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1)In the embedded design process , how will the functionality

of the design process be affected if we interchange the
position of the prototype and firmware development process?
explain in short answer.
Interchanging the position of prototype and firmware development in the
embedded design process can significantly impact functionality in several
● Reduced clarity: Firmware development without a prototype lacks a
concrete hardware platform to target, potentially leading to misaligned
functionality due to inaccurate assumptions about hardware capabilities
and limitations.
● Increased rework: Without testing on a prototype, firmware bugs might
manifest late in the design cycle, requiring costly rework at hardware or
firmware levels.
● Suboptimal hardware: Hardware choices made before solidifying the
firmware might become inefficient or unnecessary, leading to resource
limitations or wasted functionalities.
● Integration challenges: Integrating hardware and firmware later can
introduce unexpected compatibility issues, creating debugging
difficulties and delays.
● Missed optimization opportunities: Early hardware-firmware interaction
allows co-optimization, exploiting strengths and mitigating weaknesses
of both elements for improved performance and efficiency.
● Therefore, while technically possible, interchanging prototype and
firmware development is risky, compromising clarity, efficiency, and
overall functionality of the final embedded system.

2A)In the embedded system Design process, Justify the

reason at which stage the firmware Development should
undergo? in short answer
Firmware development should ideally begin after hardware architecture
definition and prototype testing, for several reasons:

● Clarity: Prototypes provide a concrete hardware canvas, ensuring

firmware targets the correct capabilities and limitations.
● Efficiency: Early firmware-hardware interaction allows co-optimization,
maximizing performance and minimizing resource usage.
● Reduced rework: Prototype testing helps identify and fix firmware bugs
early, preventing costly hardware rework later.
● Fewer integration issues: Integrating tested firmware with prototype
hardware minimizes compatibility surprises and debugging headaches.
● Focus: Hardware decisions are finalized before diving into firmware,
promoting targeted and efficient code development.
Therefore, this sequence facilitates a clear, efficient, and optimized
development process, enhancing the final functionality and quality of the
embedded system.

2B)If an embedded product is not properly tested when that

product is being marketed , illustrate the steps involved to modify
the design process? in short answer maximum 100 words
1. Identify failures: Analyze customer feedback, field reports, and
warranty claims to understand specific issues arising from
insufficient testing.
2. Prioritize issues: Categorize defects by severity and impact (safety,
functionality, user experience) to guide resource allocation.
3. Enhance testing early: Shift focus to earlier stages (unit,
integration, system) using automated tools and comprehensive
coverage plans.
4. Prototype iteratively: Develop robust prototypes for real-world
testing before mass production, incorporating feedback for design
5. Streamline feedback: Create efficient channels for capturing and
analyzing field data during product launch to drive continuous
6. Invest in testing infrastructure: Upgrade equipment, software, and
expertise to enable thorough and accurate testing across various
These steps help improve test coverage, identify issues earlier, and
ultimately lead to a more reliable and marketable embedded product.

3A)In the embedded system Design process, indicate the

reason why most of the electronic devices , products are
designed with PCB Boards? within 100 words
There are several compelling reasons why PCBs reign supreme as the
go-to platform for most electronic devices:
1. Miniaturization: PCBs can pack a dense punch, layering complex
circuitry in a compact space. This enables sleek, portable devices like
smartphones and wearables.
2. Organization and reliability: PCBs provide a structured platform for
precise component placement and interconnection, minimizing messy
wiring and ensuring consistent performance.
3. Mass production: PCBs are highly standardized and machine-friendly,
facilitating automated assembly and efficient mass production, lowering
costs and boosting affordability.
4. Versatility: PCBs come in various forms, from rigid to flexible, catering
to diverse device shapes and functions. They can even integrate
antennas, sensors, and other components.
5. Durability: PCBs are robust and resistant to vibrations, shocks, and
temperature fluctuations, ensuring reliable operation in everyday use.
6. Upgradeability: Modular designs allow for easy component
replacements or upgrades, extending the lifespan of devices.
In short, PCBs offer a winning combination of size, organization,
efficiency, and adaptability, making them the indispensable backbone of
our electronic world.

3B)Identify the features Upgraded in the Smartphone when

compared to a normal keypad phone? within 100 words.
Smartphones boast a dazzling array of advancements over keypad
● Touchscreen revolution: Intuitive touch interfaces replace button
mashing, enabling richer app experiences and advanced gestures.
● Connectivity explosion: Smartphones go beyond calls and texts,
offering high-speed internet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS, opening
doors to endless online possibilities.

