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Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A persist as a result of biological and psychological

Mental Health Disorder
(Biochemical Aspect)
Heartche L. Selibio
Central Mindanao University

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a mental health disorder
characterized by persistent and constant worrying or anxiety
which is multifocal. It is believed to develop and persist as a Female sex, low socioeconomic position, and exposure
result of biological and psychological causes. Interaction to childhood adversity (such as physical or sexual abuse,
between the nervous and endocrine systems or the neglected, and violence), alcoholism, and drug use are
Neuroendocrinology is also said to play a part in the all known risk factors for generalized anxiety
development of the said mental disorder. This paper discussed disorder. There are multiple factors that contributes to
about different factors that results to development of GAD,
the development of GAD.
specifically in the Neurochemical/Biochemical aspect.
Discussion of development and progression of GAD provides
a thorough idea about the mental health disorder and its II. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
biochemistry. In this review, a discussion of pathogenesis;
neuroendocrinology, role of genetics, epinephrine, Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an ubiquitous
norepinephrine, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), and impairing but frequently goes undiagnosed and
apelin 36, oxidative Stress, serotonin and GABA were untreated illness. Patients with GAD are at increased
presented. Furthermore, Diagnosis and treatments which risk to commit suicide, experience cardiovascular-
includes psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were also
related problems, and other psychological and physical
health conditions. Some symptoms of GAD are
Keywords: Generalized anxiety disorder, epinephrine, chronic, persistent anxiety and worry, along with
norepinephrine, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, vague physical and psychological symptoms (such as
oxidative stress, apelin 36, serotonin, GABA restlessness, exhaustion, trouble focusing, irritability,
muscle tension, or sleep difficulties). Although
CONTENT worrying is a common human experience, pathological
I. Introduction worry stands out more for its severity and negative
II. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) impact on functioning than for its content. Women are
III. Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
twice as likely as males to experience GAD. With low
IV. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Pathogenesis
Role of Genetics in GAD social standing, widowhood, separation, or divorce, or
Role of Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and 3- middle age raises the likelihood of developing GAD.
methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in GAD Comorbid psychiatric diseases,
Role of Apelin 36 and Oxidative Stress in GAD neurochemistry/biochemistry, a history of substance
Role of Serotonin and GABA in GAD misuse or trauma, and a family history of GAD are
V. Neuroendocrinology/Immunology additional risk factors. In older persons, persistent
VI. Treatment medical conditions may coexist with new-onset GAD.
VII. Conclusion
VIII. References III. Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

I. Introduction The length of GAD screening tests varies, and many

include screening for additional disorders. The
single screening question: "Are you nervous? " has
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most 100% sensitivity and 59% specificity among average
prevalent anxiety disorders seen in both general primary care patients. In the past two weeks, how
medical practice and the general population. GAD is frequently did patients experience "feeling
characterized by persistent and constant anxiety. This apprehensive, anxious, or on edge" and "not being able
excessive hard to manage anxiety about multiple to stop or control worrying," was asked in 2-item
things is frequently accompanied by Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-2) screening
nonspecific psychological and physical tool. For a total score of 0 to 6, each question is given
symptoms. Patients with GAD are at increased risk for a score of 0, 1, 2, or 3. For detecting GAD, a score of
suicide, other mental and physical health conditions, 3 or higher has a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity
such as chronic pain syndromes, asthma or chronic of 83%. Combining the GAD-2 tool with the PHQ-2
obstructive pulmonary disease, and inflammatory bowel (which has sensitivity), the 4-item Patient Health.
disease. There are multiple factors that contributes to the Questionnaire (PHQ-4), which has sensitivity of 83%
development of GAD, which believed to develop and and specificity of 90% for major depressive disorder,
offers a quick and accurate screening for both major patients, genome-wide association studies (GWAs)
depressive disorder and GAD. Patients with a positive identified the rs78602344 region on chromosome 6 as a
result on any screening tool should be further common finding in GAD patients. A collection of
evaluated to assess whether they meet the diagnostic GWAs was used to analyze the information from the
criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of brainstorm consortium in order to find patterns of
Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). heritability and genetic associations. Psychiatric
disorders like anxiety and MDD were less genetically
distinct and shared more variant alleles that represented
Diagnostic Criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder risk factors than neurological disorders like epilepsy and
(1) Excessive anxiety and worry about various Parkinson's disease.
