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S/No Question Answer

1 About versions?
2 How to find out the versions
3 What is Oracle Server? Combination of Instance and database
4 What is Oracle Instance?
5 What is Oracle database?
6 What is SGA and its components?
7 What is shared pool?
8 Components of shared pool?
9 What is parsed statements?
10 Abt Database buffer cache?
11 What is Redo log buffer cache?
12 Purspose of Redo log buffer cache?
13 Abt Java Pool?
14 Abt Large Pool? Primary purpose?
15 Five mandatory background processes?
16 PMON purpose?
17 SMON purpose?
18 DBWR purpose?
19 LGWR purpose?
20 CKPT purpose?
21 When does LGWR write?
22 When does DBWR write?
23 What is Server Process?
24 What is User Process?
25 What is Connection?
26 Types of files in the Database?
27 Major types of tablespaces?
28 Control files and its contents?
29 Redo log files? And its purpose?
30 What happens when logswitch occurs?
31 What happens when logswitch occurs,
If it is Archive log enabled?
32 If it is no archive log mode?
33 What is Parameter file? And its
34 Differenet parameters and its naming
35 Default locations of parameter files?
36 Default precedence of parameter files?
37 Is it mandatory that parameter file will
be in /dbs?
38 To bring up the database only with
39 If Oracle SID is not set, can you bring
up the database?
40 PGA?
41 Logical structure of database?
42 Physical structure? datafiles
43 Can we have one segment spanned NO
across multiple tablespaces?
44 How to create spfile from pfile?
45 How to increase the database buffer
cache, when using pfile?
46 How to increase the database buffer
cache, when using spfile?
47 What happens when using
48 If we don’t specify scope, what
49 Different phases of startup?
50 What happens in nomount, mount and
open phases?
51 Different modes of open?
52 Different phases of shutdown? And
what happens in those phases?
53 What happens in restricted mode?
54 In which modes, database will be
shutdown cleanly?
55 What are all the options we have to
monitor the database?
56 Why do we use the userdump?
57 What is the method to show the
58 Data has not been added to the alert log
file for the past 4 days. What is the
59 How to enable the user trace?
60 Password file authentication? How to
do that?
61 Steps to create the database?
62 v$pwfile_users?
63 Installation steps?
64 In how many types we can create the
65 Steps to create the database manually?
66 What does catalog_sql create?
67 What does catalog_proc create?
68 dba_tables, users_tables, all_tables?
69 How to multiplexing using SPfile?
70 Multiplexing using pfile?
71 Redolog files purpose? And its
72 To force the checkpoint?
73 fast_mttr_start_target?
74 Types of table spaces?
75 Types of non system tablespaces?
76 About space management?
77 About undo tablespace?
78 About temporary tablespace?
79 About default tablespace?
80 About read only tablespace?
81 Can we increase/reduce the size of the Reduce the size upto hightwater mark
tablespace? How?
82 Steps to move the datafile?
83 Dropping the tablespace?
84 File is growing when it is in the Table space should be exported or create the
autoextend mode. How to reduce the new tablespace
85 v$dba_tablespaces?
86 Difference between local managed and
dictionary managed?
87 What is segment?
88 What is extent?
89 Size of the blocksize?
90 Can we resize the blocksize? Yes, but database may be corrupted. It is not
91 pct free, pct used?
92 Methods to manage undo data?
93 Difference between system and
94 Where is Undo information located?
95 How to create temporary table?
96 How to re-organize the table?
97 What are the conditions after
reorganizing the table?
98 What is Index? And its contents?
99 Difference between truncate and delete
and drop table?
100 How to delete the data with dependent
101 How to add a column to the table?
102 How to drop the column in the table?
103 How to view table information?
104 Types of indexes?
105 Differences between bitmap and b-tree
106 Peculiar nature for the table and index?
107 How to rebuild the index?
108 What are the conditions to rebuild the
index online?
109 How to drop the index?
110 How to identify the unused indexes?
111 How to view index information?
112 What is data integrity?
113 Some of the constraints?
114 What do you do if error comes because
of constraints while dataloading?
115 How to set the password? Alter user or create user
116 About password management?
117 About resource limits?
118 Why do we use profiles?
119 What is schema? Named collection of objects
120 Difference between object privilege and
system privilege?

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