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The communication on which the communicator wants his/her receivers to pay attention and understand, but not to
change their behavior.

A. Internal C. Persuasive Communication

B. Argumentative Communication D. Informative Communication

2. King of the beast: Lion: King of birds: _____

A. Robin C. Eagle

B. Sparrow D. Falcon

3. When was the term “pop culture” used?

A. 15th century C. 16th century

B. 17th century D. 19th century

4. In one of his poems, the Filipino author Zulueta De Costa said that the Filipinos are like the Molave. What figure of
speech was used?

A. Simile C. Metaphor

B. Personification D. Hyperbole

5. There were three guests on the stage. They were made up a parent, the governor and the principal. Who should
acknowledge first by the valedictorian?

A. The Classmates C. The Governor

B. The Principal D. The Parents

6. "Ang aming pag ibig ay tanging sa iyo lamang". Ibigay ang ayos ng pangungusap na ito.

A. Payak C. Tambalan

B. Karaniwan D. Di- Karaniwan

7. The army's retreat was IGNOMINIOUS. This means:

A. Reputable C. Honorable

B. Karaniwan D. Respectable

8. The real meaning of the message exist within the mind of the speaker. Only then the listener tries to get the message
as accurately as possible. What principle of communication?

A. Communication is powerful

B. Commnucation is irreversible

C. Communication is contextual
D. Communication is an interpretative act.

9. Neither the teacher nor the students ________present in the affairs.

A. am C. was

B. were D. is

10. Aling salita Ang diptonngo?

A. Bayan C. Buwis

B. Iwas D. Buhay

11. O’ Keeffe is best known for paintings of

A. The sea and marine animals C. Native American Indians

B. Enlarged flowers and new Mexico landscapes D. The Australian outback

12. Dark text:___:: White text: Dark Background

A. Light background C. Light text

B. Dark text D. White backgroun

13. Tumutukoy ito sa pagtatalo ng dalawa o tatlong manunula sa iisang paksa.

A. Tula C. Soneto

B. Balagtasan D. Dayalogo

14. The power of words once spoken or written can never be taken back. What principle of communication is observed ?

A. Communication is irreversible C. Communication is powerful

B. Communication is an interpretative act D. Communication is contextual

15. Without the self, one can't organize the different impression that one gets in relation to his own existence.

A. Manuel Quezon C. Immanuel Kant

B. David Hume D. John Locke

16. Goal can be used to enhance test interest, reduce boredom, and promote goal clarity, when used to punish or
intimate people, goals increase ________and _______ .

A. Low self-esteem and anxiety C. Madness and laziness

B. Stress and anxiety D. None of the above

17. What country Van Gogh born in?

A. Holland B. France
C. Spain D. United States and America

18. Dr. Albert Bandura identifies four main sources of influence by which a person's self-efficacy is developed and
maintained. These are:

