MAGVIT Masked Generative Video Transformer

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MAGVIT: Masked Generative Video Transformer

Lijun Yu‡†⋄ *, Yong Cheng† , Kihyuk Sohn† , José Lezama† , Han Zhang† , Huiwen Chang† ,
Alexander G. Hauptmann‡ , Ming-Hsuan Yang† , Yuan Hao† , Irfan Essa†∤ , and Lu Jiang†⋄

Carnegie Mellon University, † Google Research, ∤ Georgia Institute of Technology

Correspondence to,

(a) Quality UCF-101 CG FVD↓ UCF-101 CG IS↑ Frame Prediction (FP)

(c) Flexibility
CCVS 386 Video Diffusion 57.0
10 tasks
332 (prior best)
79.3 in one model
(prior best)
76 89.3 Frame Interpolation
0 200 400 0.0 45.0 90.0
BAIR FP FVD↓ Kinetics-600 FP FVD↓

NÜWA 87 RaMViD 16.5 Outpainting

RaMViD Video Diffusion
(prior best)
84 (prior best)
62 9.9
-26% -39%
30 60 90 0 10 20 Inpainting
(b) Efficiency Estimated Relative Inference Runtime Inference Throughput
At 128×128 native resolution
Video Diffusion 250x
TATS 60x 37 fps 65 fps Class-conditional Generation
on 1x on 1x
V100 v4i
Squeezing Something
0 100 200 300
And other tasks …

Figure 1. Overview of the video generation quality, efficiency, and flexibility of the proposed MAGVIT model. (a) MAGVIT achieves
the state-of-the-art FVD [60] and Inception Score (IS) [49] on two video generation tasks and three benchmarks, in comparison with prior
best diffusion models (RaMViD [35], Video Diffusion [33]) and autoregressive models (CCVS [41], TATS [21], NÜWA [69]). (b) It is two
orders of magnitude faster than diffusion models and 60× faster than autoregressive models. (c) A single MAGVIT model accommodates
different generation tasks, ranging from class-conditional generation to dynamic inpainting of a moving object.

Abstract 1. Introduction
We introduce the MAsked Generative VIdeo Transformer, Recent years have witnessed significant advances in
MAGVIT, to tackle various video synthesis tasks with a image and video content creation based on learning
single model. We introduce a 3D tokenizer to quantize a frameworks ranging from generative adversarial networks
video into spatial-temporal visual tokens and propose an (GANs) [15, 43, 48, 58, 65], diffusion models [25, 33, 35,
embedding method for masked video token modeling to fa- 47, 64], to vision transformers [44, 45, 68]. Inspired by
cilitate multi-task learning. We conduct extensive experi- the recent success of generative image transformers such as
ments to demonstrate the quality, efficiency, and flexibility DALL·E [46] and other approaches [12, 18, 20, 72], we pro-
of MAGVIT. Our experiments show that (i) MAGVIT per- pose an efficient and effective video generation model by
forms favorably against state-of-the-art approaches and es- leveraging masked token modeling and multi-task learning.
tablishes the best-published FVD on three video generation
benchmarks, including the challenging Kinetics-600. (ii) We introduce the MAsked Generative VIdeo Trans-
MAGVIT outperforms existing methods in inference time by former (MAGVIT) for multi-task video generation. Specif-
two orders of magnitude against diffusion models and by ically, we build and train a single MAGVIT model to per-
60× against autoregressive models. (iii) A single MAGVIT form a variety of diverse video generation tasks and demon-
model supports ten diverse generation tasks and general- strate the model’s efficiency, effectiveness, and flexibility
izes across videos from different visual domains. The source against state-of-the-art approaches. Fig. 1(a) shows the
code and trained models will be released to the public at quality metrics of MAGVIT on a few benchmarks with ef- ficiency comparisons in (b), and generated examples under
different task setups such as frame prediction/interpolation,
* Work partially done during a research internship at Google Research. out/in-painting, and class conditional generation in (c).
MAGVIT models a video as a sequence of visual tokens 2. Preliminaries: Masked Image Synthesis
in the latent space and learns to predict masked tokens with The proposed video generation framework is based on
BERT [17]. There are two main modules in the proposed a two-stage image synthesis process [20, 46] with non-
framework. First, we design a 3D quantization model to autoregressive transformers [12, 42]. In the first stage, an
tokenize a video, with high fidelity, into a low-dimensional image is quantized and flattened into a sequence of discrete
spatial-temporal manifold [21, 70]. Second, we propose an tokens by a Vector-Quantized (VQ) auto-encoder [20, 62,
effective masked token modeling (MTM) scheme for multi- 71]. In the second stage, masked token modeling (MTM)
task video generation. Unlike conventional MTM in image is used to train a transformer model [12, 25] on the tokens.
understanding [66] or image/video synthesis [12,26,28], we Let I ∈ RH×W ×3 be an image and z ∈ ZN denote the
present an embedding method to model a video condition corresponding token sequence of length N .
using a multivariate mask and show its efficacy in training. We take MaskGIT [12] as an example. In the second
We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the stage, it applies a binary mask mi ∈ {x → x, x → [MASK]}
quality, efficiency, and flexibility of MAGVIT against state- to each token to build a corrupted sequence z = m(z).
of-the-art approaches. Specifically, we show that MAGVIT Condition inputs, such as class labels, are incorporated as
performs favorably on two video generation tasks across the prefix tokens c. A BERT [17] parameterized by θ is
three benchmark datasets, including UCF-101 [54], BAIR learned to predict the masked tokens in the input sequence
Robot Pushing [19, 60], and Kinetics-600 [10]. For the [c, z], where [·, ·] concatenates the sequences. The objective
class-conditional generation task on UCF-101, MAGVIT is to minimize the cross-entropy between the predicted and
reduces state-of-the-art FVD [60] from 332 [21] to 76 the ground-truth token at each masked position:
(↓ 77%). For the frame prediction task, MAGVIT performs
\Ls _{\text {mask}}(\rvz ; \theta ) = \mathop {\E }\limits _{\rvm \sim p_{\gU }} \Big [\sum _{\overline {\ervz }_i = \mask } - \log p_\theta (\ervz _i \mid [\rvc , \overline {\rvz }]) \Big ] \label {eq:loss_mtm} \vspace {-2mm} (1)
best in terms of FVD on BAIR (84 [35] → 62, ↓ 26%) and
Kinetics-600 (16 [33]→ 9.9, ↓ 38%). During training, MaskGIT randomly samples m from a
Aside from the visual quality, MAGVIT’s video synthe- prior distribution pU where the mask ratio follows a cosine
sis is highly efficient. For instance, MAGVIT generates a scheduling function γ(·) [12]. Specifically, it first uniformly
16-frame 128×128 video clip in 12 steps, which takes 0.25 samples a per-token mask score si ∼ U(0, 1) to form a se-
seconds on a single TPUv4i [36] device. On a V100 GPU, a quence denoted as s. Then it samples r ∼ U(0, 1) and
base variant of MAGVIT runs at 37 frame-per-second (fps) computes a cut-off threshold s∗ as the ⌈γ(r)N ⌉-th small-
at 128×128 resolution. When compared at the same res- est element in s. Finally, a mask m is created such that
olution, MAGVIT is two orders of magnitude faster than mi (x) = [MASK] if si ≤ s∗ and mi (x) = x otherwise.
the video diffusion model [33]. In addition, MAGVIT is 60 For inference, the non-autoregressive decoding
times faster than the autoregressive video transformer [21] method [22, 24, 40] is used to synthesize an im-
and 4-16 times more efficient than the contemporary non- age [12, 42, 75]. For example, MaskGIT generates an
autoregressive video transformer [26]. image in K = 12 steps [12] from a blank canvas with all
We show that MAGVIT is flexible and robust for multi- visual tokens masked out. At each step, it predicts all
ple video generation tasks with a single trained model, in- tokens in parallel while retaining tokens with the highest
cluding frame interpolation, class-conditional frame predic- prediction scores. The remaining tokens are masked and
tion, inpainting, and outpainting, etc. In addition, MAGVIT predicted in the next iteration until all tokens are generated.
learns to synthesize videos with complex scenes and motion Similar to the training stage, the mask ratio is computed by
contents from diverse and distinct visual domains, includ- the schedule function γ, but with a deterministic input as
ing actions with objects [23], autonomous driving [9], and γ( Kt ), where t is the current step.
object-centric videos from multiple views [2].
The main contributions of this work are: 3. Masked Generative Video Transformer
• To the best of our knowledge, we present the first masked Our goal is to design a multi-task video generation model
multi-task transformer for efficient video generation and with high quality and inference efficiency. We propose
manipulation. We show that a trained model can perform MAsked Generative VIdeo Transformer (MAGVIT), a vi-
ten different tasks at inference time. sion transformer framework that leverages masked token
• We introduce a spatial-temporal video quantization model modeling and multi-task learning. MAGVIT generates a
design with high reconstruction fidelity. video from task-specific condition inputs, such as a frame,
• We propose an effective embedding method with diverse a partially-observed video volume, or a class identifier.
masks for numerous video generation tasks. The framework consists of two stages. First, we learn a
• We show that MAGVIT achieves the best-published fi- 3D vector-quantized (VQ) autoencoder to quantize a video
delity on three widely-used benchmarks, including UCF- into discrete tokens. In the second stage, we learn a video
101, BAIR Robot Pushing, and Kinetics-600 datasets. transformer by multi-task masked token modeling.
Tasks: Frame Prediction Central Outpainting Dynamic Inpainting Frame Interpolation Raw Video

