equation 2xy 0 + y = 5x2 determine y(2) if y(1) = 1

◦ -2

◦ -1

◦ 0

◦ 1

◦ 2

• 4

Solution (10 min): y(x) = x2

Linear algebra

3 −2
13. Let A = . Find A−1
−5 3
3 2

5 3
−3 −2

−5 −3
3 −2

−5 3
−3 2

5 −3
◦ None of the above

Solution (2 min): Use the formula with the determinant/adjugate matrix or elementary row operations

14. Let A, B, and C be n × n invertible matrices. Simplify the expression A3 (B−2 A2 )−1 C3 (BC3 )−1 B3

• AB4

◦ A4 B

◦ AC4

◦ BC4

◦ None of the above

Solution (5 min): Need to remember the fact, that (AB)−1 = B−1 A−1
15. Let A be a 4×4 real matrix. Characterize its determinant given det(3 AAT ) = 81, where AT is the
transpose matrix

◦ 0

• 1 or -1

◦ 2 or -2

◦ 1 or 2

◦ None of the above

Solution (5 min): The expression simplifies to 81(det A)2 = 81, thus the answer is 1 or -1.

 
6 −3 −9
16. Let A =  4 −2 −6 . Find the largest eigenvalue of A6
2 −1 −3
◦ 0

• 1

◦ 2

◦ 6

◦ None of the above

Solution (10 min): The characteristic polynomial of A is p(x) = −x3 + x2 , thus the eigenvalues are 0, 0, and
1. Rising the largest to the fourth power, we conclude that the answer is 1.

 
1 −1 −1 0
 0 −1 5 3 
17. Let A =  . Find det(A2020 )
 0 0 1 −1 
0 0 0 2
◦ -1

◦ 0

◦ 1

• 22020

◦ None of the above

Solution (10 min): Since det(A) = −2 (triangular matrix!), the answer is 22020 .


18. Suppose we toss a fair coin 7 times. What is the probability that we get 4 heads and 3 tails (in any order)?
Present the result in the form a/b with integer a, b.
Solution (5 min): 35/128
(found as 73 /27 ).
19. Let X be a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval [−1, 2]. Find the variance of X. Present
the result in the form a/b with integer a, b.
Solution (5 min): 3/4
R 3/2
Var(X) = 31 −3/2 x2 dx = 34 .

20. Given two random events A and B, suppose that P(A) = 12 , P(A|B) = 15 , and P(A ∪ B) = 1. Find P(B|A).
Solution (10 min): 1/4
Let x = P(AB). Then P(B) = P(A|B) = 5x. Then P(BA) = P(B) − P(AB) = 5x − x = 4x. On the other
1 1/2
hand, since P(A ∪ B) = 1, we have P(BA) = P(A) = 1 − P(A) = 1 − 2 = 12 . It follows that x = 4 = 18 . Then
P(B|A) = P(AB) 1/8 1
P(A) = 1/2 = 4 .

21. Let X be a random variable with the probability density function

2e−2x , x ≥ 0
pX (x) = ,
0, x<0

and Y be an independent random variable with the probability density function

3e−3y , y ≥ 0
pY (y) = .
0, y<0

Find the probability P(Y > X). Present the result in the form a/b with integer a, b.
Solution (10 min): 2/5

Z ∞ Z ∞
P(Y > X) = pX (x) pY (y)dxdy
Z ∞ Z x∞
= 2e−2x 3e−3y dxdy
Z0 ∞ x
−2x −3x
= 2e e dx
= 52 .

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