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* * * * * MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIII NO. 35 HHHH $5.

Last week: DJIA 38671.69 À 17.27 0.04% NASDAQ 15990.66 À 2.3% STOXX 600 484.83 À 0.2% 10-YR. TREASURY (new issue) yield 4.186% OIL $76.84 À $4.56 EURO $1.0784 YEN 149.28

What’s Energy Rivals Near Big Merger Netanyahu

News Diamondback, Diamondback could an-
nounce a deal with the
lips, some of the people said.
The stock-and-cash deal
ness as usual even amid ele-
vated interest rates.
Business & Finance
Endeavor to create
giant with $50
closely held Endeavor as soon
as Monday, according to peo-
ple familiar with the matter,
would value Endeavor at
around $25 billion, and Dia-
mondback shareholders
Already, deal volumes in
the U.S. are up 78% compared
with a year earlier, according
Case for
billion market value
 Diamondback Energy and
Endeavor Energy, two rivals BY LAUREN THOMAS
assuming the talks don’t hit a
last-minute snag.
Endeavor, founded by wild-
would own the majority of
the combined company after
it closes, they said. Diamond-
to Dealogic. Pricier debt and
a tighter regulatory environ-
ment crimped merger and ac-
New Front
in the Permian Basin, are
completing a merger that
would create an oil-and-gas
behemoth valued at more
Rivals Diamondback Energy
and Endeavor Energy Re-
catter Autry Stephens, has
long been one of the most
prized businesses in the con-
solidating Permian Basin, the
back, based in Midland,
Texas, has a market value of
around $27 billion.
A pair of megadeals by
quisition activity in 2023, but
many advisers expect a bus-
ier 2024 as companies put
their extra cash to work and
In Gaza
than $50 billion. A1 sources are finalizing a merger largest U.S. oil patch that Exxon Mobil and Chevron late rates appear poised to come Israel’s plan to pursue
that would create an oil-and- straddles West Texas and last year helped prompt a down. Hamas in Rafah
 Biden’s 2022 climate law
gas behemoth worth more New Mexico. flurry of deals in the sector. Diamondback went public
is driving faster-than-ex- widens rift with U.S.;
than $50 billion, as higher oil In striking a deal for En- It is another sign the U.S. in 2012 and has been one of
pected growth in electric-ve-
prices and a rush to grab deavor, Diamondback fended economy is proving surpris- the fastest-growing frackers, two hostages rescued
hicle purchases and clean-
prime acreage have fueled con- off competition from other ingly resilient and that for with its crude production
energy projects, doubling the
solidation in the energy sector. parties including ConocoPhil- many companies, it is busi- Please turn to page A2
projected cost to taxpayers
TEL AVIV—Prime Minister
while potentially accelerat-
Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel,
ing emissions reductions. A2
raising the stakes in his widen-
 A boardroom brawl at
Walt Disney is expected to
Chiefs Beat 49ers 25-22 for Second Straight Title ing rift with President Biden
during a tempestuous election
be the most expensive year, took his message directly
shareholder fight ever, and a to U.S. voters in two television
chance for everyday inves- interviews Sunday, arguing
tors to have a big impact. B1 that Israel must pursue Hamas
in the southern Gaza city of
 An heir of the Reichmann
Rafah until the militant group
real-estate dynasty has lined up
is destroyed.
investor financial commitments
for an against-the-grain foray
into San Francisco’s beaten- By Chao Deng,
down office-building market. B1 Carrie Keller-Lynn
and Daniel Michaels
 Stocks that are setting
repeated highs are reigniting Netanyahu’s determination
a perennial debate among to crush the military power of
investors about whether Hamas, which Israel, the U.S.
they are too expensive. B1 and other countries deem a ter-
rorist organization, runs against
 Americans’ utility bills are
increasing concern in the White
getting wrapped up in the
House that Israel is pressing a
fight over the White House’s
military campaign that is caus-
effective freeze last month of
ing a humanitarian crisis and
new approvals for liquefied
has no clear resolution.
natural gas shipments. B1
Early Monday, Israel’s mili-
 Nevada and Texas are tary said it conducted a series
among states wooing com- of strikes in southern Gaza. It
panies to incorporate under also said it rescued two hos-
their legal regimes as some tages—Fernando Simon Mar-
firms express discontent man and Louis Har—in an over-
with Delaware’s rules. A1 night raid on a building in
Rafah. They were determined to
 Appliance makers are push-

be in good condition.
ing for a change to the Energy
Shaping both Biden’s and
Department’s periodic tighten-
Netanyahu’s agendas are con-
ing of efficiency standards, ar-
stricting domestic political re-
guing that evolving technology
alities. Biden, a Democrat, is
should drive benchmarks, not
locked in a fight for re-election
government timetables. B3
against likely Republican candi-
date Donald Trump, who—like
World-Wide BACK TO BACK: Patrick Mahomes holds up the NFL championship Vince Lombardi Trophy after leading Kansas City at the many members of Congress
Super Bowl Sunday night in Las Vegas. The Chiefs are the first to repeat as champs since the Patriots in 2004 and 2005. A18 from both parties—vocally sup-
ports Israel.
 Israel’s Netanyahu, raising Biden also faces growing

Sports Streaming Bet Is a Hail Mary

the stakes in his widening rift pressure from his party’s left
with Biden, said Israel must wing and crucial pockets of
pursue Hamas in the south- minority voters to moderate
ern Gaza city of Rafah until his support for Israel and
the militant group is de- bring the four-month war to
stroyed. Israel’s military said it an end. Particularly worrying
conducted a series of strikes to the administration is the
in southern Gaza, and that it
Venture to bundle live sports needs to cover high costs and keep leagues on board prospect of losing backing
rescued two hostages. A1, A6 among Arab-American voters
Executives at the National Football nounced that alongside Warner Bros. the biggest riddle in their industry: find- in Michigan, a swing state that
 Biden and NATO leaders
League were in Las Vegas on Tuesday Discovery they would create a new ing a business model that can work in is pivotal to Biden’s hopes of
denounced former president
preparing for the Super Bowl when they streaming service to offer all their live- the streaming economy. remaining in the White House.
Trump’s latest comments
got word from news reports that their sports programming. The NFL, a titan To do that, they made a profound Netanyahu, meanwhile, is
that he would encourage
that’s used to having a seat at the table shift without consulting powerful part- working to reverse sliding
Russia to invade U.S. allies
By Joe Flint, Jessica Toonkel, in any discussion affecting its future ners like the NFL, revealing it days be- public support among an Is-
that don’t contribute suffi-
Isabella Simonetti and content, was out of the loop. Execu- fore the biggest sporting and television raeli public that blames his
ciently to military defense. A1
and David Marcelis tives including Commissioner Roger event of the year. They’re taking the government for lapses in secu-
 Russian forces are using Goodell and media chief Brian Rolapp chance that, by joining forces with big rity on Oct. 7 when Hamas at-
SpaceX’s satellite internet business—and the sports media industry were caught off guard by the news. rivals, they won’t draw antitrust scru- tacked Israel and killed 1,200
system near the frontline in writ large—was about to change in a That the media behemoths were will- tiny. And they’re doing it with a product Please turn to page A7
occupied parts of Ukraine, a fundamental way. ing to risk the ire of the NFL shows the that consumers might not even want—
Kyiv intelligence agency said, Disney’s ESPN and Fox, two of the sense of urgency—even desperation— in part because the new service won’t  Hamas hid compound under
possibly undercutting a major league’s biggest media partners, an- they feel about solving what is arguably Please turn to page A12 U.N. agency office.............. A6
advantage for Ukraine. A8
 Defense Secretary Austin
returned to the hospital, mark-
ing his second stay this year Frustrated INSIDE NATO Denounces
at Walter Reed National Mili-
tary Medical Center following
a surgery he had for pros- Executives Trump’s Comments

tate cancer in December. A3

 Republican Rep. Mike
Gallagher, a fourth-term law-
Look Past Undercutting Pact
maker who chairs a commit-
tee aimed at helping the U.S.
compete against China, said he
won’t run for re-election. A5 President Biden and NATO are monitoring the U.S. presi-
BY THEO FRANCIS leaders denounced former dential campaign and its im-
 Nawaz Sharif, a former
AND ERIN MULVANEY PERSONAL JOURNAL BUSINESS & FINANCE President Donald Trump’s plications for a world that is
prime minister of Pakistan,
Online quizzes, like the A Buffett protégé bets comments that he would en- already on edge.
held talks with other parties to
Three powerful business- courage Russia to invade U.S. The unusual and immediate
form a government as follow-
men are trying to loosen Dela-
citrus peel challenge, on San Francisco, allies that don’t contribute suf- responses came after presiden-
ers of jailed opposition leader put relationships to bidding on near-vacant
ware’s long-held grip over pub- ficiently to military defense. tial candidate Trump, speaking
Imran Khan claimed last week’s
election was rigged. A10
lic companies. the test. A13 office buildings. B1 at a campaign rally in South
Tripadvisor, under media By Annie Linskey, Carolina on Saturday, said he
 Six people, including a executive Greg Maffei, wants Aaron Zitner would encourage Russia to at-
prominent Nigerian banker, to reincorporate in Nevada, and Alex Leary tack NATO countries that don’t
died in a helicopter crash in
California’s Mojave Desert. A3
over the objection of minority
shareholders. Billionaire Barry
Hands Off! Going Out in Public “NATO remains ready and
pay enough into the alliance.
Invoking a scenario in which a
 Died: Kelvin Kiptum, 24, re-
Diller is awaiting a ruling that
could relax Delaware’s scrutiny
Wearing a $3,500 Headset able to defend all Allies,” said
NATO Secretary-General Jens
country not paying enough
were to be attacked by Russia,
cord-setting marathoner. A7
of transactions like the 2020 i i i Stoltenberg in a statement. Trump said, “No, I would not
split of some of his online busi- “Any suggestion that Allies protect you. In fact, I would
Arts in Review..... A15
Markets Digest...... B7
Opinion................ A19-21
nesses. And Elon Musk, who Early adopters of Apple’s Vision Pro are will not defend each other un- encourage them to do whatever
Business & FinanceB2,6,9 Personal Journal.. A13-14
reincorporated Twitter as X in dermines all of our security, the hell they want. You got to
Business News....... B3 Sports.......................... A18 Nevada last year, has said he walking magnets for stares and interruptions including that of the U.S., and pay. You got to pay your bills.”
Closed-End Funds... B8 U.S. News.............. A2-5 would ask shareholders about puts American and European Successive U.S. presidential
Crossword................ A14 Technology................ B4 reincorporating Tesla in Texas. BY JOSEPH PISANI strapped to your face. soldiers at increased risk. I ex- administrations have pushed
Heard on Street... B10 World News...... A6-10
“I recommend incorporating AND SALVADOR RODRIGUEZ Olisker was wearing Ap- pect that regardless of who NATO members to increase
in Nevada or Texas if you pre- ple’s new Vision Pro, the wins the presidential election their spending to 2% of their
> fer shareholders to decide mat- Yam Olisker was walking mixed-reality headset that the U.S. will remain a strong GDP, but during his time in
ters,” Musk posted on X on around New York City’s Times looks like giant silver ski gog- and committed NATO Ally.” the White House, Trump re-
Please turn to page A2 Square getting stares and gles. Yes, even in bustling Leaders in Germany and Please turn to page A8
questions from strangers. Times Square—among naked Poland also swiftly criticized
s 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
 Investors wonder about That can happen when you cowboys, costumed Spidermen Trump’s comments, illustrat-  Trump exerts control over
All Rights Reserved Tesla’s future....................... B4 have a $3,500 hunk of tech Please turn to page A12 ing how closely top officials a GOP in disarray............. A4
A2 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Climate Tax Credits Outpace Projections
BY RICHARD RUBIN though that can’t be compared Estimated total potential clean-energy investment driven power projects is subsidizing change came from the Environ-
AND AMRITH RAMKUMAR directly to the $428 billion in- by Inflation Reduction Act over next decade investment that would have mental Protection Agency’s
crease. The CBO said this past happened anyway. proposed rule to tighten vehi-
$0 trillion 0.5 1
President Biden’s 2022 cli- week that the IRA’s budgetary “It’s not like there was no cle-emissions standards. That
mate law is driving faster- effects are still highly uncertain. Renewable power interest in wind, solar, offshore would force automakers to in-
than-expected growth in elec- The tax credits’ popularity Power networks wind. There was, and we had crease EV production, driving
tric-vehicle purchases and and cost could fuel concerns some existing credits. They more sales that will qualify for
clean-energy projects, doubling about rising government bud- Building efficiency just put them on steroids,” said tax credits worth up to $7,500.
the projected cost to taxpayers get deficits and make the en- Charging and refueling
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former The impact is even larger
while potentially accelerating ergy incentives a target for CBO director who now runs than it looks because the CBO
emissions reductions. some Republicans if they take Heat pumps the conservative American Ac- only includes half the effects of
The Congressional Budget full control of Congress and Carbon capture and tion Forum. any proposed rule. If the EPA
Office this past week bumped the White House next year. industrial processes When Congress passes laws, completes the rule as expected,
up its projection of the law’s But many analysts think it Energy storage it asks its official nonpartisan the CBO would include the
climate tax credits through fis- will be difficult for lawmakers experts—the CBO and the Joint other half in its next update.
cal 2033 by $428 billion, put- to repeal subsidies that are Bioenergy Committee on Taxation—to es- The rules for leased vehicles
ting an official stamp on what popular among a swath of Hydrogen timate the fiscal impact. created another discrepancy
public and private analysts had businesses including fossil-fuel, The task is sometimes rela- from original forecasts. For
been saying for the past year. manufacturing and transporta- Carbon removal tively easy and accurate, like purchases, the EV tax credits
The law, known as the Inflation tion companies. The subsidies Source: Goldman Sachs predicting the cost of a $2,000- are limited by the buyer’s in-
Reduction Act, is expected to are designed to increase en- per-person stimulus check. The come and the vehicle’s cost
spur up to $3 trillion in total ergy security and have been keeping these credits around.” Act is bringing billions in pri- IRA’s tax credits were harder to and manufacturing location.
public and private investment boosting job creation, particu- Proponents of the law, vate-sector capital off the side- forecast because they required But those rules don’t apply to
over the next decade. larly in Republican districts. which passed without any Re- lines to invest in America,” estimates of new industries like commercial vehicles.
The CBO’s increase is driven “These dollars will soon be publican votes, argue that the said White House spokesman clean hydrogen and guesses That commercial-vehicle
by a flood of clean-energy fac- flowing quickly out the door to higher expenses are worth it Michael Kikukawa, who said about consumer behavior while section was projected to cost
tory announcements, proposed projects and factories across because they will reduce the the law’s other provisions, in- interest rates and prices were just $3.6 billion, but the Trea-
environmental regulations that the U.S., with a really strong long-term costs associated cluding expanded tax enforce- rapidly changing. sury Department said leased
would push more buyers to concentration in red states,” with climate change and ex- ment, mean it will reduce bud- Tighter rules for products vehicles can qualify for the
electric vehicles and rules al- said Eric Scheriff, who leads treme weather, including major get deficits in the long run. like electric cars and hydrogen open-ended commercial-vehi-
lowing leased electric cars to energy and sustainability ad- storms, droughts and wildfires. One potential risk is that as well as project delays could cle credits rather than the re-
qualify for generous tax breaks vising at Capstone, a Washing- Companies announced more some companies will try to shrink the amount of tax cred- strictive regular credits. EV
with fewer restrictions. ton-based firm that tracks reg- than $100 billion in clean-en- abuse the system or reap bene- its claimed in the coming leasing has since expanded.
When enacted, the IRA was ulatory and legislative issues. ergy manufacturing facilities in fits without changing their be- years. A Treasury official said
expected to include $271 billion “That’s going to do a lot in the year after the law passed. havior. Critics say much of the In explaining the revision, Treasury’s leasing rules clearly
in tax breaks over a decade, terms of members supporting “The Inflation Reduction money for wind and solar- the CBO said the biggest follow the statute.

Energy cording to energy-analytics

firm Flow Partners.
It has also been one of the

Rivals Near most active producers in the

region. The company was
among private operators that

Big Deal kept drilling through the

Covid-19 pandemic and helped
U.S. crude production recover
rapidly after a lull.
Continued from Page One Following Exxon’s nearly
growing around 50 times in $60 billion all-stock deal to
the past decade to reach more buy Pioneer last fall, Chevron
than 260,000 barrels of oil a announced a $53 billion all-
day. It has been adding to its stock deal to purchase Hess
inventory of wells through ac- the same month.
quisitions. Occidental Petroleum late

A combination with En- last year revealed a $10.8 bil-

deavor would grant the com- lion agreement to buy West
bined company top-tier status Texas producer CrownRock.
in the Permian, endowing it Last month, energy company
with nearly as much acreage APA agreed to buy smaller
in the basin as rival Conoco- peer Callon Petroleum in a
Phillips and crude production deal valued at about $4.5 bil-
likely eclipsing 400,000 bar- lion including debt.
rels a day. Elsewhere in the energy
Endeavor’s Stephens is an space, Southwestern Energy
85-year-old billionaire who and Chesapeake Energy
has drilled aggressively in A compressor station feeds gas to pumps where it can be taken away for use elsewhere in Diamondback’s Permian operation. agreed to a merger in Janu-
West Texas for decades. He ary that created one of the
formed a sole proprietorship gas conglomerate in the world. neer Natural Resources at var- work late, show up to his of- have seen oil-well productiv- largest natural-gas producers
and drilled his first well in Its operations cover roughly ious times, people familiar fices on weekends and walk ity decline as they have in the U.S.
1979 and turned that propri- 350,000 net acres across the with the matter have said. the building’s staircases for drilled through their best lo- Reuters reported in Decem-
etorship into Endeavor Energy Midland Basin counties. Stephens himself is known exercise. He sometimes flies cations—a big factor in recent ber that Endeavor was again
Resources in 2000. Endeavor has explored sell- for his intense work ethic, fru- on commercial flights despite deals—Endeavor has the larg- exploring a sale.
He has since built it to have ing itself on and off for years, gal spending and encyclopedic his estimated fortune of est remaining inventory of —Collin Eaton
one of the most sought-after attracting interest from the knowledge of his company’s nearly $15 billion. top-tier oil acreage of any and Benoît Morenne
land positions of any oil-and- likes of Shell, Exxon and Pio- deals. He has been known to While many U.S. frackers private Permian company, ac- contributed to this article.

Billionaires had them. A specialized busi-

ness court in Texas, among
the newest, is scheduled to
group of specialized judges in
nonjury trials.
Last spring, online travel
sued over allegations of seek-
ing to benefit at the expense of
minority shareholders, the
to ease the scrutiny compa-
nies receive when engaging in
some transactions with a ma-
or by minority shareholders.
They argued that in recent
years, Delaware judges have

Take On open in September.

Nevada has been at it for
years, passing legislation de-
company Tripadvisor asked
shareholders to support a plan
to reincorporate in Nevada. So
plaintiffs argued, pointing to a
half-dozen cases alleging con-
flicts of interest in recent years
jor shareholder.
Known as IAC/InterActive-
Corp. until June 2020, the com-
required both approvals in too
many circumstances.
While competition from

Delaware signed to lower litigation

costs and offer greater protec-
tions for directors and execu-
did its parent company, Liberty
Tripadvisor, also publicly
traded. Investors obliged: Two-
in which Delaware’s Chancery
Court ruled against the execu-
tive. Settlements yielded about
pany was previously headed by
Diller, who at the time was
chairman and held just under
other states might not sway
any court decisions, “I cer-
tainly think there is a political
tives. One tally ranks Nevada thirds of the Tripadvisor vote $300 million in four of those half its voting power. That realization in the background
Continued from Page One second to Delaware in attract- supported the move; 80% did cases, the lawsuit says. month, Match split from what that some people are complain-
Jan. 30, the day a Delaware ing corporations. at the parent. In court, Maffei and the is now IAC Corp., in which ing that Delaware has become
court threw out his $55.8 bil- “Nevada has clearly made a Most of those votes essen- companies deny wrongdoing, Diller and his family held just more unfriendly to manage-
lion Tesla pay package. On play to take on Delaware and tially reflected one share- saying the lawsuit fails to show over 40% of the voting power. ment,” said Renee Zaytsev, a
Thursday, Neuralink, Musk’s try to attract companies, either holder’s stance, that of Maffei, they benefited improperly or A group of pension funds partner at law firm Boies Schil-
closely held brain-implant from the beginning or getting chairman of both companies will benefit from Nevada’s liti- sued over the breakup, alleging ler Flexner.
company, incorporated in Ne- them to move,” said Adam and CEO of the parent. He held gation protections. They also that Diller and Match’s direc- Musk has a mixed record in
vada, state records show. Chodorow, an Arizona State 43% of the vote at the parent, say Nevada law adequately tors approved a transaction Delaware’s courts.
Delaware has long held pri- University law professor. which in turn held 56% of the protects minority shareholders that improperly benefited He won a key case there in
macy in U.S. corporate law, in- The ferment isn’t likely to vote at Tripadvisor, largely and that past settlements in themselves and IAC. The plain- 2022, when a judge ruled Tesla
cluding the scrutiny devoted unseat Delaware immediately. through supervoting shares, Delaware don’t mean Maffei or tiffs argued that the transac- paid a fair price for SolarCity
to transactions between a The small state remained the securities filings show. Maffei other defendants breached tion favored what became IAC while Musk helped run both
public company and any legal home of just over two- is a longtime lieutenant of me- companies. He fought a long
shareholder who effectively thirds of Fortune 500 compa- dia billionaire John Malone. and unsuccessful battle there
controls it. Nevada and Texas nies in 2022, up slightly from Two minority shareholders to abandon his $44 billion deal
are among the states hoping five years earlier, state records sued the travel companies in to buy Twitter. After he took

to appeal to at least some show. Nearly 80% of initial Delaware, where both are in- over Twitter, Musk in 2023

companies by setting up an al- public offerings in 2022 were corporated, accusing Maffei changed it to privately held X
ternative legal environment. registered there, slightly below and directors of the companies Corp. and moved its domicile
Companies most commonly 2019 levels. of steering the outcome to ben- from Delaware to Nevada.
register in their home state or Lawyers said they prefer the efit themselves. Absent Maf- On Jan. 30 another Delaware
Delaware. Still, states are do- simplicity of a single state with fei’s vote, reincorporation won judge struck down his massive
ing more to compete. Four decades of precedent covering just 5.4% support at Tripadvi- stock award and said the pro-
have created new statewide nearly any corporate develop- sor and 30% at Liberty Tripad- cess for securing its approval in
business courts since 2019, ment. Also, most corporate law visor, the lawsuit argues. 2018 was deeply flawed. “Never
joining about two dozen that in Delaware is handled by a Delaware courts typically Tripadvisor’s Greg Maffei, left, and IAC’s Barry Diller incorporate your company in
defer to a company’s board on the state of Delaware,” Musk
CORRECTIONS  AMPLIFICATIONS many kinds of decisions under
the “business judgment” rule.
their fiduciary duties.
In a securities filing, Trip-
over other shareholders, in-
cluding by transferring cash.
tweeted after the decision.
Phil Shawe, chief executive
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by A tougher standard applies advisor said reincorporating in In court and securities fil- of New York-based translation
emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
when companies pursue trans- Nevada would save about ings, the defendants argued services company TransPer-
actions that stand to dispro- $250,000 a year in taxes and that the transaction was fair fect, moved its incorporation
portionately benefit a control- could cut down on legal costs and expanded minority share- from Delaware to Nevada in
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ling shareholder. In lawsuits and “provide potentially holders’ stake in Match, which 2018. Like Musk, Shawe was
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
over those transactions, com- greater protection from un- also no longer was controlled frustrated with Delaware’s
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 panies generally must show the meritorious litigation for direc- by a dominant shareholder. business court after lengthy lit-
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays. transaction was “entirely fair” tors and officers.” The Delaware court dismissed igation there over his privately
Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices. to other shareholders. A spokesman for Tripadvi- the case, calling the separation held company that booked rev-
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020. Nevada, by contrast, has sor declined to comment. process fair enough to gain enue of $1.2 billion last year.
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which
are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the broad protections for directors The court heard arguments Diller and the directors the Shawe said more corpora-
Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only and officers in many cases that in November, and a decision is benefit of the doubt under the tions will see that they have
publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
Delaware wouldn’t, including expected this month. Tripadvi- business-judgment rule. other options, which could be
Need assistance with your subscription?
involving improper personal sor and its parent have held off The pension funds appealed more beneficial and less expen-
By web:; By email: gain. Moving to Nevada, then, reincorporating until the litiga- to the Delaware Supreme sive. “Delaware is a very pow-
By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
benefits Tripadvisor directors tion is resolved. Court. In responding, Diller erful institution and it does a
Reprints & licensing: By email: | By phone: 1-800-843-0008
and executives at the expense Match Group, which owns and other defendants argued lot to keep the corporate dis-
WSJ back issues and framed pages:
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
of minority shareholders, who dating services Match and that such transactions should putes for public and private
should be compensated, the Tinder, isn’t trying to move to benefit from lighter court scru- companies,” Shawe said. “It’s a
GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS Tripadvisor plaintiffs alleged. Nevada. Instead, it has asked tiny if approved by either an lucrative business: what gam-
Maffei has a history of being the Delaware Supreme Court independent board committee bling is to Las Vegas.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, February 12, 2024 | A3




Returns to
BY GORDON LUBOLD A class at Bryant-Webster
Dual Language School in
WASHINGTON—Defense Denver includes recently
Secretary Lloyd Austin re- arrived migrants. Mayor
turned to the hospital Sunday, Mike Johnston, above, says
marking his second stay this there is a humanitarian crisis
year at Walter Reed National in the city. Hot meals are
Military Medical Center fol- served at an encampment of
lowing a surgery he had for mostly Venezuelan migrants
prostate cancer in December. in the Denver area.
His previous hospitaliza-

Denver Strains Under Migrant Influx

tions, in December, and a sub-
sequent stay in January were
both initially kept secret from
the public and many senior of-
ficials—even from President
Biden—sparking controversy
over who was running the Mayor hoped for aid for migrant costs, a fraction of around the city—at a rate of
Pentagon. what cities say they need to about $90 a night per room—
Austin, 70 years old, was from failed border bill become whole. The legislation offering families stays of up to
taken by his security detail as tens of thousands would have in effect shut 42 days. Single adults can stay
Sunday afternoon to the hos- down the border to asylum in city-run shelters for up to
pital for what Pentagon offi- of people seek help seekers if more than 4,000 a two weeks.
cials described as “an emer- day attempted to cross, poten- Denver’s migrant crisis
gent bladder issue” that was BY ALICIA A. CALDWELL tially cutting in half the total started in 2022, after Texas
thought to be related to the AND MICHELLE HACKMAN of arriving migrants. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott
surgery he had in December With the bill’s sudden col- insisted that large cities and
for prostate cancer. DENVER—Standing in his lapse after several months of states run by Democrats take
Initially, the Pentagon said downtown office Tuesday, high-profile negotiations, Den- more ownership of the border
Austin had retained his nor- Denver Mayor Mike Johnston ver and other cities are now crisis given their more-wel-
mal authorities as the head of got word that a Senate bill to facing the reality that help coming stance toward immi-
the Defense Department. But overhaul U.S. asylum law was from the federal government grants. Buses of migrants from
later on Sunday evening, Maj. doomed. He shook his head as isn’t on its way. Texas began showing up unex-
Gen. Pat Ryder, a department the optimism drained from his “Today is a day the resi- pectedly in Denver in Decem-
spokesman, said that those face. Washington, once again, dents of Denver should be ber of that year.
authorities had been trans- had failed to solve his biggest heartbroken,” Johnston said in After that initial shock, the
ferred to Deputy Defense Sec- civic problem. an Instagram post after law- city was largely able to man-
retary Kathleen Hicks. This city of 713,000 people makers scuttled the bill. The age what had been a steady in-
Austin had been expected has absorbed nearly 40,000 mayor is a Democrat whose of- flux of arrivals. Johnston said
to travel to Brussels on Tues- migrants in a little over a year, fice is officially nonpartisan. Many Fear Ending Up Homeless the Biden administration’s ap-
day for meetings. The status more per capita than any “And they should be furious proval of Temporary Protected
of that trip was unclear Sun- other U.S. city. It is second because we know we have a Immigrant advocates with his son in the hotel’s Status for Venezuelan citizens
day. only to New York in the total humanitarian crisis in this and others worry that dining room, said he wasn’t who were in the country by
Austin’s return to the hos- number of foreigners who city,” he said. housing limits imposed sure what the family will July 31, 2023, staved off a cri-
pital is the latest wrinkle in have arrived since 2022. In New York, Mayor Eric earlier this month will do when they are forced to sis for much of the year. The
an episode that began Dec. 22 The influx is straining the Adams estimates the city will leave an untold number of leave later this month. protection program allows re-
when Austin had scheduled city’s budget, crowding spend $10.6 billion caring for migrants homeless. “We are going to ask for cipients to work legally.
surgery for prostate cancer schools and hospitals and migrants through 2025, in- Rafael Crinzone, a 28- asylum, but it’s a long pro- That protection didn’t ap-
that was kept secret from the swelling the ranks of the city’s cluding offers of places to stay year-old Venezuelan man, cess,” Crinzone said, adding ply to later arrivals. Starting
White House, Congress and homeless population. Denver under the city’s mandatory arrived in Denver about that he initially left Vene- in about October, the number
the public for two weeks. has spent more than $42 mil- shelter law and a program un- two months ago after he, zuela for Peru, before mi- of arrivals steeply increased
Austin, a retired four-star lion in the past year to house der which migrants will re- his wife and their 2-year- grating north. and almost none of the new-
Army general, chose not to and feed the new arrivals. ceive prepaid cards for food. old son crossed the Rio At home, he said, he comers were work-eligible,
share his situation with any- Public schools have ballooned “We developed our financial Grande into Eagle Pass, was only able to make leaving most unable to find
one but a small cadre of by more than 3,000 students, plan without relying on federal Texas. about $5 a week and and pay for their own housing.
trusted staff. creating a budget shortfall of assistance because after many They rode to Colorado couldn’t support his family. In December, the number of
The situation came to light roughly $17.5 million. The trips to Washington—10, to be aboard a Texas-funded bus “I’m just a person who buses from Texas increased
only after he returned to the city’s safety-net hospital has exact—I realized that the fed- and have been living in a wants to work,” he added. again as a record number of
hospital for complications seen at least 9,000 migrant eral cavalry was not coming to Quality Inn not far from “Things are complicated, migrants crossed the border il-
from the surgery. The episode patients in the past year, cost- the rescue,” Adams said while downtown Denver ever but I am going to do what- legally.
has drawn sharp criticism ing at least $10 million in un- testifying Tuesday at the State since. Crinzone, who on ever I can to stay,” Crin- The more than $42 million
from both parties in Congress. reimbursed care. Capitol in Albany. Tuesday spent lunchtime zone said. that Johnston said his city has
Austin, who spoke to re- The Senate bill that failed Chicago has spent more spent caring for nearly 40,000
porters about it for the first Wednesday held the promise than $156 million on its mi- migrants includes about $6
time earlier this month, took of immediately unlocking $1.4 grant response since June million on travel for those who
responsibility for the secrecy. billion to reimburse cities and 2022, in part because of laws hotels where they receive two Without additional federal opted not to stay in Denver.
Last week, Pentagon offi- nonprofit aid groups that have requiring shelter be provided meals a day. help, Johnston said, nearly ev- The Biden administration
cials said an internal review been caring for migrants. Last to anyone in need. Officials estimate the city’s ery city department is likely to has pledged about $11 million
was complete, but a public year the government paid out In Denver, as many as 100 costs could rise to as much as face a 15% budget cut. in reimbursements for Denver.
summary of the investigation about $790 million to reim- migrants arrive on some days, $180 million this year as mi- Denver has rented hundreds —Erin Ailworth
hasn’t been released. burse cities and aid agencies funneling into city-provided grants continue to arrive. of rooms at eight hotels contributed to this article.

California Flood Defenses Showing Their Age Nigerian

Banker Among

Los Angeles averted a

formed into a torrent, so dan-
gerous that the L.A. County
Fire Department deployed
has a top that federal officials
say could become compro-
mised by an onslaught from a
Six Killed
flooding disaster during tor-
rential rains this past week—
seven swift-water rescue
teams, said Fire Chief Anthony
500-year storm.
“You are talking about a
In Helicopter
thanks to an elaborate system Marrone. very large uncontrolled release
of bulwarks. One threat to the system is of water, which wouldn’t be BY CORINNE RAMEY
It seldom rains in Southern the buildup of sediment at good for the people down-
California, but when it does, faster rates in the 14 reser- stream,” said Aaron Smith, a Six people, including a
the result can be deadly. So voirs established decades ago senior dam safety adviser for prominent Nigerian banker,

engineers have created reser- to slow water as it runs off the Corps of Engineers, which died in a helicopter crash in
voirs and debris basins to cap- the mountains, said Mark Pes- he said is embarking on a proj- California’s Mojave Desert, of-
ture the water, mud and boul- trella, director of Los Angeles ect to armor a 3-mile section ficials said.
ders that can come tumbling County Public Works. The sed- of the dam, at a cost of up to Two crew members and four
down the 10,000-foot San Ga- iment, which reduces the stor- $500 million. passengers on board the heli-
briel Mountains, and have en- age capacity by as much as Aging infrastructure is a copter were fatally injured, said
cased streams and rivers in 20%, can be removed, but at problem in other parts of the Michael Graham of the National
concrete to quickly carry wa- Heavy rains can send mud and boulders down mountainsides. an estimated cost of $500 mil- world facing more-powerful Transportation Safety Board.
ters to the Pacific Ocean. lion for 1.5 million truckloads. storms. The problem is exac- Herbert Wigwe, who the
But experts warn the aging to danger, with property dam- is benign and often serves as a The U.S. Army Corps of En- erbated in California, where bank referred to as group
system could crack as storms age of more than $50 billion. backdrop in movies, such as in gineers operates large earthen increasingly large wildfires chief executive officer of Nige-
become more extreme, a result The danger exists in many a chase scene in “Terminator dams to catch storm runoff, are scorching forests and leav- ria’s Access Holdings, was
of a changing climate. A 2022 parts of California, but the 2: Judgment Day,” starring Ar- and they also face age-related ing them even more prone to among those who died, the
report from UC Irvine deter- biggest stakes are in Los Ange- nold Schwarzenegger, later the issues. One, the 67-year-old flooding, said Kurt Schwabe, bank confirmed.
mined that a 100-year flood les County, the nation’s most state’s governor. During Whittier Narrows Dam, strad- professor of water economics In addition to Wigwe, the
event in Los Angeles would ex- populous. When dry, the con- storms such as this past dles the San Gabriel River and policy at the University of casualties included the
pose more than 400,000 people crete-lined Los Angeles River week’s, the river is trans- along the I-605 freeway and California, Riverside. banker’s wife and son, accord-
ing to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,
the director-general of the

Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Challenge Boy Scout Sex-Abuse Settlement World Trade Organization.
The helicopter departed
Palm Springs, Calif., on Friday
around 8:45 p.m., en route to
BY SOMA BISWAS the Supreme Court in the chal- effect and many of the transac- from the family members, who strike down the legal immunity Boulder City, Nev., Graham
lenge to Purdue Pharma’s simi- tions had already happened. have denied wrongdoing. Simi- sooner than an appeals court said. At 10:08 p.m., he said,
Lawyers representing a lar bankruptcy plan, the Boy The Supreme Court is set to larly, the Boys Scouts’ affiliated reaches a final decision on the helicopter crashed in the
group of sex-abuse victims Scouts plan should be sus- examine the issue of legal im- councils and partner organiza- their challenge. The Supreme Mojave Desert near Halloran
with claims against the Boy pended until the high court munity granted in the Purdue tions are shielded from sex- Court is likely to rule on the Springs, Calif. “Witness re-
Scouts of America are asking reaches a decision in the opioid reorganization plans that is abuse lawsuits under its plan. Purdue case by midyear, while ports of the weather condi-
the Supreme Court to pause maker’s case, according to also a main feature in the Boy The organization’s bank- the appeals court may not rule tions at the time of the acci-
payments to survivors from a court papers filed last week. Scouts settlement: whether ruptcy plan went into effect in on the Boy Scouts appeal for dent suggest rain and a wintry
$2.4 billion settlement fund Federal courts in October re- bankruptcy courts can extin- April after winning the support more than a year, they said. mix,” Graham added.
created as part of the youth or- jected earlier efforts by the guish claims against third par- of the overwhelming majority By that time, much of the The helicopter didn’t have a
ganization’s bankruptcy plan. same lawyers to suspend the ties that aren’t in chapter 11 of victims who filed claims. settlement funds may already cockpit voice recorder or
The lawyers, who represent Boy Scouts bankruptcy plan. without the consent of all The plan is now being appealed be distributed to victims and it flight data reporter, Graham
a fraction of over 82,000 Boy U.S. District Judge Richard An- claimants. Purdue’s plan would to the Third U.S. Circuit Court may be too late to reverse the said. He said the agency was
Scouts sex-abuse plaintiffs, ar- drews in Wilmington, Del., said release its Sackler family own- of Appeals in Philadelphia. chapter 11 plan even if the ap- aware of downed power lines
gued that since a central fea- then that unlike Purdue’s bank- ers from future opioid-related The abuse plaintiffs argue peals court rules to strike around the accident site, and
ture of the youth organization’s ruptcy plan, the group’s reorga- liabilities in return for up to $6 that a high court decision on down the Boys Scouts plan, the that officials would look into
settlement is being litigated in nization had already gone into billion in payments over time the Purdue case is likely to plaintiffs’ lawyers also argue. those reports.
A4 | Monday, February 12, 2024 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump Exerts
Grip on a GOP
In Disarray
As congressional job for less than four months,
suffered a double blow when
Republicans bicker, his efforts to impeach Home-
presumed nominee land Security Secretary Ale-
jandro Mayorkas and pass a
flexes his muscle standalone bill providing aid to
Israel fell short in the House.
BY LINDSAY WISE Meanwhile, Trump exerted


AND ALEX LEARY control over the party, expel-
ling Republican National Com-
WASHINGTON—A flurry of mittee Chair Ronna McDaniel.
drama over the past week has He is also preparing to take
made it clear that Republicans more power over the party’s
have just one dominant fundraising operations, ac-
leader: Donald Trump. cording to people familiar
The former president, the with the discussions.
party’s presumptive nominee “We live in the times of
for the third straight election, Trump,” GOP strategist Scott
is asserting himself over Reed said.
Washington’s policy debates The unrest reaffirms that Republican voters waiting to caucus last week in Nevada, where presumptive nominee Trump gobbled up more delegates.
as Senate Minority Leader Trump is the strongest figure
Mitch McConnell and House in the Republican Party, but advance bills, the more tenu- Mitch to go,” on social media border deal was a bad idea. S.C., Trump took another shot
Speaker Mike Johnson strug- doesn’t mean the GOP is uni- ous his grip on power could Thursday, Sen. Mike Lee (R., Last Monday, Trump called it at NATO, saying other mem-
gle to manage their raucous fied. The party has been unable become. A House rule allows a Utah) quoted him. a “great gift to the Democrats, ber nations need to contribute
conferences, and as colleagues either to advance its priorities single lawmaker to force a McConnell dismissed the and a Death Wish for The Re- more to the defense alliance, a
publicly question their skills. on the Hill or cut advantageous vote to oust the speaker. criticism, saying he has had a publican Party.” By Tuesday, long-running gripe of his.
McConnell drew open scorn deals with President Biden. “Democracy is messy,” similar group of critics the the deal was scuttled. Trump has pushed behind
from Republican colleagues Stunned House Republicans Johnson told reporters on whole time he has been in the Even without the border the scenes to replace McCon-
who opposed a bipartisan bor- said after the impeachment Capitol Hill after the failed top Senate GOP job. “I think component, the foreign-aid nell. The falling-out dates to
der deal that died in the Sen- and Israel aid votes that they votes. He pledged that the we can all agree that Senator legislation remains a target when the senator said Biden
ate last week after the Ken- couldn’t believe Johnson and House would vote again soon Cruz is not a fan,” he said at for Trump, who—in contrast had won the 2020 election,
tucky Republican endorsed it. his team put the measures on on Mayorkas’s impeachment his weekly news conference. with McConnell—is trying to despite Trump’s continuing
Ultimately all but four Senate the floor without being cer- and that it would pass. Trump has fixated on im- push the GOP away from help- efforts to fight the results.
Republicans voted against ad- tain they had lined up the In the Senate, McConnell’s migration since he launched ing Ukraine and other Euro- The 2022 midterm elections
vancing the deal, with McCon- votes to pass them. “Is it that critics are becoming more vit- his presidential campaign in pean allies. On Saturday, as were a disappointment for the
nell joining the no votes. hard?” said Rep. Ralph Nor- riolic, though they lack con- 2015. The current crisis at the the Senate was debating the GOP, and Trump was criticized
But McConnell, a veteran man (R., S.C.). crete plans—or the votes—to border has helped keep it in slimmed-down measure, for backing several high-pro-
strategist, ended up pulling a Constrained by a bare challenge his leadership. focus. Polls of Republican vot- Trump declared on his social- file candidates who lost. But
victory from defeat, rallying 219-212 majority, Johnson has “I think we need a leader ers who participated in the media platform that “no he has roared back. He has a
the votes needed to advance a had to rely on help from Dem- who’s in line with the Ameri- early nominating states of money” should be given “to favorability rating of 84%
$95 billion national-security ocrats to pass stopgap spend- can people” said Sen. Ted Iowa and New Hampshire in- any country unless it is done among Republican voters, ac-
package that would fund aid ing bills and other must-pass Cruz (R., Texas), who joined dicated it is a top concern. as a loan, not just a give- cording to a new NPR/PBS
for U.S. allies in Ukraine, Is- legislation since his surprise other conservatives in bashing As Senate negotiations con- away,” though he also sug- NewsHour/Marist poll. Just
rael and Taiwan and replenish rise to the speakership in Oc- the longtime leader. tinued, Trump and many con- gested the money would come 53% of GOP voters said they
U.S. military stockpiles. tober. The more he bypasses When the billionaire Elon servatives in the chamber with few strings. That after- approved of the job Republi-
Johnson, who has held the the right wing of his party to Musk posted, “It’s time for were in sync in saying that the noon during a rally in Conway, cans are doing in Congress.

