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What are the 3 core problems of robotics?

+ Planning - Manipulation – Localization

-- Localization - Mutation – Planning
-- Localization - Mutation – Recording
-- Manipulation - Planning – Improvisation

Which core problems of robotics go hand in hand?

+ Localization & Planning
-- Localization & Manipulation
-- Manipulation & Planning
-- Planning & Improvisation

In robotics, localization is all about:

+ Knowing where you are
-- Knowing where you go
-- Knowing why you are
-- Knowing how you go somewhere else

In robotics, localization comes before planning:

+ True
-- False
-- Non applicable
-- It depends

If a robot needs to to go somewhere else, it is all about:

+ Planning
-- Localization
-- Manipulation
-- Mapping

In robotics, what is SLAM?

+ It stands for "Simultaneous Localization And Mapping"
-- It stands for "Strategic Long-Range Artillery Machine"
-- It is a famous contest
-- It is a project from Microsoft

Which statement is false?

+ Robots can see dead people
-- Robots may have stereoscopic vision like humans
-- Robots can see things that humans don't
-- LIDAR works as a RADAR, but use light instead of sound

While planning, robots need to define

+ Actions
-- Preconditions
-- Effects
-- Consequences

Which statement is false?

+ Efffects requires preconditions
-- Actions requires preconditions
-- Actions have effects
-- Consequences have actions

Closed loop control helps robots to get "continuous" feedback.

+ True
-- False
-- It Depends
-- Non applicable

Robots can learn new actions all by themselves.

+ True
-- False
-- Robots can't learn
-- There no such thing as a new action

Choose one advantage that AI systems have upon humans?

+ They are consistent and won’t make mistakes because they’re tired or hungry
-- They are good at insight, creativity and understanding nuances.
-- They have societal values and morals
-- AI systems understand the moral implications of their decisions

Humans and AI systems can collaborate

+ True
-- False
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

Humans and AI systems can collaborate for

+ All these answers
-- Teaching new things to each other
-- Accounting work
-- Playing a game

AI systems could help humans to make decisions because

+ They are good and fast at evaluating many possibilities
-- They have intuition
-- They never fail
-- They can solve any human problem

The only use for AI systems is just automation replacing jobs

+ False
-- True
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

Which statement is false about machine languages?

+ A word from a machine language can have two meanings
-- Machine languages tend to have smaller vocabulary than human languages
-- Machine languages follow highly structured conventions
-- Machine instructions can be considered as a language

Which statement is true about machine languages?

+ They do not tolerate any errors
-- They are understood even if there are some spelling errors
-- They are understood even if they are some syntactic errors
-- They are understood only if they contain less than 1% error

What do natural languages have, but machine languages don’t?

+ All these answers
-- Word play
-- Speaking accents
-- Words with different meanings

NLP stands for?

+ Natural Language Processing
-- New Language Paradigm
-- Neuroscientific Learning by Peers
-- National League of Pokemons

Which two disciplines does Natural Language Processing combine?

+ Linguistics & Computer Science
-- Statistics & Linguistics
-- Neuroscience & Computer science
-- Computer science & Statistics

Which tool improved the accuracy of speech recognition?

+ Machine learning
-- Statistics
-- Linguistics
-- Mapping

Chatbots can train themselves by learning from human-to-human conversations

+ True
-- False
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

What is speech synthesis?

+ The ability to output speech
-- Another definition of speech recognition
-- The ability to translate speech
-- An audio compression technique

Deep learning uses old existing techniques

+ True
-- False
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

What is the name of Google's Natural Language Processing?

-- Deep Mind

What is the goal of Google’s BERT?

+ Natural Language Processing
-- Generative Modeling
-- Face recognition
-- Space exploration

What does GAN stand for?

+ Generative Adversarial Networks
-- Nothing
-- Groupe des Assurances Nouvelles
-- Gary, Algernop & Nilsen, the creators names

What are Intel Coach and Google Dopamine?

+ Reinforcement learning libraries
-- Deep learning neural-networks
-- New voice user interfaces
-- Statistical algorithms

About AI future, which statement has been predicted?

+ All these answers
-- Kubernetes containers will become part of the AI pipeline
-- AI will create more jobs than it destroys
-- AI-specific hardware

What are Chinook & Deep Blue?

+ Computers playing games better than humans
-- Neural-networks
-- Machine learning algorithms
-- Projects from Google

What’s the goal of minimax algorithm?

