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Question 7. ec:1,.

· i) a) From among the following identify the conditions that are incorrect to hear a distinct by humans
I. The minimum distance required to bear an echo will depend upon the speed of souhd.
2. The greater the amplitude the more distinct will be the echo.
3· The wavelength of sound should be greater than the size of the obstacle.
4. Ultrasonic waves cannot undergo reflection and so cannot produce an echo.

b) A man stands 21Om in front of a cliff an fires a gun. He hears the echo in 1.2 s.
I) Calculate the speed of sound.

c) The speed of sound changes to 320ms' 1 by bow many metres should the person move towards or away from the
cliff to bear the echo in the same time?

ii) A radioactive element ' R. changes to an element S by emitting an a particle. S emits 2 particles to give T.
a) What are the mass and atomic numbers of S? b) What are the mass and atomic numbers of T?
c) What are Sand T called? Why?

iii) A guitar is provided with a hollow box.

a) Which characteristic of sound is affected by the hollow box?
b) Name the phenomenon involved.
c) Briefly describe bow the phenomenon in (b) affects the characteristic in (a)

Question 8
i). a) Name two factors that affects resistance but not resistivity. Convert 60 MW t the SI unit

b) Calculate the cost of using four 40W tube lights and three 60W electric fans for 6 hours a day for 30 days.
Toe cost of electricity is t 6 a unit

·c) The current in the 120 resistor is 0.2A.

Calculate : I. The current in the 80 resistor.
2. The current in the 7.20 resistor.
3. The EMF of the battery. 7.20

Question 9 )
i) a) The thermal capacity ofa body is 1.23 kJK 1• By bow much will the temp rise ifit was given 12300 J of beat? [3
b) What happens to the average potential energy of the molecules of water as it is heated from 0 °C to 100 °C?
c) What has more heat, !Og of water at 0 'C or !Og of ice at 0 ' C? If this ice is added to the water will the mass of the
water, increase , decrease or remain the same?

ii) a) Define specific heat capacity of a substance.

b) Two substances A and Bare provided with the same quantity of heat.
If the temperature of A and B rise in the ratio 2:3, what is the ratio of the heat capacity of A and B?
c) On a hot day why is wet sand cooler than dry sand?

iii) A wire carrying a current is held between the N and S poles of a magnet.
a) What will be observed? b) Name the rule that will enable you to find the direction.
[+ J
c) What can be done to increase the magnitude of what you observe without changing the magnet?
d) What is this effect called? •. •

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