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A. ABUNDANCE 2. Sodium – Na
• Def: Hyponatremia – “emia” – blood; low Na levels
1. Element: • Tox: Hypernatremia – (fluid retention) high Na levels
1st – O2 (non-metal)
2nd – Si (non-metal) 3. Potassium – K
3rd – Al (Most abundant metal) • Def: Hypokalemia – lead to muscle paralysis (common
causes: severe burns, diarrhea
2. Air Gas – N2 (Air = N2 + O2 [71:29]) • Tox: Hyperkalemia – lead to Cardiac arrest (muscle
3. Noble gas – Ar (least abundant – Kr, Xe) KCl – use in mercy killing
• Ax: Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate®) – Cation
4. Intra- & Extracellular ions exchange resin
PISO (K+ IN, Na+ OUT 4. Copper – Cu
Most abundant/ major/ principal/ 1° PICO (HPO4-2 IN, Cl- OUT
• Tox: Wilson’s disease – bronze-like skin
MICO (Mg2+ IN, Ca2+ OUT
2nd most abundant/ minor/ 2° SulIBIO (Sulfate IN, HCO - OUT) • Ax: Penicillamine (Cuprimine®)

5. Silver – Ag
HCO3- : H 2CO 3– most important physiological buffer system
• Tox: Argyria (darkened skinned due to chronic use)
Respiratory: CO2 (acidic) ↑ Acidosis • Ax: NaCl (NSS) – isotonic (not painful when administered)
↓ Alkalosis
- Ag + NaCl → AgCl↓
Metabolic: HCO3 (basic) ↓ Acidosis (DOC: NaHCO3)
↑ Alkalosis
6. Gold – Au
B. VITAMINS FOR MAXIMUM MINERAL ABSORPTION • Dermatitis, Glossitis – inflammation of the tongue (PO)
• Ax: BAL
• Fe – Vit. C; CuSO4 – blue vitriol (enhance Fe utilization) 7. Calcium – Ca
• • Def: Hypocalcemia
Ca – Vit. D
• Se – Vit. E • Defective bone mineralization – Rickets/ bowed legs in
children; Osteomalacia in adults
N2 Black cylinder • Defective bone resorption – Osteoporosis – brittle bone
NO2, N2O • Others: Muscle spasm → tetany, seizure
Blue cylinder
Mg(OH)2 • Tox: Hypercalcemia – constipation: ↑ Ca levels
Blue bottle
• Ax: EDTA – converted into Ca EDTA (chelating agent)
O2 Green cylinder
Ar Dark green 8. Barium – Ba
CO2 Grey • Tox: Baritosis – Benign Pneumoconiosis (non-fibrotic)
He Brown • Ax: MgSO4 – converted into BaSO4 ↓ (non-absorbable)
H2 Red
Acetylene Maroon 9. Zinc – Zn
Cl2 Yellow • Def: Parakeratosis (scaly, thickened, & inflamed skin),
Li Coated w/ petroleum or under oil (ra) impaired immunity
White/Yellow P Under water • Metal fume fever – due to inhalation of ZnO
• Ax: NaHCO3
10. Cadmium – Cd
• Silica + Na2CO3 • Tox: Itai-itai disease or Ouch-ouch disease
• Ax: Ca EDTA – Immediately given after exposure
Glass Types • Mgt: Palliative therapy
I Highly Resistant Borosilicate (Pyrex, Borosil)
Boron – decrease coefficient of expansion 11. Mercury – Hg (BEQ)
II Treated Soda Lime Glass • Neurotoxic: Minamata disease, pink disease (Acrodynia in
III Soda Lime Glass; Dry Powder Packaging children) Mad hatter’s disease/ Erethism
IV/NP General Soda Lime Glass • Ax:
*NP – not for parenteral • Na formaldehyde sulfoxylate – best antidote; RA: Hg2+
→ Hg22+ (less soluble)
Leach tests (See QA/QC – RMCQ) • DMSA (Succimer) – water soluble analog of BAL for all
• Water attack test – for type II types of Hg poisoning
• Powdered glass test – for type I & III • Penicillamine (Cuprimine®) – Elemental Hg
• BAL – Inorg salts only
Glass modification • Ca EDTA
K Brown/ amber, light resistant
Se Red 12. Boric acid
MnO2 Masks blue-green color Fe usu. present in glass • Tox: Boiled lobster appearance – reddish-orange skin (PO/
B (as borate) Decrease coefficient of expansion
dermal absorption)
Pb Increase refractive index
Rare earths Selectively absorb light of certain wavelengths
HF Glass etching 13. Aluminum – Al
• Tox: Shaver’s disease/ Bauxite pneumoconiosis (inhalation),
Alzheimer’s disease in elderly (Neurotoxic), Constipation
1. Lithium – Li “MNOP”
14. Silicon – Si (Silicon dioxide – SiO2)
• Hypokalemia – movement disorder (tremor)
• Tox: Silicosis – TB-like
• Hyponatremia – Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus – hence do
(Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis) Resulting to
not restrict Na intake; (polyuria) Hemoptysis – blood in sputum & lung irritation due to chronic
• Hypothyroidism inhalation
• Pregnancy problems (teratogenic) – Ebstein’s anomaly • Ax: Alumina – adsorbents; forms coat w/ Silica part.

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15. Lead – Pb F. INORGANIC: ANTIDOTES (See Toxicology)
• Tox: Plumbism/ Saturnism – wrist drop/ foot drop
• Ax: Ca EDTA/ Ca versenate (BEQ) 1. Activated charcoal + Tannic acid + MgO (2:1:1
• Universal antidote (for weak acids & weak bases – drugs)
16. Zirconium – Zr • CI: Household and Industrial poisons e.g., CN & Kerosene
• Tox: Granuloma in skin & lungs – Banned! poisoning

17. Phosphorus – P (white/ yellow) – General protoplasmic poison Activated charcoal

• Acute: Garlic breath odor, luminous vomitus, severe GI • Destructive distillation residue of various org materials
irritation (bloody diarrhea, liver damage) treated to increase adsorptive power
• Chronic: Bony necrosis, esp. in mandible (Phossy jaw) • Official USP: Fine form
• Ax: Cupric sulfate, Ceric sulfate • Adsorbent
• Antidiarrheal
18. Arsenic – As (lewisite metal)
• Acute: Aldrich-mee’s lines (white lines in fingernails), Garlic 2. Disodium EDTA/ Edetate disodium (C10H14N2Na2O8 • 2H2O)
breath odor, luminous vomitus, severe GI irritation (bloody • Ag proteinate stabilizer
diarrhea) • Emergency tx of hypercalcemia (IV)
• Chronic: Arsenicosis, Cancer • S/E: Hypocalcemia rapidly develops
• Ax: British anti-lewisite (BAL/Dimercaprol)
3. Calcium disodium edetate/ Edetate calcium disodium
19. Bismuth – Bi (C10H12N2Na2CaO8)
• Blue-black gums • Ax: for heavy metal poisoning (especially Lead – Pb)
• Black stools (Bi2S3) • Adv: Does not precipitate Hypocalcemia
4. Amyl nitrite + Na nitrite + Na thiosulfate
20. Vanadium – V • CN antidote kit component
• Tox: Green tongue • Supplemental:
• NaHCO3 – Metabolic acidosis
21. Sulfur – S (Sulfites, Sulfur dioxide – SO2) • Hyperbaric/ 100% O2 (2-3 atm) – Tx. Hypoxia/
• Hypersensitivity reactions – Angioedema, Bronchospasms, Asphyxia.
Anaphylaxis - Industrial Prep: Fractional distillation of liquid air