events have occurred more days than not for at Role of Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and 3-
least 6 months. methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in GAD
(2) The person finds it difficult to control the
worry. The sympathetic adrenal medullary discharge of
(3) The anxiety and worry are associated with at catecholamines, which is the source of most peripheral
least three of the following six symptoms (only epinephrine, can produce many of the somatic
one symptom is required in children): symptoms of anxiety. Some anxious patients, but not all,
restlessness or a feeling of being keyed up or have been found to have increased peripheral adrenergic
“on edge,” being easily fatigued, having discharge, while increased epinephrine (E) but not
difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle norepinephrine (NE) were found in non-patients. In both
tension, and sleep disturbance. normal and phobic-anxious patients, there is a strong
(4) The anxiety, worry, or associated physical correlation between plasma MHPG levels and anxiety
symptoms cause clinically significant distress ratings. Studies shows the relationship between the
or impairment in important areas of major metabolite of NE, 3-methoxy-4-
functioning. hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), and the locus coeruleus
(5) The disturbance is not due to the physiological and central adrenergic system, which have also been
effects of a substance or medical condition. linked to anxiety states. Norepinephrine is a
(6) The disturbance is not better accounted for by catecholamine that causes a physiological stress
another mental disorder. response by activating the sympathetic nervous system
Patients must meet all 6 criteria for a diagnosis of (SNS) and acting as both a hormone and a
neurotransmitter. Patients with GAD typically present
with tachycardia and diaphoresis as somatic symptoms
IV. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Pathogenesis of SNS activation. Anxiety and the functioning of the
norepinephrine system have been studied through
Generalized anxiety disorder is hypothesized to develop
chronic stress exposure, accordingly, long-term stress
and persist as a result of biological and psychological
exposure raised plasma norepinephrine levels. There
causes. While the psychosocial component examines
was a correlation between higher levels and increased α 2
intrapsychic, social, and learning theories of the
receptor binding sites, indicating that chronic anxiety
condition, the biological section includes contributions
resulted in norepinephrine system upregulation.
from genetics, neurochemistry or biochemistry,
neurophysiology, and neuroendocrinology.
Role of Genetics in GAD
Clinical research has focused a lot on how general
factors contribute to morbid anxiety. Family studies data
suggest a four-to fivefold lifetime risk expansion in
fostering an anxiety disorder among first degree family
members, and recent twin studies looking at anxious
traits have observes heredity rates going from 0.32 to
0.42. Due to their association with impaired serotonin
reuptake, polymorphisms of 5-HTTLPR in the promoter
region of the serotonin transporter gene have been
identified as potential candidate genes for anxiety
Figure 1. Norepinephrine degradation. 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol is
disorders. These variants may sensitize corticolimbic shown at right. Enzymes are shown in boxes.
pathways to decreased stress resilience and increased
anxiety, and is more prevalent in GAD patients than in Role of Apelin 36 and Oxidative Stress in GAD
non-patients. A significant single-nucleotide Apelin is an endogenous ligand for G protein bound APJ
polymorphism was found in twin subjects, and receptors in the central nervous system, which prevents
additional studies have highlighted coding and the death of hippocampal neurons. While oxidative
noncoding regions as potential areas for further stress was occurred by free radicals which caused
investigation into the etiology of generalized anxiety apoptosis in the hippocampus, hypothalamus and
disorder. In a study of over 12,000 Hispanic or Latino amygdala of the central nervous system (CNS). One
study showed that serum apelin-36 levels were found structure's abundance of double bonds. Cell instability
significantly lower in people with GAD than in the as a result of lipid peroxidation damage compromises
control group. It has been shown that GAD is linked to a fluidity, permeability, signal transduction, and alters
pro-inflammatory response. Inflammatory cytokines like receptor, mitochondrial DNA, and nuclear DNA.
