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POLICY STATEMENT Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health

Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children

Hospital Stay for Healthy Term

Newborn Infants

abstract The hospital stay of the mother and her healthy term newborn infant should be
long enough to allow identification of problems and to ensure that the mother
is sufficiently recovered and prepared to care for herself and her newborn at
home. The length of stay should be based on the unique characteristics of each
mother-infant dyad, including the health of the mother, the health and stability
of the newborn, the ability and confidence of the mother to care for herself
and her newborn, the adequacy of support systems at home, and access to
appropriate follow-up care in a medical home. Input from the mother and her
obstetrical care provider should be considered before a decision to discharge
a newborn is made, and all efforts should be made to keep a mother and her
newborn together to ensure simultaneous discharge.

The purpose of this policy statement is to review issues related to length
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American of stay and readmission of healthy term newborns and to identify specific
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have filed
conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of
criteria that should be met to ensure that discharge and subsequent
Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process follow-up are appropriate.
approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
involvement in the development of the content of this publication.
Policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit
from expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (AAP) and The hospital stay of the mother and her healthy term newborn infant
external reviewers. However, policy statements from the American (mother-infant dyad) should be long enough to allow identification of
Academy of Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the liaisons or the
organizations or government agencies that they represent. problems and to ensure that the mother is sufficiently recovered and
prepared to care for herself and her newborn at home. Many neonatal
The guidance in this statement does not indicate an exclusive course
of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking cardiopulmonary problems related to the transition from the intrauterine
into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate. to the extrauterine environment usually become apparent during the first
All policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics 12 hours after birth.1 Other neonatal problems, such as jaundice,2,3
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed, ductal-dependent cardiac lesions,4,5 and gastrointestinal obstruction,6
revised, or retired at or before that time.
may require a longer period of observation by skilled health care
professionals.7 Likewise, significant maternal complications, such as
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-0699 endometritis, may not become apparent during the first day after delivery.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). The average length of stay of the mother-infant dyad after delivery
Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics declined steadily from 1970 until the mid-1990s.8 Early newborn