22. Selenium – Se Other agents used in CN poisoning:

• Def: Keshan disease • Methylene blue
• Tox: Contact dermatitis • Hydroxocobalamin


• Hyperglycemia (DM-like)
1. Liver (BEQ)
24. Fluorine – F • Tc99m IDA (Imino diacetic acid) – Hepatobiliary studies
• Tox: Dental (enamel mottling) & Skeletal fluorosis • Tc99m phytate – Liver imaging for potency studies
• HF, F- salts: Slow-healing burns • Au198 – Liver scanning
• Ax: Ca gluconate → CaF2 ppt (non-absorbable) • I131 Rose Bengal – tracer of liver function
• Na iodohippurate – Diagnosis of Liver function
25. Bromine – Br (depressant property)
• Tox: Bromism (Psychosis, skin eruption, headache, 2. Kidney
weakness) • Tc99m heptagluconate – Kidney imaging for Renal function
• Ax: Na/ NH4Cl → NaBr ppt determination
• Hg197 chlormerodrin – Kidney & Brain scintillation scanning
26. Iodine – I
• Def: Simple/ colloid goiter: Caution to pregnant → Cretinism 3. Heart
– lead to congenital hypothyroidism • Tc99m sestamibi/ methoxy isobutyl isonitrile – Myocardial
• Tox: Iodism (acute), hypothyroidism (chronic) – negative perfusion agent
feedback effect • I131 NaI – Cardiac output determination – blood plasma vol.
• Ax: Starch solution (starch-iodo complex: dark blue), NaCl,
Na thiosulfate (iodometry – indirect method for Iodine 4. Thyroid
determination) • Tc99m pertechnetate – Thyroid scanning
• I125 NaI – Diagnosis of Thyroid function
27. Manganese – Mn
• Parkinson-like (tremors) 5. Others:
• Tc99m etidronate/ phosphonates – Bone imaging
28. Helium – He • Tc99m macro aggregated albumin – Lung scanning
• Donald duck sound • Cr51 – Spleen imaging, RBC mass
• P32 Na phosphate – Treatment of Polycythemia vera
29. Iron – Fe • Co57 cyanocobalamin – Diagnosis of Pernicious anemia
• Tox: GI irritation (black stools) Fe2S3, Hemochromatosis, (high RBC)
Cardiac collapse • Se75 selenomethionine – Diagnosis of Pancreatic tumors
• Ax: Deferoxamine
30. Cobalt – Co
• Def: Megaloblastic anemia/ Macrocytic anemia (B9 & B12) Plumber’s Solider 67% Pb, 33% Sn
• Ax: Hydroxocobalamin, Cyanocobalamin (Vit B12) Solder 50 % Pb, 50% Sn
Pewter 20% Pb, 80% Sn
Babbitt 20% Sb, 80% Sn
31. Nickel – Ni
Type metal 50% Pb, 25% Sn, 25% Sb
• Tox: Nickel itch – contact dermatitis
Rose metal 25% Pb, 25% Sn, 50% Bi

Bronze Copper + Sn
Gun metal Copper + Zn (90 : 10)
Anti-friction Metal Copper + Zn + Sb (12.5 : 75 : 12.5)
Brass Copper + Zn

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Monel Copper + Ni Ammonium (NH4+)
German Silver Copper + Ni + Zn • Weak base
Sterling Silver Copper + Ag (7.5 : 92.5) • Hypothetical/ pseudo alkali metal
Raney Nickel Aluminum + Ni • Pharmacological use: Diuretic, expectorant, buffer
Steel Iron + 3% C
Misch Metal Iron + 70% Ce
Woods Metal* Cd, Sn, Pb, Bi (12.5 : 12.5 : 25 : 50)
Ammonia, NH3 - Respiratory stimulant (pungent
- Basic (blue litmus)
• Based on oxidation state Household ammonia - 10% or 16° (degree Baume) NH3
Dilute ammonia solution; - 9.5-10.5% NH3
Cu +2 = Blue ammonia water - Neutralize insect/ jellyfish stings
Cr +2 = Blue Strong ammonia solution/ water - 27-31% NH3
+3 = Green (Spirit of Hartshorn)
+6 = Chromate: Cr2O4-2 (Yellow), Aromatic ammonia spirit (Spirit of - Strong ammonia soln + ammonium
Dichromate: Cr2O7-2 (Orange) Sal volatile) carbonate (others: volatile oils of
Fe +2 = Green nutmeg & lemon, EtOH)
+3 = Yellow/ Orange/ Brown
Co +2 + Pink 1B: Coinage Metals
Ni +2 = Green
• Occurrence: Free or in complexes/ chelates (easily recover
from ore – Metallurgy)
1A: Alkali Metals • Malleable, Conductor of heat and electricity:
• 3rd: Cu+1, +2
• H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr, NH4+ • 2nd: Ag+1
• Most reactive group (seldom free in nature). Soluble gr • 1st: Au +1,+3
• Activity, alkalinity: ↑ with atomic number
• Degree of solvation: ↓ with atomic number Copper (Cu)
• Valence: +1 • Cuprum
• Cuprous (Cu+1) – readily undergoes disproportionation (Cu+1
Hydrogen (H2) → Cu0 + Cu+2)
• Water forming – when burned with O2 → H2O • Only reddish metal
• Inflammable air • (+) Hemocyanin (respiratory pigment) and cytochrome
• Lightest element – (1g/mol) oxidase (FeCu)
• Prep: Lane & Messerschmidt Process (99% pure H2O) • Use: Protein precipitant (heavy metal)
• Isotopes:
• Protium – most abundant, common and stable isotope Silver (Ag)
• Deuterium – heavy isotope (D2O Deuterium oxide • Argentum, Shining, Bright
"heavy water" – Deuterated solvent is used as solvent • Fine silver (99.9% pure; too soft)
in NMR Spectroscopy) • Use:
• Tritium – radioactive isotope • Oligodynamic → germicidal action: ability of certain
• Industrial uses: heavy metals to inhibit microorganism growth in small
• Haber Process – (N2 + 3H2 → 2MH3 @ high pressures) concentration
production of ammonia • Protein precipitant (heavy metal)
• Oil hydrogenation - production of margarine
• Balloon inflation - not used anymore Silver Proteinates Medicinal Use % Ag
• GC gas carrier (also He, N) Mild silver protein (Argyrol) Antiseptic for the eyes 19-23
Strong silver protein ENT germicide 7.5-8.5
Lithium (Li) (Protargol)
• Lithos (earth, rock Colloidal silver protein General germicide 10-22
• lightest metal (Collargol)
• Use: Diuretic (S/E: hypovolemia, hyponatremia) * Colloidal AgCl/ Lunosol
• Mood stabilizer (sedative); DOC for Mania (S/E: narrow TI)
• Lithium bromide – additive sedative effects Gold (Au)
• Lithium carbonate - Widely used in the prophylaxis and • Aurum, Shining dawn, King of all metals
treatment of bipolar disorders; last line of therapy for • 24 karats (purest)
Mania • Can be dissolved by:
- Li2CO3 capsules - Eskalith® • Aqua regia: HCl + HNO3 (3:1)
- Li2CO3 tablets - Lithase® • Selenic acid: H2SeO4 – only single acid that can
- Li2CO3 extended-release tablet - Quilonium-R® dissolve gold
• Non-pharmacological use: air-con heat exchanger • Gold preparation – DMARD (RA, Gout); before –“trex”
• Aurothioglucose (Solganal®), IM
• Gold sodium thiomalate (Mypchrysin®), IM
Sodium (Na) • Auranofin (Ridaura®), PO
• Natrium (native) • Purple of Cassius – Colloidal gold with Stannic hydroxide –
• Cation of choice for organic medicinal Sn(OH)4