… Crop
& Pad Task prompt Refine condition tokens 𝐿%&*+)&
inputs Class token
Encoder Encoder Encoder Encoder Encoder 3D-VQ Predict masked tokens 𝐿!"#$

… Transformer

Sample one of the tasks per step Condition tokens [MASK] tokens Target tokens Reconstruct target tokens 𝐿%&'()#
Random combination at a sampled ratio

Figure 2. MAGVIT pipeline overview. The 3D-VQ encoder quantizes a video into discrete tokens, while the 3D-VQ decoder maps them
back to the pixel space. We sample one of the tasks at each training step and build its condition inputs by cropping and padding the raw
video, where green denotes valid pixels and white is padding. We quantize the condition inputs with the 3D-VQ encoder and select the
non-padding part as condition tokens. The masked token sequence combines condition tokens, [MASK] tokens, and the target tokens, with
a task prompt and a class token as the prefix. The bidirectional transformer learns to predict the target tokens through three objectives:
refining condition tokens, predicting masked tokens, and reconstructing target tokens.
Fig. 2 illustrates the training in the second stage. At each Inflation and padding. We initialize our 3D-VQ with
training step, we sample one of the tasks with its prompt weights from a 2D-VQ in a matching architecture to trans-
token, obtain a task-specific conditional mask, and optimize fer learned spatial relationships [11], known as 3D inflation.
the transformer to predict all target tokens given masked We use inflation on small datasets such as UCF-101 [54].
inputs. During inference, we adapt the non-autoregressive We use a central inflation method for the convolution layers,
decoding method to generate tokens conditionally on the where the corresponding 2D kernel fills in the temporally
task-specific inputs, which will be detailed in Algorithm 1. central slice of a zero-filled 3D kernel. The parameters of
the other layers are directly copied. To improve token con-
3.1. Spatial-Temporal Tokenization sistency for the same content at different locations [21], we
replace the same (zero) padding in the convolution layers
Our video VQ autoencoder is built upon the image VQ-
with reflect padding, which pads with non-zero values.
GAN [20]. Let V ∈ RT ×H×W ×3 be a video clip of T
frames. The VQ encoder tokenizes the video as fT : V → Training. We apply the image perceptual loss [20] on
z ∈ ZN , where Z is the codebook. The decoder fT−1 maps each frame. The LeCam regularization [57] is added to
the latent tokens back to video pixels. the GAN loss to improve the training stability. We adopt
The VQ autoencoder is a crucial module as it not only the discriminator architecture from StyleGAN [38] and in-
sets a quality bound for the generation but also determines flate it to 3D. With these components, unlike VQGAN, our
the token sequence length, hence affecting generation ef- model is trained stably with GAN loss from the beginning.
ficiency. Existing methods apply VQ encoders either on
each frame independently (2D-VQ) [26, 41] or on a super- 3.2. Multi-Task Masked Token Modeling
voxel (3D-VQ) [21, 70]. We propose different designs that In MAGVIT, we adopt various masking schemes to
facilitate MAGVIT to perform favorably against other VQ facilitate learning for video generation tasks with differ-
models for video (see Tab. 7). ent conditions. The conditions can be a spatial region
3D architecture. We design a 3D-VQ network architec- for inpainting/outpainting or a few frames for frame pre-
ture to model the temporal dynamics as follows. The en- diction/interpolation. We refer to these partially-observed
coder and decoder of VQGAN consist of cascaded residual video conditions as interior conditions.
blocks [29] interleaved by downsampling (average pooling) We argue that it is suboptimal to directly unmask the
and upsampling (resizing plus convolution) layers. We ex- tokens corresponding to the region of the interior condi-
pand all 2D convolutions to 3D convolutions with a tempo- tion [12]. As discussed in Section 3.1, the non-local re-
ral axis. As the overall downsampling rate is usually differ- ceptive field of the tokenizer can leak the ground-truth in-
ent between temporal and spatial dimensions, we use both formation into the unmasked tokens, leading to problematic
3D and 2D downsampling layers, where the 3D ones ap- non-causal masking and poor generalization.
pear in the shallower layers of the encoder. The decoder We propose a method, COnditional Masked Modeling by
mirrors the encoder with 2D upsampling layers in the first Interior Tokens (or COMMIT for short), to embed interior
few blocks, followed by 3D ones. Appendix A.1 illustrates conditions inside the corrupted visual tokens.
the detailed architecture. Note that a token is not only corre- Training. Each training example includes a video V and
lated to its corresponding supervoxel but depends on other the optional class annotation c. The target visual tokens
patches due to the non-local receptive field.
come from the 3D-VQ as z = fT (V). At each step, we Algorithm 1 Non-autoregressive Decoding by COMMIT
sample a task prompt ρ, obtain the task-specific interior con- Input: prefix ρ and c, condition z̃, steps K, temperature T
dition pixels, pad it into Ṽ with the same shape as V, and Output: predicted visual tokens ẑ
get the condition tokens z̃ = fT (Ṽ). Appendix B.1 lists 1: s = 0, s∗ = 1, ẑ = 0N
the padding functions for each task. 2: for t ← 0, 1, · · · , K − 1 do
At a sampled mark ratio, we randomly replace target to- 3: z ← m(ẑ | z̃; s, s∗ )
kens zi , with either 1) the condition token z̃i , if the corre- 4: ẑi ∼ pθ (zi | [ρ, c, z]), ∀i where si ≤ s∗
sponding supervoxel of zi contains condition pixels; or 2) 5: si ← pθ (ẑi | [ρ, c, z]), ∀i where si ≤ s∗
the special [MASK] token, otherwise. Formally, we com- 6: si ← si + T (1 − t+1 K
) Gumbel(0, 1), ∀i where si < 1
pute the multivariate conditional mask m(· | z̃) as 7: s∗ ← The ⌈γ( t+1 K
)N ⌉-th smallest value of s
8: si ← 1, ∀i where si > s∗
9: end for
\ervm (\ervz _i \mid \tilde {\ervz }_i) = \begin {cases} \textcolor {YellowOrange}{\tilde {\ervz }_{i}} & \text {if } \ervs _{i} \le s^* \land \neg \allpadded (\tilde {\ervz }_{i}) \\ \textcolor {gray}{\mask } & \text {if } \ervs _{i} \le s^* \land \allpadded (\tilde {\ervz }_{i}) \\ \textcolor {RoyalBlue}{\ervz _i} &\text {if } \ervs _{i} > s^* \end {cases} \label {eq:icmask} \vspace {-2mm} (2) 10: return ẑ = [ẑ1 , ẑ2 , · · · , ẑN ]

𝑡=0 𝑡=1 𝑡=2 𝑡=3 𝑡=4 𝑡=5 𝑡=6 𝑡=7

where si and s∗ are the per-token mask score and the cut-off
score introduced in Section 2. ispad(z̃i ) returns whether the MTM
corresponding supervoxel of z̃i in Ṽ only contains padding. decoding
Eq. (2) indicates that COMMIT embeds interior condi-
tions as corrupted visual tokens into the multivariate mask
Input Sampling
m, which follows a new distribution pM instead of the prior COMMIT 𝑡=0
decoding 𝑡=2
pU for binary masks. With the corrupted token sequence 𝑡=3
𝑡=5 Output
z = m(z | z̃) as input, the multi-task training objective is Fram

\Ls (\rmV ; \theta ) \!=\!\! \mathop {\E }\limits _{\rho , \widehat {\rmV }} \mathop {\E }\limits _{\rvm \sim p_\gM } \Big [\sum _{i} -\log p_\theta (\ervz _i \mid [\rho , \rvc , \overline {\rvz }]) \Big ] \label {eq:mt_loss} \vspace {-2mm} (3)

We can decompose the loss in Eq. (3) into three parts ac-
cording to Eq. (2): Lrefine refines the task-specific condition
tokens, Lmask predicts masked tokens , and Lrecons recon-
structs target tokens. Let c = [ρ, c, z] for simplicity,
\begin {aligned} \sum _{i=1}^N - \log p_\theta (\ervz _i \mid [\rho , \rvc ,\overline {\rvz }]) &= \!\!\!\!\underbrace {\sum _{\overline {\ervz }_i = \tilde {\ervz }_i}\!\! - \log p_\theta (\ervz _i\mid \overline {\rvc })}_{\text {\textcolor {YellowOrange}{Refine condition tokens $\Ls _\text {refine}$}}} \\ +\!\!\!\underbrace {\sum _{\overline {\ervz }_i = \mask }\!\!\!\!\!\!\! - \log p_\theta (\ervz _i\mid \overline {\rvc })}_{\text {\textcolor {gray}{Predict masked tokens $\Ls _\text {mask}$}}} \ \ &+\underbrace {\sum _{\overline {\ervz }_i = \ervz _i}\! - \log p_\theta (\ervz _i \mid \overline {\rvc })}_{\text {\textcolor {RoyalBlue}{Reconstruct target tokens $\Ls _\text {recons}$}}} \end {aligned} \label {eq:mt_loss_decomposed} \vspace {-2mm}