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discharge was implemented in the delivery, and small size for gestational RECOMMENDATIONS
1990s, but in response to the ensuing age.13,15–18 Close follow-up and The length of stay of a healthy term
debate on the care and safety of better coordination of postdischarge newborn should be based on the
mothers and their infants, most states care were important factors in unique characteristics of each
and the US Congress enacted legisla- decreasing the readmission rates.13,17 mother-infant dyad, including the
tion that ensured hospital stay for health of the mother, the health and
up to 48 hours for a vaginal delivery Readiness for Discharge stability of the infant, the ability and
and up to 96 hours after birth by Readiness for discharge of a healthy confidence of the mother to care for
cesarean delivery. Several subsequent term infant is traditionally her infant, the adequacy of support
studies have reported that the post- determined by pediatric care systems at home, and access to
partum length-of-stay legislation has providers after a review of the appropriate follow-up care. Input
led to an increase in postpartum mother’s and family members’ ability from the mother and her obstetrical
length of stay, but the impact of this to provide care to a newborn infant at care provider and nursing staff
increase in length of stay on the rate home. However, perceptions about should be considered before
of neonatal readmissions has been the degree of readiness at the time of a decision to discharge a newborn
inconsistent.8–11 discharge often differ among is made, and all efforts should be
pediatric care providers, obstetrical made to keep a mother and her
Risk of Readmission care providers, and mothers.18 newborn together to encourage
Criteria for newborn discharge Factors associated with perceived on-demand breastfeeding and to
include physiologic stability, family unreadiness for maternal or neonatal ensure simultaneous discharge. It is
preparedness and competence to discharge, primarily as reported by recommended that the following
provide newborn care at home, mothers themselves, include first live minimum criteria be met before
availability of social support, and birth, maternal history of chronic discharge of a term newborn, defined
access to the health care system and disease or illness after birth, in- as an infant born between 37-0/7
resources. An inadequate assessment hospital neonatal illness, intent to and 41-6/7 weeks of gestation20 after
by health care providers in any of breastfeed, mothers with inadequate an uncomplicated pregnancy, labor,
these areas before discharge can prenatal care and poor social support, and delivery.
place an infant at risk and may result and black non-Hispanic maternal
1. Clinical course and physical ex-
in readmission. In several large race.13,18 Although no specific clinical
amination reveal no abnormali-
epidemiologic studies, readmission tool is currently available to evaluate
ties that require continued
rates were used to assess the mothers’ or families’ perception of
adequacy of the newborn hospital readiness for discharge after delivery,
length of stay. In these reports, the American Academy of Pediatrics 2. The infant’s vital signs are docu-
readmissions after an early discharge Safe and Healthy Beginnings toolkit mented as being within normal
varied from no increase to contains a discharge-readiness ranges, with appropriate varia-
a significant increase.8,12–15 However, checklist that can aid clinicians with tions based on physiologic state,
the differences in the definition of preparation of a newborn for discharge. and stable for the 12 hours pre-
early discharge, postdischarge follow- This tool was tested by 22 clinical ceding discharge. These ranges
up and support, and the timing of practice teams during the Safe and include an axillary temperature
readmissions make it difficult to Healthy Beginnings improvement of 36.5°C to 37.4°C (97.7–99.3°F,
compare the results. In some of project and focuses on risk for severe measured properly in an open
these studies, the risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia, availability of crib with appropriate clothing),21
readmission to identify infants who breastfeeding support, and a respiratory rate below 60 per
may benefit from either a longer coordination of newborn care.19 minute22 and no other signs of
hospital stay or close postdischarge All efforts should be made to keep respiratory distress, and an
follow-up also were evaluated. mothers and infants together to awake heart rate of 100 to 190
These studies identified jaundice, promote simultaneous discharge. beats per minute.23 Heart rates
dehydration, and feeding difficulties To accomplish this, a pediatric care as low as 70 beats per minute
as the most common reasons for provider’s decision to discharge while sleeping quietly, without
readmission.16,17 Other frequently a newborn should be made jointly with signs of circulatory compromise
reported risk factors for readmission input from the mother, her obstetrical and responding appropriately to
were Asian race, primiparity, care provider, and other health care activity, also are acceptable. Sus-
associated maternal morbidities, providers, such as nursing staff and tained heart rates near or above
shorter gestation or lower birth social workers, who are involved in the the upper end of this range may
weight, instrumented vaginal care of the mother and her infant. require further evaluation.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 135, number 5, May 2015 949
3. The infant has urinated regularly 10. If the mother has not previously maintaining a smoke-free en-
and passed at least 1 stool been vaccinated, she should vironment, and sleeping in
spontaneously. receive tetanus toxoid, reduced proximity but not bed-
4. The infant has completed at least diphtheria toxoid, and acellular sharing35,36; and
2 successful feedings. If the infant pertussis, adsorbed (Tdap) vac- • hand hygiene, especially as
is breastfeeding, a caregiver cine immediately after the infant a way to reduce infection.
knowledgeable in breastfeeding, is born. Other adolescents and 13. A car safety seat appropriate for
latch, swallowing, and infant adults who will have or antici- the infant’s maturity and medical
satiety should observe an actual pate having close contact with condition that meets Federal
feeding and document successful the infant should be encouraged Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
performance of these tasks in the to receive a single dose of Tdap if 213 has been obtained and is
medical record.24 If the infant is they have not previously received available before hospital dis-
bottle-feeding, it is documented Tdap.27 If a mother who delivers charge, and the mother has
that the newborn is able to during the flu season has not demonstrated to trained hospital
coordinate sucking, swallowing, been previously immunized, she personnel appropriate infant po-
and breathing while feeding. also should receive an influenza sitioning and use.
5. There is no evidence of excessive vaccination.28 14. Family members or other sup-
bleeding at the circumcision site 11. Newborn metabolic,29 port persons, including health
for at least 2 hours. hearing,30,31 and pulse care providers who are familiar
6. The clinical significance of jaun- oximetry32–34 screenings have with newborn care and are
dice, if present before discharge, been completed per hospital knowledgeable about lactation
has been determined, and protocol and state regulations. If and the recognition of jaundice
appropriate management and/or screening metabolic tests were and dehydration, are available to
follow-up plans have been performed before 24 hours of the mother and infant after
instituted as recommended in milk feeding, a system for re- discharge.
American Academy of Pediatrics peating the test during the 15. A physician-directed source of
clinical practice guidelines for follow-up visit must be in place continuing health care (medical
management of in accordance with local or state home) for the mother and infant
hyperbilirubinemia.2 policy. has been identified. Instructions
7. The infant has been adequately 12. The mother’s knowledge, ability, to follow in the event of a com-
evaluated and monitored for and confidence to provide ade- plication or emergency have been
sepsis on the basis of maternal quate care for her infant are provided. The mother should
risk factors and in accordance documented by the fact that know how to reach the medical
with current guidelines for training and information has home and should have scheduled
been received in the following the infant’s first visit, if possible,
management of neonates with
areas: or know how to do so.
suspected or proven early-onset
sepsis.25 • the importance and benefits of 16. Family, environmental, and social
breastfeeding for both mother risk factors have been assessed,
8. Maternal and infant laboratory
and infant; and the mother and her other
tests are available and have been
• appropriate urination and family members have been
reviewed, including the
stooling frequency for the educated about safe home envi-
ronment. When the following or
• maternal syphilis, hepatitis B infant;
other risk factors are present,
surface antigen, and HIV sta- • umbilical cord, skin, and new-
discharge should be delayed until
tus; and born genital care, as well as
they are resolved or a plan to
• umbilical cord or newborn temperature assessment and
safeguard the newborn is in
blood type and direct Coombs measurement with
place. This plan may involve dis-
test result, if clinically a thermometer;
cussions with social services
indicated.2 • signs of illness and common and/or state agencies, such as
9. Initial hepatitis B vaccine has infant problems, particularly child protective services. These
been administered as indicated jaundice; risk factors may include, but are
by the infant’s risk status and • infant safety, such as use of an not limited to the following:
according to the current appropriate car safety seat, • untreated parental use of illicit
immunization schedule.26 supine positioning for sleeping, substances or positive urine