Pushback Was More Than

Special Counsel Expected
BY SADIE GURMAN Hur’s 345-page report “con- reputation for being by-the-
AND C. RYAN BARBER tains way too many gratuitous book and even-keeled. His ap-
remarks and is flatly inconsis- pointment was cheered by
WASHINGTON—Robert tent with longstanding Justice some of the Democrats who are
Hur, the special counsel be- Department traditions,” said now criticizing him, including

hind a withering report detail- Eric Holder, attorney general in Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland,
ing President Biden’s sloppy the Obama administration. who last year called him a
handling of classified docu- Former federal prosecutor “trustworthy lawyer who will
ments, always expected blow- Mimi Rocah said, “Once Hur get to the bottom of it.”
back, friends and former col- said, ‘The evidence does not Garland praised his long le-
leagues say. It has been establish Mr. Biden’s guilt be- gal career, which included a
particularly intense. yond a reasonable doubt,’ he stint during the George W.
‘My memory is fine. Take a look at what I’ve done since I’ve become president,’ Biden says. A bipartisan chorus is ac- should have stopped.” Bush administration as an ad-
cusing Hur, a Justice Depart- Hur, 50 years old, previously viser to Christopher Wray, then

Biden, Despite Legislative Wins, ment official during the

Trump administration, of try-
ing to skew the 2024 presi-
had a front-row seat to the
reputational damage that
comes with being a special
leading the Justice Depart-
ment’s criminal division and is
now the director of the FBI.

Struggles With Voters’ Perceptions dential election. Republicans

allege a double standard: Hur
found that charges weren’t
counsel. As the top aide to for-
mer Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein, he helped
After his unanimous Senate
confirmation in 2018 to be-
come the top federal prosecu-
warranted against Biden, oversee Robert Mueller’s inves- tor in Maryland, Hur led politi-
BY AARON ZITNER dents’ missteps colored their administration or Congress while former President Donald tigation into ties between cally sensitive public-
images, pollsters and analysts are pulling the strings,” he Trump faces felony charges Trump’s campaign and Russian corruption cases and
A president can fill the role say—not just because Biden, at said. related to his own handling of interference in the 2016 elec- prosecutions involving charges
of global statesman, master age 81, is the nation’s oldest William Mallon, 45, an elec- classified material. Democrats tion. The inquiry, which was of unlawful retention of classi-
negotiator with Congress, con- sitting president, but also be- trician from Tucson, Ariz., say Hur’s portrayal of Biden highly critical of Trump’s con- fied records.
soler-in-chief during hard cause he hasn’t built an image voted for Biden in 2020 and as a doddering old man dealt duct but also didn’t yield crim- To become special counsel,
times or an entertainer on as a strong leader or created hasn’t ruled out supporting the president a political blow inal charges, left Mueller with Hur left the firm Gibson, Dunn
television. an emotional bond with voters. him again. Mallon said Biden that feels intentional. little support across the politi- & Crutcher and what promised
A challenge for President “It’s a huge problem,” said has “done a decent job with Some current and former cal spectrum. to be a lucrative client: the Na-
Biden is that many voters Rich Thau, of the nonpartisan the presidency,” such as help- law-enforcement officials came Hur appears to be joining tional Football League.
don’t see him as embodying message-testing company En- ing the country move on from to Hur’s defense, saying a de- that lonely club. Vice President The quiet efforts of Hur’s
any of these identities, despite gagious, who runs focus the Covid pandemic. But he tailed report was necessary to Kamala Harris on Friday said small team of prosecutors
his success in notching a groups of voters who backed said the president’s acuity explain his team’s decision Hur’s characterization of the burst into view Thursday when
range of legisla- Trump in 2016 but abandoned weighs on his decision. that charges weren’t justified. president’s demeanor “could Garland made Hur’s report
ANALYSIS tive and diplo- him in 2020. “I have multiple “You have to have good The special counsel “is stat- not be more wrong” and was public, fueling a firestorm that
matic achieve- people in every focus group cognitive skills to hold the utorily required to provide a re- politically motivated, while Hur’s allies said he didn’t de-
ments. Instead, these voters who will men- highest posi- port to the department and the Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.), serve but could have seen com-
view Biden as failing to fully tion that they tion in the land, American people thoroughly chairman of the House Over- ing.
inhabit the office of the presi- don’t think the one of the most detailing what he deems to be sight Committee, said the Jus- “For Rob this is not about
dency, putting him at risk of president has When asked, powerful posi- the facts, and Hur did that,” tice Department was allowing politics, this is a principled de-
being defined by matters be- all of his facul- voters often tions in the said Jay Town, a former Biden to live above the law. cision,” Rosenstein said. “He
yond his control, such as the ties.” world,” he said. Trump-appointed U.S. attorney. Appointed by Attorney Gen- went through a rigorous pro-
renewed focus on his age. Biden can can’t name any “I don’t want to Still others said the tone eral Merrick Garland in early cess, and his conclusion that an
The president’s advanced point to many be an ageist or went beyond a reasoned ex- 2023, Hur viewed the job as indictment was not warranted
years and mental robustness accomplish-
of Biden’s anything like planation of his decision and one he couldn’t refuse. Associ- is well-defended.”
drew fresh attention Thursday ments, such as achievements. that, but it strayed into the kind of criti- ates joked he was a glutton for Rosenstein and other former
when an investigative report navigating ma- seems like his cism one would expect from a punishment. prosecutors said the report
on his handling of classified jor spending on mental capacity political opponent. He came to the task with a reads like other internal Jus-
documents said he displayed infrastructure, is in decline.” tice Department memos that
“diminished faculties” in in- semiconductor plants and Biden last week challenged prosecutors write to justify de-
terviews and called him an green-energy programs the idea that his cognitive cisions not to bring charges.
“elderly man with a poor through a divided Congress. skills are fading and reacted Hur, they said, was anticipating
memory.” Biden compounded He has led Western nations in angrily to claims of a faulty possible defenses Biden could
the matter in reacting publicly countering Russia’s invasion memory made by a special raise that would make him a
to the report, when he re- of Ukraine and has visited that counsel looking into how clas- sympathetic defendant who ju-
ferred to Egypt’s President war zone, taking a 10-hour sified documents wound up in rors might believe had simply
Abdel Fattah Al Sisi as “the train ride to Kyiv. He flew to his personal possession. “My forgotten he still had the doc-
president of Mexico.” Israel shortly after the Oct. 7 memory is fine. Take a look at uments.
Prior presidents have made Hamas attacks touched off what I’ve done since I’ve be- Such memos are usually
verbal slips. George W. Bush war and other skirmishes in come president,” he said. kept out of public view. But if a
was known for tortured locu- the region. In contrast with Biden, special counsel chooses not to
tions such as, “They misunder- Yet when asked, voters of- Trump has built a more solid pursue charges, he is required
estimated me.” Donald Trump, ten can’t name any of Biden’s connection with his support- to disclose why a target’s mis-

the Republican presidential accomplishments. Worse, says ers. Trump voters, far more steps, however problematic,
front-runner, recently con- Thau, the swing voters he than Biden backers, say their weren’t criminal.
fused former South Carolina talks with often repeat con- vote is more a sign of support A spokesman for Hur de-
Gov. Nikki Haley, his rival for spiratorial ideas about the for their candidate than it is a clined to comment. Garland
the nomination, with former president’s leadership. “A signal of opposition to the ri- made no public statement on
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. component to the age thing val party, Wall Street Journal the findings, but said in a letter
But Biden’s errors have the that I hear in focus groups is polling finds. to Congress that Hur had never
potential to shape views of that he’s not really the one in —Eliza Collins proposed an investigative step
him more than prior presi- charge, that other folks in the contributed to this article. Robert Hur viewed the assignment as one he couldn’t refuse. he found inappropriate.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, February 12, 2024 | A5


GOP Rising Star Mike Gallagher to Quit Congress

BY SIOBHAN HUGHES decisions by other Republican biter, as at risk of falling to Re- House Speaker Kevin McCar- vate U.S. companies from in- effort by Congress to overturn
chairs not to see another term. publican hands. Gallagher has thy (R., Calif.)—and a member vesting in China, restrictions the election” and urged then-
WASHINGTON—Rep. Mike “Eight years is a long de- consistently outperformed for- of the House Armed Services that Gallagher favors but other President Trump to “call it
Gallagher (R., Wis.), a fourth- ployment, and it’s been a hell mer President Donald Trump, Committee, where he chairs a Republicans have opposed. off.” Gallagher didn’t vote to
term lawmaker who chairs a of a deployment,” Gallagher and his principal campaign subcommittee. Gallagher’s During his tenure, Gallagher impeach Trump.
committee aimed at helping the said. A married father of two, committee had more than $4 most prominent role has been has taken the view that Ap- His decision to leave puts
U.S. compete against China, said Gallagher also said he hoped million in cash on hand at the as chairman of a select com- ple’s supply chain is danger- the number of House lawmak-
he won’t run for re-election—a to expand his family and that end of 2023, federal records mittee aimed at devising strat- ously exposed to China and ers who won’t be part of the
blow to the establishment wing “Congress is not an ideal place show—more than any other egies to help the U.S. better that Walt Disney has undercut next Congress at 49, based on
of the Republican party, which to build and raise a family.” House Republican. compete against China. He has American values by editing a tally maintained by the
had hoped he would have a big- He had previously ruled out Gallagher has split with his used the role to investigate films to appease Beijing’s cen- House press gallery.
ger future in politics. a run for U.S. Senate, saying he party on some high-profile is- where U.S. commercial links sors, among other allegations. Gallagher said he envisions
The 39-year-old former Ma- preferred to stay in the House, sues, most recently this past are making China stronger— Gallagher also declined to other ways to carry out a self-
rine Corps intelligence officer where he felt his work as a week, when he voted against and map out how to disentan- object to the results of the described mission to “restore
cast the decision as personal, committee chair would make a impeaching Homeland Security gle them. 2020 presidential contest in deterrence in order to prevent
saying he had always planned lasting impact. Republicans had Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “I feel that I’ve accom- Arizona and Pennsylvania, World War III.”
to treat his service in Congress hoped he would run because the The youngest committee plished a lot of what I set out putting him in the minority of “There are other ways I can
as “a deployment, not a ca- Wisconsin Senate seat is one of chairman, Gallagher is also a to accomplish,” he said. House Republicans. After the have an impact on advancing
reer.” His departure will fur- eight Democratic-held seats member of the House Intelli- Republican lawmakers are storming of the Capitol on Jan. that mission, either from the
ther erode the ranks of GOP rated by the Cook Political Re- gence Committee—another as- seeking to reach a compromise 6, Gallagher said that “this is private sector or from a differ-
committee chairs, following port, a nonpartisan election ar- signment made by former on legislation to restrict pri- the cost of countenancing an ent perch,” he said.



Shooter Is Killed
At Megachurch
A woman in a trench coat

opened fire with a long gun
inside celebrity pastor Joel
Osteen’s megachurch in


Texas before being gunned
down by two off-duty officers
who confronted her, sending
worshippers rushing from the
building between busy Sun-
day services, authorities said.
The woman entered the
Houston church with a 5-
year-old boy shortly before 2
p.m. The child was shot and
critically injured.
Houston Police Chief Troy
Finner said it wasn’t clear
whether the child was struck
by the off-duty officers who
returned fire. He said a 57-
year-old man also was shot
and wounded. The man was
stable with a hip wound.
Finner said that after the
woman began shooting, both
officers “engaged” her and
the woman was killed. “She
had a long gun, and it could
have been a lot worse,” he
The woman wasn’t imme-
diately identified. It wasn’t
clear where Osteen was at
the time. He joined police at
a news conference afterward
and said the church was dev-
—Associated Press

Storm Brings Snow
As It Moves East
The remnants of a slow-
moving atmospheric river
storm that pummeled Califor-
nia last week delivered the
first notable snowfall of the
season across eastern New
The storm system ap-
peared to be headed next to
the Texas Panhandle and
central Oklahoma, where
warnings were already in ef-
fect, said Jennifer Shoemake,
a meteorologist for the Na-
tional Weather Service in Al-
buquerque. She said Albu-
querque got up to 4 inches of
snow Saturday, with the ad-
jacent mountains getting be-
tween 6 inches and 9 inches.
The National Weather Ser-
vice forecast up to 8 inches
of snow Sunday in the west
Texas city of Lubbock, with
1.3 inches already on the
ground in Amarillo in the
Texas Panhandle.
The storms stem from a
slow-moving system that
first hit California early
Wednesday. It moved out af-
ter days of wind, record rain
and heavy snowfall that
caused power outages, street
flooding and hundreds of de-
structive mudslides around
Los Angeles.
—Associated Press

NEW YORK The Australian Ambassador to the United States and former prime minister Dr Kevin Rudd (left) and Pratt Industries Executive Chairman Anthony Pratt.
Officer’s Killer
Denied Parole
A man convicted in the
killing of a rookie New York
City police officer at the
height of the city’s crack co-
caine epidemic decades ago
has been denied parole, state
corrections officials con-
firmed Sunday.
Todd Scott had been serv-
ing 25 years to life for his
role in the shooting death of
Officer Edward Byrne in
Queens. Byrne was killed in
1988 as he sat in his police
cruiser guarding the home of
a witness in a drug case.
Police said Scott was part
of a crew of four men paid
$8,000 to kill the 22-year-old
officer, who was just weeks
on the job, in retaliation for
the arrest of drug dealer
Howard “Pappy” Mason. The Pratt Foundation is proud to sponsor work at the institutions above.
—Associated Press
A6 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Hamas Hid Compound Under U.N. Office
Beneath Unrwa’s the Israeli military.
The next time the journal-
Gaza headquarters: ists saw their things, they
computer servers were in the same bucket in-
side the electricity room pow-
and intelligence hub ering the Hamas base. “20
meters above us, it’s the U.N.
BY DOV LIEBER headquarters,” the officer
AND DAVID LUHNOW said, pointing up as he handed
the items back.
GAZA CITY—Hidden deep
below the headquarters of the
Underground lair

United Nations’ aid agency for
Palestinians here is a Hamas Next to the room with com-
complex with rows of com- puter servers, which was air-
puter servers that Israel’s conditioned, was an electric-
armed forces say served as an ity-supply room fitted with
important communications massive batteries, apparently
center and intelligence hub for to serve as a backup if power
the Islamist militant group. was disrupted.
Part of a warren of tunnels To get to the server hub,
and subterranean chambers, the group of journalists first
the compound below the traveled to a location about
United Nations Relief and half a mile from the U.N. head-
Works Agency buildings in quarters, where the Israeli
Gaza City appears to have run military had dug through a
on electricity drawn from the parking lot to access the tun-
U.N.’s power supply, Israeli of- nel network leading to the un-
ficials said. derground base.
A Wall Street Journal re- The group walked for some
porter and journalists from 10 minutes through the tunnel
other news organizations vis- A room that contains a number of black server racks, below, is inside what Israeli military officials say is a Hamas before arriving at the heart of
ited the site this past week in a intelligence hub located directly underneath the Unrwa headquarters buildings, above, in Gaza City. the underground compound.
trip organized by Israel’s mili- The compound consisted of
tary. A tunnel also appeared to Unrwa said that reports of roughly 10% of Unrwa’s 12,000 a long, wide hall with a vari-
pass beneath a U.N.-run school tunnels under its Gaza head- or so employees in Gaza, most ety of rooms, all of which had
near the headquarters. quarters “merit an indepen- of whom are Palestinian, have white tiles on the floor and
The location of a Hamas dent inquiry,” and said that it ties to the militant group, in- walls. Another room had a
military installation under im- “does not have the military cluding nearly a quarter of its cluster of comfortable office
portant U.N. facilities is evi- and security expertise nor the male employees. Unrwa has chairs. An Israeli officer said
dence, Israeli officials say, of capacity to undertake military pushed back on the allegation that room was used as a com-
Hamas’s widespread use of inspections of what is or and questioned how Israel came mand and control site.
sensitive civilian infrastruc- might be under its premises.” up with such a broad figure. Nearby, a few other rooms
ture as shields to protect its Journalists who accompa- appeared to have been largely
militant activities. nied the Israeli military to emptied. One room had a safe,
Israel’s discovery of the Unrwa’s services Gaza City’s heavily damaged which was closed, as well as
Hamas operations below The agency, which evacu- al-Rimal neighborhood in an empty server rack. There
Unrwa offices is likely to put ated from the Gaza City com- northern Gaza were shown the had also been several comput-
further pressure on the agency, pound on Oct. 12, said Israel Hamas tunnel network, which ers in the room, said the offi-
which is facing international hadn’t officially informed it of snaked for about a half-mile cer, that had been taken away
scrutiny after Israeli allega- any Hamas complex under its beneath U.N. and other build- to be studied by the military.
tions that at least 12 of its em- offices. It said that whenever ings in the area. Near the electricity and
ployees had links to Hamas’s a suspicious cavity has been services to nearly six million they decided they couldn’t use To show that the subterra- server rooms were posters left
Oct. 7 attack on Israel. discovered near an Unrwa fa- Palestinians in Gaza, the West airstrikes to target it because of nean intelligence hub was un- by Hamas’s military branch,
Israeli military officials as- cility, it has filed protest let- Bank, Jordan, Syria and Leba- the U.N. presence above. derneath the Unrwa com- the Al-Qassam brigades, with
sert that people working at ters to authorities in Gaza as non. Unrwa is an unusual U.N. Israel has long alleged that pound, an Israeli military special instructions for how
Unrwa would have been aware well as the Israeli government. body, tasked with looking af- Hamas has penetrated Unrwa officer, a lieutenant colonel the operatives should conduct
of the tunnel complex, either An Unrwa spokeswoman ter just one group of people: and radicalized the organiza- who asked to be identified by themselves. One poster urged
from activities during its con- said the agency is unaware of displaced Palestinians. tion, particularly in Gaza, his first name, Ido, placed a operatives to be careful to
struction or by what they said any electricity being siphoned Israeli military officials say where Hamas came to power few small items belonging to guard the site’s secrets.
would have been a jump in from its facilities by Hamas. they have known about the via a coup in 2007. Israeli mil- the journalists in a white “You must know that keep-
electricity usage when the Unrwa provides housing, complex under Unrwa’s head- itary intelligence has esti- bucket, which he lowered deep ing secrets is a religious duty,”
complex started operating. schooling, healthcare and other quarters for a few years but say mated in recent weeks that into a well-like hole dug by the poster begins in red.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, February 12, 2024 | A7


Netanyahu amount to a Hamas victory.

“You have to dismantle Hamas
as a [military] force that con-
to bordering Egypt. Yohanan
Plesner, president of the Israel
Democracy Institute, a Jerusa-
Vows New trols territory,” he said on
ABC. “We’re well and within
reach, and we shouldn’t stop.”
lem-based think tank, said ex-
panding into Rafah would al-
low Israel to shut down

Gaza Front The U.S. ambassador to the

United Nations, Linda
Thomas-Greenfield, said Sat-
underground smuggling tun-
nels into Gaza from Egypt.
Netanyahu said on Fox
urday on NPR that Israel’s News that the desire to go
Continued from Page One planned military operation in into Rafah wasn’t just his
people, mostly civilians, ac- Rafah “cannot proceed” under own, but that of the Israeli
cording to Israeli authorities. current conditions. people. He said that having
There are still 134 hostages in Biden on Sunday “reaf- destroyed three-fourths of
Gaza, according to the Israeli firmed his view that a military Hamas’s battalions, it would
military. operation in Rafah should not not make sense not to flush
The prime minister, who proceed without a credible out the group’s “last remain-
still has support from the Is- and executable plan for ensur- ing bastion.”
raeli public to kill Hamas’s top ing the safety of and support Netanyahu’s comments also
leaders in Gaza, is seeking to for the more than one million flew in the face of warnings


bounce back by declaring that people sheltering there,” the from the U.N. that fighting in
victory over the group is White House said. Rafah would exacerbate “what
within reach. Netanyahu’s Analysts said Netanyahu is is already a humanitarian
continued rule depends on signaling he will extend the war nightmare.” Responding to
avoiding snap elections and in Gaza in part to compel concerns about a rising toll on
keeping his narrow parliamen- Hamas to agree on a deal to re- Palestinian lives, Netanyahu
tary majority intact. lease hostages, amid a consider- said that the Israeli military is
The U.S. and Israel are “at able gap between the two sides. causing less than one civilian
total loggerheads” over a Biden on Sunday “empha- casualty for every terrorist ca- HELPING HANDS: ‘Castellers’ gather to form the base of a human tower at festival in Barcelona.
growing number of issues re- sized the need to capitalize on sualty, which he said was less
garding how Israel is conduct- progress made in the negotia- than that of comparable com- FINLAND PHILIPPINES KENYA
ing the war, said a former Is- tions to secure the release of bat in other places.
raeli ambassador to the U.S., all hostages as soon as possi- “We’ve killed and wounded
Ex-Prime Minister Landslide Kills Record Marathoner
Michael Oren. ble,” the White House said. over 20,000 Hamas terror- Wins Presidency Dozens in Village Dies in Car Crash
Biden and Netanyahu spoke If Israeli forces are serious ists,” of which about 12,000 Ex-Prime Minister Alexan- The death toll from a mas- Marathon world record-
by phone Sunday, and Biden about moving into Rafah, hun- were fighters, he said. “And der Stubb won Finland’s pres- sive landslide that hit a gold- holder Kelvin Kiptum, who was
urged the prime minister to dreds of thousands of Pales- we’re doing everything we can idential election runoff on mining village in the southern set to be a superstar of long-
increase aid to Palestinians tinians will have to evacuate to minimize civilian casualties, Sunday against former For- Philippines has risen to 54 distance running, was killed
and clarify Israel’s military in the next week or so, said and continue to do so.” eign Minister Pekka Haavisto with 63 people still missing, along with his coach in a car
plans, according to a readout Aaron David Miller, a senior Hamas has denied that its in a close race between two authorities said Sunday. crash in Kenya late Sunday.
by the White House. fellow at the Carnegie Endow- forces have suffered heavy experienced politicians for The landslide hit the Kiptum was 24 and had
Biden last week called Is- ment for International Peace. losses, without giving specific the post of head of state, mountain village of Masara in the world record he set last
rael’s offensive “over the top.” But “it will be another signal numbers of how many of its whose main task will be to Davao de Oro province on year at the Chicago Mara-
Netanyahu made his case in if negotiations pick up over a fighters have been killed. steer the Nordic country’s Tuesday night after weeks of thon (2 hours, 35 seconds)
interviews on ABC News and hostage deal,” he said. About 28,000 people, mainly foreign and security policy torrential rains. ratified by international track
Fox News that aired earlier in Israeli military experts, women and children, have now that it is a member of Davao de Oro’s provincial federation World Athletics
the day, arguing that the ad- meanwhile, said taking Rafah been killed in Gaza since the NATO, following Russia’s in- government said in a Face- just last week.
ministration’s calls for Israel has strategic value in Israel’s start of the war, according to vasion of Ukraine. book post that 54 bodies had He was one of the most
not to send its military into the pursuit of Hamas militants, Palestinian authorities. The With over 99% of votes been recovered. At least 32 exciting prospects to emerge
southern Gaza city of Rafah who could flee from the city number doesn’t distinguish be- counted, center-right candi- residents survived with inju- in road running in years,
tween civilians and militants. date Stubb of the conserva- ries but 63 remained missing, World Athletics said.
Netanyahu said Israel is tive National Coalition Party it said. Among those missing Kiptum, who was Kenyan,
working on a plan on where Pal- had received 51.6% of the were gold miners who had and his Rwandan coach Ger-
estinians would be able to go af- votes, while independent can- been waiting in two buses to vais Hakizimana were killed
ter Rafah. He mentioned “plenty didate Haavisto from the be driven home when the in the crash at around 11 p.m.

of areas” north of the city that green left got 48.4%. landslide struck. Another Kenyan athlete,
he said Israel had cleared. The 55-year-old Stubb, The search operation has Milcah Chemos, confirmed
Additional friction points who was prime minister in been hampered by poor their deaths. “I have no
between the U.S. and Israel in- 2014-2015, will become the weather and fears of more words to explain the loss of
clude Israel’s efforts to create 13th president of Finland landslides. More than 1,100 Kelvin,” she said.
a buffer zone within Gaza, the since the Nordic country’s in- families have been moved to The crash happened on a
degree of Israel’s postwar se- dependence from the Russian evacuation centers. road between the towns of
curity control over Gaza, and empire in 1917. The area has been Eldoret and Kaptagat in west-
the rate at which Palestinian Stubb and Haavisto, 65, swamped by heavy rains in ern Kenya, Chemos said, in
civilians would be able to re- were the main contenders in the weeks before the land- the heart of the high-altitude
turn to north Gaza, said Oren, the election where over four slide struck. Earthquakes also region that is renowned as a
the former Israeli envoy. million eligible voters picked damaged houses and build- training base for top distance
—Summer Said a successor to hugely popular ings in the region in recent runners. Kiptum was born and
and Annie Linskey President Sauli Niinistö. months, officials said. raised in the area.
A destroyed mosque in Rafah after air strikes early Monday. contributed to this article. —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press

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MassMutual Great Lakes Yieldmo
Medical Research Consultants Yottaa
Mehta Marketing Zeigler Auto Group
Member First Mortgage Zolman Restoration
A8 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Moscow Is Using Starlink, Says Ukraine

Russian access to didn’t address whether it could companies work to manage
be used in Russian-occupied where their networks offer in-
Musk’s system parts of Ukraine. A spokesman ternet service to users on the
would undercut for SpaceX didn’t respond to ground. Providers need per-
requests for comment Sunday. mission from different coun-
advantage for Kyiv Andriy Yusov, a spokesman tries’ regulators to sell satel-
for Ukraine’s military intelli- lite-backed connections and
BY IAN LOVETT gence agency, said Kyiv had want to avoid doing so in ar-
AND MICAH MAIDENBERG intercepted radio communica- eas where they haven’t se-
tions from Russia’s 83rd Sepa- cured those rights.
KYIV, Ukraine—Russian rate Air-Assault Brigade in the Although Starlink systems
forces are using SpaceX’s satel- occupied Donetsk region that can’t be purchased in Russia,
lite internet system near the indicated they were using Ukrainian media reported that
front line in occupied parts of Starlink terminals. Russian forces have been pur-
Ukraine, Kyiv’s military intelli- “This is starting to become chasing the devices in third


gence agency said, potentially systemic,” Yusov said of the countries and bringing them
undercutting a major battlefield Russian use of Starlink in oc- to the front.
advantage for Ukraine’s army. cupied territory. Access to Starlink has been
Access to the system, It is possible that Russian a politically charged issue
known as Starlink, has en- forces have captured Starlink since early in the war, when
abled front-line Ukrainian equipment from Ukrainian sol- Musk decided to make the ser-
forces to communicate via se- diers, allowing them to tap in vice available in Ukraine. Star-
cure internet chat apps, allow- to the Starlink network. While link is considered so vital to
ing them to stay in contact SpaceX has the ability to track Ukrainian operations that, last
without relying on cell or ra- Starlink satellite internet terminals play a key role in Ukraine’s war effort. Starlink users within specific year, when SpaceX said it
dio signals, which are easier geographic locations, it might could no longer fund access
to intercept. ports claim that SpaceX is “To the best of our knowledge, work’s orbiting fleet of satel- be difficult for the company to for Kyiv, the Pentagon agreed
Elon Musk, who leads selling Starlink terminals to no Starlinks have been sold di- lites to obtain internet service. determine whether users are to pay to keep the service run-
SpaceX and is its largest single Russia. This is categorically rectly or indirectly to Russia.” In a statement on Thursday, Russian or Ukrainian troops, ning.
owner, responded on Sunday. false,” Musk wrote in a post Starlink users need such ter- Starlink said the service especially in battlefield areas. —Drew FitzGerald
“A number of false news re- on X, a platform he also owns. minals to connect with the net- doesn’t work in Russia but Satellite-communications contributed to this article.

NATO Trump’s latest comments.

Biden said Trump, the
front-runner for the 2024 GOP
way of life?” he said.
Trump’s allies have said his
tough talk has a way of elicit-
ance plans to honor the 75th
anniversary of its founding
this year.
security. By raising doubts
about whether the U.S. would
keep its commitments to de-
tics released by NATO last
year, a significant increase
from 2014, when only three

Denounces presidential nomination, had

made “an admission that he
intends to give [Russian Presi-
ing action that advances U.S.
interests, as he has long al-
leged that European and Asian
Other Western leaders
rushed to defend NATO on
Sunday, as well. Defense Min-
fend its allies, Trump risks en-
couraging other nations to
seek other security arrange-
members met that benchmark.
“When you don’t pay your
defense spending you can’t be

Remarks dent Vladimir] Putin a green

light for more war and vio-
lence” that could expand be-
countries have relied too
much on the U.S. military for
their own protection.
ister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-
Kamysz of Poland, writing on
the social-media platform X,
ments by strengthening ties
with Russia, China and other
U.S. adversaries, they said.
surprised that you get more
war,” Trump adviser Jason
Miller said.
yond Ukraine to Poland and Russia invaded Ukraine in said that NATO’s security “I was shocked to see the Last year, Congress in-
Continued from Page One the Baltic states. Biden, in his February 2022 and intense guarantee to its members is a former president of the cluded an amendment offered
peatedly pressed the issue statement, said Trump’s com- fighting continues. Trump, on concrete commitment. He United States threatening by Sens. Tim Kaine (D., Va.),
publicly, chastising allies for ments were “appalling and several occasions during his wrote that no election cam- America’s closest friends as if and Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), in
not spending enough. He said, dangerous. Sadly, they are also presidency, attempted to paign should become a reason we were running a mafia pro- the annual defense-policy bill
for example, that the U.S. gov- predictable coming from a bring the U.S. closer to Rus- to undermine NATO unity. tection racket rather than a that requires the advice and
ernment shouldn’t be ex- man who is promising to rule sia, suggesting for example In another apparent reaction defense alliance,’’ said Kori consent of the Senate or an
pected to rush to the defense as a dictator.” that it should be readmitted to Trump’s comments, the Ger- Schake, director of foreign act of Congress before any
of countries that refused to Sen. Mitch McConnell of to the Group of Seven nations man Foreign Office on Sunday and defense policy studies at president could “suspend, ter-
spend enough money to de- Kentucky, the chamber’s GOP forum, startling Democrats posted a statement of NATO the right-of-center American minate, or withdraw” U.S.
fend themselves. leader, declined Sunday to an- and Republicans. unity on social media. “ ‘One Enterprise Institute. membership in NATO.
Trump repeatedly threat- swer questions about Trump’s NATO is an alliance of more for all and all for one.’ This NATO allies’ contributions The language sets a high
ened to withdraw the U.S. NATO comments, but he said than 30 countries, and its “Ar- #NATO creed keeps more than for military spending have threshold—two-thirds of all
from NATO when he was pres- on the Senate floor that the ticle 5” states that if one 950 million people safe—from grown in recent years, though senators—to approve a with-
ident and made numerous U.S. must reject the “dimmest NATO member is attacked, Anchorage to Erzurum,’’ said they were already on the up- drawal and bars any funding
overtures to Russia, fraying and most shortsighted views “each and every other member the statement on X, referring swing after 2014, the year from being used to support
the U.S.’s relationship with of our obligations” to allies. of the Alliance will consider to cities in the U.S. and Turkey. when the alliance formally such a move by any govern-
other world leaders. “Will we give those who crave this act of violence as an U.S. foreign-policy special- agreed on the 2% threshold ment official. It became law
Biden, a Democrat, has our leadership more reason to armed attack against all mem- ists from across the political and Russia annexed Crimea. when Biden signed the fiscal
sought to repair those ties, wonder if it’s in decline, or bers and will take the actions spectrum said that Trump’s Ten of the alliance’s 31 mem- year 2024 National Defense
and on Sunday he joined the will we invest in the credibil- it deems necessary to assist comments had the potential to bers have now achieved the Authorization Act in late De-
chorus of people rebuking ity that underpins our entire the Ally attacked.” The alli- undermine the U.S.’s national 2% goal, according to statis- cember.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A9
A10 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Ecuador Follows
El Salvador in
Taking on Gangs
BY RYAN DUBÉ copy Bukele’s policies despite
concerns by civil-liberties
El Salvador President Nayib groups about rights abuses
Bukele’s uncompromising ap- and his increasing, unchecked
proach to rooting out criminal power. Honduras issued a
gangs is beginning to be ad- state of emergency that
opted elsewhere in Latin curbed freedom of assembly
America, with striking results. and other constitutional rights
Homicides in Ecuador tum- to fight organized crime and
bled 70% in a month after extortion. Peru deployed
President Daniel Noboa sent troops to parts of the capital,

in the military to arrest sus- Lima, and Congress now

pected gang members and re- wants to reopen a notorious
take control of the prisons island prison once used to
where their leaders orches- house Maoist insurgents.
trated cocaine shipments and In Ecuador, authorities say
planned a wave of killings that they will emulate El Salvador
Supporters of Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party blocked the Peshawar to Islamabad highway on Sunday. had plunged the country into by building their own high-se-
chaos. Other countries have curity detention centers to iso-

Tensions Build in Pakistan

said they are looking at doing late gang leaders. Noboa says
much the same. his government will contract
Ecuador’s new approach, en- the same company that built
acted after gangsters stunned Bukele’s biggest prison, the
the nation by storming a public Terrorism Confinement Center,
television sta- which can hold
Followers of jailed agreement was announced. heading to a protest in the economy, experts say. tion on Jan. 9, 40,000.
The Election Commission, northern town of Rawalpindi. There was anger against uses many of “If you want
opposition leader which said on the morning of “The consciousness that Im- the other parties and the mili- the methods in- Homicides fall to go and spend
Khan allege elections the polls that the election ran Khan has given us can’t tary at the protests Sunday, troduced by El 70% as a night, you can.
would be free and fair, didn’t just be put back in the bottle.” which were held outside local- Salvador ’s Just commit a
had been rigged respond to a request to com- Pakistan’s military, which has election offices in locations Bukele to lower President Noboa crime first,”
ment on the rigging allegations. appealed for calm, admits to in- across the country. homicides by said Noboa, the
BY SAEED SHAH Thousands of followers of terfering in politics in the past In Rawalpindi, those 92% since 2015,
deploys troops 36-year-old
AND WAQAR GILLANI Khan, who previously became but says it no longer does so. blocked from reaching the when that coun- on the streets. scion of a ba-
prime minister in 2018, came Candidates associated with protest sites staged spontane- try was the nana magnate
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan— out in cities across the coun- Khan’s party emerged with the ous mini demonstrations on world’s murder who took office
Former Prime Minister Nawaz try, adding to the pressure largest haul of seats, which the roadside. Later in the day, capital. in November, in
Sharif held talks Sunday with building over the disputed confounded predictions of a police used tear gas and made “We’re delivering results, a recent interview.
other parties to form a new election. It was the first dem- Sharif victory based on a se- baton charges against the things are improving, the vio- Noboa’s strategy is the lat-
government in Pakistan, onstration from the party ries of moves by the authori- crowd in Rawalpindi, protest- lence is declining,” Noboa said est iteration of the “iron fist”
as followers of jailed opposi- since a crackdown against its ties that hobbled the Pakistan ers said. Police said that pro- in a recent television inter- security measures of the 1970s
tion leader Imran Khan took protests in May saw some Tehreek-e-Insaf party’s testers were in breach of a law view. “But we don’t know and ’80s that Latin American
to the streets to protest the 10,000 arrested. chances, including making its that is currently being en- when this war is going to end, governments, many of them
alleged rigging of this past Khan’s party is facing off candidates run as indepen- forced which prohibits a gath- no one knows.” military dictatorships, used to
week’s election. against not only the other major dents. Candidates associated ering of four or more people. Bukele has in four years crush leftist rebels while com-
Thursday’s election, in parties but also Pakistan’s pow- with the party won at least 90 “Who will save Pakistan? transformed his tiny Central mitting widespread rights vio-
which no party won a major- erful military, which it believes seats, but it says that rigging Prison 804,” was a popular American nation from one of lations. Now, democracies
ity and which has been to be behind the past week’s al- robbed it of dozens of more. chant by the crowd in Rawal- the most violent in Latin whipsawed by crime are dust-
marred by allegations made by leged rigging as well as the Sharif’s party came in sec- pindi, referring to Khan’s pris- America to one of the safest. ing off that model for use
Khan’s party of vote tamper- prior crackdown. Khan, who ond place, with 75 seats, even oner number. A booming cocaine trade against gangs. Ecuador’s mili-
ing after official results were was barred from running him- after the three-time prime helped make Ecuador one of tary says it respects human
heavily delayed, has left Paki- self, was dismissed from office minister returned from exile the world’s deadliest nations, rights during its operations.
stan’s next government and in a parliamentary vote in 2022 to lead the campaign. Any co- Watch a Video with homicides shooting up Noboa’s approval rating
the country’s stability in ques- after tensions with the military. alition he is able to hammer Scan the code from fewer than 1,000 in 2018 rose to 80% last month, ac-
tion. Sharif held negotiations “This momentum won’t out will be potentially shaky, to see a video to 8,009 in 2023. cording to local pollster Co-
Sunday with both of the par- stop, even if we have to spill making it hard to carry about protests In some of the more violent municaliza, while Bukele won
ties he would need to form a our blood,” said Habib Ullah, a through tough decisions taking place in Latin American countries, pol- re-election on Feb. 4 in a land-
coalition government, but no 28-year-old factory worker needed to stabilize the fragile Pakistan. iticians say they are looking to slide.