Figure 3. Comparison between MTM decoding for image [12]
and COMMIT decoding for video. We show the output tokens
and image/video at each decoding step t, with a central outpaint-
ing example for COMMIT. Unlike the MTM denoising decoding
While Lmask is the same as the MTM loss in Eq. (1) and from all [MASK], COMMIT performs a conditional generation
Lrecons sometimes is used as a regularizer (e.g., in NLP process toward the output tokens while gradually replacing the in-
tasks), Lrefine is a new component introduced by COMMIT. terior condition tokens. Videos and tokens are temporally down-
The COMMIT method facilitates multi-task video gen- sampled and stacked for visualization.
eration in three aspects. First, it provides a correct causal Inference. We use a non-autoregressive decoding method
masking for all interior conditions. Second, it produces a to generate video tokens from input conditions in K steps
fixed-length sequence for different conditions of arbitrary (e.g., 12). Each decoding step follows the COMMIT mask-
regional volume, improving training and memory efficiency ing in Eq. (2) with a gradually reduced mask ratio. Algo-
since no padding tokens are needed. Third, it achieves state- rithm 1 outlines the inference procedure.
of-the-art multi-task video generation results (see Tab. 5).
Fig. 3 compares the non-autoregressive image decod-
Video generation tasks. We consider ten tasks for multi- ing [12] and our video decoding procedure. Different from
task video generation where each task has a different in- the MTM decoding in [12] which performs denoising from
terior condition and mask: Frame Prediction (FP), Frame all [MASK], COMMIT decoding starts from a multivariate
Interpolation (FI), Central Outpainting (OPC), Vertical mask that embeds the interior conditions. Guided by this
Outpainting (OPV), Horizontal Outpainting (OPH), Dy- mask, Algorithm 1 performs a conditional transition process
namic Outpainting (OPD), Central Inpainting (IPC), and toward the output tokens by replacing a portion of newly
Dynamic Inpainting (IPD), Class-conditional Generation generated tokens at each step. In the end, all tokens are
(CG), Class-conditional Frame Prediction (CFP). We pro- predicted where the interior condition tokens get refined.
vide the detailed definitions in Appendix B.1.
Method Extra Video Class FVD↓ IS↑ Method K600 FVD↓ BAIR FVD↓
RaMViD [35] - 21.71±0.21 CogVideo [34] 109.2 -
StyleGAN-V∗ [51] - 23.94±0.73 CCVS [41] 55.0±1.0 99±2
DIGAN [73] 577±21 32.70±0.35 Phenaki [63] 36.4±0.2 97
DVD-GAN [15] ✓ - 32.97±1.70 TrIVD-GAN-FP [43] 25.7±0.7 103
Video Diffusion∗ [33] - 57.00±0.62 Transframer [44] 25.4 100
TATS [21] 420±18 57.63±0.24 MaskViT [26] - 94
CCVS+StyleGAN [41] 386±15 24.47±0.13 FitVid [4] - 94
Make-A-Video∗ [50] ✓ 367 33.00 MCVD [64] - 90
TATS [21] ✓ 332±18 79.28±0.38 NÜWA [69] - 87
RaMViD [35] 16.5 84
CogVideo∗ [34] ✓ ✓ 626 50.46 Video Diffusion [33] 16.2±0.3 -
Make-A-Video∗ [50] ✓ ✓ 81 82.55
MAGVIT-B-FP (ours) 24.5±0.9 76±0.1 (48±0.1)
MAGVIT-B-CG (ours) ✓ 159±2 83.55±0.14
MAGVIT-L-FP (ours) 9.9±0.3 62±0.1 (31±0.2)
MAGVIT-L-CG (ours) ✓ 76±2 89.27±0.15

Table 2. Frame prediction performance on the BAIR and

Table 1. Generation performance on the UCF-101 dataset.
Kinetics-600 datasets. - marks that the value is unavailable in
Methods in gray are pretrained on additional large video data.
their paper or incomparable to others. The FVD in parentheses
Methods with ✓ in the Class column are class-conditional, while
uses a debiased evaluation protocol on BAIR detailed in Appendix
the others are unconditional. Methods marked with ∗ use custom
B.3. See Appendix C for more comparisons with earlier works.
resolutions, while the others are at 128×128. See Appendix C for
more comparisons with earlier works.
4. Experimental Results CCVS [41] 99 - 0.729 -
MCVD [64] 90 16.9 0.780 -
We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the MAGVIT-L-FP (ours) 62 19.3 0.787 0.123
video generation quality (Section 4.2), efficiency (Sec-
tion 4.3), and flexibility for multi-task generation (Sec- Table 3. Image quality metrics on BAIR frame prediction.
tion 4.4). We show a few generation results here, and refer
1024 visual tokens. Two variants of MAGVIT, i.e., base (B)
to the web page1 for more examples.
with 128M parameters and large (L) with 464M, are eval-
4.1. Experimental Setups uated. We train both stages with the Adam optimizer [39]
in JAX/Flax [5, 30] on TPUs. Appendix B.2 details training
Datasets. We evaluate the single-task video generation configurations.
performance of MAGVIT on three standard benchmarks,
i.e., class-conditional generation on UCF-101 [54] and 4.2. Single-Task Video Generation
frame prediction on BAIR Robot Pushing [19, 60] (1-
frame condition) and Kinetics-600 [10] (5-frame condi- Class-conditional generation. The model is given a class
tion). For multi-task video generation, we quantitatively identifier in this task to generate the full video. Tab. 1 shows
evaluate MAGVIT on BAIR and SSv2 [23] on 8-10 tasks. that MAGVIT surpasses the previous best-published FVD
Furthermore, to evaluate model generalizability, we train and IS scores. Notably, it outperforms Make-A-Video [50]
models with the same learning recipe on three additional which is pretrained on additional 10M videos with a text-
video datasets: nuScenes [9], Objectron [2], and 12M Web image prior. In contrast, MAGVIT is just trained on the
videos. We show their generated videos in the main paper 9.5K training videos of UCF-101.
and quantitative performance in Appendix C. Fig. 4 compares the generated videos to baseline models.
We can see that CCVS+StyleGAN [41] gets a decent single-
Evaluation metrics. We use FVD [60] as our primary frame quality, but yields little or no motion. TATS [21] gen-
evaluation metric. Similar to [21, 33], FVD features are ex- erates some motion but with artifacts. In contrast, our model
tracted with an I3D model trained on Kinetics-400 [11]. We produces higher-quality frames with substantial motion.
also report the Inception Score (IS) [49] calculated with a
C3D [56] model on UCF-101, and PSNR, SSIM [67], and Frame prediction. The model is given a single or a few
LPIPS [74] on BAIR. We report the mean and standard de- frames to generate future frames. In Tab. 2, we compare
viation for each metric calculated over four runs. MAGVIT against highly-competitive baselines. MAGVIT
surpasses the previous state-of-the-art FVD on BAIR by a
Implementation details. We train MAGVIT to generate
large margin (84 → − 62). Inspired by [60], a “debiased”
16-frame videos at 128×128 resolution, except for BAIR at
FVD is also reported in the parentheses to overcome the
64×64. The proposed 3D-VQ model quantizes a video into
small validation set. See more discussion in Appendix B.3.
4×16×16 visual tokens, where the visual codebook size is
In Tab. 3, it demonstrates better image quality.
1024. We use the BERT transformer [17] to model the token
On the large dataset of Kinetics-600, it establishes a new
sequence, which includes 1 task prompt, 1 class token, and
state-of-the-art result, improving the previous best FVD
1 in [33] from 16.2 to 9.9 by a relative 39% improvement.
(a) CCVS+StyleGAN [41] (b) TATS [21] (c) MAGVIT-L-CG (ours)
Figure 4. Comparison of class-conditional generation samples on UCF-101. 16-frame videos are generated at 128×128 resolution 25
fps and shown at 6.25 fps. Samples for [21, 41] are obtained from their official release2 . More comparisons are provided in Appendix D.
44.64 ...
Diffusion 5.21 model MaskViT [26], MAGVIT is 4 to 16 times faster due
Runtime per frame (second)