Potassium (K) 2A: Alkaline Earth Metals

• Kalium (Potash): soluble K+ salts
• Use: Diuretic, Muscle contractant • Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
• Valence: +2
Rubidium (Rb)
• Spectral line: red; 1861 Beryllium (Be)
• Most toxic metal (never employed in medicine)
Cesium (Cs) • (+) Fluorescent lamp
• Spectral line: blue; 1860
• Catalyst in resin polymerization Magnesium (Mg)
• 1st element discovered by use of spectroscope (Kirchoff- • Lightest of structurally important metals
bunsen spectroscope) • (+) Chlorophyll (photosynthesis), flares
• (+) Grignard Reagent (RMgX – Alkyl Mg Halide; Alcohol
Francium (Fr; France) synthesis)
• Sources: they come in the form of double salts

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• Mg silicates: talc, asbestos • Use: Astringent (protein precipitant), antiperspirant,
• Mg carbonates: magnesite, dolomite (Ca + Mg) deodorant (also: Zn, Zr – banned due to granuloma
• Mg sulfate: Kieserite formation → Cancer), Burns (Al foil)
• Use: MICO
• Natural Ca channel blocker (Ax: Ca gluconate) Gallium (Ga)
• Laxative/ Cathartic – Magtatae • Melts at near body temperature (30°C)
• Depressant • Substitute for Hg in arc lamp manufacture
• Tx: CA-related hypercalcemia by binding with transferrin
Calcium (Ca) (transport form for Iron)
• (+) Bones, teeth (98-99%) → Hydroxyapatite
• Sources: Indium (In)
• Apatite: CaF2 • Ca3(PO4)2
• Fluorite: CaF2 – white ppt. Thallium (Tl)
• Phosphate rock: Ca3(PO4)2 • Green twigs (poison)
• Dolomite: MgCO3 • CaCO3 • Ant poison (insecticide)
• Gypsum: CaSO4
• Use: Muscle contractant, Blood coagulation factor 3B: Scandium Subgroup
(Prothrombin → thrombin), Release of NT (Norepinephrine)
• Scandium (Sc)
1. Calcination • Yttrium (Y)
• CaCO3 + heat → CaO (lime) + O2 • Lanthanide series (La-Lu; 57-71)
• Actinides series (Ac-Ir; 89-103)
2. Slaking – controlled by addition of water
• CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 (Slaked lime) 4A: Carbon Group
• Lime water – Saturated solution of Ca(OH)2 in water
• Non-metallic
3. Carbonation • C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
• CaO + CO2 → CaCO3
Carbon (C)
Strontium (Sr) • Catenation (only element that can form multiple bonds itself;
• (+) Flare manufacture (Crimson red) chain-formation)
• Radioactive Sr: bone scanner • 2 allotropes:
• Crystalline
Barium (Ba) • Diamond (tetrahedral) –purest native form of
• Heavy uncombined carbon; formed under pressure. Hardest
mineral known
Radium (Ra) • Graphite (planar)
• Discoverer: Marie Curie (1st discovery: Po) • Amorphous
• Radioactive → CA radiotherapy, diagnostic purposes • Bituminous (soft coal)
• Anthracite (hard coal)
2B: Volatile Metals • Coke (impure carbon)

• Metals have relatively low melting point Silicon (Si)

• Exhibits auto complexation
• Zn+2, Cd+2, Hg,+1, +2 “Zi-Cad-Mer” Germanium (Ge)
• Eka silicon
Zinc (Zn) • Immunostimulant, antitumor
• (+) Insulin (DM), battery & dry cell container
• Galvanized iron protective coating Tin (Sn+2, +4)
• Use is similar to Aluminum (Al) • Stannum
• (+) Tin cans
Cadmium (Cd)
• (+) Stink bomb manufacture Lead (Pb+2, +4)
• High affinity for metallothioproteins (stress proteins) • Plumbum
• (+) automobile exhaust, old pipes, canned food, batteries,
Mercury (Hg) paints
• Use: Protein precipitant (heavy metal)
• Hydrargyrum, Quicksilver, Messenger of Gods, Asoge
• 2 forms:
4B: Titanium Subgroup
• Mercurous (Hg22+) – less toxic (more difficult to absorb
• Mercuric (Hg2+)
• Toxic forms: Hg2+ > Hg22+ ; Org. Hg > Inorg. Hg • Ti, Zr, Hf
• Only liquid metal
• Titanium (Ti)
(+) Thermometers, amalgams (dental cement)
• • Titan (son of the earth)
Source: Cinnabar (Aethrop’s mineral), -HgS
• Powerful Reducing Agent
• Use: protein precipitant (heavy metal), Antiseptic, anti- • Use: blocking agent (ex. transparent capsule → opaque)
syphilitic, parasiticide, fungicide, cathartic, diuretic (useful for
cardiac edema) Zirconium (Zr)
* To remove Hg that fells into cracks, cover with sulfur! • Use is similar to Al (but already banned)
3A: Boron Group Hafnium (Hf)

• B, Al, Ha, In, Tl 5A: Nitrogen Group

Boron (B) • N, P, As, Sb, Bi

• Industrial use: Vulcanizing rubber
Nitrogen (N2)
Aluminum (Al) • Azote (without life), Phlogisticated air, Mephitic air
• Source: Cryolite (3NaF • AlF3) • Provides inert atmosphere for readily oxidizable
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Liquid Nitrogen (-196°C) Tantalum (Ta)
• Refrigerant (cryogenic preservation) • Unaffected by body fluids (inert)
• Sheet-form → surgical repair of bones, nerve, tissue
Phosphorus (P)
• St. Elmo’s fire, Light carrier (stored under water) 6A: Oxygen Group/ Chalcogens
• (+) Essential constituent of protoplasm, nervous tissues &
bones • O, S, Se, Te, Po

Phosphates: Oxygen (O2-2)

