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Hajime no Ippo is a popular Japanese manga

and anime series created by George Morikawa. The
story revolves around the life of a young, poor high
school student called Ippo Makunouchi, who is
constantly bullied by his classmates. One day, while
being beaten up, he is saved by a professional boxer
called Mamoru Takamura.

Inspired by Takamura's skills and strength,

Ippo decides to become a boxer. He joins the
Kamogawa Boxing Gym, where he begins his
journey to become a professional boxer. The series
follows Ippo's training, fights and growth as a
boxer, as well as the relationships he establishes
with his fellow boxers (Mamoru Takamura, Masaru
Aoki, Tatsuya Kimura), rivals (Ichiro Miyata,
Takeshi Sendo, Ryo Mashiba, Alexander Volg) and other characters, especially his trainer, Genji

The manga and anime are known for their intense and realistic boxing fights, character development
and for portraying the daily dedication and sacrifices needed to excel in professional boxing. In the series
you can see real boxing techniques that would fit like a glove in Street Fighter RPG scenarios, such as the
Gazelle Punch or the Dempsey Roll.

Ippo is shy, kind and obedient, but also obstinate and stubborn from an early age. He carries these
characteristics into his adult life. Ippo lives with his mum in a modest house and works after school as a
helper on a rented fishing boat, living a tough life for a teenager. Since primary school he has been bullied
and tried to hide his tears from his hard-working and loving mother. Despite his remarkable strength and
fighting skills, he is humble and respectful of his boxing rivals, including those he has defeated and been
defeated by.

Ippo Makunouchi is friendly and has befriended many of his

rivals, such as Miyata, Sendō, Volg and Ryo. He is well liked by his
gym mates, especially Takamura, Aoki and Kimura. He mentors his
apprentice boxer, Itagaki. In terms of his love life, Ippo is naive,
pure and clumsy, and is in love with Kumi (his rival Ryo Mashiba's
sister) and they are dating, but their relationship faces obstacles due
to various external factors.

Although Ippo rarely gets angry when boxing, he can show

anger when someone insults him, hurts someone close to him or
disrespects boxing as a sport/lifestyle. Ippo also opposes aggressors
when he witnesses someone being bullied.

A campaign based on Hajime no Ippo will revolve around the intense training, sparring and fights of
professional boxing. It differs in part from the usual SFRPG campaigns which focus on illegal fights where
any technique or maneuver is acceptable. For more information: Warrior's Fist 13.
It's important to build a scenario with the gyms (equivalent to teams or stables in SFRPG), boxer
rankings, their categories and the titles up for grabs. This denser content allows the characters to aim for
particular titles and want to challenge champions of certain rankings, taking a real part in the campaign
The elements of the fighters' personal lives that intersect with the world of boxing should not be
forgotten, as they give personality to the characters, trainers, Seconds, various NPCs and antagonists. Who
are the characters' family and friends and do they cheer for them in formal fights? Who is the trainer and
what is their story? Do the characters, trainers or academies have rivals? How are the fights and fighters
publicized? Does the specialized press pay attention to the academy and the characters?
Background such as Arena (the physical space of the gym and its notoriety), Sensei (the Teacher or
Trainer and their expertise. Fighters add up their points in Sensei to define the level of their common agent,
although this is limited to 3 when creating a character), Manager (who can be the owner of the gym or an
agent who controls the choice of fights and titles. Fighters add up their Manager points to define the level of
their agent in common, although limited to 3 at character creation) Staff (training and ring support staff, the
Seconds, such as Cutman, Trainer, Driver, Secretary, Marketing and Publicity Staff, etc.) and Backing
(some kind of sponsorship for the fighter and/or the gym).
Some techniques that appear in the Manga and Anime have been created to give greater fidelity to
George Morikawa's work and are available at Batjutsu,, and, or Brazilian site However, these can be
emulated with some similarity using maneuvers from the Basic Book, Player's Book and Storyteller's
Screen. They are all available in the 20th anniversary edition of SFRPG in Portuguese and English.
Body Blow - Lunging Punch
Clinch - Basic Grab (prevents subsequent actions in the turn as per Sustained Hold)
Corkscrew Blow/Liver Shot/Rabbit Punch- Heart Punch
Dempsey Roll/Smash Fest - Hyper Fist
Determination - High Stamina and Willpower
Footwork/Esquives - Move or Jump
Flicker/Bullet - Jab to Jab Combo or maybe Jab Rekka Ken
Gazelle Punch / Smash Punch - Haymaker or even Buffalo Punch
Shotgun Combination - Deflecting Punch + Strong Punch Combo
White Fang - Strong or Fierce Punch Combo (Dizzy)
Illegal Blows - some maneuvers, even some performed with the Punch Technique, are considered
unfair or illegal in Olympic and professional boxing. However, even though they are considered illegal, they
do occur in boxing fights, even in title defenses, and are often considered "unintentional blows". Among
them are Headbutt, Elbow Smash, Fist Sweep, Ear Pop, Head Bite, Headbutt Hold, Stomach Pump, Brain
Cracker, Flying Punch, and Jumping Shoulder Butt.
In SFRPG it is possible to keep these maneuvers marginally acceptable. A fighter using one of these
maneuvers can make a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 6, at least 1 success) so that the
maneuver passes as "unintentional" by the fight referee. Sustained entrapment maneuvers cannot be used
beyond the turn in which they were played. Each time this "trick" is performed, the Difficulty of the test
increases by 1. A fighter caught using these illegal maneuvers incurs the loss of a Glory point and will be
considered defeated, giving a simple victory to the opponent. Whether or not they have been noticed by the
referee, using these maneuvers in formal fights incurs the loss of 1 Honor point. Certain maneuvers are
impossible to hide, such as the infamous Head Bite.
Far from being a primitive combat sport, contemporary boxing is a sophisticated system of attack,
defense and strategy, not just with the fists, but with the whole body and mind. Boxing has an intricate
system of sub-styles that can be understood as the game of rock/paper/scissors (roshambo), where one style
has advantages over another while being disadvantageous in fighting the third. Although there are variations
on this idea, the three sub-styles are: In-Fight (Swarmers, close combat, precision and speed, putting the
opponent under pressure, similar to the Rushdown of fighting games), Out-Fight (Out-Boxers, combat at a
greater distance, involving agility and punishing the opponent's mistakes and openings) and Slugger
(Puncher, use powerful blows to demolish the opponent and are resistant to applying these blows even when
hit). Swarmers find it easy to neutralize the strategic play of Out-Boxers, Out-Boxers using hit-and-run
tactics are very effective against Sluggers, and Sluggers take advantage of Swarmers' need for proximity to
punish them heavily. Obviously there are fighters who fall outside these categories because they have
characteristics that are too eccentric for contemporary boxing (the Non-Orthodox) and others because they
mix the 3 sub-styles (the Hybrid, Boxer-Puncher or Hybrid).