● Multimedia powerhouse: From crystal-clear cameras to vibrant

displays, smartphones capture and play back photos, videos, and
music with stunning quality.
● App ecosystem galore: Millions of apps for anything imaginable -
productivity, entertainment, gaming, health, you name it - unlock an
ever-expanding world of possibilities.
● Pocket computer: Powerful processors and multi-tasking
capabilities transform smartphones into miniature computers,
handling complex tasks and running sophisticated software.
● Sensor smarts: From accelerometers to gyroscopes, smartphones
sense their surroundings, enabling features like step tracking,
augmented reality, and context-aware apps.
In essence, smartphones transcend mere communication tools, evolving
into pocket-sized powerhouses for work, play, and connection, leaving
keypad phones in the dust.

1) Match

2)From the IOT systems , identify the applications that can

be Implemented with an IOT applications? any 5
Here are 5 diverse applications that showcase the transformative power
of IoT:
1. Smart Homes:
○ Remote control of lighting, heating, and appliances for
energy savings and convenience.
○ Automated security systems with sensors and cameras for
proactive protection.
○ Voice-controlled home assistants for effortless task
2. Wearable Health Devices:
○ Real-time health tracking of heart rate, sleep patterns, and
activity levels for personalized insights.
○ Remote patient monitoring for chronic conditions, enabling
proactive care and early intervention.

○ Fitness trackers for motivation and goal setting, fostering

healthier lifestyles.
3. Smart Cities:
○ Intelligent traffic management for smoother commutes and
reduced congestion.
○ Adaptive street lighting that adjusts to pedestrian and vehicle
presence for energy conservation and safety.
○ Real-time air quality monitoring for pollution control and
public health awareness.
4. Connected Agriculture:
○ Precision farming with sensor-based irrigation and
fertilization for optimal crop yield and resource conservation.
○ Livestock tracking for health monitoring and improved animal
○ Early detection of crop diseases or pests for timely
intervention and reduced losses.
5. Predictive Maintenance in Industry:
○ Sensors on machinery detect potential issues before they
cause downtime.
○ Data-driven analysis predicts maintenance needs, reducing
unplanned repairs and operational costs.
○ Remote monitoring enables proactive interventions and
increased asset lifespan.


1)Indicate the reason for Incorporating Thumb mode in ARM

architecture Design and Justify it? within 50 words
ARM incorporated Thumb mode to offer two key advantages:
1. Reduced code size: 16-bit instructions save memory and
bandwidth, ideal for resource-constrained embedded systems.
2. Flexibility: Developers can seamlessly mix Thumb and full 32-bit
ARM instructions, balancing code density with performance when
This dual-instruction set approach maximizes efficiency and adaptability
for diverse ARM applications.

2)Predict the Optimisation algorithms that are suited for Image

Processing applications using ARM Architecture? within 50
Here are optimization algorithms well-suited for image processing on
● NEON SIMD instructions: Accelerate parallel operations on
multiple data elements, ideal for pixel-level processing.
● Loop unrolling: Reduce loop overhead for performance gains.
● Memory optimization: Explore cache-friendly data layouts and
techniques for efficient memory access.
● Algorithm-specific optimizations: Tailor techniques to specific
image processing tasks for maximum efficiency.
● Hardware acceleration: Leverage GPU or DSP cores when
available for computationally intensive tasks.

3)Identify the reason that why code density plays a vital role in
programming an embedded system ? within 50 words
In embedded systems, code density matters because limited resources
demand efficiency. Denser code:
● Saves memory: Smaller code footprint frees up precious memory
for data or other functions.
● Reduces power consumption: Fewer instructions fetched and
executed means lower energy usage.
● Improves performance: Less memory pressure leads to faster
cache access and execution.
● Minimizes cost: Smaller devices and simpler production translate
to lower costs.
Therefore, maximizing code density unlocks significant advantages for
resource-constrained embedded systems.

1)Predict the changes when an instruction is executing in
thumb mode in arm architecture? within 50 words

Here's a concise summary of changes in Thumb mode:

● 16-bit instructions: Smaller size for reduced code footprint and
memory usage.
● Limited register access: Primary focus on registers R0-R7, with
some restrictions on R8-R15.
● Branching constraints: Moderately reduced range for conditional
● Performance trade-off: Potential for slightly slower execution
compared to full ARM mode, but often negligible in practice.

