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Physical Education

and Health 12
Common Dance Injuries and Prevention Tips
Let’s Move!
Dance may look
effortless, but it
requires a lot of
strength, flexibility and
stamina. It also comes
with a high risk of
What are some
common dance
A few studies that looked into dance injuries
found that injuries from using your joints and
muscles too much (overuse injuries) are the
most common in dancers. The majority of
these overuse injuries involve an ankle, leg,
foot or lower back.
Generally, dancers have a much lower rate of
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries than
other athletes. One explanation could be that
dance training involves much more intense
jumping from an earlier age than other sports,
which helps improve muscle control.
How do I know if
the pain is from an
In most cases, the pain you experience
after dancing is muscle soreness that
usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours.
Sometimes, it takes a few days for
muscles to get sore, which is also normal.
How do I know if
the pain is from an
if you experience the following types of
pain, you may have suffered an injury:
• Pain that wakes you up at night
• Pain that is present at the start of an
• Pain that increases with an activity
• Pain that makes you shift your weight
or otherwise compensate your
Why do dance
injuries happen?
Dance is a physically demanding activity.
Dancers perform repetitive movements for
several hours a day. Studies have shown
that dancing five hours a day or longer
leads to an increased risk of stress fractures
and other injuries.
On top of the intensive training, many
dancers get little time to recover between
the sessions and have no "offseason."
Restrictive diets and unhealthy body
weights may also contribute to dance
injuries. Proper nutrition is important for
dancers of all ages.
How can dance injuries
be prevented?
• Eat well and stay hydrated before, during
and after class.
• Get enough rest and avoid overtraining.
• Do cross-training exercises to build strength
and endurance in all parts of your body.
• Always wear proper shoes and attire.
• Always warm-up before training or
• Lead a healthy lifestyle and get to know
your body.

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