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China’s Emissions Reversal Is

Looking Nearer Than Expected
BY SHA HUA Centre for Research on Energy wind-power capacity by the
AND MATTHEW DALTON and Clean Air. end of this decade. The China
China’s expanding renew- Electricity Council forecast
China’s rollout of renewable ables footprint is shaping the last month that capacity
energy is accelerating, its in- global response to climate would top 1,300 gigawatts by
vestments in the sector grow- change. Its companies are the the end of this year.
ing so large that international leading manufacturers of Once the emissions peak
climate watchdogs now expect clean-energy technology, from arrives, some analysts expect
the country’s greenhouse-gas solar panels and wind tur- a plateau to follow. That is a
Compare at $4,730
emissions to peak years ear-
lier than anticipated—possibly
as soon as this year.
bines to electric vehicles. That
is stoking concerns in the rest
of the industrialized world.
problem, scientists say, be-
cause the world’s major emit-
ters must sharply cut global
China installed 217 giga- At the same time, analysts emissions this decade to fulfill
watts worth of solar power and officials say, China’s de- the Paris accord.
last year, according to new ployment of renewables at Climate Action Tracker, a
government data. That is home is breathing new life scientific consortium that
more than 500 million solar into international climate di- evaluates governments’ emis-
Bigger sizes, better quality. panels and well above the to- plomacy. Its rapid emissions sions plans, rates China’s cur-
tal installed solar capacity of growth long provided fodder rent policies “highly insuffi-
A fraction of the cost of mined diamonds. the U.S. Wind-energy addi- for critics who said Beijing cient” to meet the Paris
tions were 76 gigawatts, more wasn’t committed to fighting accord goal. The actions and
than the rest of the world climate change or supporting policies of the U.S., where
2.00 ct. t.w. Lab-Grown Diamond Studs in Platinum combined. That amounted to the Paris accord, the landmark emissions have been falling,
more than 20,000 new tur- climate agreement that calls were graded “insufficient.”
bines across the country, in- for governments to attempt to China is still building coal-
cluding the world’s largest, limit warming to 1.5 degrees fired power plants. Beijing has
planted on towers in the sea Celsius over preindustrial been telling Western officials
off China’s east coast. temperatures. that the new plants won’t be
The low-carbon additions, Now, analysts and officials as polluting as they fear. They
which also included hydro- say Beijing’s efforts are lend- are replacing older, higher-
power and nuclear, were for ing momentum Paris process, emitting plants, and will run
the first time large enough which requires governments far below full capacity, largely
that their power output could to draft new emissions plans to maintain electric-grid stabil-
cover the entire annual in- every five years. ity as China generates more of
crease in Chinese electricity “An early peak would have a its power from intermittent
demand, analysts say. That lot of symbolic value and send wind and solar.
suggests that coal-fired gener- a signal to the world that we’ve The exact timing of China’s
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1.800.556.7376 or visit polluter—is set to decline, ac- ter for International Climate analysts say. The adoption of
cording to the Paris-based In- and Environmental Research. electric vehicles is happening
Shown larger for detail. Item #985813 ternational Energy Agency In 2020, Chinese leader Xi so rapidly that analysts say
and Lauri Myllyvirta, the Hel- Jinping said China would have peak gasoline demand in China
sinki-based lead analyst at the 1,200 gigawatts of solar- and was already reached last year.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Monday, February 12, 2024 | A11

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A12 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


each own one-third of the ven-
Betting Big ture, which will have an inde-
pendent management team,

On Sports the companies said.

The structure could pose
challenges. Fox, NBC and Dis-

Streaming ney owned the streaming ser-

vice Hulu together but often
disagreed on strategy—it was
at times referred to as “Clown
Continued from Page One Co,” partly because of the


deliver anything close to the struggles to formulate a uni-
entire landscape of sports pro- fied approach.
gramming. Disney bought out Fox’s
Sports have been the linch- share in Hulu in 2019, as part
pin of the hugely profitable ca- of its acquisition of much of
ble-TV industry for decades. Fox’s entertainment assets, and
But as consumers cut the cord is now buying out NBC parent
in droves, pushing that busi- Comcast to take full control of
ness to the brink, making the Hulu.
transition to streaming has
been rocky.
It’s been hard enough to Antitrust questions
port entertainment program- The collaboration by three
ming to streaming, with ser- giants to pool a huge amount
vices such as Disney+, Peacock of sports programming—Citi
and Paramount+ struggling to analysts peg it at 55% of U.S.
show investors profits. But sports rights—could draw anti-
sports are even trickier, be- trust scrutiny. Smaller rivals
cause of the staggeringly high have already raised alarms.
costs for the content. Disney, which owns ESPN, is one of three big media companies involved in the streaming venture, which would offer all their Disney, Fox and Warner
Media companies collec- live-sports programing. ESPN analysts, above, last November. Eagles fans, below, watching the Super Bowl last year. have said they will negotiate
tively pay billions of dollars an- independently for sports
nually to the NFL and NBA having separate discussions rights, mindful that teaming up
alone. Cable makes the math with both Warner Bros. Discov- would be a red flag to federal
work because of its inherent ery and Disney last year about antitrust regulators.
subsidy—even households who creating a sports streaming The government is going to
don’t watch channels like ESPN service, people familiar with look at this arrangement and
pay for them on their monthly the discussions said. Fox has ask how it benefits sports
bill, meaning the high rights an ad-supported streaming ser- viewers, and how content sup-
costs are spread among higher vice for entertainment, Tubi, pliers—in this case the sports
numbers of subscribers. and a Fox Nation streaming leagues—are reacting, said Wil-
What ESPN, Fox and Warner service for news and lifestyle liam Kovacic, a former chair
settled on was to create a programming—meant as a and general counsel at the Fed-
slimmed-down version of a ca- complement to Fox News—but eral Trade Commission, who is
ble bundle in streaming form didn’t have a major subscrip- now a law professor at George
that is focused on sports. The tion streaming option for its Washington University’s law
as-yet-unnamed service, ex- huge array of sports content. school.
pected to launch this fall, will Murdoch was inspired It could be challenging for
carry 14 networks, including largely by Kayo Sports, a simi- the media companies to prove
Disney’s ESPN channels and its lar platform in Australia that that they are truly operating
ABC network, Warner’s TNT Journal parent News Corp independently, Kovacic said.
and TBS, and Fox’s broadcast owns, which counts ESPN as a The pact’s focus on sports,
network and sports cable chan- programming partner. Mur- one of the most popular types
nel. The service will feature doch is chair of News Corp and of programming among con-
sports including the NFL, NBA, executive chair and CEO of Fox sumers, makes it even more
Major League Baseball, college Corp. likely that enforcers will at
football and basketball, golf Warner Discovery Chief Ex- least examine the deal, said
and Nascar. ecutive David Zaslav, who has Michael Katz, an economist at
By packaging together all long advocated bundling the University of California
the content, the companies are streaming services, was eager Berkeley. The Justice Depart-
hoping they can bring in to do something with Fox. ment might look at the poten-
enough sports-first customers Warner in September an- tial impact on prices for sports
to make the economics work. nounced that its live sports programming and whether Dis-
Wells Fargo analyst Steven Ca- in the backyard. terested. And customers could of their own. Traditionally, content, including NBA and ney and its partners would
hall projected, based on vari- “We’re doing what should resist adding another expen- deals with media companies MLB games, would be available have an incentive to withhold
ous assumptions, that the ser- have happened slowly over 20 sive streaming service to the have required the cable compa- on its Max streaming platform that content from cable compa-
vice could break even if around years all at once now,” said ever-expanding assortment nies to package the attractive for an additional $9.99 a nies or rival streaming ser-
six million subscribers paid at Patrick Crakes, a sports media such as Netflix, Apple TV+ and sports properties with smaller- month. But the company vices, he said.
least $40 a month. consultant and former senior Max. audience entertainment chan- wanted a way to reach even Fubo, a nine-year-old
The companies are discuss- executive at Fox Sports. He Failing to bring the NFL, nels. more sports fans in the sports-centric streaming ser-
ing a price that could approach added, “This is not going to NBA and other leagues in on The biggest losers in cable’s streaming world. vice with more than 200 chan-
$50 a month, people familiar save anybody, but it’s a start.” their plans was a risk for the collapse will likely be the own- At the same time, ESPN nels and 1.5 million subscribers
with the situation said. media companies. The leagues ers of local TV stations and Chairman Jimmy Pitaro was in North America, saw its com-
For many years, media com- have plenty of options when li- smaller entertainment net- also thinking about the idea of pany’s stock drop more than
panies resisted offering such a Missing games censing their rights, and in the works, from A&E to AMC to partnering with another media 20% on the news of the joint
sports-specific package, fearing Even with all the sports past few years tech companies Comedy Central and Syfy, that company. Bob Iger, chief execu- venture. “Every consumer in
it could cannibalize the old- games the planned service will such as Amazon and Apple are the most dependent on ca- tive of ESPN parent Disney, America should be concerned
school cable bundle, which offer, it still won’t be a com- have emerged as customers. ble TV. Shares of Scripps, had broached the topic of a about the intent behind this
they wanted to preserve as plete, all-in-one sports plat- If the sports service does owner of 61 local stations, are sports partnership with Mur- joint venture and its impact on
long as they possibly could. form, partly because Comcast’s gain traction, it will deal an- down 24% since the sports ven- doch as well. fair market competition,” Fubo
Now, the cable industry is NBC and Paramount’s CBS other major blow to the cable ture was announced. ESPN had been working on said.
reaching a tipping point: Only aren’t part of the partnership. bundle by driving more con- “In a way, these guys just a plan to offer its flagship TV Cable operators, for their
73 million households sub- NFL fans would still need CBS sumers to cancel their sub- ran into the castle and pulled channel in a stand-alone part, have been trying to offer
scribe to pay-TV, either to watch Sunday afternoon scriptions, said Steven Born- up the drawbridge,” said Doug streaming app, while consider- such sports “skinny bundles”
through traditional distributors football, NBC’s Peacock for stein, a former chairman of Shapiro, a former head of ing a number of other paths, for years but were blocked by
such as Comcast or internet Sunday night football and Am- ESPN and a former executive strategy at Turner, a division including strategic partner- the very media companies do-
versions of cable like YouTube azon Prime Video to watch with the NFL. “It just further of Warner, who is now a con- ships with the NFL and NBA, ing this now, said Grant
TV, down from about 100 mil- Thursday games. decays the bundle, which is the sultant to media companies. as well as teaming up with ri- Spellmeyer, president and CEO
lion a decade ago, according to Ian Schrader, a 48-year-old lifeblood of these companies,” “And you are either inside or val media outfits. The stand- of ACA Connects, which repre-
MoffettNathanson. The rate of automotive technician from he said. “I would be concerned outside the moat.” alone ESPN app is still moving sents more than 500 smaller
decline has picked up pace Pendleton, Ky., said he is pay- if I was sitting at Disney and The new sports venture forward, with a target date of rural broadband and cable pro-
since streaming really started ing for YouTube TV, which Fox and Warner Bros. about grew out of a frenetic, almost fall 2025. viders.
to take off in 2019, when multi- streams a package of more being part of something like chaotic period of experimenta- “Allowing the biggest media
ple services beyond Netflix be- than 100 cable channels, exclu- this.” tion in the industry over the The talks for the new ven- players to join forces—while
came popular. sively because of sports. When The companies said the ven- past year. Media companies ture quickly moved forward, locking out traditional linear
With the streaming venture, he first signed up years ago, it ture would bring in what it have explored all sorts of po- the people familiar with the cable providers from offering
Disney, Warner and Fox have was $40 a month. Now it’s $73. called “cord nevers,” younger tential business models for discussions said. A hunt is now the same package at the same
decided to leap into a new “As long as it’s less than people who had never sub- streaming and sports, some on for a chief executive. price—only gives even more
business even if it accelerates what YouTube TV is, I’m prob- scribed to traditional cable. that involve going it alone and The platform will license the power and leverage to the Goli-
cable’s collapse—with the real ably going to be on board,” he But it could very well have some that would require team- channels from its parent com- aths to extract more money
risk that what they are build- said of the planned sports- broader appeal, and traditional ing up with others, through panies, and each owner will from customers,” Spellmeyer
ing won’t be anywhere near as streaming service. cable companies such as Char- pricing bundles, joint ventures keep the ad revenue from their said.
lucrative. As one rival execu- Sports fans who also like all ter will likely start demanding or all-out mergers. respective networks. —Dave Michaels
tive put it, they are tearing the other channels in their ca- flexibility to create slimmed- Fox Corp. Chief Executive and Robbie Whelan
down the house to put a shed ble packages might not be in- down sports-centric packages Lachlan Murdoch had been Disney, Warner and Fox will contributed to this article.

phones. Tuber, citing germs and the figuring out how to politely
Headsets The Vision Pro is one of
Apple’s first major product
high cost of the device.
Others say they are turned
interact with those still stuck
in reality.
launches in years. It does off by seeing people walking Anshel Sag, a 34-year-old
Are Magnet what a phone or laptop can
do—send emails and show
around in public looking like
they are about to ski down a
tech analyst in San Diego, says
his 1-month-old daughter had

For Curious movies—but tracks your eye

and hand movements when
you want to click on an app or
black-diamond at Telluride.
Jonah Rothman recently
went to Boston’s TD Garden to
fallen asleep on his chest
when he came up with an
idea. “I asked my wife to bring
write something down. catch a basketball game, and over my headset,” he says.
Continued from Page One The questions from strang- saw a man in the front row He watched about 30 min-
hustling for tips for selfie pics, ers are reminiscent of when wearing the Vision Pro during utes of “Avatar: The Way of
evangelists shouting Scripture the first iPhone came out. the game. “If I paid for court- Water” as his baby napped,
about the end of the world, How do you type with no but- side seats, I would not put a blissfully unable to hear the
and out-of-towners trying to tons? Or when AirPods took device on my head,” says noise from the movie.
follow janky directional apps over the streets: Is that per- Rothman, a 19-year-old college Yet, he’s considered but

to the next performance of son talking to himself? student in Boston. held off bringing his Vision
“The Lion King”—the Vision Apple, which first unveiled Dante Lentini strapped on Pro headset into the bedroom.
Pro stood out. the Vision Pro in June, calls it his new headset and put his “It feels a little bit isolating
A few passerby asked revolutionary—its first prod- Yam Olisker, who flew from Israel to buy the new headset, Tesla Model Y into autopilot. for my partner,” he says.
Olisker to tell them how many uct you look through and not drew stares and questions from strangers in Times Square. In a video posted on X, the 21- His wife, Talia Sag, says she
fingers they were holding up. at. year-old Lentini can be seen wouldn’t mind.
“They didn’t believe that I Ben Parr, a tech entrepre- bussers there asked what was way while typing in the air on heading down the road, fully “We don’t always have the
could see them,” says Olisker, neur and investor, says he’s strapped on his face. a keyboard only he could see. immersed in the augmented- same taste in shows,” says
19, who had flown from Israel worn his Vision Pro on a plane He even had a few bites Other riders were looking reality aspects of Apple’s new Sag, 30, who owns a snack-
to buy the device. and in a hotel lobby, using it with the Vision Pro on. “You down and didn’t seem to no- device while his Tesla does food business. “That would be
Call it the curse of being for work. A dozen people have can do it, but it is close to the tice or care, but not so on Mo- the driving. a nice way to spend time to-
first. asked to wear it, he says. nose,” says the 38-year-old lina’s flight home to Spain, “It was so, so futuristic and gether while he can watch
Since the Vision Pro went “They definitely ooh and ah from Los Angeles. Beverages where he was the in-flight en- dystopian,” Lentini recalls. whatever he wants.”
on sale, early adopters taking when they see the screen and are trickier: “Would recom- tertainment of sorts. Many people responded an-
them into the wild have been can see everybody around mend a straw for anyone The passenger sitting next grily to the video, however,
gawked at and judged for cov- them,” he says. “In general wanting to drink while using a to him asked so many ques- saying Lentini was probably Watch a Video
ering their eyes and about half though, I’m only going to let Vision Pro.” tions, Molina worried the man distracted while behind the Scan this code
their faces—when they could friends do it moving forward.” Nikias Molina, who traveled would ask to try on his head- wheel. He later said the video to watch a
be, well, avoiding eye contact When he recently dined at from Barcelona to buy the de- set. was a skit. video of Joanna
with other humans the normal a hot pot restaurant with vice, wore his Vision Pro in a “I don’t want to be shar- Even those who live on Stern’s 24-hour
way, by staring at their friends, the waiters and crowded New York City sub- ing,” says the 25-year-old You- tech’s cutting edge are still Vision Pro test.
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© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A13

BY ANN-MARIE ALCÁNTARA  The orange-peel test is used to

see if a romantic partner is willing
tip for all the lovers to perform tiny acts of service.
out there: If your be-
loved asks you to bring
them a peeled orange, band, who isn’t active on social
do it. media and is oblivious to TikTok
The orange-peel and Instagram trends. He peeled
test, as seen in videos swarming the orange, then broke it in half so
social media, aims to determine it was easier for her to eat. In
whether a romantic partner is will- other words: A+.
ing to perform tiny acts of service, Huang Wang, 29, says the test
even if the other person is per- made her feel grateful. “A lot of
fectly capable of peeling their own girls didn’t get their orange
orange. It’s one of several love lit- peeled,” she says.
mus tests gaining traction online, Kylee Cochran recently put
as TikTokers and Instagrammers Jake Dicker, her boyfriend of two
post videos of their partners’ years, to the ketchup test. He
passes and fails. Far from scien- passed, starting with a paper
tific—or even fair—these tests give towel, followed by a spritz of all-
people bragging rights, and the lat- purpose cleaner.
est way to put every aspect of life Cochran, a 20-year-old commu-
online for approval. nications and art student at Uni-
The videos typically begin versity of California, Santa Bar-
when a woman (the tester is al- bara, says the tests provided a
most always female; the tested, useful frame for assessing her rela-
male) asks her boyfriend for an tionship with Dicker. He thinks of
orange: peeled, please. them as cute, harmless activities.
His response, ideally, is “Yes, That may be because Dicker,
dear.” He stops whatever he’s do- also a UCSB student, has passed
ing, even if he’s deep in work or most of the other tests du jour. He
running out in a hurry, and soon has failed the bird test on occa-
presents ready-to-eat citrus. (Cle- sion, however. “Sometimes he’ll
mentines count.) Sometimes he’ll come right away and he’ll get all
arrange the wedges in a fun shape excited,” Cochran says.
like a sun or face, or say some- “And sometimes he will be
thing like, “a Cutie for my cutie.” looking at a sports notification on
In the bird test, someone no- his phone and he’ll hesitate.”
tices, say, a bird out the window If you must do it, it’s good to
and bids his or her partner to do something like the bird test 15
come look. Failing to spring to the to 20 times, Eastwick says. Your
beloved’s side suggests, according partner could have other things on
to the online peanut gallery, not his or her mind, and passing or
caring about small things that
PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY failing doesn’t mean it’s good or

Putting Relationships
matter to the other person. bad. Whatever the result could be
Then there’s the ketchup chal- a chance to start a conversation to
lenge: One person purposely spills recreate a shared reality that
some ketchup on a counter, and makes the both of you happy, he

To the Orange Test

asks his or her partner to clean it says.
up. Results are mixed. Some part- “You have to find the patterns
ners stand there in disbelief at the that work for you and your part-
pooling ketchup, others clean it up ner and set it up so that those
in a flurry of paper towels. things keep happening,” Eastwick
Flaunting relationship status says. “If it’s important to you that
online is a tale as old as Facebook. Online quizzes, like the citrus peel challenge, can start a conversation your partner demonstrates that
These new tests let people hum- they care about you by doing
blebrag, as few men fail to peel an small favors like peeling oranges,
orange or look at a bird. Sharing praise or note how their partners otherwise it may mean there’s says Laurel House, a relationship then you all need to build that
them reassures the poster—and are just as loving. If a person fails, signs of trouble. expert at dating site eharmony. into your daily experience.”
everyone else on TikTok—that she they sometimes urge the couple to While the concept of some of Some tests verge on the unfair
is correctly adored. break up. these tests can come from a place (though some are staged for the Food for thought
Most relationship tests lack sci- People want to see relationship of wanting to do something for a camera). She warns against put- Brianne Olsen, a 25-year-old fash-
entific backing but are irresistible dynamics on social media that re- partner, it can be used as manipu- ting too much faith in one of these ion designer who lives in Philadel-
anyway. The current crop differs flect what they’re experiencing, lation and be taken out of context, trending quizzes. Every relation- phia, told her boyfriend about the
from online quizzes or ship is unique, with its orange-peel theory over drinks
questionnaires in Cosmo own version of a peeled one night in December. She told
because they’re happen- orange. him he’s the type to already peel
ing in real life. “It’s more important an orange for her—no need for a
“People want diagno- to be aware of the little pop quiz.
sis, they want answers,” things that are happen- The two then spent the rest of
says Paul Eastwick, a pro- ing in your specific rela- their time discussing some of the
fessor of psychology who tionship naturally and “orange peels” in their relation-
heads the Attraction and authentically, as opposed ship, such as how he stocks his
Relationships Research to the little things that fridge with her favorite soda, or
Laboratory at University are happening in other how he picks her up from work
of California, Davis. people’s relationships,” with the seat warmer on and

Couples say the tests she says. ready in the car, Olsen says.
can open up deeper dia- “We’re just very good at talk-
logue, while others—of- ing about what we want and need
ten male partners—tend Small favors from each other,” she says. “If we
to be less happy about Cynthia Huang Wang, a ever have any disagreement or ar-
being pop-quizzed on lifestyle content creator gument, we will always sit down
camera. Commenters in San Francisco, re- and talk about it in such a calm,
shower the couple with cently tried the orange- loving manner.”
peel test on her hus- House, the relationship expert at
eharmony, thinks that is the real
 Kylee Cochran and Jake point. “This is all about bringing at-
Dicker have tried several  Cynthia Huang Wang’s tention and calling out the small
of the tests, with Dicker husband passed the things that you guys already do—or
passing most of the time. orange-peel test. can be doing better,” she says.

Pricey Chex Mix Has opted an approach called street

pricing plus.
Under this methodology, the

Fliers in a Frenzy
price of an item like a bag of Chex
Mix in airport shops is tethered to
the price people would pay outside
the airport. Often, airport retailers
hike prices by a certain amount to
account for the added costs of do-
BY JACOB PASSY tial findings based on her own ob- ing business at an airport. Most air-

servations to X, and welcomed her ports require that shops set prices
all it the Consumer Chex Index. nearly 200,000 followers to report no higher than 10% above street
A $9.99 bag of Chex Mix their own findings. pricing. Metro areas that follow this
that a comedian purchased at She set ground rules: Bags model include Washington, D.C., and
New York’s LaGuardia Airport has should be around 8 ounces—not New York City.
inspired a global scavenger hunt snack-size—and in the traditional Generally, the prices are based
and impromptu internet referendum flavor. Prices should be pretax. on comparable convenience stores
on why airport food prices can Responses came pouring in from in the area near the airport, says
climb so high. all over. A $6.99 bag of Chex Mix Blaise Waguespack, professor of
The stunt comes amid consumer was reported at Hermes Quijada In- marketing at Embry‑Riddle Aero-
frustration about the often high ternational Airport in Tierra del Fu- nautical University in Daytona
prices of once-cheap everyday ego province, Argentina. Brakeman Beach, Fla.
goods. The government tracks infla- shared the results with a Google In other words: Don’t expect
tion by sending hundreds of repre- spreadsheet. bags cost $5.99. travelers, says Ryan prices like what you’d find at a dollar
sentatives to businesses around the The experiment gave Brakeman A spokesman for Hamilton, an associ- or big-box store. Inflation has also
country to tally the monthly con- a crash course in what it’s like to be Pittsburgh Interna- Frustration ate professor of mar- pushed prices higher.
sumer-price index. This homegrown a statistician. tional Airport dis- grows about the keting at Emory Uni- Some airports, including Salt Lake
riff on the CPI drives home just She combed the responses in an puted the price of versity’s Goizueta City International Airport, require
how variable those prices can be. effort to weed out bad data, though $7.99 that Brakeman often high prices Business School. that the prices in the airport match
New York-based comedian Kylie she admits it may not have been the was told. A check of Brakeman’s exper- street pricing, with no extra markup
Brakeman has summoned a crowd- most sound data-collecting practice. several stores across
of once-cheap iment lifts the veil allowed. Even then, airport retailers
sourced, deeply unscientific, list of Some people shared photos of the the airport found a everyday goods. on the seemingly in- have leeway in setting prices.
prices for Chex Mix’s 8.75-ounce bag prices they found as evidence. lower price: $3.79. scrutable math that Two retailers at SLC set the price
of “traditional” flavor from around Brakeman broke the price reports Both airport spokes- goes into pricing of Chex Mix at $3.79, while one of-
the U.S. and beyond. Her spreadsheet into four categories: Those she’s men provided a re- goods at airports, fers a bargain at $2.99, according to

contains nearly 40 airports. seen herself, those she’s seen pho- porter with photographic proof. Hamilton says. Brad Wolfe, the airport’s commercial
Chex Mix is Brakeman’s go-to tographic proof of, those she hasn’t Brakeman’s response: “I really “When it’s fully transparent and manager. That’s allowed, since both
plane snack, she says. “I’m pretty seen pictures of but suspects are don’t want to make any enemies we realize that there’s another group prices are within the range set by
ride-or-die for Chex Mix,” says Brake- true, and “I’m not sure I believe you” here.” that’s getting a lower price, that street pricing, he says.
man, who counts writing for “The prices. level of transparency kicks our fair- “A whole new world has opened
Tonight Show” among her credits. Not all of the data proved accu- Apples to apples ness sensors into high gear, and we up to me in the realm of economic
rate. People reported Chex Mix at Prices of items at the airport vary feel very angry about it,” he says. indexes of small snacks,” Brakeman
It cost how much? Seattle-Tacoma International Airport widely, whether it’s Chex Mix or a Research from industry trade says.
The discovery of the costly bag of cost $12.99 or $14.99. A spokesman pint of beer. And airport prices are group Airports Council Interna- “If anybody has a six-figure data-
Chex Mix piqued Brakeman’s curios- reviewed prices across the three almost always higher than those tional-North America found that scientist job lying around that
ity. The 27-year-old posted her ini- concourses and said that 8.75-ounce found at stores. That can frustrate more than 80% of airports have ad- they’re not using, I’ll happily take it.”
A14 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Samuel and Bob Williford’s 1967 moved to Oxford, Miss., to go to

Pontiac GTO is a model widely law school, the car came with me. I
regarded as the first muscle car. almost traded it in for a Volks-
wagen Beetle during the gas crisis
in the ’70s. But when it came down
Bob: The GTO is an icon of the to it, I said no thanks. I’m keeping
muscle car era. It first came out in this car.
model year 1964 and is regarded as
MY RIDE | A.J. BAIME the first muscle car. GTO stands for Samuel: My dad always took good
Gran Turismo Omologato. [The care of it. It was originally re-

Icon Brings Family Together

GTO’s success made an icon of its stored by a local guy in Brandon,
chief engineer, John DeLorean, who Miss., named Joe Ellingburg, in
later invented the DeLorean car 1999, and later touched up by
company. Omologato is the Italian Mike Martin at Classic Restora-
word for “homologation,” meaning tions in Gluckstadt, Miss. It has
the car could qualify in a class of won gold awards at national
Bob Williford, 82, and his son, in this car. It had manual win- sound like my mom’s Buick Sky- racing.] For years, the GTO was my events with the GTO Association
Samuel Williford, 50, attorneys dows I could roll up and down, lark. I joke that my dad put the daily driver. In 1968, when I got of America and the Pontiac-Oak-
based in Ridgeland, Miss., on and I played with the steering first 100,000 miles on the GTO, married, my wife, Ginger, and I land Club International.
their 1967 Pontiac GTO, as told to wheel. I didn’t know what a GTO but I put the next 100,000 play went on our honeymoon in this car,

A.J. Baime. was, but I knew it didn’t look or miles on it. all the way to Canada. When I Bob: I like to joke that the car has
aged better than I have. It always
ob: In January 1967, I surprises me how it never fails to
went with my father to get attention. People give it the
a local dealership to thumbs up and wave.
buy a car in Green-
wood, Miss. My dad Samuel: The car has been featured
tried to direct me to- in books and in a magazine. This
ward a practical four-door Pontiac past winter, I got an unexpected
with an automatic transmission phone call. A TV show called “The
and air conditioning. I saw this Great Christmas Light Fight” had


less practical two-door red GTO picked a house nearby to award a
with no air conditioning. I said, winning trophy, and they wanted a
“Dad, that’s my car right there.” I red car to deliver it. They found
bought it off the showroom floor. me through my local car club.
When you see Santa Claus in that
Samuel: I was born in 1973, and episode in a red muscle car, that’s
grew up in “The Dukes of Haz- me behind the beard, and that is
zard” era. At the time, our family our GTO. It’s amazing that this car
had moved to Madison, Miss., and has not only ended up being a fun
there weren’t many people living member of our family, but that we
there. There weren’t any kids to have been able to share it with
play with and there was not a others. We want people to enjoy it
whole lot for me to do, so I played as much as we do.

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk


2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11 12 25 “From the
top!” Questions About Estimated Taxes
26 Store next to
16 17 18
St. Patrick’s
Now That Filing Season Is Here
28 Like raccoons
and some

22 23
lemurs In December, I deter-
29 Gas that mined I had enough
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 filters out cash available to pay
UV rays taxes owed on a lump sum,
31 32 33 34 30 Party one-time Roth conversion
preparation of $200,000 and sent a
35 36 37 38 39 33 ___B’rith check for taxes using the
36 Hardly estimated-payment form. I
40 41 42 43 received a large refund, so I
moving, as
overpaid, but I also received
44 45 46 47 48 traffic
an underpayment penalty.
37 Paving How do I avoid an under-
49 50 51 material payment penalty? At the
39 Brainy bunch end of the year, I convert to
52 53 54 55 56 57 42 Curious child’s Roth but only if I have the
question available cash to send a
58 59 60 61 check for the taxes. —a
45 Cookie
container reader in Somerville, N.J. The IRS spokesman adds period when the conversion
62 63 64 that the taxpayer in question is made. It’s also possible—
47 Bruce A: You aren’t alone: Other can ask for a refund of an in- and often easier—to pay the
65 66 67 Banner’s WSJ readers have experi- correct penalty. To do this, fil- tax by adjusting withholding
alter ego enced this problem. ers should send in the notice elsewhere.
48 2017 U.S. Here is how it happens, of the penalty with a correct
GOOD LUCK! | By Josh Goodman Open winner according to an Internal Rev- Form 2210 (including Sched- Q: I converted $60,000 of
Across 32 Do some 62 Virtuous 8 Request one’s Stephens enue Service spokesman. Say ule AI) and request an ad- my self-directed IRA in-
1 Go from place crude painting type presence at 50 Virtuous that a taxpayer has a surge justment. Given constraints vestment(s) to Roth in No-
to place 34 Confiscate 63 Off-color 9 Got to the top 52 Go by of income in the fourth quar- on IRS resources, resolution vember of 2023. I increased
of, as a hill ter that doesn’t have with- could take quite a while. the amount of our 9/15/23
5 Leaning 35 Container for 64 Marlin’s son, 53 Shimmery
holding. If he makes a tax and 1/15/24 estimated pay-
Tower’s home a bourbon in a Pixar 10 Dad’s sister gem
payment covering this in- Q: I am retired and my in- ments. I anticipate that the
9 Broad inlets maker movie 11 Himalayan 54 Vigor come in the same quarter, come has dropped to the total estimated payments
13 Madonna’s 38 Is unobliged 65 Exhausting creature 56 Game before the IRS’s computers won’t point that I am considering will be sufficient to cover
“La ___ to work 12 Gin flavorer the finals, for match them. Instead, the doing a Roth conversion. I the additional tax liability
Bonita” 40 Levels 66 Old beaus 15 Rid of filth short system assumes the income know when money is for 2023 after the conver-
14 Colorful eye 41 Event 67 Work on text 17 Golden State 57 Awards feat was earned evenly through- moved from my traditional sion. Are my estimated
part giveaways Warriors that Elton out the year. Then it as- IRA to a Roth IRA, I pay payments required to be
15 Merciless 43 Antelope with coach Steve achieved in sesses an interest-based taxes on what was with- equal even though I didn’t
1 Solemn penalty because it thinks drawn. Are these taxes au- convert these funds until
16 Brookings a beard ceremony 21 “Don’t mind 2024
___do” 60 “Toy Story” that some of that tax was tomatically withheld similar November? —a reader in
Institution or 44 Hanging on 2 Fed. due earlier and that esti- to wages on a W2 or do I San Jose, Calif.
Center for every word workplace 23 Moo ___pork dinosaur
mated payments should have need to file a quarterly tax
American 46 Evade a monitor 24 $100 bill, 61 Sheep that’s been made in earlier periods. payment to avoid under- A: No. The idea with esti-
Progress, e.g. tackler, maybe 3 First informally a she To avoid the assessment withholding penalty? —a mated taxes is to make the
18 Played slowly, 49 Always wheelchair of an underpayment penalty, reader in Rollinsford, N.H. tax payment in the same
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
in music complaining user to win the taxpayer should submit period as the income. So the
19 Less arduous 51 Luau dance an acting L I N C O L N O F V A L U E Form 2210. Be sure to com- A: Tax isn’t automatically taxes could vary a lot from
20 One of the 52 Pepper used Tony, for E S T O N I A N C S T A T E plete the part of it called withheld on traditional IRA period to period if income
top how-to 2019’s R E D S E A M I D Schedule AI, which will assets converted to a Roth varies.
in chiles G R A N T T E S T C A S E S
searches is “Oklahoma!” match the income and the IRA, although you can ask In general, taxpayers who
rellenos E A T S N I L E H S
how to do this 55 Storied tax payment. If the tax was the IRA sponsor to withhold are self-employed or receive
4 Hit song C MU R O L Y L O S I N G
sufficient, there shouldn’t be it. (In that case, the with- income from nonemploy-
22 Plant used in resident of the on the
O N E O N E P O O R A L A an underpayment penalty. holding would be reported ment sources like pensions,

Plaza Hotel “Flashdance” T E A I N N S L I T Filers who do their own on your 1099-R form.) How- IRA withdrawals, dividends
23 Sites for some 58 Boston soundtrack C L E V E L A N D H A Y E S returns should check their ever, Roth IRA specialists or interest often owe quar-
catnaps Marathon 5 Areas H O V P E E K E D software. A spokeswoman advise paying the tax with terly estimated tax pay-
24 Destination where Nascar A R E AMA P M R S D A S H
month F E R R E L L N O S E N S E
for Intuit says TurboTax sup- “outside” funds rather than ments on this income. By
for a tow truck 59 Well wishes drivers pull E N T E N T E C E N T E R ports both Form 2210 and with converted funds if at all contrast, filers who receive a
27 Forewords, before a off the track Schedule AI. At H&R Block, a possible. Doing so leaves regular salary typically have
The contest answer is CONNIVE. Seven
for short performance, 6 Investment presidential surnames are found in the grid: spokeswoman says its online more in the Roth account to tax payments withheld from
31 Save the and what you for later years, Democrats JACKSON, KENNEDY, CLINTON platform can handle Form grow tax-free. their paychecks. Our Tax
and CLEVELAND, and Republicans LINCOLN, 2210 but not Schedule AI, al- Savers who do pay the Guide overview addressed
Children or do by filling in for short GRANT and HAYES. As suggested by the clue
Oxfam: Abbr. the circles 7 Immoral act to CENTER, go one letter left or right from
though an H&R Block tax tax on a Roth conversion the basics of both; for more
each surname’s central letter, depending on pro could help with it virtu- will often need to pay quar- information, see IRS Publica-
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at party, to get the contest answer. ally or in person. terly estimated taxes in the tion 505.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A15


