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The following survey was conducted on 24/10/2017 at different locations within Islamabad
Capital Territory, including Bahria University, ITPO, F-10, F-8, etc.

The Team:
Haya Khurram, Hina Ejaz, Xenia Abid, Rafia Hassan, Saerum Palekar


We interviewed two groups of people, the first group generally consisted of uneducated
locals whilst the latter included the well educated members of the youth. We asked them
questions regarding traffic laws, their implementation and the dangers of the violation of said
laws. We questioned them about the importance of traffic laws in their opinion, and how they
felt about these laws being implemented on people. Everyone that we interviewed expressed

their strong support regarding the proper implementation of traffic laws. When asked about
whether they had ever broken any law some revealed that they in fact had broken traffic laws
before, the reason being they were in a rush but they regretted their actions because they
knew they could have grave consequences.

When we asked people what they think were the reasons for breaking these laws and the
dangers associated, they told us that it was the ineffective law enforcement that resulted in
routine violations by the public. They said that people sometimes break laws and do not think
of the danger they put others in and how important it is to follow these laws. If traffic laws
are violated it could lead to accidents of large magnitudes and people could lose their lives.
This shows that we should be careful when driving and follow the traffic laws to ensure our
own safety and the safety of others.

We decided to include the Islamabad Traffic Police in our survey. For this matter we
interviewed the Superintendent of Islamabad Traffic Police, he informed us of the efforts of
the ITP in ensuring smooth and safe traffic system, such as fines on perpetrators of breaking
laws. Upon asking them about the benefits of computerized number plates we found that the
introduction of this new system has helped in identifying registered and unregistered cars and
makes it easier to track the owners of the car. As a token of appreciation for their hard work
and dedication, we gave them care packages that consisted of essentials to help them through
the day. Before this survey we were unaware of the traffic situation and the implementation
of these laws among the common man. This experience has educated us both in terms of the
measures being carried out to ensure traffic harmony, and we have witnessed real life heroes
on duty.


According to the survey it was observed that people who were illiterate or did not have great
access to education were much more conscious about breaking the law and out of 5
interviewed 4 said they didn’t break a law ever. On the other hand, the well educated and
well informed people did accept their fault and claimed that they have broken signals. But

each one of the interviewed people did have the realisation that breaking a traffic law could
lead to great disasters. However much more work should be done on this issue by the traffic
police to educate people about the traffic laws because a slight mistake can lead to the loss of
a precious life.

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