A. Performance accomplishments or mastery C. Verbal or social persuasion

D. All of the above
B. Vicarious experience

19. Creation that falls under this category are those that appeal to the sense of sight and mainly visual in nature.

A. Film C. Visual arts

B. Performance art D. Architecture

20. Ang transpormasyon ng pantig ng salitang "transportasyon"?



21. It is a biological state that corresponds to what me might call a "man" or a "woman“.

A. Sex C. Civil Status

B. Gender D. Sexuality

22. It represents who we are. It has not been a custom to just randomly pick a combination of letters and numbers.

A. Sex C. Age

B. Name D. Address

23. He added that there are three components of the soul: the rational soul, the spirited soul, and the appetitive soul.

A. Augustine C. Socrates

B. Plato D. Aquinas

24. It is always unique and had its own identity. One can't be another person.

A. Man C. Self

B. Filipino D. Being

25. According to Marcell Mauss, every self has two faces:

A. Person and moi C. Mind and Body

B. Body and soul D. Intellect and spirit

26. Every man is composed of body and soul.

A. Descartes C. Socrates

B. Gilbert Ryle D. Tarzan

27. The way that human persons develop is with the use of language acquisition and interaction with others.

A. David Hume C. Plato

B. Mead and Vygotsky D. Aristotle

28. The soul is what animates the body; it is what make us humans.

A. Augustine C. Socrates

B. Plato D. Aquinas

29. Without a __, biologically and sociologically, a person may not even survive or become a human person.

A. Family C. Church

B. School D. Temple

30. We learn about ourselves, the appropriateness of our behaviors, as well as our social status by comparing aspects
ourselves with other people.

A. Self-awareness C. Self-comparison

B. Self-control D. Self-esteem

31. What is the ultimate leaning outcome of Social Studies in the 2010 Secondary Education

A. Committed and responsible citizens of the Philippines and the world

B. Context-based learning

C. Teach critical thinking

D. Thematic-Chronological scheme

32. The Chinese proverb "Women hold up held the sky" points to a fundamental principle in our Constitution. What
principle is this?

A. Men are stronger than women

B. There is a fundamental equality before the law between women and men

C. Women are stronger than men

D. Women compromise a majority of the population

33. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy. Under what circumstance can the Philippines
waive the prohibition?

A. If the war brings about lasting peace

B. If it is called to so by the ASEAN

C. If it is called to do so by the United Nations

D. If it pursues a war in defense of her national honor and dignity.

34. Under the constitution, who has the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war?

A. Congress C. Senate

B. House of Representatives D. President

35. The official name of our country is the Republic of the Philippines. What is the essence of a republican government?

A. Autocratic rule C. Direct rule

B. Despotic rule D. Indirect rule

36. Congress is mandated to evolve a progressive system of toxation. A progressive tax system mean that there should be
more emphasis on:

A. 2 taxes C. Customs duty

B. Indirect taxes D. Tariffs

37. If the government takes private property for public use, what condition should be fulfilled?

A. A blueprint for the development of the property C. Payment of just compensation to the owner

B. Fifteen days notice D. Relocation of former owners

38. Under what condition can piece of property be exempted from the property tax?

A. When is being converted for others uses

B. When it is covered by CARP

C. When it is idle

D. When it is used exclusively for educational purposes

39. E.O. 570 institutionalizes peace education in basic education and teacher education. Peace education shall be
understood or mean as follows, EXCEPT:

A. Education intended to meet the basic learning needs

B. Education that builds concern and action towards non-violence

C. Education that seeks to change mindsets that have led to violence

D. Transformative education
40. Everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race or their
religious, cultural of ethnic background. What human rights principle is being described by this quotation?

A. Accountability for human rights

B. Indivisibility of human rights

C. Interdependence of human rights

D. Universality of human rights

41. May bulsa sa balat ang tiyahin ko palibhasa ay maraming intindihan sa buhay. Ano ang kahulugan ng idyomang may

A. Maluho C. May sakit sa balat

B. Mapagbigay D. Kuripot

42. Functions of art that are varied and highly subjective.

A. Personal functions C. Physical functions

B. Social functions D. Principal functions

43. Why do we see the sun rise in the east?

A. The earth revolves eastward. C. We are located in the 20th meridian.

B. The earth rotates from west to east. D. On the globe, we are located in the east.

44. It is a live art and the artist’ s medium is mainly the human body which he or she uses to perform.

A. Film C. Visual arts

B. Performance art D. Architecture

45. A positive way to counter stress is self-care therapy. Nancy Apperson (2008) of northern Illinois University has
provided steps for self-care except:

A. Acknowledge to yourself what you are feeling.

B. Rush a task at the last minute.

C. Take good care of yourself.

D. Find someone who listens and is accepting.

46. The content processes and materials of human rights education should be adapted to local contexts and needs of
learning groups. This means that human rights education should be _________.

