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In conclusion, the development of the Greenleaf Herbal Medicine software provides a valuable resource

for individuals seeking natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. By incorporating a
comprehensive herb database, user-friendly features such as search and filtering, and tools for tracking
remedies and potential interactions, the software aims to empower users on their herbal medicine
journey. The inclusion of community forums fosters a collaborative environment for knowledge
exchange, while scientific references ensure the credibility of information. With a commitment to user
safety, convenience, and evidence-based practices, Greenleaf Herbal Medicine software stands as a
reliable companion for those exploring the benefits of herbal remedies in their holistic healthcare

Certainly! Here's a problem statement for your herbal traditional medicine software project:

"In the realm of herbal traditional medicine, there exists a need for an advanced software solution that
can effectively catalog, analyze, and recommend herbal remedies. The current lack of a comprehensive
and user-friendly platform hinders herbalists and enthusiasts from easily accessing valuable information
about medicinal plants, their properties, and proper usage. This software aims to bridge the gap by
providing a robust interface for herbal medicine practitioners, researchers, and individuals seeking
reliable information on herbal remedies. The challenge lies in developing an intuitive system that
combines accurate data, user-friendly design, and advanced functionalities to enhance the practice and
understanding of herbal traditional medicine in both professional and personal contexts."

I need enough explanation about the aims and objectives of the system

Certainly! Here's an explanation of the aims and objectives for the herbal traditional medicine software


1. **Centralized Information Hub:**

- *Objective:* Create a centralized platform that serves as a comprehensive repository of information

on various medicinal plants, their properties, and historical uses.

2. **User-Friendly Interface:**
- *Objective:* Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface accessible to herbalists, researchers, and
enthusiasts, promoting ease of navigation and information retrieval.

3. **Data Accuracy and Reliability:**

- *Objective:* Ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data by collaborating with experts in herbal
medicine to validate information on medicinal plants and their therapeutic properties.

4. **Advanced Search and Analysis:**

- *Objective:* Implement advanced search and analysis features to enable users to efficiently explore
and analyze herbal remedies based on specific criteria such as medicinal properties, geographic origin,
and traditional uses.

5. **Customized Recommendations:**

- *Objective:* Provide personalized recommendations for herbal remedies based on user profiles,
health conditions, and preferences, enhancing the user experience and promoting tailored health


1. **Data Curation:**

- *Aim:* Establish a systematic process for curating and updating the database with accurate and up-
to-date information on medicinal plants, ensuring the reliability of the software.

2. **Collaboration with Experts:**

- *Aim:* Foster collaboration with herbal medicine experts and practitioners to contribute their
knowledge, ensuring the software reflects a holistic and well-informed perspective on herbal remedies.

3. **Development of Analytical Tools:**

- *Aim:* Develop analytical tools that enable users to analyze the therapeutic properties of medicinal
plants, facilitating informed decision-making in herbal medicine practices.

4. **User Training and Support:**

- *Aim:* Provide user training resources and ongoing support to ensure that practitioners and
enthusiasts can maximize the potential of the software for their herbal medicine research and practices.

5. **Continuous Improvement:**

- *Aim:* Establish mechanisms for continuous improvement through user feedback, software updates,
and collaboration with the herbal medicine community, ensuring the software evolves to meet the
changing needs of users in the field.

Certainly! Here are the aims for developing herbal medicine software with a focus on providing cost-
effective remedies for people:

1. **Affordable Access to Information:**

- *Aim:* Develop the software to be accessible to a wide audience by offering affordable subscription
plans or making a significant portion of the information freely available. Ensure that cost is not a barrier
to obtaining valuable knowledge about herbal remedies.

2. **Community-Driven Knowledge Sharing:**

- *Aim:* Foster a community of users who can share their experiences and insights into cost-effective
herbal remedies. Encourage the exchange of traditional knowledge and home remedies within the
platform, creating a collaborative environment that benefits users seeking budget-friendly health

3. **Integration with Low-Cost Herbal Alternatives:**

- *Aim:* Include a dedicated section highlighting low-cost herbal alternatives for common health
concerns. Provide information on locally available, economically viable plants that can be used for
medicinal purposes, empowering users to explore affordable options.
4. **DIY Herbal Preparation Guides:**

- *Aim:* Create detailed guides and tutorials on preparing herbal remedies at home using readily
available and cost-effective ingredients. Empower users with the knowledge and skills to craft their own
remedies, reducing dependence on commercially available products and promoting self-sufficiency.

5. **Partnerships with Affordable Suppliers:**

- *Aim:* Establish collaborations with reputable suppliers of affordable medicinal herbs and herbal
products. Negotiate discounts or special offers for software users, creating a direct link between the
digital platform and cost-effective herbal remedies in the market.

6. **Promotion of Sustainable Harvesting Practices:**

- *Aim:* Educate users about sustainable harvesting practices to ensure the long-term availability of
medicinal plants. Emphasize ethical and responsible sourcing, promoting a balance between meeting
health needs and preserving natural resources.

7. **Inclusive Herbalism Education:**

- *Aim:* Provide educational content on herbalism that emphasizes cost-effective approaches,

including information on growing medicinal plants at home, identifying wild herbs, and maximizing the
use of affordable ingredients in herbal preparations.

8. **Integration with Affordable Healthcare Initiatives:**

- *Aim:* Collaborate with healthcare organizations and NGOs that focus on providing affordable
healthcare solutions. Integrate the software into community health programs, extending its reach to
populations with limited access to conventional healthcare resources.

By incorporating these aims into the development of the herbal medicine software, the goal is to
empower individuals with cost-effective options for their health and well-being, making herbal remedies
more accessible to a broader spectrum of the population.
Certainly! The scope of study for a herbal medicine software project outlines the boundaries, objectives,
and areas of focus for the research and development effort. Here's an explanation of the scope of study
for your herbal medicine software:

1. **Database Inclusion Criteria:**

- *Scope:* The software will include information on medicinal plants that have proven therapeutic
properties, historical significance, and documented traditional uses. The scope excludes plants with
limited or inconclusive data regarding their medicinal benefits.

2. **Geographic Coverage:**

- *Scope:* The geographic scope encompasses a global perspective, including information on

medicinal plants from various regions and cultures. The software will prioritize plants relevant to
traditional herbal medicine practices worldwide.

3. **Health Conditions and Remedies:**

- *Scope:* The software will focus on providing information about herbal remedies for a diverse range
of health conditions, including but not limited to common ailments, chronic diseases, and wellness
maintenance. The scope extends to both preventive and curative herbal practices.

4. **User Profiles:**

- *Scope:* The software will cater to a broad audience, including herbalists, researchers, healthcare
practitioners, and individuals with an interest in herbal medicine. Customization features will be
implemented to provide personalized recommendations based on user profiles and health preferences.

5. **Software Functionality:**

- *Scope:* The software will feature advanced search capabilities, analytical tools, and a
recommendation engine. The scope includes the development of an intuitive user interface, with an
emphasis on usability and accessibility for users with varying levels of expertise in herbal medicine.

6. **Cost-Effective Solutions:**
- *Scope:* The study will explore and include features that promote cost-effective herbal remedies.
This encompasses information on affordable herbal alternatives, do-it-yourself (DIY) preparation guides,
and partnerships with suppliers offering budget-friendly herbal products.

7. **Data Validation and Quality Assurance:**

- *Scope:* The study will establish rigorous protocols for data validation, ensuring the accuracy and
reliability of information within the software. Quality assurance measures will be implemented to
address potential discrepancies and maintain a high standard of data integrity.

8. **Community Engagement:**

- *Scope:* The software will encourage community-driven knowledge sharing, allowing users to
contribute their insights, experiences, and traditional knowledge of herbal remedies. The scope includes
features that facilitate user interactions, forums, and collaborative content creation.

9. **Educational Content:**

- *Scope:* The software will provide educational content on herbalism, including guides on sustainable
harvesting, DIY preparations, and the cultivation of medicinal plants. The scope extends to promoting
awareness of ethical and environmentally friendly practices in herbal medicine.

10. **Continuous Improvement:**

- *Scope:* The study acknowledges the dynamic nature of herbal medicine. The software will include
mechanisms for continuous improvement through regular updates, user feedback integration, and
collaboration with herbal medicine experts to stay current with emerging trends and research.

By defining the scope of study in these terms, the herbal medicine software project establishes clear
boundaries while ensuring a comprehensive and user-centric approach to the development of the

Certainly! The scope of study for a herbal medicine software project outlines the boundaries, objectives,
and areas of focus for the research and development effort. Here's an explanation of the scope of study
for your herbal medicine software:
1. **Database Inclusion Criteria:**

- *Scope:* The software will include information on medicinal plants that have proven therapeutic
properties, historical significance, and documented traditional uses. The scope excludes plants with
limited or inconclusive data regarding their medicinal benefits.

2. **Geographic Coverage:**

- *Scope:* The geographic scope encompasses a global perspective, including information on

medicinal plants from various regions and cultures. The software will prioritize plants relevant to
traditional herbal medicine practices worldwide.

3. **Health Conditions and Remedies:**

- *Scope:* The software will focus on providing information about herbal remedies for a diverse range
of health conditions, including but not limited to common ailments, chronic diseases, and wellness
maintenance. The scope extends to both preventive and curative herbal practices.

4. **User Profiles:**

- *Scope:* The software will cater to a broad audience, including herbalists, researchers, healthcare
practitioners, and individuals with an interest in herbal medicine. Customization features will be
implemented to provide personalized recommendations based on user profiles and health preferences.

5. **Software Functionality:**

- *Scope:* The software will feature advanced search capabilities, analytical tools, and a
recommendation engine. The scope includes the development of an intuitive user interface, with an
emphasis on usability and accessibility for users with varying levels of expertise in herbal medicine.

6. **Cost-Effective Solutions:**

- *Scope:* The study will explore and include features that promote cost-effective herbal remedies.
This encompasses information on affordable herbal alternatives, do-it-yourself (DIY) preparation guides,
and partnerships with suppliers offering budget-friendly herbal products.
7. **Data Validation and Quality Assurance:**

- *Scope:* The study will establish rigorous protocols for data validation, ensuring the accuracy and
reliability of information within the software. Quality assurance measures will be implemented to
address potential discrepancies and maintain a high standard of data integrity.

8. **Community Engagement:**

- *Scope:* The software will encourage community-driven knowledge sharing, allowing users to
contribute their insights, experiences, and traditional knowledge of herbal remedies. The scope includes
features that facilitate user interactions, forums, and collaborative content creation.

9. **Educational Content:**

- *Scope:* The software will provide educational content on herbalism, including guides on sustainable
harvesting, DIY preparations, and the cultivation of medicinal plants. The scope extends to promoting
awareness of ethical and environmentally friendly practices in herbal medicine.

10. **Continuous Improvement:**

- *Scope:* The study acknowledges the dynamic nature of herbal medicine. The software will include
mechanisms for continuous improvement through regular updates, user feedback integration, and
collaboration with herbal medicine experts to stay current with emerging trends and research.

By defining the scope of study in these terms, the herbal medicine software project establishes clear
boundaries while ensuring a comprehensive and user-centric approach to the development of the

"Herbal" typically refers to things related to or derived from plants, especially those with medicinal
properties. Herbal products often involve the use of various plant parts, such as leaves, roots, flowers, or
seeds, for medicinal, culinary, or aromatic purposes. Herbal remedies, teas, and supplements are
examples of products that use plant-based ingredients for their potential health benefits.

"Medicine" has a few related meanings:

1. **Substance for Treating or Preventing Illness:** It refers to substances, whether in the form of
drugs, pills, or other forms, used to treat, alleviate, or prevent illness or medical conditions. This is the
most common usage.