At the Met
A trove of objects reveals the traditions
and ingenuity of Cycladic art

BY JAMES ROMM 1980s Mr. Stern, by then chairman

of Hartz Mountain Corp., amassed
New York some of the finest Cycladic works,
ntil just recently, visi- a few of which were lent to the
tors to the Metropoli- Met to augment its own holdings
tan Museum of Art’s in this area. The museum’s new
Greco-Roman galleries exhibit consists of Stern’s entire
were greeted by an 161-piece collection, now ceded, in
enormous funerary a novel arrangement, to Greece
vase, a creation of the ninth-cen- but lent to the Met for display for
tury B.C., depicting in somber up to 50 years. This agreement,
ocher and black a grim mourning approved by the Greeks in 2022,
scene. Now that object has been has been hailed as a model solu-
shunted off to one side, and our tion to the problems of prove-
first view of ancient Greece seems nance and repatriation now rip-
to speak of life rather than death. pling through the museum world.
A monumental, stylized female fig- By bringing so many figurines
ure, hewed out of gleaming white together in a single room, the Met
marble, stands at the edge of the exhibition shows us both the conti-
Met’s Belfer Court, new home to a nuities and weird variations in the
stunning display of objects from Cycladic tradition. Older versions
the Cyclades islands (in the south- of the female form, prior to Early
ern Aegean). Cycladic II, are sometimes wildly
The anonymous artists who cre- experimental; one displayed here
ated this uniquely large figure, and has a bizarrely elongated neck,
the dozens of smaller
Cycladic marbles seen in
the new display—full
figurines, fragments,
disembodied heads, and
in one case a seated
harp-player—lived some
5,000 years ago, a mil-
lennium or more before
the museum’s next old-
est Greek artifacts. Part
of the allure of these
works lies in their im-
mense age and the mys-
tery that surrounds their  Marble seated harp player from  Installation view of the display, shapes of found marble chunks to
creation and use. Most 2800–2700 B.C., one of the items on which is drawn from the collection guide their designs.
depict females, leading loan to the Met for up to 50 years. of Leonard Stern. Unlike the Greeks who later
to speculation that they took over their islands, the Cycladic
functioned as fertility peoples made little use of ceramics,
talismans or Mother Modigliani and Henry Moore). inch or so off their shelves. though a few painted pots are in-
Goddess icons. But a The paint that would have sup- One vitrine in the Belfer Court cluded in the exhibit. Their vessels
small number, including plied the eyes and highlighted the gives insight into how the Cycladic were mostly of hollowed-out stone,
the masterly harpist, are pubic triangle, and sometimes tat- sculptors worked. Remarkably, often with holes in the sides—
clearly male, and one tooed the face, has disappeared most of their figurines were pro- drilled through with emery splin-
appears to have attri- from these statues except for min- duced before the introduction of ters—to accommodate straps. Lo-
butes of both sexes. We ute residues. In one instance the tough metal alloys. Emery, an ex- cally mined silver had its place as
simply don’t know why Met has supplied a QR code allow- tremely hard stone that abounds well at their tables and in their lar-
the peoples of these islands, fore- hands cupped beneath her squarish ing smartphones to resurrect in the Cyclades, was fashioned ders, as seen in one gleaming dis-
runners of the Greeks who later re- breasts, and a unique fez-like hat. these “ghosts,” a welcome way of into primitive hammers for rough- play case. But the stars of the
placed them, produced so many Later, a canonical form emerged in acknowledging lost polychromy. ing out shapes. Then pumice, and Belfer Court exhibition are, beyond
such figurines over a span of cen- which the woman folds her arms Another problem for modern cura- tools made from obsidian glass— doubt, its exquisite marble women,

turies. (Most of the finest examples across her midriff and tilts her tion is the fact that, to judge by harvested on the volcanic island of their now-blank faces lifted to ours,
date from the era called Early Cy- head, with its abstract, wedge- the bend in their knees and the Melos—were used for the finishing declining to answer our questions.
cladic II, roughly 2700-2300 B.C.). shaped nose, slightly upward. Some turn of their feet, most of these stages. The process may seem la-
Several decades ago, the spell artists preferred rounded shoul- women were imagined reclining borious, but modern simulators Cycladic Art
that these objects exert turned en- ders; others, an angular, trapezoid on their backs. To display them have knocked out passable figu- The Met Fifth Avenue
trepreneur Leonard Stern, for shape evocative of the Cubists that way would make them harder rines in less than a day. Practiced
whom New York University’s busi- (who were in fact strongly influ- to view, but the Met has done so Cycladic artisans, working even Mr. Romm edits the “Ancient
ness school is named, into a de- enced by these sculptures, as were with two examples; the rest are more quickly, might well have Lives” series for Yale University
voted collector. Starting in the other early modernists including mounted upright, airily floating an mass-produced them, using the Press.

succeeding at the very thing he

Eric Rohmer’s ‘Four Seasons’ of Love

claims to want most.
Rohmer’s final statement in the
series, “A Tale of Autumn” (1998), set
amid the wine culture of
the Rhône Valley, looks at
BY DAVID MERMELSTEIN ple of short films from earlier in his love from a more mature

career enhance the package. perspective, or at least an
nyone can see—well, hear— A tart quartet of keenly observed older one. The happily
that Eric Rohmer, who died at comedies, the “Tales” split the differ- married bookseller Isa-
age 89 in 2010, was at least ence between Chekhov and Woody belle (Marie Rivière) can’t
as much a writer of films as he was Allen while bowing playfully to help feeling sorry for her
a director of them. Rohmer (né Shakespeare. Such comparisons not- unpartnered best friend,
Jean-Marie Maurice Schérer) first withstanding, the films are incisive the prickly vintner Magali
attained prominence as a French and original, the loquaciousness of (Béatrice Romand), a
journalist and critic who, along with the characters their defining feature. widow. So she decides to
Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut Which isn’t to say these movies find Magali a mate, ideally
and others, laid the intellectual don’t have ample visual rewards. the courtly Gérald (Alain
groundwork for the French New Thanks to Rohmer’s affinity for atyp- Libolt), whom Isabelle
Wave of the late 1950s and early ical location shooting, they do. guilefully meets through a
1960s that forever altered cinema There is no particular reason to personal ad. As it hap-
by tweaking its tropes. Yet Rohmer watch these movies in the order pens, the effervescent
delayed joining his peers behind the they were made or in their seasonal Rosine (Alexia Portal), the
camera and didn’t achieve interna- sequence, either; characters and set- girlfriend of Magali’s son,
tional renown until tings don’t return. But has similar impulses, hop-
the late 1960s, after all four share ing to pair the winemaker
the success of “My Rohmer’s principal with her own ex-lover, an
Night at Maud’s,” the The series preoccupation: the older but still-handsome
third of his “Six captures continuing quest for professor, Étienne (Didier
Moral Tales.” romantic ideals, along Sandre)—even though his
Released in cine- the director’s with the mess people passions skew younger.
mas individually from often make when mother, Félicie (Charlotte Véry), in-  A scene from ‘A Tale of Which goodhearted busybody will
1963 through 1972,
pointed, pursuing them. sists on choosing between the Springtime’ (1990), a sly comedy triumph? Perhaps neither.
the “Moral Tales” loquacious style. Set mostly in brainy librarian Loïc (Hervé Furic) of manners. Rohmer’s talky films are filled
were followed by an- Paris, “A Tale of and the earthier hairdresser Max- with all manner of assertions about
other set of six films, Springtime” (1990) ence (Michel Voletti). But once she (Melvil Poupaud). He arrives on the the most basic of human relation-
“Comedies and Prov- spins a chance meet- does, she almost immediately re- coast of Brittany hoping for a sum- ships—to say nothing of frequent
erbs” (1981-87), and then, in the fol- ing between a hip schoolteacher, verses herself. Her problem? She mer of love with Léna (Aurélia No- flights into more cerebral topics.
lowing decade, by “Tales of the Four Jeanne (Anne Teyssèdre), and a just can’t shake memories of the lin), but when she fails to make But the abundant dialogue is also
Seasons,” the last of the director’s young, aspiring pianist, Natacha man she really loves, the hunky but their rendezvous, he befriends a no- often pointedly funny, even when si-
grouped pictures. Portions of (Florence Darel), into a sly comedy absent chef Charles (Frédéric van nonsense ethnologist, Margot multaneously poignant. This balance
Rohmer’s oeuvre have long been of manners. Believing Jeanne to be den Driessche), seen in the film’s (Amanda Langlet)—or rather she between the serious and the blithe,
available on home video in the U.S., just the person to distract Igor (Hu- opening shots, set five years earlier. befriends him. Theirs is a strictly which Rohmer navigates with rare
but in 2020 Criterion released “Six gues Quester), the pianist’s beloved Her naïve pining gets annoying, but platonic relationship, though it dexterity, makes his pictures hard
Moral Tales” on Blu-ray in 2K resto- father, from the affections of Ève Rohmer’s deft handling of faith (he sometimes threatens to tip into not to love. The results are intoxi-
rations that made appreciating (Eloïse Bennett), Natacha attempts was a devout Catholic all his life) ef- something more, even as Margot cating and, like a glass (or two) of

them even easier. to upend everyone’s romantic life fectively transcends the probable for pushes Gaspard toward the self- fine Burgundy, they should be en-
Now Criterion has complemented but her own—leaving those affected something much more satisfying. confident Solène (Gwenaëlle Si- joyed to the fullest.
that effort with Blu-rays of “The predictably exasperated. Alone among these films, “A Tale mon). Ultimately, Gaspard’s fickle
Four Seasons,” also in crisp 2K res- In “A Tale of Winter” (1992), with of Summer” (1996) centers on a nature—he’s never happy with what Mr. Mermelstein, the Journal’s
torations, out Tuesday. Audio inter- action divided between Paris and male protagonist, the blankly hand- he has, always wondering what else classical music critic, also writes on
views with the director and a cou- Nevers, a serially indecisive single some, casually narcissistic Gaspard is out there—prevents him from film.
A16 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A17


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References: 1. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care. 2. Fokkert M. BMJ Open Diab Res Care (2019): 3. Evans, Mark, et al. Diabetes Therapy (2022): 4. Yaron, M. Diabetes Care (2019):

Important Safety Information: FreeStyle Libre 3 system: Failure to use the FreeStyle Libre 3 system as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a
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attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855-632-8658 or for safety info.
The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2024 Abbott. All Rights Reserved.
A18 | Monday, February 12, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Chiefs Rally to Win the Super Bowl
Patrick Mahomes led a crunch-time comeback drive to overcome the San Francisco 49ers and clinch back-to-back titles


Las Vegas
For Patrick Mahomes and the
Kansas City Chiefs, trailing in a
playoff game and then winning
anyway has become astonishingly
The San Francisco 49ers had
the misfortune of learning this
firsthand. It was just four years
ago that the Chiefs trailed the
Niners by double digits midway
through the fourth quarter and
went on to win. The Niners had
done their best to move past it,
but the lesson continued to sting.
Then on Sunday, Mahomes did
it to them again in even more ex-
cruciating fashion.
Mahomes first erased a 10-
point hole, a three-point deficit,
and another three-point deficit to
lead the Chiefs over the Niners,
25-22, in only the second Super
Bowl ever to go into overtime. He
clinched it at the end of a nail-bit-
ing 13-play drive that saw him
morph back into a one-man high-
light reel.
Mahomes scampered for two
first downs on the drive, accumu-
lating 27 yards, while completing
all eight of his passes. The last of
those landed in the hands of wide


receiver Mecole Hardman for a
touchdown—sending confetti into
the air and the Chiefs players
streaking onto the field.
The victory cemented Kansas
City’s status as one of the great
dynasties in the sport’s history. By Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, left, celebrates with receiver Mecole Hardman after connecting on the game-winning touchdown in overtime.
winning a third title in five sea-
sons, they joined a tiny club of
era-defining teams that includes session in overtime and got all the may go down as the glitziest Su- muffed a punt return when the tory books was hardly their most
only the Pittsburgh Steelers of the way to the Kansas City 9-yard line per Bowl in the sport’s history. ball hit Darrell Luter just as Ray- dominant. By many measures, in-
mid-1970s, the Dallas Cowboys of before facing a major decision on The first played in Las Vegas, the Ray McCloud was about to catch cluding touchdowns and passing
the mid-1990s, and two separate fourth-and-4, knowing that the game was hotly anticipated as a it. Kansas City leapt on the ball yards, it was Mahomes’s worst
generations of the New England Chiefs would get the ball back pop culture supernova ever since and it took Mahomes exactly one since he signed a league-record
Patriots led by Tom Brady. whatever happened under playoff pop star Taylor Swift began dating play to make it count: He hit wide contract in 2020 worth up to half
“It was a microcosm of our overtime rules. Niners coach Kyle Kelce and sharing the spotlight at receiver Marquez Valdes-Scantling a billion dollars. Kelce also sput-
whole season,” Mahomes said, be- Shanahan elected to kick the field his games. When Swift was shown for a 16-yard touchdown to give tered at times, posting his lowest
fore tight end Travis Kelce belted goal and trust that his defense on the stadium’s video board, she his team a 13-10 lead. total yardage since 2016. The
into a rendition of Viva Las Vegas. could stop Mahomes one more played to the crowd by chugging San Francisco hardly folded. Chiefs’ offense led the NFL in
Sunday’s win also makes the time. her drink. Quarterback Brock Purdy threw a dropped passes.
Chiefs the first back-to-back Shanahan was wrong. With the Soon, Kansas City would give touchdown pass on the next drive All of which led to Kansas
champions since the Pats 19 years ball in his hands and the Super Swift—and countless less famous to retake the lead, but by that City’s ranking just 15th in total
ago. But getting there took recov- Bowl on the line, Mahomes engi- Chiefs fans—a real reason to point Mahomes was in control. scoring. The Chiefs had to rely on
ering from a painfully slow start, neered one more magical drive to cheer. Despite the Niners’ valiant It was a jarring turn of events a much improved defense to reach
chipping away at the Niners, and put himself in the rarefied atmo- effort all evening to stymie the after the Niners’ defense had bot- the playoffs. That unit showed up
the certainty that their all-time sphere of three-time Super Bowl- Chiefs offense, they made an epic tled up the Chiefs offense for most in a major way on Sunday, keeping
quarterback would deliver when it winning quarterbacks. blunder that changed the trajec- of the evening. the Chiefs in the game before Ma-
mattered most. While the game itself saved the tory of the entire game. Late in The season that has solidified homes and offense finally got go-
San Francisco had the first pos- fireworks for the very end, this the third quarter, San Francisco Kansas City’s place in the NFL his- ing.

This Family Brought

The NFL to Vegas
BY JOSHUA ROBINSON come a long way. Before Al Davis
AND ANDREW BEATON owned a team in the league, it was
his job to punch back against it. A
LAS VEGAS—Raiders owner former wunderkind coach of the
Mark Davis had been pestering Oakland Raiders, he was installed
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell as the American Football League’s
about the idea for years: He commissioner in 1966 while it bat-
wanted the biggest sporting event tled the rival National Football
in America to come to Las Vegas. League. But as he girded for a
Though Mark has never been fight, the AFL’s owners struck a
quite the source of chaos and dis- deal to merge with their rivals just
ruption for the league that his fa- a couple months into his tenure. It
ther Al was, this was still a wild put Davis out of a job—and laid
idea—even for the Davis family. the groundwork for his combative
In those days, the city didn’t relationship with legendary com-
yet have its own team. Nor did it missioner Pete Rozelle.
have a pro football stadium. But Al Davis returned to the Raid-
Davis, who would move the Raid- ers and soon wrested control of
ers here in 2020, was determined the franchise, but for all the suc-
to make this bonanza happen. He cess the team had on the field—it
just needed Goodell and his fellow claimed three Super Bowls from Al Davis was a thorn in the side of the NFL, taking the league to court on more than half a dozen occasions.
owners to agree with him. So the 1977 to 1984 and his motto was
moment Davis gained relocation “Just win, baby!”—he was more
approval for his franchise in 2017, famous for something else: being a lawsuit wouldn’t be necessary this here to gamble, shop, dine, be en- the Raiders in the middle of the
he went back to the commissioner. permanent thorn in the side of the time. But Mark would have to do tertained, and generally bask in season. Those emails had surfaced
“When are we getting a Super league. And nothing stirred up as something perhaps more difficult: brightly-lit excess. The Super Bowl in connection with the NFL’s in-
Bowl?” Davis asked. much trouble as his efforts to sell the NFL on the idea that Las was expected to push that number vestigation into workplace behav-
“Mark,” Goodell remembers an- move his franchise. Vegas could be a viable home for a to 330,000—an increase that Ve- ior inside the club now known as
swering, “let’s play a regular-sea- First, he sued the NFL over a team. gas has taken in stride. the Washington Commanders—
son game here first.” blocked bid to move the Raiders Davis succeeded in 2017 on the Plus, the Super Bowl is rela- and, in a moment that had shades
Nearly three dozen regular-sea- from Oakland to Los Angeles. He promise of Sin City’s potential to tively contained, at least com- of his father’s rabble rousing, Da-
son games later, Davis and the city ultimately succeeded in 1982 after grow as a destination for much pared with the last global event to vis wasn’t afraid to call out the
he has helped trans- a court ruled in his more than gambling. And once roll through Las Vegas. When it league for how it was handled.
form into a global favor. Thirteen years sports gambling became legal na- hosted a Formula One Grand Prix At league meetings shortly af-

sports hub finally later, Davis had a tionwide following a Supreme last November, it happily shut ter the scandal broke, Davis criti-
have their Super change of heart Court ruling in 2018, any stigma down the entire Strip on a Friday cized the NFL for not disclosing
Bowl. about Southern Cali- associated with the NFL’s connec- and a Saturday night. In fact, Las Gruden’s emails to the team, even
To the tens of fornia and decided tion to Vegas disappeared. Vegas has absorbed the Super though the league had been in
thousands of fans The year that Las to transplant the “The realization that regulated Bowl crowd so seamlessly that possession of them for months. He
who have flooded above-board gambling is not a
Sin City’s hotels, res-
Vegas was awarded team back to Oak-
land. Once again, the threat to the integrity of
Chiefs and 49ers jerseys aren’t the
only team gear fans have been
only found out about the emails,
he said, when the Journal con-
taurants, and sports the Super Bowl dispute wound up in sports…has made a real difference wearing around town this week. tacted the team about them.
books, Vegas might court, where Davis and has allowed the market to On Tuesday, the blue and orange Now Gruden is suing the NFL,
seem like the most alleged that the open up in Vegas,” said Steve Hill, of the Edmonton Oilers appeared alleging that the league leaked his
natural host city in league torpedoed his the president and chief executive all over town as the team arrived emails to harm his reputation. The
the world. But mak- bid to get a new sta- of the Las Vegas Convention and to face the Vegas Golden Knights. league has denied any involvement
ing this happen took an unlikely dium built in the Los Angeles area. Visitors Authority. By the next day, most had disap- with the leak. As the Super Bowl
partnership between the league The case bounced through the le- In 2020, the Raiders moved peared and the Super Bowl party unfolds, both sides are anticipat-
and a family that have been at log- gal system until it was thrown out into their new home, a $1.9 billion proceeded without missing a beat. ing the Nevada Supreme Court to
gerheads for decades. in 2007. In all, Davis went to court palace called Allegiant Stadium. But just because the NFL’s rela- rule on the NFL’s request to have
“I think it’s a marriage made in against the league more than half And later that year, the NFL re- tionship with this city has gone so the case heard in arbitration.
heaven,” Mark Davis said when a dozen times. warded them with their showcase smoothly, it doesn’t mean that the But Davis has long accepted

Vegas was first selected to host But the possibility of moving in 2024. For the city, it had felt league and Mark Davis have al- that some degree of conflict with
the Super Bowl by the league and the team for a third time was like only a matter of time. There ways gotten along in recent years. the league comes with the terri-
his fellow owners. “Some others never far from the Davis family’s was never any doubt that Vegas Just a couple of years ago, The tory of owning the Raiders. “Ask
may use a different word.” plans. After Al Davis died in 2011, could handle an event this size. On Wall Street Journal first reported the NFL: They’ve got all the an-
The relationship between the Mark took over with hopes of re- any given weekend, city officials offensive emails sent by coach Jon swers,” he said of the Gruden situ-
Davis family and the NFL has drawing the NFL’s map again. A say, some 300,000 people flock Gruden, which led to his split with ation in 2021. “We really don’t.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A19

More Soup for the Mona Lisa BOOKSHELF | By Bill Heavey

threw soup on
the “Mona
sustainable food?” Wealthy
countries can have both, but
never mind.
fests itself simultaneously
with its cause—it is seen.” The
other effects “unfold in suc-
ing living costs even higher.
Today more than ever, in-
vesting is a fashion, especially
The Enduring
Lisa” at the
Louvre, which
was covered
The group’s website de-
mands “the integration of
food into the general social
security system” and worries
cession—they are not seen: it
is well for us if they are fore-
seen. Between a good and a
bad economist . . . one takes
in technology and biotech. Ev-
ery single cycle, technological
obsolescence is unseen. The
new comes along and the
Appeal of Bigfoot
VIEW with bullet-
proof glass.
about the “deterioration of
our biodiversity and the im-
account of the visible effect;
the other takes account both
old—mainframes, minicom-
puters, dial-up internet access,
The Secret History of Bigfoot
By Andy
Delicious poverishment of soils.” It also of the effects which are seen flip phones, homework-helper By John O’Connor
b o u i l l a - insists every French resident and also of those which it is apps—gets milked for too Sourcebooks, 304 pages, $26.99

baisse? Sadly get a €150 food card each necessary to foresee.” long.
no, it was pumpkin. month to buy “democratically The negative space is the Investing fads emerge, get he genius of Melville,” according to Carlos Fuentes,
The episode reminded me selected” meals. Wanna bet unseen, the consequences that overblown, and go out with an was his recognition that “this is a country that
of great investing advice I re- that means crickets and plant- need to be thought through, intense selloff. Examples are needs a monster.” So we do. Then again, so have
ceived years ago from an art based foie gras? surmised, predicted, foreseen. personal computers, client- many people across the ages. The Epic of Gilgamesh, writ-
major, of all people. He said It isn’t easy. The lazy simply server, dot-com, cloud and ten some 4,000 years ago, depicts the gigantic ogre
investing was all about the look at the seen and don’t now artificial intelligence. Mo- Humbaba, with his dragon teeth and tongue stained with
negative space—the unseen. Activists demanded think consequences through. mentum investors jump in late human remains. Then there is the sea monster in Ovid’s
We all know the Mona Lisa’s Bastiat pushed back at those and often get burned when “Metamorphoses,” the dragon in “Beowulf,” the beast in the
inscrutable smile and eyes heavier regulations who claimed that “public something unseen sneaks in. Book of Revelations and the xenomorph in the movie
that follow you as you walk on food as farmers spending keeps the working Often it’s supply. There is cur- “Alien.” In his buoyant, wide-ranging book “The Secret His-
past, but few notice the back- class alive.” He rightly noted rently a shortage of chips for tory of Bigfoot,” John O’Connor looks at the enduring
ground of the painting, the protested the rules. that “public spending is al- AI, so Nvidia (57% operating appeal of our own modern-day “North American monster.”
negative space. Look again: ways a substitute for private margins) has pricing power. Believe what you will about its existence, but there’s no
There is a winding river spending, and that conse- But silicon comes from sand; doubting our culture’s fasci-
through a valley and a bridge, What’s in the negative quently it may well support only capital and time are in nation with the creature.
perhaps Etruscan-Roman, a space? While the soup one worker in place of another short supply. Same with obe- Every year, Mr. O’Connor
connection between ancient sprayed, French farmers in but adds nothing to the lot of sity drugs. There’s a shortage tells us, “hundreds of Bigfoots
times and the Renaissance. tractors were blocking roads. the working class taken as a now, but many new versions are sighted across the United
Britannica says the back- Was this in solidarity with the whole.” It’s the seen (public are awaiting approval over the States and Canada.” The phys-
ground suggests a “cosmic foo-foos in the Louvre? spending) and the unseen next several years. When pric- ical descriptions are remark-
link connecting humanity and Hardly. Farmers are protesting (private spending being ing power disappears, margins ably consistent: Standing
nature.” Cool. high taxes, environmental reg- crowded out). Why are we still crater. Foresee the unforeseen. between 7 and 10 feet tall, Big-
Her face is what we see, an ulations and the high cost of relearning this lesson from Back to the game of Mas- foot is said to weigh around
example of consensus thinking fuel and feed. Zut alors! Gov- 1850? terpiece. In 2022 the Mona 700 or 800 pounds and has
vs. the negative space. But ernment policies are the rea- Seen is California raising Lisa was smeared with cus- been described as shaggy,
that mysterious unknown is a son food is so expensive and its minimum wage to $20 an tard, and in London climate bipedal and really stinky.
gold mine for those who look, hard to come by in France. hour for fast-food workers in activists smeared tomato soup Reports of sightings rise and
and it offers a way to outthink Fortunately, the European April, a so-called living wage. on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sun- fall, we learn, “mostly
the crowd in investing, ca- Union caved in to many Unseen are layoffs and those flowers.” Other climate kooks depending on what happens to
reers, sports and more. farmer demands last week. not hired, especially teenag- in Germany threw mashed po- be on TV. Between 2011 and
The soup splashers were Appropriately, it was a ers, because restaurants can’t tatoes at Claude Monet’s 2013,” Mr. O’Connor writes, “when Animal Planet’s Finding
part of the group Riposte Ali- French economist, Frédéric afford them. Also unseen at “Grainstacks.” The unseen: No Bigfoot was at the height of its popularity, sightings sky-
mentaire, which translates Bastiat (1801-50), who wrote first: inevitable 10% price wonder there’s food insecurity rocketed.” The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization keeps
roughly as “Food Retaliation.” about the “seen” and “un- hikes on everything from In- in Europe. Protesters love a database of more than 75,000 eyewitness reports in North
They shouted, “What is more seen.” He says that when an N-Out Double-Doubles to wasting food. America, of which 5,000 to 6,000 are deemed credible
important: art or the right to economic act or law “mani- Chick-fil-A waffle fries, mak- Write to enough to make its website. BFRO’s founder, Matt Money-
maker—a bankruptcy lawyer and cast member of “Finding
Bigfoot”—tells Mr. O’Connor that Wednesdays are the days

Maduro Plays the Migrant Blackmail Card when the organization gets the most reports. “Fridays are
when we tend to get the least amount. I have no idea why.
People got better s— to do on Friday, I guess.”
Delcy Rodrí- backed attacks on U.S. assets. eliminate her candidacy, it Mr. Maduro’s self-imposed iso- The most convincing evidence of Bigfoot’s existence, still
guez, Venezu- Isolationist Republicans are hopes a multicandidate field lation from the largest econ- hotly debated more than 50 years later, is a 59-second
ela’s vice-dic- part of the problem. will emerge, fragmenting the omy in the world would reaf- video purportedly from Oct. 20, 1967, shot in northern Cali-
tator, warned Russia, China and Iran also opposition. This is an age-old firm Venezuela’s reputation as fornia by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. The two Bigfoot
Washington smell U.S. weakness in the tyrant’s trick to hold on to a rogue state. The right re- hunters happened to have had their rented Cine-Kodak
on Jan. 30 Western Hemisphere. Vladimir power while claiming victory sponse is to call his bluff. K-100 running as the creature strolled across a sandbar. At
AMERICAS that her gov- Putin and Xi Jinping hold at the ballot box. Meantime, If Mr. Biden sees an oppor- one point, she—a closer look later revealed breasts—
ernment will sway over Venezuelan strong- Venezuela hasn’t yet issued a tunity to throw some crumbs glances over her shoulder at the camera before striding
By Mary
refuse to ac- man Nicolás Maduro. The gov- campaign calendar. Until it to Washington oil lobbyists in away. Mr. O’Connor is skeptical of the video’s veracity. “By
cept deported ernment promised a competi- does, international observer an election year, he could re- most accounts,” the author writes, “Patterson was a con
migrants if the tive vote in 2024 when it teams are unable to organize new the sanctions relief and artist.” A costume maker said he sold a gorilla suit to Pat-
U.S. reimposes signed an October agree- their missions or launch ex- blame Ms. Rodríguez. But he’d terson shortly before the event. A Pepsi bottler from Yak-
oil and gas sanctions: “If they ment—brokered by Norway— ploratory visits ahead of the be going against world opin- ima, Wash., claimed he was the one wearing it. You’d think
make the mistake of intensify- with the opposition at a meet- vote. ion. On Thursday the Euro- that would be enough to discredit the film, but there are
ing the economic aggression ing in Barbados. No one pean Parliament passed a res- still passionate believers.
against Venezuela . . . repatria- thought Venezuela was seri- olution (446-21) saying it “It’s simply a better world if Bigfoot is real,” Lynne
tion flights for Venezuelan mi- ous, except perhaps the Biden Venezuela dares the won’t recognize the election if McNeill, a folklorist at Utah State University, tells Mr.
grants will be immediately re- administration. The ink wasn’t Ms. Machado isn’t allowed to O’Connor. “We need there to be some mystery in the
voked as of Feb. 13.” dry when the U.S. announced U.S. to reimpose oil run. The European Union also world.” Believing in Bigfoot is also a way, Ms. McNeill says,
This is an act of despera- that for six months it would and gas sanctions. wants sanctions on Venezu- of declaring that you can trust your own instincts and
tion on the part of an illegiti- lift sanctions on oil and gas ela’s Supreme Court and its beliefs over those of scientists and institutions. Besides, be-
mate government and it’s investments and sales from Will Biden give in? security forces for abuses of lieving in things we can’t prove comes naturally to Ameri-
been complemented by Vene- Venezuela. Those sanctions power against government op- cans. One survey found that there are 66 million of us who
zuelan saber-rattling on the had been in place since the ponents. believe in Bigfoot. More than 75% of us believe in ghosts or
Guyanese border. Caracas is Trump administration. Secre- The good news is that the Last week the website of “haunting spirits,” ancient civilizations like Atlantis, or “fre-
feeling the heat from the in- tary of State Antony Blinken State Department said in Janu- Brazil’s pro-Cuba President In- quent alien visitation.”
ternational community—in- gave Caracas until the end of ary it is prepared to reimpose ácio Luiz “Lula” da Silva an-
cluding left-of-center democ- November to set a “timeline” the sanctions in April on Vene- nounced Brazil’s continuing
racies—to hold a free and fair to reinstate banned presiden- zuelan oil and gas. The bad support for implementing the Every year there are hundreds of reported
election this year. Unfortu- tial candidates and free politi- news is that it said this will Barbados agreement. Even sightings across North America. The numbers
nately, given President Bi- cal prisoners. happen “absent progress” by Juan González, President Bi-
den’s record of giving in to When Venezuela blew Caracas toward a legitimate den’s lefty National Security usually fluctuate with what’s happening on TV.
criminal regimes, there’s rea- through that deadline, the U.S. election. Those words, coming Council adviser for Latin
son to fear that the threats gave it a pass. Days of delay from a U.S. administration that America, said last week that
will achieve their intended turned into weeks and has a history of making ex- “all candidates must be eligi- Jonathan Wilk was a 20-year-old park ranger in Massa-
outcome of more sanctions months. In January the U.S. cuses for the regime, don’t ble to compete.” He added chusetts doing his night rounds in 1992 when, he says, he
relief. But there’s also a slim got its answer: Mr. Maduro’s boost confidence. that Ms. Machado is “the op- came between a Bigfoot and its offspring. Terrified, he fled
margin of hope that they hand-picked Supreme Court Caracas is so used to bully- position candidate.” to his truck and had the radio microphone in hand before
won’t. It depends on whether disqualified popular opposi- ing Mr. Biden and watching Yet if that generated any he realized that no one would believe him. He quit his job.
Mr. Biden is serious about de- tion candidate Maria Corina him back down that it is try- optimism among the Venezue- He moved. He kept quiet for 20 years. “If I hadn’t had that
mocracy for Venezuela. Machado with absurd allega- ing again with Ms. Rodríguez’s lan opposition it evaporated experience, I’d be making fun of people like us too,” he
Mr. Biden’s timid foreign tions of conspiracy against her warning on migrants. But when Mr. González suggested says.
policy telegraphs trepidation country. The regime has also blocking entry of Venezuelans from Bogotá that Colombian Mr. O’Connor, who teaches journalism at Boston College,
to despots who want to harm arrested members of her into their own country would President Gustavo Petro, a proves to be a nimble writer. Crossing a field, he writes
America. The president’s Janu- team. be a violation of international former left-wing terrorist, that “crickets pinged off my trekking poles.” There are
ary 2022 suggestion that Rus- Ms. Machado won the op- law. It might give Mr. Maduro play the role of mediator be- “lakes glinting and wobbling under the shadows of passing
sia might get away with a “mi- position’s primary last year a brief feeling of righteous re- tween the Venezuelan dicta- clouds.” Turning off a highway, he is “bluntly decanted into
nor incursion” into Ukraine is with more than 90% of the venge but that’s unlikely to torship and the opposition. a maze of logging roads.” A pika is described as “a short-
one example. More recently, vote and is the heavy favorite last if the U.S. responds by Apparently Raúl Castro isn’t eared and pissed-off cousin of the rabbit.”
there’s his unwillingness to re- to beat Mr. Maduro in a level ending flights between Ameri- available. Like most of us, he’s a Bigfoot skeptic. After all, no one
spond effectively to Iranian- contest. If the regime can can and Venezuelan airports. Write to O’ has produced a body, bones, hair, territorial markings or
convincing DNA evidence. But the phenomenon of people
who go to great trouble to search for Bigfoot is very real.

