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• Another advantage of studying academic subjects is…

• Another compelling reason is that…

• One of the biggest drawback of moving away from home is…

• One of the major positives of moving broad is…


• Although it is true that teachers work long hours, I believe that

teaching is a very worthwhile and important job.

• While many people say that living alone can be difficult and
lonely, I think that there are more advantages of having their own

Some people say that schools should concentrate on teaching students
academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Other
people say that subjects such as music and sports are also necessary.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion


- Discuss both sides + clearly state your opinion

- you should choose a side

- The opinion is presented in the introduction and re-stated in the conclusion.

-You need one good reason for each side.

Opening: Paraphrase + Opinion

Body 1: View 1 - Why do other people support this way?

• Topic sentence

• Explain

• Example (if possible)

Body 2: View 2 – Why do you agree with the other way?

• Topic sentence

• Explain

• Example (if possible)

Conclusion: Paraphrase + Opinion HUNG HOANG

OPENING: (Paraphrasing + State your opinion)
Some people say that schools should concentrate on teaching students academic
subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Other people say that subjects such
as music and sports are also necessary. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

- concentrate on => focus on, place (put) heavy (great) emphasis on, attach great importance to
- subject => discipline, course
- useful => beneficial, benefit, advantageous
- future careers => occupations in the future

While some people believe that schools should focus on disciplines that will be
beneficial to students’ occupations in the future, others argue that courses like sports
and music should also be included in school curriculums. I side with/I am in
agreement with/I concur with the latter view/sentiment. HUNG HOANG

BODY 1 – Why others think that students should learn academic subjects

1 – Topic sentence
Một mặt, các bộ môn học thuật thực sự rất quan trọng.
=> On the one hand, academic subjects are indeed important (are of great
importance) for students.

2 – Explain
Điều này là vì mục tiêu quan trọng hàng đầu của những người đi học là có một
công việc tốt sau khi họ hoàn thành.
=> This is because the most important/foremost/ultimate goal of people who
attend school is to have a good job (a well-paid job) after graduation.

3 – Explain
Để đạt được điều này, chương trình giảng dạy nên có chủ yếu là các môn học chính
như toán, khoa học và ngôn ngữ, vì thành tích của các môn này thường được các
trường đại học cũng như các nhà tuyển dụng coi trọng.

=> To achieve this, school curriculums should prioritize core subjects like maths,
science and language, as the performance of these subjects is placed heavy(great)
emphasis by universities and employers. HUNG HOANG
BODY 2 – Why do you support the other way of thinking?
1 – Topic sentence
Mặt khác, các môn như thể thao và âm nhạc không thể bị phớt lờ hoàn toàn

=> On the other hand, notwithstanding the huge upsides of studying academic
subjects, I am convinced that subjects like sports and music should not be ignored
completely/ it would be imprudent to downplay (overlook) the importance of...

2 – Explain
Thời nay, các công ty coi trọng không chỉ chuyên môn và bằng cấp của ứng viên mà
còn cả các kĩ năng mềm.

=> Today, companies attach great importance to not only expertise and
qualifications of job applicants but also their soft skills.

3 – Explain
Những kĩ năng này có thể được trau dồi tốt hơn thông qua những hoạt động như
chơi nhạc cụ hoặc thi đấu trong các cuộc thi thể thao hơn là các môn academic

=> These skills are often better cultivated through playing music and sports than
through academic lessons. HUNG HOANG
4 – Example

Ví dụ, nhiều trường phổ thông ở Hà Nội khuyến khích học sinh tham gia các hoạt
động nghệ thuật và thể thao trong nhà trường, điều này giúp phát triển khả năng
sáng tạo và kỹ năng hợp tác. Do vậy, học sinh có thể dễ dàng thích ứng với môi
trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp trong tương lai.

=> For example, many highschools in Hanoi have encouraged students to play
musical instruments or take part in sports competitions, which helps them develop
creativity and teamwork skills. Therefore, students would find it easier to adapt to
professional work environment in the future.

CONCLUSION – Paraphrase the thesis statement

In conclusion, while there is no doubt that academic subjects should be

prioritized in schools, I am of the opinion that it is also important that
students be taught other subjects like music or sports.


Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in a group
while others believe it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views
and give your own opinions.


- More efficient: better for learners, more beneficial to learners, benefit

learners more, more effective

- Study in a group: learn in a team, study with friends/other students/others,

group study, have some company while studying

- Study alone: study independently/individually,study by oneself, single

learning, solitary learning, lone learners, indipendent learners

OPENING: (Paraphrasing + State your opinion)
While some people believe that it is more fruitful for students to study in a team,
others argue that studying independently is a preferable approach. I side with the
former view.


BODY 1 – Why others think that studying alone is better

1 – Topic sentence
On the one hand, it is true that single learning greatly benefits learners.

2 – Explain
First and foremost, independent students could study at their own pace without
being pushed or slowed down by other members, which would often be the case if
they were to study in a group.

3 – Example
For example, if the level of the students in a group is not uniform, those who are
more advanced may find it unchallenging while novices could feel intimidated.

4 – Explain
In addition, compared with those having partners while studying, lone learners are
more likely to concentrate on their study since there is no distraction from their
friends. As a result, they could maximize their learning time as well as their

BODY 2 – Why you think that studying in a group is better

1 – Topic sentence
On the one hand, notwithstanding the huge upsides of studying individually, I am
convinced that having some company while studying is more advantageous for

2 – Explain
Firstly, although students could be distracted by others in the group, this problem
can be solved by everybody in the team conforming to a study plan that prohibits
discussing unrelated matters. In fact, group study could expedites the learning process
as group members can collectively cover more knowledge than any single individual
ever could.

3 – Explain
Other than that, both fast learners and slower ones can benefit from discussing with
each other to get feedback on how well they perform, which helps the former to
solidify their knowledge and the latter to be more motivated to exert themselves (try
hard) for the sake of their team.

CONCLUSION – Paraphrase the thesis statement

In conclusion, while there is no doubt that studying by oneself

offers certain advantages to students, I am of the opinion that
studying with others is more effective in helping them achieve
desireable academic outcomes.


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