2. **Medical Science or Practice:** It also refers to the science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and
preventing diseases and maintaining health.

3. **Healing Power or Remedy:** In a broader sense, "medicine" can be used to describe anything that
has a healing or soothing effect, not necessarily limited to drugs or medical procedHerbal medicine, also
known as phytotherapy or botanical medicine, involves the use of plants (such as leaves, roots, flowers,
seeds) for medicinal purposes. It's a form of traditional medicine that has been practiced for centuries
across various cultures. Herbal medicine relies on the natural compounds present in plants to promote
health, alleviate symptoms, or treat various medical conditions.

Herbal remedies can take various forms, including teas, tinctures, capsules, or topical applications. While
some people find herbal medicine beneficial, it's important to note that not all herbal remedies have
been scientifically studied, and their effectiveness can vary. As with any form of medicine, it's advisable
to consult with a healthcare professional before using herbal remedies, especially if you are taking other
medications or have existing health conditions.ures.

The meaning can vary based on the context in which the term is used.

Herbal medicine, also known as phytotherapy or botanical medicine, involves the use of plants (such as
leaves, roots, flowers, seeds) for medicinal purposes. It's a form of traditional medicine that has been
practiced for centuries across various cultures. Herbal medicine relies on the natural compounds
present in plants to promote health, alleviate symptoms, or treat various medical conditions.

Herbal remedies can take various forms, including teas, tinctures, capsules, or topical applications. While
some people find herbal medicine beneficial, it's important to note that not all herbal remedies have
been scientifically studied, and their effectiveness can vary. As with any form of medicine, it's advisable
to consult with a healthcare professional before using herbal remedies, especially if you are taking other
medications or have existing health conditions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) plays a role in promoting global health and providing guidelines
and recommendations for various aspects of healthcare, including traditional and herbal medicine. The
WHO recognizes the importance of traditional medicine, which often includes herbal practices, in many
cultures around the world.

WHO has established guidelines for the assessment of herbal medicines and encourages countries to
integrate traditional and complementary medicine into their healthcare systems, when appropriate.
They work towards ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of herbal medicines through research,
regulation, and international collaboration.

It's important to note that the WHO emphasizes the need for scientific research and evidence-based
practices in the use of herbal medicine to ensure patient safety and to facilitate its integration into
mainstream healthcare.

Greenleaf, in the context of herbal medicine, typically refers to the leaves of various plants that are used
for their medicinal properties. These leaves are rich in phytochemicals, which are natural compounds
believed to have health benefits. Different green leaves offer diverse therapeutic effects based on their
unique chemical compositions.

For instance, plants like Echinacea, known for its green leaves, are used in herbal medicine to boost the
immune system. Green tea leaves contain antioxidants like catechins, believed to have anti-
inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Similarly, the green leaves of plants like peppermint and basil
are used to make herbal teas that may aid digestion and provide relief from certain ailments.

In summary, green leaves in herbal medicine are valued for their potential medicinal properties, offering
a natural and holistic approach to health and well-being.

Greenleaf, in the context of herbal medicine, often refers to the leaves of plants that are valued for their
medicinal properties. These leaves are rich in various compounds such as phytochemicals, antioxidants,
and essential oils, which contribute to their therapeutic effects. Greenleaf-based remedies have been
used in traditional medicine across cultures for centuries.
Different green leaves offer specific health benefits. For instance, mint leaves are known for their
digestive properties, while basil leaves may have anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea leaves are
celebrated for their high antioxidant content, promoting overall well-being.

The preparation of greenleaf remedies can involve techniques like infusions, decoctions, or simply
incorporating them into teas and tinctures. It's essential to consider the specific plant, its parts used, and
proper dosage to ensure safety and efficacy.

In summary, greenleaf herbal medicine involves harnessing the healing properties of plant leaves
through various preparations, offering a natural and holistic approach to health and well-being.

Greenleaf is a term often associated with the leaves of plants used in herbal medicine. These leaves are
prized for their medicinal properties, which can vary widely depending on the specific plant. In herbal
medicine, greenleaf remedies are commonly employed to harness the therapeutic benefits of these
leaves. They may be consumed in various forms, such as teas, extracts, or poultices, to address a range
of health issues.

The efficacy of greenleaf remedies is often attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds like
phytochemicals, antioxidants, and essential oils. These substances can have anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, and other healing properties. For example, plants like Echinacea, known for its immune-
boosting properties, or peppermint, valued for its digestive benefits, exemplify the diversity of greenleaf
applications in herbal medicine.

It's important to note that while greenleaf remedies have been used traditionally for centuries, scientific
research continues to explore and validate their therapeutic potential. As with any form of herbal
medicine, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating greenleaf
remedies into your health regimen, especially if you have existing medical conditions or are taking

Greenleaf, also known as "neem" or Azadirachta indica, holds significant importance in herbal medicine.
Various parts of the neem tree, including leaves, bark, seeds, and oil, have been traditionally used for
their medicinal properties. Here's a breakdown:
1. **Neem Leaves:**

- *Antibacterial and Antiviral:* Neem leaves are known for their potent antibacterial and antiviral
properties. They have been used to treat various skin infections and ailments.

- *Anti-inflammatory:* The leaves exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, making them useful in conditions
like arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.

2. **Neem Bark:**

- *Oral Health:* Neem bark is known for its astringent properties, which can be beneficial for oral
health. It's often used in dental care products for its ability to support gum health and fight against

3. **Neem Seeds:**

- *Insecticidal:* Neem seed oil is a natural insecticide. It contains compounds that disrupt the life cycle
of insects, making it an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides.

4. **Neem Oil:**

- *Skin Conditions:* Neem oil is widely used in skincare for its ability to moisturize and heal. It's
employed in treating conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

- *Anti-fungal:* The oil has antifungal properties, making it effective against various fungal infections.

5. **Overall Health Benefits:**

- *Immune System Support:* The compounds in neem are believed to boost the immune system,
providing overall health benefits.

- *Blood Purification:* Neem is considered a blood purifier, and its consumption is associated with
detoxification and purification.

6. **Ayurvedic Perspective:**

- *Ayurvedic Medicine:* In Ayurveda, neem is considered a versatile herb with bitter and cooling
properties. It's used to balance the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
7. **Caution:**

- *Pregnancy:* Pregnant women should avoid excessive use of neem as it may have contraceptive

- *Dosage:* Like any herbal remedy, moderation is key. Excessive consumption of neem may lead to
side effects.

In summary, greenleaf or neem is a multifaceted herb used in herbal medicine for its diverse range of
benefits. However, it's crucial to use it judiciously and consult with a healthcare professional, especially
if incorporating it into your health regimen.

Greenleaf typically refers to the leaves of plants, and in the context of herbal medicine, it's often
associated with the use of plant leaves for therapeutic purposes. Many herbs are valued for their
medicinal properties, and their leaves are commonly used in various forms such as teas, tinctures, or

1. **Teas and Infusions:** Greenleaf herbs are often steeped in hot water to make herbal teas. For
example, peppermint leaves are known for their digestive properties, while chamomile leaves are used
for relaxation.

2. **Tinctures and Extracts:** The medicinal compounds from green leaves can be extracted using
alcohol or another solvent to create tinctures. These concentrated forms allow for more potent doses of
the plant's active ingredients.

3. **Poultices and Topical Applications:** Some green leaves are applied externally as poultices or in
salves to treat skin conditions. Aloe vera, for instance, is renowned for its soothing effects on burns and
skin irritations.

4. **Nutritional Benefits:** Many green leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,
contributing to overall health. Spinach and kale, for instance, are prized for their nutritional content.
5. **Traditional Medicine Practices:** In various traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and
Traditional Chinese Medicine, specific green leaves are utilized for their unique properties to restore
balance in the body.

It's important to note that while herbal remedies can have positive effects, they should be approached
with caution. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised, especially if one is on medication or
has pre-existing health conditions.

Certainly! Greenleaf, often associated with herbal medicine, typically refers to the leaves of plants that
are green in color. These leaves are valued for their potential medicinal properties and are used in
various traditional and alternative healing practices. Here's a more detailed explanation:

1. **Identification of Greenleaf Plants:**

- Greenleaf plants can encompass a wide variety of species, each with its own unique set of medicinal

- Examples include herbs like basil, mint, and cilantro, as well as plants like aloe vera and neem.

2. **Medicinal Properties:**

- Greenleaf plants often contain bioactive compounds, such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, and
essential oils, which contribute to their medicinal properties.

- These compounds may have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects.

3. **Traditional Uses:**

- Various cultures have a long history of using greenleaf plants in traditional medicine.

- For instance, mint is known for its digestive properties, while basil is believed to have anti-
inflammatory effects.

4. **Preparation and Administration:**

- Greenleaf plants can be prepared and administered in different forms, including teas, tinctures,
poultices, or as ingredients in topical applications.

- The method of preparation often depends on the specific plant and the desired therapeutic effect.

5. **Common Greenleaf Plants in Herbal Medicine:**

- **Aloe Vera:** Known for its soothing properties, commonly used for skin conditions.

- **Mint:** Used for digestive issues and as a refreshing herb.

- **Basil:** Thought to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

- **Neem:** Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

6. **Modern Research:**

- Scientific studies are increasingly exploring the medicinal potential of greenleaf plants.

- Research may validate traditional uses and uncover new therapeutic applications.

7. **Caution and Consultation:**

- While many greenleaf plants are generally safe, it's important to exercise caution, especially if used in
concentrated forms or in large quantities.

- Consultation with healthcare professionals is advisable, especially if incorporating herbal remedies

into a healthcare regimen.

In summary, greenleaf plants in herbal medicine offer a diverse range of medicinal properties and have
been used traditionally for various health purposes. However, it's crucial to approach their use with
respect for traditional knowledge and, when necessary, consult with healthcare professionals for

Certainly! Greenleaf, in the context of herbal medicine, typically refers to the leaves of plants that are
used for various medicinal purposes. These leaves are rich in bioactive compounds such as essential oils,
antioxidants, and other phytochemicals that contribute to their therapeutic properties.

1. **Medicinal Plants with Green Leaves:**

- Many medicinal plants have green leaves that are utilized in herbal medicine. Examples include mint,
basil, neem, and eucalyptus.

2. **Therapeutic Properties:**

- Green leaves often contain compounds with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant
properties. These properties can contribute to the plant's medicinal effects.

3. **Preparation Methods:**

- Green leaves can be used in various preparations such as teas, tinctures, poultices, or as essential
oils. Each method extracts and concentrates different beneficial compounds.

4. **Common Uses:**

- Different green leaves may be used to address specific health concerns. For instance, mint leaves are
often used to soothe digestive issues, while eucalyptus leaves are known for their respiratory benefits.

5. **Traditional Knowledge:**

- Many cultures have a long history of using green leaves in traditional medicine. Indigenous practices
often incorporate the use of specific leaves for healing purposes.

6. **Safety Considerations:**

- While herbal remedies can be beneficial, it's important to be aware of potential side effects and
interactions. Consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal treatments is

7. **Scientific Research:**

- Ongoing scientific research explores the therapeutic potential of various green leaves. Studies aim to
understand the mechanisms of action and validate traditional uses.

8. **Examples of Greenleaf Herbs:**

- Each herb with green leaves may have unique compounds and applications. For example, the green
leaves of aloe vera are known for their soothing properties on the skin.

Remember, the effectiveness of herbal remedies can vary, and it's crucial to approach herbal medicine
with informed caution. Always consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have existing
health conditions or are taking other medications.

