Discharge Plan For Pneumonia Patients

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DISCHARGE PLAN A. OBJECTIVES 1. To maintain a patent airway 2. To maximize breathing capacity 3. To relieve the patient of his secretions 4. B. 1.

MEDICATIONS Name of Drug Salbutamol Cefuroxime sodium Dosage & Frequency 2 mg q.i.d. 250 mg b.i.d. Route P.O. P.O. Curative Effects Dilates bronchioles Antibiotics Side Effects Tachycardia, nausea Phlebitis, Thrombophlebitis

2. EXERCISE / ACTIVITY Type of Activity allowed / to be continued: Deep Breathing Exercises Light Activities Procedure or Steps: 1.) Sit up straight as you prepare to do these exercises. Keep your backbone fully upright with your shoulders pulled back as you get into position. 2.) Inhale slowly and deeply. Slowly fill your lungs with air. Think about how pure, fresh and cleansing this new air is for your body. 3.) Focus on how your lungs feel as they fill with air. Notice how they expand. Pay attention to how your diaphragm moves to make room for more air in your lungs. 4.) Exhale slowly. Release the air from your lungs until they are completely empty. Feel your lungs contracting as your expel all of the old air from your body. Use of Equipment (if any): No equipments necessary Restrictions: Strenuous Activites 3. TREATMENT - Comply with medications - Increase Fluid Intake - Utilize Deep Breathing Exercise for at least twice a day 4. HEALTH TEACHINGS ( ) clinic appointment schedules ( ) use of alternative medicines ( ) follow-up laboratory examinations ( ) relapse prevention measures ( ) understanding and knowing what to do with side effects of medications ( ) Others: Health Teaching on Deep Breathing Exercise 5. a. Observed signs & symptoms that need reporting: - Increase dyspnea, Elevated Body Temperature and presence of adventitious sounds.

b. Interventions / Home remedies that may be done immediately prior to seeking consultation: - Use of Lagundi herbal meds - Increase Fluid Intake - Position to High Fowlers - Adequate bed rest 6. DIET a. Prescribed Diet: - Diet as Tolerated b. Restrictions: - No restrictions 7. SPIRITUAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS 1. 2. 3. 4. Encourage to continue to seek Gods guidance and enlightenment. Emphasize the importance of prayers in healing. Encourage to continue to have a positive outlook in life. Encourage to keep the faith in God and not to give up easily when hard times come.

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