Ho Oponopono EFT Manual

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Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Certification Course Manual

Ho'oponopono + EFT

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Indu & Mitesh Khatri

Law of Attraction Coach

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Basic Ho’oponopono
Walking - Talking Ho’oponpono
Advance Ho’oponopono
Release Technique
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Emotional Healing
Healing for Parents
Remote Healing
Clarity on How much Money You Can
Make as a Healer
Script for Social Media
Free webinar Script Part 1 - Pre-Framing
Free webinar Script Part 2 - Tears of Joy
Free Webinar Scrip Part 3 - PreFraming to
Invite for 5 Days BONUS Healing
What to do in 5 Days Bonus Session
How to Technically share Music in Zoom
How to Protect Yourself in a Healing
Graduation Day Steps to Follow...
How to Charge Comfortably
YouTube Marketing
Script for YouTube videos
Indu and Mitesh Khatri
Ho'oponopono + EFT

Basic Ho'oponopono
Basic Ho'oponopono is always for other people and
other things. By Saying Ho'oponopono statement.

Step 1: Write down the struggle that you are having in all
areas of life.

Step 2: Hands on your Heart, take 2 long deep breaths.

Step 3: Say - I take 100% responsibility for the way I am

feeling and how the other person/thing is feeling. Than
I am Sorry.
Please Forgive me.
Thank You.
I Love You.

Step 4: Say these statements for 108 / 21 / 11 times, till

you feel better.

Step 5: End with taking a Long deep breath with your

hands going up as you Inhale and hands going down as
you Exhale.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Walking Talking
Walking - Talking Ho'oponopono - Doing
Ho’oponopono while doing any work or talking to any
person or anytime anytime, anywhere. Whenever you
feel uncomfortable you can do the Walking Talking

Do it a minimum of 11 times and a maximum of any

number you feel comfortable with.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Advance Conversational
Advanced Ho'oponopono is always done for
one person and that person is ME. It is also
called conversational Ho'oponopono.
Step 1: Write down the specific things, situations, and
persons for whom you are doing the advance

Step 2: Write down your negative emotion towards

that particular thing, person, and situation. Also, rate
the emotion on the level of 1 - 10.

1. I take 100% responsibility for the way I feel.

2. I am Sorry because________ (give multiple reasons)
3. Please Forgive me because_________ (give multiple
4. Thank You because_________ (give multiple reasons)
5. I Love You because_________ (give multiple reasons)
6. Take long deep breath.

Reason has to be spontaneous and honest.

Step 3: Write down the intensity of that particular
emotion and keep doing the advance
Ho’oponopono until it reaches zero.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Release Technique
Release Technique: Keep on tapping on the side of your
hand throughout this activity. (Use the music)

I take 100% responsibility for creating this

___________ (problem). I am sorry for creating.
Please forgive me for creating you. Thank u; I love you
because I have created you. (Advance Ho'oponopono)

Whatever is stuck in my body, wherever it is stuck -

consciously or unconsciously; physically or
emotionally; positive or negative; good or bad; right
or wrong because of which it got created...
Am I willing to release it? Say - Yes
Take a long deep breath and Release.
Whatever is stuck in my body, wherever it is stuck -
consciously or unconsciously; physically or
emotionally; positive or negative; good or bad.
Should I release it now? Say -Yes
Take a long deep breath and Release.
Whatever is stuck in my body, wherever it is stuck -
consciously or unconsciously physically or
emotionally; positive or negative; good or bad.
When Am I willing to release it? Say - Now.
Take a long deep breath and Release.
Are you 100% sure?
Take a long deep breath and Release.
Check with the intensity at the end. Do the process
till the intensity reaches to zero.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

EFT ( Emotional Freedom

Steps to do the EFT ( Emotional Freedom
(Only give experience. Don't teach)

1. Take a common negative emotion. Eg. Laziness

2. Start tapping on the first point on the side of your
hand. Say - I take 100% responsibility for not taking
action. I take 100% responsibility for being lazy and
postponing my actions, In spite of that I love and
accept myself exactly the way I am. Even though I
keep making excuses, the fact is I’m lazy, In spite of
that, I love and accept myself the way I am. Now I
take 100% responsibility for being lazy and that is
why I love and accept myself the way I am.
3. Tap on the start of your eyebrow with 2 fingers and
say- This laziness I am willing to release.
4. Tap on the side of your eyes and say - This
postponing problem I’m willing to release.
5. Tap below the eyes and say - Constantly avoiding
action I’m willing to release.
6. Tap over the head and say - All my lazy habits
7. Tap below the nose and say - All my lazy problems
8. Tap over the chin and say - Avoid exercising release.
9. Tap over the collarbone - Avoid talking to people