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Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011; 8(3): 284–295. Published online 2011 Apr 2. doi:

PMCID: PMC3252219PMID: 22468007

Traditional Medicine: Past, Present and Future Research and Development Prospects and Integration in
the National Health System of Cameroon

CN Fokunang,corresponding author1 V Ndikum,1 OY Tabi,1 RB Jiofack,1,2 B Ngameni,1 NM Guedje,1 EA

Tembe-Fokunang,1 P Tomkins,4 S Barkwan,4 F Kechia,1 E Asongalem,1 J Ngoupayou,1 NJ Torimiro,1,3
KH Gonsu,1 V Sielinou,1 BT Ngadjui,1 F Angwafor, III,1 A Nkongmeneck,2 OM Abena,1 J Ngogang,2 T
Asonganyi,1 V Colizzi,3 J Lohoue, and Kamsu-Kom2

Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

Go to:

Traditional medicine refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant,
animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied
singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being. In the last
decade traditional medicine has become very popular in Cameroon, partly due to the long unsustainable
economic situation in the country. The high cost of drugs and increase in drug resistance to common
diseases like malaria, bacteria infections and other sexually transmitted diseases has caused the
therapeutic approach to alternative traditional medicine as an option for concerted search for new
chemical entities (NCE). The World Health Organisation (WHO) in collaboration with the Cameroon
Government has put in place a strategic platform for the practice and development of TM in Cameroon.
This platform aims at harmonizing the traditional medicine practice in the country, create a synergy
between TM and modern medicine and to institutionalize a more harmonized integrated TM practices
by the year 2012 in Cameroon. An overview of the practice of TM past, present and future perspectives
that underpins the role in sustainable poverty alleviation has been discussed. This study gives an insight
into the strategic plan and road map set up by the Government of Cameroon for the organisational
framework and research platform for the practice and development of TM, and the global partnership
involving the management of TM in the country.

Keywords: Tradttional medicine, Cameroon

Go to:


Cameroon has about 90% of the African ecosystems which includes; the Sahelian, Sudan, humid tropical
forest, afro mountains, coastal and mountain eco-regions. There is a significant diversity of flora and
fauna and ranks the 5th in Africa after the republic of Congo, South Africa, Madagascar and Tanzania
(Letouzey, 1985; Cunningham, 1993). This rich biological biodiversity is associated with the diversity of
the ethnic groups in which each contributes a unique ethno pharmacopoeia and to Cameroon a national
therapeutic patrimony, which is the richest in Africa (Houhgton 1995; Nkongmeneck et al., 2007).

Priorities for promoting use of TM in cameroon

In Cameroon the advent of economic crisis in the late 1980 has created a shift towards consumption of
medicinal plant as an increasing practice in herbal medicine. In order to integrate TM into the national
healthcare system of Cameroon the WHO in collaboration with the Cameroon Government has put in
place strategic route map for TM integration by 2012 (Burkhill, 2000; Ngadjui et al., 2000). The limited
scientific evidence about TM/CAM's safety and efficacy as well as other considerations make it
important for governments to step into the TM practice, research and development within the frame
work of integration into the primary, communal and the national health care system in Cameroon
(Noumi, 1984, CIFOR, 2005; Nkongmeneck et al., 2007).
Traditional Medicine platform in Cameroon

The focus of the implantation strategies for the promotion of traditional medicine research,
development and practice in Cameroon is as follows;

1-Formulation of national policy and regulation for the proper use of TM/CAM and its integration into
national health care systems in line with the provisions of the WHO strategies on Traditional Medicines;
2-Establish a regulatory mechanisms to control the safety and quality of products and of TM/CAM
practice; 3-Create awareness about safe and effective TM/CAM therapies among the public and
consumers; 4-Cultivate and conserve medicinal plants to ensure their sustainable use. 5-Develop
national policies on the evaluation and regulation of TM/CAM practices; 6-Create a stronger evidence
base on the safety, efficacy and quality of the TAM/CAM products and practices; 7-Ensure availability
and affordability of TM/CAM including essential herbal medicines; 8-Promote therapeutically the sound
use of TM/CAM by providers and consumers; 9-Document traditional medicines and remedies
(Nkuinkeu et al., 2007; Jiofack et al 2008)

Interest in medicinal plants and phytomedicines in Cameroon

Although the main consumers of medicinal plants in Cameroon have been, until recently, the local
population, the field has started to attract a number of local and foreign researchers who have
discovered the value of traditional healing (Jiofack and Ayissi, 2006; IUCN, 2007) There is active
development in TM most especially in the West and Northwest regions of Cameroon where there is an
amalgamation of tradi-practitioner to create strong regional associations and organs of operation. Early
studies were undoubtedly on ethno-botanical survey and exploration, but since the 90s' the fields of
study have expanded to include ethno-pharmacology, phytochemistry, chemistry of natural products,
organic synthesis and the usefulness of medicinal and aromatic plants. (Nkuinkeu, 1998; Calapai and
Caputi, 2007; Jiofack et al 2009) This interest has increased over the years because of the effort the state
has put into natural product research through the University post-graduate research programmes and
the Ministry of Research and Innovation's natural products research and development (CERUT, 1999;
Nkuinkeu, 2000; Kuete et al., 2007). Some selected medicinal plants for the treatment of malaria under
ongoing research for new chemical entities have been shown in figure 1, and and22 the destruction of
medicinal plants through abusive harvesting is also highlighted.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.

Object name is AJT0803-0284Fig1.jpg

Figure 1

Some selected medicinal plants used from malaria treatments (Courtesy, MEM).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.

Object name is AJT0803-0284Fig2.jpg

Figure 2

showing destruction of the forest by abusive harvesting. (Courtesy MEM)

The pharmaceutical industry has come to consider traditional medicine as a source for identification of
bio-active agents that can be used in the preparation of synthetic medicine. However, they are not
looking to study the rare plant species; they want to test the most commonly-used species (LeBeau,
1998; Nguenang et al., 2005; Khan et al., 2009). The valuable medicinal plants are those with the longest
track record of use in most or wider locations or distribution in Cameroon (Cunningham, 1993;
Nkongmeneck et al., 2007). Many of the more commercial pharmacologically interesting medicinal plant
species in use around the world are employed in more than one community, and often in more than one
country, for multiple uses (Dooley et al., 2008; Focho et al, 2009).

Cameroon Traditional Herbal Medicine and Public Health Sector

The majority of African countries and Cameroon in particular, as the case may be, are currently geared
towards the privatisation of State corporations and government services. This includes the privatisation
of large hospitals where goals of financial independence have precluded the dispensation of free care
and free medicine (Nkuinkeu 2000, Mbile et al., 2003, MINSANTE, 2007). Analysis of various national
policies related to public health and medicinal plants usage has highlighted some important issues.
Among them is the failure to meet basic health conditions due mainly to the following factors in
Cameroon: inadequate decentralisation of health services; isolation of some rural communities; and
persistence of traditional beliefs regarding pathology (IUCN, 2007). This has led to underutilisation of
available services in health centres and high cost of services provided by hospitals in relation to the
income of the rural population (Comesky and Sunderland, 2003). Another issue that can be singled out is
the absence of local pharmaceutical production. Since the ‘60s since Cameroon had its independence,
the country has not been blessed with a single Drug discovery owned by the state. Purchase of
pharmaceutical imported drugs lead to a heavy loss of state revenue, and the development policy has
not been focused on available local resources (mainly medicinal plants) (Human and Weerdenburg,
1985; Jiofack and Ayissi, 2006). The current trend of government policy in Cameroon to pay for the
health care services shows the inability of government to ensure provision of quality services at an
affordable price to everyone and especially to the most vulnerable groups (Mbile et al 2003; Cheek et
al., 2004).

In the rural areas of Cameroon, one sometimes travels for several days before finding the nearest
dispensary and pharmacy or health clinic for consultation. In addition to loosing working days, transport
fares the high cost of medicine must also be taken into consideration. In the past few years, Cameroon
joined most of the developing countries in recognising that they do not have the means to provide
comprehensive health care like some industrialised countries, and have started taking more interest in
promoting the use of traditional remedies (Duncan 1989; Sunderland et al., 2002; Jiofack et al., 2007).

In order to solve the problem of drug shortage or high cost in part, many health-oriented ministries are
now encouraging the use of local medicinal plants for disease treatment. The Cameroon ministry of
health have established departments of traditional pharmacopoeia within the ministerial organigram so
as to implement this policy of TM. Education ministries, the Ministries of Forestry and Wildlife, Research
and Innovation have started to introduce conservation and bio-diversity of medicinal plants into their
school programmes and the general sensitization of the population (Nkongmeneck et al., 1996;
Nguenang et al., 2005. The recent establishment of the Ministries of Environment and Nature Protection
and the creation of National Parks, and mapping of protected forest areas, in various parts of the
country also demonstrates the political will of the Cameroon governments towards the conservation of
nature and the sustainable management of bio-diversity (Vivien et al., 1985; Nkuinkeu et al., 2007).

The lack of health care systems in rural areas forces local people to treat themselves, either by using
medicinal plants or by buying high-cost medicine in the rural markets, or still further, going for cheap
road side medication, predisposing themselves to health dangers caused by the unknown source of
these poor medications (Ndhlala et al., 2009). In the rural areas, as a whole, people begin by treating
themselves before going to a traditional practitioner or a modern doctor. Medicinal plants are used at
an early stage of the disease at low cost and conveniently replace the indiscriminate consumption of
drugs without prescription. (Fokunang et al., 2000; Horan et al., 2003; Oyama et al., 2009).

Many Cameroonians today, especially the rural people and the urban poor, rely on the use of herbal
medicine when they are ill. In fact, many rural communities in Africa still have areas where traditional
herbal medicine is the major and in some cases the only source of health care available (Bloom et al.,
2002; Derita et al., 2009). Thus there can be no doubt about the acceptability and efficacy of herbal
remedy within African society.
How the Western Medical Systems has declined in Cameroon

In some urban areas the average waiting time at a hospital or clinic to consult a doctor can be as much
as 8 hrs. - The staff is poorly trained and unmotivated. Many staff members believing they hold superior
knowledge, treat patients inconsiderately.-Patients are frequently not told the nature and cause of their
illness. -There are inadequate technical services leading to poor quality care. -The treatment costs in
clinics are too much, even for state run hospitals and clinics, where consultation and treatment is
assumed subsidized. The doctor to patient ratio is approximately 1: 150 per day in the national territory.
-Government spends a large proportion of the Per Capita gross national product on western health care
(Sofowora, 1982; Bloom et al., 2002; MINSANTE, 2007). -Treatment is divorced from the patient's
culture; family and community. Patients are removed from the family and community, stripped of their
identity and forced into a sterile hospital setting. The treatment only addresses a patient's biological
manifestation of the illness and does not attempt to heal spiritual aspects of illness. This is the place and
the role of traditional medical practitioners, in contrast with western medicine, which is technically and
analytically base (Tuley, 1997; Samy et al., 2008).

It is difficult to characterize a typical Cameroonian healer, because there are many different kinds, and
the cultural diversity and complexity of their practices are encyclopaedic, when considered in detail.
Most Cameroonian healers have in common, however, that they describe and explain illness in terms of
social interaction and that they act on the belief that religion permeates every aspect of human
existence (CERUT, 1999; Tongo, 2003).

