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Open University of Mauritius


EXAMINATION FOR: November/December 2020

MODULE : Computational Mathematics [OUbs033112]

DATE : Saturday 12 December 2020

DURATION : 2 Hours


1. This question paper consists of FOUR (4) QUESTIONS.

2. Answer ALL Questions.
3. Always start a new question on a fresh page.
4. Total marks: 100

This question paper contains 4 questions and 6 pages

Page 1 of 6


Given the following system:

x+3y−5z = 2
2x−3z = −5
3x+2y−3z = −1

Solve the system by

i. finding the inverse of the matrix

(10 marks)
ii. using the Gauss-Jordan elimination
(10 marks)
iii. using the Cramer’s rule
(10 marks)


a) In how many different ways can the letters of the word, MAGIC can be formed?
(2 marks)
b) For the above word, how many different types of arrangement are possible so that the
vowels are always together?
(3 marks)

c) If no repetition is not allowed then how many numbers between 2000 and 3000 can be
formed using the digits from 0 to 7?
(5 marks)

Page 2 of 6

a) In a village, power cuts occur randomly at a rate of 3 per year.

Find the probability that in any given year there will be

i. Exactly 7 power cuts,

(2 marks)

ii. At least 4 power cuts

(4 marks)

iii. Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that in the next 10 years the number
of power cuts will be less than 20.

(6 marks)

b) The heights of women follow a normal distribution with mean 160 cm and standard
deviation 10 cm. Find the following:

i. P(X = 150)

(1 mark)

ii. P(X > 170)

(3 marks)

iii. P( 160 < X < 180)

(4 marks)

iv. a, if P(X < a) = 0.95

(5 marks)

Page 3 of 6

As part of a study, you want to test how the level of happiness of a person varies with the
consumption of chocolates. The level of happiness is given over a range of 1 to 5. The
following data is observed.

Amount of chocolate 1 2 3 4 5

Level of happiness 1 2 3 3 2

a) Find the following:

i. using the following formula,

Find the correlation coefficient between the amount of chocolate and level of happiness and
interpret the results obtained

(10 marks)

ii. using the following formula,

Find the spearman coefficient between the amount of chocolate and level of happiness and
interpret the results obtained
(10 marks)

Page 4 of 6
b) Now, you want to predict the level of happiness based on the amount of chocolate you
eat. Find the following:

i. regression line that fits your study

(10 marks)

ii. Interpret the regression line obtained

(3 marks)

iii. level of happiness when you eat 6 chocolates

(2 marks)

Page 5 of 6
Normal Distribution Table

Page 6 of 6

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