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Caltech 350-17

Pasadena, CA 91125-0001
February 9, 2024

Dear Professor Thorne,

I write this letter with sincere respect to communicate with you about a theory of nature that potentially
holds the key for unlocking the doors to visualize matter in super dimensions and resolutions. This is
the theory of Algebraic geometries and the field theory intertwined to the same. This field theory can be
understood as a Geometric Field theory for Algebraic geometries, and is the language in which shapes and
forms in nature communicate with each other. This theory shows a definitive path towards formulating
a Unified theory to explain the observable Universe from the atomic to the cosmic scale.
I am also writing to you to understand if you or your colleagues/ students might be interested in collab-
orating with me for this project. This project named “Project Eye” packages the theory into a field of
Science known as Natural Intelligence. I have been focusing on carrying out the theory and simulation
efforts to model the Universe and the natural design at all length scales. Using the computational power
at our dispense, I have been able to successfully simulate the atomic and cosmic dimensions built upon
the theoretical underpinnings of Natural Intelligence. I am convinced that my scientific pursuits and
journey have been in the right direction only to demystify the complexities in our present understanding
of the Universe, and to simplify science for one and for all. In this pursuit, we couple Natural Intelligence
to the laws of Physics - studying gravity, cosmology, waves and the quantum world.
Knowing the true nature of time, matter and energy, calls for the overhauling of scientific literature that
has been expounded in the past. The beauty of this theory lies in the rhythm that it does not intersect
the logic of Physics but rather corrects the empirical pieces by questioning the axiomatic fundamentals
via the lens of a logic bound eye. This eye also sees Natural Intelligence as becoming a tool for shaping
the future of Science and Technology. In this gravity, I request you to read through the abstracts in the
website (link below) which contains the gist of scientific domains and theories that this research addresses.
We envision advances in the coming months in the fields of Quantum Physics, Materials Science, Chem-
istry, Design, Computational modeling and simulation, Graphics, Gaming, Matrix, Architecture, and
Mathematics. In the domain of Gravity and Cosmology, we have driven efforts to find an accurate
description of the fine structure and associated super structures that dictate the fundamental fabric.
Additionally on the Chemistry front, in the modeling and simulation domain we believe in perfecting
the ground state and finite temperature/ pressure quantum mechanical modeling of atoms, molecules,
crystals (semiconductors, superconductors, alloys). We also believe to tackle problems in Chemistry and
Biology (DNA, cellular bio-systems, drugs and medicines). Other than this, we envision Natural Intel-
ligence’s integration with Artificial Intelligence, geometry inspired Machine Learning, quantum/ cosmic
computation and technology.
For learning more about Natural Intelligence and collaborating, I urge you to connect with me, and
visit the website for Project Eye at The website has
the abstracts to our current research efforts and a collection of simulation results which would serve to
explain the intricacies of the theory. In addition to this, you may view detailed simulation results at our
Youtube channel Natural Intelligence.
Looking forward to hear from you.

About me: I am Abhishek Goswami (born 19th April 1989), a physicist and computational scientist
working on Natural Intelligence. I have completed my Sc.M from Brown University, USA, my masters
from Indian Institute of Science, and my undergrad from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.


Abhishek Goswami
Brown University
Indian Institute of Science
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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