FAA Inspectors Won’t Fix Boeing The author crisscrosses the country to talk to both believ-
ers and skeptics. He attends festivals and participates in
night expeditions. Having written about attending a Bigfoot
By Phillip S. Coles Poorly produced parts must be the 1950s, W. Edwards Dem- distraction to Boeing. Manu- festival myself, I can attest that he nails the vibe. Everyone

sorted from acceptable ones. ing, an American academic facturers like Boeing already is friendly, and everything seems completely normal, until
he head of the Federal But this isn’t sustainable. In- known as the father of quality have a huge incentive to make you’ve been talking to someone for a while and he casually
Aviation Administration, spection is a stopgap measure, management, taught Japanese safe, high-quality products. If mentions the time he came face-to-face with a Bigfoot
Mike Whitaker, told and not a very good one. manufacturers that inspection they don’t, no one will buy while fishing, at which point you say that you should prob-
Congress last week that in re- Western companies for de- happens too late. He advised them. Bureaucrats, not only at ably get back to your friends.
sponse to the problems with cades relied on inspection to them to focus instead on de- the FAA but at any govern- To his credit, Mr. O’Connor is appropriately suspicious of
Boeing’s 737 MAX, his agency remove defective parts. In its veloping processes that en- ment agency, have different his own motives, wondering whether his interest reflects
would take “a much more 1980s-era ads, Hanes memora- incentives. If they delay pro- “voyeurism or exploitation, or worse: an inbred disdain for
hands on approach going for- bly promoted “Inspector 12” duction, they can claim it’s be- flatlanders you encounter on the Boston cocktail circuit.” (It
ward” and add inspectors. as evidence that the company The company should cause they aren’t satisfied should be noted that there is no “secret” revealed in this
Clearly Boeing is having threw out bad garments be- focus on getting its with product quality. They book. The publishing industry’s reflexive use of the word in
quality issues, but why would fore they reached consumers. look like heroes. If they sign the book’s title is like Big Laundry’s rote insistence that
anyone think the solution will Yet quality was poor by to- manufacturing right. off on something that turns every iteration of a product is “new and improved.”)
come from the FAA? The peo- day’s standards, and costs out to be unsafe, they will be Mr. O’Connor observes that the demographics of Bigfoot-
ple at Boeing build planes ev- were high. People aren’t good called in front of Congress. So ers—white, male, working-class, with “a deeply-rooted con-
ery day. No one at the FAA at inspecting because it is an sured defects didn’t happen they cause delays to improve- servatism” that “came as naturally as camo detailing on a
does. They are too far re- incredibly boring job. Workers and instituting standard oper- ments also. johnboat”—line up with many Trump supporters. He also
moved from operations to un- can’t maintain the attention ating procedures in factories. We can’t rely on the FAA senses, however, that pointing out these shared traits
derstand the company’s prob- needed to catch every defect The Toyota Production Sys- because of its perverse in- explains neither the phenomenon of Bigfoot belief nor Don-
lems. And the FAA’s knee-jerk during their shifts. If the root tem streamlined manufactur- centives. And while final ald Trump. Nor does it explain Mike Smith, a retired Army
reaction to add inspectors is causes of quality problems ing and organized it so each quality assessments are Ranger with post-traumatic stress disorder living in Texas,
telling. Inspection can’t guar- aren’t addressed, costs remain step of production flowed into needed, they can’t be relied who goes to the grocery store with his wife and if “there’s
antee a product’s quality, high because resources are the next. If problems arose, on solely. The solution is for too many cars, I’ll say, ‘Let’s come back later.’ ”
which has to be built in to the wasted producing defective the flow stopped. The goal Boeing to focus on its manu- At the 20th Texas Bigfoot Conference, Mr. O’Connor finds
manufacturing process. parts. was to ensure that defects facturing processes and get Mr. Smith among several hundred people, in a room buzz-
When a quality issue unex- Beginning in the 1970s the were discovered early in pro- them right. ing with conversation and chirping phones. “I’m comfort-
pectedly arises and the cause Japanese quality miracle duction, when they are easier able around Bigfoot people,” Mr. Smith says. “I don’t know
is unknown, inspection is im- caused massive disruptions in to rectify. Mr. Coles is an associate why, but I feel safe here.”
perative because there is no industries such as automo- The FAA inspectors will be professor at Lehigh Univer-
alternative in the short term. biles and audio equipment. In little more than an annoying sity’s College of Business. Mr. Heavey is a writer in Bethesda, Md.
A20 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump and NATO Deterrence Parental Controls Are No Match for Teenagers

onald Trump says many provocative Deterrence depends on a combination of force Requiring parental approval for gency. A flip phone can handle that.
things, often intentionally, to rile up and the will to use it. Mr. Trump’s boasts that app downloads isn’t a bad idea Detractors will say that I already
(“Congress’s Social-Media Spectacle,” have the option not to give my child
opponents and dominate the airwaves. he wouldn’t aid an ally will sow doubt in the
Review & Outlook, Feb. 2), but any a smartphone, But really, I don’t have
But his comments Saturday minds of our allies and might parent with a teenager will tell you a choice. The school requires a smart-
that he once told the leader of His latest comments encourage Mr. Putin to think this won’t work as parents or edito- phone app to open the doors to the
a NATO ally that he’d invite about the alliance will he could get away with another rial writers intend. I pay for a paren- building, and that’s only one example
Vladimir Putin to invade is the invasion. Mr. Putin has all but tal-control app already, and my chil- of how smartphone use is now baked
reason many Americans won’t please Vladimir Putin. said that the Baltic states are dren consistently find ways around into everyday life. It would be the
vote for him again even rightfully Russia’s. the time limits I set. They also con- equivalent of driving my kids to
against a mentally declining Mr. Trump’s comments tinue to access TikTok, even though school in a horse and buggy not to al-
President Biden. drew rebukes from several governments, and it’s blocked. low them to have a smartphone. But
Riffing at a rally in South Carolina, Mr. even the typically diplomatic NATO Secretary- Moms know that I am not alone. if no one under 18 could own a
Trump recalled a conversation with an un- General Jens Stoltenberg. “Any suggestion that Our kids are smarter than the paren- smartphone, the world would adjust
tal controls—and the parents who op- to accommodate phone-free teens. It
named head of state about how he’d respond allies will not defend each other undermines
erate the controls. It helps that the would become the norm.
if a NATO member that hadn’t spent enough on all of our security, including that of the U.S., app provides a list of websites your KATHLEEN LINDER
defense was attacked by Russia. “One of the and puts American and European soldiers at kids are visiting each day, but I still Raleigh, N.C.
presidents of a big country stood up and said, increased risk,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. “I expect have limited control over what they
‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked that regardless of who wins the presidential see and no control over whom they A quick perusal of social media
by Russia, will you protect us?’” Mr. Trump told election the U.S. will remain a strong and com- interact with online. shows 33 posts on X, formerly known
the crowd. mitted NATO Ally.” The only way I can successfully as Twitter, by Sen. Josh Hawley about
“‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” the Mr. Trump’s riff also comes in the context limit my children’s time on their de- his exchange with Mark Zuckerberg.
former President said he replied. ‘“No, I would of his lobbying against more U.S. military aid vices and social media is to take away Sen. Lindsey Graham posted eight
not protect you. In fact, I would encourage for Ukraine. He boasts about his admiration for their iPhones. As a society, maybe times on X and seven on Facebook
that’s what we should consider. We about social-media companies. Sen.
them to do whatever the hell they want. You Mr. Putin, and his bromance with the dictator
have age restrictions on driving a car, Dick Durbin posted four times on X.
gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’” during their 2018 Helsinki summit was a low buying alcohol and having a job. We It seems like the main purpose of
A charitable interpretation is that this is an point of his Presidency. Mr. Trump now says don’t leave it up to individual par- the Senate hearing with social-media
extreme version of his boasts that he forced he’ll end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, even ents. Why not have age restrictions CEOs was for senators to generate
NATO countries in Europe to increase defense before he’s inaugurated. The only way to do for smart devices too? content, so they could go viral on the
spending. There’s no doubt he coaxed more that is to deny Ukraine more weapons and tell The only real benefit of a mobile same social-media sites they deride.
money from allies in his first term. President Volodymyr Zelensky to give Mr. Putin phone for kids is to contact parents or NICK IVES
But this isn’t 2020 any more. Russia has in- what he wants. The word for that isn’t peace; law enforcement in case of an emer- Chesapeake, Va.
vaded Ukraine, bombed its cities and civilians, it’s appeasement.
mused about using nuclear weapons, and The U.S. should be having an election debate
threatened Finland and Sweden for seeking to over the growing dangers to U.S. security and
join NATO. Article 5 of the North Atlantic how to counter them. Instead we have an in- Secretary Mayorkas Deserves to Be Impeached
Treaty pledges every member of the alliance cumbent who has presided over the collapse Rep. Mike Gallagher recognizes ment” of future cabinet officers. In-
to aid another treaty member if attacked. The of U.S. deterrence, and a GOP front-runner who that we face an unprecedented immi- deed, his example is so flagrant, and
only time it has been invoked was after the 9/11 dotes on dictators. No wonder Mr. Putin is gration catastrophe, but he is wrong his unlawful actions so harmful to our
attacks on America. looking so confident these days. in asserting that it isn’t appropriate security and the rule of law, that if the
for the House of Representatives to House fails to respond, there may be
respond by impeaching Homeland Se- little left of the impeachment power.
The Cost of a Dysfunctional Congress curity Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
(“Why I Voted Against Impeaching
Distinguished fellow, Heritage Foundation

ep. Michael Gallagher’s decision not to This military expertise is especially impor- Alejandro Mayorkas,” op-ed, Feb. 8). Washington
seek re-election this year is under- tant given the Republican Party’s drift in the President Biden can’t push forward
his immigration agenda without a Like many Americans, I am morti-
standable from a personal point of view. Trump era toward isolationism. The House GOP
homeland-security secretary willing fied at the status of our southern bor-
But it’s also another dispirit- is increasingly dominated by to abuse the powers of his depart- der and hold Mr. Biden responsible.
ing sign of the decline of Con- Rep. Gallagher will Members who don’t support a ment and violate the laws he took an While the impeachment of Mr. Mayor-
gress as a place where people retire, another sign of military buildup despite the oath to uphold. It is no excuse that kas might seem like the next step, af-
of intelligence and principle growing cooperation of U.S. Mr. Mayorkas is carrying out the ter reading Mr. Gallagher’s op-ed, I
believe they can solve na- the decline of the House. adversaries China, Russia and president’s agenda. understand and support his principled
tional problems. Iran. The Senate still has some Mr. Mayorkas isn’t accused of in- vote. His Wisconsin district should be
The 39-year-old Republican traditional hawks, but Mr. competence or “maladministration,” pleased to be represented by a politi-
said Saturday that he wants to devote more time Trump’s influence is eroding support for peace- and his actions aren’t mere policy cian who actually thinks about the
to his young family. He believes in term limits through-strength and long-time alliances even disputes or matters of enforcement consequences of his votes. Now, if we
for Congress and says he never ran for office in the upper Chamber. discretion. The articles of impeach- could only get 534 more like him.
ment detail widespread and deliber- PAUL LUCE
with a goal of making it a lifetime career. He was It’s hard to believe Mr. Gallagher’s decision ate violations of law and breaches of Pleasanton, Calif.
first elected to his northeastern Wisconsin seat to retire wasn’t influenced by the continuing public trust. Mr. Mayorkas has blown
in 2016. dysfunction of the current House. The select through the limits of his enforcement Mr. Gallagher’s op-ed arrives a
Yet Mr. Gallagher will be missed as a rare China committee may not last past the current discretion, and it is the House’s con- week too late to prepare Republican
Member these days who wants to do something Congress, and he’s too junior to become Chair- stitutional duty to respond. voters for the shocking loss on the im-
other than promote his social-media brand. As man of Armed Services. His principled stand This type of gross misconduct and peachment vote. Wasn’t this thrashed
a former Marine intelligence officer who served against the GOP impeachment of Homeland Se- abuse of authority is precisely what out with House Speaker Mike Johnson
in Iraq under Centcom Commander David Petra- curity Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas suggests the Founders envisioned as impeach- before the vote? Why bring to the
eus, Mr. Gallagher has focused on America’s fad- his lack of patience with his party’s resort to able offenses. There is no comparison floor a motion that is sure to fail after
ing ability to deter its enemies. stunts that accomplish nothing. to the strained and politicized im- months of alerting us Republican vot-
peachment charges advanced against ers that it was imminent? It makes
In this Congress he has chaired the Select Congress is increasingly a body for unserious
former President Donald Trump. the party look rudderless. To quote
Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, a people in both parties. The Adam Schiffs and Impeaching Mr. Mayorkas, though Casey Stengel, the Ol’ Perfessor,
rare corner of the House that has done some- Marjorie Taylor Greenes play to the cable TV and an extraordinary action, wouldn’t “Can’t anybody here play this game?”
thing useful. He and Democrat Raja Krish- Twitter (now X) crowds and feed the partisan lower the constitutional bar or create STEPHEN SCHACHER
namoorthi of Illinois have worked together to in- poison that makes legislative compromise more a precedent for “perpetual impeach- Palmetto, Ga.
vestigate the growing threat from China. difficult.
This includes U.S. vulnerability to Chinese es- This would matter less if this were the 1990s,
pionage, cyber-attacks and influence schemes. a time of peace and prosperity. But the world
The committee has been helpful in drawing at- is more dangerous than it’s been since the
Was It a Mistake for Haley to Take On Trump?
tention to U.S. defense vulnerabilities, especially 1970s, and probably the 1930s, with rogue na- Regarding Peggy Noonan’s “Nikki Trump has had a few years to clean
in the Indo-Pacific. Mr. Gallagher has argued in tions on the march. The U.S. needs leaders who Haley Should Go for Broke” (Declara- up the mess made by President Biden.
tions, Jan. 27): A year ago, Ms. Noo- SUSAN LEFEBVRE
particular for urgently buying and deploying understand these challenges, and too many tal-
nan wrote similarly to encourage Ron Greenland, N.H.
more long-range missiles in the Pacific theater ented men and women have concluded that DeSantis. How’d that work out? Sea-
that are crucial to deterring a Chinese invasion Congress isn’t a body for people who want to soned politicians like Ted Cruz, Mike Ms. Haley should go for broke but
of Taiwan. make a difference. Pompeo and Tom Cotton weren’t ignore Ms. Noonan’s other advice.
foolish or flattered enough to take “Lean into being a woman”? Nonsense.
that establishment bait. Lean into being president. Our ene-
A New York Rent-Control Bank Panic They could have challenged Donald
Trump in 2024 but wisely held back.
mies fear our ability and willingness
to destroy them, not White House di-

egional bank share prices have tumbled One result is that landlords have removed We’ll see them in 2028, after Mr. versity. Campaign against President
since New York Community Bancorp rent-regulated apartments from the market and Biden and ignore Mr. Trump’s bluster.
(NYCB) reported surprisingly large are leaving them vacant rather than spend on
losses on real-estate loans. maintenance and improve-
Galston’s State of the Union San Diego
Don’t blame this mini-bank Investors fret about ments that they can’t recoup. Tip Works for This Investor
panic only on underwater of- NYCB’s multi-family Tighter supply has pushed up William Galston’s advice for Presi- This Is Not a Sugar Subsidy
fice buildings. Primary culprits rents in the non-regulated dent Biden to offer a 3% mortgage
are Albany’s destructive rent- housing portfolio. market—one reason Manhat- rate to first-time home buyers is fool-
Stephen Ford conflates tax policy
with corporate welfare (“Republican
control laws. tan’s average market-rate ish (“A State of the Union for the
‘Populists’ for Corporate Welfare,” op-
NYCB last month reported monthly rent has surged 30% Middle Class,” Politics & Ideas, Feb.
ed, Feb. 7). Changing tax law to allow
$552 million in credit losses, including a $185 over the last two years. 7), but I cheer it on. With high prices
corporations to expense interest and
million charge-off mostly from two office and Lower anticipated future rents have also and a big shortage of homes for sale,
research allows them to make their
condo building loans during the fourth quarter. slashed property values. Loans for buildings that bringing in more buyers with a gov-
own decisions about what is best for
ernment incentive is great for resi-
These losses were bigger than investors ex- were issued at low-interest rates—the average shareholders. If a company spends
dential real-estate investors like me.
pected. But what worries investors more is the coupon for NYCB’s rent-regulated portfolio is Mr. Galston, please also push for
money in pursuit of profit, why
bank’s $37 billion multi-family housing portfo- 3.85%—will also have to be refinanced in the shouldn’t it be able to expense it in
more green housing regulations that
lio, about half of which are comprised of New coming years. Some underwater owners may the year spent?
make it more expensive to build, as
York rent-regulated units. walk away. NYCB’s rent-regulated portfolio STEVEN MARTIN, C.P.A.
that keeps supply down, which moves
Rockwall, Texas
The bank flagged that 14% of its $18 billion could be a ticking time bomb. prices on existing homes higher. The
rent-regulated loan book is at risk of default. Its Meantime, the bank needs to raise more capi- more the government interferes in
eventual losses could be bigger as rent-regulated tal to meet tougher regulatory requirements af- the housing market, the higher home
buildings have recently been selling at a 30% to ter catapulting into the league of big regional prices will go. Pepper ...
60% discount from their purchase price. The val- banks. Its Signature acquisition means it must DAVE PALMER
Rockville, Md.
And Salt
ues of rent-regulated buildings have fallen by comply with stricter prudential rules for banks
some $75 billion, according to one estimate. with more than $100 billion in assets. The Fed-
NYCB acquired the failed Signature Bank’s de- eral Reserve has also proposed toughening stan- CORRECTION
posits and some of its loans last spring. But the dards for the regional banks.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. struggled to find Bloomberg News last week reported that, the company that verifies tax-
a buyer for Signature’s $15 billion in loans that NYCB is looking to transfer the risk of its home payer identities for the Internal Reve-
were backed primarily by New York rent-regu- mortgages and sell assets to raise capital. nue Service, accepts other documents
lated buildings. Last autumn the agency finally Moody’s also downgraded the bank’s credit rat- in lieu of Social Security cards and
unloaded the loans at a roughly 40% discount. ing to junk, and its stock has fallen more than doesn’t ask users for employee-identifi-
Why have these loans become toxic? 50% since it reported its fourth-quarter earn- cation numbers. These points were mis-
Blame Democrats in Albany, who in 2019 re- ings. NYCB’s travails have dragged down shares stated in the Feb. 6 op-ed “Beware of E-
Filing Your Tax Return.”
stricted landlords’ ability to raise rents to pay in other regional banks.
for renovations and “de-regulate” rent-stabi- Few investors until recently appreciated the
Letters intended for publication should
lized units. These apartments account for nearly financial impact of New York’s rent-control reg- be emailed to Please
half of the city’s rental housing. Landlords used ulations. NYCB’s troubles are a reminder that include your city, state and telephone
to be able to charge the market rate once the bad government policy is a source of financial number. All letters are subject to “Artificial flavoring, synthesized fruit,
rent exceeded $2,800 a month and a tenant instability. What other risks could be hiding in editing, and unpublished letters cannot imitation chocolate bits, and the box
be acknowledged.
moved out. No longer. plain sight? is simulated cardboard.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | A21


The Case Against Israel Rests on Lies The NRC

By Isaac Herzog decision to attack Israelis and the
Needs a New

way Hamas fights from under and
n these dark days for Israel
and the civilized world, there
behind its own civilians.
Differentiating civilians from
are many things that keep me combatants isn’t only a basic part of
up at night. One is that the in- my own worldview and Israel’s basic By Ted Nordhaus

ternational legal system has values; it is essential to the values of
begun to ignore reality and truth. humanity. We are at war with magine the National Highway
Justice is unrecognizable, and noble Hamas, not with the civilians of Traffic Safety Administration in-
ideals are perverted by terrorists Gaza. I reject and condemn any call sisting that its duty is to keep
and cynics. for their harm. Humanitarian aid people off the roads unless the risks
These feelings were brought in must reach them, as it is already of driving can be reduced to zero. Or
focus as the International Court of reaching them, even though more the Food and Drug Administration re-


Justice at The Hague in January than 130 of our people remain hos- fusing to approve new drugs and vac-
considered South Africa’s accusa- tages in the hands of Hamas, a fact cines unless pharmaceutical compa-
tion that Israel was guilty of geno- that hasn’t been sufficiently appreci- nies can prove they had no side
cide. This absurd claim and the ated as an international priority. I effects. Both agencies are supposed to
abuse of an august international fo- understand that many in Israel feel balance public safety with the social
rum convened to weigh its merits that by allowing aid we are helping benefits of what they regulate.
remind us how far we’ve come from the people abusing our kidnapped That’s what Congress had in mind
the moral clarity of the fight Anti-Israel protesters outside the International Court of Justice, Jan. 26. citizens and giving up a pressure when it created the Nuclear Regula-
against Nazism (after which the ICJ point that could hasten their release tory Commission. The Energy Reorga-
was established). fied the killing of civilians. South tacking the hostages as they were and shorten the war. nization Act of 1974 recognized the
Amid the many demonstrable Africa used the misconstrued quote led into captivity. I also pointed out The world can’t disregard what need to develop nuclear power to
misrepresentations that emerged at The Hague in an attempt to prove that Hamas operates from within the we saw on Oct. 7. The International meet national priorities including the
from the accusation against Israel, Israel’s intent to commit genocide heart of its civilian population and Court of Justice has ignored most of “needs of present and future genera-
one caught my attention—a quote and thus invoke the jurisdiction of enjoys broad support. I then stated, these crimes, but we in Israel can’t. tions,” the “productivity of the na-
the court. in no uncertain terms, that there are The free world must not forget that tional economy” and “public health
At that Oct. 12 news conference, many innocent Palestinians, and that the crimes against humanity in this and safety.” But for years the commis-
Among them is a quote I was meeting international jour- the state of Israel and our security war were perpetrated, and continue sion has myopically focused on the fi-
nalists at the president’s residence forces don’t view innocent civilians to be perpetrated, by Hamas and its nal prong of that mandate. The NRC
of mine that South Africa in Jerusalem. Not one journalist as targets in any way. I made it clear allies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and has ignored the benefits of nuclear
grossly distorted in its asked me about the pain in Israel that Israel acts in keeping with in- Iran.
or about the global implications of ternational law. The South African case, brought
presentation to the ICJ. this act of catastrophic terror. They These words were purposely dis- in support of Hamas, is a blood li- The agency that regulates
were instead preoccupied with the torted when presented to the court. bel against the nation-state of the
effect this would have on Palestin- The claim that Israel is committing Jewish people—a shameful low for nuclear power is hostile
attributed to me. The quote was ians in Gaza—the territory that had genocide can’t rest on accurate in- an international system that to it. That’s a problem
taken from a news conference I held produced and then celebrated the formation, because it is a lie. Israel emerged from the ashes of the Ho-
on Oct. 12, five days after Hamas perpetrators of the attack. is acting to protect its citizens from locaust. This abandonment of for Biden’s climate agenda.
terrorists butchered 1,200 people in The fact is that many Palestinian an explicitly genocidal enemy, as we moral clarity, the desertion of the
southern Israel and kidnapped hun- civilians entered Israel on Oct. 7 on are required to do under interna- vision of international justice and
dreds more. The quote, which in- the heels of the Hamas terrorists tional law. Israel is doing so with ut- its replacement by cynical politics power and approved projects only if
cluded a line that there was “an en- and participated in murder, rape and most concern for civilian life, as ex- and outright falsehoods, will have the risk of radiation exposure is infini-
tire nation out there that is looting, much of it documented on perts from other Western militaries repercussions far beyond Israel. tesimally small. The predictable re-
responsible,” referring to the Pales- film. Palestinians were filmed cheer- know well. The civilian casualties in sult: As other advanced technologies
tinians, was presented as if it justi- ing the massacre and jeering and at- Gaza are a tragedy—due to Hamas’s Mr. Herzog is president of Israel. became safer and cheaper, nuclear en-
ergy got more expensive.
That puts the Biden administra-

Concrete Jungle Where Bad Dreams Are Made Of tion in a bind. The White House re-
cently made clear that it can’t reach
its climate goals without commercial-
New York shooter, a 15-year-old Venezuelan mi- violence go unpunished. They conse- cops showed up within minutes, but izing a new generation of nuclear re-
When I stepped grant who had been staying at a ho- quently run wild, as native-born they couldn’t do anything. An ambu- actors. Yet thanks to years of the
outside the Jour- tel that was converted into a migrant criminals do. Heaven help anyone lance arrived not long after that and NRC slow-rolling nuclear develop-
nal’s Midtown Man- shelter. He is also a suspect in a gun- standing in their way. whisked the victim away. During the ment, the industry isn’t ready. Con-
hattan offices point robbery and another shooting Consider the young man next to early days of the pandemic, the sider NuScale Power Corp., whose
shortly after 8 p.m. incident in Midtown Manhattan last me on Saturday when he was struck sound of sirens triggered thoughts small modular reactor officially re-
Thursday, I entered month, according to police. by an assailant running by. It was that someone had fallen severely ill ceived the first design certification
a crime scene. Po- He is being held without bail. around 9 p.m., a block from my with Covid. When I hear a siren now, from the NRC in January 2023,
lice had blocked off Maybe prosecutors learned a lesson apartment. I wonder who has been stabbed, nearly five years after the commis-
By Allysia
the street. A heli- from the public uproar after mi- A food-delivery man, a Good Sa- smacked or shot. sion took up its application. Ten
copter circled over- grants who were filmed allegedly maritan, stopped and dragged the The food-delivery man speculated months later the company canceled
head. If I had left an kicking two police officers in Times hulking man out of the street. I hov- that the attacker might have been its flagship project in Idaho, in part
hour earlier, I might have been Square last month were released. ered to see if he was all right. His fleeing after committing another because of rising costs.
sprayed by a stray bullet—as an inno- One of them reportedly had two crime and struck the man because The administration hasn’t helped
cent tourist a few blocks over had prior arrests for assaulting retail he was in his way. It’s possible. Ran- with some of its personnel choices.
been. employees who had tried to stop him Migrants have learned dom assaults by the drug-addled Last year Mr. Biden nominated Jeff
It was my second close run in a from shoplifting. and mentally ill aren’t uncommon, a Baran to another five-year term as an
week. The previous Saturday eve- Conservatives describe the pro- that there’s nothing they key difference between today’s New NRC commissioner despite his his-
ning, a man standing a few feet from cess by which migrants are appre- can’t do in New York, from York and its high-crime days four tory of obstructing nuclear licensing
me on a street corner was sucker- hended and let loose at the southern decades ago. and his insistence that the NRC focus
punched in the head. There but for border as “catch and release.” This is shoplifting to assault. An Amazon delivery driver last exclusively on radiological health
the grace of God go I and every New New York’s version of the practice. month was randomly slashed across risk. “It is my job to focus on nuclear
Yorker. Passing through Times Square on the face by a man wearing all black safety and security,” Mr. Baran told
According to media accounts of my way home Thursday, I heard Ali- eyes rolled toward the back of his and a ski mask. “He didn’t take noth- the Senate Environment and Public
Thursday night’s shooting, a security cia Keys and Jay-Z’s hit song “Em- head, and his body was limp. A for- ing. He just wanted to cut me, I Works Committee at his 2017 renom-
guard at a Times Square sporting- pire State of Mind” blasting. The eign tourist called 911 and, because guess,” the 23-year-old driver said. ination hearing. “It is not my job to
goods store confronted a trio of song was released in 2009 when I she couldn’t speak English, handed It’s hard to ignore the link be- weigh in on the pros and cons of the
young migrant men who were shop- first moved to the city, fresh out of me her phone. tween the city’s retreat from prose- merits of nuclear power.”
lifting. One pulled out a gun and fired college. It felt inspiring then: “Con- I told the emergency dispatcher cuting nonviolent offenses—misde- Bipartisan opposition prevented
at the guard, missing but striking a crete jungle where dreams are made that a 20-something man had been meanor arrests for dangerous drugs the Senate from taking up a floor
Brazilian tourist in the leg. of / There’s nothin’ you can’t do / hit and was evidently unconscious. plunged by 94% between 2010 and vote. Last month news broke that Mr.
One of the three stayed behind, Now you’re in New York.” Those lyr- The first question the dispatcher 2022—the end of stop-and-frisk po- Biden was pulling his nomination.
but the shooter and his other friend ics have since taken on a decidedly asked: What is the race of the vic- licing, and the rise in violence. Man- That reflects a welcome change of
ran off. Cops captured the friend. different meaning. New York has be- tim? Black, I answered. Next ques- hattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg heart among many Democrats toward
The gunman, however, kept running come a lawless jungle where bad tion: What is the race of the at- is more interested in prosecuting nuclear energy. Significant majorities
and shot at the pursuing officers on dreams come true and there’s noth- tacker? Black, I replied, exasperated. Donald Trump and New Yorkers who of congressional Democrats in recent
the block adjacent to the Journal be- ing miscreants can’t do. The dispatcher then asked what bought fake Covid vaccine cards than years have voted to develop a new
fore ducking into a subway entrance. It’s tempting to blame the city’s the attacker was wearing and in menacing criminals. generation of advanced nuclear reac-
Fortunately, he missed and didn’t hit crime on the surge of migrants. The what direction he went. She then Innocent New Yorkers pay the tors and to modernize the NRC’s li-
any bystanders. bigger problem, it seems, is its law of transferred me to another dis- price, sometimes with their lives. No censing process. The Inflation Reduc-
Police on Friday afternoon hunted the jungle. Migrants have figured out patcher, who inquired about the wonder so many are migrating to tion Act includes programs that could
down and arrested the suspected that shoplifting, pickpocketing and young man’s medical condition. Two Florida. benefit nuclear energy, such as tax
credits that flow to nuclear plants
that generate zero-carbon electricity.

Stefanik Disqualifies Herself for the Vice Presidency Mr. Biden’s former climate envoy,
John Kerry, brokered a pledge among
22 countries to triple global nuclear-
By Gregory F. Jacob 2014, she was a thoughtful, princi- fellow Republicans should recognize plying the law and the Constitution. energy capacity by 2050.

pled conservative determined to it is neither consistent with our Anyone can be tempted to abuse Yet none of these developments
he auditions to be Donald champion the interests of her left- character nor in our interest to em- power to achieve the ends one de- will suffice without real leadership at
Trump’s running mate have behind upstate New York district. I brace this view. It amounts to a sui- sires and considers to be good. We the NRC. To turn those promises into
begun, and aspirants are enthusiastically contributed to her cide pact. have watched Democratic presi- reality, the commission will need
practicing and delivering their campaign. Ms. Stefanik’s position would dents unconstitutionally change the Democratic officials who take the
lines. On Thursday Rep. Elise Ste- But now she says she would have empower Vice President Kamala composition of the National Labor benefits of nuclear energy seriously.
fanik said that if she had been vice done something no vice president Harris on Jan. 6, 2025, to throw Relations Board (a scheme the Su- That starts by understanding that
president on Jan. 6, 2021, “I would has ever done or claimed the au- out votes cast for a victorious Mr. overregulation isn’t a virtue. NRC
not have done what Mike Pence thority to do. She would have at- Trump. It isn’t far-fetched to be- rules have substantially increased the
did.” She wouldn’t have opened the tempted to exercise a power the lieve Ms. Harris and Democrats in As she courts Trump, cost of developing, building and op-
certificates and counted the elec- Constitution doesn’t grant to swing Congress might attempt to do so. erating nuclear reactors without
toral votes as the Constitution ex- a presidential election to her pre- Reps. Bennie Thompson and Jamie the congresswoman says bringing much in the way of addi-
pressly requires. ferred candidate. No one who es- Raskin of the Select Committee on she would have tried to tional public-health or safety bene-
Ms. Stefanik worked for me in pouses such lawless views should January 6 both engaged in efforts fits. Even worse, the continual tight-
2006-07 as executive assistant for hold a position of authority. to throw out Republican electoral overturn the 2020 election. ening of nuclear regulations has
the Domestic Policy Council in Ms. Stefanik evidently has con- votes. Particularly if Ms. Stefanik is almost certainly worsened public
George W. Bush’s White House. cluded it is in her interest to say on the ticket, these Democrats health nationwide. When red tape
When she first ran for Congress, in what Mr. Trump wants to hear. My would be delighted to throw her preme Court shot down 9-0), grant hamstrings the construction of new
words back in her face as they ex- amnesty to illegal aliens with the plants, the nation’s electricity system
ercise their raw political will— stroke of a pen, and wipe out hun- has to keep relying on polluting fos-
cloaked in the rhetoric of defend- dreds of billions of dollars of stu- sil-fuel facilities.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY ing the Constitution from an dent-loan debt owed to the taxpay- A new generation of safe and ad-
Lachlan Murdoch “insurrectionist”—to invalidate ers in an effort to buy votes. Why vanced reactors is ready to be com-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Trump electors. shouldn’t we twist the law to get mercialized. Private investment is
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Chairman Emeritus, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp It is no answer to say that Ms. what we want too? waiting on the sidelines to bring nu-
Emma Tucker Almar Latour Stefanik’s comments are merely ret- Because the Constitution’s clear-energy technologies to market.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher rospective because Congress checks and constraints on govern- Significant majorities of Americans
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: amended the Electoral Count Act ment power are crucial to protect- support nuclear energy. And the
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; (ECA) in 2022 to disallow such be- ing individual liberty. If Republicans White House’s climate ambitions de-
Elena Cherney, News; David Crow, Executive Editor; Mae M. Cheng, EVP, General Manager, Leadership;
Chip Cummins, Newswires; Andrew Dowell, Asia; David Cho, Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, havior explicitly. Trump lawyer ignore those limits in pursuing our pend on developing an innovative
Taneth Evans, Associate Editor; Brent Jones, Culture, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; John Eastman admitted in 2020 political ends, citizens will rightly and globally competitive nuclear in-
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Dianne DeSevo, Chief People Officer; Jared DiPalma,
Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Chief Financial Officer; Frank Filippo, Chief
that the ECA prohibited his pro- conclude there is no difference be- dustry in the U.S. If Mr. Biden nomi-
Emma Moody, Standards; Prabha Natarajan, Transformation Officer; Artem Fishman, Chief posed schemes but claimed the tween the two parties. If we yield nates a champion to the NRC who un-
Professional Products; Bruce Orwall, Enterprise; Technology Officer; David Martin, Chief Revenue 1887 statute was unconstitutional. to the temptation of unconstrained derstands the importance of that
Philana Patterson, Audio; Michael Siconolfi, Officer, Business Intelligence; Dan Shar, EVP,
Investigations; Amanda Wills, Video General Manager, Wealth & Investing; Ashok Sinha, If that argument were true, it power, Republicans will lose our- mission, it will be an important step
SVP, Head of Communications; Josh Stinchcomb, wouldn’t be vitiated by the 2022 selves—and Americans will be at on the road to that future.
Paul A. Gigot EVP & Chief Revenue Officer, WSJ | Barron’s
Editor of the Editorial Page amendment. risk of losing our republic.
Group; Sherry Weiss, Chief Marketing Officer
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
Republicans have long prided Mr. Nordhaus is founder and exec-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 themselves on being the party of Mr. Jacob served as counsel to utive director of the Breakthrough In-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES principle, dedicated to faithfully ap- the vice president, 2020-21. stitute.
A22 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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Last Week: S&P 5026.61 À 1.37% S&P FIN À 0.18% S&P IT À 3.21%
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Metrics Help Investors Value Stocks Buffett

Several popular
models offer clues
S&P 500 equity risk premium*
10 percentage points
When using 10-year Treasury Inflation Protected
Bets on San
on which shares are
too expensive to buy 8
Securities (TIPS) and forward earnings
When using 10-year Treasurys
and trailing earnings
Stocks are setting repeated
highs, reigniting a debate BY MATT WIRZ
among investors about
whether they are too expen- Most investors are running
sive. away from San Francisco’s
The S&P 500 has climbed downtown real-estate market,
5.4% to start 2024 and closed 2 but Ian Jacobs is heading in.
above 5000 for the first time Call it a family tradition.
Friday, its 10th record of the Jacobs is an heir of the To-
year. The Dow Jones Industrial 0 Monthly ronto-based Reichmann real-
Average has risen 2.6%, setting estate dynasty, which made a
2004 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24
11 records along the way. fortune buying properties in
When trying to gauge nearly bankrupt New York City
whether a stock or index ap- S&P 500 price/earnings ratio S&P 500 price/book ratio S&P 500 price/earnings growth ratio during the 1970s. A bargain-
pears cheap or pricey, strate- 30 times 5.0 times 2.4 times seeking stock investor who
gists recommend that inves- once apprenticed himself to
tors use a combination of 4.5 2.2 Warren Buffett, Jacobs has
metrics, along with weighing 25 mostly avoided the family
the economic conditions, the 4.0 2.0 business—until now.
overall financial health of a The 47-year-old spent much
company and the industry’s re- 20 3.5 1.8 of the past year getting finan-
cord. Investors are typically cial commitments from rela-
3.0 1.6
willing to pay more for compa- 15 tives and other wealthy fami-
nies they anticipate will ex- 2.5 1.4 lies to snap up San Francisco
pand rapidly than those whose Past 12 months Past 12 months office buildings, people famil-
growth prospects are more 10 Next 12 months 2.0 Next 12 months 1.2 iar with the matter said. Now
limited. 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 Jacobs has to prove wrong the
Here’s what some of the prevailing wisdom that down-
popular valuation models tell town offices, especially those
40 times S&P 500 cyclically adjusted price/earnings ratio since 1881
us about the state of the mar- in San Francisco, will never fill
ket: up again.
30 “We know the Reich-
manns,” said the head of a
Price/earnings ratio Latin American family office
Prices are just one compo- 20 investing in the venture. “They
nent of stock valuations. The are a very trusted partner.”
other is corporate earnings. San Francisco is the epicen-
The price/earnings ratio—cal- 10 ter of a national commercial
culated by dividing a com- real-estate collapse. The tran-
pany’s stock price by its re- Monthly sition to work from home
ported or projected per-share crushed demand for down-
earnings—is one of Wall 1881 ’90 1900 ’10 ’20 ’30 ’40 ’50 ’60 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 ’20 town office space. Landlords
Street’s most popular tools for *Difference between earnings yield, using trailing or projected 12 months earnings, and 10-year Treasury yield. abandoned properties and de-
Please turn to page B2 Sources: Dow Jones Market Data via FactSet and Tradeweb (equity risk premium); FactSet (price/earnings, price/book, price/earnings growth); (Cyclically adjusted price/earnings) Please turn to page B6

Appliance Rules Challenged

Priciest Shareholder Fight Ever
Is Headed to Disney’s Boardroom
BY LAUREN THOMAS lion ahead of an April 3 as BlackRock and Vanguard 2021 high. The company now
shareholder vote. They are al- hold the rest, and their votes has a market value of around
A boardroom brawl at ready shelling out for slick carry heft, too. Getting the $200 billion.
Walt Disney is expected to be marketing materials, social- word out to such a wide- Trian and a former Marvel
the most expensive share- media blitzes and the services spread shareholder base is executive it is working with

holder fight ever and a of proxy solicitors—akin to costly. have a combined stake valued
chance for everyday investors campaign strategists—who The costs could be much at around $3.5 billion.
to have a big impact. wrangle shareholder support lower if the activists don’t The hedge fund has been
Two activist hedge funds— for their clients’ board candi- take their fights to a vote, ei- urging shareholders to “re-
Nelson Peltz’s Trian Fund dates. ther by settling with Disney store the magic” at Disney,
Management and the smaller One reason for the high or backing away. Trian called with a matching internet do-
Blackwells Capital—are sepa- price: the millions of individ- off its first proxy attempt at main name making its case.
rately going toe-to-toe with ual investors who own an Disney last year. It says the company needs
Disney to gain spots on its outsize portion of Disney’s At the crux of the proxy to find a clear successor to
board and challenge the strat- roughly 1.8 billion shares. fight is a disagreement over Iger, make its streaming mar-
egy of Chief Executive Officer They control over a third of Disney’s strategy and how to gins “Netflix-like” and pull its
HEATED: Companies are disputing regulators’ approach on the Bob Iger. Disney’s stock—more than is best nudge the company’s studios out of a rut. It is run-
energy efficiency of home appliances. B3 All in, the three parties typical for a public company. stock price, which has been ning two candidates, includ-
could spend north of $70 mil- Institutional investors such almost cut in half from its Please turn to page B4

Bank Went From Crisis Winner to Next Worry Export Fight Risks
creased regulatory scrutiny.
In recent weeks, NYCB said it
sets and shrinking the bank.
“We’ve got a couple of, you
Total assets at New York
Community Bancorp
Natural-Gas Swings
needed to make changes to en- know, tough, tough punches to
New York Community sure its balance sheet was befit- the gut,” DiNello told analysts $120 billion BY DAVID UBERTI on the climate, producers
Bancorp closed a transforma- ting its new stature, kicking off on a conference call. “But AND RYAN DEZEMBER warn the pause could hurt the
tional deal in late 2022, buy- events that rocked its stock and we’re strong.” 100 country’s ability to supply al-
ing mortgage lender Flagstar credit ratings, and raised ques- So far, NYCB has said its de- Americans’ utility bills are lies with fuel in the future.
Bancorp to nearly double its tions about its soundness. posits are stable. Customers say 80 getting wrapped up in the Now, Americans’ power and
size. Four months later, it The bank swung to a loss they are watching anxiously. fight over President Biden’s heating costs are becoming a
struck again, buying parts of for the fourth quarter and A popular WhatsApp group pause on most new natural- growing part of the tug of war.
Signature Bank, which was slashed the hearty dividend it for people involved in com- gas exports. As the Energy Department
just seized by regulators dur- was known for. It pointed to mercial real estate is full of The White House last weighs new criteria for green-
ing a bank run. worrisome signs in property- messages about the health of 40 month effectively froze new lighting future exports, some
The deals catapulted NYCB loan books that make up big NYCB, similar to what hap- approvals for liquefied natural manufacturing groups and
from a relatively small lender parts of its balance sheet. It pened last year with Signa- 20 gas shipments, a booming in- consumer advocates warn that
focused on niche commercial reshaped its management, ture, said member and com- dustry that helped turn the America’s ties to global mar-
real estate into the regulators’ naming Alessandro DiNello, mercial mortgage broker Ira 0 U.S. into an energy-export kets could make price instabil-
group of big diversified com- the former head of Flagstar, as Zlotowitz. Unlike last time, powerhouse. While environ- ity more likely. The fear is that
2008 ’10 ’15 ’20
mercial banks. It crossed $100 executive chairman. He said when those tightknit deposi- mentalists are urging officials additional projects in the next
billion in assets, bringing in- he is considering selling as- Please turn to page B6 Source: the company to scrutinize projects’ impact Please turn to page B9