+ Winning games
-- Predicting weather
-- Encoding video
-- Encrypting data

How does the Monte Carlo algorithm work?

+ It uses randomness
-- It uses heuristics
-- It uses quantum calculations
-- It uses multithreading

Evolutionary neural networks use the environment as an input, like reinforcement learning.
+ True
-- False
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

What is the global idea of evolutionary neural networks?

+ All these answers
-- Like living species, the best at surviving get to pass on their genes
-- Like living species, it continuously adapts to its environment
-- It is a dynamic algorithm choosing its future actions by benchmarking the past ones.

AI might struggle with:

+ All these answers
-- Creativity
-- Metaphors
-- Irony
What is the purpose of a web crawler?
+ To gather lots of data
-- To optimize data streaming
-- To secure online communications
-- To analyse html code

What is a web crawler?

+ A program to gather data
-- A graphical user interface for web development
-- A tool for inspecting html code
-- A sorting algorithm

How can an AI rank the results given by search engines?

+ All these answers
-- Through analysis of human behavior
-- With bounce and click througs
-- By training on data

What is a knowledge base?

+ A way of encoding informations
-- A database for teachers and students
-- A deep learning algorithm
-- A tool for gathering data

What is an index?
+ A tool for organizing data
-- The first finger of a hand
-- A tool for gathering data
-- A deep learning algorithm

Which statement is true about AI?

+ All these statements are true.
-- Some neural networks have been used to generate new Harry Potter chapters.
-- Lexus released a commercial written entirely by an AI
-- Actually, nothing proves that we are not Ais inside a simulation

When is a machine said to have artificial intelligence?

+ If it can interpret data, learn from data, and adapt
-- If it has one (or more) algorithm(s)
-- If it can solve a human problem
-- If it can input and output data
Who coined the terms “Artificial Intelligence”?
+ John McCarthy
-- Arthur Lee Samuel
-- Marvin Lee Minsky
-- Claude Elwood Shannon

Which event is widely considered to be the foundation of AI as a field?

+ The Dartmouth Summer Research Project
-- The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
-- The ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC)
-- The IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)

AI systems do more look like

+ Babies
-- Kids
-- Teenagers
-- Adults

Which development in computing enhanced AI revolution?

+ CPU power and speed increases
-- Learning machine invention
-- Discoveries about quantum computing
-- Creation of Python language

Roughly estimated over the past ten years, the computing power of smartphones has been
multiplied by:
+ 1000
-- 100
-- 10
-- 100000

Which development in computing enhanced AI revolution?

+ Data proliferation
-- Learning machine invention
-- Discoveries about quantum computing
-- Creation of Python language

Who is Elon Musk?

+ All these answers
-- Founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX
-- Co-founder and CEO of Tesla Inc
-- Founder and CEO of Neuralink
Who is the other co-founder of Google, with Larry Page?
+ Sergey Brin
-- Ray Kurzweil
-- Peter Novig
-- Jeff Dean

In which domain does AI get many applications?

+ All these domains
-- Gaming
-- Speech recognition
-- Vision systems

What are the major goals of AI?

+ All these goals
-- Robotics
-- Machine learning
-- Natural Language Processing

What is Watson?
+ An IBM supercomputer built to answer questions
-- An IBM supercomputer built to forecast weather
-- An IBM supercomputer built to predict finance
-- An IBM supercomputer built to help police forces

If it exists, there is only one way to get to a problem’s solution.

+ False
-- True
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

How is the AI learning by “trial & error” called?

+ Reinforcement learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Neural networks

When I ask an AI for something, and only give it a reward when it succeeds, it is
+ Reinforcement learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Neural networks

Which type of learning needs “reward”?

+ Reinforcement learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Neural networks

What is the key of AI reinforcement learning?

+ Trial and error
-- CPU’s speed
-- Algorithm low complexity
-- Use of neural networks

What is the hardest part of reinforcement learning?

+ Credit assignment
-- Trial and error
-- Actions and state
-- Policy and values

About learning reinforcement, what comes hand in hand?

+ Policy and values
-- Trial and state
-- Policy and state
-- Trial and values

The current location of an AI agent in a environment is

+ State
-- Actions
-- Policy
-- Value

When an AI agent always takes the same actions, it is

+ Exploiting
-- Exploring
-- Learning
-- Mistaking

When an AI agent tries many different actions, it is

+ Exploring
-- Exploiting
-- Learning
-- Mistaking

What should be balanced in reinforcement learning?

