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Sleeping late meant delaying sleep till a late hour at night. It is common unhealthy habit that
may be attributed to certain medical conditions. Sleeping late can bring negative impacts to our
health as will to our daily routines and activities. Lack of sleep can make us lost our focus,our
mind won't function properly,which eventually will lead to different problems. Sleeping at a late
hour has become common for many people,that is why they are given a cognomen "Night

According to Wendy Troxel,a senior behavioral and social scientist and also a certified
behavioral sleep medicine specialist,adolescents have a biologically driven delay in their sleep-
wake schedules are uncontested and in fact,it is observed across cultures including those with
limited access to technology. Wendy also stated that an ideal schedule for most teens might be
something like bedtime of 11 p.m and wake up time of 8 a.m,she also added that this behavior
occurs during puberty. In the statement of Wendy, 11 p.m is a late hour bedtime,which has
become normal for teenagers.

Over the world,teenagers and adults are most likely the night owls,they spend most of their
time using gadgets,surfing the internet,or finishing some matters, this activities consume their
time until they won't realize how small the amount of time they are giving to their rest and
sleep time. Additionally, way before our time,sleeping at a late hour has also been part of our
ancestors daily lives,they were so occupied about improving our lifestyle that sleeping is the
least thing that's in their minds. Technology,unfinished businesses,and poor sleeping habits are
just some of the factors which lead people into depriving their sleep,which later on would cause
a certain problems.

According to the CDC healthy schools,adequate sleep contributes to a students overall health
and well-being. Students should get the proper amount of sleep at night to help stay
focused,improve concentration,and improve academic performance. If we lack sleep our focus
will be diverted into sleeping,sleepiness will occupy the minds of a person who lacks it,we won't
have enough energy to use throughout the day. There are visible signs we can observed at a
person who lacks sleep,their tend to have dark eyebags,they keep on yawning,their eyes looks
tired,and eventually takes a nap every chance they get. We can easily tell if a person is a night
owl due to this symptoms they are experiencing.
The most common night owls are those who works at night, example are the security guards
and call center agents. Their work is scheduled at night which required them to stay up all night
and sleep during daytime. We define late night sleep if the time you sleep at night is before and
above midnight,during this time people are usually asleep,but some would stay awake due to
some unfinished business or can't find sleep at all. Generally, an adult needs between 7 and 9
hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. A person will generally stabilize in how much sleep they
require during young adulthood and stay at the same level for the rest of their life.
Mostly,teens who would enter adulthood will eventually develop a different time schedule, in
short they would not complete the right amount of sleep.

Doctors always give advice to sleep at a right time and to get a good amount of sleep. Lack of
sleep may lead to health problems. It has been proven and observed that there has been an
increase of number regarding this issue,many people specifically teens are sleeping at a late
hour and has made it a daily habit. Poor sleep habits include an irregular bedtime
schedule,naps,stimulating activities before bed,an uncomfortable sleep environment,and using
your bed for work can interfere with your sleep cycle. It has been also said that busy
schedules,occasions or gathering,and stress can also deprive your sleep.

According to the Columbia Encyclopedia,Sixth Edition (2008), sleep is a resting state in which an
individual becomes relatively quiescent and relatively unaware of the environment. During
sleep which is a period of rest and relaxation,most physiological functions such as body
temperature, blood pressure, and rate of breathing and heartbeat decrease. However, sleep is
also a time for repaired and growth, and some tissues e.g, epithelium, proliferate more rapidly
during sleep. Sleep is very important to our life.

Considering all of this statements, this issue is not only present here in our community but also
in different lands of the world. As we observed here in our town, some people can be heard
busy or awake during midnight, which prove that late night sleep is now very common to most

As we observed at our school, Gala Vocational School, some students are spotted half-asleep
inside their classes. Other times are when flag raising is starting, students who are late would
often talk outside the gate as to how they woke up late because they have slept at a late hour.
Sometimes they would tackle on how sleeping late becomes common for them that they
eventually made it a competition on who slept the latest.