To simulate this chess with the fists (and legs and chest) here are suggestions for allocating Attributes and
Maneuvers from the different styles of Boxing that can be used to differentiate characters and NPCs who
choose the Noble Art as their style.

SUB-STYLE Suggested attributes Suggested maneuvers

IN-FIGHT Focus on Speed and Strength, Deflecting Punch, Hyperfist,
Stunning and fast combos. Headbutt, Dempsey Roll, Smash
Fest, Toughskin, Body Blow
OUT-FIGHT Balance between Strength and Rekka Ken, Lunging Punch,
Stamina, Focus on Speed and Esquives, Flicker, Shotgun
Wits, Attack/Defense Combos Combination, Jolt Counter
SLUGGERS Focus on Strength and Stamina, Dashing Punch, Turn Punch,
Higher amount of Health. Toughskin, Monkey Grab
Willpower applied to damage. Punch, Smash Punch, Smash
HYBRID Balance in attributes and combos Deflecting Punch, Hyper Fist,
to be used in different situations. Rekka Ken, Toughskin, White
Change attack patterns as a tactic. Fang, Flicker, Body Blow
NON-ORTHODOX Unusual blows, unusual combat Buffalo Punch, Haymaker,
style, little-used strategies. Ducking Fierce, Monkey Grab
Punch, Widowmaker, Maka
(148 xp)

PLAYING WITH IPPO: Despite his Strength and

courage, Ippo still behaves in a rather timid and calm
manner outside the ring and is often too humble around his
rivals. Ippo is rarely seen angry before a fight, even if his
opponent insults him or his abilities in Boxing.
APPEARANCE: He has short, shaggy black hair and thick
eyebrows. His body is extremely muscular even though he is
in the featherweight division. Ippo has light tan skin and
dark brown eyes. In fights he chooses to wear white shorts
with blue or red details and matching shoes, all with the
Kamogawa Boxing Gym logo.

STYLE: Boxing (In-fighter), School: Kamogawa Boxing Gym, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer.
SIGNATURE: He thanks his opponent for the fight and then raises his arm
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception
3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 3, Intimidation 1, Insight 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Blind Fighting 2, Survival 2,
Drive 1, Arena 2, Style Lore 2, Medicine 2, Investigation 1
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Grab 1, Block 4, Athletics 2, Focus 2
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 2 (Kamogawa Genji), Staff 2, Allies 3, Contacts 2, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 5, Honor 4, Chi 1, Willpower 8, Health 16

Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.

BLOCK +4 Soak 8 - -
GRAB Grab 4 6 1
JAB 6 9 2
STRONG 5 11 2
FIERCE 3 13 1
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches 8 - 0
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) Block + Punch 6 11 0
POWER UPPERCUT (1) Knockdown vs Aerial 3 13 1
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
GAZELLE PUNCH (12) 1 WP Knockback, Knockdown vs Aerial 3 15 0
DEMPSEY ROLL (16) 1 WP +2 Soak, 2 Punch, failed soak for 4 12 1
grapple and non-punch maneuvers
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches - - -

Punch Defense to Power Uppercut
Block to Gazelle Punch
Deflecting Punch to Dempsey Roll
Jab to Dempsey Roll (Dizzy)

PLAYING WITH MIYATA: Miyata is calm and serious, although in

very few cases is he seen smiling (usually at difficult victories). He is
headstrong, proud and doesn't like to be disrespected, but he never loses
APPEARANCE: tall and muscular with fair skin. He has short black
hair with bangs covering his forehead and ears, and his piercing eyes are
dark brown, almost reddish. He is considered attractive. He fights in
white, blue or green shorts with red, green or white details.