Autoregressive Method Seq. Len. # Steps

4 MAGVIT (ours) Video Diffusion - 256-1024 to more efficient decoding on shorter sequences.
3D-VQ TATS (Autoregressive) 1024 1024
3 Transformer MaskViT 4096 16-64 4.4. Multi-task Video Generation
2 2.00 1.60 MAGVIT (ours) 1024 12
0.11 0.027 0.050 0.164 To demonstrate the flexibility in multi-task video syn-
(37 fps) (20 fps) (6 fps)
0 0.008 thesis, we train a single MAGVIT model to perform eight
(125 fps)
tasks on BAIR or ten tasks on SSv2. We do not intend to
256 1024 1728 4096 compare with dedicated models trained on these tasks but
64×64 128×128 192×144 256×256
Sequence length / resolution to demonstrate a generic model for video synthesis.
Figure 5. Inference-time generation efficiency comparison. The Eight tasks on BAIR. We perform a multi-task evalua-
average runtime for generating one frame is measured at different tion on BAIR with eight self-supervised tasks. Tab. 4 lists
resolutions. The colored bars show the time breakdown between the “debiased” FVD for each task, where the third column
the 3D-VQ and the transformer. The embedded table compares computes the average. We compare the multi-task mod-
the critical factors of inference efficiency for different methods at els (MT) with two single-task baselines trained on uncon-
16-frame 128×128, except for Video Diffusion [33] at 64×64.
ditional generation (UNC) and frame prediction (FP).
The above results verify MAGVIT’s compelling generation As shown in Tab. 4, the multi-task models achieve better
quality, including on the large Kinetics dataset. fidelity across all tasks. Single-task models perform con-
siderably worse on the tasks unseen in training (gray values
4.3. Inference-Time Generation Efficiency in Tab. 4), especially on the tasks that differ more from the
training task. Compared to the single-task models in their
Video generation efficiency is an important metric in training task, MT performs better with a small gain on FP
many applications. We conduct experiments to validate that with the same model size.
MAGVIT offers top speed in video generation. Fig. 5 shows
the processing time for each frame on a single V100 GPU Ten tasks on SSv2. We evaluate on the large-scale SSv2
at different resolutions. We compare MAGVIT-B with an dataset, where MAGVIT needs to synthesize 174 basic ac-
autoregressive transformer of the same size and a diffusion- tions with everyday objects. We evaluate a total of ten tasks,
based model [33]. At 128×128 resolution, MAGVIT-B with two of them using class labels (CG and CFP), as shown
runs at 37 frames-per-second (fps). When running on on the right side of Tab. 4. We observe a pattern consistent
a single TPUv4i [36], MAGVIT-B runs at 190 fps and with BAIR: multi-task models achieve better average FVD
MAGVIT-L runs at 65 fps. across all tasks. The above results substantiate model gen-
eralization trained with the proposed multi-task objective.
Fig. 5 compares the sequence lengths and inference steps
of these models. Diffusion models [33] typically require 4.5. Ablation Study
256-1000 diffusion steps with a 3D U-Net [14]. Autore-
gressive models, such as TATS [21], decode visual tokens Conditional MTM. We demonstrate the efficacy of
sequentially, which runs 60 times slower than MAGVIT COMMIT by comparing it with conventional MTM meth-
at 128×128. Compared to the recent non-autoregressive 2
MAGVIT-B-UNC Single 150.6 74.0 71.4 119.0 46.7 55.9 389.3 145.0 303.2 258.8 107.7 279.0
MAGVIT-B-FP Single 201.1 47.7 56.2 247.1 118.5 142.7 366.3 357.3 272.7 402.9 1780.0 59.3
MAGVIT-B-MT Multi 32.8 47.2 36.0 28.1 29.0 27.8 32.1 31.1 31.0 43.4 94.7 59.3
MAGVIT-L-MT Multi 22.8 31.4 26.4 21.3 21.2 19.5 20.9 21.3 20.3 27.3 79.1 28.5

Table 4. Multi-task generation performance on BAIR and SSV2 evaluated by FVD. Gray values denote unseen tasks during training.
We list per-task FVD for all eight tasks on BAIR and the two extra tasks on SSV2 here, and leave the details for SSV2 in Appendix C.

Frame Prediction Frame Prediction

SSV2 Web

Frame Interpolation Frame Interpolation

Central Outpainting Central Outpainting

Vertical Outpainting Vertical Outpainting

Horizontal Outpainting Horizontal Outpainting

Dynamic Outpainting Dynamic Outpainting

Central Inpainting Central Inpainting

Dynamic Inpainting Dynamic Inpainting

Class-conditional Frame Prediction

Pretending to open sth nuScenes
without actually opening it

Class-conditional Frame Frame Interpolation

Moving sth down Objectron

Figure 6. Multi-task generation samples on four datasets: SSv2 [23], nuScenes [9], Objectron [2], and Web videos. The left column
is from a single ten-task model on SSv2, while the top eight rows on the right are from a single eight-task model on Web data.

Method Seq. Length FP FVD↓ MT8 FVD↓ directly unmasks tokens of the condition region at inference
Latent masking in MaskGIT [12] 1024 74 151 time, leads to poor generalization, especially for the multi-
Prefix condition 1024-1792 55 -
task setup. Prefix condition produces a long sequence of
Lmask 388 143 variable length, making it less tractable for multi-task learn-
Lmask + Lrecons 1024 51 53
Lmask + Lrecons + Lrefine 48 33 ing. In contrast, COMMIT yields a fixed-length sequence
and better generalizability for both single- and multi-task
Table 5. Comparison of conditional masked token modeling on setups.
BAIR frame prediction (FP) and eight-task (MT8) benchmarks. -
indicates we were not able to train to convergence. Training losses. The bottom section of Tab. 5 shows the
contribution of the training loss components in Eq. (4).
ods, including the latent masking in MaskGIT for image Decoding methods. Tab. 6 compares Algorithm 1 with
synthesis [12] and the commonly-used prefix condition that existing autoregressive (AR) and non-autoregressive (NAR)
prepends cropped condition tokens to the input sequence. decoding methods. We consider two NAR baselines, i.e.,
Tab. 5 compares these methods on the BAIR dataset MaskGIT [12] for image and MaskViT [26] for video syn-
where the same 3D-VQ tokenizer is used in all approaches. thesis. We use the same 3D-VQ tokenizer for MaskGIT,
As discussed in Section 3.2, latent masking in [12], which AR, and MAGVIT. As shown, the proposed decoding algo-
Decoding Method Tokenizer Type Param. Seq. Len.↓ # Steps↓ FVD↓ 55, 58, 65, 73]. Training instability and lack of generation
MaskGIT [12]
2D-VQ NAR 53M+87M 4096 12 222 (177) diversity [12] are known issues of GAN models.
3D-VQ NAR 41M+87M 1024 12 122 (74)
MaskViT [26] 2D-VQ NAR 53M+189M 4096 18 94∗ Autoregressive transformers. Inspired by the success of
AR 3D-VQ AR 41M+87M 1024 1024 91 (56) GPT [8], autoregressive transformers have been adapted for
MAGVIT (ours) 3D-VQ NAR 41M+87M 1024 12 76 (48)
image [13,18,20,46,72] and video generation [4,34,68,69].
A focus for video is autoregressive modeling of visual dy-
Table 6. Comparison of decoding methods on BAIR frame pre- namics. Studies have switched from modeling the raw pix-
diction benchmark. The number of parameters is broken down as els [13, 61] to the discrete codes in a latent space [45, 70].
VQ + Transformer. NAR is non-autoregressive and AR is autore- The state-of-the-art model TATS [21] uses two hierarchical
gressive. FVD and debiased FVD (in parentheses) are reported. ∗ transformers to reduce the computation for long video gen-
marks the quoted number from their paper. eration, with tokens learned by a 3D-VQGAN [20]. Unlike
From Scratch ImageNet [16] Initialization
prior works, we introduce a non-autoregressive transformer
FVD↓ IS↑ FVD↓ IS↑ FVD↓ IS↑ with higher efficiency and flexibility.
MaskGIT [12] 2D-VQ 240 80.9 216 82.6 - Non-autoregressive transformers. Concurrently, a few
TATS [21] 3D-VQ 162 80.6 - -
methods use non-autoregressive transformers for image
Average Central
MAGVIT 3D-VQ-B (ours) 127 82.1 103 84.8 58 87.0 synthesis [?, 12, 42, 75]. Section 2 reviews a state-of-the-
MAGVIT 3D-VQ-L (ours) 45 87.1 35 88.3 25 88.9 art model called MaskGIT [12]. Compared with these ap-
proaches [26, 28], we present an embedding mask to model
Table 7. Comparison of tokenizer architectures and initializa-
multi-task video conditions with better quality.
tion methods on UCF-101 training set reconstruction results. The
2D-VQ compresses by 8×8 spatially and the 3D-VQ compresses Diffusion models. Diffusion models have recently re-
by 4×8×8 spatial-temporally. ceived much attention for image synthesis. For example,
the state-of-the-art video diffusion model [33] extends the
rithm produces the best quality with the 3D-VQ and has a image denoising diffusion model [3,32,52,53,59] by incor-
4× shorter sequence than the 2D-VQ. While the AR trans- porating 3D U-Net [14] architectures and joint training on
former obtains a reasonable FVD, it takes over 85× more both images and videos. Despite its high-quality, sampling
steps at inference time. speed is a bottleneck hindering the application of diffusion
models in video synthesis. We show a different solution to
VQ architecture and training techniques. We evaluate
train a highly-efficient model that offers compelling quality.
the design options of our 3D-VQ model in MAGVIT. Tab. 7
lists the reconstruction FVD and IS metrics on the UCF-101 Multi-task video synthesis. Multi-task video synthe-
training set, which are different from the generation metrics sis [28, 44, 69] is yet to be well-studied. Transframer [44]
as they measure the intermediate quantization. Neverthe- is the closest to our work, which adopts an image-
less, reconstruction quality bounds the generation quality. level representation for autoregressive modeling of tasks
Tab. 7 compares the proposed 3D architecture with ex- based on frame prediction. We present an efficient non-
isting 2D [12] and 3D [21] VQ architectures. We train the autoregressive multi-task transformer, and verify the quality
MaskGIT [12] 2D-VQ and our 3D-VQ with the same proto- and efficiency on ten video generation tasks.
col and evaluate the official TATS [21] 3D-VQ model. We Text-to-video. All of our models are trained only on pub-
compare two inflation methods for our 3D-VQ model, i.e., lic benchmarks, except the Web video model. We leave the
average [11] and central inflation. text-to-video task as future work. As shown in recent works
The results show the following. First, 3D-VQ models, [31, 50, 63], training such models requires large, and some-
despite producing a higher compression rate, show better times non-public, datasets of paired texts and images.
video reconstruction quality than 2D-VQ, even with fewer
parameters. Second, the proposed VQ performs favorably 6. Conclusion
against baseline architectures with a similar size and gets
In this paper, we propose MAGVIT, a generic and effi-
much better with a larger model. Third, ImageNet [16] ini-
cient mask-based video generation model. We introduce
tialization boosts the performance for 2D and 3D models,
a high-quality 3D-VQ tokenizer to quantize a video and
where the central inflation outperforms the average infla-
design COMMIT for multi-task conditional masked token
tion. The results demonstrate the excellent reconstruction
modeling. We conduct extensive experiments to demon-
fidelity of our tokenizer design.
strate the video generation quality, efficiency, and flexibility
for multi-task generation. Notably, MAGVIT establishes a
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MAGVIT: Masked Generative Video Transformer
Supplementary Materials

