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Neuromuscular complex

- Basics of motor control

Petr Konecny
•Neurophysiology /PK
•Biomechanic /MH
Motor nervous system

•Motor Unit (MU)

•Spinal nervous system
•Supraspinal (Brain Stem) Nervous System
•Motor centers of the TALAMU and Basal
•Cerebral cortex of the hemispheres
Motor Unit (MU)

• MU : Neuron + muscle fibers

• Neuromuscular system (complex)

• MU Small
(1 neuron + 7-10 muscle fibers)
Example: lubricales (fine and precise

• MU Big (large)
(1 neuron + 100-1000 muscle fibers)
Examplne : Quadriceps femoris ,
latissimus dosrsi (strength works)
Spinal nervous system

• Anatomy
• Spinal cord
• Spinal roots - spinal nerve - spinal segment
• White matter (neural pathways )and gray matter (cells) of the
spinal cord
• Back corners (senzoric) and front corners (motoric) of the spinal
• Cells: alpha MN, gama MN, interneuron, glia,…
• REFLEX - the basic function of the spinal cord
• Monosynaptic reflex
• Polysynaptic reflex

= the basic functional unit of the NERVOUS SYSTEM

- The reflex is formed by a reflex arc:
- Receptor – afferent pathway – nervous center spinal
cord and brain) – efferent pathway – effector (muscle)
▪Reflex arc can be:
▪ Monosynaptic – there is only one synapse
between the afferent and efferent neuron
▪ Polysynaptic - there are many interneurons
between the afferent and efferent neuron
• According to the receptor we distinguish:
proprioceptive and exteroceptive reflexes
Proprioceptive Reflex

• Receptors:
• Muscle spindle (MS)
• Intrafusal fibers
(Own receptor - bushy ending and chain (annulospiral)
contractile fibers (gamma MN endings)
• Impulse - MS activation: STRETCHING Fibers
• Passive (hammer tapping of tendon reflexes)
• Active (using GAMA loop)
• Tendon body (Goldi)
• Reverse myotatic reflex - protection of the muscle
against overstretching
• ACTIVATION: PULL on the tendon
reflex arc
• Proprioceptiv receptor (stretching of
the muscle spindle )
• afferent nerve fibers (IA and II)
conduct the nerve impulse to the
posterior horns of the spinal cord
• In the Center (spinal cord) - here
there is a switch from the centripetal
pathway (pseudounipolar cell) to the
Alpha motoneuron in the front
corners of the spinal cord
• The efferent pathway (axon of the
alpha motoneuron – peripheral
nerve) leads the impulse to the
effector (extrafusal muscle fibers)-
the muscle contracts.
• In the center (spinal cord) there are
also connections to other alpha
MNs, gamma MNs, interneurons, to
the brainstem, to the cerebellum, to
the thalamus and to the cortex.
Reciprocal inhibition/innervation
for a smooth course of movement, the activity of one muscle group is
simultaneously associated with the relaxation (inhibition) of the
respective antagonistic muscles - for example, alternating activation of
flexors and extensors

during walking, the flexors and extensors are activated reciprocally also
on the contralateral lower limb
Reverse myotatic reflex

- if the mechanical tension of the stretched muscle reaches a critical

size, the contraction suddenly stops and the muscle relaxes
• here: receptors are activated - Golgi tendon bodies, which register
increased tendon (and muscle) tension
• with the help of inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord, the
activity of alpha motoneurons is dampened (inhibited).
Gamma loop
- From the Reticular Formation
(brainstem) pathways go to gamma
motoneurons in the spinal cord →
After the activation of the gamma
motoneurons, the impulses go to the
muscle spindle
- there is a contraction of the polar
regions of the muscle spindle, and
thus the stretching of the entire
muscle spindle →
- this activates the proprioceptive arc

- through the reflex arc, the stimulus
is transferred to the alpha
motoneuron → a contraction
(adjustment) of the extrafusal fibers
of the muscle occurs
Gamma systém GS, gamma loop

• GS It is controlled from the reticular formation (activation/inhibition

system), through which regulatory influences from the cerebellum,
basal ganglia and cortex are also applied
• Function
• GS is a self-regulating feedback system
• The gamma loop ensures the correct course of tonic and motor
muscle responses
• Adjustment using the gamma system precedes the activity of the
alpha system
• GS Prepares and sets the conditions for executing a movement
• GS Controls the level of excitability of muscle spindles
Exteroceptive reflexes

• Nociceptors (pain),
mechanoreceptors (touch),
thermoreceptors (cold, heat) in
the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

division according to answers


• Anatomy and function

• Muscle spindle (MS)
• Tendon body (Goldi)

• deadline:10.10.2023

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