The purpose of this study is to find the the reasons and effects of late night sleep to the
academic performance of selected Senior High School Students. As well as to give information
or increase awareness as to how this issue affects those students.

This study intends to answer the following questions:

- What are the effects of late night sleep to the academic performance of Senior High School

- What are the factors that lead those Senior High School students into sleeping at a late hour?


The purpose of this study is to find the factors that lead Senior High School Students into
sleeping at a late hour, and to identify the effects they experience during the time that they lack
sleep. We tend to increase the awareness of other students to prevent this issue from growing
and eventually helps them to better understand the importance of sleep not just to their
studies but aslo to their health and daily life.

Specifically, this study intends to:

1.To find out the effects of late night sleep to the academic performance of Senior High School

2.To identify the factors which have lead those Senior High School Students into depriving their

Conceptual framework "represents ways of thinking about a program or a study, or ways of
representing how complex things work the way they do. (Bordage, 2009). A conceptual
framework typically specifies a set of relevant entities of study or action (such as actors,
organizations and outcomes) processes acting on this entities, and the presumed, observed or
predicted relationships between entities and processes (Rocco and Plakhotnik, 2009).
We choose this framework to show the relationship between the issue and academic
performance. We created a conceptual framework which will show the plan or framework of
the study we're about to conduct.




(Independent) (Independent)









The researchers chose this topic to better understand the effects of this issue to the
academic performance of Senior High School Students. And also to identify the factors which
lead them to this actions. This study is conducted to increase the awareness of people,
specifically the students, as to how this issue bring negative impacts to their academic

The targets who will benefit this study are the following:

STUDENTS - they are the main beneficiaries of this research study, particularly the students
here in Gala Vocational School, for this will increase their awareness about the negative effects
of late night sleep to their academic performance.

TEACHERS - if the students are in good condition or when they don't lack sleep, then the
students can participate well in class discussions and activities. Students will be more active due
to a good night sleep. This will be in favor to the teachers for it will make their work easier and
more wonderful.

PARENTS - It is also a big favor to the parents if their children sleeps at the right time, they
won't have to bother waking up their childs in the morning, they won't have to worry if their
children would wake up late for school.

SCHOOL - The school will benefit too, especially if the students are more active due to a good
night sleep. Less students will come late.

RESEARCHERS - this will also help us, the researchers, to fully understand and identify the
different effects of late night sleep to the academic performance of students. While were at this
we can also gather some additional information about this issue and increase our awareness
and knowledge.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS - This study can be use as a reference for the future researchers.


The general intention of our research study is to find out the effects of late night sleep to
the academic performance of Senior High School Students, as well as the factors that lead them
into depriving their sleep.
Our study is limited only for Senior High School Students in Gala Vocational School. This
study will mainly point out the different effects of late night sleep to each of the selected
students or participants in our research study. Similarly, we tend to find the different factors
which have lead those Senior High School Students into sleeping at a late hour. This study has
the intention of increasing the awareness other students, as to how this problem would affect
them negatively.

This study is enclosed only to those students who are experiencing this negative effects
and are indeed night owls. The participants of this study will answer a survey questionnaire
truthfully, this will the researchers to identify the different impacts of late night sleep to the
students who are experiencing this issue.

This study will be conducted with limited amount of resources, finance and time. This
study covers from August 2022 - February 2023, it includes the planning and collecting data.


LATE NIGHT SLEEP - delaying sleep until a very late hour at night.

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

attached their short or long-term educational goals.
EFFECTS - a change that results when something is done or happens.

FACTORS - something that helps or influence a result. One of the thing that cause something to

NIGHT OWLS - is a person who tends to stay up until late night, or to the very late hours of

AWARENESS - knowing and understanding a lot about what is happening in the world around

STUDY - the activity or process of learning about something by reading, memorizing facts,
attending school, etc.


