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I am delighted to announco the first-of-\tS-kind mobility show, the Bharat IVlobility Global
Expo 1024, from Ihe 1st to 3rd of February 2024. This industry led event supported by
Ministry of Commerce. is set to be a comprehensive three-day event dedicated to Ihe entire
mobility value chain

It is first of irs kind mega show and would be a pioneering endeavour, aiming to cover
every aspect of the Automobile Industry's mobility value chain under one roof and will
showcase the latest advancements in electric vehicles {EVs), automobiles, urban mobility
solutions. cUtting-edge automotive technologies, and more. Thls is the largest ever event in
this space in terms of exhibitors, area, participation of foreign and domestic buyers, with
active participa\ion of State Gc'vernments, J1 industry associations and 9 ministries of the
Government of India.

With more then 800 exhibitors from 50+ countries actass the mobilay ecosystem, the scale
of this event underscores iLs significance in shaping the future of mobility on a global scale.
This event stands as a visionary curtain-raiser for tomorrciw's mobility landscape. The
Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2024 embodies a futuristic vision where mobility seamlessly
integrates with techno1ogy, sustainability, and inclusivity.

The Bharat Mobilité Glabal Expo 2024 is a unique platform that unlocks a multitude of
opportunities for Ille world and India to co-create and transform Ihe future of the
automotive industry. The sky is lf›e limit as we envision a future where mobility transforms
lives, enhances accessibifily, and creates smarter and greener cities, and achieves Net Zero
commitments by 2070.

Hon'bfe Prime Minisler of Índia, Shri Narendra Modi ji has graciously accepted to give
speñal address a\ the event on 2 d February 2024. This under9careG the ‘whole of
Government approach’ of our Hon'ble Prime Minîstar, whereby all stakeholders have con
e together al one platform to harness the potantJal of this critical sector and further
enhance its confributiun to our economy.

I extend my best wishes for frultful delibera(ions, productive partnerships, and the
continued success of the Bharat Mobilky Global Expo 2024. In addition, i alsa express n›y
LilrT ost 9ppreciation to all those involved in the organizalior and partJclpation of the expn

Iñinistry of commerce & Industry, Van ya IJtia air, AkLar Ruad, New Uell\i 11U001
Tei No. *91 \1 73039110, J3036111. E mail
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