• Of Physiologic & medicinal importance; antacid, cathartic • Dephlogisticated air (Priestly), empyreal air (Scheele), acid
former (Lavoisier), yne
3 main allotropic forms: • Oxides: Metallic, nonmetallic, amphoteric (Al2O3)
White/ - Waxy solid (organic solvents soluble) • ⅕ of air, by weight (in free form)
Yellow - + Light: darkens • ⅞ of water in minerals, by weight (in combined states)
(impure) P - + Air (in the dark): emits greenish light and gives off
• Chemically reactive (combines directly with elements except
white fumes with garlic odor
- Toxic: rat poison Hg, Ag, Au & Pt family members)
Red/ Violet - Intermediate property of black and white P (organic • 3 allotropes:
P solvents insoluble) • Nascent (O)
- Less chemical active compared to white P • Atmospheric/ molecular (O2)
- Non-toxic (used in safety matches, pyrotechnics) • Ozone (O3) – powerful Oxidizing Agent → bleach,
Black P - Resembles graphite in texture disinfectant
- Produced from white P under high pressures
- Air-stable; does not catch fire spontaneously
Sulfur (S)
• Brimstone, Shulbari (enemy of Cu), Asupre
Arsenic (As) • Constitutes 0.05% of earth’s crust
• Lewisite metal
• Occurs free state and in combination (Sulfides, sulfites,
• Agent of choice for professional killers sulfates)
• As3+ - High affinity for –SH compound; toxic to all types of • Source: Crude furnace; Calcarone (Synthesize by Frasch
cells (General protoplasmic poison) process)
• As5+ - Less toxic
• Allotropes:
• Alpha/ Rhombic S – at Room temperature Stable
• Beta/ Monoclinic S – at equilibrium point (96°C)
Arsphenamine, Salvarsan, First anti-syphilis
• Use:
Compound 606, Magic bullet Discovered by Paul Ehrlich – Father of
Chemotherapy • Scabicide and keratolytic ointment/ lotion
Paris green Cupric acetoarsenite: Cu(C2H3O2)2 • • Antiseborrheic/ Anti-dandruff (SeS2)
3Cu(AsO2)2 • Stimulates hair growth; depilatory (as thioglycolate)
Rodenticide, insecticide, pigment, blue • Stimulant cathartic
colorant for fireworks
Scheele’s green Cupric hydrogen arsenite Sulfur varieties
1% Potassium arsenite Former antileukemic Amorphous S
solution (KAsO2; Fowler’s Liquid S Heating S at 160-180°C
Plastic S Rubber-like
Arsenic (III) iodide solution For trypanosome infection, Malaria, TB, Precipitated S - Boiling S with lime and precipitating filtered
(Donovan’s solution) RA, Diabetes (before)
(milk of sulfur, solution with HCl
lack sulfur) - Very fine pale-yellow powder, odorless, tasteless
Antimony (Sb+2, +4) - CS2 solubility: readily dissolves
• Stibium
• Most important source: Antimony glance (Antimony sulfide Sulfur ointment (10% sulfur)
Sb2S3) – red-orange Precipitated sulfur + mineral oil + white ointment
• Use: astringent, antiperspirant Sublimed S - Fine yellow powder with faint odor and taste
• Anthelminthic – kills and expels intestinal worms (vs. (flowers of sulfur) - CS2 solubility: slowly and usu. incompletely
Vermifuge → only expels worms
• Emetic, expectorant Sulfurated lime (Vleminck’s solution)
Sublimed sulfur + lime (boiled)
Bismuth (Bi) Washed S - Treating sublimed S with NH3 (to dissolve
• Beautiful meadow impurities, particularly As and to remove traces of
• Use: astringent, antiseptic; internal protectant (antacid + acid)
- Characteristics similar to sublimed S
inhibit Helicobacter pylori → caused gastric ulcer) -
• Helidac® MTB:
• Metronidazole (Flagyl) – DOC: PTAG Sulfurated postash/ Potassa sulfurata
Pseudomembranous colitis (caused by Clostridium • K2Sx • K2S2O3 (Lover of sulfur, Hepar sulfaris)
difficile), Trichiasis, Amoebiasis, Giardiasis • Consists mainl of K polysulfide, K thiosulfate, K sulfate
• Tetracycline – DOC: CRIM Chlamydia, Rickettsia, • Irregular, liver brown (+ air → greenish yellow)
Mycoplasma • Possess H2S odor
• Bi subsalicylate
• Prevpac® LAC: White lotion (USP)
• Lansoprazole • Sulfurated potash + ZnSO4 → ZnS (active)
• Amoxicillin • Topical and antifungal: Astringent, protective, mild
• Clarithromycin antimicrobial and antifungal (tx of skin parasitic diseases,
• Bismuth ointment (30%) psoriasis, scabicide)

5B: Vanadium Subgroup Selenium (Se)

• Selena (moon)
• Trace element → antioxidant
• V, Nb, Ta
• Industrial use: Rubber
Vanadium (V)
Tellurium (Te)
• Insulin-mimetic effect 9drawback: metal’s toxicity)
Polonium (Po)
Niobium (Nb)
• First radioactive element discovered by Curie

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6B: Chromium Subgroup 7B: Manganese Subgroup

• Cr, Mo, W, U • Mn, Tc, Re, Bh

Manganese (Mn)
Chromium (Cr) • Trace element: Cofactor in phosphorylation and protein, fatty
• Cr2+ - Reducing agent acid and cholesterol synthesis (biomolecule)
• Cr3+ - Trace element (glucose tolerance factor)
• Cr6+ - Toxic Technetium (Tc)
• Chromate → precipitant • Technetos (artificial), Eka manganese
• Dichromate → strong oxidizing agent (K2Cr2O7) • 1st element produced artificially (from decay Mo99)
• Use: radiopharmaceuticals
Molybdenum (Mo)
• Trace element: cofactor for Flavin dependent enzymes, Rhenium (Re), Bohrium (Bh)
xanthine oxidase
• For bacterial fixation of atmospheric N2 8A: Inert/ Noble/ Stable gas

Tungsten (W) • 2He, 10Ne, 18Ar, 36Kr, 54Xe, 86Rn

• Wolfram • Valence: 0

Uranium (U) Helium (He)

• Discoverer: Becquerel • 2nd lightest gas
• Radioactive element → atomic reactors/ bombs • Artificial air: 80% He + 20% O2

7A: Halogens Neon (Ne)

• Ads purposes (Neon lights)
• Sea-salt producers (Beilstein test – organic/ alkyl halides)
• F, Cl, Br, I, At Argon (Ar)
• Valence: -1 • Nitrogen substitute as inert atmosphere for pharmaceuticals

Fluorine (F2) Krypton (Kr)

• Super halogen (Linus Pauling) • Inhalational anesthesia
• Strongest oxidizing agent
• Suppressive effect on thyroid (particularly when I2 is deficient) Xenon (Xe)
• Inhalational anesthesia (investigational)
Anticarcinogenic (Also: Rodenticide, insecticide)
Sodium fluoride (NaF) 2%, 4 applications Radon (Rn)
Stannous fluoride (SnF2) 8%, 1 application • Niton
• Synthetic noble gas
Chlorine (Cl2) • Treatment:Cervical Cancer
• Dephlogisticated muriatic acid
• Chloros (greenish yellow) 8B: Iron Triad
• Water disinfectant (MOA: halogenation) – oxidation
Bromine (Br2) • 1st Triad: Fe, Co, Ni – Iron elements (Valence: +2, +3)
• Dark, reddish brown fuming liquid with suffocating odor • 2nd/ Light Triad: Rh, Ru, Pd*
• Powerful caustic and germicide; sedative depressant (all • 3rd/ Heavy Triad: Os, Ir, Pt*
bromides!) *Catalyst in finely divided steel – Fe + 3% C
• KBr – for preparation of symptoms for FT-IR (pellets)
• Bromine TS (1% Br water)/ Bromine water
• Bromine VS (0.1N Br/ Koppeschaar’s solution Iron (Fe)
• 3 Bromide elixirs (Na, K, NH4) • Ferrum (Fe2+ - Physiologic)
• Most important element in engineering
Iodine (I2) • Common ores:
• Heaviest nonmetal; solid with metallic sheen • Hematite (Fe2O3)
• Easily undergoes sublimation, giving off violet vapor • Pyrite/ “fool’s gold” (native FeS2)
• Trace element → for T3 and T4 synthesis: • Iron stone (FeCO3)
• Triiodothyronine (T3): more active • (+) Proteins:
• Thyroxine (T4): more abundant • Hemoglobin: Fe in blood – specifically in heme which
• Use: Expectorant, Antifungal; Antibacterial (1:5000 or 0.02%) provides reddish coloration
– greater antibacterial activity vs. Cl and Br of same strength; • Transferrin: transport forms of Fe in the body
same strength as KMnO4 • Ferritin: storage form of Fe in the body
• Cytochrome oxidase (Fe and Cu)
Iodine preparations
Iodine soln 2% I2 in water + NaI • Hematinic: Treatment: microcytic, hypochromic anemia (IDA)
Iodine tincture 2% I2 soln + 50% alc. + NaI
Strong iodine. Lugols’ soln 5% I2 in water + KI Mucosal block postulation by Hahn
Strong iodine tincture 7.5% I2 soln + 88.5% alc + KI • Best known hypothesis of Fe absorption (Duodenum)
Phenolated iodine/ Boulton’s Antibacterial, irritant Iron forms:
soln Cast/ pig iron From black furnace (92-94% Fe)
Iodophors I2 complexed with organic Wrought iron Removal of cast iron impurities (99.9% Fe)
complexing agent as solubilizer Cementite/ Solid solution of hart, brittle Fe carbide
white cast iron
Povidone Iodine (Betadine®) Gray cast iron/ Liquid Fe is run into sand molds & allowed to cool
Adv: slow release of I2, stability, graphite scales
reduced irritation, oral tox
Disadv: staining, idiosyncratic
Cobalt (Co)
• (+) Permanent magnets, Vit B12 (Cyanocobalamin, as Co2+;
RBC & Hgb dev), enhances beer’s foam quality – Colt 45
Astatine (As2)
• Only metallic, synthetic and radioactive halogen Nickel (Ni)
• Old nick’s copper
• (+) Fancy jewelries, fossil fuel