2)Identify the arm architecture version involved in the design

of ARM7 TDMI and ARM9? within 50 words
Both ARM7 TDMI and ARM9 cores primarily implement the ARMv4T
architecture. This version includes:
● 32-bit ARM instruction set for core operations.
● 16-bit Thumb instruction set for compact code density.
● Optional features like Jazelle for Java execution and NEON for
SIMD acceleration (not always present in all ARM7/9 designs).
While some earlier or later ARM7 variations might implement ARMv3 or
ARMv5TEJ, ARMv4T remains the predominant architecture for both

3)Predict the changes involved in Frame front little endian and

Big endian while executing an ARM Instruction? within 100
While ARM instructions themselves are endian-neutral, memory access
and data interpretation are affected by endianness:

Little Endian:
● Memory Layout: Least significant byte (LSB) stored first, followed
by more significant bytes.
● Data Reading: Processor reads LSB first, then shifts bytes to form
correct value.
Big Endian:
● Memory Layout: Most significant byte (MSB) stored first, followed
by less significant bytes.
● Data Reading: Processor reads MSB first, directly forming correct
Key Considerations:
● Data consistency: Ensure consistent endianness across system
components for accurate communication and interpretation.
● Endianness-aware code: Use appropriate shift and byte-ordering
functions when handling multi-byte values across different endian

Sec D

i) Ans :

ii)Ans :


i) t/f
ii) CMSIS block missing parts

Ans :

iii) assertion and reason


E1) i) missing parts.

ii) ans
However, ARM Cortex-M3 is a 32-bit processor core designed for
microcontroller applications.
A Cortex-M3 revision might enhance power efficiency, increase clock
speeds, or introduce new instructions to optimize performance.
Improvements in peripherals, security features, and memory
management could also be expected. Advanced debugging capabilities
and enhanced support for real-time operating systems might be
iii) identify the development tool used by cortex m3 for development and
debugging the code ?
ARM provides various development tools for Cortex-M3-based
microcontroller development and debugging. One commonly used tool is

the ARM Keil MDK (Microcontroller Development Kit), which includes the
Keil µVision IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing,
compiling, and debugging code.
E2) i) In GPIO peripherals ,If we remove the ADC port in the On chip
peripherals, how it will affect the circuit performance, to solve this issue
which IC should use to restart the ADC communication ?
Ans: Removing the ADC port from GPIO peripherals eliminates the
ability to interface with analog signals, impacting the circuit's capability to
convert analog data. To restore ADC functionality, consider using an
external ADC IC (Integrated Circuit) connected to the microcontroller
through GPIO pins. Devices like the MCP3008 or ADS1115 serve as
standalone ADCs, providing additional analog-to-digital conversion
ii) Identify whether below given statement is true or false and justify it.
a) GPIO pins will be used to directly control the actuators in response to
sensor readings
The statement is generally true. GPIO pins can be configured as outputs
to drive actuators, such as motors, relays, or LEDs, based on the input
received from sensors connected to other GPIO pins configured as
b) Data direction register is used to set the correspoding sensor as input
or output.
The statement is true. A Data Direction Register (DDR) is a register in
microcontrollers or microprocessors that is used to configure the
direction of data flow for individual pins. It is employed to set whether a
specific pin is configured as an input or an output.
iii) how Pic 16f1709 ic device getting powered from USB-to- UART from
the MCP22211G if we interchange the mcp 2221 tx pin into
pic16f1709Rx pin and mep22221 rx pins into PIC 161 709 tx pin, then
how both ic will get communicate each other and justify it ?
Ans: Interchanging the TX and RX pins between the MCP2221G and
PIC16F1709 would disrupt communication because UART (Universal
Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) communication relies on a specific
pin configuration. The MCP2221G's TX pin must connect to the
PIC16F1709's RX pin and vice versa. Swapping these pins would result
in a mismatched communication setup, preventing proper data
exchange. Correct pin assignment ensures that data sent by one

device's TX pin is received by the other's RX pin, enabling seamless

communication between the MCP2221G and PIC16F1709. To establish
successful communication, maintain the original TX-to-RX and RX-to-TX
connections, ensuring that data is transmitted from the MCP2221G's TX
pin to the PIC16F1709's RX pin, and vice versa.

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