Mtech 1 Sem Lab Practical List

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I Semester
Practical List
1. To implement functions of Dictionary using Hashing (division method, Multiplication
method, Universal hashing)
2. To perform various operations i.e., insertions and deletions on AVL trees
3. To perform various operations i.e., insertions and deletions on 2-3 trees.
4. To implement operations on binary heap.
5. To implement operations on graphs
i) Vertex insertion
ii) Vertex deletion
iii) Finding vertex
iv) Edge addition and deletion
6. To implement Depth First Search for a graph non recursively.
7. To implement Breadth First Search for a graph non recursively.
8. To implement Prim’s algorithm to generate a min-cost spanning tree.
9. To implement Kruskal’s algorithm to generate a min-cost spanning tree.
10. To implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest path in the graph.
11. To implement pattern matching using Boyer-Moore algorithm.
12. To implement Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm for pattern matching.
13. Write a research proposal for your university.
14. Write a review paper.
15. Briefly explain the following:
a. Scopus Indexed Journals
b. Science Citation Index
c. Journal Impact Factor
d. h – Index
e. SJR

Practical List

1. Python program to display details about the operating system, working directory, files
and directories in the current directory, lists the files and all directories, scan and classify
them as directories and files.
2. Python program to convert an array to an array of machine values and vice versa.
3. Python program to get information about the file pertaining to the file mode and to get
time values with components using local time and gm time.
4. Python program to connect to Google using socket programming.
5. Python program to perform Array operations using Numpy package.
6. Python program to perform Data Manipulation operations using Panda’s package.
7. Develop python program for Frequency distributions.
8. Python program to display multiple types of charts using Matplotlib package.
9. Python program to perform File Operation on Excel Data Set.
10. Python program to implement with Python Sci Kit-Learn & NLTK.
11. Python program to implement with Python NLTK/Spicy/Py NLPI.
12. Develop python program for Normal Curves.
13. To implement basic search strategies-8-Puzzle Problem.
14. To implement A* Algorithms.
15. To implement Min-Max Algorithm.

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