STYLE: Boxing (Out-fighter), School: Kawahara Boxing Gym, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer and
son of a boxer.
SIGNATURE: Coldly go to your corner
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception
4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Intimidation 1, Insight 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2, Blind Fighting 1, Survival 1,
Drive 2, Arena 3, Style Lore 3, Medicine 1
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Block 5, Athletics 3, Focus 2
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 3 (father), Staff 2, Allies 2, Contacts 1, Resources 2
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 4, Chi 1, Willpower 6, Health 14

Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.

BLOCK +5 Soak 9 - -
GRAB Grab - - -
JAB 6 6 3
STRONG 5 8 3
FIERCE 3 10 2
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) Soak + Punch -
ESQUIVES (1) Evades, Abort 2
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches
SHOTGUN +2 Soak, 2 Punches, Soak fails to
COMBINATION (8) crouch Maneuvers and non-Punches

Jab to Punch Defense to Fierce
Deflecting Punch to Hook (Dizzy)
Esquives to Shotgun Combination (Dizzy)
Jab to Jolt Counter (Dizzy)
Block to Fierce

PLAYING WITH TAKESHI: One impetuous and temperamental

boxer, who thinks before he acts, being incredibly energetic and
competitive when it comes to Boxing.
APPEARANCE: He has a robust and strong Appearance, reflecting
his impetuous personality. He has a muscular build, tanned skin and
medium height. His hair is dark brown, long and unkempt, combed to
the front with numerous tufts protruding in all possible directions. He
usually fights in dark shorts, such as navy blue or gray, with orange

STYLE: Boxing (In-fighter), School: Naniwa Boxing Club, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer and folk hero.
SIGNATURE: Keep your eyes on the fallen opponent and thank them for the fight
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception
4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Intimidation 3, Insight 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Blind Fighting 1, Survival 1,
Drive 2, Arena 2, Style Lore 2, Medicine 1, Investigation 1,
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Grab 1, Block 3, Athletics 3, Focus 2
BACKGROUNDS: Backing 3, Staff 2, Allies 3, Contacts 3, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 4, Chi 1, Willpower 6, Health 15
Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.
BLOCK +3 Soak 8 - -
GRAB Grab 4 6 1
JAB 6 9 3
STRONG 5 11 3
FIERCE 3 13 2
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +3 Soak + Punch 0
SMASH PUNCH (1) 3 15 -
SMASH FEST (12) 1 WP 3x, only two punch tests are used to 4 12 -
deal Damage
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
DASHING PUNCH (16) 1 WP 4 14 5

Jab to Smash Punch (Dizzy)
Dashing Punch to Smash Fest (Dizzy)
Straight to Smash Fest to Smash Punch

PLAYING WITH MASHIBA: One of the most intimidating characters in

the series, being continually hostile and antisocial. Still very stoic, crude
and rude, Mashiba has a soft heart when it comes to his sister. In the ring,
the Grim Reaper shows no mercy and is brutal and violent.
APPEARANCE: Mashiba has short black hair before letting it grow to
shoulder length, tousled at the top and bangs hanging close to his eyes, a
pair of thick, bushy eyebrows and visible cheekbones. His Appearance is
intimidating, especially his always taciturn facial expression. He fights in
dark-colored shorts.

STYLE: Boxing (Non-Orthodox), School: Toho Boxing Gym, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer and Truck
SIGNATURE: Small cynical smile with the corner of his mouth
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3, Perception
4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Interrogation 1, Intimidation 4, Insight 3, Streetwise 2, Survival 1, Drive 3, Arena
3, Style Lore 2, Medicine 1, Investigation 2
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Grab 2, Block 4, Athletics 2
BACKGROUNDS: Staff 3, Allies 1, Contacts 2, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 2, Chi 1, Willpower 6, Health 15
Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.
BLOCK +4 Soak 9 - -
GRAB Grab 5 9 1
JAB 6 8 2
STRONG 5 10 2
FIERCE 3 12 1
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +4 Soak + Punch 0
SMASH PUNCH (1) 3 14 -
CLINCH (1) Grab, cancel Maneuver, see 1
HEAD BUTT (4) 4 12 0
FLICKER (4) Range 2 hexes 7 8 1
MAKA WARA (20) 6 damage on blocks - - -

Flicker to Flicker to Smash Punch (Dizzy)
Punch Defense to Smash Punch (Dizzy)
Flicker to Clinch

PLAYING WITH VOLG: Alexander is a paradox: he's caring and

considerate, he doesn't like hurting people, but he's confident, technical
and brutal in boxing. He acts like two completely different people
outside and inside the ring.
APPEARANCE: Dense muscular build with shaggy red hair grown to
a medium length, keeping it long enough to touch the base of his neck.
His pale blue eyes stand out on his face. Fights wearing red shorts.