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

10. Tap over both the underarms and say - Postponing

all my work release. Postponing my decisions release.
11. Tap over the thumb of one hand where the nail and
the skin is meeting and say - I take 100% responsibility
for this laziness.
12. Next finger - I’m sorry for not taking action.
13. Next - Please forgive me for giving so many excuses,
for giving cute excuses but excuses.
14. Next - Thank you for giving me the ability to take
15. Next - I love taking action.
16. Tap again on the side of hand where we started and
say - From now on I commit. I love taking action, I love
taking action. I love and accept myself the way I am.
17. Take a long deep breath and say-

I am sorry.
Please Forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Emotional Healing
Scan and Check with your Body, where you are having
pain in your body.
Check the intensity of that pain.
Close your Eyes.
What is the Shape of the Pain?
What is the Color of the Pain?
Is it moving or still?
What is the Size of the Pain?
Is it Soft or Hard?

Now Make the changes

Change the Shape of the pain to your favorite
Change the Color.
If it was moving before then make it still or if it was
still before then make it move.
Change the Size.
Make it soft if it was hard before and make it hard if
it was soft before.
Open your eyes and Think about what you had for
Dinner last night.

Check with the Intensity again.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Healing for Parents

Make a habbit of doing Advance Conversational
Ho’oponopono for Mom and Dad separately.
Step 1: Start with - “I take 100% responsibility of how I
am feeling and how my Mom/Dad is feeling.
Step 2: I am Sorry because________ (give 3 reasons)
Step 3: Please Forgive me because_________ (give 3
Step 4: Thank You because_________ (give 3 reasons)
Step 5: I Love You because_________ (give 3 reasons)
Step 6: End the process with

I am sorry.
Please Forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Do the following process twice a day.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Remote Healing
Using Compass check for the East direction
and keep the photograph of your loved once
and your VIP students. Look at the picture
Do Advance Conversational Ho'oponopono
after saying - I take 100% responsibility on
behalf of ________ (say the person's name).
I am __________ ( person's name )
Once you finish with the advance
Ho'oponopono then do the tapping with the
Release Technique.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Clarity on How Much Money

You Can Make as a Healer
Teach a minimum of 50 students for free every
In the next 6 months, heal 300 people for free.
If you get 30 students for 5,000/- as group coaching
over 6 months, you will make Rs 1,50,000.
If you get 30 students for 10,000/- as VIP coaching
over 6 months, you will make Rs 3,00,000
In 6 Months you can make a potential of Rs 4,50,000.

"I am a Magical Ho'oponopono Healer. I have already
healed ___________[number] of students."

"Today is _______[add the exact date, e.g., October 22,
2023], and I have already healed 300 students for free. I
already have 30+ students for Group Healing at 5,000/-
rupees per student and 30+ students for VIP Healing at
10,000/- rupees per student. By now, I have made 4.5
lakhs+ effortlessly while creating magical results for my

Write and Say this every single morning.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Script for Social Media

I have recently completed a Healers Certification Course
with Mitesh Khatri. I am conducting a Free Healing
Session for my friends and family.
This will be a LIVE Zoom Session with me for 60 Mins
where we will…
Learn The Magical Ancient Healing Technique which
will help you instantly release any negative emotions
you are feeling in your life right now. Would you like
Reconnect with yourself and experience self-love like
you have never experienced before. Would you like
I promise you will have an Experience of Tears of Joy
which you will always remember in this small Magical
Session. Would you like to experience this?

So if you’re ready to experience Magical Emotional

Healing, meet me on _____[date] at _____[time].

Please NOTE - This Magical Session is completely FREE

for today only, so register NOW as I have limited FREE
seats available.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Free webinar Script Part 1 -

Invitation Frame:
1. What are you struggling with?
2. How are you feeling because of your struggle?
3. Are you Ready to Release Negative Emotions?
4. Are you Ready to invest 45 mins of your time to Heal
these emotions once and for all?
5. Are you Ready to Trust me?

If YES, participate 100% with Video ON...

6. I promise you, at the end of the 45 minutes, all these
emotions will be healed and you will have tears of Joy!

During The Session - Control The 5 Frames

to Prepare People for the Ho'Oponopono
1. Frame 1 - Story of Dr. Hew Len and Masaru Emoto.
2. Frame 2 - Are you Ready to Learn This Magic?
3. Frame 3 - Do you Agree this is Simple but Profound?
4. Frame 4 - Do you want Theory or experience?
5. Frame 5 - Are you Ready for the Tears of Joy

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Free webinar Script Part 2 -

Tears of Joy Experience
Start with Communicating Rules Before
Starting Ho'oponopono Experience
1. Promise not to Open your Eyes.
2. Say what I say Loudly.
3. Don’t Suppress if you feel like Crying.
4. Keep water and a napkin beside you.

Actual Experience -
1. Repeat 4 lines of Ho'oponopono twice loudly.
2. Remember the Face, smile, and Eyes of your Mom
and Dad.

