Art Appreciation Introduction

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Art “Ars”

Skill, talent, ability

- a skill in making or doing something

(The World Book Encyclopedia, 1995).

- expression of the creative skill and imagination

in different genres
for appreciation of beauty and emotional power
(Oxford Online Dictionary, 2020).

history literature

religion language

It is derived from the Greek words philos or philein,
which means love
and sophia which means wisdom.
Hence, philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom.

It is derived from the Latin word historia,
which means to scribble and record the events in the past.

These two fields enhance either logical or sequential thinking,

which is essential to the artist’s imagination and expression in art.
- is derived from the Latin word
religare or religio, which means to
It is a form of obligation that binds
the faithful with one Divine Power.

It enhances the art of meditation and reflection for

discernment, good judgment, self-control,
fortitude and sound decision-making process of the artist.
- is a derivative of the Latin word littera or litteratura,
which means letter or knowledge of books.

- it concentrates on the study of fiction like myths, epics,

folktales, short stories, poems and drama.

Non-fiction deals with prose and narratives in essays, news,

research, technical reports and other printed media
that depict cultural implications of people’s life in the society.

- it enhances the art of writing and reading of an individual.

- from the Latin word lingua, which means tongue.
- it provides avenues for better communication
using the art of speaking and listening.

Oration, declamation, story-telling,

news reporting and public speaking
are the techniques
for auditory arts.
Auditory Art

- is essential to promote understanding,

peace and harmony in the society
by listening to individual voices
either in print or audio media.

The power of words in effective communication

can never be underestimated
– it heals or kills.
the Greek word mousa, which means muse and the Latin word Musa,
- from
which denotes the goddess of music, to represent a song or poetry
for appreciation of beauty bring the etymology of music
(Mansfield, 1923).

- is pleasing combination and succession of sound

with or without the use of musical instruments
(Harper, 2020).

This auditory art relaxes the soul and stirs pleasant and happy emotions
by singing, humming, chanting, rapping and engaging in jingles and tonal rhymes
(Inocian, 2018)
Why art is important?
Art highlights and heightens the importance of certain events
in order to keep them memorable and pleasurable.

Art enables us to get a glimpse of the thoughts, feelings

and beliefs of the people in their time
and the faces in their environment.

It enables us to value and appreciate beautiful things

as a consequence of our encounter with arts.
Art may influence us to change our ways
and behavior as a result of the aesthetic experience
we derived from arts.

Arts are valuable sources of inspirations

and aesthetic delightful experience
through the artist works of art.
Meaning and
Meaning and Importance
Importance of
of Art

Art appreciation is the ability to interpret

and understand arts
and enjoy them through actual work experience
with art tools and materials

Art appreciation refers to the knowledge and understanding

of the general and everlasting qualities
that classify all great arts.
Art appreciation is the introduction
and exploration of visual and performing art forms.

Art appreciation is the possession of the works of art

for one’s admiration and satisfaction.

Art appreciation is the analysis of the form of an art

to general audience to enhance their enjoyment
and satisfaction of the works of art.
Assumptions of Art
Art is universal
In every country of the world,
art exist because it is important to people’s lives.

It is the oldest and most important means of expression

developed by man in any culture.

In fact, man learned to draw before he could even start to talk

as evidenced by some early paintings in caves and trunks of trees
– shown in prehistoric times.

Art has been created by all people of the world at all times;
it has lived because it is liked and enjoyed.

The elements and forms of art apply to all arts everywhere.

Art is cultural
Art contributes to the understanding
of past and present cultures.
Through art, people learn about their culture’s values
and strengthen their culture’s identity.
Through art, the people feel proud of their customs, traditions
and beliefs because they give a sense of belonging.

The artist's work such as painting, sculpture, music, dances,

ceramics, prints and others are records of their society’s culture.

They create within the person’s sensitivities toward their community,

their country and the world around them.
Art is not nature
Art is not nature because it is man-made.

Nature, such as the mountains, the

lakes, rivers, land terrain
are made by God and not by man.

Thus, art, and not nature,

is made by man by all times.
Art is an expression of the mind
Art is a form of expression of the
deepest emotion of the mind.

The egoic mind (conscious mind)

and the echoic mind (unconscious mind)
together making up the totality of thinking.

Artistic expression may be express 100% in conscious mind

but those who are extremely artistic or right-brained individuals,
they may be more creative and are able to recognize the value of
linking seemingly unrelated thoughts or ideas, methods and concepts
because of their frequent practice.
Art is a form of creativity
Art is a product of the imagination
that entertains, pleases and inspire people.

The various artworks of artists reflect

the artist’s power of creativity.

Artists create artwork about anything they want,

imagine or see around them.

They use their imagination to create any artwork

using strange shape and different kinds of links and colors.
Color expresses the artist’s personal feelings and moods.

Color symbolize ideas.

It brings art a particular meaning, mood and feeling in an artwork.
The artist choice of color expresses the beauty
and elegance of the artist’s work
and also feeling the artist has at that moment.

Therefore, we can say that art is creative, not imitative;

artworks are produced by human creative skill and imagination.
Art involves experience
Artist use their experiences to ventilate their feelings
through the works that they make.
Some artists focus on societal problems,
issues and concerns.
Some of them use expressionism
to communicate strong and intense feelings.

They reflect in their works on the brink of socio-cultural problems

because of their experiences.

The expression of the artists are shown in the way they express
their feelings towards their artwork.
Today’s activity

1. Why is art universal? 5 pts.

2. Why art is not nature? 5 pts.

3. Why does art demand involvement? 5 pts.

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