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toxicology results in the care and immunizations, peri- decision should be made in
mother or newborn consistent odic evaluations and physical consultation with the family and
with maternal abuse or misuse examinations, and necessary should not be based on arbitrary
of drugs; screenings; policies established by third-party
• history of child abuse or • weigh the infant and assess the payers. A shortened hospital stay
neglect by any anticipated care infant’s general health, hydra- (less than 48 hours after delivery) for
provider; tion, and degree of jaundice, healthy, term newborns can be
and identify any new accommodated but is not appropriate
• mental illness in a parent or
problems; for every mother and newborn. If
another person in the home;
possible, institutions are encouraged
• lack of social support, • review feeding patterns and
to develop processes to prevent the
particularly for single, first- technique, and encourage and
necessity for early discharge of
time mothers; support breastfeeding by ob-
uninsured or underinsured newborn
servation of the adequacy of
• no fixed home; infants for purely financial reasons,
position, latch, and swallowing;
• history of domestic violence, however. Institutions should develop
• obtain historical evidence of guidelines through their professional
particularly during this
adequate stool and urine staff in collaboration with appropriate
patterns; community agencies, including third-
• adolescent mother, particularly
• provide or make a referral for party payers, to establish hospital-stay
if other previously listed
lactation support if the fore- programs for mothers and their
conditions apply; or
going evaluations are not healthy newborns. State and local
• barriers to adequate follow-up reassuring; public health agencies also should be
care for the newborn, such as involved in the oversight of existing
• assess quality of mother-infant
lack of transportation to hospital-stay programs for quality
attachment and details of in-
medical care services, lack of assurance and monitoring. Obstetrical
fant behavior;
easy access to telephone com- care, newborn nursery care, and
munication, and non–English- • reinforce maternal or family
follow-up care should be considered
speaking parents. education in infant care, par-
independent services to be paid as
ticularly regarding feeding and
17. For newborns discharged before separate packages and not as part of
sleep position, avoidance of co-
48 hours after delivery, an ap- a global fee for maternity-newborn
sleeping, and appropriate use
pointment should be made for labor and delivery services. Adoption
of car safety seats, which
the infant to be examined by of standardized processes, such as
should be used only for travel
a health care practitioner within predischarge checklists, may facilitate
and not for positioning in the
48 hours of discharge.10,12,16,37,38 more uniform implementation of these
If this cannot be ensured, dis- recommendations across the full
• review results of outstanding spectrum of health care settings where
charge should be deferred until
laboratory tests, such as new- care for newborn infants is provided.
a mechanism for follow-up is
born metabolic screens, per-
identified. The follow-up visit can
formed before discharge; LEAD AUTHOR
take place in a home, clinic, or
hospital outpatient setting as • perform screenings in accor- William E. Benitz, MD, FAAP
long as the health care pro- dance with state regulations
fessional who examines the in- and other tests that are clini- COMMITTEE ON FETUS AND NEWBORN,
cally indicated, such as serum 2014–2015
fant is competent in newborn
assessment and the results of the bilirubin; and Kristi L. Watterberg, MD, FAAP, Chairperson
Susan Aucott, MD FAAP
follow-up visit are reported to • assess for parental well-being
William E. Benitz, MD, FAAP
the infant’s primary care pro- with focus on screening for James J. Cummings, MD, FAAP
vider or his or her designee on maternal postpartum Eric C. Eichenwald, MD, FAAP
the day of the visit. The purpose depression. Jay Goldsmith, MD, FAAP
of the follow-up visit is to Brenda B. Poindexter, MD, FAAP
Karen Puopolo, MD, FAAP
• promote establishment of a re- Dan L. Stewart, MD, FAAP
lationship with the medical CONCLUSIONS
Kasper S. Wang, MD, FAAP
home by verifying the plan for The timing of discharge from the
health care maintenance, in- hospital should be the decision of LIAISONS
cluding a method for obtaining the health care provider caring for the CAPT Wanda D. Barfield, MD, MPH, FAAP – Centers
emergency services, preventive mother and her newborn. This for Disease Control and Prevention

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PEDIATRICS Volume 135, number 5, May 2015 953
Hospital Stay for Healthy Term Newborn Infants
Pediatrics 2015;135;948
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-0699 originally published online April 27, 2015;

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Hospital Stay for Healthy Term Newborn Infants
Pediatrics 2015;135;948
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-0699 originally published online April 27, 2015;

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