STYLE: Boxing (Hybrid), School: Otowa Boxing Gym, CONCEPT:

Professional Russian boxer.
SIGNATURE: Watches his opponent worry about his Health, without celebrating.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception
4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 1, Intimidation 1, Insight 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Survival 2, Drive 2, Arena 2,
Style Lore 3, Medicine 2, Linguas (Japones and English) 2
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Grab 1, Block 4, Athletics 3, Focus 2
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 2 (Ruslan Ramuda), Staff 2, Allies 2, Contacts 2, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 3, Chi 1, Willpower 7, Health 16
Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.
BLOCK +4 Soak 8 - -
GRAB Grab 4 6 1
JAB 6 9 3
STRONG 5 11 3
FIERCE 3 13 2
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches 8 - -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +4 Soak + Punch 6 11 -
POWER UPPERCUT (1) Knockdown vs Aerial 3 13 1
SMASH PUNCH (4) 3 15 -
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
WHITE FANG (12) 1 WP 2x, blocks only absorb 1 punch 4 11/11 1
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches - - --

Strong to Hook (Dizzy)
Jab to Smash Punch (Dizzy)
Jab to Punch Defense to White Fang (Dizzy)
Deflecting Punch to White Fang (Dizzy)

PLAYING WITH DATE: determined to travel great distances to

achieve his goals, the ideal image of an obstinate man. However, he is
nowhere near stoic or serious, and has shown himself to openly
express his warm and humorous spirit. In fighting, Date is technical
and meticulous, in total control of his emotions and determined to win
according to his strategy.
APPEARANCE: middle-aged man with a tall, well-built body and
tanned skin, despite his retirement from boxing. His black hair is short
and combed, except for a few loose strands. The iconic scar on the tip
of his nose catches the eye, along with his ever-present stubble. He
wears white and black shorts with red accents.

STYLE: Boxing (Hybrid), School: Nadakai Boxing Gym, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer.
SIGNATURE: He raises his both arms, bouncing and smiling
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception
3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
ABILITIES: Alertness 1, Intimidation 2, Insight 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 1, Drive 2, Arena 3,
Style Lore 3, Medicine 2, Investigation 2
BACKGROUNDS: Staff 3, Allies 3, Contacts 4, Resources 3
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Block 4, Athletics 3, Focus 2
RENOWN: Glory 6, Honor 4, Chi 4, Willpower 9, Health 15
Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.
BLOCK +2 Soak 9 - -
GRAB Grab - - -
JAB 6 8 3
STRONG 5 10 3
FIERCE 3 12 2
UPPER 3 13 2
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches 9 - -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +4 Soak + Punch 7 - -
HEART PUNCH (2) +2 to test Dizzy 1
LUNGING PUNCH (2) Ignores Block, Crouching 5 10 4
TOUGHSKIN (12) 1 CHI +2 Soak - - -
BODY BLOW (8) -1 to Soak and Move to opponent 4 10 1
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches - - -

Lunging Punch to Heart Punch
Jab to Deflecting Punch to Strong (Dizzy)
Body Blow + Hook (Dizzy)
Punch Defense to Heart Punch
(149 xp)

PLAYING WITH SAWAMURA: a dark and taciturn boxer with

a perverse fighting style and a tendency to commit fouls.
Sawamura has the attitude of a cold, calculating and often unstable
killer. Always highly cruel and antagonistic, he openly expresses
his bloodlust and desire to kill. He often commits illegal moves out
of pure malice, even when he has the upper hand in a fight.
APPEARANCE: presents a menacing appearance. Tall for a
featherweight, with a lean but toned build, with spiky, unkempt
black hair. His eyebrows are thin and slanted upwards at the sides,
with his eyes almost always squinted in a look of boredom or
disgust. He tends to wear blue shorts with black details.

STYLE: Boxing (Outfighter), School: Nagoya Oniyaritome Boxing Gym,

CONCEPT: Professional Boxer.
SIGNATURE: He raises his both arms, bouncing and smiling
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation
4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 1, Intimidation 3, Insight 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3,
Drive 2, Survival 2, Arena 2, Style Lore 2, Medicine 3, Investigation 1
BACKGROUNDS: Staff 2, Allies 1, Contacts 1, Resources 2
TECHNIQUES: Punch 4, Block 5, Athletics 2, Focus 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 2, Chi 1, Willpower 7, Health 16

Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.

BLOCK +5 Soak 9 - 0
GRAB Grab 5 9 1
JAB 6 7 3
STRONG 5 9 3
FIERCE 4 11 2
UPPER 3 12 1
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punch 9 - -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +5 Soak + Punch 7 10 -
BOXING PUNCHES (1) +3 basic Punches - - -
FIST SWEEP (2) Crouching, KD 4 10 0
JOLT COUNTER (12) 1 WP +2 Soak + Punch 7 13 -
FLICKER (4) Range 2 hexes 8 7 1
RABBIT PUNCH (8) Ignores half of Stamina and Block 6 10 1

Deflecting Punch + Upper (Dizzy)
Punch Defense + Rabbit Punch
Flicker + Deflecting Punch + Fierce (Dizzy)
Flicker + Jolt Counter (Dizzy)

PLAYING WITH SAEKI: Saeki is essentially a hard worker with a

passion for boxing. He has extreme confidence in his legs and his
speed in the ring. He gets on well with his gym mates as well as his
opponents in the ring, and displays excellent sportsmanship,
regardless of the outcome of the match.
APPEARANCE: Muscular, but with an athletic and slender
physique. He has a relatively dark skin tone. He lets his dark brown
hair grow down to his shoulders, opting to tie it in a ponytail during
fights and boxing training sessions. His eyebrows are thin and his
eyes are slanted with dark brown/black pupils. He fights wearing
leopard-textured shorts.

