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The Torridon Supervisor’s

Companion Training.

Congratulations, you are now on the first step of becoming a

leader at The Torridon and I am here to support you every step of the way.

As a newly promoted or aspiring supervisor, The Torridon Companion Training

is, to inspire and challenge you to be the best you can be. To ask,

How are you going to do this? It starts with building

simple, but not easy new habits. Gaining respect from the people around you,
trusting your instincts and gaining confidence from knowledge and practice.
Back in the workplace you will be able to create a fun, engaging and positive
environment, and you and your team will be motivated to develop and shine.

“The goal is not to be perfect by the end, the goal is to be better


Keep reading ……
What to bring to your training sessions?
Stay curious for a little longer. Bring a notebook so
you can capture your ideas, mind-map and record your
learning. Start paying attention to yourself, how do
you react to people, what works, what doesn’t work,
what makes your frustrated, what do you find easy and
what do you find tricky. Notice how you feel, and if you
can record this, note it down, even better.

It is important to pay just as much attention to, what happens, BEFORE and
AFTER your training sessions as it is DURING.

With this in mind I have suggested a number of PRE-TRAINING

REFLECTION QUESTIONS to help you make the most of our time together. If
you’ve any other questions for me then just ask me.

This pre training reflection will allow you to get clearer about your outcomes, so
that YOU can drive the session to get what you want out of it.

The following questions will help you to do this. Have a think and email me at with your thoughts and answers.

Please take some TIME to reflect on the following

questions and then email me your thoughts before:

Tuesday, 9th February 12.00 pm

1. What matters to you most about working as a supervisor?

Responsibility and strategic thinking

1. As a supervisor you are not just responsible for the food service but also for your
colleagues too. This responsibility is not only about the quality of their work. At the
end of the day the supervisor will be responsible for the accountancy of the shift,
which weighs even more on the supervisor’s shoulder. Personally, I like this risk
because I have been working for 1 year as a supervisor in a cinema complex. I am
looking forward to work in the same role again, but now in the restaurant.
2. The decision making of a manager is most of the time strategic. As a supervisor you
are responsible of the employees and the operation of the restaurant, but the
strategic feedback for the managers is also really important.

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2. Anything else that matters to you, at work?

Good atmosphere
I believe that work can be fun, and you can enjoy it. Therefore, you need a good team and
you need to operate smooth and well. Without having the tasks done, there is inefficiency
which causes problems. With problems in the workplace you are less likely to achieve
good atmosphere.

3. What are the real challenges for you, at work?

As I mentioned before good atmosphere matters for me. One of the biggest challenges for
me would be to achieve that atmosphere when a new colleague is joining as fast as I can.
This means that I must involve that person in the work as much as I can, and I should
provide all the training for him/her to know all the procedures and work smoothly.
Although it is also important to involve the new ones to the social life of the employees.

4. What do you want to get out of the training, 2 or 3 key success criteria for you.

I would like to be more confident on the restaurant’s floor. Behind confidence I would like
to have knowledge about what makes a good supervisor.

5. How can I help you achieve this?

By guiding and mentoring me through this path you can help me with your insights and
experience, but to achieve the position I am the one who has to work hard and learn.
Feedback on this path would be great from you.

6. As a new supervisor what are you going to have to stop doing, say ‘no’to.

What previous habits do you need to break? What beliefs about yourself to you need to let go of? What
expectations do you need to manage?
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I need to be more goal oriented, more punctual as previously I made some mistakes. The
customer is the first, but the company is profit oriented, so the ultimate customer service
has to be synchronised with the revenue orientation.

7. How will you know this training programme has been a success?
How will you know you have improved? What
difference will this make for you?

I would measure the success from the feedbacks of my managers as well as from the
feedback of my co-workers. Most of the time this feedback is straight on their face, or
even a small thank you can prove that you are doing great. Being a supervisor means that
problem solving and conflict management will be also really important, when I will
manage these situations with the outcome of “everybody is happy”, that would be also a
sign for me that I am doing good.

What 3 supervisory modules that are planned, most interest you:

Team Work Goal setting x

Communication Time Management

Delegation Conflict Resolution x

Giving Feedback x Coaching & Mentoring

Are there any modules missing, that you would like me to cover?:

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You probably already know your fellow supervisory but it
is important that feel comfortable presenting and giving
each other feedback during the training days. Therefore, on
the first day of our time together you are going to be set a
challenge, so I thought I would give you some preparation

I would like you to research what makes a good supervisor, this could be a TED talk, video
on Youtube, article in a magazine or someone you have worked with.

You will be asked share your research with your fellow supervisors, Why you chose it, how
you relate to it or not, disagree or agree, like to know more about.

Speak soon & I really look forward to working with you,

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