A. Developed C. Institutionalized

B. Indigenized D. Mainstreamed
47. Under international law, who is ultimately accountable for their obligation to uphold human rights?

A. Civil society C. Media

B. Governments D. Rights-holders

48. Each right contributes to the realization of other rights. The fulfillment of one right often depends wholly or in part,
upon the fulfillment of others. This means that rights are ______.

A. Equal C. Participatory

B. Interdependent D. Universal

49. Under the principle of all human rights have equal status and cannot be positioned in a hierarchical order.

A. Accountability C. Non- discrimination

B. Individuality D. Universality

50. In May 2011, the US aircraft carrier US Carl Vinson entered Philippine Territorial waters. under what conditions will
the vessel not allowed to enter the Philippine territory?

A. If it carries nuclear weapon C. If it is headed to a war zone

B. If it does not need repairs D. If it most bears of American Flag

51. Where is the "Monalisa" hanging in France?

A. Gargoyle Square C. The Eiffel Tower

B. The Louvre D. Chartres Cathedral

52. The origins of theatre and drama can be traced back to this civilization.

A. Roman Civilization C. Egyptian Civilization

B. Greek Civilization D. Filipino Civilization

53. __________is the expression of human creative skill and imagination.

A. Emphasis C. Dominance

B. Contour D. Art

54. This theory is based on the assumption that psychological procedures serve as means of creating and strengthening
expectations of personal efficacy.

A. Self-discipline C. Self-acknowledgement

B. Self-efficacy D. Self-assessment
55. Andy Warhol, an American painter and film maker is best known for his depiction of what grocery store item?

A. Apples C. Tomato Soup

B. Bacon D. Onions

56. A person learning a trade or an art from a skilled worker is called ________.

A. An apprentice C. A foreman

B. A mentor D. A laborer

57. The following are the aims of the policy to promote social justice EXCEPT:

A. To protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity

B. To reduce social, economic, and political inequalities

C. To remove cultural inequities

D. To remove all forms of private property

58. An art style where the artist tries to paint a picture exactly how it looks in real life, with as many details as possible.

A. Impressionism C. Realism

B. Pointillism D. Fauvism

59. The way to do an art critique is to _______.

A. Describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the C. Decide if it’s good

D. Write an artist statement
B. Talk to the artist

60. What is the title of the style of painting that Picasso invented?

A. Realism C. Impressionism

B. Cubism D. Art Nouveau

61. A stainless steel spoon feels colder than a plastic spoon because stainless steel.

A. Absorbs less heat from the hand than plastic does

B. Is really colder than plastic

C. Has a lower temperature than plastic

D. Conducts heat away from the hand faster than the plastic doe

62. According to albert Einstein, this is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited to all we now know
and understand.

A. Inspiration B. Illumination
C. Imagination D. Expression

63. It uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before live audience

A. Literary art C. Theater

B. Architecture D. Film

64. Albino corn seedlings may grow several inches tall. However, they will eventually die, primarily because

A. Direct sunlight will destroy their cell C. They cannot produce their own food

B. They lack adequate root system D. They cannot obtain carbon dioxide

65. Mimosa pudica, locally known as Makahiya is called as such because its leaflets tend to close when touched. This
organismal response to a given stimuli is called:

A. Hydrotropism C. Plane

B. Convex D. Concave

66. What kind of mirror is used in cars to give the driver a wider area and smaller image of the traffic behind him/her?

A. Double concave C. Plane

B. Convex D. Concave

67. If a colorblind man marries a woman who has normal vision and no history of the disease, it is most probable that all
of their.

A. Daughters will be carrier C. Sons will be carriers

B. Daughters will be colorblind D. Sons will be colorblind

68. In plato’s metaphysics or view of reality, the right things in this word are only copies of the original, the eternal and
the true entities that can only found in the Word of Forms.