STYLE: Boxing (Outfighter), School: Kawai Boxing Gym, CONCEPT: Professional Boxer / Chef.
SIGNATURE: He raises his both arms, bouncing and smiling
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception
3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
ABILITIES: Alertness 3, Intimidation 1, Insight 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Stealth 1, Security 1, Drive
3, Arena 1, Style Lore 2, Medicine 2, Investigation 3
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Block 3, Athletics 4
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 2, Staff 2, Allies 1, Contacts 3, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 4, Chi 1, Willpower 8, Health 14

Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.

BLOCK +3 Soak 9 - 0
GRAB Grab 5 9 1
JAB 7 8 4
STRONG 5 10 4
FIERCE 4 12 3
UPPER 3 13 3
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches 9 - -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +3 Soak + Punch 7 10 0
SHOTGUN +1 Soak, 2 Punches, Soak fails to 5 8/8 2
COMBINATION (2) crouch Maneuvers and non-Punches
ESQUIVES (4) 1 WP Evades, Abort 7 - 2
REKKA KEN (20) 1 WP +3 Sp. to basic Punches, Effect combo - - -
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches - - -

Jab to Esquives to Hook (Dizzy)
Jab to Shotgun Combination to Jab

PLAYING WITH SISPHAR: A former Thai Muay Thai champion who

switched to boxing. Sisphar is aggressive and fights to take down his opponent
without worrying about his own health. He actively intimidates his opponents
and tries to unbalance them with unfair blows (headbutts and successive
APPEARANCE: Jimmy's face is covered in scars, the result of his aggressive
and brutal fighting style and the headbutts he applies to his opponents. He has
shoulder-length hair, an unshaven beard and a thick, muscular build. He fights
in yellow shorts with black details.

STYLE: Boxing (Non-Orthodox), School: Professor particular, CONCEPT:

Professional Boxer.
SIGNATURE: He raises his both arms, bouncing and smiling
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception
3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Intimidation 3, Insight 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1, Survival 2, Drive 3, Arena 2,
Style Lore 2, Medicine 1, Investigation 2
TECHNIQUES: Punch 5, Block 3, Athletics 4, Focus 2, Grab 2
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 3, Staff 2, Allies 3, Contacts 3, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 4, Honor 4, Chi 4, Willpower 10, Health 16
Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.
BLOCK +3 Soak 8 - 0
GRAB Grab - - -
JAB 6 8 4
STRONG 5 10 4
FIERCE 3 12 3
UPPER 2 13 3
BODY BLOW (2) 3 10 2
BOXING PUNCHES (1) +3 basic Punches - - -
DETERMINATION (8) 1 WP Ignores Dizzy - - -
SMASH PUNCH (1) 3 14 -
TOUGHSKIN (3) 1 CHI +2 Soak - - -
CLINCH (4) Grab, cancel Maneuver 6 6 1

Block + Smash Punch
Straight + Clinch + Upper (Dizzy)
Body Blow + Smash Punch


rough appearance and adamantine pride, Shimabukuro is
a polite and friendly fisherman. His love of the sea and
the sky rivals his passion for boxing.
APPEARANCE: Shimabukuro is a man with tanned
skin, short, messy black hair and a small amount of facial
and chest hair. Although short, his body is like a steel
fortress, bulky and muscular. He has a very thick and
strong neck, which helps him to take powerful Punches
without getting dizzy. His rough appearance (like a
fisherman) sometimes makes people think he's older than
he looks, even though he's only in his twenties.

STYLE: Boxing (Infighter), School: Okinawa Seaside Gym, CONCEPT:

Professional Boxer/Fisherman/Diver
SIGNATURE: He raises his both arms, bouncing and smiling
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Charisma 2,
Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Intimidation 2, Insight 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge
1, Survival 3, Drive 2, Arena 1, Style Lore 1, Medicine 2, Investigation 2
TECHNIQUES: Punch 4, Block 4, Athletics 2, Focus 2
BACKGROUNDS: Sensei 2, Staff 2, Allies 4, Contacts 1, Resources 1
RENOWN: Glory 3, Honor 5, Chi 5, Willpower 7, Health 16

Maneuver Cost Effect Sp. Dam Mov.