Acknowledgements A. MAGVIT Model Architecture

The authors would like to thank Tom Duerig, Victor A.1. 3D-VQ Tokenizer
Gomes, Paul Natsev along with the Multipod committee for
Fig. 7 shows the architectures of the MAGVIT 3D-
sponsoring the computing resources. We appreciate valu-
VQ module and compares it with the 3D-VQ module in
able feedback and leadership support from David Salesin,
TATS [13] which held the previous state-of-the-art for video
Jay Yagnik, Tomas Izo, and Rahul Sukthankar thoughout
generation. Compared with TATS, the major design choices
the project. Special thanks to Wolfgang Macherey for sup-
in MAGVIT 3D-VQ are listed below.
porting the project. We thank David Alexander Ross and
• Average pooling, instead of strided convolution, is
Yu-Chuan Su for many helpful comments for improving
used for down-sampling.
the paper. We also give thanks to Sarah Laszlo and Hugh
• Nearest resizing and convolution are used for up-
Williams for creating the MAGVIT model card, Bryan Sey-
bold and Albert Shaw for extending the features, Jonathan
• We use spatial down- and up-sampling layers near
Ho and Tim Salimans for providing the JAX code pointer
the latent space and spatial-temporal down- and up-
for FVD computation, and the Scenic team for the infras-
sampling layers near the pixel space, resulting in mir-
tructure support. We are thankful to Wenhe Liu, Xinyu Yao,
rored encoder-decoder architecture.
Mingzhi Cai, Yizhi Zhang, and Zhao Jin for proof reading
• A single deeper 3D discriminator is designed rather
the paper. This project is funded in part by Carnegie Mellon
than two shallow discriminators for 2D and 3D sep-
University’s Mobility21 National University Transportation
Center, which is sponsored by the US Department of Trans-
• We quantize into a much smaller vocabulary of 1,024
as compared to 16,384.
• We use group normalization [42] instead of batch nor-
Appendix Overview malization [20] and Swish [26] activation function in-
This supplementary document provides additional de- stead of SiLU [16].
tails to support our main manuscript, organized as follows: • We use the LeCAM regularization [?] to improve the
• Appendix A presents the 3D-VQ architectures and the training stability and quality.
transformer models in MAGVIT. The quantitative comparison of the 3D-VQ from TATS
• Appendix B includes additional implementation details in and MAGVIT were presented in Table 6 of the main pa-
training and evaluation. per. In addition, Fig. 9 below qualitatively compares
• Appendix C provides more quantitative evaluation re- their reconstruction quality on UCF-101. Figs. 10 and 11
sults, which include: show MAGVIT’s high-quality reconstruction on example
– Comparisons to more published results on the three YouTube videos.
benchmarks in the paper: UCF-101 [31], BAIR [12, We design two variants of the MAGVIT 3D-VQ module,
35], and Kinetics-600 [6]. i.e., the base (B) with 41M parameters and the large (L) with
– Multi-task results on Something-Something-v2 158M parameters, excluding the discriminators.
(SSv2) [14].
– Results on three additional datasets: NuScenes [5], Ob-
A.2. Transformer
jectron [3] and Web video datasets. MAGVIT uses the BERT transformer architecture [10]
• Appendix D shows more qualitative examples of the gen- adapted from the Flaxformer implementation2 . Following
erated videos. the transformer configurations in ViT [11], we use two vari-
We present a demo video for MAGVIT and show more ants of transformers, i.e., base (B) with 87M parameters and
generated examples on this web page1 . large (L) with 306M in all our experiments. Tab. 8 lists the
1 2

VQVAE Discriminator VQVAE Discriminator

Encoder Decoder Video Encoder Decoder Conv 3x3x3, 3->64c + LeakyReLU

Conv 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, GroupNorm + Swish +
Conv 3x3x3, 3->32 Conv 3x3x3, 32->3 Conv 3x3x3, 3->64c ResBlockDown 64c->128c
3->64 + LeakyReLU Conv 3x3x3, 64c->3

ResBlock 64 Conv 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, ResBlock 64c ResBlock 64c ResBlockDown 128c->256c
+ BatchNorm + LeakyReLU
ResBlock 64 ResBlock 64c ResBlock 128c->64c ResBlockDown 256c->256c
Conv 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2,
Conv 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, ConvT 4x4x4, stride 1x2x2, 128->256 Nearest upsample 2x2x2 ResBlockDown 256c->256c
32->64 128->64 Average pooling 2x2x2
+ BatchNorm + LeakyReLU + Conv 3x3x3
ResBlockDown 256c->256c
ResBlock 64 ResBlock 128 Conv 4x4x4, 256->512 ResBlock 64c->128c ResBlock 128c
+ BatchNorm + LeakyReLU
Conv 3x3x3, 256c + LeakyReLU
ResBlock 128 ResBlock 128c ResBlock 128c
Conv 4x4x4, 512->1
Linear 256c + LeakyReLU
Conv 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, ConvT 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, Nearest upsample 2x2x2
Image Average pooling 2x2x2 + Linear 1
64->128 256->128 + Conv 3x3x3
Conv 4x4, stride 2x2,
3->64 + LeakyReLU ResBlockDown
ResBlock 128 ResBlock 256 ResBlock 128c ResBlock 128c X->Y

Conv 4x4, stride 2x2,

ResBlock 256 ResBlock 128c ResBlock 256->128c
+ BatchNorm + LeakyReLU
Conv 4x4x4, stride 1x2x2, ConvT 4x4x4, stride 2x2x2, Nearest upsample 1x2x2
128->256 256->256 Average pooling 1x2x2
Conv 4x4, stride 2x2, + Conv 3x3x3
128->256 ResBlock X
BatchNorm + SiLU BatchNorm + SiLU + BatchNorm + LeakyReLU ResBlock 128c->256c ResBlock 256c

Conv 4x4, 256->512

Conv 1x1x1, 256->256 Conv 1x1x1, 256->256 ResBlock 256c ResBlock 256c
+ BatchNorm + LeakyReLU

VQ 16384x256 Conv 4x4, 512->1 ResBlock 256c ResBlock 256c

ResBlock X->Y
ResBlock X ResBlock 256c ResBlock 256c

GroupNorm + Swish +
Conv 3x3x3, 256->256c
Conv 1x1x1, 256c->256

VQ 1024x256

(a) TATS [13] 3D-VQ. (32M+14M parameters) (b) MAGVIT (ours) 3D-VQ.
(41M+15M parameters at c = 1 (B), 158M+61M at c = 2 (L))