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Light Triad Hydrobromic acid Except: H2O and Be(OH)2 –
Nitric acid Amphoteric (can act as acid or
Hydroiodoc acid base)
Rhodium (Rh)
Perchloric acid
Sulfuric acid
Ruthenium (Ru) *Corrosive – general term; it has the capability to destroy tissue.
• Ru complexes: anti-cancer
Palladium (Pd)
Hydrochloric acid, HCl
Heavy Triad • Muriatic acid
• (+) gastric juice: Chief cells secretes pepsinogen – (HCl) →
Osmium (Os) pepsin
• Heaviest/ densest metal *HCl secreted by Parietal cells
• Osmium tetroxide, osmic acid
• Staining of specimens for electron microscopy Diluted HCl (10% w/v solution)
Iridium (Ir) • Tx. Gastric achlorhydria – low HCl in stomach
Platinum (Pt) Sodium chloride, NaCl
• Noble metal (low oxidation and reactivity) *if acid dissociate in water → Na+ + C;-
• Cisplatin (cis-diaminedichloroplatinum) • Dentritic/ rock/ table/ sea/ solar salt
• For prostate Cancer • Na+ replenisher
• Tonicity-adjusting agent, condiment, preservative
Isotonic solutions
A. WATER NSS (Normal Saline Solution) 0.9% NaCl in wayer
Ringer’s Solution NaCl + KCl + CaCl2
• Universal solvent Lactated ringer’s/ Hartmann’s NaCl + KCl + CaCl2 + Na lactate
• High dielectric constant solution
Darrow’s solution NaCl + KCl + Na lactate
Water vapour (BEQ) ORS (Oral rehydration Salt)
• Best expectorant • NaCl + KCl + Na citrate + glucose
• Diarrhea, Dehydrated
Natural/ Mineral/ Well water
• Unfit for drinking Potassium chloride, KCl
• Contents: dissolved minerals, atmospheric gases, suspended • Kalium Durules®
organic matter • K+ replenisher (salt of choice)
• Cardiac & Skeletal muscle contractant (IV drip; slow push)
Hard water – (+) dissolved minerals (Ca and Mg) • Lethal injection (IVP) - Euthanasia

Water hardness Temporary Permanent Ammonium chloride, NH4Cl

Ca and Mg salt Bicarbonate Sulfate & Chloride • Muriate of hartshorn
Water softening Boiling (CaCO3 ppt) + Ion exchange resins • Expectorant, diuretic, Systemic, and urinary acidifier
method Ca(OH)2
Calcium chloride, CaCl2
Hard water • Muriate of lime
Alkaline water (+) NaHCO3, Na2SO4, MgSO4 (appreciable • Calcium replenisher (hypocalcemic states)
• Systemic & urinary acidifier
Saline/ Purgative (+) NaCl, Na2SO4, MgSO4
water (high qtty)
Carbonated water (+) Ca and Mg carbonates – (+ acid) → CO2 Aluminum chloride, AlCl3
(effervescence) • Astringent, antiseptic, antiperspirant, deodorant
Chalybeate water (+) Fe (soln/ susp; ferruginous state – (air) →
forms ferric oxide/ hydroxide Zinc chloride, ZnCl2
Lithia water (+) Li carbonate/ chloride • Burnett’s disinfecting liquid, Zinc butter
Sulfur water (+) H2S and → deposit S upon atm exposure • (+) Lucas reagent
Siliceous water (+) Soluble alkali silicates • Antiseptic, dentin desensitizer (Astring-o-sol)
Baryta water (+) Ba(OH)2 salt solution
Strontium chloride, SrCl2
Potable water • Dentin desensitizer (Sensodyne®)
• USP: Methods: Distillation, Reverse osmosis, Ion exchange
• Treated water (Fit to drink) Mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2/ HgCl
• Insoluble matter removal: coagulation, settling, filtration • Calomel
• Microorganism (coliform) destruction: aeration, • Cathartic
chlorination, etc. • Active ingredient of Ly-na
• Palatability improvement: aeration, filtration with charcoal
Black lotion
Water fluoridation • Calomel + lime water
• (+) Na fluorosilicate – Anticariogenic property (parts per
billion) Mercuric chloride, HgCl2
• Corrosive sublimates
Purified water (NP) • Disinfectant
• Ingredients of official preparations, tests, assays (unless
specified) Mercuric ammonium chloride/ Ammoniated mercury, HgNH2Cl
*Can be parenteral if stated “water for injection” • White precipitate
• Topical anti-infective
Cobaltous chloride, CoCl2
Strong Acids Strong Bases/ Alkali
• Lover’s/ sympathetic ink
Corrosive → H2 (corrode of metal) Caustic
• Silica gel beads indicator
Coagulative Necrosis Liquefaction necrosis
• Dry: blue → blue
(H-CBNIPS) (Group 1A/ 2A Hydroxides
Hydrochloric acid • Wet: blue → pink