BLOCK +4 Soak 8 - 0
GRAB Grab - - -
JAB 6 7 2
STRONG 5 9 2
FIERCE 3 11 1
UPPER 2 12 1
PUNCH DEFENSE (1) +4 Soak vs Punches 8 - -
DEFLECTING PUNCH (1) +4 Soak + Punch 6 9 -
TOUGHSKIN (3) 1 CHI +2 Soak - - 1
BOXING PUNCHES (4) +3 basic Punches - - 1

Jab to Deflecting punch (Dizzy)
Strong to Upper (Dizzy)


BODY BLOW (Hajime no Ippo, Date) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 2
Power Point: Boxing, Western Kickboxing 2; Any 3
Description: Powerful punch to the side of the abdomen aimed at the
viscera, kidneys and liver. By interrupting the regular rhythm of the
internal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines), the value of a
Body Blow lies in its preparation for a knockout. By interrupting
blood flow and proper oxygenation, victims can feel unable to move
due to lack of air, sometimes to the point of feeling weak beyond
pain. Thus, a boxer immobilized by a Body Blow is vulnerable to
further attacks. On their own, these blows usually don't knock out the
opponent, although strong fighters can knock out their opponents
with one of them. Repeated use of the Body Blow can cause kidney
rupture, fractured ribs, perforation of internal organs by rib bones and
internal bleeding.
System: Use the modifiers below. Causing Damage reduces Soak by
1 and Move by 1 for all Maneuvers in the following turn.
Cost: None
Speed: -1
Damage: +2
Move: -2

BOXING PUNCHES (SF Dojo, modified) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 2
Power Point: Boxing 1; Savate, Western Kickboxing, Muay Thai 2; Any 3
Description: While letting the Indians and Chinese debate where the birthplace of martial arts was,
Kalaripayattu or Shaolin Kung Fu, boxers, in their millennial simplicity, refined their weapon: the Punch.
The evolution of Boxing's code of rules led to the creation of variations in the ways of punching. Altering
speed, weight, angle, position and mobility makes it possible to develop complex strategies.
System: Adds 3 Punch Maneuvers: Straight, Cross/Hook, Uppercut; their damage is based on the Punch
Technique. These Maneuvers are considered Basic Maneuvers.
Nome Speed Damage Move
Jab +2 -1 +0
Straight +1 +0 +0
Strong +0 +1 +0
Cross / Hook +0 +2 -1
Fierce -1 +3 -1
Uppercut -2 +4 -1
Cost: None
Speed: see description above
Damage: see description above
Move: see description above
DEMPSEY ROLL (Hajime no Ippo, Ippo) (Felipe Vasconcellos)
Prerequisites: Deflecting Punch, Punch 4
Power Point: Boxing 4
Description: The fighter lowers their stance along with their center of gravity and begins to rhythmically
and vigorously move their body in a pattern similar to that of a lateral or diagonal 8, the weave. They then
fire a series of rapidly executed punches from both left and right angles, while continuing to swing and
move in an 8. As the Dempsey Roll is a burst of hooks thrown with the fighter's entire body weight behind
them, few fighters can resist it if it successfully engages. The main factor in the Dempsey Roll's strength
comes from the weight shift and complete rotation of the back and hips, allowing powerful blows to be
landed in the target's blind spots.
System: Two separate and consecutive damage rolls. If they interrupt the opponent, the fighter adds half the
Blocking Technique (rounded down) for Soak for any attack (except crouching or kicks, for which they do
not add the Blocking technique).
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +0
Damage: +2/+2
Move: One

FLICKER (Hajime no Ippo, Ryo Mashiba) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 3, Athletics 1
Power Point: Boxing 2; Any 3
Description: Almost inhuman training to make boxing's simplest punch gain even more speed has given rise
to the Flicker, the light, fast punch from the Hitman stance. It doesn't seem very useful at first glance, a
punch with so little body weight applied to its execution, but its potential is fantastic: to hit before the
opponent raises their guard. These speed punches have the function of starting combinations or ending them,
as well as controlling the distance between fighter and opponent. Ryo Mashiba is a master of their use.
System: Use the modifiers below. The Flicker has a range of 2 hexes
Cost: None
Speed: +3
Damage: -1
Move: One

GAZELLE PUNCH (Hajime no Ippo, Ippo) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 3, Athletics 2, Power Uppercut
Power Point: Boxing 3, Any 5
Description: They assume a much lower posture than usual, bending
their legs and bringing their chest forward, keeping their left elbow
glued to their body at a closed angle. Then they release all their body
strength (legs, hips, abdomen, chest and arms) at once, almost
jumping. The aim is clear: to hit your opponent on the chin from
below with all your Strength. Fighters generally use the Gazelle
Punch when they come out of Block, looking to catch their
opponents off guard.
System: The fighter, for all intents and purposes, applies the blow as
if he were crouching (Counching) but is able to hit Aerial opponents.
If it causes damage, it also causes Knockback of 1 hex. Aerial
opponents suffer Knockdown if they suffer damage, but no
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: -1
Damage: +5
Move: -2

HEART PUNCH (revised, Punch, Hajime no Ippo, Date)