Figure 7. Comparison of 3D-VQ model architectures between MAGVIT and the TATS [13]. We highlight the blocks with major
differences in gray background and detail their design differences in Appendix A.1. We train the models to quantize 16-frame clips
of 128×128 resolution into 4 × 16 × 16 tokens. The number of parameters in parentheses are broken down between VQVAE and

detailed configurations for each variant. A huge (H) trans- frame at the beginning and the first given frame at the
former is only used to train on the large Web video dataset end.
and generate demo videos. • Central Outpainting (OPC)
– Interior condition: a rectangle at the center with height
B. Implementation Details h and width w; h = 0.5H, w = 0.5W .
– Padding: pad the nearest pixel for each location (edge
B.1. Task Definitions padding).
We employ a total of ten tasks for multi-task video gener- • Vertical Outpainting (OPV)
ation. Each task is characterized by a few adjustable settings – Interior condition: a centered vertical strip with width
such as interior condition shape, padding function, and op- w; w = 0.5W .
tionally prefix condition. Fig. 8 illustrates the interior con- – Padding: edge padding.
dition regions for each task under the above setup. Given a • Horizontal Outpainting (OPH)
video of shape T ×H ×W , we define the tasks as following: – Interior condition: a centered horizontal strip with
height h; h = 0.5H.
• Frame Prediction (FP)
– Padding: edge padding.
– Interior condition: t frames at the beginning; t = 1.
• Dynamic Outpainting (OPD)
– Padding: replicate the last given frame.
– Interior condition: a moving vertical strip with width
• Frame Interpolation (FI)
w; w = 0.5W .
– Interior condition: t1 frames at the beginning and t2
– Direction of movement: left to right.
frames at the end; t1 = 1, t2 = 1.
– Padding: zero padding.
– Padding: linear interpolate between the last given

Model Param. # heads # layers Hidden size MLP dim
MAGVIT-B 87 M 12 12 768 3072
MAGVIT-L 305 M 16 24 1024 4096
MAGVIT-H 634 M 16 32 1280 5120

Table 8. Transformer architecture configurations used in MAGVIT.

frozen tokenizer. We follow the same learning recipe across

all datasets, with the only variation in the number of training
epochs. Here are the training details for both stages:
• 3D-VQ:
(a) FP (b) FI (c) OPC (d) OPV
– Video: 16 frames, frame stride 1, 128×128 resolution.
(64×64 resolution for BAIR)
– Base channels: 64 for B, 128 for L.
– VQVAE channel multipliers: 1, 2, 2, 4.
(e) OPH (f) OPD (g) IPC (h) IPD (1, 2, 4 for 64×64 resolution).
– Discriminator channel multipliers: 2, 4, 4, 4, 4.
(2, 4, 4, 4 for 64×64 resolution)
– Latent shape: 4×16×16.
– Vocabulary size: 1,024.
(i) CG (j) CFP – Embedding dimension: 256.
– Initialization: central inflation from a 2D-VQ trained
Figure 8. Interior condition regions for each task, where green on ImageNet with this setup.
denotes valid pixels and white pixels denote the task-specific – Peak learning rate: 10−4 .
paddings discussed in Appendix B.1. The tasks are Frame Predic-
– Learning rate schedule: linear warm up and
tion (FP), Frame Interpolation (FI), Central Outpainting (OPC),
cosine decay.
Vertical Outpainting (OPV), Horizontal Outpainting (OPH), Dy-
namic Outpainting (OPD), Central Inpainting (IPC), Dynamic In- – Optimizer: Adam with β1 = 0 and β2 = 0.99.
painting (IPD), Class-conditional Generation (CG), and Class- – Generator loss type: Non-saturating.
conditional Frame Prediction (CFP). – Generator adversarial loss weight: 0.1.
– Perceptual loss weight: 0.1.
– Discriminator gradient penalty: r1 with cost 10.
• Central Inpainting (IPC) – EMA model decay rate: 0.999.
– Interior condition: everything but a rectangle at the – Batch size: 128 for B, 256 for L.
center with height h and width w; h = 0.5H, w = – Speed: 0.41 steps/sec on 16 TPU-v2 chips for B,
0.5W . 0.56 steps/sec on 32 TPU-v4 chips for L.
– Padding: zero padding. • Transformer:
• Dynamic Inpainting (IPD) – Sequence length: 1026.
– Interior condition: everything but a vertically centered – Hidden dropout rate: 0.1.
moving rectangle with height h and width w; h = – Attention dropout rate: 0.1.
0.5H, w = 0.5W . – Mask rate schedule: cosine.
– Direction of movement: left to right. – Peak learning rate: 10−4 .
– Padding: zero padding. – Learning rate schedule: linear warm up and
• Class-conditional Generation (CG) cosine decay.
– Prefix condition: class label. – Optimizer: Adam with β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.96.
• Class-conditional Frame Prediction (CFP) – Weight decay 0.045.
– Prefix condition: class label. – Label smoothing: 10−4 .
– Interior condition: t frames at the beginning; t = 1. – Max gradient norm: 1.
– Padding: replicate the last given frame. – Batch size: 256.
– Speed: 1.24 steps/sec on 16 TPU-v2 chips for B,
B.2. Training 2.70 steps/sec on 32 TPU-v4 chips for L.
MAGVIT is trained in two stages where we first train Using more hardware resources can speed up the train-
the 3D-VQ tokenizer and then train the transformer with a ing. We train MAGVIT models for each dataset separately.

3D-VQ Transformer – Dataset: 43K videos for training and 256 videos for
Dataset evaluation.
– Number of samples: 25,600×4.
UCF-101 500 2000 2000 2000 – Resolution: 64×64.
BAIR 400 800 400 800 – Real distribution: the first 16-frame clip from each
BAIR-MT 400 800 1200 1600 evaluation video.
Kinetics-600 45 180 180 360 – COMMIT decoding: exponential schedule, tempera-
SSv2 135 400 720 1440 ture 400.
nuScenes 1280 5120 2560 10240 • Kinetics-600:
Objectron 1000 2000 1000 2000 – Dataset: 384K videos for training and 29K videos for
Web 5 20 10 20 evaluation.
– Number of samples: 50,000×4.
Table 9. Training epochs for each dataset.
– Generation resolution: 128×128.
– Evaluation resolution: 64×64, via central crop and bi-
linear resize.
The training epochs for each dataset are listed in Tab. 9.
– Real distribution: 6 sampled clips (2 temporal windows
B.3. Evaluation and 3 spatial crops) from each evaluation video.
– COMMIT decoding: uniform schedule, temperature
Evaluation metrics. The FVD [35] is used as the primary 7.5.
evaluation metric. We follow the official implementation3 • SSv2:
in extracting video features with an I3D model trained on – Dataset: 169K videos for training and 24K videos for
Kinetics-400 [7]. We report Inception Score (IS) [28]4 on evaluation, 174 classes.
the UCF-101 dataset which is calculated with a C3D [33] – Number of samples: 50,000×4.
model trained on UCF-101. We further include image qual- – Resolution: 128×128.
ity metrics: PSNR, SSIM [39] and LPIPS [45] (computed – Real distribution for the CG task: random clips from
by the VGG features) on the BAIR dataset. the training videos.
– Real distribution for the other tasks: 2 sampled clips (2
Sampling protocols. We follow the sampling protocols temporal windows and central crop) from each evalua-
from previous works [9, 13] when eveluating on the stan- tion video.
dard benchmarks, i.e. UCF-101, BAIR, and Kinetics-600. • nuScenes:
We sample 16-frame clips from each dataset without re- – Dataset: 5.4K videos for training and 0.6K videos for
placement to form the real distribution in FVD and extract evaluation, front camera only, 32 frames per video.
condition inputs from them to feed to the model. We con- – Number of samples: 50,000×4.
tinuously run through all the samples required (e.g., 40,000 – Resolution: 128×128.
for UCF-101) with a single data loader and compute the – Real distribution: 48 sampled clips (16 temporal win-
mean and standard deviation for 4 folds. When evaluating dows and 3 spatial crops) from each evaluation video.
on other datasets, due to the lack of prior works, we adapt • Objectron:
the above protocol based on the dataset size to ensure sam- – Dataset: 14.4K videos for training and 3.6K videos for
ple diversity. evaluation.
For our MAGVIT model, we use the following COM- – Number of samples: 50,000×4.
MIT decoding hyperparameters by default: cosine sched- – Resolution: 128×128.
ule, 12 steps, temperature 4.5. Below are detailed setups – Real distribution: 5 sampled clips (5 temporal windows
for each dataset: and central crop) from each evaluation video.
• Web videos:
• UCF-101:
– Dataset: ∼12M videos for training and 26K videos for
– Dataset: 9.5K videos for training, 101 classes.
– Number of samples: 10,000×4.
– Number of samples: 50,000×4.
– Resolution: 128×128.
– Resolution: 128×128.
– Real distribution: random clips from the training
– Real distribution: randomly sampled clips from evalu-
ation videos.
3 https : / / github . com / google -
research / google -
For the “random clips” above, we refer to the combina-
research/tree/master/frechet_video_distance tion of a random temporal window and a random spatial
4 crop on a random video. For the fixed number of “tempo-