Start For Mom with the following script for

both Mom & Dad...
1. I am sorry for hurting you, for judging you, for not
giving you enough time in life.
2. Please forgive me for not understanding you, for not
loving you, for not respecting you enough.
3. Thank you, Mom, for your Unconditional Love, even
when I hated myself, thank you for all the sacrifices
you made for me.
4. Even though I did not tell you many times, I Love You,

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

The person who hurt you the most...

1. Say the name of the person loudly
2. I am Sorry ____for Blaming everything on you alone
3. I now understand, even though I am Responsible for
this situation
4. Please forgive me for not taking responsibility for my
part, for holding on to so much Negativity
5. Thank you for this lesson, and this experience, deep
within I know I needed this lesson to grow
6. I choose to move ON, I allow you to move ON -I Love

Completing with Self Healing...

1. I am Sorry. I am the one who underestimated you
the most.
2. Please forgive me for disconnecting with you, please
forgive me for leaving you alone, not believing in
3. Thank you dear Soul for this beautiful life, thank you
for this connection with the Universe.
4. It doesn’t matter who doesn’t love you from now on, I
Love You - Ask them to Hug themselves - Warm Hug
Keep your head on your shoulders - I am sorry for
leaving you alone, thank you for reconnection, I
promise I will never leave you alone ever again.
You will realize you were waiting for your love, were
you not?
Stay silent - feel that love for yourself.
I promise You I will never leave you alone anymore.
Be with yourself for some time and say " You have
been waiting for your own love," Haven't you?

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

5. Slowly move your hands, slowly open your eyes, start

rubbing your hands, keep rubbing faster, take energy all
over your face,
6. Ask them to write down - ONE word - how are they
7. Ask people to share their experience without any
questions - raise your virtual Zoom hand.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Free Webinar Scrip Part 3 -

PreFraming to Invite for 5 Days
BONUS Healing
Frame 1: The way you felt right now, when was the
last time you felt like this?

Frame 2: Would you like to experience more of this

magic every day? (Wait for them to say YES)
Introduce -
1. 30 days Paid Ho'oponopono Advance Healing
program worth Rs 20,000/-
2. As a gift, I am offering you 5 days of free live
sessions, would you like to receive this Gift?

Frame 3: I want you to promise me that at the end

of 5 days when you have a magical experience. You
will continue your experience for the full 30 days of
complete healing.
1. On the 6th day, we will have the Graduation day. On
graduation day, I want you to commit with time and
money both.
2. Build curiosity for the 30 days program by letting
them know these 5 days are not enough.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

What to do in 5 Days Bonus

Start the session by thanking all your mentors.
Do 108 times Ho'oponopono with music. (108 / 21 / 11
times - depends on the time of your session )
Conversational Ho'oponopono for HRCM generic.
Ask about the intensity of the negative emotion in
Take one sharing in after each area.
Close with 108 times ho'oponopono if you have time
otherwise do 11 times ho'oponopono.
Invite them for the Graduation day.

Invitation for Graduation day

1. How many of you felt amazing in today's session?
2. Would you like your friends and family members to
feel this?
3. How many of you feel it is a lost science and we
have to spread this science?
4. Bring your friends and family on graduation day.
5. Come on Graduation day in your best avatar, get
ready and wear your best dress of yours.
6. Are you with me on this mission?

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

How to Technically share

Music in Zoom
Always deliver the session on Zoom, even if they are
your family people.

When you are using Music, Share the computer

Audio as an advanced option on Zoom.

Use Headphones as speakers, while doing the

session with music.

Do not use the devi prayer on your Youtube channel.

you can use it for a live session and then unlist them.

Link for Devi Prayer

Click Here

Ho'oponopono by Mitesh Sir

Click Here

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

How to Protect Yourself in

Healing Session
Step 1 - Do not Get sympathetic with others. Do not
feel bad for others.

Step 2 - Before and After the session, close your eyes

and imagine you are surrounded by White Light. This
Light is protecting you from any negative energy.

Do the Process Before and After the session.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Graduation Day Steps to

1.Start the Graduation day with result-sharing.

2. Give the tears of Joy once again.

3. Allow 3 New People to Share Tears of Joy Experience

and 3 People to Share 5 Days of Healing Experience

4. Now start PreFraming for 30 Days Healing by

The emotions that you Healed in 5 Days, for how
long have you had these negative emotional
How long did it take to Heal this? (7 Days in just 3-4
Do you agree, this has Fast Tracked your life by
many years? How many years? (Let them answer)
Do you agree, there is More Healing left? Share the
Feelings that still need Healing?
For how long are you experiencing these negative
Based on your last 5 Days of experience, are you
100% convinced that you can Heal this in 30 Days
and fast-track your life in just 30 days?
If yes, are you willing to Commit with Time & Money?
Can I share with you what is the 30 Days Invitation?