Their concepts of health and illness are more comprehensive than those of biomedical doctors. Other
prominent features of traditional healers are a deep personal involvement in the healing process, the
protection of therapeutic knowledge by keeping it secret, and the fact that they are rewarded for their
services. The social context of the therapeutic process requires reciprocity and this payment contributes
to the effectiveness of the treatment. (Owira and Ojewole, 2008; Jiofack et al., 2009)

Traditional Practice fee in Cameroon

Over the years, the types and methods of payments for traditional healing have changed. In urban
settings, practitioners are increasingly demanding monetary payments. Some healers have learnt their
trade by undergoing treatment themselves as a patient. The magical inclination of Cameroonian
traditional medicine takes nothing away from the fact that some of the healers now are days, are
experienced and skilled in biomedical components of their profession. They have an array of biomedical
methods at their disposal, ranging from fasting and dieting to herbal therapies and from bathing and
massage to surgical procedures (Kokwaro, 1993; Pedersen et al., 2008). Some of the practitioners are
graduates who have undergone third level education in the sciences and biomedical sciences. Through
hardship, economic downturn and lack of employment in state structures, some educated young
Cameroonians have resulted in learning through workshops and short training some ethno-botanical
and ethno-pharmacology techniques of medicinal plants. There has been a tendency in Western medical
journals to play down the expertise of African healers by predominantly presenting the iatrogenic risks
of their traditional therapies. It cannot be denied, of course, that sometimes there is genuine cause for
concern (Stafford et al., 2008). It would be unfair, however, to pass judgement on the biomedical merits
of African traditional medicine on the basis of its worst outcomes. Instead, African healing should be
considered with a sympathetic eye and with emphasis on its best biomedical manifestations (Noumi,
1984; Ngameni et al 2007). Urbanization has increasingly concentrated large numbers of Cameroonian
traditional healers and practitioners in an environment where there is stronger competition with the
Western medicine. Traditional healing is flourishing in urban settings because it adapts itself to these
new surroundings (Robbers et al., 1996). In other words, Cameroonian traditional medicine is more than
a static and inflexible institution, which cannot survive the test of time. When a Cameroonian patient is
taking an herbal infusion, he expects to benefit from the life force of its ingredients and from the power
of his ancestors of any other spirits which may have been invoked. This spiritual significance is more
important than the bioactive properties of the remedy.

WHO-Cameroon collaboration to valorize TM

The WHO and the Government of Cameroon has signed a convention to draw up a strategic plan for the
valorisation to TM in Cameroon. However, despite this programme in progress, the sector is plague with
numerous constraints relating to the development of traditional medicine that can be summarised as
follows: The lack of institutional support for production and dissemination of key species for cultivation;
The low prices paid for traditional medicinal plants by herbal medicine traders and urban herbalists;
Lack of appropriate technology for post harvest and pre-processing purposes adapted productively and
effectively; Insufficient documentation and scientific experimentation for verification of the herbalist's
claims; Lack of preservation of medicinal extracts for extended shelf life (MINSANTE, 2007; Jiofack et al.,
2009). The National Strategic Plan for the development and integration of Traditional Medicine in
Cameroon and other member countries by the WHO in general and the Africa Union in particular,
adhere to the recommendation of the organization to valorise traditional medicine. The political
engagement of Cameroon is strongly translated by the official recognition of TM as one of the three
main health sectors. The main players of the government convened to put a strategy for the
development and integration of traditional medicine in the health system within the framework of the
millennium development goal in reducing poverty, morbidity and mortality and sustainable health care
development (Tuley de Silva, 1997; MINSANTE, 2007). Medicinal plants are sold locally as plants parts, in
powder, dry bark of tress in solutions as shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3

Medicinal plant products on sale in local markets in Cameroon (courtesy, MEM).

Organization of Health Care in Cameroon

The health system in Cameroon is organised in three levels, represented in the form of pyramid. At the
summit is the Central level, the intermediate and the operational level at the base. Three types of
structures are integrated into each level namely: the administrative and finance healthcare and
community participation (dialogue structure)

The Central Level: The administrative and management structures are represented by the minister of
Public Health. The health care structures consist of the three general and reference hospitals, a
university teaching hospital and four assimilated central hospitals.

The Intermediate Level: The administrative and management levels consist of the ten regional
delegation of public health. The health care structures consist of nine regional hospitals and affiliate
structures and the communication structures are made of the regional management commission or
regional funds.

The Operational Level: The administrative structures and management structures consist of 173 District
health services. The existing structures have 154 district public hospitals, 87 private hospitals, 148
divisional health centre, 1700 health centres and 620 private health centres

The Traditional Medicine Sub-Sectors: Currently Cameroon have at all levels, a non -structured or poorly
organized organogramme of TM.

The conference of Regional Governors organized in 1976, by the Ministry of Public Health for putting an
Organizational structure to valorize TM permitted the establishment of 3 organs in Operation such as:

1-The National Commission for TM, in charge of helping the government in the definition and
exploitation of TM;
2-Permanent committee of TM in charge of coordinating the research activities and practice of TM; -3-
The Medical Institute for the study of medicinal plants in charge of operational research. The Political
engagement was validated by the ministerial decision No 031/D/MSP/DS/BT of 31 July 1979 creating
and organizing the TM sector within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. (MINSANTE, 2007).

The decree of 4th December 1979 organizing the General Delegation for technical and scientific research
(DGRST) formerly known as National Office of Technical and Scientific Research (ONAREST)-IMPM was
created in 1974. IMPM was charged with the responsibility of drawing up a realizable research
programme on TM in order to improve on the health conditions of Cameroonians. The IMPM Institute
have four centre of which the Centre for the study of medicinal plants (CEPM) was aimed at elaborating
a research programme geared towards the production of drugs and adequate therapeutics using local
natural substances. The creation of a traditional medicine unit at the Central Hospitals of Yaoundé, took
place in 1981. The organization of the organigramme of the Ministry of Public Health integrating a
service for community health and TM under the tutelage of Preventive and Rural medicine happened in
1989. The launching of the first seminar/workshop on TM and Cameroonian pharmacopoeia in the
medical school (CUSS), Yaoundé took place from the 10–14th July 1989.

The creation of association of TM enacted by the freedom of association law No 90/053 of 19 December
1990 was followed by a circular note No: D26/NC/MSP/SG/DMPR/DAMPR/SDMR/SSCMT of 16th
September 1991 authorizing conventional medicine to collaborate closely where possible with tradi-
practitioners. The decree No. 93/215 of 4 August 1993 authorized the reorganization of IMPM and
changing the name from. CEPM to CRPMT (Centre de Recherche en Plantes Médicinales et en Médicines
Traditionnelles). Then came the prime ministerial decree No 98/405 PM, fixing the homologation
strategy to put in the market pharmaceutical products. This led to the creation of the National Drug
Commission, which harbours the Commission specialized in Pharmacovigilance and traditional
pharmacopoeia; secondly the Commission specialized in Phytotherapy and alternative therapeutic
techniques. The presidential decree no 2002/209 of August 2002 organizing the Ministry of Health, put
in place a sub-directory in charge of Primary Health, the service of traditional social-health care, made of
the office of Ethics and Social Health care deontology, and the bureau of Welfare and Legislation
Control. This decree also created a division of Operational Research made up of Scientific Network Cells
in charge of support in medicinal plant research (MINSANTE, 2002). Local initiatives are in progress by
different NGO's and the state Institutions to train tradi-practitioners the basic conservation techniques
and preparation of their herbs within the frame work of quality assurance as shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4

Participatory training efforts of tradi-practioners in Cameroon (Courtesy MEM)

Commemoration of African Traditional Medicine day in Cameroon

African Traditional Medicine Day is celebrated every year in Cameroon, to sensitized the public on the
importance TM. This is a coordinated effort of the government through the Ministry of Health, Ministry
of Forestry and Wildlife, Ministry of Research and Innovation and the Ministry of Higher Education, in
synergy with tradi-practioners, and medicinal plant researchers involved in contributing to the progress
and promotion of traditional medicine in Cameroon. This celebration takes place each year on the 31st
August, marking an event where there is collaboration between Traditional and Biomedical Health
Practitioners. Each year a theme is given for the celebration, such as “the role of traditional health
practitioners in primary health care management” Round table discussions are organized to deal with
TM issues, such as the need for synergy between groups, the medical practitioners, ethical issues, health
concerns in the practice of TM.

Limiting factors of TM practice collaboration in Cameroon

One of the main problems that have caused a slow collaboration between medics and Tradi-pratitioners
is the lack of legal framework and official recognition of TM by conventional medicine. (UNESCO, 1994;
White, 2000; Tiwari et al., 2009). Tradi-pratitioners are not accepted but tolerated because of the
decree that has created a harmonization of the primary health care involving all stake holders. There are
no laws guiding the TM practice in Cameroon. The TM sector is volatile and isolated and uncensored,
and anyone can enter the trade and this has consequently led to breeding quacks or what is known as
“charlatans”. There are also competitions in the trade between medics and tradi-practitioners for
patients, “thus the saying goes that the winner takes it all”. The party with provisions of the best
incentive gets the patients. Lack of proper integration of traditional medicine in health care systems:
Traditional healers are not attached to bodies like the malaria or HIV/AIDS control committees, they are
not involved in the running of services in charge of their work in the ministry of health, are not attached
to top research centres, and are rarely given the opportunity to consult in health care institutions as in
other countries in Africa. (Mabberly, 1987; Ngadjui, 2000; Kuete et al., 2007; Xu et al, 2008).

We cannot deny the drawbacks of traditional medicine, which include incorrect diagnosis, improper
dosage, and low hygiene standards, the secrecy of some healing methods and the absence of written
records about the patients (LeBeau, 1998; Teklehaymanot, 2009). Most of the time, the practitioner are
unable to have a limit on what they can cure. There is a hit and miss operation going on most of the
time. They have very little knowledge on drug-herbal interactions. This had led to severe problems in
patients during or after treatment outcomes. Though there is certainly cause for concern, it is unfair to
pass judgement on the Cameroon TM healing systems on the basis of their worst outcomes; concerns
about romanticising the traditional practices have to be taken seriously (Nkongmeneck et al., 2007; Zhou
et al., 2009)

Improving collaboration between Medics and Tradi-Practitioners

Traditional medicine should be officially legalised and made part of the official health care system in
Cameroon. Intellectual property rights protection should be extended to traditional medicine because
some of them have treasured products they have worked with over generation and need to be
supported for protection rights. Government should openly and effectively support scientific research
into traditional medicine therapies. Traditional medicine should be officially legalised and made part of
the official health care system in Cameroon. Government should openly and effectively support scientific
research into traditional medicine therapies.

Medicinal Plant Research by State Universities

Many medicinal plants with antimicrobial activities, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anticancer, anti-
diabetic etc of pharmaceutical importance in developing new chemical entities (NCE), have been phyto-
chemically screened and characterized by natural product chemist; and activities tested by biochemist,
toxicologist and pharmacologist, in animal models (in vivo), cell lines, pathogen (bacteria, fungi, viruses),
parasites (malaria Plasmodium, sleeping sickness (Trypanosome) and many others ((Hepinstall et al.,
1992; Kuete et al., 2007; Garrido et al., 2009). Some of these research have produce good results leading
to clinical trials that have shown confidence in safety, efficacy and good pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics parameters for a potential drug (Pernham, 1996; Mann and Staba, 1998; Asongalem
et al., 2008. The outcome of continuous research has led to some progress in research and development
of lead compounds that are under clinical trials in Cameroon from some natural products such as
Enantia chlorantha that had produced drugs marketed under the brand name HEPASOR, used for
hepatitis virus treatment (Nkongmeneck, 2007). The success story of drugs from medicinal plants
commercially available in the market is illustrated in Figure 5.

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Figure 5

Commercial drugs from local medicinal plants of Cameroon (Courtesy, MEM).