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Cadmium chloride, CdCl2 • 0.5% wet dressing of 3° burns
• Emetic • 1% ophthalmic solution: prophylaxis for gonorrheal
• Treatment: Tinea infection ophthalmia neonatorum (can cause newborn blindness).
(new: erythromycin drops – kill gonorrhea and chlamydia
Ferric chloride, FeCl3
• Astringent, styptic (hemostatic agent) for small cuts Silver ammonium nitrate/ Ammoniacal silver nitrate
• Test for tannins • Howe’s ssolution, Tollen’s reagent
• Dental protective, desensitizing agent
Sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl
• Household bleach, Chlorox, Labarraque’s solution (2.5%), Tollen’s/ Silver mirror test
Dakin;s solution (5%) • (+) reducing substance e.g. aldehydes → 1’ Alcohol
• Oxidizing agent → bleaching agent, disinfectant (non-living/
inanimate objects) Bismuth subnitrate, Bi(OH)2NO3
Modified Dakin’s solution • Antacid (H. pylori induced ulcer), astringent, antiseptic
• Diluted NaOCl solution (450-500mg NaOCl/100mL
• Antiseptic (for living organism)
Calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OCl)2 Sulfuric acid, H2SO4
• Chlorinated/ chloride of lime • Oil vitriol
• Bleaching agent, disinfectant
Sodium metabisulfite, Na2S2O5
Potassium chlorate, KClO3 • H2O → Na bisulfite (crystallization on atmospheric SO2 –
• Oxidizing agent → deodorant fumigant will revert Na metabisulfite)
• Bisulfite of commerce (same properties as true bisulfite)
Potassium perchlorate, KClO4 • Reducing agent → water solution antioxidant:
• Oxidizing agent • Drugs with phenol/ catechol nucleus (phenylephrine
• Cloking agent fo I131 HCl, epinephrine HCl) to prevent oxidation to quinones
• Treatment: Hyperthyroidism • Vitamin C (usu. 0.1%) → solutions must be acid in pH
• Antimicrobial property: Food fermentation, preservative
Potassium metabisulfite, K2S2O5
Sodium iodine, NaI • Antioxidant
• I2 solubilizer (Iodine solution and tincture)
• Note: protect from moisture and light Sodium sulfate, Na2SO4
• Glauber’s salt
Potassium iodide, KI • Saline laxative/ cathartic
• I2 solubilizer (Strong iodine solution and tincture)
• Iodine salt of choice Magnesium sulfate, MgSO4
• DOC: cutaneous lymphatic sporotrichosis - fungi (SSKI – • Epsom salt
Saturated solution of KI 1g/ml) • Cathartic (PO), anticonvulsant (IM)
• Treatment: Hyperthyroidism • Pre-eclampsia triad = HPN/ HTN, proteinuria, edema
◦ As saturated solution: to prepare for thyroid surgery (with (hypertension in pregnant women)
anti-thyroid meds) • Eclampsia = triad + SEIZURE
◦ As tablet, oral solution: to protect the thyroid in cases of
radiation emergency Calcium sulfate • ½ H2O (Hemihydrate)
• Plaster of Paris
Silver Iodide, AgI • Surgical cast
• Germicide
Calcium sulfate • 2H2O (dehydrate)
Mercuric iodide, HgI2 • Gypsum, terra alba
• Treatment: syphilis • Dentifrice, rodenticide
• Stimulant of indolent ulcers
Zinc sulfate, ZnSO4
• White vitriol
Mercuric Potassium iodide (Mayer’s reagent) MAMEKI • 0.25% solution: only FDA approved ophthalmic astringent
• HgI2 + KI → K2HgI4 (minor eye irritation relief)
• Alkaloidal reagent (most sensitive): (+) white ppt


• Sulfureted potash + ZnSO4 → ZnS (active)
Nitric acid, HNO3
• Aqua fortis Cadmium sulfate, CdSO4
• Ophthalmic antiseptic
Sodium nitrite, NaNO2
• Vasodilator Cupric sulfate, CuSO4
• Meat/ fish curing (preservative, flavor production, color dev.) • Blue/ Roman/ Salzburg vitriol, blue stone
• Carcinogenic (nitrosamines) • Enhances Fe utilization
• Component of Barfoed’s, Benedict’s, and Fehling’s solution:
Sodium nitrate, NaNO3 test for reducing substance (+) brick red ppt
• Chile salt peter*
• Meat preservative, explosive manufacture Bordeaux mixture (CuSO4 + CaO)
• Algicide and fungicide in swimming pools
Potassium nitrate, KNO3
• Salt peter*/ prunelle, salitre Ferrous sulfate, FeSO4
• Meat preservative, dentin desensitizer • Green vitriol
• Hematinic (most economical and most satisfactory form)
Silver nitrate, AgNO3 • S/E: constipation
• Lapiz infernulariz (caustic pencil), lunar caustic, indelible ink
• Water soluble Ag salt Ferrous ammonium sulfate
• Treatment: Warts • Mohr salt

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Ferric (sub) sulfate solution Dibasic potassium phosphate, Potassium biphosphate, K2HPO4
• Monsel’s solution Monobasic + Dibasic potassium phosphate
• Styptic (hemostatic agent) • Reagent for various buffers and parenteral fluids
• Treatment: hypercalcemia
Barium sulfate, BaSO4 • Urinary acidifier (Tx nephrolithiasis or calcific kidney
• Barium meal stones):
• Radiopaque for GIT imaging (doesn’t dissociate) • Decrease free Ca excretion in urine → Decrease Stone
• S/E formation
• Free pyrophosphate ion (Ca chelator) → favor kidney
Nickel sulfate, NiSO4 stone dissolution, complex excreted in urine
• Tonic, parasiticide • Diarrhea

Aluminum potassium sulfate, AlK(SO4)2 • 12H2O Calcium phosphate, Ca3(PO4)2

• Alum, Tawas • Bone ash (major component of bone → product of cremation)
• Astringent, antiperspirant, deodorant, styptic • Antacid
Sodium thiosulfate/ Sodium hyposulfite (misnomer), Na2S2O3 Dibasic calcium phosphate
• Photographer’s hypochlor • Ca2+ electrolyte replenisher (recommended salt)
• Reducing agent
• VS in Iodometry (indirect method) Aluminum phosphate, AlPO4
• Acids: decompose thiosulfate to sulfur • Phosphagel®
• Base: decompose thiosulfate to sulfate • Antacid- doesn’t interfere with PO4 absorption unlike Al(OH)3
• -
Cl removal from aqueous solution • Demulcent (forms soothing, protective film on mucous
Zinc sulfide, ZnS
• Only white sulfide H. BORIC ACIDS AND SALTS
• Topical protectant, antiseptic, parasiticide
• Lithopone – BaS + ZnS (70:30) (ortho) boric acid/ boracic acid, H3BO3
• Sal sedativum hombergi
Magnesium sulfide, MnS • Acid that’s solid at Room Temperature
• Pink/ salmon suldide • Tonicity adjusting agent, buffer (2%: ophthalmic solution)

Cadmium sulfide, CdS Boromycin

• Only yellow sulfide; Capsebon • 1st natural product with Boron
• Antiseborrheic • From S. antibioticus
• Anti-HIV in vitro
Selenium sulfide, SeS2
• Selsun blue Pharmaceutical buffer systems
• 2.5% suspension
• Treatment: seborrheic dermatitis Borate buffer system:
• External buffer (NP) e.g., ophthalmic and nasal
Lead sulfide, PbS • For metal containing preparation:
• Black sulfide, Galena (most common ore) • Feldman’s (pH 7-8.2) = Boric acid + Na borate + NaCl
G. PHOSPHORIC ACIDS AND SALTS • Gifford’s (pH 6-7.8) = Boric acid + Na borate + KCl
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4 • Atkin’s and Pentin (pH 7.6-11) = Boric acid + Na2CO3 +
• Triprotic acid – 3 stages of ionization (weak acid) NaCl
Normal pH of blood/ body fluids: 7.35-7.45
Sodium hypophosphite, NaHPO2
• Reducing agent (antioxidant) Phosphate buffer system:
• Physiologic buffer e.g., parenteral (contains mono and
Monobasic sodium phosphate, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate, dihydrogen phosphate)
NaH2PO4 • Supports microbial growth and precipitant. Metal ions (Al, Ag,
• P source (hypophosphatemia, TPN) Zn)
• Systemic and urinary acidifier (with methenamine → NH3 + • Sorensen’s (pH 5-9.8)
formaldehyde (HCHO): urinary antiseptic (Tx of UTI: cystitis –
inflammation of urinary bladder) Sodium (tetra) borate, Na2B4O7
• Borax
Dibasic sodium phosphate, Sodium biphosphate, Na2HPO4 • Pharmaceutical necessity: alkalinizing agent
• Phosphate of soda • Externally: eyewash, buffer, water softener
Fleet enema
• Monobasic + Dibasic sodium phosphate Dobell’s solution
• Saline laxative – not absorb from the intestine • NA BORATE + Na bicarbonate + phenol + glycerol
• ↑P, ↓Ca (indirectly lowers Ca levels and favors deposition of (aqueous solution)
Ca and PO4 in bone). • ENT antiseptic wash/ astringent, wet dressing for
• Treatment: Hypercalcemia wounds

