Installation Procedure STD

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STeel Design

(Excel 2003/2007 Version)

(Follow it strictly)

• From E-mail, save the downloading of '' file in 'C-Drive' of your computer.
• If you are using Excel 2007 version, right click the '' file,
and then left click ‘Extract All’. Then Extract to folder ‘C:\’ and left click ‘Extract’.
If you are using WinZip, right click the '' file > WinZip > then left click
‘Extract to folder ‘C:\STeelDesign’

• This creates ‘C:\STeelDesign’ folder which will be seen on the screen of ‘C:\” drive.
The correct path will be: c:\STeelDesign\Package (+2 files)>Support>several files.
(Note: If the path is different, it will show ‘Run time error’ while opening the spreadsheets)

• Left click 'C:\STeelDesign>Package>setup' to install the software in your computer.

• Follow the instructions while installation is done.

• While installing, give details of destination drive and folder as

'C:\Program Files\STeelDesign’.

• After successful installation of the software, go to the Deskop. Left click

'Start>All Programs>STeelDesign>right click 'Send to Desktop (create short cut).

• Go to Desktop, double left click 'STeelDesign' icon which asks for 'Serial No.' and
'Password'. Login these details given to you, which opens the 'Cover Page' of

• Left click once the option button against the name of the spreadsheet you want to use.

NOTE: 1. Whenever the software is to be used, start from your Desktop only, giving login
Information for ‘Serial No.’ and ‘Password’.
2. Some spreadsheets contain ‘Macros’. While running the Spreadsheets, if there
is any security warning on ‘Macros’, just Enable Macros.
3. After installation, the software can be used without having any internet

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