Sleep loss results in the loss of concentration and increased sleepiness during day.
Students who are struggling with excessive sleep loss are increasing those symptoms and
affecting their ability to perform will in school.
The optimal amount of sleep for a teenager is approximately nine hours (Noland 225;
Epstein; school of public health 18). If a teenager sleeps less than nine hours then they may
experience sleep deprivation (Bergin 45; school of public health 18). Therefore, a students
academic ability, behavior and physical potential can be affected by sleep deprivation (Bergin
45; Black 34; Gibson Powles, and Thabane; school of public health 19). Hence, a students
grade will drop if they continually miss sleep (Black 35; Epstein; Noland 224). Sleep deprivation
could also cause health problems by increasing stress and obesity (Black 35; Epstein; Noland

Sleep is a complex process that we all experience everyday. Without proper sleep we
cannot function properly and the risk of several different health problem increases. The lack of
sleep affects our social and work life. Learning becomes challenging and we become forgetful.
Thousands of students around the world are at risk of sleep deprivation which contributes to
lower academic outcomes (Merenheimo, 2018).

Additionally, base on the study of National Sleep Foundation (2017), sleep debt is even more
critical in children. The sleep conference held in June revealed some alarming data. Sleep debt
can shorten children's attention span and even bring on ADHD like symptoms. The research
says that children can be misdiagnosed with ADHD merely because they aren't spending
enough time sleeping. Unlike tired or sleepy adults who becomes slow, children compensate for
their exhaustion by becoming hyperactive and loud, that is why they cannot comprehend why
they are becoming.

A study by Brigham and Womens Hospital (2018), shows how a regular bedtime has a
significant impact on sleep, not just the number of hours slept. The research measured sleep
circadian rhythms as will as the association to academic performance among college students.
Researchers studied 61 full-time undergraduate students from Harvard College over 30 days.
Using sleep diaries, they were able to quantify sleep regularly using the SRI (sleep regularity
index). Then the relationship between the SRI, sleep duration, distribution of sleep across the
day and one's semester's academic performance was examined by the researchers.

Additionally, according to Segaren (2018), for decades, the dreaded all-nighter has been
viewed as a fundamental pillar of the college student experience. Visit any college campus
library during exam season and you'll most likely find students prepped to stay up all night
glued to their books. At least one library or study hall stays open on campus 24/7,
accomodating scores of students who stay up all night to cram in revision for upcoming exams.
Most students probably know that depriving themselves from sleep is bad, but nonetheless
they're willing to sacrifice sleep and as a consequence, health, telling themselves it's just for a
short time and they can soon start sleeping 12-hours a day once the semester draws to close.
But research shows that sleep is extremely important, not just during final week but throughout
the entire semester. College students are known for slapdash sleeping habits, but this patterns
could be detrimentally impacting your performance, and it's time to nip them in the bud. But
besides pulling all-nighters, many college students generally don't know what it means to have
a good sleeping routine. Due to class schedules that differ on a daily basis, part-time jobs, extra-
curricular and social activities, students adapt to irregular sleep cycles that can seriously impact
their academic performance as will as mental and physical health. They tend to 'make -up' for
the lack of sleep by laying on bed on weekends or days off, but this just makes the irregular
cycle even worse.

Another study from Drillinger (2018) the American Psychological Association reports that
millennials are the most stressed out generation, with much of that stress resulting from
anxiety and loss of sleep. But getting enough sleep is only part of the problem, at least in the
case of millennials.

Based on Kathleen (2018), sleep deprivation occurs when an individual gets less sleep
than they need to feel awake and alert. People vary on how little sleep is needed to be
considered sleep-deprived. Some people such as older adults seem to be more resistant to the
effects of sleep deprivation, while others, especially children and young adults, are more

However, Simon (2019), stated that the good news is that the effects of a lack of sleep may
not be as bad as one would expect. How refreshed a person feel in the morning will depend
both on the continuity and architecture of sleep knowing that the first few hours of sleep are
the most beneficial in terms of physical restoration which is why one will sometimes wake up
after 3 hours of sleep abd feel well rested. It is the exclusion of certain sleep stages that was
linked to many of the negative effects of sleep deprivation discussed.