(Tribasic) sodium phosphate, Na3PO4 Sodium perborate, NaBO3

• Very alkaline reaction with water (corrosive) → for cleaning • Oxidant: mild disinfectant and deodorant
glass apparatus
• No pharmaceutical use I. OXIDES

Sodium polymetaphosphate Calcium oxide, CaO

• Graham’s salt, Calgon® • (Quick/burnt) lime, Apog, Calx
• Detergent, water softener • Component of Bordeaux mixture

Monobasic potassium phosphate, KH2PO4 Magnesium oxide, MgO

• Sorensen’s potassium phosphate • Calcined magnesia
• Antacid, laxative

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Zinc oxide, ZnO Silicon dioxide, SiO2
• Zinc white, Lassar’s paste, flowers of zinc • Silica
• Astringent, mild antiseptic, topical protectant • Inert solid
Prepared calamine – anti-pruritic • Glidant
• Zno + Ferric oxide (pink colorant)
Silica gel
Zirconium oxide, ZrO • Hydrolysis of orthosilicates
• Antiperspirant
• Treatment: Athlete’s foot (Purified) siliceous/ fullers/ diatomaceous (Kielseguhr,
*Granuloma formation – that’s why banned! Celite)
• Silica purified by calcining – heat
Lead (II) (mon)oxide, PbO • Adsorbent, filtering aid, clarifying agent
• Litharge
• Astringent Sulfur dioxide, SO2
• Acid anhydride of sulfurous acid (oxyacid)
Aluminum oxide, Al2O3 • Fumigant, antioxidant, preservative
• Alumina
• Adsorbent Uranium dioxide, UO2
• Uranite, pitchblende
Mercuric oxide, HgO
• Yellow precipitate Hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen dioxide, H2O2 (where O 2-1)
• Ophthalmic anti-infective • Agua oxenada (oxygenated acid/ water)
Arsenous oxide, arsenic trioxide, As2O3 • Oxidant
• Arsenicum album (white arsenic) • Treatment: Vincent’s stomatitis (severe form of gingivitis), as
• Amphoteric oxide mouthwash
• Wood preservative, insecticide
• 1° standard in titrimetric analysis 3% w/v = 10 volume Hydrogen peroxide topical solution (USP) –
solution antiseptic (oxidizing germicide)
Stabilizer: 0.03% acetanilide, H3PO4
• Treatment: Leukemia 6% w/v = 20 volume Hair bleach
• Not responsive to 1st line drugs
30 w/v Hydrogen peroxide concertation (USP)
Refrigerant, disinfectant
Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen monoxide, N2O
• Laughing gas Zinc peroxide, ZnO2
• Inhalatory dental anesthetic (weakest but safest) : ↓ potency, ↑ • Release of nascent oxygen provides powerful oxidizing action
MAC, no muscle relaxant effect (antiseptic)
• S/E: diffusion hypoxia
Stannous peroxide (SnO), Stannic oxide (SnO2)
Nitric oxide, Nitrogen monoxide, NO • Germicide against staphylococcal
• Vasodilator, muscle relaxant
Carbamide/ urea peroxide topical solution, (NH2)2CO • H2O2
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2
• Most preferred for oral and ear infections
• Smog (air pollutant)
Nitrogen trioxide, NO3
• Oxidizing agent Sodium hydroxide, NaOH
• Caustic soda, (soda) lye, Sosa
Carbon monoxide. CO • For HARD soap manufacture
• Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas • Pharmaceutical necessity: glycerin suppositories preparation
• Systemic poison: 210-220x higher affinity for Hemoglobin
compared to O2 → hypoxia/ asphyxia and death (cherry red Potassium hydroxide, KOH
blood) • Caustic/ lye potash
• Treatment:
• For SOFT soap manufacture
• Hyperbaric O2 (100%, 2-3 atm)
*NaOH is more soluble in water than KOH
• Artificial air (He + O2 [80:20])
• CO2-O2 mixture
Both are:
• Strong base (caustic)
Carbon dioxide, CO2
• Very deliquescent (readily absorb water and liquefies)
• Carbonic acid gas
• Readily attack glass (etching)
• Most potent respitatory stimulant
• Alkalinizing agent (to form Na/ K salts of various drugs)
• DOC persistent hiccups, hyperventilation syndrome
• Saponifying agent (Soap manufacture)
Dry ice • VS for Aqueous alkalimetry
• Solid form
• Refrigerant Calcium hydroxide/ hydrate, Ca(OH)2
• Treatment: acne, warts, corns, eczema • Slaked lime, milk of lime
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)/ dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2)
• Antacid (S/E: Constipation)
• Freon • Saponifying agent
• Refrigerant, aerosol propellant
• Prevents milk curdling → promoting digestibility of milk
• Implicated in ozone layer depletion (due to greenhouse gas)
Ca(OH)2 + Na or K hydroxide
Titanium dioxide, TiO2
• Calx sodica, soda lime
• Solar ray protectant with high refractive index (sunblock; also, Good CO2 absorber for anesthesia machines, O2 therapy, and

ZnO) metabolic tests
• Opacifying agent:
• Provides white background for easy visibility Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2
• Pilocarpine ocusert system (for glaucoma) • Milk of magnesia, magnesia magma
• White capsules • Antacid (S/E: Diarrhea)
• White pigment: high coverage area

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Aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3 Calcium carbonate, CaCO3
• Amphogel, Cremalin gel • Precipitated chalk, prepared chalk, limestone
• Antacid (S/E: Constipation) • Antacid (also cause rebound hyperacidity)
• Phosphate deficiency → interfere with PO4 absorption • Dentifrice, ingredient of toothpaste
• Mg(OH)2 + Al(OH)3 2 forms:
• Counteract S/E of one another • Precipitated CaCO3 – commercially produced by chemical
Kremil S® means
• Simethicone – antifoaming agent (iwas kabag) • Prepared CaCO3 – native, CaCO3 purified by elutriation

Barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2 Crystal forms:

• CO2 absorber (similar to soda lime) • Aragonite
• Calcite – natural birefrigerant by crystal
Bismuth hydroxide, Bi(OH)3 • Iceland spar – very pure form of calcite
• Internal protective for gastric ulcers + inhibits H. pylori growth.
Milk of bismuth, bismuth cream Ferrous carbonate, FeCO3
• Bi hydroxide + Bi sub-carbonate/ nitrate suspension in • Chalybeate pills, blaud pills, ferruginous pills
water • Hematinic

K. ACETATES Aluminum carbonate, Al2(CO3)3

• Treatment: Phosphatic calculi → promotes PO4 elimination
• Diuretic, alkalizer (systemic and urinary), antacid via fecal route