Extra Method K600 FVD↓ BAIR FVD↓
Method Class FVD↓ IS↑
LVT [25] 224.7 126±3
VGAN [38] ✓ - 8.31±0.09 Video Transformer [40] 170.0±5.0 94±2
TGAN [27] - 11.85±0.07 CogVideo∗ [18] 109.2 -
MoCoGAN∗ [34] ✓ - 12.42±0.07 DVD-GAN-FP [9] 69.1±1.2 110
ProgressiveVGAN [2] ✓ - 14.56±0.05 CCVS [22] 55.0±1.0 99±2
TGAN [27] ✓ - 15.83±0.18 Phenaki [36] 36.4±0.2 97
RaMViD [19] - 21.71±0.21 VideoGPT [43] - 103
LDVD-GAN [21] - 22.91±0.19 TrIVD-GAN-FP [23] 25.7±0.7 103
StyleGAN-V∗# [30] - 23.94±0.73 Transframer [24] 25.4 100
VideoGPT [43] - 24.69±0.30 MaskViT [15] - 94
TGANv2 [28] ✓ 1209±28 28.87±0.67 FitVid [4] - 94
MoCoGAN-HD# [32] 838 32.36 MCVD [37] - 90
DIGAN [44] 655±22 29.71±0.53 NÜWA [41] - 87
DIGAN# [44] 577±21 32.70±0.35 RaMViD [19] 16.5 84
DVD-GAN# [9] ✓ - 32.97±1.70 Video Diffusion [17] 16.2±0.3 -
Video Diffusion∗# [17] - 57.00±0.62 MAGVIT-B-FP (ours) 24.5±0.9 76±0.1 (47±0.1)
TATS [13] 420±18 57.63±0.24 MAGVIT-L-FP (ours) 9.9±0.3 62±0.1 (31±0.2)
CCVS+StyleGAN# [22] 386±15 24.47±0.13
Make-A-Video∗ [29] ✓ 367 33.00 Table 11. Frame prediction performance on the BAIR and
TATS [13] ✓ 332±18 79.28±0.38 Kinetics-600 datasets. - marks that the value is unavailable in
CogVideo∗ [18] ✓ ✓ 626 50.46 their paper or incomparable to others. The FVD in parenthe-
Make-A-Video∗ [29] ✓ ✓ 81 82.55 ses uses a debiased evaluation protocol on BAIR detailed in Ap-
pendix B.3. Methods marked with ∗ is pretrained on additional
MAGVIT-B-CG (ours) ✓ 159±2 83.55±0.14 large video data.
MAGVIT-L-CG (ours) ✓ 76±2 89.27±0.15

Table 10. Generation performance on the UCF-101 dataset. regular training FVD with all 43K videos (13), showing the
Methods in gray are pretrained on additional large video data. biased FVD computation.
Methods with ✓ in the Class column are class-conditional, while To bridge the gap, we use uniformly sampled 16-frame
the others are unconditional. Methods marked with ∗ use custom
clips from the 256 30-frame evaluation videos, which re-
resolutions, while the others are at 128×128. Methods marked
sults in 256 × 15 = 3840 clips. The uniform sampling
with # additionally used the test set in training.
yields a better representation of the evaluation set. Under
this new protocol, MAGVIT-L-FP achieves FVD 31 instead
ral windows” or “spatial crops”, deterministic uniform sam- of 62, which is more aligned with its training set perfor-
pling is used. mance (FVD=8).
For the image quality metrics on BAIR in Table 3 of the We report this “debiased FVD” in addition to the stan-
main paper, CCVS [22] generates at 256 × 256 while the dard FVD computation on the BAIR dataset, with the de-
others are at 64 × 64. When calculating PSNR and SSIM, fault COMMIT decoding hyperparameters. We also use
we follow [37] in using the best value from 100 trials for it for BAIR multi-task evaluation and ablation studies on
each evaluation video. BAIR .

C. Additional Quantitative Evaluation

Debiased FVD on BAIR Computing FVD is difficult on
the BAIR dataset due to its small evaluation target of only Class-conditional generation. Tab. 10 shows a detailed
256 16-frame clips. Following the standard evaluation pro- comparison with the previously published results on the
tocol, we generate 100 predictions for each clip to create UCF-101 [31] class-conditional video generation bench-
256,00 samples [4]. mark, where the numbers are quoted from the cited papers.
The real distribution to compute FVD in this way is Note that CogVideo [18] and Make-A-Video [29] are pre-
highly biased with the insufficient evaluation videos [35]. trained on additional 5-10M videos before finetuning on
We can see this by a simple experiment where we compute UCF-101, where Make-A-Video further uses a text-image
the training FVD with only 256 training videos. We observe prior trained on a billion text-image pairs. The remaining
that this 256-sample training FVD (64) is far worse than the models, including MAGVIT, are only trained on 9.5K train-

MAGVIT-B-UNC Single 258.8 278.8 91.0 67.5 27.3 36.2 711.5 319.3 669.8 107.7 279.0
MAGVIT-B-FP Single 402.9 59.3 76.2 213.2 81.2 86.3 632.7 343.1 697.9 1780.0 59.3
MAGVIT-B-MT Multi 43.4 71.5 38.0 38.8 23.3 26.1 33.4 23.3 25.3 94.7 59.3
MAGVIT-L-MT Multi 27.3 33.8 25.0 21.1 16.8 17.0 23.5 13.5 15.0 79.1 28.5
Masked pixel - - 94% 87% 75% 50% 50% 50% 25% 25% 100% 94%
Masked token - - 75% 50% 75% 50% 50% 50% 25% 25% 100% 75%

Table 12. Multi-task generation performance on Something-Something-V2 evaluated by FVD. Gray values denote unseen tasks during
training. The bottom two rows list the proportions of masked pixels and tokens for each task.

Method nuScenes-FP Objectron-FI Web-MT8 FP FI OPC OPV OPH OPD IPC IPD
MAGVIT-B 29.3 - 33.0 84.9 33.9 34.4 21.5 22.1 26.0 20.7 20.4
MAGVIT-L 20.6 26.7 21.6 45.5 30.9 19.9 15.3 14.5 20.2 12.0 14.7

Table 13. Generation performance on NuScenes, Objectron, and Web videos evaluated by FVD.

ing videos of UCF-101, or 13.3K training and testing videos pixel and token spaces. SSv2 is a challenging dataset
of UCF-101 for those marked with # . Fig. 12 provides a vi- commonly used for action recognition, whereas this work
sual comparison to the baseline methods. benchmarks video generation on it for the first time. On
As shown, even the smaller MAGVIT-B performs favor- this dataset, a model needs to synthesize 174 basic actions
ably against previous state-of-the-art model TATS [13] by a with everyday objects. Fig. 15 shows examples of generated
large margin. MAGVIT-L pushes both the FVD (332 → videos for each task on this dataset.
76, ↓ 77%) and IS (79.28 → 89.27, ↑ 13%) to a new We compare the multi-task models (MT) with two
level, while outperforming the contemporary work Make- single-task baselines trained on unconditional generation
A-Video [29] which is pretrained on significantly large ex- (UNC) and frame prediction (FP). The multi-task models
tra training data. show consistently better average FVD across all tasks com-
pared with the single-task baselines.
Frame prediction. For the frame prediction task on
BAIR Robot Pushing [12, 35] (1-frame condition) and
Kinetics-600 [6] (5-frame condition), Tab. 11 provides a Results on nuScenes, Objectron, and 12M Web Videos.
detailed comparison with previously published results. We Tab. 13 shows the generation performance on three ad-
use “-” to mark the FVDs that either is unavailable in their ditional datasets, i.e., nuScenes [5], Objectron [3], and
paper or incomparable to others. For example, Video Dif- 12M Web videos which contains 12 million videos we
fusion [17]’s FVD reported in their paper was on a different collected from the web. We evaluate our model on the
camera angle (top-down view image main5 ) and is hence frame prediction task on nuScenes, the frame interpolation
incomparable to others. task on Objectron, and the 8-task suite on the Web videos.
MAGVIT achieves state-of-the-art quality in terms of Fig. 16 shows examples of generated videos for each task.
FVD on both datasets, with a 39% relative improvement The results substantiate the generalization performance of
on the large-scale Kinetics benchmark than the highly- MAGVIT on videos from distinct visual domains and the
competitive Video Diffusion baseline [17]. Fig. 13 and multi-task learning recipe on large-scale data.
Fig. 14 below provide visual comparisons to the baseline
methods on BAIR and Kinetics-600, respectively.
Tokenizer reconstruction. We report the image quality
Multi-task video generation. Having verified single-task metrics (PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS) for the VQGAN reconstruc-
video generation, Tab. 12 shows per-task performance of tion in Tab. 14. We compare MAGVIT 3D against the base-
the ten tasks on the large-scale Something-Something-v2 line MaskGIT 2D to highlight our 3D design while keeping
(SSv2) [14] dataset, with the proportions of masks in both the remaining components the same. As shown, the results
5 https : / / www . tensorflow . org / datasets / catalog / in Tab. 14 are consistent with the findings by FVD in Tab.
bair_robot_pushing_small 6.