Hepasor from Natural Plant Enantia chlorantha

Hepasor is used for the treatment of viral hepatitis family. After submission to the Cameroon drug and
pharmacy board for approval, HEPASOR was authorized to be put on the list of essential drugs in
Cameroon by the Ministry of Public Health and it is prescribed as an oral solution in a 250 ml bottle
(Nkongmeneck, 2007). The hepatitis virus can vary from one geographic region to another and within
individual and population. Following the geographic distribution of viral hepatitis, Africa is the most
affected continent with a prevalence rate of 12.7%. Viral hepatitis has been a health concern for a long
time due to lack of specific efficacious drugs. On the curative front many therapies has been used but
most of the drugs have been known to be hepatoprotectant. The stem bark of E. chlorantha is very
popular for the treatment of viral hepatitis in the forest zones of Cameroon (Jiofack et al., 2009).

The active compound of a complex alkaloid protoberberine isolated from the stem bark of E. chlorantha
is constituted of 65% palmatine, 20% jatrorrhizine and 15% cohumbamine. In a natural synergistic
manner these alkaloids have shown a curative and preventive function on viral hepatitis. Toxicity test on
protoberine active molecule have shown that in addition to its antimicrobial activity, hepasor stimulate
blood circulation, regenerates hepatocytes and regulate the normal hepatic functions, thus eliminating

The therapeutic dose of hepasor is not toxic and the LD50 of protoberberine is 320mg /kg of body
weight. No side effect was observed on increase in body weight, blood, hepatic, renal tissues and central
nervous system. On the contrary secondary beneficial effect was observed: Hepasor is a general
tonifiant and appetizer (

Clinical pilot studies showed improvement of the clinical symptoms on day 7 and there were no
symptoms of hepatitis virus after 30 days of treatment. Other biochemical parameters such as bilirubine
and transaminase levels were restored to normal level at 60 days of treatment.

Multilateral Research cooperation in Cameroon

The Scientific Technical Research Committee of OAN now, AU, (OUA/CSTR) and the agency for Cultural
and Technical Cooperation co-financed an ethno-botanical survey in collaboration with the national and
international researchers. This had led to the collection and building up of a strong data base on 600
Cameroonian medicinal plant inventory, that has served as the starting point for many chemical,
biochemical, toxicology and pharmacological clinical and drug formulation studies (CERUT, 1999; IUCN,
2007). In recent years research laboratories have gone into partnership cooperation with partners of the
West, through their various university host institutions, on multidisciplinary research projects in
medicinal plants. Some of their findings are in advance stages of clinical trials; most especially in the
areas of anti-diabetics, hypertension, anti-oxidant research (Human and Weerdenburg, 1985).

Local industries producing drugs from medicinal plants

There are success stories in medicinal plant research, the journey from the forest, clinics to the
pharmacy.Three private industrial firms were created and produces drugs from plant origin that are now
sold in pharmacy and drug outlets in Cameroon.

These companies are:

1-LOBOTHERA Laboratory produces the syrup HEPASOR used for treatment of viral hepatitis.

2-KAMSU-KOM Laboratory produces POLA-GASTRAL A-T-200 syrup used for the treatment of stomach
ulcer and inflammations.

3-AFRICAPHARM laboratory produces anti -hemorrhoid syrup (syrup Gama)

The organization of traditional medicine practice will bring about a controlled practice and a more
responsible and harmonized team of tradi-practitioners. Their integration into the national health sector
will bring about putting in place at the disposal of the public standardized traditional medicines, with
standard affordable prices as a means of fighting poverty. Tradi-practitioners are integrated and well
respected people in their communities. With this standing in society they can play a vital role in the
community social health information and health care sensitization.

Cameroon has a rich diversity of flora as a potential to produce primary materials for phyto-medicines.
Traditional pharmacopoeia provides avenues for enriching research for new chemical entities that could
lead to production of medicines for use in different therapeutic areas such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
malaria, sickle cells and other neglected diseases plaguing the communities and of public health

Ethical issues on TM practice in Cameroon

On the ethical point of view there is complete absence of the code of conduct in the practice of TM. This
has led to abuse of significant magnitude Uses and sale of products without any instruction or inset and
poor labeling. Sales of products without any scientific studies on the active principles and safety (Zhou et
al., 2009). Lack of any norms to control what is out in the market for consumption. No formal structure
or organization to train tradi-prationers on basic therapeutic techniques and handling of medicinal plant
products. Lack of any documentation system, data base for information on medicinal plants,
conventions, treaties and decree on medicinal plants (IUCN, 2007; Jiofack et al., 2007).

Economic problems in Cameroon

On the economic point of view the over-exploitation of medicinal plants by tradi-practitioners and forest
exploiters have impacted a serious consequent on the environment and conservation of species. The
lack of political will to support the development the capacities of local industries. The culture of
fundamental ethics and patenting is not known or under exploited in Cameroon. The absence of any
frame work of collaboration between the TM authors and custodian of knowledge of plants and
industrial partners. The low purchasing power of the public on medications, faced with the long financial
hardship that the country has witnessed since the early 90's, and the lack of health care facilities in the
remote parts of the country (Abegaz, 1999; CIFOR, 2005; Akintonwa et al., 2009)

Fundamental problems

Some fundamental problems on plant medicinal research are due to the fact that some indigenous
researchers publish their works without any intellectual property rights. The level of protection of
innovation and inventions in plants medicines is in total contradiction with the potentials of traditional
pharmacopoeia, the knowledge of traditional medicine and dynamism of researchers (Bodeker, 1994;
Achoundong et al., 2003). The lack of state of the art equipment to promote research and development,
quality control and quality assurance of TM. There is also the problem of training and research that
needs to be address. Teaching of TM is not an official institutional programme in training school of
health personnel. TM in Cameroon is still essentially under observation and on a personal experience
basis, buried in the socio-cultural fabrics and particularly geared towards the ethics and metaphysics
beliefs of the African folks (Anonymous, 2000; Agyare et al., 2009). The total lack of spirit for traditional
medicine research. The existing bodies or association governing tradipractitioners do not collaborate
and are poorly structured and managed. The absence of a national umbrella to coordinate and intervene
in the harmonious development of TM.

Herbal-medicinal plant interactions

Herbal medicinals are being used by an increasing number of patients who typically do not advise their
clinicians of concomitant use. The problem of drug- herbal interaction have been an issue in Cameroon
for a long time, because most tradi-practioners are not aware of the fact that they need to be well
informed on the interaction potential of their products and some potential medications. Tradi-
practitioners need to know what their patients are taking as drugs before any treatment can start (Rose
et al., 1990., Asongalem et al., 2008; Samy and Gopalakrisnakone 2008). Known or potential drug-herb
interactions exist and should be screened for. It has been shown that if used beyond 8 weeks, Echinacea
could cause hepatotoxicity and therefore should not be used with other known hepatoxic drugs, such as
anabolic steroids, amiodarone, methotrexate, and ketoconazole (Ndhlala et al., 2009). However,
Echinacea lacks the 1, 2 saturated necrine ring associated with hepatoxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
(Ndhlala et al., 2009). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may negate the usefulness of feverfew in
the treatment of migraine headaches (Vivien and Faure, 1985; Stafford et al., 2008). Feverfew, garlic,
ginkgo, ginger, and ginseng may alter bleeding time and should not be used concomitantly with warfarin
sodium (Sonke, 2005). Additionally, ginseng may cause headache, tremulousness, and manic episodes in
patients treated with phenelzine sulfate (Sofowora, 1982; White and Edwards, 2000; Garrido et al.,
2009). Ginseng should also not be used with estrogens or corticosteroids because of possible additive

Future prospect

There is increased interest for search for new chemical entities and the expression of resistance of many
drugs available in the market has lead to a shift in paradigm towards medicinal research. There has been
an increased interest in the areas of genomics and scientists in Cameroon are looking at the study of this
plant not only at cellular level, but at molecular levels. How exposure to cells can regulate gene
expression, and selection of biomarkers for different therapeutics endpoint. There is also the prospect of
the application of nanotechnology in detecting these NCE at nano-particle. There are ongoing
researches on testing medicinal plants for estrogenic properties detected through luciferase genes when
exposed to immunofluorescent stained cells.

Go to:


Traditional medicine occupies a very important place in health care in the world in general, in Africa and
Cameroon in particular: In Cameroon the process to effectively develop TM is in progress due to a
favourable integrated environmental, national and international framework set up by the Government.

The Governments should establish the necessary institutional and financial support to promote the
potential role of herbal medicine in primary health care delivery. Priority should be given to the
development of herbal medicine by means of the following measures: -inventorying and documenting
the various medicinal plants and herbs which are used to treat common diseases in each region of
Cameroon; -establishing local botanical gardens for the preservation of essential medicinal herbal plants
in different parts of each country, in order to ensure a sustainable supply of safe, effective and
affordable medicinal herbs; -setting up testing laboratories with adequate facilities for the assessment of
the efficacy of medicinal herbs, and establishing dosage norms for the proper administration.

If the Cameroonian society is out to fight poverty by exploring our natural environment, then research
should be focused on the use of plants for our welfare for it is said “a healthy man is a wealthy man”.

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We wish to acknowledge the ministry of Health for making available the strategic information
documents on traditional medicine policies in Cameroon. The Millennium Ecological museum for the
field research Photographs. The authors also express their gratitude to all the institutions and individuals
who gave out any working documents for this review. Our appreciation also goes to all the herbalist
medicinal plant vendors and naturopaths for allowing us take photos and providing us with medicinal
historical information. The Dean and management of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University of Yaoundé 1 for their technical support. All the collaborators and partners of the Medical and
Pharmacotherapeutic Research Group, University of Yaoundé 1. Finally the Athlone Institute of
Technology, Centre for Biopolymer and Bio-molecular Research for their financial support-travel grant
for the realization of this work.

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Articles from African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines are provided
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Pharmacogn Rev. 2011 Jan-Jun; 5(9): 48–54. doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.79099

PMCID: PMC3210007PMID: 22096318

Novel approaches for stability improvement in natural medicines

Lovely Thakur, Umang Ghodasra, Nilesh Patel, and Mahesh Dabhi

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

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Natural product market has seen tremendous growth in the last few years. It results in the formulation
of a number of proprietary herbal products, majority of them being multi-component formulations.
With the advancement of herbal drug treatments, it has now been observed that many of the
constituents present in the drug may react with each other, raising the serious concern about the
stability of such formulations which is an important issue in the field of phytochemistry and natural
medicines. Natural products are often prone to deterioration, especially during storage, leading to loss
of active component, production of metabolites with no activity and, in extreme cases, production of
toxic metabolites. This area needs to be addressed in order to determine the efficacy of the formulation.
Understanding the problems related to natural product stability can give the idea of dealing with the
stability issues. Modifications of the conventional herbal formulations can deal with the stability
problems to a large extent. This article deals with the stability problems and is aimed to provide some
tools and techniques to increase stability of natural medicines and herbal formulations.

