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What do you know about orange business services?

What motivates you?

What is the 7 layer of OSI model?
Application: interact directly with the application.
this layer provides network services to end-user
To know transmitted bits is an image or mail
Example of service and application
HTTP browsing
FTP File upload and download
SMTP emails
Telnet remote login
Presentation: converting data from one format to another. (image to bits)
And encrypt and decrypt this data

Session: controls the conversations between different computers

responsible for authentication and reconnection if a network interruption
should occur.
Transport: is responsible for the transmission of data across network connections.
This layer coordinates how much data to send, how fast, and error
checking of data packets
Network: responsible for receiving frames from the data link layer, and delivering
them to their destinations based on the logical addresses contained inside the frame.
logical addresses is IP
Data Link: used to perform node-to-node data transfer by using physical addresses
The data link layer also corrects errors that may have occurred at the
physical layer.
Physical layer: it is the bits in caples

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3?

Layer 2 from hub to hub using physical addresses (MAC).
Layer 3, do static routing and dynamic routing uses logical addresses is IP
Difference between router and switch and hub?
Difference between IP and MAC?

Difference between UDP and TCP?

What is DHCP? (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host
And provide information like the subnet mask, default gateway, DNS,
APIPA gives private IP not public
What is DNS? (Domain Name System)
Convert domain names into IP
Difference between public IP and private IP?
Routed and routing protocols?

Difference between static and dynamic routing?

Administrative distance; which routing protocol is used if two

protocols provide route information for the same destination.

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