From Scratch ImageNet Initialization
VQ Tokenizer
MaskGIT 2D 21.4 0.667 0.139 21.5 0.685 0.114 -
Average Central
MAGVIT 3D-L 21.8 0.690 0.113 21.9 0.697 0.103 22.0 0.701 0.099

Table 14. Image quality metrics of different tokenizers on UCF-101 training set reconstruction.

D. Qualitative Examples D.2. Single-Task Generation Examples

D.1. High-Fidelity Tokenization Fig. 12 compares the generated samples from
CCVS+StyleGAN [22], the prior state-of-the-art
Comparison of tokenizers. Fig. 9 compares the recon- TATS [13], and MAGVIT on the UCF-101 class-
struction quality of the three VQ tokenizers on the UCF- conditional generation benchmark. As shown in Fig. 12,
101, including the 2D-VQ from MaskGIT [8], the 3D-VQ CCVS+StyleGAN [22] gets a decent single-frame quality
from TATS [13], and MAGVIT 3D-VQ, where the videos attributing to the pretrained StyleGAN, but yields little or
are taken from the UCF-101 training set. We obtain the no motion. TATS [13] generates some motion but with clear
TATS model from their official release 6 . We train the artifacts. In contrast, our model produces higher-quality
MaskGIT 2D-VQ and MAGVIT 3D-VQ using the same frames with substantial motion.
protocol on the UCF-101 dataset. Fig. 13 compares the generated samples between the
We can see that the MaskGIT 2D-VQ produces a rea- state-of-the-art RaMViD [19] and MAGVIT on the BAIR
sonable image quality, but falls short of frame consistency frame prediction benchmark given 1-frame condition. As
which causes significant flickering when played as a video shown, the clips produced by MAGVIT maintaining a bet-
(e.g., the curtain color in the first row and the wall color in ter visual consistency and spatial-temporal dynamics.
the third row). TATS 3D-VQ has a better temporal consis- Fig. 14 compares the generated samples from
tency but loses details for moving objects (e.g., the woman’s RaMViD [19] and MAGVIT on the Kinetics-600 frame
belly in the second row). In contrast, our 3D VQ produces prediction benchmark given 5-frame condition. Note that
consistent frames with greater details reconstructed for both RaMViD generates video in 64×64 and MAGVIT in
static and moving pixels. 128×128 where the standard evaluation is carried out on
64×64. As shown, given the conditioned frames, MAGVIT
generates plausible actions with greater details.

Scalable tokenization. Since the tokenizers are trained in D.3. Multi-Task Generation Examples
an unsupervised manner, they exhibit remarkable general-
Fig. 15 shows multi-task generation results on 10 dif-
ization performances and can be scaled to big data as no
ferent tasks from a single model trained on SSv2. Fig. 16
labels are required. To demonstrate this, we train a large
shows multi-task samples for three other models trained on
MAGVIT 3D-VQ on the large YouTube-8M [1] dataset
nuScenes, Objectron, and Web videos. These results sub-
while ignoring the labels, and use the model to quantize
stantiate the multi-task flexibility of MAGVIT.
randomly sampled videos on YouTube.
The diverse video generation tasks that MAGVIT is ca-
Figs. 10 and 11 show the original and reconstructed pable of can enable many useful applications. For exam-
videos from YouTube at 240p (240 × 432) resolution with ple, Figs. 17 and 18 show a few untrawide outpainting sam-
arbitrary lengths (e.g. 4,096 frames). Although the tok- ples by repeatedly performing the vertical outpainting task.
enizer is only trained with 16-frame 128×128 videos, it pro- MAGVIT can easily generate nice large panorama videos
duces high reconstruction fidelity for high spatial-temporal given a small condition.
resolutions that are unseen in training. Our 3D-VQ model
compresses the video by a factor of 4 temporally, by 8×8
spatially, and by 2.4 (24 bits → 10 bits) per element, yield-
ing a 614.4× compression rate. Despite such high compres-
sion, the reconstructed results show stunning details and are
almost indistinguishable from the real videos.


(a) MaskGIT [8] 2D-VQ

(b) TATS [13] 3D-VQ

(c) MAGVIT 3D-VQ-L (ours)

(d) Real

Figure 9. Comparison of tokenizers on UCF-101 training set reconstruction. Videos are reconstructed at 16 frames 64×64 resolution
25 fps and shown at 12.5 fps, with the ground truth in (d). MaskGIT 2D-VQ produces a reasonable image quality, but falls short of frame
consistency which causes significant flickering when played as a video (e.g., the curtain color in the first row and the wall color in the third
row). TATS 3D-VQ has a better temporal consistency but loses details for moving objects (e.g., the woman’s belly in the second row). In
contrast, our 3D VQ produces consistent frames with greater details reconstructed for both static and moving pixels.

YouTube ID: N7N4EC20-cM
YouTube ID: yY70igorfBw

Figure 10. Our 3D-VQ model produces high reconstruction fidelity with scalable spatial-temporal resolution. For each group, the
top row contains real YouTube videos and the bottom row shows the reconstructed videos from the discrete tokens. The original videos are
in 240p (240 × 432) resolution with N frames. Our 3D-VQ model represents the video as N4 ×30× 54 discrete tokens with a codebook of
size 1024, representing a total compression rate of 614.4. Despite such high compression, the reconstructed results show stunning details
and are almost indistinguishable from the real videos.

YouTube ID: --OGJdFF_pE

YouTube ID: XW3QKZ0uMds

YouTube ID: yY70igorfBw

Figure 11. Our 3D-VQ model produces high reconstruction fidelity with scalable spatial-temporal resolution. For each group, the
top row contains real YouTube videos and the bottom row shows the reconstructed videos from the discrete tokens. The original videos are
in 240p (240 × 432) resolution with N frames. Our 3D-VQ model represents the video as N4 ×30× 54 discrete tokens with a codebook of
size 1024, representing a total compression rate of 614.4. Despite such high compression, the reconstructed results show stunning details
and are almost indistinguishable from the real videos.

(a) CCVS+StyleGAN [22]

(b) TATS [13]

(c) MAGVIT-L-CG (ours)

Figure 12. Comparison of class-conditional generation samples on UCF-101. 16-frame videos are generated at 128×128 resolution
25 fps and shown at 12.5 fps. Samples for [13, 22] are obtained from their official release (
projects/tats/). CCVS+StyleGAN gets a decent single-frame quality attributing to the pretrained StyleGAN, but yields little or
no motion. TATS generates some motion but with clear artifacts. In contrast, our model produces higher-quality frames with substantial

(a) RaMViD [19]

(b) MAGVIT-L-FP (ours)

Figure 13. Comparison of frame prediction samples on BAIR unseen evaluation set. 16-frame videos are generated at 64×64 resolution
10 fps given the first frame as condition and shown at 5 fps where condition frames are marked in orange. Samples for [19] are obtained
from their official release ( diffusion- prediction). As shown, the clips
produced by MAGVIT maintaining a better visual consistency and spatial-temporal dynamics.

(a) RaMViD [19] at 64×64 resolution, condition information is unavailable.

(b) MAGVIT-L-FP (ours) at 128×128 resolution, condition frames are marked in orange.

Figure 14. Comparison of frame prediction samples on Kinetics-600 unseen evaluation set. 16-frame videos are generated at 25 fps
given 5-frame condition. Samples for [19] are obtained from their official release (
diffusion-prediction). As shown, given the conditioned frames, MAGVIT generates plausible actions with greater details.

Frame Prediction


Frame Interpolation

Central Outpainting

Vertical Outpainting

Horizontal Outpainting

Dynamic Outpainting

Central Inpainting

Dynamic Inpainting

Pretending to open sth
without actually opening it

Class-conditional Frame
Moving sth down

Figure 15. Multi-task generation results for the model only trained on the Something-Something-V2 dataset [14]. The condition used to
generate the shown videos are taken from the Something-Something-V2 evaluation videos.

Frame Prediction


Frame Interpolation

Central Outpainting

Vertical Outpainting

Horizontal Outpainting

Dynamic Outpainting

Central Inpainting

Dynamic Inpainting

Frame Prediction


Frame Interpolation


Figure 16. Multi-task generation results for three models trained on nuScenes [5], Objectron [3], and 12M Web videos, respectively. The
condition used to generate the shown videos are taken from the evaluation set.

Figure 17. Ultrawide outpainting results. Given a vertical slice of 64×128, MAGVIT expands it into a panorama video of 384×128 by
doing vertical outpainting for 5 times on each side.

Figure 18. Ultrawide outpainting results. Given a vertical slice of 64×128, MAGVIT expands it into a panorama video of 384×128 by
doing vertical outpainting for 5 times on each side.

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