Keywords: Herbal formulation, instability, natural products, phytoformulations, shelf-life, stability

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There has been an alarming increase in the number of diseases and disorders caused by synthetic drugs
prompting a switch over to traditional natural medicine. Herbal medicines are being used by nearly
about 80% of the world population, primarily in developing countries for primary health care.[1]
Presently, India contributes less than 1% to the global herbal market. However, it is fast emerging as a
key supplier of medicinal plant formulations across the globe.[2] Plants, as a whole or their parts or
exudates, are subjected to certain treatments such as extraction, distillation, purification, concentration
or fermentation to obtain herbal preparations. Stability is defined as the capacity of a drug substance or
drug product to remain within established specifications to maintain its identity, strength, quality, and
purity throughout the retest or expiration dating periods. Currently, the usage of standardized extract in
natural medicines has become common and popular. However, during manufacturing and the extraction
process for natural products, the drug molecules or active components are exposed to oxidation,
hydrolysis, microbial attack and other environmental degradation which poses a problem of stability to
the products.[3] The monitoring of the presence and concentration of the bioactive constituents is
extremely vital as it also affects the quality, efficacy and shelf-life of the natural medicines. In case of a
herbal medicinal product containing a natural product or herbal drug preparation (HDP) with
constituents of known therapeutic activity, the variation in content during the proposed shelf-life should
not exceed ±5% of the initial assay value, unless justified.[4]

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The physical and chemical stability of a product in the container in which it is to be marketed should be
tested under defined storage conditions and the shelf-life should be established.[5] Quality of crude
drug material, plant preparations and finished products depend upon the content variation and stability
during storage. The active and characteristic constituents should be specified and, if possible, content
limits should be defined. Foreign matter, impurities and microbial content should be defined or limited
in the crude natural product.[6] In 1998, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance for stability

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Determination of stability of herbal drug in formulations is important. The stability is aimed at assuring
that the drug/drug product remains within the specifications established to ensure its identity, strength,
quality and purity. It can be interpreted as the length of time under specific conditions and storage that
a product will remain within the pre-defined limits for all its important characteristics. Each ingredient,
whether therapeutically active or inactive, in a dosage form can affect stability. Environmental factors
such as temperature, light, air (specifically oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapors) and humidity can
affect stability. Similarly, factors such as particle size, pH, the properties of water and other solvents
employed, the nature of container and the presence of other chemicals resulting from contamination or
from the intentional mixing of different products can influence stability [Figure 1].[8] Stability testing on
typical natural extracts such as flavonoid containing herbal drugs has been reported by researchers to
understand the stability criteria for natural products.[9] A report on stability testing of herbal medicinal
products and problematic cases from practice with discussion of possible resolution approaches has
been established.[10]

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Figure 1

Factors affecting stability of natural medicines

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Physical instability

Natural medicines often suffer the problem of the physical instability due to the presence of impurities
and reaction with the container. Conditions like growth of the microorganisms and insect feeding affect
the secondary metabolites and chemical composition of plants. Volatile active components of natural
medicine have the problem of volatility and decreasing activity during storage for a long time.

Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions such as rainfall, altitude, temperature, soil, storage conditions as well as
different harvesting procedures, time and method of collection, manufacturing processes such as
selecting, drying, purifying, extracting, and genetic variability can create substantial variability in the
product quality, stability and in the concentration of plant chemicals within different products. Light is
also a prominent factor affecting phytoformulations by generation of free radicals.

Chemical instability
Phytoformulations often suffer degradation during storage by oxidation, hydrolysis, crystallization,
emulsion breakdown, enzymatic deterioration and chemical reactions with the additives and excipients.
Temperature and moisture are the two major factors that affect quality and stability of a herbal product.
A chemical reaction increases by a factor of between two- and three fold for every 10°C rise in
temperature. Moisture absorbed on to the surface of solid drug often increases the rate of
decomposition if it is susceptible to hydrolysis. Presence of enzymes in the product also increases the
rate of chemical degradation.

Complex mixtures, variability and inconsistency

Herbal formulations are complex mixtures of different components obtained during extraction process.
Each component has variable shelf-life, activity, concentration and consistency. It creates a problem
during storage condition determination as it is not easy to determine the stability of final herbal
preparation based on the activity and stability profile of a single component.

Drug interactions, deterioration, decomposition and storage[12]

Moisture content above the critical value and mold growth in natural products can cause the interaction
of the active components with the packaging material. Also, interactions of active component with the
other ingredients of formulations used such as additives cause alteration in the novel drug activity.
Herbal formulations have many active constituents as alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids etc. and
each component is having different stability conditions. Hence actual stability condition for the herbal
formulation is different than its individual component.

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Tools for dealing with natural product instability

Determination of the physical parameters

Determination of the impurity profile

Nonbiased identification and quantification of all metabolites

Controlled storage conditions

Different techniques to deal with instability related to natural medicines

Nanoparticle coating for enhancing the shelf-life of a natural product

Semisolid preparations based on supercritical carbon dioxide

Novel approach for natural products

Topical herbal formulation

Liquid preparation coated with water-soluble cellulose derivative

Polymeric plant-derived excipients in drug delivery

Long chain fatty acid derivative

Protein coating substance and use of the plant chaperonin-like Sp1 protein to stabilize therapeutic
protein in pharmaceutical use

Chelating agents for stabilization of the aqueous plant extracts

Suspension form of the herbal products

Emulsion form of herbal products

Continuous multi-microencapsulation process for biologically active ingredients

Antioxidants and liquid formulations

Linctuses for herbal preparations

Transgenic plants and immunoprotective compounds

Tablet formulation for volatile liquids

Formulations without the use of the stabilizer

Plant pigments

Powders with oil composition containing aqueous active substance

Vitamin solutions

Preventing precipitation with improved storage stability by using β-cyclodextrin as a component

Herbal hair dye

Herbal compositions with high contents of herb medicine extracts

Use of colloidal silicon dioxide in the enhancement of the drying of herbal preparations

Tools for dealing with natural product instability

Determination of the physical parameters The availability, stability and quality of the raw materials are
frequently problematic, the active principles are frequently unknown; and standardization, stability, and
quality control are feasible but not easy. Depending on the type of preparation, sensory properties,
physical constants, moisture, ash content, solvent residues, and adulterations have to be checked to
prove identity and purity. Microbiological contamination and foreign materials such as heavy metals,
pesticide residues, alfatoxins, and radioactivity also need to be tested for. To prove the constant
composition of herbal preparations, appropriate analytical methods have to be applied and different
concepts have to be used in order to establish relevant criteria for uniformity.[13]

Determination of the impurity profile This technique helps in the identification of impurities, especially
of a new drug or a chemical. The substance in question is subjected to a known degradation process and
the products thus obtained are identified. As we know the degradation process (may be oxidation or
hydrolysis), we can have an idea of what could be the degradation products. These can be listed and
kept as a reference library of degradation products. For routinely doing an impurity profile, one can take
help from this library and trace the nature and structure of the impurity. Since impurities decrease the
stability of the natural medicines, it is important to note the type of impurities. It can be done by the
analytical methods as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis,
spectrophotometry, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), thin layer chromatography (TLC),

Nonbiased identification and quantification of all metabolites Nonbiased identification and

quantification of all metabolites in herbal or other natural products is vital to determine the status and
stability of the complex mixtures. IR spectroscopy in combination with chemometric data processing
could provide total metabolic fingerprint profile of phytoformulations. The technique enables on-site
inspection and ACCEPT and REJECT classification of material.[15]

Controlled storage conditions Control measure to protect against deterioration includes the use of
airtight container made of materials that will not interact physically or chemically with the material
being stored. Storage in ventilated cool, dry area and periodic spraying of the stored area with
insecticides will help to prevent the spread of infestation. Influence of environmental factors such as
temperature, light, oxygen, moisture, other ingredient or excipients in the dosage form, particle size of
drug, microbial contamination, trace metal contamination, leaching from the container, etc. should be
established to recommend proper storage conditions.[16]

Different techniques to deal with instability problems related to natural medicines

Nanoparticle coating for enhancing shelf-life of a natural product Nanocoating of active components of
herbal formulation is effective in protecting the active drug molecule from oxidative, hydrolytic and
environmental degradation processes and hence enhances the shelf-life of the herbal products. In
phytoformulation research, developing nano dosage forms [polymeric nanoparticles (nanospheres and
nanocapsules), liposomes (protection from enzymatic degradations), proliposomes, solid lipid
nanoparticles, nanoemulsion, etc.] has a large number of advantages for herbal drugs, including
enhancement of solubility and bioavailability, protection from toxicity, enhancement of pharmacological
activity and stability.[17] Liquid dosage compositions of stable nanoparticulate drugs have improved
stability than the conventional dosage forms.[18]

Semisolid preparations based on supercritical carbon dioxide Recently, use of supercritical carbon
dioxide technique has been found to effectively increase the stability of the herbal preparation with high
amount of active principles. It is observed that conventional HDPs based on Arnica montana L. have a
low content of the active principles, sesquiterpene lactones, which show poor stability and low physical
compatibility in semisolid formulations. However, supercritical carbon dioxide extracts have high
sesquiterpene content and show increase in stability and compatibility in formulation.[19]

Novel approach for natural products Formulation of chewable tablet has advantages of good dispersion,
short disintegrating time, quick dissolution, quick absorption by human body, high bioavailability and
stability, good taste and convenient administration as compared with existent dosage forms of the same
component.[20] As an example, chewable tablet which is a mixture of Herba artemisiae Scopariae,
Ardenia jasminoides fruit, and Flos lonicerae is formulated to have better stability and bioavailability
than liquid and injection formulation of the same.[21]

Topical herbal formulation A nanoemulsion formulation comprises a therapeutically active aqueous

phase entrapped in oil phase selected from one or more essential oils, for the topical treatment of acne
and other skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, aging scarring and shows increased efficacy, improved
percutaneous penetration, excellent thermodynamic stability ensuring long shelf-life, low skin irritation
and reservoir effect that promotes drug localization in the skin, enabling controlled delivery of the said
therapeutic agents.[22]

Liquid preparation coated with water-soluble cellulose derivative A stable liquid preparation contains a
solution which has water content from 10% to 80% and an active ingredient coated with a material
containing a water soluble cellulose derivative. The liquid preparation can be made into a hard capsule
and stably retain the water-unstable active ingredient in it and at the same time mask unpleasant taste
or smell.[23]

Polymeric plant-derived excipients in drug delivery Plant polysaccharides comply with many
requirements expected of pharmaceutical excipients such as non-toxicity, stability, availability and
hence investigated for use in the development of solid oral dosage forms. Some of the polysaccharides
have the characteristic of gelation and hence can also be used for the controlled delivery of the herbal
formulations with increased storage stability.[24]

Long chain fatty acid derivative Plant derived long chain fatty acids are incorporated in many of the
formulations by using a low-linolenic acid base compound to enhance the stability of the product as it
reduces the need for the hydrogenation of the oil based formulations and enhances the shelf-life of

Protein coating substance and use of the plant chaperonin-like Sp1 protein to stabilize therapeutic
protein in pharmaceutical use Formulation of therapeutic protein with improved thermal stability, which
comprises a core and a coating layer, and the core containing at least one biologically active protein and
the coating layer containing a micronized product from leguminous plants, can be done by forming a
fusion product and complex with the chaperonin-like Sp1 protein.[26]

Chelating agents for stabilization of the aqueous plant extracts Plant extract which is obtained by
aqueous extraction can be stabilized by using a water soluble agent capable of chelating the extract. As
an example, water soluble plant extract can be stabilized by the use of the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)
and other water soluble chelating agents.[27]

Suspension form of the herbal products The stability of the suspensions depends on the viscosity and
other factors. Viscosity enhancers such as xanthan gum can enhance the viscosity and hence the stability
of the formulation. In comparison to the xanthan gum, cellulose derivatives have lesser viscosity and
hence lead to decreased stability than xanthan gum. Insoluble or sparingly insoluble or sparingly soluble
plant extracts are stabilized in solution by the use of suspending agent and nonionic surfactant with or
without propylene glycol.[28]