Digital disruption
initiatives fizzle sizzle
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embrace volatility
B2 | Monday, February 12, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in
today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A-D Disney......................................A1, B1 New York Community

Accolade Wines....................B10 DoorDash.......................................B2 Bancorp........................................B1
Anheuser-Busch......................B2 E-P
Apple...............................................A12 Endeavor Energy
Astellas...........................................B2 Resources...................................A1
BlackRock.......................................B1 EQT.....................................................B9 Tesla...........................................A1,B4
Blackwells Capital..................B1 Etsy....................................................B2 Treasury Wine Estates..B10
BMW.................................................B2 Trian Fund Management.B1
Exxon Mobil.................................A1
Tripadvisor....................................A1 Fox.......................................................A1
Centene........................................B10 Home Depot...............................B2 U
Chevron............................................A1 Humana.......................................B10 Unilever...........................................B2
Cigna...............................................B10 Liberty TripAdvisor ............A2 UnitedHealth Group..........B10
ConocoPhillips............................A1 Lindt...................................................B2 W
CVS..................................................B10 Match Group..............................A2 Walt Disney.................................B1
Diamondback Energy..........A1 Microsoft.......................................B2 Warner Bros. Discovery....A1

A I Myllyvirta, Lauri...................A10
Amoo-Gottfried, Kofi..........B2 Iger, Bob..........................................B1 N

Arthur, Neal.................................B2 J Noel, Tim....................................B10
Asher, Andrew.......................B10 Jacobs, Ian....................................B1 P
C K Peltz, Nelson...............................B1
Cangemi, Thomas..................B6 Kane, Brian...............................B10 R
D Korsbakken, Jan Ivar........A10
Raskin, Max................................B6 Bud Light returned to out-and-out humor this year, introducing a new brand mascot called the Bud Light Genie.
Diller, Barry...................................A1 M

Goal for Super Bowl Ads This Year

DiNello, Alessandro...............B1 Maffei, Greg.................................A1
Dominguez, Ana Maria.....B2 Malone, John.............................A2 Salamon, Robert.....................B6
Marrone, Anthony.................A3 Shawe, Phil..................................A2
F Smith, Aaron..............................A3
Miaritis, Nick..............................B2
Ferguson, John.........................B4 Musk, Elon............................A1,B4 Stephens, Autry.......................A1

Ratios among the cheapest. Was to Avoid Offending Anyone

Equity risk ratio
Measure This method measures the
reward for owning stocks over
The Super Bowl ads on Sun-
day variously appealed to Amer-
ica’s sweet tooth, pleaded for
The National Football League’s
annual championship regularly
attracts more than 100 million
Average price for a 30-second
Super Bowl commercial
“We considered famous peo-
ple, humor, at the very begin-

Stock Value government bonds, calculated tolerance and sought redemp- viewers, and last year’s install- $8 million ning and we developed many
by taking the gap between a tion for Bud Light. But most will ment drew more than 115 mil- ideas, but that’s not who we
company’s earnings yield and shared one thing in common: lion, according to media mea- Inflation adjusted are,” said Ana Maria Dominguez,
that of a Treasury. Equities are marketers’ even deeper-than- surement firm Nielsen. Thirty president and CEO at Lindt USA.
Continued from page B1 considered to be riskier than usual desire to avoid offending seconds of ad time in Super “That’s not what our brand is
valuing stocks and indicates ultrasafe government bonds, anyone. Bowl LVIII cost around $7 mil- 4 about.”
what an investor is paying for so investors expect the former lion, although prices can vary Despite the general avoid-
each dollar of a company’s to earn a higher return over By Megan Graham, based on factors including how ance of cultural trip wires,
earnings. the long term. Katie Deighton and many spots companies buy. 2 Kennedy’s campaign ad wasn’t
When earnings rise and Earnings yield is computed Patrick Coffee Sunday’s telecast on CBS in- the only Super Bowl commer-
prices remain steady, valua- by dividing a company’s re- cluded a slew of first-time na- cial to address social issues.
tions contract. If earnings de- ported or projected earnings Their supersize trepidation tional advertisers, including ice- 0 Two from the “He Gets Us”
cline, that makes stocks look over the next year by its stock was inspired largely by the ex- cream brand Drumstick, Robert 1995 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 campaign, returning to the Su-
even more expensive at the price. Comparing the trailing ample of Bud Light, which suf- Kraft’s “Stand Up to Jewish per Bowl after making its first
same price levels. earnings yield with the 10-year fered a consumer boycott last Note: In-game spots only. Inflation
Hate” campaign, PepsiCo soft adjustments are to December 2023 dollars
appearance last year, will en-
There are two ways to cal- Treasury yield shows that the year after its social-media pro- drink Starry, online marketplace using the consumer-price index. couraged viewers to love their
culate the ratio. Investors who S&P 500’s equity risk premium motion with transgender influ- Etsy, chocolate brand Lindt and Source: Vivvix neighbors as they say Jesus
prefer to look at actual results is at 0.7 percentage point, near encer Dylan Mulvaney. The cosmetics brand E.l.f. Cosmet- did.
use a company’s trailing earn- the lowest level in about two brand’s marketing chief exited in ics. They joined mainstays in- las running its second consecu- And the commercial from
ings over the previous 12 decades. (The lower the ratio the drama. cluding M&Ms, Budweiser and tive Super Bowl ad for a treat- “Stand Up to Jewish Hate” en-
months. Others argue that pro- is, the more expensive stocks “It has usually been that Google. ment to reduce hot flashes and couraged people to speak out
jected earnings for the coming are.) when a brand gets into trouble One of the biggest surprises night sweats due to menopause. against antisemitism along with
year are more relevant, partic- Matt Smith, investment di- like that, it recovers fairly in the ad breaks was a commer- E.l.f.’s ad promoted its Halo hate toward other groups.
ularly for fast-growing compa- rector at Ruffer, a London- quickly and people forget about cial from a super PAC support- Glow Liquid Filter. Some ads focused on the tech
nies in the tech sector. based investment-management it and move on,” said Tim ing the presidential campaign of Women already make up industry’s topic du jour: artifi-
Based on trailing earnings, services firm, recommends cal- Calkins, a marketing professor Robert F. Kennedy Jr., adapted nearly 37% of viewers for regu- cial intelligence. Tech company
the S&P 500’s multiple is culating the spread to the yield at Northwestern University’s from an old campaign commer- lar-season NFL games, according Microsoft’s ad, for example,
24.18, above its 10-year aver- on the 10-year Treasury infla- Kellogg School of Management. cial for John F. Kennedy. to Nielsen, and made up 47% of promoted its Copilot AI product.
age of 20.36. tion-protected security, be- “The Bud Light situation has The ad—both in the original last year’s Super Bowl audience. Brands may have been risk-
The index’s forward multi- cause corporate earnings tend been so different because the and in slightly altered form on The presence of megastar averse in their messaging, but
ple, at 20.38, recently rose to adjust with inflation. By brand has been hit very hard Sunday night—made age part of Taylor Swift, who attended Sun- the concepts behind some cam-
above 20 for the first time in that measure, too, the risk re- and it hasn’t really bounced the case for its candidate. “Do day’s game to cheer on boy- paigns appeared as elaborate as
two years. Its longer-term av- ward for owning stocks over back.” you want a man for president friend Kansas City Chiefs tight ever.
erage is 17.96. bonds is at the lowest level on Super Bowl marketers as a who’s seasoned through and end Travis Kelce, may have DoorDash promised to de-
Tech stocks often command record, based on Dow Jones result tried to break through through,” the revised jingle asks, nudged that female audience liver one product from all the
rich valuations because they Market data going back to with humor that didn’t cross “a man who’s old enough to even higher. commercials that ran during the
are expected to generate wind- 2003. any fault lines, according to know and young enough to do?” Lindt, a Swiss chocolatier game, whether it was a bag of
fall profits in the future. A ma- Calkins. “Nobody’s pushing the Brands leaned on the tried- that counts women over the age Doritos or a new BMW, to the
nia over generative artificial edge on these jokes and no- and-tested formula of hiring ce- of 30 as its primary audience, winner of its Super Bowl sweep-
intelligence spurred big bets P/E growth ratio body’s hinting at anything re- lebrities to front the joke. bought its first Super Bowl com- stakes.
on stocks such as Nvidia, lead- The PEG ratio is the mar- motely contro- Dunkin’ re- mercial to drive awareness in More than 20 Super Bowl ad-
ing to its lofty valuation. The ket’s valuation of a company versial,” he said. turned to the the U.S., and has signed a social- vertisers agreed to participate in
chip maker is trading at 33.48 relative to its earnings pros- Bud Light’s Super Bowl with media deal with Philadelphia Ea- the campaign, said Kofi Amoo-
times its projected earnings pects. ad, a case in Nobody pushed a comedic ad gles center Jason Kelce’s wife, Gottfried, chief marketing offi-
over the next 12 months. To calculate it, divide a point, depicted a the edge on starring actor Kylie, to extend its campaign cer of DoorDash. By comparison,
“They look at a Nvidia and company’s price/earnings ratio “Bud Light Ge- Ben Affleck and outside the game. CBS sold more than 60 national
go, ‘It’s trading at a huge mul- over the past 12 months by its nie” granting jokes, a singer Jennifer But Lindt eschewed big commercials.
tiple.’ It is on today’s num- projected annual future earn- wishes including Lopez for the names and jokes in its ad, which DoorDash will give away an
bers,” said Michael Landsberg, ings growth. A PEG of 1 indi-
i n v i s i b i l i t y, second year in a instead features its Lindor choc- item related to each national ad,
financial adviser at Landsberg cates the stock’s price is in line metal-band hair, expert says. row, for exam- olate ball bouncing around vari- even if the brand didn’t partici-
Bennett Private Wealth Man- with its growth expectations. friendship with ple, but this time ous “moments of bliss” as a pating in the campaign, accord-
agement The S&P 500’s current PEG Hall of Fame added actor jaunty Perry Como soundtrack ing to a spokeswoman.
Nvidia shares more than tri- ratio is 1.48, below its 10-year quarterback Pey- Matt Damon,
pled last year to lead the S&P average of 1.49 and above its ton Manning, an appearance by football champion Tom Brady,
500 and are the top performer 20-year average of 1.35. pop singer and rapper Post Ma- TikTok star Charli D’Amelio and
in the index again in 2024, up Nvidia’s ratio of 0.78 makes it lone, a raging house party and a rappers Fat Joe and Jack Har-
46%. The stock’s valuation look cheap in comparison. T. rex to attend it. low.
soared to more than 60 times Last year’s spot went for a CoStar Group stood out with
forward earnings last year, but more subtle humor, showing four commercials, one for its
the multiple declined as the CAPE ratio husband-and-wife actors Miles apartment list-
company reported huge prof- The cyclically adjusted and Keleigh Teller dancing to ing site, three for its
its. price-to-earnings ratio was de- telephone hold music. and all of them featuring celeb-
rived by Robert Shiller, a No- Delivery service Uber Eats rities.
bel Prize-winning economist. was chastised for a joke in its “It looks to me like most have
Price-to-book ratio It is calculated by dividing a commercial, which it released given a clear brief to deliver
Akin to the price/earnings stock’s current price with its online before the game, that mainstream, nonoffensive funny,
ratio, the price-to-book ratio average inflation-adjusted showed a man asking, “There’s “ said Nick Miaritis, chief client
divides a company’s stock earnings from the previous 10 peanuts in peanut butter?” officer, VaynerMedia, which cre-
price by its book value, a mea- years. while breaking out in an allergic ated PepsiCo’s Super Bowl ad for It’s not just about achieving your goals...
sure of total assets minus lia- Its advantage is that it cor- reaction. Starry. “It just doesn’t seem like It’s about the path that gets you there.
bilities. rects for ex- Food allergy advocacy group many brands are willing to put
The ratio is treme good FARE criticized the ad, saying it something out there that’s po-
often used by times and bad featured “inappropriate use of larizing,” he said.
investors on the Based on times. That humor depicting food allergies.” Advertisers also leaned into
hunt for under- trailing smooths out pe- Uber Eats wound up running a the Super Bowl’s female audi-
valued stocks at riods such as version with the joke removed. ence, with Unilever skin and
reasonable earnings, the just before the The stakes are high for Super haircare brand Dove focusing on
prices. housing bust, Bowl advertisers even aside young girls playing sports and
It is typically
S&P 500’s when unusually from politics and culture wars. pharmaceutical company Astel-
used to evalu- multiple is 24.18. strong earnings
ate financial made stocks
stocks, particu- look reasonably The Race to Make This Dying U.S. Lake
larly banks, and priced, and The ‘Saudi Arabia of Lithium’
shares of companies with tan- postrecession recoveries, when
gible assets. It is less useful for weak earnings make stocks
tech companies because their look expensive.
growth prospects often aren’t At 33.4, the S&P 500’s CAPE A place to become... A business leader, a teacher, an
captured on company balance ratio is higher than it has been artist. If kids and teens can dream it, Boys & Girls Clubs can
sheets, said Meghan Shue, more than 96% of the time help them become it. Because at our Clubs, it’s not magic
head of investment strategy at since 1881, but it is still well that makes dreams come true, it’s the people. Like our
Wilmington Trust. below the prior peaks seen in Youth Development Professionals who ensure our youth have
The S&P 500 is trading at a the late 1990s and 2021. a place to feel physically and emotionally safe. A place to
forward price-to-book ratio of Typically, this model is used

belong. A place to have fun. A place to learn and grow on their

4.15, above its 10-year average to value cyclically sensitive path to a Great Future.
of 3.26 and its 20-year average companies such as banks and
of 2.76. In comparison, Nvidia’s those in the mining and the oil
price-to-book ratio is 22.48. and gas industries because
Using this model, Home De- their outlooks are influenced Scan this code to watch a video about
pot and building-products by consumer supply and de- California’s toxic Salton Sea, which has
company Masco are among mand and economic growth. enough lithium to make the U.S. self-
the priciest stocks in the in- —Mike DeStefano and Ken sufficient in the mineral, a key component
dex, while Paramount Global Jimenez contributed to this of rechargeable batteries.
and Invesco appear to be article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | B3


The Energy Behind Closed Fridge Doors ADVANCES PRO TIPS

Sensors are more precise and Choosing the right size
Refrigerators use a closed system of coils on the inside and can identify areas where can be an important factor
outside, with refrigerant—a cooling agent—circulating through more or less cooling in efficiency. Larger

Battle Over
it. The systems have gotten more efficient over time. is needed. models consume
more energy.
The circulation system

Evaporator coils

cool internally.

Insulation Freezer position

and sealing matters. Models
around doors with the freezer
have improved on top tend to
Condenser coils over time. use less energy
Manufacturers seek dards that are periodically re- release heat than those with
viewed and tightened—a rule externally.
new timeline on that sparked the recent tussle Keeping the coils the freezer on
clean helps the the bottom or
standards for dryers, over gas stoves.
system work at to one side.
Manufacturers are pushing
stoves, dishwashers for a change.
peak efficiency.
An industry group says ap-
BY JOHN KEILMAN pliances are far more efficient Compressors Get Smart
than versions sold a few de- Compressors on older refrigerators stop and start, resulting
When Jessica Romer pulls cades ago, and some can’t im- in bigger swings in temperature and lower efficiency.
clothes out of her new prove much more without On On On
washer-dryer, they feel cool harming performance. It
and a bit damp but dry to the wants evolving technology to
touch within seconds. drive the standards, not gov-
Using no electric heating ernment timetables. Compressor Off
element or natural gas, the “The reality of the laws of pressurizes refrigerant and pumps
it through the system. It’s like the Modern compressors minimize wide swings by maintaining
unit’s dryer employs a pump physics that require some an ideal temperature range, saving energy.
heart of the fridge.
to draw in ambient heat from amount of energy and water
its surroundings, making it for home appliances to keep Source: Energy Department Peter Santilli, print design by Erik Brynildsen/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
50% more energy efficient food cold and to clean and dry
than traditional models— clothes and dishes has to be eral efficiency rules. In 1987, As the standards have stance, would mean removing technology and consumer ben-
though without producing recognized,” Kevin Messner, President Ronald Reagan grown more demanding, the its clock, she said. efits justify them, according to
that warm, toasty feel. chief policy officer of the As- signed the National Appliance industry has kept pace Paul Storch, whose Bronx, the group.
“It’s different and strange,” sociation of Home Appliance Energy Conservation Act, through technical advances. N.Y., company Felix Storch Inc. Rep. Debbie Lesko (R.,
said Romer, who lives in Manufacturers, told a congres- which established minimum Those include new compres- imports and manufactures Ariz.) in November introduced
northern Florida, “but it does sional hearing last year. standards. The Energy Depart- sors in refrigerators, which niche appliances, said the new the Hands Off Our Home Ap-
work.” Andrew deLaski of the Ap- ment is obligated to revisit are better at keeping a consis- regulations mean the small re- pliances Act, which she said
Whether Romer’s heat- pliance Standards Awareness them periodically, with new tent temperature, and more frigerators he sells for would prevent the Energy De-
pump dryer represents the pin- Project, which advocates for proposals six years after the sophisticated termination con- cramped apartments will need partment from mandating
nacle of energy efficiency or greater energy efficiency, said previous rules are completed. trols that stop clothes dryers updated compressors, which changes that aren’t cost-effec-
just the latest stop on a long government pressure is neces- The agency recently tight- when the job is done. Dish- could raise prices by as much tive. The Appliance Standards
climb is part of a debate in sary to keep the break- ened the rules for refrigera- washers have better motors as 10%—roughly $50 to $100. Awareness Project said regula-
Washington. The Energy De- throughs coming. tors and stoves based on and pumps and now need only “Is the higher cost recov- tors already must take that
partment requires appliance For decades, home appli- agreements reached between 3.5 gallons of water per load, ered through the savings in into account.
makers to meet efficiency stan- ances weren’t subject to fed- the appliance industry and en- which means water heaters energy?” he said. “That’s the Shanika Whitehurst, associ-
vironmental and consumer don’t need to use as much en- litmus test about whether ate director of product sus-
Typical energy use, by appliance 2021 1990 groups. Standards for dish- ergy to warm the spray. these are logical.” tainability at Consumer Re-
washers, washing machines, Whirlpool has developed an Energy Department calcula- ports, said the group’s testing
REFRIGERATORS clothes dryers and beverage insulation for refrigerators tions show shoppers can ex- has found better efficiency
539 kilowatt hours per year
coolers are expected to be that uses vacuum-sealed pow- pect a modest return once the generally correlates with bet-
completed by mid-2024. der in place of polyurethane updated standards are in ter performance and reliabil-
916 kWh New rules for all the prod- foam. That allows the fridge’s place. Those who buy a stan- ity. Yet many people aren’t
ucts should go into effect over interior walls to be thinner, dard-size refrigerator could be happy with the appliances.
the next three to six years. expanding capacity by 25% or, $51 to $143 ahead at the end The Energy Department’s
The Appliance Standards if made at the usual thickness, of its expected 14.5-year rule-making process drew
0.6 kWh per cycle Awareness Project said they to be far more efficient than lifespan once the higher price scores of public complaints,
would cut the average house- traditional models. is offset by lower energy bills. with some saying energy-effi-
2.7 kWh
hold’s annual utility bills by Whirlpool’s head of sus- The appliance manufactur- cient models are too expen-
$120 and, over three decades, tainability, Pamela Klyn, said ers’ association said it sup- sive, don’t work well and
keep 270 million metric tons other appliances are ap- ports the federal efficiency sometimes break easily. Some
1.2 kWh per cycle of carbon dioxide out of the proaching their efficiency lim- standards but is lobbying Con- commenters sarcastically sug-
2.7 kWh
atmosphere—equivalent to the its. Reducing the electricity gress to change the “six-year gested going back to washing
annual energy use of 34 mil- consumption of a contempo- time clock.” New standards clothes in a creek and drying
Source: Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers lion homes. rary microwave oven, for in- should be imposed only when them on clotheslines.



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B4 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Investors Wonder About Tesla’s Future

Carmaker’s mission seen huge gains fueled by ex- That was the kind of pas-
citement around their work in sion Musk once brought to
has expanded and AI. Tesla’s mission.
changed as Musk In January, Adam Jonas, a “Climate change is the big-
high-profile analyst with Mor- gest threat that humanity
refocuses priorities gan Stanley, attributed 22% of faces this century, except for
his price target for Tesla’s AI,” Musk told a journalist in
BY TIM HIGGINS stock to the future value cre- 2017. “I keep telling people
ated by an autonomous car this. I hate to be Cassandra
Tesla has long sold inves- fleet of about 220,000 vehicles here, but it’s all fun and
tors on the hope of a brighter by 2030. But he also pulled games until somebody loses a
future. But these days, what is back some of his expectations f—ing eye.”
that mission? after Musk’s comment about These days, Musk’s tone
At first, the electric auto- control. has changed. He has been ad-
maker, founded 20 years ago, “Tesla is the only truly AI- vocating against corporate
was to many investors and enabling stock under our cov- values such as ESG, or envi-
fans the answer to climate erage,” Jonas told investors in ronmental, social and corpo-
change, especially as Elon a note. “Any change of organi- rate governance, that aim to
Musk showed the world that a zational or legal structure that encourage investments in the
zero-emissions vehicle could impedes Tesla’s ability to par- kinds of goals he once touted.
be both cool and profitable. At ticipate in the development of “ESG is the devil,” he has said.
one point, he said helping re- AI could be detrimental to
duce the risk of catastrophic the…investment thesis.”
climate change is why Tesla Success in bringing out a Humanoid robots

exists. profitable EV with the Model And Musk appears to be
As time wore on and others 3 sedan helped make Tesla the distancing himself from some
began chasing the EV dream, first automaker to be valued, of the green movement that
Musk positioned for a time, at more than $1 had so embraced him years
ANALYSIS Tesla as some- trillion. After years of strug- ago. At a public event in De-
thing else, a gate- gle, Musk had delivered one of cember, Musk described the
way for artificial intelligence his most ambitious promises, alarm over climate change as
to move from the digital world giving him new credibility for Tesla’s booth at an AI “somewhat overblown in the
into the physical world what else he might tackle. conference in Shanghai last short term,” and called for a
through driverless cars and During that run-up in 2020, year; Musk, left, has long pragmatic approach to reduc-
then humanoid robots. Jonas remarked that the been selling the company’s ing carbon over the “next sev-
Tesla, it seemed, was full of “power of hope” was helping future as more than cars. eral decades.”
limitless potential. fuel Tesla’s dramatic rise that “Some of the environmen-
But lately, Musk sounds defied traditional automotive Investors seemed to buy talist movement…is part of
less urgent about climate valuations. into it. Shares more than dou- what is causing people to lose
change. And last month, Musk bled last year after a bad hope in the future,” Musk
threw investors a curveball. 2022, in part driven by inves- said. “So, I guess what I’m
That bright AI future he has More than cars tors worried that Musk was trying to say is that we should
talked about for so long? Well, By then, Musk had long too distracted by his acquisi- have hope in the future. We
he doesn’t feel comfortable been selling the future of tion of the social-media plat- should be excited about the
doing it at Tesla after all—un- Tesla as something more than form now known as X. future, and we should build

less he gets another giant pay- just electric cars. In 2016, for Those distractions have only the future we want.”
day that gives him more con- example, he painted a picture multiplied as he takes increas- That future, in Musk’s tell-
trol. of the automaker’s future with ingly controversial positions on ing, involves humanoid robots,
Such threats immediately fully autonomous vehicle tech- X that worry Tesla fans. That dubbed Optimus, that he says
raise an existential question nology evolving out of its concern erupted anew this past Tesla is working to develop,
for Tesla investors: What driver-assistance Autopilot ef- week when some faithful, in- using the technology behind
makes the company special in forts. He targeted demonstrat- cluding a supporter named its driverless cars.
a world where Musk doesn’t ing a driverless car crossing Chuck, asked him to show more “Optimus, obviously, is a
see climate change as a near- the country by the end of restraint. very new product, an ex-
term risk and is wavering on 2017. That didn’t occur. 2020. That didn’t occur. price cuts on an aging lineup. “Chuck labors under the illu- tremely revolutionary product
his commitment to pursue AI In 2019, as some Tesla in- Then, almost a year ago, “We do believe we’re…laying sion that western civilization is and something that I think has
at Tesla? vestors questioned whether the Musk asked Tesla investors to the groundwork here, and that not at risk, when it clearly is. If the potential to far exceed the
Shares of Tesla, which val- Model 3 could live up to Musk’s take a leap of faith that the it’s better to ship a large num- America falls, nothing else value of everything else at
ued the company well beyond goals, the chief executive held a company’s future was all ber of cars at a lower margin, matters, not stocks, not proper- Tesla combined,” Musk told
any other mere carmaker, special presentation for inves- about rolling out AI software and, subsequently, harvest that ties, nothing,” Musk replied. analysts in January.
have fallen more than 20% tors to tout the company’s ef- to enable robot cars as its margin in the future as we per- “All civilizations eventually fall, “I think,” he added, “we’ve
this year through Friday while forts to develop the autono- once-explosive delivery fect autonomy,” Musk told in- as history shows, but we want got a good chance of shipping
other technology giants, such mous technology and aimed for growth showed signs of slow- vestors last April after disap- this one to last as long as pos- some number of Optimus
as Microsoft and Nvidia, have a robot taxi fleet by the end of ing and he was resorting to pointing quarterly results. sible.” units next year.” TASNEEM ALSULTAN/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Millions to
get there
minutes faster?
Nelson Peltz’s Trian has been urging shareholders to ‘restore the magic’ at Disney.

Disney Faces Duck’s paternal uncle, in an

animated video with a step-
by-step voting guide.
again,” it said. “We saw this
movie last year and we didn’t
like the ending.”
Go inside the supercharged race between
Amazon, Target and Walmart to see how
Priciest P&G Topped
In addition to being one of
the highest-profile proxy
fights in years, the fight is
each retail giant is competing to shave
hours — even minutes — off deliveries.
With these companies investing in fast and
Proxy Fight All in, the cost is expected
to top that of Trian’s 2017
clash with Procter & Gamble,
captivating Wall Street advis-
ers because it will be one of
the first votes to put the
currently the priciest proxy newly implemented universal
free shipping, we’ll unpack the different Continued from page B1 fight on record, with a price proxy card to the test.
strategies — and the challenges they will ing the 81-year-old Peltz, who tag of $60 million. Shareholders historically
face along the way. holds board seats at other (Peltz was ultimately given either had to vote for a com-
companies, including Uni- a seat on the board of the pany’s entire slate of direc-
WAT C H lever. owner of Crest toothpaste af- tors or an activist’s. Universal
Blackwells, which has a ter the vote ended in a near- cards list both sets of candi-
tiny stake valued at around tie.) dates in the same place, al-
$15 million, has suggested its Disney expects its total ex- lowing shareholders to mix
three nominees penses to be and match.
could help ex- about $40 mil-

plore a breakup lion, while
of the com- Trian esti- In Disney’s favor
pany. mated it could They make it more likely
Disney has spend at least an activist could claim a par-
sought to ap- The value of $25 million, tial victory by winning at
pease share- regulatory fil- least one board seat.
holders with a
Blackwells Capital’s ings this month Working in Disney’s favor
series of an- stake in the show. Black- is that the small number of
nouncements entertainment giant. wells expects individual investors who
including an to spend bother to vote in proxy fights
investment in around $6 mil- tend to support the compa-
“Fortnite” lion. nies.
maker Epic Games; plans to Trian appears determined Most individual investors
stream Taylor Swift’s “Eras to press ahead with its cur- just aren’t paying attention,
Tour” concert movie on Dis- rent quest. After Disney’s according to John Ferguson, a
ney+, and a partnership with shares surged more than 12% senior partner at Saratoga
Fox and Warner Bros. Discov- Thursday following a better- Proxy Consulting, which isn’t
ery to launch a sports-fo- than-expected earnings re- involved in the Disney fight.
cused streaming service. port and the unveiling of new “To do it right,” Ferguson
©2024 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. All rights reserved. 3DJ8870
Disney enlisted the help of initiatives, Trian doubled said, “this will definitely be
cartoon character Professor down. the most expensive fight
Ludwig Von Drake, Donald “It’s déjà vu all over we’ve seen.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | B5

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B6 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Big Bet Office property vacancy rates

21% How Bank
On San 18

San Francisco
U.S. Became
Francisco 12

Next Worry
Continued from page B1 Continued from page B1


faulted on mortgages. Losses 3 tors fled en masse, the mes-
from the loans flowed through sages are split between those
the financial system, hitting 0 who plan to stay with NYCB
shares of banks and insurers. 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 and those who plan to leave.
This year is expected to be One New York City prop-
worse than the last for office Average price per square foot of office property sales erty owner who kept tens of
space nationally. The situation $1,400 millions of dollars at Signa-
in San Francisco is particu- U.S. San Francisco ture until it failed in early New York Community Bank headquarters in Hicksville, N.Y.
larly challenged because its 1,200 2023 and now banks at NYCB
economy relied so heavily on 1,000 said he is considering his op- financial instruments in which charge-offs surged to $185
technology companies that tions. banks pay a fee to investors million in the fourth quarter
have now embraced remote 800 “My finger’s on the trig- who agree to shoulder a por- from $1 million a year earlier,
work. Some say the city is ger,” said the property owner. tion of credit losses if they oc- driven by an office loan and a
headed for a “doom loop,” 600 “Having gone through that cur. co-op loan.
with rising vacancies prompt- 400 and seeing this situation re- “If we must shrink, then
ing more companies to leave. play again, your risk tolerance we’ll shrink. If we must sell
Jacobs has lined up com- 200 needs to be much tighter.” nonstrategic assets, then we’ll Rapid growth
mitments of $75 million for his The government used emer- do that,” DiNello said. “We’ll NYCB has been trying to di-
first few deals, the people fa- 0 gency measures to backstop do whatever it takes.” versify away from those risks.
miliar with the matter said. 2018 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 deposits at Signature, even At the end of 2020, the
Ultimately, he hopes to buy 3 Note: Data are quarterly Source: CoStar those over the $250,000 Fed- bank’s longtime leader, Joseph
million square feet of office eral Deposit Insurance Corp. ‘They were a winner’ Ficalora, retired. New Chief
space for prices about 70% be- $10 billion by 1991, collapsed After Jacobs left to start his coverage limit, but the prop- NYCB got its start in 1859 Executive Thomas Cangemi
low what it would cost to when debts bankrupted Olym- own investment firm in 2009, erty owner isn’t convinced the as the Queens County Savings took over and started looking
build the properties, according pia & York, then slowly recov- Tracy Britt took over the job. FDIC would do it again. Bank. Based in Hicksville, N.Y., for a deal.
to marketing materials for the ered to at least $880 million Cheap stocks were plentiful The fears about NYCB echo the banks that operate under In 2021, NYCB announced
project viewed by The Wall by 2005. after the 2009 financial crisis, last spring’s banking crisis, NYCB are spread across nearly the deal for Troy, Mich.-based
Street Journal. Recent build- Most descendants of Ja- but Jacobs saw fewer opportu- when fast-growing institu- 400 branches throughout Flagstar, which would bring a
ing sales in San Francisco av- cobs’s generation—he has doz- nities as low interest rates tions were found to have mis- parts of the Northeast, Mid- lot of loans to businesses. Af-
eraged between $200 and ens of cousins—studied in lo- drove stock prices higher. He managed their newfound west, West Coast and Florida. ter several regulatory ap-
$300 a square foot, implying cal parochial schools known as sometimes went years without growth, exposing themselves NYCB was long a darling in proval delays, the deal closed
total purchases of $600 mil- yeshivas, then began working buying anything, the people to losses. And the comments New York City commercial in December 2022.
lion to $900 million. in real estate with their fami- familiar with the matter said. about commercial real estate real estate, where it has A few months later, NYCB
The plan is called “Project lies. After yeshiva, Jacobs It is a lesson he learned from from NYCB has others won- worked closely with big bro- won the FDIC auction to get
Uris,” a nod to the Reich- moved to New York, where he Buffett, who has held back dering if it is the tip of the kers like Meridian Capital. The much of what was left of Sig-
mann’s 1977 purchase of eight got a job as an equity analyst when valuations are high and iceberg. bank specialized in lending to nature: loans to businesses
Manhattan buildings from Uris at Goldman Sachs, then en- swooped in during crises. Those fears are sending owners of apartment buildings and $34 billion in deposits.
Buildings Corp. through their tered business school. There Stock prices fell in 2022 stocks down, showing the in- that are rent stabilized, mak- The deal lifted NYCB shares
company Olympia & York De- he set his mind on working for when the Federal Reserve dustry remains ing huge loans sharply in a year when many
velopments. Like San Fran- the biggest name in value in- raised interest rates, then re- under pressure. that were other regional bank stocks
cisco today, New York City was vesting: Buffett, the head of bounded, prompting Jacobs to NYCB shares known to go were in free fall.
struggling with crime, corpo- Berkshire Hathaway. turn back to the old Reich- have lost more NYCB bad at a lower Quick expansions in banks
rate flight and political dys- “He wrote Warren a letter mann playbook: buying office than half their executives said rate than at can prove problematic.
function. Five years later, a re- that said ‘you’re my role properties on the cheap. value since the other banks. Last spring, Silicon Valley
surgent Wall Street lifted the model and I’d like to make you Jacobs has told investors it company re- it will consider “For credit, Bank, Signature and First Re-
local economy and the build- a value proposition—I’ll pay might take San Francisco 10 ported fourth- they were a public Bank all failed after pe-
ings were valued at 10 times you $500 a week for the op- years to recover, according to quarter results
sales of some of winner,” said riods of rapid growth. Regula-
what the Reichmanns had portunity to intern for you,’” his marketing materials. The on Jan. 31, its assets. Fred Cum- tors said they would have to
paid. said Robert Salamon, one of key to the trade will be buying though on Fri- mings, presi- watch fast-growing banks
The Reichmanns are an ex- Jacobs’s cousins. cheap and holding on until day they rose dent and port- closer, especially those with
tended family of Orthodox Buffett turned down the of- technology companies ulti- 17%. The KBW folio manager concentrated business mod-
Jews who became famous for fer and mailed back the $500 mately return. Nasdaq Regional Banking In- at Elizabeth Park Capital Man- els.
their real-estate acumen and check. But he hinted that he “His whole professional ca- dex is down roughly 9% over agement, which invests in U.S. Eric Rosengren, the former
religious philanthropy. Ja- might find a project for Jacobs reer has been around value in- that time. banks. president of the Federal Re-
cobs’s great uncles Paul and if he was ever in Omaha, Neb., vesting in public markets,” Still, analysts and bankers But the concentration cre- serve Bank of Boston, ques-
Albert Reichmann developed where Berkshire is located. Ja- said Max Raskin, an adviser to say there is little evidence an ated pressure. About half of tioned why regulators ap-
Canary Wharf in London and cobs showed up in the summer Jacobs on the project. “This is acute crisis is brewing. The the multifamily portfolio at proved NYCB’s bid for
the World Financial Center in of 2002 and landed a job doing the first time he can do value economy is strong and inter- NYCB is subject to some sort Signature in the first place.
New York. The empire grew to financial analysis for his idol. investing in real estate.” est-rate pressure is easing on of rent regulations. The deal put NYCB above $100
banks. NYCB and a few other A 2019 law put a limit on billion, a key regulatory
real-estate lenders face losses, how much New York City threshold that subjects banks
but the issues aren’t systemic. landlords could increase rents to stricter capital and liquidity
“It’s a sizable problem,” on some units, hindering the standards.
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome profitability of that entire as- “The time to worry about
Powell said on “60 Minutes” set class. Valuations have risk management for an insti-
this month. “It doesn’t appear plunged since then, threaten- tution going over $100 billion
to have the makings of the ing to stick banks with big is before they go over $100
kind of crisis things that losses. billion,” Rosengren said.
we’ve seen sometimes in the Jay Martin, executive direc- Before the losses were dis-
past, for example, with the tor of the trade group Com- closed, NYCB’s chief risk offi-
global financial crisis.” munity Housing Improvement cer and chief audit executive
Program, said he knows more both left. The bank said it
than a dozen property owners would soon fill those posi-
Tough choices who have struggled to refi- tions, but didn’t specify a
NYCB faces difficult nance troubled multifamily date.
choices, including trying to loans that are set to come due There is more uncertainty
shrink itself back to health or at NYCB. “It’s a huge prob- down the ranks. The Signature
working with third parties to lem,” Martin said. bankers who went over to
beef up capital. A decline in office valuations NYCB are set to be paid reten-
NYCB executives said this since the Covid-19 pandemic tion bonuses early this year,
week the bank will consider hasn’t helped, raising concerns and some could leave after-
sales of assets outside of its about the broader commercial ward, people familiar with the
core businesses. real-estate market. matter said.
Other options under con- NYCB has braced for big
sideration include a capital losses, piling away millions for
raise, people familiar with the future hits to its commercial Déjà vu
matter said, or the issuance of real-estate portfolio. Net Unlike the banks that
failed, NYCB hasn’t operated
ADVERTISEMENT with especially large amounts
of uninsured deposits or paper

The Marketplace
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losses on its bond portfolios.
NYCB said 72% of its deposits
were insured or collateralized
as of early February, while
only around 10% were insured
And bank customers have
reduced their exposure to un-
tm insured deposits and set up

2 Minute Pizza side accounts over the past

year, which meant there
wasn’t a rush for the exits in
the past few weeks.
My oven cooks a pizza in 2 minutes with For Signature Bank custom-
ers that stuck with NYCB, the
NO warmup time. Watch the video. past two weeks have brought
an unwelcome sense of déjà
Patent pending and trademarked. vu. Longtime Signature cus-
tomer Larry Delson kept NYCB
Let’s build a brand. as the primary bank for his
New York import-export and
consulting business but
opened a few backup accounts
ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVEL at other regional banks after
last year’s failures. He has the
same banker at NYCB and says
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You Write, Edit & Publish. this Summer? lines about potential issues about NYCB, he moved about $200,000 out of his business
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traveled highway at the edge of would protect uninsured de-
(800) 366-3975 positors again.
the Clawson Shopping Center.
Contact - Marvin A. Robon © 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. “At the same time, I have to
Ph: 419-897-6500 E-Mail: All Rights Reserved. protect myself,” he said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 12, 2024 | B7

Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
Last Year ago Last Year ago
38671.69 s 17.27, or 0.04% last week Trailing P/E ratio 25.68 22.55 5026.61 s 68.00, or 1.37% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 22.37 19.97 Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 18.44 18.13 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 22.51 18.57
the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 1.94 2.07 the past 52 weeks Dividend yield * 1.44 1.63 IPOs in the U.S. Market
All-time high 38726.33, 02/08/24 All-time high 5026.61, 02/09/24
Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some
offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the
Current divisor 0.15172752595384 Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only
38300 4900 Symbol/ Pricing
Week's high Expected primary Shares Range($)
DOWN UP pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)
65-day moving average

Monday's open Friday's close 37000 4700 2/14 11/7 Amphitrite Digital AMDI 1.8 3.50/ EF Hutton
2023 Maritime vacation or Nq 4.50
Friday's close Monday's open 65-day staycation tours company.

moving average 35700 4500

Week's low
Lockup Expirations
34400 4300 Below, companies whose officers and other insiders will become eligible
to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first time. Such
sales can move the stock’s price.
33100 4100
Lockup Offer Offer amt Through Lockup
expiration Issue date Symbol price($) ($ mil.) Friday (%) provision
200-day moving average
200-day moving average Feb. 11 Aug. 15, ’23 Sacks Parente Golf SPGC 4.00 13.5 –80.5 180 days
31800 3900
Sources: Dealogic; Dow Jones Market Data
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open
30500 3700 IPO Scorecard
F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
Primary % Chg From % Chg From
NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite Friday's Offer 1st-day Friday3s Offer 1st-day

Company SYMBOL Company SYMBOL

Scan this code IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
24 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and track BBB Foods 19.05 8.9 ... FibroBiologics 6.89 –13.9 –76.3
most-active stocks, new highs/lows, mutual TBBB Feb. 9/$17.50 FBLG Jan. 31/$8.00
funds and ETFs.. Helix Acquisition II 10.19 1.9 ... ArriVent Biopharma 21.01 16.7 5.1
0 HLXB Feb. 9/$10.00 AVBP Jan. 26/$18.00
F M A M J J A S O N D J F Available free at Metagenomi 10.31 –31.3 ... BrightSpring Health Services 11.32 –12.9 2.9
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index MGX Feb. 9/$15.00 BTSG Jan. 26/$13.00
Telomir Pharmaceuticals 5.00 –28.6 ... Haoxi Health Technology 6.92 73.0 31.1
Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Nasdaq Composite TELO Feb. 9/$7.00 HAO Jan. 26/$4.00
Kyverna Therapeutics 30.10 36.8 0.3 CG Oncology 41.57 118.8 11.8
Latest Week 52-Week % chg s 361.71, or 2.31% KYTX Feb. 8/$22.00 CGON Jan. 25/$19.00
High Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) High %chg YTD 3-yr. ann.
Dow Jones
last week American Heathcare REIT 13.12 9.3 –0.8 Planet Image International 2.25 –43.8 –19.4
AHR Feb. 7/$12.00 YIBO Jan. 25/$4.00
Industrial Average 38755.68 38220.40 38671.69 17.27 0.04 31819.14 • 38726.33 14.2 2.6 7.2
Legato Merger III 10.07 0.7 0.1 J-Long Group 14.89 197.8 100.1
Transportation Avg 16219.83 15588.60 16215.50 415.91 2.63 13444.01 • 16695.32 7.8 2.0 7.8
LEGT.UT Feb. 6/$10.00 JL Jan. 24/$5.00
Utility Average 845.91 824.79 834.43 -17.05 -2.00 783.08 • 975.39 -11.8 -5.4 -1.2 Alto Neuroscience 16.55 3.4 –20.0 SU Group Holdings 2.65 –33.8 –33.8
Total Stock Market 50121.98 48852.12 50081.92 743.94 1.51 38697.55 • 50081.92 21.4 4.8 6.5 ANRO Feb. 2/$16.00 SUGP Jan. 24/$4.00
Barron's 400 1086.48 1063.30 1086.31 13.52 1.26 881.58 • 1087.83 8.7 1.3 5.1 15700 Fractyl Health
GUTS Feb. 2/$15.00
10.03 –33.1 –21.9 JVSPAC Acquisition
JVSAU Jan. 19/$10.00
10.17 1.7 0.5

Nasdaq Stock Market Amer Sports 14.94 14.9 11.5 CCSCTechnologyInternationalHoldings 4.02 0.5 –47.8
Nasdaq Composite 16007.29 15471.68 15990.66 361.71 2.31 11138.89 • 15990.66 36.5 6.5 4.5 AS Feb. 1/$13.00 CCTG Jan. 18/$4.00
Nasdaq-100 17987.90 17469.62 17962.41 319.68 1.81 11830.28 • 17962.41 46.0 6.8 9.5 Sources: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet
2 5 6 7 8 9
500 Index 5030.06 4918.09 5026.61 68.00 1.37 3855.76 • 5026.61 22.9 5.4 8.7 February Public and Private Borrowing
MidCap 400 2809.69 2715.33 2808.47 41.32 1.49 2326.82 • 2809.23 6.4 1.0 3.6 DJ US TSM
SmallCap 600 1289.36 1244.39 1288.34 14.71 1.16 1068.80 • 1339.63 1.8 -2.3 -0.2 Treasurys
s 743.94, or 1.51%
Other Indexes last week Monday, February 12 Thursday, February 15
Russell 2000 2010.77 1921.36 2009.99 47.26 2.41 1636.94 • 2066.21 4.8 -0.8 -4.4 Auction of 13 and 26 week bills; Auction of 4 and 8 week bills;
NYSE Composite 17286.47 16932.56 17275.87 173.90 1.02 14599.05 • 17275.87 8.6 2.5 4.3 announced on February 8; settles on February 15announced on February 13; settles on February 20
Value Line 588.31 571.60 587.85 5.48 0.94 498.09 • 598.74 0.5 -1.0 -2.1 49900 Wednesday, February 14
NYSE Arca Biotech 5194.12 5035.67 5084.12 -17.77 -0.35 4544.40 • 5538.12 -6.8 -6.2 -6.8 Auction of 17 week bill;
NYSE Arca Pharma 1000.13 962.86 992.62 29.76 3.09 791.91 • 993.9 18.7 9.1 12.2
announced on February 13; settles on February 20
KBW Bank 94.26 91.88 93.63 -1.11 -1.17 71.71 • 113.63 -16.7 -2.5 -4.7
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 113.21 108.67 109.32 -4.74 -4.16 103.31 • 144.37 -11.4 -13.0 -8.8
PHLX§ Oil Service 79.88 76.31 78.85 0.845 1.08 69.29 • 98.76 -15.2 -6.0 15.2 49100 A Week in the Life of the DJIA
PHLX§ Semiconductor 4574.93 4291.88 4567.30 230.57 5.32 2892.39 • 4567.3 51.7 9.4 14.2
A look at how the Dow Jones Industrial Average component stocks
Cboe Volatility 14.53 12.69 12.93 -0.92 -6.64 12.07 • 26.52 -37.0 3.9 -15.8 48700
did in the past week and how much each moved the index. The DJIA
2 5 6 7 8 9
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data February gained 17.27 points, or 0.04%, on the week. A $1 change in the price
of any DJIA stock = 6.59-point change in the average. To date, a
$1,000 investment on Dec. 31 in each current DJIA stock component
International Stock Indexes Commodities and would have returned $30,658, or a gain of 2.19%, on the $30,000
investment, including reinvested dividends.
Latest Week 52-Week Range YTD
Region/Country Index Close % chg Low Close High % chg The Week’s Action
Last Week YTD
Pct Stock price Point chg $1,000 Invested(year-end '23)
World MSCI ACWI 747.93 1.01 612.09 • 747.93 2.9 Close Net chg %Chg % chg
chg (%) change in average* Company Symbol Close $1,000
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 312.79 0.25 276.65 • 316.96 –1.2 DJ Commodity 950.15 9.03 0.96 -0.80
11.59 11.26 74.21 Walt Disney DIS $108.39 $1,200
MSCI World 3281.42 1.04 2638.46 • 3281.42 3.5 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 274.34 6.60 2.47 3.99
MSCI Emerging Markets 995.53 0.74 910.91 • 1046.91 –2.8 Crude oil, $ per barrel 76.84 4.56 6.31 7.24
3.76 3.79 24.98 Nike NKE 104.50 963
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1902.12 1.35 1465.27 • 1902.12 4.9 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.847 -0.232 -11.16 -26.53 2.94 6.06 39.94 American Express AXP 212.47 1,138
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 21009.60 –0.36 18737.39 • 21227.87 0.2 Gold, $ per troy oz. 2023.30 -12.80 -0.63 -1.90 2.27 9.33 61.49 Microsoft MSFT 420.55 1,118
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2532.47 –0.07 2067.22 • 2675.33 –4.9
U.S. Dollar Index 104.08 0.16 0.15 2.66 1.97 5.64 37.17 Salesforce CRM 291.30 1,107
Brazil Bovespa 128025.70 0.66 97926.34 • 134193.72 –4.6
WSJ Dollar Index 98.45 0.10 0.10 2.73 1.67 864
Chile S&P IPSA 3366.78 0.63 3048.00 • 3629.67 –2.9
Euro, per dollar 0.9273 0.0003 0.04 2.36
0.71 4.68 Intel INTC 43.31
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 57327.50 –1.54 48197.88 • 58711.87 –0.1
Yen, per dollar 149.28 0.90 0.61 5.85
1.66 5.92 39.02 Home Depot HD 363.15 1,048
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 484.83 0.19 429.58 • 486.76 1.2
U.K. pound, in dollars 1.26 -0.0004 -0.03 -0.82
1.61 3.00 19.77 Apple AAPL 188.85 982
STOXX Europe 50 4215.59 0.22 3731.99 • 4243.93 3.0
1.57 7.99 52.66 UnitedHealth Group UNH 518.22 984
Eurozone Euro STOXX 485.25 0.79 420.65 • 485.25 2.3 Low Close(l) High % Chg 1.07 0.57 3.76 Dow DOW 53.99 985
Euro STOXX 50 4715.87 1.32 4014.36 • 4715.87 4.3
DJ Commodity 930.59 1035.63 -7.56
Austria ATX 3358.95 –2.38 3020.72 • 3557.01 –2.2 l 0.66 2.07 13.64 Caterpillar CAT 317.16 1,078
Belgium Bel-20 3676.59 1.70 3290.68 • 3927.08 –0.8 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 253.85 l 290.29 0.61 0.30 0.55 3.62 IBM IBM 186.34 1,150
France CAC 40 7647.52 0.73 6795.38 • 7677.47 1.4 Crude oil, $ per barrel 66.74 l 93.68 -3.61
0.16 0.28 1.85 JPMorgan Chase JPM 175.01 1,035
Germany DAX 16926.50 0.05 14687.41 • 17033.24 1.0 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.847 l 3.575 -26.53
0.10 0.15 0.99 Johnson & Johnson JNJ 156.76 1,000
Greece Athex Composite 1401.01 1.16 1020.19 • 1404.88 8.3 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1808.80 l 2081.90 8.62
Israel Tel Aviv 1831.55 0.75 1605.20 • 1902.91 –1.8 –0.09 –0.18 –1.19 Boeing BA 209.20 803
Italy FTSE MIB 31156.06 1.43 25495 • 31156 2.7 U.S. Dollar Index 99.77 l 107.00 0.43
–0.10 –0.05 –0.33 Cisco CSCO 50.13 1,000
Netherlands AEX 851.77 3.55 714.05 • 851.77 8.3 WSJ Dollar Index 94.60 l 100.92 2.17
–0.15 –0.32 –2.11 Travelers TRV 214.50 1,126
Norway Oslo Bors All-Share 1444.23 –2.46 1293.45 • 1543.44 –4.9 Euro, per dollar 0.8897 l 0.9555 -0.97
–0.17 1,074
Portugal PSI 20 6126.40 –2.09 5724.12 • 6609.90 –4.2 Yen, per dollar 130.71 l 151.72 13.61
–0.29 –1.91 Walmart WMT 169.28
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 73423.30 –1.29 69451.97 • 80227.19 –4.5 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.18 l 1.31 4.72 –0.27 –0.75 –4.94 Visa V 276.43 1,064
Spain IBEX 35 9896.60 –1.65 8719.3 • 10258.1 –2.0 –0.42 –0.67 –4.42 Procter & Gamble PG 157.42 1,081
Sweden OMX Stockholm 890.75 –0.07 753.35 • 902.88 –1.3 Go to for free
–0.65 –1.27 –8.37 HON 194.84 929
Switzerland Swiss Market 11091.58 –1.32 10323.71 • 11595.25 –0.4 access to real-time market data.
U.K. FTSE 100 7572.58 –0.56 7256.94 • 8014.31 –2.1 –0.76 –0.96 –6.33 Merck MRK 125.45 1,151
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 167.41 0.57 150.1 • 170.8 –1.2 –0.79 –1.20 –7.91 Chevron CVX 151.04 1,013
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7644.80 –0.71 6772.9 • 7699.4 0.7 –0.93 –3.60 –23.73 Goldman Sachs GS 384.26 996
China Shanghai Composite 2865.90 4.97 2702.19 • 3395.00 –3.7 –1.62 –0.98 –6.46 Coca-Cola KO 59.56 1,011
Hong Kong Hang Seng 15746.58 1.37 14961.18 • 21190.42 –7.6
India S&P BSE Sensex 71595.49 –0.68 57527.10 • 73327.94 –0.9 –1.77 –0.40 –2.64 Walgreens WBA 22.24 852
Japan NIKKEI 225 36897.42 2.04 26945.67 • 36897.42 10.3 –2.08 –1.97 –12.98 3M MMM 92.90 850
Malaysia FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 1512.28 –0.28 1374.64 • 1516.58 4.0 –2.55 –7.58 –49.96 McDonald’s MCD 289.47 976
Singapore Straits Times 3138.30 –1.30 3053.36 • 3373.98 –3.1
–5.72 –2.41 –15.88 Verizon VZ 39.72 1,072
South Korea KOSPI 2620.32 0.19 2277.99 • 2669.81 –1.3
–9.92 –32.07 –211.37
Taiwan TAIEX 18096.07 0.20 15221.12 • 18119.63 0.9 Amgen AMGN 291.12 1,011

Source: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data *Based on Composite price. DJIA is calculated on primary-market price.
Source: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet.
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark Yields and Rates
Selected rates Currencies
U.S. consumer rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race
A consumer rate against its Money Market/Savings Accts Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners US$vs, US$vs, avg†: 0.50% Fri YTDchg Fri YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Banesco USA 5.25% 6.00%
18% Americas Thailand baht .02784 35.920 4.5
5.00% Coral Gables, FL 888-228-1597 Tradeweb ICE
5.00 Vietnam dong .00004094 24425 0.6
t Friday Close Argentina peso .0012831.3000 2.8
CFG Community Bank 5.25% 9 WSJ Dollar Index Europe
3.75 t t s Brazil real .2019 4.9523 2.1
target rate Baltimore, MD 888-205-8388 4.00 Czech Rep. koruna .04272 23.407 4.6
Canada dollar .7431 1.3457 1.6
One year ago .1447 6.9126 2.0
2.50 UFB Direct 5.25% 0 Chile peso .001030 970.41 10.9 Denmark krone
3.00 Euro area euro 1.0784 .9273 2.4
Money market San Diego, CA 877-472-9200 Colombiapeso .000255 3919.87 1.1
account yields 1.25 –9 s Euro Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Hungary forint .002787 358.85 3.4
TAB Bank 5.27% 2.00
t Yen Iceland krona .007270 137.56 1.1
Mexico peso .0585 17.0869 0.7
Ogden, UT 800-355-3063 Norway krone .0946 10.5691 3.9
0.00 1.00 –18 Uruguay peso .02549 39.2350 0.4
BrioDirect 5.35% Poland zloty .2492 4.0124 1.9
MAM J J A S O N D J F 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 Asia-Pacific
2023 2024 Sweden krona .0954 10.4805 3.7
2023 2024 Montebello, NY 877-369-2746 month(s) years Australiadollar .6524 1.5328 4.5 Switzerland franc 1.1422 .8755 4.0
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg maturity China yuan .1393 7.1800 0.9 Turkey lira .0326 30.6918 4.1
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Hong Kong dollar .1279 7.8197 0.1 Ukraine hryvnia .0265 37.7500 –1.0
India rupee .01205 83.013 –0.2 UK pound 1.2629 .7918 0.8
Federal-funds rate target 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 4.50 l 5.50 5.25 Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Indonesia rupiah .0000641 15611 1.4 Middle East/Africa
Prime rate* 8.50 8.50 7.75 l 8.50 5.25 Spread +/- Treasurys, Japan yen .006699 149.28 5.8
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return Bahrain dinar 2.6536 .3769 –0.03
SOFR 5.31 5.32 4.55 l 5.40 5.29 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr Kazakhstan tenge .002239 446.66 –1.9 Egypt pound .0324 30.9046 –0.1
Money market, annual yield 0.50 0.50 0.39 l 0.64 0.40 Macau pataca .1241 8.0600 0.1 Israel shekel .2721 3.6751 2.0
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.82 2.83 2.74 l 2.87 2.34 U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 4.350 4.210 1.16 -3.82 Malaysia ringgit .2099 4.7650 3.7 Kuwait dinar 3.2471 .3080 0.2
U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 4.470 4.320 -5.64 -11.12 New Zealand dollar .6151 1.6258 2.7 Oman sul rial 2.5977 .3850 –0.01
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.29 7.01 6.69 l 8.28 4.41
Aggregate, Bloomberg 4.810 4.670 40 39 62 1.95 -3.47 Pakistan rupee .00358 279.425 –0.6 Qatar rial .2742 3.648 0.1
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.59 6.37 5.96 l 7.42 4.21 .0179 55.895
Philippines peso 0.9 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7503 0.01
Jumbo mortgages, $766,550-plus† 7.38 7.07 6.74 l 8.33 4.47 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 5.010 4.870 47 39 82 0.94 -3.44
Singapore dollar .7429 1.3461 2.0 South Africa rand .0525 19.0413 4.1
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.40 6.35 5.42 l 7.16 3.24 High Yield 100, ICE BofA 7.228 7.238 276 275 459 10.525 1.822 South Korea won .0007510 1331.52 2.9
New-car loan, 48-month 7.87 7.66 6.65 l 7.87 3.85 Muni Master, ICE BofA 3.221 3.138 5 -9 9 2.927 -0.799 Sri Lanka rupee .0031951 312.98 –3.4 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 7.566 7.452 326 319 421 7.092 -3.267 Taiwan dollar .03186 31.383 2.2 WSJ Dollar Index 98.45 –0.08–0.08 2.73
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE BofA Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
B8 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo 52 wk Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Closed-end funds sell a limited Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
number of shares and invest the proceeds in securities. Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Unlike open-end funds, closed-ends generally do not FT/Sr Fltg Rte Inc 2 FCT 11.03 10.00 -9.3 10.9 BNY Mellon Str Muni Bond DSM 6.71 5.79 -13.7 4.2 Apollo Diversified Cd:F NA NA NA 11.9
buy their shares back from investors who wish to cash Nuv Real Est JRS 8.64 7.53 -12.8 -4.5 Highland Oppty & Income HFRO NA 6.60 NA 12.5 BNY Mellon Strat Muni LEO 6.97 6.01 -13.8 4.2 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 17.25 NA NA -11.6 Apollo Diversified Cd:I NA NA NA 9.2
in their holdings. Instead, fund shares trade on a stock
exchange. NA signifies that the information is not NuvS&P500DynOvFd SPXX 16.93 15.53 -8.3 4.6 InvDYCrOpp:AX VTA 11.16 NA NA NA DWS Muni Inc KTF NA 9.06 NA 3.4 PIMCO Flexible REI;Inst 10.44 NA NA 9.2 Apollo Diversified Cd:L NA NA NA 8.7
available or not applicable. NS signifies funds not in NuvSP500BuyIncFd BXMX NA 13.10 NA 4.9 InvSnrIncTr VVR 4.11 4.16 +1.2 11.7 EVMuniBd EIM 11.53 10.34 -10.3 4.1 PREDEX;I 24.57 NA NA -14.0 Apollo Diversified Cd:M NA NA NA 8.5
existence for the entire period. 12 month yield is ReavesUtilityIncome UTG 25.43 25.63 +0.8 -5.2 PREDEX;T 24.68 NA NA -14.2
computed by dividing income dividends paid (during Nuveen Credit Strat Inc JQC 5.92 5.37 -9.3 11.2 EVMuniIncm EVN 11.41 10.28 -9.9 4.7 Opprtnstc Crdt Intrvl;I 11.81 NA NA 11.5
the previous 12 months for periods ending at month- Tortoise Enrgy Infra Crp TYG 34.27 28.59 -16.6 -5.2 NuvFloatRateIncFd JFR 9.26 8.54 -7.8 11.3 EVNatMuniOpp EOT 18.46 17.00 -7.9 4.4 PREDEX;W 24.67 NA NA -14.2 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-1 6.93 NA NA 10.5
end or during the previous 52 weeks for periods Tortoise Midstream Enrgy NTG 41.28 34.09 -17.4 -1.0 High Yield Bond Funds InvAdvMuIncTrII VKI 9.86 8.58 -13.0 4.5 Principal Real Asst A 24.99 NA NA 0.0 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-2 6.93 NA NA 10.5
ending at any time other than month-end) by the
latest month-end market price adjusted for capital VDivInt&PremStr NFJ 14.37 12.28 -14.5 8.4 abrdn Inc Credit Str ACP 7.05 6.75 -4.3 17.4 Invesco MuniOp OIA 6.38 6.33 -0.8 5.0 Principal Real Asst Ins 25.09 NA NA 0.2 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-3 6.93 NA NA 10.3
gains distributions. Depending on the fund category, V Art Int&Tech Opps AIO 21.36 19.48 -8.8 24.2 AllianceBernGlHiIncm AWF 11.06 10.38 -6.1 7.7 InvescoMuOppTr VMO 11.02 9.63 -12.6 4.4 Principal Real Asst Y 25.34 NA NA 0.4 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-4 6.93 NA NA 10.3
either 12-month yield or total return is listed. Income & Preferred Stock Funds Allspring Income Oppty EAD 7.31 6.76 -7.5 8.8 InvescoMuTr VKQ 11.06 9.55 -13.7 4.5 Redwood Rl Est;I 25.07 NA NA NS PIMCO Flexible Cr I;Inst 6.93 NA NA 11.0
Source: Lipper
Dividend and Income BXSY 19.23 NA NA NA Barings Glb SD HY Bd BGH 15.40 14.07 -8.6 10.2 InvescoQual Inc IQI 11.11 9.58 -13.8 4.6 The Private Shares;A 38.22 NA NA -8.5 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
Friday, February 9, 2024 The Private Shares;I 38.86 NA NA -8.2
CalamosStratTot CSQ 16.14 15.74 -2.5 18.4 BR Corporate HY HYT 9.69 9.71 +0.2 9.7 InvTrInvGrMu VGM 11.38 9.90 -13.0 4.3 AFA Private Credit;Fndr 9.41 NA NA 7.8
52 wk The Private Shares;L 37.62 NA NA -8.7
Prem Ttl CohenStrsLtdDurPref&Inc LDP 20.79 19.31 -7.1 -0.4 BlackRock Ltd Dur Inc BLW 14.06 13.96 -0.7 8.6 InvescoValMunInc IIM 13.57 11.81 -13.0 4.6 AFA Private Credit;Inst 9.44 NA NA 7.8
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret CohenStrsSelPref&Income PSF 20.69 19.44 -6.0 -2.3 BNY Mellon Hi Yield Str DHF 2.68 2.36 -11.9 7.6 MAINSTAY:MKDEFTRMUNOP MMD 17.10 16.55 -3.2 5.0 Thirdline Real EstateI 10.14 NA NA 7.3 Alternative Credit Inc:A 9.69 NA NA 7.2
CohenStrsTaxAvPreSecs&I PTA 20.25 18.94 -6.5 2.8 Brookfield Real Asst Inc RA NA 12.86 NA 15.8 NeubrgrBrm NBH 12.03 10.36 -13.9 4.4 USQ Core Real Estate:I 23.81 NA NA -12.8 Alternative Credit Inc:C 9.80 NA NA 6.4
General Equity Funds USQ Core Real Estate:IS 23.87 NA NA -12.7
FirstTrIntDurPref&Inc FPF 18.66 17.24 -7.6 0.6 CrSuisHighYld DHY 2.19 1.99 -9.1 9.4 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu Val NUW NA 13.84 NA 3.5 Alternative Credit Inc:I 9.71 NA NA 7.4
Adams Diversified Eq Inc ADX 21.83 18.73 -14.2 29.2 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 25.14 NA NA NE
JHanPrefInc HPI 15.75 16.09 +2.2 2.1 DoubleLine Inc Sol DSL 12.45 12.71 +2.1 10.5 Nuveen AMT-Fr Qlty Mun I NEA 12.82 10.95 -14.6 4.0 Alternative Credit Inc:L 9.69 NA NA 6.9
Central Secs CET 48.24 38.58 -20.0 12.6 Versus Capital Real Asst 27.62 NA NA 3.1
JHPrefIncII HPF 15.62 16.08 +2.9 3.7 DoubleLine Yld Opps DLY 16.03 15.55 -3.0 9.7 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu CI NVG 13.79 11.84 -14.1 4.4 Alternative Credit Inc:W 9.68 NA NA 7.2
CohenStrsCEOppFd FOF 10.98 11.42 +4.0 7.4 Wildermuth:I 8.46 NA NA -28.9
HnckJPfdInco III HPS NA 14.79 NA 5.6 First Tr Hi Inc Lng/Shrt FSD 12.70 11.72 -7.7 10.6 Nuveen Dyn Muni Opp NDMO 11.07 10.68 -3.5 7.3 Angel Oak Str Crdt:FI 20.91 NA NA 8.2
EVTxAdvDivIncm EVT 24.46 22.17 -9.4 -0.8 Income & Preferred Stock Funds
J Han Prm PDT 11.54 10.88 -5.7 -8.9 First Trust HY Opp:2027 FTHY 15.63 14.14 -9.5 10.9 Nuveen Mu Crdt Opps NMCO 11.44 10.19 -10.9 5.7 Angel Oak Str Crdt:Inst 20.90 NA NA 8.2
GabelliDiv&IncTr GDV 26.10 22.12 -15.2 8.0 Alpha Alternative Assets 6.22 NA NA 0.9
LMP CapInco SCD 15.78 14.28 -9.5 24.8 Franklin Univ FT 7.35 6.54 -11.0 7.8 Nuv Muni Credit Income NZF 13.76 11.83 -14.0 4.5 BR Credit Strat;A 8.61 NA NA 7.8
Gabelli Equity Tr GAB 5.30 5.26 -0.8 2.2 Calamos L/S Eqty and DI CPZ 17.55 15.15 -13.7 3.0
Nuveen Multi-Asset Inc NMAI 13.70 12.18 -11.1 8.2 KKR Income Opportunities KIO NA 12.87 NA 11.1 NuvMuniHiIncOpp NMZ 11.09 10.07 -9.2 5.3 BR Credit Strat;Inst 8.59 NA NA 8.5
GeneralAmer GAM 54.36 NA NA NA Carlyle AlpInv Pvt Mkt:A NA NA NA NS
Nuveen Pref & Inc Opp JPC 7.84 7.11 -9.3 -1.1 NeubHgYldStrt NHS 8.09 8.27 +2.2 13.5 Nuveen Muni Val NUV NA 8.87 NA 3.8 BR Credit Strat;U 8.61 NA NA 7.8
JHancockTaxAdvDiv HTD 20.35 18.83 -7.5 -14.1 First Trust Alt Opps;A 26.63 NA NA 9.2
Nuveen Pref & Inc Term JPI NA 18.64 NA -0.1 New Amer Hi Inc HYB 8.27 7.29 -11.9 6.6 Nuveen Quality Muni Inc NAD 13.22 11.30 -14.5 4.2 BR Credit Strat;W 8.62 NA NA 7.8
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.88 6.65 -3.3 15.7 Flat Rock Opportunity 19.12 NA NA 15.2 BlackRock Mlt-Sctr Oppty 65.56 NA NA 9.2
Nuveen Var Rate P&I NPFD 19.64 17.27 -12.1 -1.8 Nuveen Global High Inc JGH 13.35 12.71 -4.8 9.8 Nuveen Sel TF NXP NA 14.61 NA 4.0
Liberty All-Star Growth ASG 5.90 5.44 -7.8 11.0 Lord Abbett Spec Sit I:A 9.24 NA NA 13.4 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;A NA NA NA 8.2
TCW Strat Income TSI 5.06 4.74 -6.3 -0.3 PGIM Global High Yield GHY 12.92 11.63 -10.0 11.0 PIMCO MuniInc PMF 9.55 9.47 -0.8 5.2
Royce Micro-Cap Tr RMT 10.47 9.25 -11.7 6.5 Lord Abbett Spec Sit I:I 9.24 NA NA 14.2 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;C NA NA NA 7.5
Convertible Sec's. Funds PGIM High Yield Bond ISD 13.90 12.71 -8.6 9.96 PIMCOMuniIncII PML 8.87 8.51 -4.1 5.6
Royce Value Trust RVT 16.48 14.49 -12.1 7.7 Variant Altrntv Inc:Inst 28.57 NA NA 9.2 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;I NA NA NA 8.4
AdvntCnvrtbl&IncFd AVK 12.48 11.92 -4.5 5.7 PGIM Sh Dur Hi Yld Opp SDHY 17.50 15.34 -12.3 8.5 Pimco Muni III PMX 8.17 7.52 -8.0 5.3
Source Capital SOR 44.30 40.77 -8.0 12.8 Variant Impact;Instl 28.27 NA NA 13.1 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;L NA NA NA 7.9
CalamosConvHi CHY 10.65 11.90 +11.7 9.0 PioneerHilncm PHT 8.10 NA NA NA PioneerHilncAdv MAV 9.22 8.08 -12.4 4.5
Sprott Focus Trust FUND 8.56 7.72 -9.8 -4.8 Convertible Sec's. Funds CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;U NA NA NA 7.7
CalmosConvOp CHI 10.07 10.95 +8.7 3.3 WstAstHIF II HIX 4.78 4.49 -6.1 12.8 PionrMuniHiIncOppty MIO 12.50 11.02 -11.8 4.8
SRH Total Return STEW 18.17 14.32 -21.2 15.4 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 19.46 21.37 +9.8 8.0 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt:U2 NA NA NA 7.7
V Conv & Inc NCV 3.72 3.31 -11.0 -3.9 Western Asset Hi Inc Opp HIO 4.24 3.97 -6.4 9.8 PioneerMunHiIcm MHI 9.97 8.78 -11.9 4.3
Tri-Continental TY 33.60 29.44 -12.4 12.4 World Equity Funds CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;W NA NA NA 7.9
V Conv & Inc II NCZ 3.31 2.92 -11.8 2.1 Western Asset Hi Yld D O HYI 12.39 12.11 -2.3 9.4 Putnam Mgd Inc PMM 6.70 6.18 -7.8 4.8
Specialized Equity Funds ACAP Strategic:A 21.07 NA NA 30.3 CNR Select Strategies 14.31 NA NA 0.0
V Div Inc & Conv ACV 21.43 23.02 +7.4 15.9 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds Putnam Muni Opp PMO 11.46 10.43 -9.0 4.3
abrdn Glb Prem Prop AWP 4.07 3.72 -8.6 -4.1 ACAP Strategic:W 15.81 NA NA 31.4 First Eagle Crdt Opps A 23.68 NA NA 10.2
V Eqty & Conv Inc NIE 24.66 21.99 -10.8 20.6 Allspring Multi-Sector ERC 10.07 9.53 -5.4 8.3 RiverNorth Flx Mu Inc II RFMZ 15.62 13.93 -10.8 7.5
abrdn Global Infra Inc ASGI 19.97 17.66 -11.6 6.4 World Equity Funds CalamosGlbTotRet CGO 10.69 9.67 -9.5 15.0 First Eagle Crdt Opps A2 23.59 NA NA 9.9
Adams Natural Resources PEO 24.50 20.55 -16.1 -2.4 Apollo Tactical Income AIF 14.88 14.39 -3.3 10.3 RiverNorth Mgd Dur Mun I RMM 16.48 15.33 -7.0 7.2 Cantor Fitzgerald SI:C NA NA NA NS
abrdn Emg Mkts Eq Inc AEF 5.85 4.98 -14.9 -4.5 First Eagle Crdt Opps I 23.54 NA NA 10.7
ASA Gold & Prec Met Ltd ASA 16.60 14.27 -14.0 -5.1 Ares Dynamic Crdt Alloc ARDC 14.60 13.68 -6.3 10.1 Western Asset Mgd Muni MMU 11.79 10.18 -13.7 4.4
abrdn Glbl Dyn Div AGD 11.00 9.42 -14.4 4.5 Cantor Fitzgerald SI:I NA NA NA NS First Trust Private Cr;A 10.39 NA NA NS
BR Enh C&I CII 20.55 19.45 -5.4 12.7 BlackRock Mlt-Sctr Inc BIT 14.70 15.55 +5.8 9.6 Single State Muni Bond Primark Priv Eq Inv:I 12.67 NA NA 12.5 First Trust Private Cr;I 10.38 NA NA 8.0
abrdn Tot Dyn Div AOD 9.51 8.07 -15.1 5.1 BlackRock CA Mun BFZ 13.04 11.75 -9.9 4.1
BlackRock Energy & Res BGR 13.89 12.06 -13.2 -2.5 BlackRock Tax Muni Bd BBN 17.77 16.90 -4.9 6.8 Sweater Cashmere 21.06 NA NA 3.5 Franklin BSP Pvt Cr:A 10.32 NA NA 6.6
Allspring Gl Div Oppty EOD 5.18 4.48 -13.5 1.8 BR MH CA Qly Fd Inc MUC 12.73 11.10 -12.8 3.9
BlackRock Eq Enh Div BDJ 8.86 7.95 -10.3 -4.8 DoubleLine:Oppor Crdt Fd DBL 15.09 15.22 +0.9 8.5 Thornburg Inc Bldr Opps TBLD 17.93 15.83 -11.7 10.8 Franklin BSP Pvt Cr:Adv 10.33 NA NA 7.1
BlackRock Cap Alloc Term BCAT 17.43 15.58 -10.6 13.9 BR MH NJ Qly MUJ 13.19 11.49 -12.9 4.1
BlackRock Enh Glbl Div BOE 11.87 10.20 -14.1 5.7 EVLmtDurIncm EVV 10.65 9.92 -6.9 10.0 VirtusTotalRetFd ZTR 6.01 5.23 -13.0 -6.0 FS Credit Income;A 12.27 NA NA 7.9
Calamos GloDynInc CHW 6.97 6.12 -12.2 7.3 BR MH NY Qly MHN 12.20 10.52 -13.8 4.0
BlackRock Enh Intl Div BGY 6.12 5.33 -12.9 5.5 Franklin Ltd Dur Income FTF 7.15 6.33 -11.5 11.2 Prem12 Mo FS Credit Income;I 12.31 NA NA 8.1
EV TxAdvGlbDivInc ETG 20.14 17.76 -11.8 14.0 BR MuniYld MI Qly MIY 13.14 11.44 -12.9 3.9
BlackRock ESG Cap All T ECAT 18.56 16.97 -8.6 26.6 FS Credit Opportunities FSCO NA 5.76 NA NS Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld FS Credit Income;T 12.30 NA NA 7.6
EtnVncTxAdvOpp ETO 27.02 24.51 -9.3 15.2 BR MuniYld NY Qly MYN 11.82 10.24 -13.4 4.0
BlackRock Hlth Sci Term BMEZ 18.45 15.98 -13.4 7.7 J Han Investors JHI 14.59 13.28 -9.0 6.7 FS Credit Income;U 12.25 NA NA 7.3
Gabelli Multimedia GGT 3.81 5.39 +41.5 22.5 BlackRock NY Mun BNY 12.14 10.58 -12.9 3.7 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
BlackRock Hlth Sciences BME 44.12 42.48 -3.7 6.3 MFS Charter MCR 6.88 6.44 -6.4 0.0 FS Credit Income;U-2 12.35 NA NA 7.7
GDL Fund GDL 10.15 7.95 -21.7 3.6 EVCAMuniBd EVM 10.46 9.40 -10.1 3.9
Arca US Treasury NA NA NA NE
BlackRock Innov&Gro Term BIGZ 9.36 8.16 -12.8 20.2 NuvCorePlusImpact NPCT 11.90 10.51 -11.7 9.7 GL Beyond Income 0.40 NA NA NE
Highland Global Alloc HGLB NA 8.11 NA -10.4 Eaton Vance NY Muni Bd ENX 10.89 10.00 -8.2 3.7
Ellington Inc Opp:A 9.22 NA NA NA
BlackRock Res & Comm BCX 9.85 8.45 -14.2 -12.3 Nuveen Taxable Muni Inc NBB NA 15.86 NA 5.0 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;D NA NA NA 8.1
India Fund IFN 17.95 19.88 +10.8 35.4 Ellington Inc Opp:M 9.09 NA NA NA
BlackRock Sci&Tech Term BSTZ 22.28 18.38 -17.5 9.8 PIMCO Corp & Inc Oppty PTY 11.18 13.99 +25.1 10.3 InvCaValMuIncTr VCV 11.36 9.75 -14.2 4.1 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;I NA NA NA 8.3
Japan Smaller Cap JOF 9.15 7.68 -16.1 15.0 InvPAValMuIncTr VPV 11.71 10.20 -12.9 3.6
Loan Participation Funds
BlackRock Sci&Tech Trust BST 36.98 37.28 +0.8 25.9 PIMCO Corp & Inc Strat PCN 11.48 13.32 +16.0 10.1 1WS Credit Income;A2 18.81 NA NA 6.9 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;T NA NA NA 7.7
LazardGlbTotRetInc LGI 18.11 15.83 -12.6 7.7 InvTrInvGrNYMu VTN 12.07 10.65 -11.8 3.7
BlackRock Utl Inf & Pwr BUI 21.33 20.97 -1.7 -2.3 PIMCOHilnco PHK 4.60 4.97 +8.0 11.6 1WS Credit Income;Inst 19.17 NA NA 6.8 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;U 22.89 NA NA 7.7
Mexico MXF NA 18.89 NA 22.0 Nuveen CA AMT-F Qual MI NKX 13.31 11.53 -13.4 4.4
CLEARBRIDGEENGYMDSOPP EMO 38.20 35.23 -7.8 22.5 PIMCO IncmStrFd PFL 7.99 8.38 +4.9 11.5 Axonic Alternative Inc 19.91 NA NA 8.8 NIAGARAINCOMEOPPORTNTS 10.11 NA NA NS
Miller/Howard High Inc E HIE NA 10.40 NA 0.0
CLEARBRIDGEMLP&MDSTMTR CTR 39.58 36.84 -6.9 29.3 PIMCO IncmStrFd II PFN 7.05 7.50 +6.4 11.5 Nuveen CA Val NCA NA 9.02 NA 3.8 Palmer Square Opp Inc 17.96 NA NA 9.2
MS ChinaShrFd CAF 14.36 12.82 -10.7 -16.6 AXONIC ALTERNATIVE INC;A 19.88 NA NA NS
ClearBridge MLP & Midstm CEM 43.35 40.36 -6.9 22.0 Putnam Prem Inc PPT 3.84 3.68 -4.2 8.5 NuveenCAQtyMuInc NAC 12.82 10.99 -14.3 4.1 World Income Funds
MS India IIF 27.60 22.76 -17.5 28.9 Blackstone FR EI D 21.99 NA NA 9.3
ChnStrInfr UTF 21.68 21.88 +0.9 -8.2 Western Asset Dvsfd Inc WDI 15.64 14.46 -7.5 10.4 NuvNJ Qual Muni Inc NXJ NA 12.05 NA 3.2 BlueBay Destra Itl E:A 23.33 NA NA 7.2
MS CBRE Gl In Mg Term MEGI 13.91 12.50 -10.1 -5.7 Blackstone FR EI I 21.96 NA NA 9.6
Cohen&SteersQualInc RQI 12.46 11.75 -5.7 -5.4 World Income Funds Nuveen NY AMT/Fr Qual MI NRK NA 10.82 NA 4.0 BlueBay Destra Itl E:I 23.35 NA NA 7.4
New Germany GF NA 8.38 NA -9.6 Blackstone FR EI T 21.92 NA NA 9.1
CohenStrs Real Est and I RLTY 15.57 14.26 -8.4 1.9 abrdn AP IncFd FAX 3.04 2.67 -12.2 12.4 Nuveen NY Qual Muni Inc NAN NA 10.95 NA 4.1 Blackstone FR EI T-I 22.46 NA NA 9.1 BlueBay Destra Itl E:L 23.30 NA NA 6.9
Nuveen Rl Asst Inc & Gro JRI 13.22 11.45 -13.4 -0.5
Cohen&Steers TotRet RFI 11.54 11.89 +3.0 -1.1 MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 5.40 4.75 -12.0 7.3 Nuveen PA Qual Muni Inc NQP 13.52 11.75 -13.1 3.0 Blackstone FR EI U 22.89 NA NA 9.1 BlueBay Destra Itl E:T 23.19 NA NA 6.7
Templeton Dragon TDF 8.95 7.56 -15.5 -34.0
CohenStrsREITPrefInc RNP 20.34 20.17 -0.8 -0.8 PIMCO Access Income PAXS 14.92 14.87 -0.3 12.2 Nuveen VA Qlty Mun Inc NPV NA 10.90 NA 3.8 Bluerock HI Inst Crd:A 23.72 NA NA 12.6 Calamos-Aksia ACI:A 10.40 NA NA NS
Templeton Em Mkt EMF 13.22 11.33 -14.3 -1.1
Columbia Sel Prm Tech Gr STK 30.70 33.85 +10.3 35.2 PIMCO Dynamic Inc Strat PDX 22.36 19.24 -14.0 4.5 PIMCO CA PCQ 10.51 9.51 -9.5 4.6 Bluerock HI Inst Crd:C 23.72 NA NA 12.6 Calamos-Aksia ACI:C 10.39 NA NA NS
Prem12 Mo PIMCOCAMuniII PCK 6.70 5.78 -13.7 4.4
DNP Select Income DNP 7.52 8.65 +15.0 -16.8 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld PIMCO Dynamic Income PDI 17.09 19.18 +12.2 13.7 Bluerock HI Inst Crd:F 23.72 NA NA 12.7 Calamos-Aksia ACI:I 10.40 NA NA NS
Duff&Ph Uti&Infra Inc Fd DPG 10.04 8.75 -12.8 -28.8 PIMCO Dynamic Inc Opp PDO 12.44 12.98 +4.3 11.8 52 wk Bluerock HI Inst Crd:I 23.73 NA NA 12.7 Calamos-Aksia ACI:M 10.39 NA NA NS
U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds PIMCO Stratg Inc RCS 4.35 6.14 +41.1 10.1 Prem Ttl Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:A NA NA NA 9.9
EtnVncEqtyInc EOI 18.40 17.77 -3.4 16.8 BNYM Alcntr Glb MS Cr Fd 91.42 NA NA NA
EtnVncEqtyIncoII EOS 21.24 20.03 -5.7 BlckRk Income BKT 12.37 11.93 -3.6 8.7 Templtn Glbl Inc SABA 4.32 3.85 -10.9 11.2 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:I NA NA NA 10.2
24.1 CliffwaterClFd;I 10.69 NA NA 10.8
EVRskMnDvsEqInc ETJ 9.03 8.27 -8.4 11.2 Investment Grade Bond Funds Templeton Em Inc TEI 5.89 5.26 -10.7 11.0 General Equity Funds Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:L NA NA NA 9.8
CliffwaterElFd;I 10.86 NA NA 10.5
ETnVncTxMgdBuyWrtInc ETB 14.63 13.35 -8.7 7.2 Angel Oak FS Inc Trm FINS 13.78 12.36 -10.3 9.8 WstAstEmergDebt EMD 10.42 9.21 -11.6 10.1 Alternative Strategies:I 17.04 NA NA -9.2 CNR Strategic Credit 7.49 NA NA 21.5 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:M NA NA NA 9.6
EtnVncTxMgdBuyWrtOpp ETV 13.69 12.84 -6.2 7.1 BlRck Core Bond BHK 10.76 10.82 +0.6 8.1 Western Asset Gl Cr D Op GDO 12.91 12.57 -2.6 9.7 First Trust Hdg Strat;A 10.42 NA NA N Floating-Rate Opps;A 10.16 NA NA NS Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:N NA NA NA 10.4
EvTxMnDvsEqInc ETY 13.72 12.84 -6.4 17.7 BR Credit Alloc Inc BTZ 11.47 10.85 -5.4 9.2 National Muni Bond Funds First Trust Hdg Str;I 10.43 NA NA N Floating-Rate Opps;I 10.15 NA NA NS Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:U NA NA NA 9.7
EtnVncTxMgdGlbB ETW 9.13 7.95 -12.9 6.5 Insight Select Income INSI 17.40 15.91 -8.6 4.8 AllBerNatlMunInc AFB NA 10.83 NA 3.6 Specialized Equity Funds Floating-Rate Opps;U 10.16 NA NA NS Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:Y NA NA NA 10.1
EVTxMnGblDvEqInc EXG 9.05 7.93 -12.4 9.3 InvescoBond VBF 16.22 15.77 -2.8 5.1 BlckRk Inv Q Mun BKN 13.11 11.83 -9.8 4.3 Accordant ODCE Index;A 9.79 NA NA NS Equalize Community Dev 9.18 NA NA 3.5 Fid MS Cr;A NA NA NA NS
Ecofin S&S Impact Term TEAF 14.40 11.24 -21.9 -6.6 J Han Income JHS NA 11.00 NA 3.6 BlackRock Muni 2030 Tgt BTT 23.93 21.22 -11.3 2.9 Accordant ODCE Index;I 9.81 NA NA NS FedProj&TrFinanceTendr 9.96 NA NA 5.8 Fid MS Cr;C NA NA NA NS
First Trust Energy Inc G FEN 15.33 14.13 -7.8 8.8 MFS Intmdt MIN 2.88 2.74 -4.9 0.0 BlackRock Muni BFK 11.56 10.22 -11.6 4.0 Accordant ODCE Index;Y 9.81 NA NA NS Flat Rock Core Income 20.51 NA NA 8.7 Fid MS Cr;I NA NA NA NS
First Tr Enhanced Eq FFA 19.34 18.60 -3.8 18.7 Western Asset Inf-Lk Inc WIA 9.28 8.10 -12.7 10.9 BlackRock Muni II BLE 12.18 10.74 -11.8 4.2 Apollo Diversified RE:A 25.19 NA NA -7.0 Flat Rock Enhanced Inc 21.43 NA NA 7.4 Fid MS Cr;L NA NA NA NS
FirstTrEnergyInfra FIF 16.78 15.93 -5.1 12.9 Western Asset Inf-Lk O&I WIW 9.97 8.54 -14.3 10.3 BlckRk Muni Inc Qly BYM 12.74 11.40 -10.5 4.3 Apollo Diversified RE:C 23.65 NA NA -7.7 InvDYCrOpp:A 11.16 NA NA 10.2 Jackson Credit Opps:I 10.19 NA NA NS
FirstTrMLPEner&Inc FEI 9.16 8.48 -7.4 10.7 Westn Asst IG Def Opp Tr IGI 17.48 17.05 -2.5 4.6 BR MuniAssets Fd MUA 11.46 10.91 -4.8 4.7 Apollo Diversified RE:I 25.74 NA NA -6.8 InvDYCrOpp:R6 11.17 NA NA 10.5 Lord Abbett Cred Opps Fd 8.90 NA NA 9.0
Gabelli Healthcare GRX 11.90 9.79 -17.7 1.7 Loan Participation Funds BR MH Qly 2 MUE 11.60 9.96 -14.1 3.8 ARK Venture 27.48 NA NA 46.1 InvDYCrOpp:Y 11.16 NA NA 10.4 Lord Abbett Cred Opps Fd 8.90 NA NA 9.7
Gab Utility GUT 2.74 5.40 +97.1 -9.3 Apollo Senior Floating AFT 15.07 13.71 -9.0 10.9 BR MuniHoldngs MHD 13.65 11.92 -12.7 3.9 ArrowMark Financial Corp BANX NA 18.45 NA NA Invesco Sr Loan A 5.85 NA NA 9.6 Lord Abbett Crd Op:U 8.90 NA NA 9.0
GAMCOGlGold&NatRes GGN 3.71 3.75 +1.1 10.7 BR Debt Strategy DSU 10.86 11.26 +3.7 9.7 BR MuniVest Fd MVF 8.02 7.00 -12.7 3.8 CBRE GlbRlEst IGR 5.66 5.07 -10.4 -10.4 Invesco Sr Loan C 5.86 NA NA 8.8 Oaktree Dvsfd Income;D 8.98 NA NA 7.7
J Han Finl Opptys BTO 28.45 28.49 +0.1 -12.0 BR F/R Inc Str FRA 13.23 12.74 -3.7 10.8 BR MuniVest 2 MVT 12.46 10.76 -13.6 3.9 CIM RA&C A 23.80 NA NA -0.6 Invesco Sr Loan IB 5.85 NA NA 9.8 PIMCO Flexible EM I;Inst 8.28 NA NA 7.0
Neuberger Brmn Enrgy I&I NML 7.56 6.43 -14.9 0.8 BlackRock Floatng Rt Inc BGT 12.87 12.61 -2.0 10.7 BR MuniYield Fd MYD 12.24 10.74 -12.3 4.4 CIM RA&C C 23.14 NA NA -1.3 Invesco Sr Loan IC 5.85 NA NA 9.7 National Muni Bond Funds
Neuberger Nxt Gen Conn NBXG 14.16 11.83 -16.5 32.2 BS SFR 2027 T BSL 14.77 13.58 -8.1 9.8 BR MuniYield Qlty MQY 13.29 12.11 -8.9 4.5 CIM RA&C I 24.02 NA NA -0.4 Invesco Sr Loan Y 5.85 NA NA 9.8 Ecofin Tax-Exempt Prv Cr 8.38 NA NA 4.0
NuvDow30DynOverwrite DIAX 16.43 14.47 -11.9 0.9 BS St Cr 2027 Tm BGB 12.74 11.55 -9.3 9.6 BR MuniYld Qlty2 MQT 11.71 10.39 -11.3 4.3 CIM RA&C L 23.56 NA NA -0.9 Lord Abbett FR Hi Inc:A 10.23 NA NA 9.4 Lind Cap Pt Mun Cred Inc 8.75 NA NA 6.1
NuvCorEqAlpha JCE NA 13.81 NA 17.4 EtnVncFltRteInc EFT 13.35 13.30 -0.4 10.4 BR MuniYld Qly 3 MYI 12.66 11.27 -11.0 4.5 Clarion Partners REI D 11.87 NA NA 1.7 Lord Abbett FR Hi Inc:I 10.23 NA NA 9.9 Nuveen En HY Muni Bd:A1 7.33 NA NA 5.2
NuveenNasdaq100DynOv QQQX 26.00 23.76 -8.6 9.5 EV SenFlRtTr EFR 13.09 13.01 -0.6 9.96 BNY Mellon Muni Bd Infra DMB 12.03 10.32 -14.2 4.4 Clarion Partners REI I 11.88 NA NA 2.1 Monachil Credit Income:I 10.08 NA NA 9.2 Nuveen En HY Muni Bd:A2 7.34 NA NA 5.5
Clarion Partners REI S 11.87 NA NA 1.0 Nomura Alt Inc;I NA NA NA NS Nuveen En HY Muni Bd:I 7.32 NA NA 6.0
Clarion Partners REI T 11.85 NA NA 1.0 OFS Credit Company OCCI NA 7.07 NA NA PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;A-3 10.26 NA NA 3.5
Forum RE Income;I 9.54 NA NA NS SEI Alternative Income:F 10.16 NA NA NS PIMCO Flex Mun Inc:A1 10.26 NA NA 3.7
Insider-Trading Spotlight Private Opps A
Private Opps I
SEI Alternative Income:Y 10.16 NA NA NS
Yieldstreet Alt Inc NA NA NA 8.6
PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;A2 10.26 NA NA 3.7
PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;Inst 10.26 NA NA 4.2
Trading by ‘insiders’ of a corporation, such as a company’s CEO, vice president or director, potentially conveys Private Opps SDR NA NA NA NS High Yield Bond Funds Single State Muni Bond
new information about the prospects of a company. Insiders are required to report large trades to the SEC NexPointRlEstStrat;A 17.03 NA NA -11.8 Apollo Diversified Cd:A NA NA NA 9.0 PIMCO CA FMI;A-1 10.24 NA NA 3.0
within two business days. Here’s a look at the biggest individual trades by insiders, based on data received by NexPointRlEstStrat;C 17.24 NA NA -12.4 Apollo Diversified Cd:C NA NA NA 8.2 PIMCO CA FMI;Inst 10.24 NA NA 3.4
Refinitiv on February 9, and year-to-date stock performance of the company
KEY: B: beneficial owner of more than 10% of a security class CB: chairman CEO: chief executive officer CFO: chief financial officer
CO: chief operating officer D: director DO: director and beneficial owner GC: general counsel H: officer, director and beneficial owner Borrowing Benchmarks |
I: indirect transaction filed through a trust, insider spouse, minor child or other O: officer OD: officer and director P: president UT:
unknown VP: vice president Excludes pure options transactions
Money Rates February 9, 2024
Biggest weekly individual trades
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
Based on reports filed with regulators this past week
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
No. of shrs in Price range ($) $ Value Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
Date(s) Company Symbol Insider Title trans (000s) in transaction (000s) Close ($) Ytd (%)
Dec. index Chg From (%)
level Nov. '23 Dec. '22 Federal funds Other short-term rates
Buyers Effective rate 5.3300 5.3300 5.3500 4.5800
U.S. consumer price index Week 52-Week
Jan. 30 ArriVent BioPharma AVBP C. Gordon DOI 444 18.00 8,000 21.01 n.a. High 5.6500 5.6500 5.6500 4.9000 Latest high low
All items 306.746 –0.10 3.4 ago
Jan. 30 J. Healy DI 444 18.00 8,000 Low 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 4.5400
Core 311.907 0.10 3.9
Bid 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 4.5700 Call money
Jan. 30 Vera Therapeutics VERA M. Katabi DI 161 31.00 5,000 43.21 180.9
International rates Offer 5.3300 5.3300 5.3700 4.5800 7.25 7.25 7.25 6.50
Feb. 5-7 America's Car-Mart CRMT A. Peterson BI 42 59.15-60.85 2,538 65.82 -13.1
Week 52-Week Treasury bill auction Commercial paper (AA financial)
Feb. 6 Charter Communications CHTR C. Winfrey CEO 5 295.29 1,491 291.15 -25.1 Latest ago High Low n.a. n.a. 5.54 4.70
4 weeks 5.280 5.280 5.840 3.190 90 days
Jan. 30 Epsilon Energy EPSN J. Stabell CEOI 245 4.82 1,182 4.95 -2.6 13 weeks 5.235 5.210 5.345 4.590
Prime rates Secured Overnight Financing Rate
26 weeks 5.045 4.985 5.350 4.620
Feb. 1 Super Micro Computer SMCI S. Chan D 2 568.00 1,136 740.29 160.4 U.S. 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.75 5.31 5.32 5.40 4.55
Feb. 7 NextEra Energy NEE K. Hachigian DI 20 55.83-55.84 1,117 56.58 -6.8 Canada 7.20 7.20 7.20 6.70 Secondary market Value 52-Week
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Latest Traded High Low
Feb. 6 CVB Financial CVBF G. Borba DI 60 16.78 1,000 17.18 -14.9 Fannie Mae
Policy Rates 30-year mortgage yields DTCC GCF Repo Index
Feb. 7 Virtu Financial VIRT D. Cifu CEO 50 16.21 810 16.64 -17.9 Euro zone 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00
30 days 6.230 5.826 7.495 5.496 Treasury 5.347 20.010 5.504 4.546
Feb. 6 South Plains Financial SPFI N. Valles D 30 27.00 810 26.62 -8.1 Switzerland 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.50
60 days 6.234 5.832 7.554 5.500 MBS 5.369 47.680 5.689 4.564
Britain 5.25 5.25 5.25 4.00
Feb. 5-6 Bank of Princeton BPRN M. Tuchman DO 19* 32.00-32.13 609 31.31 -12.8 Australia 4.35 4.35 4.35 3.35
Notes on data:
Jan. 31-Feb. 1RBB Bancorp RBB J. Kao D 32 17.27-18.05 562 17.87 -6.1
Overnight repurchase U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks,
Feb. 1 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF R. Bloom D 25 20.24 506 19.87 -2.7 and is effective July 27, 2023. Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary
U.S. 5.35 5.39 5.48 4.55 widely by location; Discount rate is effective July 27, 2023. Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as
Jan. 31-Feb. 1Compass Diversified Holdings CODI P. Maciariello UT 23 22.24-22.35 502 22.50 0.2 of February 8, 2024. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average
U.S. government rates for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates
Feb. 5 Home BancShares HOMB J. Allison CEO 20 22.74 455 23.70 -6.4 are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
Jan. 31-Feb. 1Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory RMCF J. Geygan DO 107* 4.08-4.09 438 4.05 -12.0 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.75 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
Feb. 1-2 Bancorp TBBK M. Cohn D 10* 41.97-43.66 421 43.89 13.8