Pré-Requisitos: Punch 3, Focus 1
Power Point: Native American Wrestling, Wrestling, Sanbo 2; Special Forces, Boxing, Sumo 3; Western
Kickboxing, Kung Fu 4.
This Heart Punch is designed to only stun opponents, leaving them vulnerable to the next impact. There are
several types of blows designed to stun the opponent: One powerful punch to the opponent's ribcage, a
powerful and resounding slap to the chest or abdomen or a blow with the edge of the hand or knuckles to the
throat. It's a Maneuver that many consider to be dishonorable and can result in a loss of Honor depending on
the place and situation. In Boxing it exists in the form of a Corkscrew Blow, a Punch with a spiral twist of
the arm aimed at the left chest or sternum.
System: Heart Punch causes real damage. Damage is rolled as
normal and 2 is added to this value for stun effects only. Example:
Jack uses Heart Punch on his opponent, rolling 2 damage. His
opponent has 2 Stamina. 2 damage from Jack wouldn't stun the
opponent, but as it was a Heart Punch the damage used to check the
stun was 4 (2 from the roll + 2 from the Maneuver). This effect is
not counted in Dizzy-type combos.
Cost: None.
Speed: -1
Damage: +1 (see description above)
Move: -1
LIVER SHOT (Hajime no Ippo, Date) (Felipe
Vasconcellos/Ingo Muller)
Prerequisites: Body Blow, Punch 2
Power Point: Boxing 1; Western Kickboxing 2;
Any 3
Although the head is the primary target for those
trying to knock out their opponent, it's the blows
to the torso that undermine the opponent's
resistance - especially the liver which, according
to experienced boxers, when hit with skill gives
the impression that the opponent's hand is on fire, tearing through skin and flesh. Aware of this weakness,
some fighters like Bas Rutten have improved their liver shots, hitting the opponent with precision and
violence. Repeated use of the Liver Shot can cause liver and/or kidney rupture and internal bleeding.
System: Use the modifiers below. The Liver Shot victim only adds up to half their Stamina (rounded down)
in Soak unless they are performing a Block technique designed to protect themselves from Punches (Punch
Defense or Deflecting Punch). If they use a normal Block, they will still add the Block, but with half their
Cost: None
Speed: +0
Damage: +1
Move: One

RABBIT PUNCH (Hajime no Ippo, Anderson) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 3
Power Point: Boxing, Western Kickboxing 2; Any 3
Description: An unfair blow to the back of the head or neck that can damage the spinal column. The user
throws the fist towards the opponent's head and then bends the arm making the fist hit the back of the
opponent's neck. As the blow hits the base of the head, it hits the spinal column, with a high risk of causing
dangerous injuries that are difficult to recover from.
System: You need to enter the opponent's Hexagon. The
opponent calculates their Soak to the Rabbit Punch with
1/2 (rounded down) of their Stamina. This blow ignores
1/2 (rounded down) of any Block bonus if the opponent
has interrupted the fighter with Block (or similar). This
blow is considered dishonorable in tournaments and each
use results in the loss of 1 temporary Honor.

Cost: None
Speed: +1
Damage: +1 (see description above)
Move: -1
SMASH FEST (Hajime no Ippo, Takeshi Sendo) (Felipe Vasconcellos)
Prerequisites: Punch 4, Smash Punch
Power Point: Boxing 3
Description: The user assumes a position in which their knees are slightly bent and their upper body is
brought forward and down, bringing their entire center of gravity to their hips. From there, the user throws
hooks, smashes or uppercuts from side to side. The lowered posture allows the user to shift their weight
easily, adding force to their attacks.
System: the fighter rolls the damage for the three blows, but the target only suffers the damage of the two
blows that were most successful (it is assumed that the third missed the target). The three punches have a +3
damage modifier.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +0
Damage: +3/+3/+3
Move: None

SHOTGUN COMBINATION / ONE-TWO (Hajime no Ippo, Hayami) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 2, Punch Defense
Power Point: Boxing 2, Any 4
Description: A rapid succession of jabs and rights that are thrown almost non-stop. The blows keep
alternating right and left with slight variations in angle, focusing on the opponent's face, but always
returning quickly to the defense of the fighter's face and head. Boxers use the Shotgun Combination
offensively and defensively.
System: Two separate and consecutive damage rolls. If they interrupt the opponent, the fighter adds half the
Blocking Technique (rounded down) for Soak for any attack (except crouching/counching or kicks, for
which they do not add the Blocking technique).
Cost: None
Speed: +0
Damage: -1/-1
Move: -2