A. Art as an imitation

B. Art as a representation

C. Art as a disinterested judgement

D. Art as a communication of emotion

69. They are the easiest to spot and understand because they can be found in art works that are crafted in order to serve
some physical purpose.

A. Personal Functions C. Physical Functions

B. Social Functions D. Principal Functions

70. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing lightning?

A. Light appears brighter in the sky B. Light travel faster than sound
C. Sounds travel 1.33 m/s D. Sound is released later actually

71. The UN Trusteeship Council has created operation since 1994 and meets only as and where occasion may require.
Why is this so?

A. All trust territories had attained self government or independence

B. It is no longer supported by the General Assembly

C. It is no longer had funds to sustain it's operation

D. The Security Council had lost trust in it

72. 1995, Rosa Parks of Alabama USA refused to move to the back of a bus where blacks required to sit. she engaged in
an individual act of deviance and defiance. her movement became part of wider movement bring the position of
African-American who live with other aspects of society. What does this say about deviance?

A. Deviance can be catalyst for social change C. Deviance is justified among minorities

B. Deviance encourage discrimination D. Deviance unites members in position to the


73. Text messaging has become the dominant mode of communication for most Filipino who have access to the
technology. Among the millions sender messages, there are small group who test the jejemon ways. How would social
scientists label them in relation to the texting culture?

A. A clan C. A subculture

B. A counterculture D. The dominant culture

74. In a comparative study on deviance in a law, respondents from 5 countries were asked. Should public non-violent
political protest be punished? The percentages of respondents answering yes were 4% , 28%, 35%, 77%, and 98%.
What does the data say about perception of deviance across countries ?

A. Deviance is absolute across culture. C. Deviance is a matter of social definition.

B. Deviance is high in poor countries. D. Deviance is unethical and moral.

75. Tony is a good person. He helps in community services and cooperates with other Filipinos. He is helping others
without excepting something in return. He values ______.

A. Colonial Mentality C. Crab Mentality

B. Bayanihan D. Filipino Time

76. What results when the government is not able to raise enough revenue to cover the national budget?

A. A budget appropriation C. A budget deficit

B. A budget cut D. A budget surplus

77. While ASEAN member are bound by the principle of amity and cooperation , what is expected of them whenever
internal strife arises in a particulat member country?

A. Humanitarian aid B. Media blackout

C. Military assistance D. Non- interference

78. The World Heritage Convention on which the World Heritage List the based, aims to protect what type of heritage

A. Ancient civilizations C. Tourist sites

B. Cultural and natural sites D. Wonders of nature

79. In 2007, the ASEAN leaders decided to accelerate the establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015. The following
are the pillars of the Community EXCEPT

A. ASEAN economic community C. ASEAN religious community

B. ASEAN political-security community D. ASEAN socio-cultural community

80. If the exchange rate of the peso to dollar has gone down from P55: $1 to P44 - $1, what can be said of the value of
the Philippine peso?

A. It has appreciated C. It is fluctuating

B. It has weakened D. It has no more value

81. Alin ang paksa sa sumusunod na pangungusap? Ginagawa niya ang pagdarasal araw-araw.

A. ginagawa C. pagdarasal

B. araw-araw D. niya

82. This type of public speaking requires the two opposite sides to solve a problem through arguments and arrive at a

A. Impromptu speaking C. Debate

B. Oration D. Extemporaneous

83. Which of the following statements best describes a hypothetical element with an electron configuration of

A. The hypothetical element has an atomic number of 11.

B. The hypothetical element is a member of Group V, otherwise called the Nitrogen Group.

C. The hypothetical element is in the fifth position in the p-block, along the third period of the periodic table

D. The hypothetical element is located at the third position of the p-block, along the fifth period of the periodic table.

