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Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department, Secretariat, Chennai-600 009. Phone No: 044 - 2566 5503 Email Id: dated 12.12.2023 From Thiru. M.S.Rajesh, M.Com., Deputy Secretary to Government. To The Chairman & Managing Director, ~ Poompuhar Shipping Corporation Limited, Chennai-35. (w.e) The Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Tamil Nadu Maritime Board, Chennai-28. (w.e) The Project Director, Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project -l, Chennai -28. (w.e) The Director General, Highways Department, Chennai- 25. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (C&M), Highways Department, Chennai- 25. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (National Highways), Highways Department, Chennai-26. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (Metro), Highways Department, Chennai-26. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (Projects), Highways Department, Chennai-26. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (H), Chennai Kanniyakumari Industrial Corridor Project, _ Chennai -25. (w.e) The Director, Highways Research Station, Chennai-25. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (Planning, Designs & Investigation), Highways Department, Chennai-25. (w.e) The Chief Engineer (NABARD & Rural Roads), Highways Department, Chennai-25. (w.e) The Executive Director, Tamil Nadu Road Infrastructure Development Corporation, Chennai-2. (w.e) The Chief General Manager, Tamil Nadu Road Development Company, Chennai -28. (w.e) Sir/Madam, Sub: Announcement — Implementation of the announcement made on “ Simple Gov’ on the fioor of the Legislative Assembly on 21.06.2021 - Formation of Screening Committee, Empowered Committee and Project Management Unit — Orders - Issued -Regarding. Ref: G.0.(Ms) No. 105, Human Resources Management (AR.II) ) Department, dated 28.11.2023. | am directed to enclose a copy of the reference cited for information and necessary action. ne Yours fait oe for ow de ere Copy t | All sections / All Officers, ya1ade Highways and Minor Ports Department, Secretariat, Chennai - 9.(w.e.) SF/SC ‘Announcement Implementation of the announcement made on “Simp! floor of the Legislative Assembly on 21.06.2021 — Formation of Committee, Empowered Committee and Project ‘Management Unit - Orders Issued. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (AR.I) DEPARTMENT G.0.( Ms.) No.105 Dated: 28.11.2023 GeMuAGSI, SISSON 12, HeGjousrenay ayein® - 2054 Read:- 6.0. (D) No.20, Information Technology (B1) Department, dated 13.08.2021 ORDE! During the Governor's Address on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 21.06.2021, the following announcement was made on SimpleGov:-

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