Emulsion form of herbal products A recent study on the storage stability of oil-in-water emulsions and
number and size of globules during the storage at room temperature of herbal extract prepared by
dispersing ethoxypolysiloxane in water containing emulsifiers such as methyl cellulose, oleinol 7
(heptaethylene) glycol mono-oleate, and Tween 20 shows that there was a reduction in viscosity of the
emulsions containing methyl cellulose, indicating chain degradation. After storage, the emulsions
containing Tween 20 had increased viscosity but the globule size and number remained unchanged. The
least stable was the emulsion containing oleinol 7 (heptaethylene) glycol mono-oleate. The ability of the
emulsion to suppress foaming of aqueous solutions containing plant extract was retained throughout
the storage period.[29]

Continuous multi-microencapsulation process for biologically active ingredients For the production of
nutraceuticals as well as cosmetic products such as anti-wrinkle creams, spray microcapsule
preparations are adequate to stabilize compounds of natural origin. Microcapsules are obtained by a
continuous water-in-oil-in-water microencapsulation process. A formulation comprises a continuous
water phase having dispersion of microcapsules which contain oil drops, and in the inside of each oil
phase drop, there is a dispersion of water, or aqueous extract or water-dispersible material or water-
soluble material. The oil drops are encapsulated with a polymerizable material of natural origin. Such
microcapsules are appropriate for spray-drying to be used as a dry powder, lyophilized, self-emulsifiable
powder, gel, cream, and any liquid form. The active compounds included in the microcapsules are
beneficial to health and other biological purposes.[30]

Antioxidants and liquid formulations Use of the antioxidants such as the Glycyrrhiza, Ginkgo biloba,
polyphenols, esters of flavanol and fatty acids is important to reduce the oxidation. Generation of the
free radicals damages the formulation more readily. Antioxidants act as free radical scavengers and
hence increase the stability of liquid herbal formulations and other products.[31]

Linctuses for herbal preparations Physical properties of the linctuses preparation such as the pH,
viscosity, and shelf-life are determined using the glycerin based formulation. Specific gravity and the
viscosity and properties of the formulation are stable on storage with glycerin based formulation and
have higher values.[32]

Transgenic plants and immunoprotective compounds Studies have shown that disrupted plant cells are
genetically transformed to express immunogens or other polypeptides to produce immunoprotective
compounds, biologically active proteins which display stability and robustness and are useful in vaccine
and pharmacological preparations. The antigens or functional proteins accumulate in the cytoplasmic
cell wall and membrane areas of the plant cell and can be released in the form of particles, by
mechanical or physical disruption or some other means which produce immunoprotective compounds.

Tablet formulation for volatile liquids A visually stable tablet containing volatile liquid medicine is
prepared by damp proof-coating after including and moisturizing the volatile liquid active medicine. The
process comprises the following steps: making the volatile liquid active medicine to be included in β-
cyclodextrin and moisturizing with colloidal silicon dioxide, mixing with the other additives, pressing out
and pulverizing into fixed size to prepare dried granules, mixing again with disintegrating agents,
lubricants, and re-pressing out to get a tablet, then damp proof-coating using isopropane of
polyvinylacetaldimethylaminoacetate as a coating material, and coating sugar on it.[34]

Formulations without the use of the stabilizer Stable pharmaceutical natural preparations without the
use of a stabilizer are also formulated now-a-days. The active ingredient is sealed away from excipients
that can adversely affect stability by sealing the excipients rather than the active ingredient. The sealing
components are water-soluble polymers such as cellulose ethers. The preparations are substantially
unaffected by exposure to storage conditions of elevated temperature and elevated relative humidity.

Plant pigments Light sensitive insoluble drugs are stabilized in solid formulations by the use of the plant
pigments such as chlorophyll, caramel, saffron yellow and red beet pigment. The pigments reduce the
light dependent degradation of the herbal products. Free radical scavenging activity is the accepted
mode of action followed by the plant pigments for protection against light.[36]

Powders with oil composition containing aqueous active substance The powders comprise base powders
and oil compounds. The oil compounds are manufactured by drying water-in-oil emulsions that have
aqueous phase containing water-soluble and/or dispersible active substances and oil phase containing
emulsifiers. The active substances such as flavors and plant extracts are stabilized in the powders. A
powder was prepared from gum arabic, pinedex 3 (starch hydrolyzate), etc. The taste of the extract was
masked in the powder.[37]

Vitamin solutions Improved compositions and methods for producing individual dosages of nutritional
supplements containing a large dose of stable ascorbic acid, vitamins and herbal extracts having
extended shelf-life without substantial degradation for mammals are formulated. The process involves
heating a mixture of ascorbic acid and humectants to elevated temperature with agitation to stabilize
ascorbic acid at selected water activity. Thus, a vitamin C solution containing vitamin C, glycerin, citric
acid, and water was prepared. In order to achieve a low level of water activity, it was concluded that
high levels of glycerin (about 46%) and temperature above the detrimental temperature (135°F) were
required. To achieve complete solubilization at that temperature, about 6 min of heat exposure was
needed, which in a conventional solution may severely damage vitamin C.[38]

Preventing precipitation with improved storage stability by β-cyclodextrin in the compound A method
for preparing a herbal liquid compound has been proved to inhibit the precipitation of the herbal liquid
compound and improve the storage stability, by adding, 0.05–1.00% wt. /vol. of β-cyclodextrin to the
compound. The method for preparing a herbal liquid compound containing β-cyclodextrin consists of
the following steps: (a) adding purified water or solvent, extracting it at a temperature of 80-100°C (b)
obtaining an extract filtrate (c) adding β-cyclodextrin and then dissolving it at a temperature of 80–
100°C and (d) sterilizing the mixture and then adding purified water to obtain a final liquid compound.

Herbal hair dye New method and formula for stable and safe hair dye has been formulated recently. The
preparation method consists of preparing oil phase and water phase, adding oil phase into water phase,
homogenizing, defoaming, cooling, adding alkalizer, and further homogenizing. The hair dye has the
advantages of good safety, low allergy rate, mild nature, no damage to hair, no contamination to scalp
and skin, good dyeing effect and good glossiness. The vegetable proteins in the dye have good effects
for hair care.[40]

Herbal compositions with high contents of herb medicine extracts Stable pharmaceutical compositions
with high contents of herb medicine extracts are formulated with porous calcium silicate. The
compositions containing herb medicine extracts mainly contain anthrones and porous calcium silicate
and are adjusted to a relative humidity of 40%. Tablets contain licorice extract, sodium dioctyl
sulfosuccinate, crystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate.[41]

Use of colloidal silicon dioxide in the enhancement of the drying of herbal preparations Several
problems arise during the bed drying of herbal extracts, such as bed instability, product accumulation,
particle agglomeration, and bed collapse, mainly due to the complex composition. The addition of drying
carriers, like colloidal silicon dioxide, to the extractive solution can minimize these unwanted effects.
Higher concentration of the drying carrier significantly improves the bed drying performance in herbal

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Natural medicines are continuously gaining attention as the therapy for many of the ailments in the
modern era. Hence, it becomes the prime responsibility of the herbal drug manufacturer to provide
adequate stability for long-term storage and safety for consumption by the patients. As the
phytoformulation is a mixture of more than one active ingredient, care should be taken to the
determination of the stability profile for natural medicines. A stable formulation will gain confidence in
the modern patient compliance.
Go to:


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared

Go to:


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Submitted by:ASHISH KUTAL BISTA[19070296]RAKESH PANTHA[19070849]SAUGAT

POUDEL[19070323]TIRTHA BHATTARAI[19070333]Submitted to:Department of Computer Engineering
November, 2020

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(Affiliated to Pokhara University) Sanepa-2, Lalitpur



Submitted by:ASHISH KUTAL BISTA[19070296]RAKESH PANTHA[19070849]SAUGAT

POUDEL[19070323]TIRTHA BHATTARAI[19070333]Submitted to:Department of Computer Engineering
November, 2020


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Medicinal and Herbal plants have been used in virtually all cultures as a source of medicine. Assurance
of the safety, quality, and eciency of medicinal plants and herbalproducts has now become a key issue
in medical industry and in developing countries. Thewidespread use of herbal remedies and healthcare
preparaons is described in ourhistorical books. Medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years
to avor andconserve food, to treat health disorders and to prevent diseases including epidemics.
Theknowledge of their healing properes has been transmied over the centuries within andamong
human communies Currently, people are now concerned about their health andstart to recognize that
herbs are one of the benecial ingredients to spice up their life.Though most of them do not know which
herb can exactly benet them or how it looks like.This paper presents a web-based and mobile oriented
herbal informaon system design.With this system, herb idencaon, herbal vocabulary and medicinal
usages can provide aprofessional informaon staon for people to collect herb knowledge and an
interacveplaorm for people to exchange scienc ideas by using local/common language. Finally,
inorder to ensure the conceptual model is well dened, a set of rules for keyword searching iscreated to
verify preciseness of output produced. For current situaon, this system is beingplanned to be applied
only in Nepal.

Key words:

Herbal info

Medicinal plants


Herbs in Nepal

Tradional medicine


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ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................................................- 1 -LIST
OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................1LIST OF
TABLES......................................................................................................................................2CHAPTER 1:
Statement...........................................................................................................................31.2Objec  ves.....
Feasibility.......................................................................................................41.5.3Opera  onal
Requirement.............................................................................................................51.5.1So ware
Requirement.................................................................................................5CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE
REVIEW..........................................................................................................6CHAPTER 3:
ON......................................................................................................................73.2Hardware and
Soware Requirement...................................................................................83.3Proposed System
Design........................................................................................................83.4 Proposed System Block
diagram............................................................................................93.5 Working
Principle...................................................................................................................9CHAPTER 4: RESULT
AND ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................104.1Expected


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3.1: A












3.3: P





3.4: B





4.1: E







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4.2: B





4.3: G






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Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before prehistoric period. They play a vital role on
the development of the society from the beginning of human civilization.The unique proprieties of
plants and their combination contains a large number of pharmacologically active ingredients whichstill
has maintain an important role in thetreatment of many diseases on the different part of the world.
Though phytotherapy has beenthe best way to cure various disease, there are a lot imprecise thoughts
and rumors in our communities on the use of the medicinal plants. The correct information about the
medicinal plants can be given efficiently by making an application which can allow the needed one
toaccess the needed information.As the traditional medicinal plants leads to the discovery of the many
herbal drugs, bioactive compounds from medicinal plants can be directly used as healing agent and their
phytochemicals also serve as lead compound for developing potential drugs to cure diseasesin humans.
In Nepal, 25.2% of the population lived below the national poverty line (2010)[1]. And still the poverty
line is so high which makes impossible for people to afford modernmedicine. According to the WHO
report, 1966, the issues of fake drugs, drug abuse andexcessive side effect of drugs are the major
problems in modern medicine [2]. The uses of orthodox medicine has been widely accepted because of
the globalization on the medicinalfield but still the low economic situation is making people difficult to
afford it. This paper proposes a web-based system for the herbal medicine prescription and to provide
the detailsabout herbal medicine in easier way.

Problem Statement

In recent times, herbal medicine has found its way as an alternative to orthodoxmedicine, it is the oldest
and still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today[3]. Orthodox medicine are
dispensed to patients in specific doses or in strictly regulatedquantities and their portions are
standardized whereas not for herbal medicine. And that’s themain problem for people to believe on
herbal medicines. Inadequate information about thedrugs and the herbalist may also die with the
knowledge of the herbs which may lead tomisinformation about the herbs in generations to come [4].
Thus, the correct prescription forherbal medicine is what the world needs.


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To provide users the herbal information and prescription in easier and effective way.

1.3Project Features

Provides information about medicinal plants.

Provides herbal prescription.

User friendly.

Search functionality.