+ Exploitation & Exploration
-- Policy & Values
-- State & Actions
-- Trials & Errors

What do reinforcement learning methods need?

+ A lot of time
-- A lot of CPU power
-- A lot of money
-- A lot of RAM

A classroom with a teacher is

+ Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Cluster analysis

When an AI tries to find patterns on its own, it is

+ Unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Cluster analysis

A kid riding and falling from a bike is

+ Reinforcement learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Cluster analysis

When babies learn how to walk, it is

+ Unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Cluster analysis

In supervised learning, where do the training labels come from?

+ From a teacher
-- From the environment
-- From the AI agent
-- From AI policy

In unsupervised learning, where do the training labels come from?

+ From the environment
-- From a teacher
-- From the AI agent
-- From AI policy

When an AI agent recognizes different properties and creates categories, It is

+ Unsupervised clustering
-- Supervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Dynamic learning

What is K-means clustering?

+ An unsupervised learning algorithm
-- A model-based design algorithm
-- A deep learning algorithm
-- A regression algorithm

What are the two main steps of K-means clustering algorithm?

+ Predict & Learn
-- Law & Order
-- Cluster & Action
-- State & Action

Representation learning happens in

+ Both supervised and unsupervised learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- neither one

Who said “unsupervised learning is the ultimate answer”?

+ Yann LeCun
-- Claude Shannon
-- John McCarty
-- Alan Turing

Which one is not a main type of learning for AI systems?

+ Social learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning

Learning through feedback from AI's behavior corresponds to

+ Reinforcement learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Cluster learning

Learning without training labels corresponds to

+ Unsupervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Supervised learning
-- Classification learning

Learning with training labels corresponds to

+ Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Cluster learning

When AI is corrected by somebody or something, it corresponds to

+ Supervised learning
-- Unsupervised learning
-- Reinforcement learning
-- Cluster learning

When (approximately) were artificial neurons inventend?

+ Late 50s
-- Lates 70s
-- Lates 90s
-- Around 2010

In artificial neuron process, which part act as a threshold?

+ Bias
-- Weight
-- Step function
-- Axon

Conceptually, in supervised learning, AI systems learn from

+ Failure
-- Success

Which tool facilitates the calculation of an AI accuracy?

+ The confusion matrix
-- The distribution graph
-- The step function
-- The bias

Is precision the only thing that matters for an AI?

+ False
-- True
-- Both true and false
-- Neither true nor false

What tells us how much we should trust an AI program when it has found something?
+ Precision
-- Recall
-- Accuracy
-- Efficiency

What tells us how much an AI program can find of the thing you’re looking for?
+ Recall
-- Precision
-- Accuracy
-- Efficiency

Which one between recall and precision needs to de the highest for an AI program?
+ It depends on the problem we are facing
-- Recall
-- Precision
-- None of them

How do neural networks handle mistakes?

+ With backpropagation algorithm
-- With bread first search algorithm
-- With minimax algorithm
-- With Monte-Carlo algorithm

What are the 2 main parts of a neural network?

+ Architecture & Weights
-- Bias & Weights
-- Architecture & Policy
-- Values & Policy

What does the architecture of a neural network contain?

+ Neurons & Connections
-- Bias & Weights
-- Neurons & Weights
-- Values & Bias

What happens if the weights of a neural networks aren’t adjusted correctly?

+ The neural networks make a mistake
-- The neural networks overflow
-- The neural networks precision increases
-- The neural networks recall increases

What is the purpose of updating the weights of a neural network?

+ To get better predictions next time.
-- To increase global speed of connections in the network
-- To increase the amount of neurons in the network
-- To increase the amount of connections in the network

What is the purpose of optimization?

+ To increase the accuracy of a neural network
-- To speed up a neural network
-- To increase the amount of neurons in a neural network
-- To speed up data gathering of a neural network

Which mathematical tool can be used for optimization of a neural network architecture?
+ Linear regression
-- Matrix inversion
-- Geometry
-- Integration

What does a neural network need to get the lowest error number?
+ The best combination of weights
-- The biggest architecture possible
-- Fast CPU
-- The smallest bias possible

What is the main risk of backpropagation?

+ Overfitting a training data set
-- Security breaches
-- Decreasing the precision to increase the recall
-- Decreasing the recall to increase the precision

Overfitting issues may increase according to

+ Neural network complexity
-- Neural network velocity
-- Neural network precision
-- Neural network recall

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