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

5. Actual Invitation
30 Days Start again when you join today
There will be a group session and a VIP session
Groups Sessions - Rs 20,000/- If you join now it is
6,000/- including taxes. If you join within 10 minutes
- 5,000/-
VIP Sessions - Rs 50,000/- If you join now, it is Rs
12,000/- including taxes. If you join within 10 mins -
Now share the Payment link or QR code.
While people pay, start some sharing of results.

6. In 30 Days you Heal every aspect of your HRCM so

you can truly attract what you want:
Make them write down what more they would like to
What is the Value of this Healing?
Is it Worth Practicing all 30 Days? (Get a written
Promise from them)

7. What will happen in these 30 days

108 Times
Generic HRCM Conversational Hop +EFT with Demo
of 1 Person each only
108 Times
2 Secret Healing Techniques - Release Techinque for
Group and Remote healing only for VIP student.

8. The moment 1 person joins, ask them to share - why

did you Join?

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

How to Charge Comfortably

Make a list of doubts you get while selling.

Hands on your heart, take 2 long deep breaths and

I am Sorry Money for being so uncomfortable about
money. Even though I want a lot of money.
Please forgive me for associating so many negative
thoughts and feelings with Money.
Thank you dear Money for giving me this opportunity
to have a great relationship with you.
I love you dear Money and from now on whenever I
think of you, whenever I talk about you. I will talk
about you comfortably, lovingly, affectionately, and
warmly as if you are my Guru. I will talk about you
with respect, with complete gratitude.
Close your eyes and think of Money. Imagine
Charging for money
I am Sorry for feeling guilty for charging. The amount
of money I am charging is energy.
Please forgive me for only thinking about money
and not thinking about the result my student will get
and the blessing I will receive in return for money.
Please forgive me for keeping other people away
from the opportunity of generously giving money for
their healing.
Please forgive me for thinking small about the
people that they don't have enough money to pay
me and don't value their life over money.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Thank you for giving me this clarity that people

always have more than enough money.
Thank you for giving me this generosity to think of
them as people who value their life, who value me
as their healer.
I am willing to now give gratitude to those people for
not only paying but for valuing their healings and
the healings I offer them.
I Love this healing, I love charging for money for my
healings because I love money because I have a
beautiful relationship with money.
Take a deep breath.
I am sorry for having this limiting belief that I need to
be perfect before I am start helping other people,
before I start healing other people.
Please forgive me for focusing only on my pain
instead of helping others.
Thank you for making me a courageous soldier Who
is not perfect but who is helping others
Thank you for making me a compassionate healer
who is not perfect but who is healing others.
Because what I transferred to people is not my
problem, not my solutions, not my life but only this
magical power of Ho’oponopono.
I am not doing the healing it's Ho’oponopono. So I
don’t have to worry because it's Ho'oponopono.
Because I am not the magician here.
I become a magician because of this magical
power. What I am transferring to the people it's not
me, It's this magical power to them.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Take a long deep breath and imagine.

All your student got a lot of favorable results in their
life. They all are happy and giving you a lot of
I am not charging for healing, I am charging for
these results. I am charging for these solutions.
Give gratitude to this magical power and say thank
you for making you the channel to transfer this
Making you the agent of healing.
Open your eyes and check how are you feeling.

How to charge Comfortably

Part 2
If I don’t Charge for my Healing and I don’t heal a lot
of people What are the consequences my students
will go through? What loss will they get through?
Write down 10 reasons in all HRCM areas.
If I heal them, what are the benefits my students will
get? Write down 10 benefits

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Youtube Marketing
Step 1: Three times a week you will do YouTube live
videos on Ho'oponopono.
Step 2: On Facebook - 2 Posts every day. 2
Instagram stories every day.

Readymade Topics:
What is Ho'oponopono?
My health result of Ho'oponopono.
My relationship result of Ho'oponopono.
My career result of Ho'oponopono.
My money result of Ho'oponopono.
How to use Ho'oponopono for health.
How to use Ho'oponopono for relationships.
How to use Ho'oponopono for a career.
How to use Ho'oponopono for Money.
Special request on ho'oponopono topics. like QNA
and in QNA ask for problems and create a
ho'oponopono video on those topics.
Take some highest ranked views video from
You can take the topic but do not copy the content
of any youtube video. Copy high demand topics.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Ho'oponopono + EFT

Script for YouTube videos

How to make YouTube videos.
Start with the hook line topic / Start with the
problem-solution topic.
Two-line personal Introduction.
Introduce the problem and solution in steps.
Tell them about the problem, and make your
audience aware of the problem.
Give a story for every step.
With each story have engagement in video.
Give a Call to Action - Like, share, and subscribe.
Give assignments and also take commit on chat.
Invite them for your 5 days free session.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri




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