Feb. 5-6 Stryker SYK . DOI 293 339.47-346.00 100,349 341.96 14.2
Cash Prices | Friday, February 9, 2024
Feb. 5 Eaton ETN C. Arnold OD 161 267.17-269.69 43,216 277.96 15.4 These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Feb. 6-8 MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings MTSI J. Ocampo DOI 466 80.01-83.11 37,917 83.61 -10.0
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
Jan. 30-31 Olin OLN S. Sutton CEO 585 53.44-55.31 31,538 51.28 -4.9
Friday Friday Friday
Feb. 7 Intuitive Surgical ISRG D. Rosa P 81 389.23-389.30 31,418 388.22 15.1 Copper,Comex spot 3.6860 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.0675
Feb. 7 Meta Platforms META M. Zuckerberg CEOI 63 456.82-471.30 29,328 468.11 32.2 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s *129.8 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.4150
Feb. 5 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 63 460.23-471.35 29,030 Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 71.000 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s *1000.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.4750
Feb. 6 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 63 454.83-466.89 28,683 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 14.000 Battery/EV metals Food
Jan. 30 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 66 400.28-406.04 26,432 Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 13425
BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 11475 Beef,carcass equiv. index
Jan. 29 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 66 393.24-402.52 26,273
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 4448 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 277.79
Feb. 2 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 45 454.66-485.02 21,279
Engelhard industrial 2029.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 3628 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 266.49
Feb. 7 M. Zuckerberg CEOI 34 456.82-471.37 16,092
Handy & Harman base 2023.50 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 538 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2630
Feb. 6 Church & Dwight CHD M. Farrell CEO 275 100.28 27,578 98.83 4.5 Handy & Harman fabricated 2246.09 Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.6900
Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 157.75
Feb. 6 Airbnb ABNB B. Chesky CEO 154 143.57-145.13 22,132 147.60 8.4 LBMA Gold Price AM *2037.05
LBMA Gold Price PM *2028.65 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7700 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 157.00
Feb. 2-5 Microsoft MSFT B. Smith P 48 404.89-411.78 19,871 420.55 11.8 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 120.00
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2105.22 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.8978
Feb. 5-6 DoorDash DASH W. Tang D 166 107.85-109.84 18,078 119.31 20.6 Maple Leaf-e 2125.46 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *96.85 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.8568
American Eagle-e 2125.46 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.0901
Feb. 2 Amphenol APH W. Doherty O 170 103.50 17,595 105.29 6.2
Mexican peso-e 2448.64 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 2.9250
Feb. 2 Advanced Micro Devices AMD V. Peng PI 100 173.98-178.72 17,511 172.48 17.0 Austria crown-e 1987.17 Flour,hard winter KC-p 18.40
Grains and Feeds
Austria phil-e 2125.46 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a.
* Half the transactions were indirect **Two day transaction
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 110 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 73.28
p - Pink Sheets Silver, troy oz. Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 4.0700 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
Engelhard industrial 22.6500 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 153.5 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.0505
Handy & Harman base 22.4460
Buying and selling by sector Handy & Harman fabricated 28.0580
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 451.9 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Based on actual transaction dates in reports received this past week Cottonseed meal-u,w 355 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 287.13
LBMA spot price *£17.7300 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 170
(U.S.$ equivalent) *22.3500 Fats and Oils
Sector Buying Selling Sector Buying Selling Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 293
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 19057 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.4825 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a.
Basic Industries 572,593 52,723,472 Finance 9,353,659 143,427,961 Other metals Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 36.25 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.3500
LBMA Platinum Price PM *878.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Capital Goods 189,854 109,879,916 Health care 21,341,108 154,859,640
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 885.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 368.30 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.4876
Consumer durables 0 6,173,165 Public Utilities 1,178,584 692,454 Palladium,Engelhard industrial 890.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.5800 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.4100
Consumer non-durables 740,147 137,429,764 Technology 1,027,654 424,068,227 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2214.5 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 8.5675 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Consumer services 4,211,217 56,916,479 Transportation 199,220 11,862,364
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
Energy 1,181,864 14,005,880 K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 2/8
Sources: Refinitiv; Dow Jones Market Data Source: Dow Jones Market Data
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, February 12, 2024 | B9


MARKET EVENTS COMING THIS WEEK U.S. natural-gas supply and demand Open interest in natural-gas futures
contracts expiring in 12 months or more
Monday 125 billion cubic feet a day
Earnings expected Dec., expected up 0.4% 300,000 contracts
Estimate/Year Ago EIA report: natural-gas Projections
Treasury budget Imports LNG shipments from U.S. Gulf Coast begin
Cisco 0.84/0.88 Previous change in stocks in
Jan., ‘23 billions of cubic feet 100 Production 250,000
CME 2.28/1.92
$39.0 bil. deficit down 75
Equinix 2.16/1.39
Jan.,’24, exp Earnings expected 200,000
Kraft Heinz 0.77/0.85
$21.0 bil. deficit Estimate/Year Ago 75
Occidental Petroleum
Earnings expected Applied Materials 150,000
Estimate/Year Ago 0.67/1.61
Arista Networks Williams Cos. 0.45/0.53 100,000
Deere 5.25/6.55 50
Cadence Design
Thursday Digital Realty Trust
Systems 1.34/0.96 Capacity utilization
DoorDash (0.13)/(1.65) 25 0.32/0.44 Dec., previous 78.6% 0
Ingersoll Rand
Principal Financial Jan., expected 78.8% 2015 ’18 ’21 ’24*
Group 1.69/1.70 Empire Manufacturing
Southern Co. 0.60/0.26 0
Trimble 0.60/0.60 Jan., previous -43.7
Feb., expected -13.5 Friday Natural-gas futures price, monthly
Waste Management
1.53/1.30 Import price index Building Permits $10 per million British thermal units
Dec., previous up 0.0% Dec., previous 1.495 mil.
Tuesday Jan., expected Jan., expected 1.520 mil. 8
Consumer price index down 0.1% Housing Starts –50
All items, Dec. up 3.4% Industrial production Dec., previous 1.46 mil.
Jan., expected up 2.9% Dec., previous up 0.1% Jan., expected 1.47 mil. 6
Core, Dec. up 3.9% Jan., expected up 0.2% Producer price index –75
Jan., expected up 3.7% Initial jobless claims All items, Dec.
Earnings expected 4
Previous 218,000 down 0.1%
Estimate/Year Ago
Expected 220,000 Jan., expected up 0.2% –100 Consumption
Airbnb 0.65/0.48 Pipeline exports 2
Philadelphia Fed Core, Dec. up 0.0%
Coca-Cola 0.49/0.45 LNG exports
survey Jan., expected up 0.2%
Marriott International
Jan., previous -10.6 U.Mich. consumer –125 0
Feb., expected -9.0 index
Moody’s 2.33/1.60 2010 ’15 ’20 ’25 2015 ’20 ’24
Shopify 0.30/0.07 Freddie Mac mortgage Jan., final 79.0
survey Feb., prelim 80.0 *As of Feb. 6 Sources: Energy Information Administration (supply and demand); Dow Jones Market Data (open interest); FactSet (open interest, futures)
Zoetis 1.32/1.15 Previous weekly averages Earnings expected
EIA status report
30-year fixed
15-year fixed
Retail sales, ex. autos
DT Midstream
Estimate/Year Ago
0.93/0.94 Gas-Export highs and have contributed to
some of the most volatile peri-
ods in decades.
ture has climbed as additional
export terminals in Texas and
Louisiana prepare to come on-
of EQT, a top producer, told
lawmakers Tuesday that tap-
ping deeper into the global

Fight Risks
Previous change in stocks in
millions of barrels Dec., previous up 0.4% 0.92/0.88 Thanks to warm weather line, according to Dow Jones market will push firms to
Crude-oil stocks up 5.5 Jan., expected up 0.3% Healthcare Realty Trust and roaring production in Market Data. pump more natural gas that
Gasoline stocks (0.11)/(0.09) Texas and Appalachia, bench- The U.S. is already the can be redirected around the

down 3.1
down 3.2
Mort. bankers indexes
Retail sales
Dec., previous up 0.6%
Jan., expected
Liberty Broadband

Price Swings mark U.S. gas prices this week
fell to their lowest levels since
the depths of the pandemic,
world’s largest exporter of nat-
ural gas. Traders last year sent
roughly 11% of the country’s
U.S. as needed. Surplus gas is
the best defense against for-
eign shocks, Rice said, adding,
Purch., previous down 0.2% Vulcan Materials closing Friday at $1.847 per production overseas, according “Exports are the only reason
down 1.0% Business inventories 1.40/1.08 Continued from page B1 million British thermal units. to the Energy Information Ad- for us to create that surplus.”
Refinan., prev. up 12.0% Nov., previous down 0.1% decade could push up Ameri- But traders are betting on a ministration. Analysts project Australia served up a cau-
Monday cans’ heat and power bills, as rally sparked by projects cur- that share could roughly dou- tionary tale for exporters dur-
* FactSet Estimates earnings-per-share estimates don’t include U.S. stock and bond well as costs to make every- rently under construction, ble by the end of the decade ing a 2017 heat wave, when
extraordinary items (Losses in parentheses) u Adjusted for stock
markets closed for thing from drywall to steel. which will allow more gas to and climb higher in the 2030s foreign shipments totaling
Note: Forecasts are from Dow Jones weekly survey of economists Presidents Day At a Senate hearing Thurs- flow to businesses across Eu- depending on how many pro- more than 60% of production
day, Deputy Energy Secretary rope and fast-growing econo- posals pan out. failed to leave enough gas at
David Turk said the adminis- mies in Asia. On Friday, some Biden’s pause on new ex- home to prevent prices from
tration aims to preserve the futures contracts for delivery ports to countries without surging. Aluminum smelters
country’s cheap gas. “That is a in 2027 and 2028 traded for free-trade agreements keys in cut output. Fishermen watched
huge economic advantage,” he more than $4.50. on that future wave of proj- catches rot during blackouts.
said. “Do we want to give that “Consumers can afford [$4 ects. Still, industry groups Fears of a similar crunch in
up as a country? Again, we gas],” said Aubrey Hilliard, warn the freeze is chilling in- the U.S. didn’t bear out until a
need to analyze that.” president of Texican Natural vestment and creating uncer- string of weather events in
The domestic impact of Gas’s Carolinas division. “What tainty for allies that turned 2021 sent prices skyrocketing.

LNG exports has been hotly they don’t want is spikes to $9.” stateside for gas after Russia’s A deep freeze in Texas in
contested since the country To limit that risk, Hilliard’s war on Ukraine set off an eco- February 2021 boosted de-
began funneling more gas- company is advising custom- nomic conflict between the mand and clogged wells with
laden tankers to foreign buy- ers such as glassmakers and Kremlin and the West. ice. After Americans and Eu-
ers in 2016. While record pro- cement producers to lock in In defending the climate ef- ropeans cranked up their air
duction has largely kept U.S. supplies further toward 2030. fects of LNG, companies are conditioners during a swelter-
costs low, international shocks The number of outstanding highlighting the potential of ing summer, Hurricane Ida
in recent years have helped contracts for deliveries 12 gas to supplant coal worldwide. forced nearly all of the Gulf of
Deere is expected to post per-share earnings of $5.25. whipsaw prices to shale-era months or more into the fu- Toby Rice, chief executive Mexico’s gas output offline.

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B10 | Monday, February 12, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Chinese Tariffs Sour Australian Wine

Differing fortunes of Australia’s vineyards and coal industry offer clues as to how future trade conflicts could unfold

Premium consumer brands such Annual exports of Australian wines

as Apple, LVMH and, until re- by destination
cently, Australian wines, have
A$3.5 billion Others
been big winners from rising com-
merce between China and the China
When things turn sour, how- 2.5
ever, they can be especially vul-
nerable too. The sorry state of 2.0
Australia’s once-thriving wine-ex-
port business is a case in point— 1.5
and a warning about what could
happen, if tensions between China 1.0
and the West spike again.
In 2020, China imposed a 169%
tariff on Australian wine, accusing 0
the country’s winemakers of
2015 ’20 ’23
dumping their products into
China—i.e., selling below normal Note: A$1 billion = $651 million
prices. Source: Wine Australia
However, the measure came
shortly after Australia had called wines—especially premium ones
for an international investigation that require big investment in
into the origins of Covid-19. China sales and marketing to build up
imposed restrictions on other Aus- brand recognition—often suffer
tralian goods, including barley and particularly badly in a trade dis-


coal. pute.
The results were dramatic: Ex- Commodities such as barley and
ports of Australian wine to main- coal can be diverted to other
land China were 99% lower in countries more easily. Australia,
2023 than in 2019. China was Aus- for example, has shipped more
tralia’s top destination for wine in coal to India and Japan since
2019, accounting for nearly 40% of China started its unofficial ban in
exports. Chinese consumers 2020. The process wasn’t painless, Australia’s exports of wine to Hong Kong have soared in recent years. Above, a tasting at the Australian Wine
skewed toward more premium but it softened the blow. Total Booth during the city’s International Wine & Spirits Fair last November.
wines, compared with other top coal-export volumes from Austra-
markets such as the U.S. and U.K. lia fell 14% from 2019 to 2022, be- as Hardys, has been saddled with sify through foreign acquisitions. tween Australia and China starts
Total Australian wine exports, by fore China resumed buying in debt as sales dwindled. Last week It bought California’s Frank Family to thaw, a review of wine tariffs is
value, have plunged 35% since early 2023—a substantial hit to be the winemaker, the second largest Vineyards in 2021 and DAOU Vine- on the table.
2019. sure, but considering that China is in Australia, said it would sell it- yards a few months ago. Both China has removed tariffs on
Some wine destined for Chinese far and away the world’s top coal self to a consortium led by pri- brands target more affluent wine barley and resumed imports of
customers probably took a detour consumer, less bad than one might vate-equity firm Bain Capital. connoisseurs in the U.S. Australian coal.
through Hong Kong. Australian expect. Shares of market leader Trea- But buying competitors is a But more stable ties between
wine exports to the Chinese semi- Similarly, Australia found new sury Wine Estates have fallen tougher way to diversify than just China and Western democracies
autonomous city nearly tripled destinations for its barley—includ- 40% from their 2019 peak. And its shipping your product to new may or may not last.
over the same period. But that ing Saudi Arabia and other Middle revenue for the fiscal year ended markets. The company had to do a If trade tensions do increase
was far from enough to offset the Eastern countries—after China im- June 2023 is 14% below the level share placement last year to fi- again, miners and farmers will
decline in direct shipments to the posed hefty tariffs in 2020. of four years earlier. Its Penfolds nance its DAOU acquisition, which find ways to cope. Purveyors of
mainland. Australian winemakers haven’t brand was particularly popular tanked its shares. fine handbags, vintages and the
One lesson is that trade restric- been so lucky. Accolade Wines, among Chinese consumers. Things have been better re- like might not be so lucky.
tions on consumer goods like which owns midprice brands such The company has tried to diver- cently. As the relationship be- —Jacky Wong

Medicare Plans Might Not

Include as Many Freebies
Medicare Advantage is Share of Medicare pected medical costs are eat-
facing a bit of a disadvan- beneficiaries enrolled ing into profits, prompting
tage. in Medicare Advantage plans CVS to cut its 2024 earnings
The private plans have per share outlook while ac-
grown in popularity in recent knowledging its Medicare
years because many seniors business will only be margin-
like that they come with no 40 ally profitable in 2024.
monthly premiums and offer “We are first and foremost
extra benefits, including vi- focused on recovering mar-
sion and dental coverage as 30 gin, and market share gains
well as fitness memberships. is a secondary consider-
(It doesn’t hurt that the 20 ation,” said Brian Kane, pres-
plans are marketed aggres- ident of Aetna, the CVS
sively). Now, the industry is health-services arm. Eliza-
contending with pressure on 10 beth Anderson, an analyst at
cost, as seniors who held Evercore ISI, says that while
back on procedures during some benefits might have to
the pandemic rush back, and come down next year, CVS’s
revenue, as the Biden admin- 2007 ’10 ’15 ’20 improved star ratings, which
istration curtails payments Source: KFF analysis can bring bonus payments
to plans. from CMS, will help its Medi-
The more challenging fi- disclosed higher-than-ex- care business become more
nancial picture means com- pected medical costs. Not profitable next year.
panies will need to make helping matters is the fact While there is a lot of
some tough decisions about that the newly released 2025 posturing in the health-in-
their plans next year—either rates proposal from the Cen- surance business, it is at
sacrifice profit margins to ters for Medicare and Medic- least fair to say that there is
continue growing or pull aid Services, or CMS, re- a real cooling of what was
back on benefits to boost flects what insurers say is once a gold rush. Cigna re-
profitability. While there are an effective decline in pay- cently sold its Medicare
other factors at play, if the ments. The rates offered by business after calling off
current trends continue, CMS to plans typically go up talks to buy Humana (much
plans will have to be more after lobbying from insur- to the relief of Cigna share-
cautious in their offerings ance giants around this time holders), and its stock is one
going forward. of the year, so of the few in
“At this point, it looks the industry’s the industry
pretty clear that next year’s talk of cutting being re-
reduction in benefits is re- benefits The health warded. Oth-
ally going to reduce enroll- should be seen insurers are ers are press-
ment growth,” says David as part of an ing the pause
Windley, an analyst at Jef- effort to prod contending with button.
feries. CMS to in- “We’re in
In their most recent earn- crease rates.
pressure on cost the position of
ings reports, health insurers But pressure and revenue. not trying to
sounded the alarm on higher from Wall grow Medicare
medical costs, though there Street plays a Advantage,”
have been some notable dif- role. CVS, par- said Centene
ferences. Humana, a Medi- ent of Aetna, acknowledged Chief Financial Officer An-
care pure play, warned that the margin pressures in its drew Asher. “We’re trying to
the higher cost trends could earnings call. Last year, CVS ultimately recover margin [in
persist for some time. Unit- was aggressive in expanding the] back half of the decade.
edHealth Group, the indus- benefits to attract new mem- And so we’ll just adjust the
try leader, signaled that the bers, which helped it add bids accordingly.”
rise in costs is partly because 800,000 Medicare Advantage Ultimately, Asher said,
of seasonal factors such as enrollees. Many of those new that means plans might be a
seniors seeking respiratory members switched from “little bit less attractive for
syncytial virus vaccinations. other plans. seniors.” Those comments
How the next few months During an earnings call, are intended just as much for
play out will determine what UnitedHealthcare Medicare investors’ ears as they are
course insurers take as they & Retirement CEO Tim Noel for bureaucrats at CMS. But
bid for 2025 plans by June. said, “We probably saw one the message is clear: Medi-
Humana is at the eye of of the more aggressive years care Advantage plans might
the industry’s storm. Its of pricing that we’ve ever need to get a little skimpier
stock is down nearly 20% seen.” next year.
this year after the company But the higher-than-ex- —David Wainer

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