National Sleep Foundation (2017) report indicates, "50 to 70 million Americans are
affected by sleep problems that can diminish health, alertness and safety". Inadequate sleep is
a common problems among college students (Todd and Mullan 2014). Many students report
that they are sleep deprived (Huang, Yang, Wu, Liu and Chen, 2014).

A study reported in CNN (Knight 2017) indicated, students grades could be linked to their
sleep schedules. In another cross-sectional study, Faris et al. (2016) found that energy drink
consumption is associated with reduced sleep quality among college students.

According to James Zeitzer (2016), having inadequate of sleep can affect the students
performance the next day, having two following nights of having less than six hours could lead a
student inactive and can cause dizziness for the rest of the week. Researchers also found out
that staying up more hours before going to bed, even if it follows by a full night's sleep the next
day, are more related with slower performance of the students. But going to bed an hour
earlier than normal time of sleep has a minor effect. The web-scale study are responsible for
the perception of the impact of sleep deprivation in the real world especially in students who
are prone to this kind of situation, where people compensate for lost sleep with extra coffee
and naps, and otherwise adapt to life circumstances that limit sleep.

What does sleep really do for every individual? Aside from allowing the body to rest,
sufficient, quality sleep allows our minds to refresh, and facilitates the transfer of short-term to
long-term memory. Proper sleep has proven to help students perform better in school the
following day, particularly in complicated tasks like mathematics. Decision making and
emotionally stability are also affected by the right amount of sleep.

According to Tan, R. (2019), The importance of sleep,


This research study is a qualitative phenomenological study. The data we needed in this
research is non-numerical, for their experiences is our main objective. The compilation of data
in this research focuses on the experience and opinions of the selected
participants/respondents. The design must gain the needed answers truthfully and exactly.

We will focus mainly on collecting the data, which are from the experiences of the students, it
can be negative or positive all of the answers are considered as long as it is answered honestly.
Similarly, we tend to identify their opinions this certain issue which will give us more knowledge
and perspective regarding our research.
The researchers have chose/used this research design because we mainly focus on the
experiences of thes students as well as their opinions.


The target population for this study are the Senior High School Students, having the total
population of 395, that is both Grade 11 and 12 students. The selected respondents must or
should have been observed to be night owls, or the students who are experiencing this issue,
those students will give us the needed answers.

We will only select five (5) students for each section, for the Grade-12 students there are 7
sections, while the Grade-11 students have a total of six (6) sections. In total we have a
population of sixty-five (65) Senior High School Students, thirty-five (35) for the Grade-12
Students and thirty (30) for the Grade-11 Students.

In this study we will only choose those who are known and observed to be a night owls.
In this research study we will use the snowball sampling technique. We can quickly identify the
respondents/participants we needed through this sampling, for our issue/topic is quiet popular
this days, we can often hear them, see it through social media and mainly based on

Students who will be chosen to be our respondents will surely tell us more about the other
students or their classmates who are involve in this issue.
In this research study we will use survey questionnaires that would seek the important details
or data that are needed in our study. This will help us identify or find out their answers,
specifically their experiences.

The survey questionnaire was constructed by the researchers which includes a series of
questions that will primarily focus on determining the experiences or effects of the sleep
deprivation to their academic performance. Similarly, their are some questions which will
identify the factors that might have lead them into this action.

1.Did you experience some negative effects when you lack sleep?




2.How late do you usually sleep?

A.11 p.m

B.12 p.m

C.1 a.m

D.2 a.m or above

3.How often do you sleep at a late hour?




4.Do you tend to wake up late because you lack of sleep?





5.What time do you usually wake up?

A.7 a.m

B.8 a.m

C.9 a.m

D.10 a.m or above

6.What is/are the possible factors that lead you into sleeping late?


B.Internet surfing

C.Watching TV

7.Did you experience being late for school because of sleep deprivation?





8.What is the possible effect do you experience when you lack sleep, specifically during class

A.Loses focus

B.Drowsiness in class

C.Frequent yawning


9.Are there things,food and drinks that helps you stay awake even at a very late hour at night?





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