1.4Feasibility Analysis1.5.1Economic Feasibility

The project is economically feasible. Since the project is supposed to be done byutilizing the available
online sources and by just 4 programmers, it can be completed by pretty good budget. The system will
be free to users and there is a possibility of having goodimpact on users coming days.

1.5.2Technical Feasibility

Because of the reason, this soware can easily be made using available sources, thefeasibility on the
technical way can be called feasible. This soware is compable for everycomputer with windows
7(and higher) as it is built using PHP language, HTML on Sublime text.

1.5.3Operational Feasibility

This proposed web-based system will be user friendly. So, the of people age 12+ can easilyinteract with
the system.

1.5.4Time Feasibility

The project will not be so complicated. It is expected to complete within eight weeks.


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1.5System Requirement1.5.1Software Requirement

Sublime text

Web browser


Graphics Editor

1.5.2Hardware Requirement

PC (Windows 7 or higher)

RAM (1 GB or higher)

Processor (i3 or higher)


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Herbs are still the primary source of medicinal plants after trees in Nepal and mostly being used for
gastro-intestinal problems, followed by fever and headache. 'HerbalEncyclopedia Bir Nighantu' or 'Bir
pharmacopoeia' by Pandit Ghana Nath Devkota in 1969 is probably the first hand written effort towards
a compilation of the traditional knowledgeabout medicinal plants of Nepal covering 750 plants in detail.
Work done by Banerji et al. in1955 is the earliest published work based on medicinal plants in East
Nepal. About 85 % of the Nepalese population are dependent on the traditional plant-based medicines
for their primary health care needs [5]. Many plants from Nepal have been identified to
showantimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and even antiviral properties. Withrecent
developments in the field of Biotechnology, there has been slight shift in researchtowards validation of
the mechanism of action of medicinal plants in cancer. Although, thevast amount of work has been done
to identify the traditional medicinal plants of Nepal, butdue to geographical, climatic and topographical
complications, sometimes it is difficult for the researchers to collect the valuable samples that they
could get from extreme locations of Nepal. There is also lack of special plant protection centers for
traditional medicinal plants in Nepal due to which important plants of medicinal values are also in the
phase of extinction.There is also a lack of funds and sophisticated equipment in the field of medicinal
plantresearch for the institutions in Nepal which is limiting the research in screening antimicrobialand
phytochemical properties. 'Herb society of America', 'Herb research foundation' and many more sites
does giveinformation about herbs. This website has all the information about the works done byour
fellow researchers and all the knowledge about herbal plants. This project “Herbalinfo” is a innovative
program which will help to Know about the herbs which play a vital rolefor our good health.


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Methodologies are the ways and the multiple steps used to study about any topics.Through this web-
based system, the user interacts with user interface and can access the it possess.

Fig 3.1: Architectural Framework of Medicinal Herbs for Prescription Herbal Medicine


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3.2Hardware and Software Requirement

The needed software required to make the application system work effectively areSublime text and
graphics editor using HTML for front end and PHP for back end. And agood internet connectivity. MySQL
will be use for the Database Management System. As it been a program which can be made using
available sources, a normal working PC of 1 GBRAM and core of i3 will be enough.s

3.3Proposed System Design

The proposed system does have well designed interface.

Fig 3.3: Proposed System Design


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3.4 Proposed System Block diagram

Fig 3.4: Block Diagram

3.5 Working Principle

Firstly, the designa

on of the program and implementa on and then the veri caon of theprogram will
be the working principle of this project.Once the user log in, user can be able access the informa on
about the useful medical plantsas it gets the details from stored informa on of database. And can go on
ailment treatment fromwhich the required prescrip on for the aliment can be obtained. Through the
medicinal plants andprescrip on, the user can get details about the dierent useful parts of plants. 3


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4.1Expected Output
The expected result of this project is to be able to upload the informa
on about medicinalplants and the
require prescrip
on for the di erent ailments.

Fig 4.1: Expected design of output


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4.2Budget Analysis

Though its been a project for which we are working on the available sources within ourself and taking
sources from online, we are spending our  me into it. That can be consider as the budgetspent for
programmers.Number of Programmer 4Working Days 60Cost of Programmer per day Rs 100Total
Programmer cost Rs 24,000Extra Expenses Rs. 4,000Total project cost Rs. 28,000

Table 4.2: Budget of Project

4.3Work Schedule

Week\Task StartdateFinishdateweek 1week 2week 3week 4week 5week 6week 7week 8Research








Testing anddebugging





Table 4.3: Gant-Chart


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The effects of herbal medicine can vary widely depending on the specific herb and its intended use.
Some herbs have proven therapeutic properties, while others may lack scientific validation. It's
important to approach herbal remedies with caution, considering potential interactions with
medications and consulting healthcare professionals for guidance.
The effects of herbal medicine can vary widely depending on the specific herb and its intended use.
Some herbs have demonstrated therapeutic properties and are used in traditional medicine practices
around the world. However, it's essential to approach herbal remedies with caution as their safety and
efficacy may not always be supported by rigorous scientific studies. Always consult with a healthcare
professional before incorporating herbal medicine into your healthcare routine, especially if you're
taking other medications or have pre-existing health conditions.

The product interface for the herbal medicine software provides an intuitive user experience, featuring a
user-friendly design for easy navigation. It includes sections for herb information, dosage
recommendations, and a comprehensive herb catalog. Users can efficiently search for specific herbs,
view detailed profiles, and access information on medicinal uses and potential interactions. The
interface also allows for personalized user profiles, enabling practitioners to create and manage patient
profiles with prescribed herbal treatments. Additionally, there may be features for tracking patient
progress, generating reports, and staying updated on the latest herbal research. Overall, the interface
aims to streamline herbal medicine practices, promoting efficiency and accuracy in treatment planning.

Certainly! The product interface for the herbal medicine software is categorized into distinct sections to
enhance user experience:

1. **Herb Catalog:**

- A comprehensive database organized alphabetically or by categories.

- Each herb entry includes details such as botanical name, common names, and images.

2. **Search Functionality:**

- Robust search features for quick access to specific herbs or conditions.

- Filters for refining searches based on medicinal properties, uses, or potential side effects.

3. **Dosage and Administration:**

- Clear dosage recommendations for different herbs based on patient specifics.

- Administration guidelines, including suggested forms (e.g., tea, tincture) and frequency.
4. **Medicinal Uses:**

- Detailed information on the medicinal properties of each herb.

- Categorization based on conditions, allowing users to explore herbs for specific health issues.

5. **Patient Profiles:**

- Personalized profiles for each patient, containing their health history and prescribed herbal

- Tracking features to monitor patient progress over time.

6. **Interactions and Contraindications:**

- Alerts and notifications for potential herb-drug interactions.

- Information on contraindications to ensure safe and effective herbal prescribing.

7. **Reports and Analytics:**

- Tools for generating reports on patient outcomes, treatment efficacy, and overall practice

- Analytics features to stay informed about trends in herbal medicine usage.

8. **Educational Resources:**

- A section for articles, research papers, or links to external resources for continuous learning.

- Integration with updates on the latest developments in herbal medicine.

9. **User Settings:**

- Customizable settings for practitioners to tailor the interface to their preferences.

- Access controls and security features to protect patient information.

10. **Mobile Responsiveness:**

- An interface optimized for various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

- Seamless user experience across different screen sizes.

By organizing the herbal medicine software into these categories, the interface aims to empower
practitioners with a holistic and efficient tool for herbal treatment planning and patient management.

[1/9, 9:46 PM] Abdu freedom 1: DECLARATION

I Sani Ali Muhammad, declare this project titled "A Real Time object detection System" is he product

of my own research efforts, undertaken under the supervision of DR HABIBA KAKUDI" and has not

been presented and will not be presented clsewhere for the award of degree or certificate. All sources

have been dully acknowledged.



[1/9, 9:47 PM] Abdu freedom 1: CERTIFICATION

This is to certify that this project titled "A REAL TIME OBJECT DETECTION SYSTEM" conductcd

by SANI ALI MUHAMMAD has been carcfully read and approved, having satisfied the requirement

for Bachelor of Science in Computer Scicnce, in the Department of Computer Scicncc, Faculty of

Computer Scicnce and Information Technology, Bayero University, Kano




Project Supervisor

Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf


Hcad ofDepartmcnt
[1/9, 9:47 PM] Abdu freedom 1: DEDICATION

I dedicate this project to my late father AIh Ibrahim Mai Goro .May his gentle soul rest in perfect

peace and Jannatul Firdaus be his final abode. I also dedicate this project to my mother, my brothers

and my sisters.

[1/9, 9:49 PM] Abdu freedom 1: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the compasslonate. All pralse be to Hlim, the Lord of the

worlds, prayers and peace be upon Muhammad hls servant and messenger. All thanks be to him for

his llmitless mercy which is what made this long Journey posslble

My profound gratitude gocs to my supervisor Dr Habiba Kakudi who works tirclessly to sce mc through

despite his busy schedules. My level coordinator Malam Ahmad Abba Datti must be appreciated for his

kind mind and the attention he gave us whenever we approachcd him and the rest of our lecturcs. I will

like to also send my appreciation to my colleague for helping me with some advised especially

Shamsudden Muhammad. Also my gratitude goes directly to my family for the support, kindness and

time giving during my studies thank you.

Finally, my undoubted appreciations to my family for their moral and financial support, not only through

my B.Sc programme but throughout my entire life.

Thank you all.

[1/9, 9:49 PM] Abdu freedom 1: ABSTRACT

This system presents a method for detecting objects in images using a single deep neural network. Our

approach, is a combination of the Faster Region-based Convolutional neural network and the single shot

detection. The system discretizes the output space of bounding boxes Into a set of default boxes over

aspect ratios and scales per feature map location. At prediction time, the network generates scores for

presence of each object category In each default box and produces adjustments. to the box to better
the object shape. Additionally, the network combines predictions from multiple feature maps with

resolutions to naturally handle objects of various sizes. SSD is simple relative to methods that require

proposals because it completely eliminates proposal generation and subsequent pixel or feature

stages and encapsulates all computation in a single network

[1/9, 9:57 PM] Abdu freedom 1: Table of Contents



1.0 Introduction....

1.1 Background.

1.2 Problem Statement...

1.3 Objective

1.4 Methodology


1.5 Significance of the study....

1.6 Contribution of the study

1.7 Scope and Limitations

1.8 Summary ...



2.1 Introduction....

2.1 What is object Detection...

2.2 Pre-processing

2.2.1 Pixel pre-processing ...

2.2.2 Local pre-processing...


[1/9, 9:58 PM] Abdu freedom 1: 2.2.2 Local pre-processing

2.3 Segmentation

2.4 Feature Extraction.

2.4.1 Inception

2.4.2 Residual Network..

2.5 Classification in object detection and Related Work

2.6 Neural Network

2.6.1 Feedforward Neural Network

2.6.2 Convolutional Neural Networks ..

Regional Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN)


2. Fast Region Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN)

3. Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks (Faster RCNN)

2.6.3 Single Shot Detectors (SSD)

2.8 Summary



[1/9, 9:58 PM] Abdu freedom 1: METHODOLOGY.

3.1 Introduction...


3.2.1 The Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MSCOCOY

3.3 SSD-Mobilenet-v1

3.3.1 Flow chart

3.4.2 Faster RCNN-Inception-V2 Flow Chart..

3.4 Performance Evaluatilon

3.4.1 Precision..

3.4.2 Recall....

3.43 F1-SCORE...

3.5 Mean Average Precision.

3.6 Tools/Environments.











5.1 Introduction..

5.2 Summary|
5.3 conclusion

5.4 Recommendations


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