84. Which of the following best explains why farmers burn rice straw and hull during seasons of harvest?

A. Burning rice hulls and straws produce compounds that act as repellant for pests which may damage plantation.

B. The smoke produced by burning rice hulls and straws stimulate growth and fruit bearing of trees.

C. Rice hulls and straws are burned so that more spaces will be available for planting next set of crops.
D. Ash from burn rice hulls and straws are rich in compounds that could neutralize acidic soil so that more crops will

85. Your father isn't working anymore?

A. Isn't he ? C. Has he?

B. Is he? D. Hasn't he ?

86. Tumutukoy ito sa salaysayin o kwentong hango sa Bibliya?

A. Pabula C. Parabula

B. Salawikaing D. Epiko

87. What will be formed when radium isotope with 88 protons and 138 neutrons undergoes alpha decay ?

A. Radon Atom ( Rn 222 ) with 86 protons .

B. Francium Atom ( Fr 222) with 87 protons.

C. Actinium Atom ( Ac 222 ) 89 protons

D. Thorium Atom ( The 232 ) with 90 protons

88. The president __ the bill on Children's right last Monday.

A. Veteos C. Vetoed

B. Vetos D. Vetoid

89. Walang tubig kahapon. Ito ay pangungusap na...

A. Walang pandiwa C. May panag-uri

B. Walang paksa D. May paksa

90. A field commander gave his orders. He meant drop previous order. Which message was heard?

A. Repeat! repeat!

B. Copy! copy!

C. Negative! delete!

D. Over! over!

91. Fog is a cloud with its base at every near the ground The formation of fog generally occurs after the ground lost heat

A. Evaporation C. Conduction

B. Convection D. Radiation
92. PAGASA announce the approach of the seasonal winds. The familiar names used are Amihan and Habagat
internationnaly known as ______ and _______ respectively.

A. Northeast and southwest C. Trade wind and easterlies

B. Southwest and northeast D. Westerlies and easterlies

93. Which of the following shows mechanical weathering of rocks?

A. formation of caverns C. freezing water between rocks particles

B. Acids dissolves rocks D. Westerlies and easterlies

94. Shown below is a simple web in a grassy community. The arrow symbol means eaten by. What would happen if all
snake are killed? Grass > Grasshopper > Frog > Bird > Snake

A. Grass population would increase

B. Grasshopper population would increase

C. Bird and frog populations would increase

D. Grasshopper and bird populations would increase

95. Which of the following factors contribute to an increase in human population?

I. Immigration II. Emigration III. Natality IV. Mortalitya

A. III and IV C. I only

B. II and III D. I and II

96. It is a common observation that mushroom thrive few days after lighting strikes. Which among the following
biogeochemical cycles is involved in this process?

A. Nitrogen cycle C. Phosphorus cycle

B. Carbon-Oxygen cycle D. Sulfur cycle

97. When a gardener propagates a plant by taking cuttings, he plants his cutting in a well-watered soil in a plant pot.
What is the most likely reason why he may then cover the plant and pot with a lightly perforated polythene bag?

A. To reduce the water demand of the cutting.

B. To decrease the rate of gaseous exchange by the plant.

C. To reduce the chance of attack by pests.

D. To protect the plant from cold weather.

98. Which of the following sentences about greenhouse effect is INCORRECT?

A. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere which are returned to the earth’s surface.

B. Greenhouse effect is important in maintaining the temperature of the earth.

C. Greenhouse effect is due to gases that absorb the green region of light from the sun.

D. Greenhouse effect increases the overall surface temperature of the earth.

99. Why is it difficult to integrate nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into the nitrogen cycle of the biosphere?

A. Nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere

B. Living organisms quickly absorb nitrogen gas

C. Oceans quickly absorb nitrogen gas

D. Few organisms can directly utilize atmospheric nitrogen

100.Acid rain occurs when _______.

A. Carbon dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere.

B. Phosphorus-rich water in lakes evaporates to form phosphoric acid.

C. Sulfur released in burning fossil fuels combines with water in the atmosphere.

D. Excess hydrogen is released into the atmosphere to produce acids.

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