SMASH PUNCH / CHOPPING BLOW (Hajime no Ippo, Sendo/Mashiba) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Punch 3
Power Point: Boxing 1; Any 3
Description: The Smash Punch is naturally positioned at an angle between a hook and an uppercut. It is
thrown with almost the same trajectory as an uppercut, starting from the waist and ending up on the
opponent's head. The difference is that the fist is turned to the side and the arm is more extended in the
finish, carrying the mass of the whole body. The Chopping Blow comes from the opposite position of the
Smash Punch, the fighter using it raises their fist up and behind them (overhand) and then throws it down
with all their weight towards their opponent. The techniques add extra weight to the punches, making it look
like the opponent is being hit by a punch of a different weight class. Both techniques make it possible to
attack from a high, unexpected angle and can catch an opponent off guard.
System: Use the modifiers below.
Cost: None
Speed: -1
Damage: +5
Move: None
WHITE FANG (Hajime no Ippo, Volg) (Felipe
Prerequisites: Punch 4
Power Point: Boxing 3; Any 4
Description: The maneuver is used strictly in close-
range situations. The fighter fires an uppercut to the
opponent's head with the forward arm and then
throws a high-angle hook with the dominant arm. It
should be emphasized that there is practically no
delay between the two punches. Quick and almost
imperceptible to onlookers, the force and devastation
of the White Fang's skull can unleash immense brain
damage capable of ending a boxer's career. It's a
combination that can't be blocked easily due to its
rapid execution and the direction of the attacks, from above and below. The combination is portrayed as the
fangs of a wolf as it sinks into its victim.
System: Deals damage twice with the modifiers below. Blocks only absorb one of the two Punches. Punch
Defense is an exception, as it absorbs both Punches, but without the +4 bonus. Against Crouching or Aerial
targets, only one of the punches hits.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +0
Damage: +2 (see description above)
Move: One

JOLT COUNTER (Hajime no Itto, Miyata)

(Felipe Vasconcellos)
Prerequisites: Deflecting Punch, Punch 3
Power Point: Boxing 2
Description: The user anticipates an
opponent's punch, then positions themselves
where they can avoid it, crouching slightly in
preparation for the follow-up. The instant the
opponent's punch has been deflected with a
head-slide, the user lunges forward and hits the
opponent in the face with a heavy overhand
right. It's extremely powerful as it combines
the opponent's movement with the fighter's full
weight, but dangerous as it reduces the efficiency of the defense and prevents fast combinations.
System: the fighter must interrupt an opponent's Punch maneuver. The fighter will have -2 Soak on their
basic block and after Blocking the opponent's Maneuver, if they are not stunned, they can follow up with
Jolt Counter damage. Maneuver blocking is only useful against a punch; if the opponent uses any other
Technique, the fighter gains no blocking bonus to his Soak total (but can still hit the opponent with his
counterattack). The fighter does not gain +2 Speed next turn when using Jolt Counter.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +2
Damage: +5
Move: None

CLINCH (Rapid neutralization grab) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Grab 1
Power Point: Any 1
Description: Clinching is a crude way of grabbing and
momentarily neutralizing the opponent, making it
impossible to use punches, submissions and other blows. In
this situation, the fighter tries to hold or "tie up" the
opponent's hands so that he can't throw hooks and
uppercuts, and is so stuck to the opponent that he can't
even use knees. To execute a Clinch, the fighter puts both
hands around the opponent's shoulders, applying pressure
with their forearms to push the opponent's arms hard
against their own body. The fighter's proximity and effort
prevent kicks and other maneuvers by the opponent.
System: Grab and, like the other Grabs, the fighter must
enter the opponent's hexagon. The fighter rolls Strength +
Grab as damage, but no actual injury is caused. If the fighter interrupted and "dealt damage", the opponent
loses their maneuver as if they had been knocked down, but without the associated penalties. If the fighter
has canceled the other fighter's maneuver, they gain +1 Speed to any Grab maneuvers on their next turn.
Cost: None
Speed: +2
Damage: None (Strength + Grab, just roll to see if it works)
Move: One

ESQUIVES (revised)
Prerequisites: Athletics 2
Power Point: Any 1
An evasion technique very similar to certain Aikido moves.
The fighter simply steps sideways away from the attack,
saving his body from the line of attack. Survival in Boxing and
Savate, as well as in Aikido and Capoeira, depends on being
able to avoid the opponent's attack.
System: The fighter must have enough speed to interrupt their
attacker. When the opponent attacks, the player using Esquives
simply moves by dodging in any direction in two hexes. This
maneuver can be used to dodge projectiles, however a test
must be made (see "dodging projectiles" in the Jump Special
Esquives is an Abort maneuver
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +2
Damage: None
Move: Two

DETERMINATION / DRIVE (Fighting unconsciously, Hajime no Ippo) (Felipe Vasconcellos)

Prerequisites: Focus 2, Stamina 4
Power Point: Boxing, Muay Thai 2; Any 3
Description: Certain fighters, especially boxers, are able to exchange blows even while losing
consciousness, and some opponents can swear that they do it while unconscious. Several ways can lead to
this remarkable feat: primitive instinct, sheer determination, muscle memory, trained reflexes and/or
adrenaline rushes.
System: The fighter can deploy their chosen maneuver on the turn they were stunned (Dizzy) by spending 1
Willpower point. The expenditure of a Willpower point is reactive and must occur immediately at the
moment the opponent's damage causes the Dizzy. This maneuver does not affect the turn lost to the stun
following the one in which the damage was received.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: see description above
Damage: see description above
Move: see description above
 Written by: Felipe Vasconcellos, Ingo Muller, Igor Lins, and Eric “Musashi” Souza
 Extra contributors: Many thanks to the many contributors in the Street Fighter community for their
help with discussion, suggeestions, testing, and feedback.
 Translated by: Richard “Bat” Brewster

Brazilian version:

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