Sodium acetate, NaCH3COO Zirconium carbonate, ZrCO3

• Alkalinizing agent for Benedict’s solution • Antiperspirant
• Pharmaceutical necessity: used in solution for hemodialysis or • Treatment: Athlete’s foot (banned! Due to granuloma
peritoneal dialysis formation)
Potassium acetate, KCH3COO Nickel carbonate, NiCO3
• Alternative for NaCH3COO • Tonic

Ammonium acetate M. BICARBONATES

• Spirit of Minderesus
• Buffer component Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3
Bashams’s mixture • Baking soda
• Ammonium acetate + Fe; Astringent, styptic • Solvay process
Aluminum acetate, Al(CH3COO)3 • Carbonating agent (effervescent preparations)
• Burrow’s solution • CO2 – enhance preparation’s palatability
• Aluminum sulfate + Lead acetate • Organic acid component: tartaric/ citric/ ascorbic acid
• Systemic alkalizer (could cause systemic alkalosis)
Lead acetate, Plumbous acetate, Pb(CH3COO)2 • Systemic antacid (could cause rebound hyperacidity)
• Sugar of lead • Enhance elimination of acidic drugs
• Antiseptic, astringent
Potassium bicarbonate, KHCO3
Lead subacetate solution • Carbonating agent for Mg citrate oral solution (USP)
• Goulard’s extract • Systemic antacid, diuretic, electrolyte replenisher
• Lead acetate + Lead oxide
• Treatment: skin inflammation Ammonium bicarbonate
• Sal volatile
Lithium carbonate, Li2CO3
• Lithase, Eskalith, Quilonium-R • Adsorbents (for diarrhea)
• DOC: mania
• Component of Lithia water Magnesium trisilicate
• Antacid
Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 • Advantage: creates protective coating on stomach; gelatinous
• Anhydrous – soda ash consistency → prolonged antacid effect
• Dihydrate – Trona
• Decahydrade – Soda crystals, washing soda, sal soda Hydrated magnesium (tri)silicate
• Carbonating agent • Talc, French chalk, soap stone: softest mineral
• Saponifying agent • Adsorbent, dusting powder, filtering agent, clarifying agent
• 1° std: aqueous acidimetry (OLD)
Native colloidal hydrated magnesium silicate
Potassium carbonate, K2CO3 • Bentonite, Wilhinite
• Salt of peter, salt of tartar, salt of wormwood, Perl ash, Potash • Soap clay, mineral soap
• Carbonating agent • Most abundant of all clays
• Pharmaceutical necessity (basic property) • Suspending agent

Ammonium (sesqui)carbonate, (NH4)2CO3 Bentonite magma

• Baker’s ammonium, Preston’s salt, Hartshorn • 5% suspension in water
• Mixture of NH4 bicarbonate + NH4 carbamate (NH2COONH4)
• Respiratory stimulate → decomposes to NH3 and CO2 Native hydrated aluminum silicate
• Used in aromatic ammonia spirit preparation • Kaolin, Kaolinite, China/ porcelain clay, Bolus alba
• Expectorant, respiratory stimulant (ammonium), antacid • Adsorbent for diarrhea, demulcent

Magnesium carbonate, MgCO3 Pumice

• Magnesia • Volcanic origin: Al, Na, and K silicate
• 2 forms: light and heavy • Dental abrasive
• Antacid, laxative
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Attapulgite/ Palygorskite (polymagma, diatabs, quintess) Antimony potassium tartrate, C8H4K2O12Sb2 • 3H2O
• (Hydrated) Mg-Al silicate • Tartar emetic, brown mixture
• Emetic, expectorant
Potassium aluminum silicate • Treatment: Schistosomiasis (S. japonicum/ liver fluke:
• Feldspar snails humans)
• Most common rock
Citrate salts
Hydrated Zinc silicate/ Carbonate • Excessive oral administration → laxative effect
• Natural calamine
• Topical protectant Sodium citrate, Na3C6H5O7
In vitro:
Simethicone • Anticoagulant of choice (forms complex with Ca2+
• Polymer of dimethyl siloxane necessary for blood clotting)
• Anti-flatulent, antifoaming agent • Sequestrant in Benedict’s reagent

Dimethicone (Simeco) In vivo:

• Protective and emollient (moisturizer) • Pro-coagulant
• Alkalizer (systemic, urinary), diuretic

• Hypotensive agent Potassium citrate, K3C6H5O7

• Systemic alkalizer, expectorant, osmotic diuretic,
Sodium nitroprusside, Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] • 2H2O diaphoretic
Sodium thiocyanate, NaSCN, Potassium thiocyanate, KSCN Magnesium citrate, Mg(C6H5O7)2
• Na2S2O3 + CN – (rhodanese) → SCN- • Purgative lemon (Lemonade purgante)
• Contact lens cleanser • Saline cathartic (PO)
• Antioxidant synergist in cosmetic and pharmaceutical
preparations (Colloidal) bismuth (sub)citrate
• Treatment: peptic ulcer (PUD)
Ferri ferrocyanide, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 Cuprous citrate
• Prussian blue • Hatchett’s brown
• 8% astringent
Ferro ferricyanide, Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2
• Turnbull’s blue Bismuth subsalicylate
• Pink bismuth
P. OTHERS • Active ingredient: pepto-bismol, kaopectate, helidac
• Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antacid
Gluconate salts
• Less GI irritation as:
Potassium sorbate, KC6H7O2
• Electrolyte replenishers (compared to their chloride
• 0.2% antimicrobial preservative (control yeasts – unicellular,
• Hematinic (compared to their sulfate counterpart) and mold – multicellular growth in enteral formula, food,
Sodium gluconate, NaC6H11O7 • Relatively ineffective @ > pH 6.5
• Water soluble → acceptors of H+ ions produced by
metabolic processes and act as indirect source of Iron Sorbitex
bicarbonate ions • Complex of iron + Sorbitol + Citric acid + Dextrin

Potassium gluconate, KC6H11O7 Zinc-eugenol cement

• Dental protective
Calcium gluconate, C12H22CaO14 • Eugenol source: clove oil
• Most commonly used Ca replenisher Calcium carbide, CaC2
• Kalburo
Ferrous gluconate (Fergon®)
Sodium lactate
Ferrous fumarate (Toleron®) • Antacid, diuretic
• Most stable compared to FeSO4
Sodium starch glycolate
Tartrate salts • Explotab®
• Saline laxative/ cathartic, diuretic (Na, K) • Tab disintegrant
Sodium tartrate, Na2C4H4O6
• 1° std for Karl Fischer reagent Sodium saccharin
• Not convertible to bicarbonate ions • Artificial sweetener (300x sweeter than sucrose)
• S/E: bladder tumor in animals
Potassium bitartrate, KHC4H4O6 *Aspartame (180-200x sweeter than sucrose)
• Cream of tartar, creamor, argol
• Only insoluble potassium salt Sodium ascorbate, NaC6H7O6
• (+) acidulous fruits e.g. Grapes • Vitamin C supplement (Reducing agent → antioxidant)
• Baking powder ingredient (raise dough)
Potassium permanganate, KMnO4
Sodium potassium tartrate, NaKC4H4O6 • H2O • Mineral chameleon
• Rochelle’s salt, Sal signette • Dark purple-black crystals/ granular powder, almost opaque
• Food acidity regulator by transmitted light and with blue metallic luster by reflected
• Sequestrant in Fehling’s solution (prevent Cu(OH)2 light
precipitation) • Strong Oxidizing agent (in acidic media)
• Local anti-infective, antiseptic (1:5000), deodorant
• Self-indicating titrant in permanganometry

Module 1 – Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry Page 12 of 12 RJAV 2022

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