IL-1, IL-6, and TNF- have been found in the Oxidizing stress from free radicals is one of the factors
hippocampus and amygdala, suggesting that they may that contributes to an increase in the speed of the cell
be involved in etiopathogenesis. In the same brain cycle and consequent premature cell death, resulting to
regions, it has been shown that Apelin prevents the many degenerative diseases in the central nervous
secretion of these cytokines and was shown to have a system, as well as psychiatric disturbances.
neuroprotective effect by preventing neuronal apoptosis
in GAD patients, in addition to its anti-proinflammatory The CNS shows increased susceptibility to oxidative
cytokine effect in the brain. By inhibiting the release of stress due to its high consumption rate (20% of the total
inflammatory and anxiolytic cytokines, Apelin prevents oxygen inhaled by the body) that accounts for the
neuronal cell apoptosis. increased generation of oxygen free radicals and
reactive oxygen substrates. Since all the cells and tissues
The accumulation of free radicals and/or the absence of of our body are also equipped with antioxidative
antioxidants compromise the integrity of the envelope enzymes such as super oxide dismutase (SOD),
phospholipids of neurons in the cortical regions, such as glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase
the amygdala and the hippocampus. These modifications (GRd) and substances like reduced glutathione (GSH),
affect the density and functions of catecholamine they dispose the free radicals as and when they are
receptors like GABA and generated thereby protecting the cells and tissues from
serotonin/dopamine/noradrenaline which assume a part the oxidative attack. Degenerative changes are the root
in the pathophysiology of GAD. The structures that are cause of numerous degenerative diseases when the
responsible for organizing the stress response, such as balance is skewed more toward the production of free
the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala, radicals. Brain has a low degree of antioxidative defense
commonly contain Apelin and its receptors. By reducing system as the concentration of different antioxidative
the release of cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF- in enzymes like SOD, GPX, GRd and catalase is low in
these brain regions, Apelin inhibits the inflammatory brain. One study found that patients with generalized
response. The apelinergic system has been shown to anxiety disorder had higher levels of MDA and lower
improve behavioral performance and protect neurons by levels of SOD, glutathione, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C
preventing apoptosis in some studies. In disrupting before therapy and showed reversal of values following
synaptic plasticity, it promotes the release of treatment over a period of three months thereby suggest
inflammatory cytokines, and triggering preapoptotic an association between increased oxidative stress and
signaling, free radicals trigger apoptosis in the CNS's the generalized anxiety disorders.
hypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala.
Role of Serotonin and GABA in GAD
A condition known as oxidative stress alters the normal
intracellular balance of oxidant substances produced Another monoamine neurotransmitter is serotonin (5-
during aerobic metabolism and antioxidant system HT), which can be found in the CNS, intestines, and
processes that neutralize free radicals, activating a platelets in the blood. The brainstem raphe nuclei are
number of enzymatic and non-enzymatic protective where the majority of the serotonin-producing neurons
mechanisms. If free radicals overwhelm the body's are clustered in the CNS. Anxious-trait patients had
ability to regulate them, a condition known as oxidative higher levels of serotonin neuronal activity, synthesis,
stress ensues. Due to the presence of free, unpaired and transporter availability than healthy controls in
electrons, these chemical species are highly reactive. humans. Activity of serotonin receptors and the
serotonin transporter (5-HT) has been studied in GAD.
In mice, variations in stress resilience were caused by
early suppression and overexpression of serotonin
receptors. This suggests that early factors in receptor
modulation may be the cause of lifelong susceptibility to
exaggerated stress responses. In human studies,
polymorphisms in 5-HTT alleles have been associated
with trait anxiety. As a result, clinical drug development
continues to target the serotonin transporter, impairment
Figure 2. The cells in our body develop free radicals when the metabolic of reuptake, and subtypes of serotonin receptors.
processes are driven in a normal manner, but these free radicals are
balanced out by the production of antioxidants. The imbalance between
the production of free radicals and antioxidants in the body (Oxidative
The majority of brain regions contain amino acid
Stress) neurotransmitter GABA, the primary inhibitory CNS
The delicate homeostatic mechanisms that involve neurotransmitter. Additionally, the benzodiazepine
neurotransmitters, hormones, oxidizing substances, and anxiolytics are well-described full agonists at the
numerous other mediators are compromised by an GABAA receptor complex, enhancing native GABA's
increase in free radicals. Polyunsaturated fatty acids effectiveness at the receptor. Several potential candidate
(PUFAs) make cell membranes susceptible to damage genes have been localized following the identification of
from free radicals, resulting in peroxidation, due to their GABA receptor genes that are associated with anxiety
disorders. Anxiety disorders in humans were linked to immunotherapy targets for anxiety may emerge from
SLC6A1 GABA transporter gene polymorphisms. further study of pro- and anti-inflammatory proteins.
The evaluation of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) inhibitors
for the treatment 3. SLC6A1
of mood mechanism
disorders has resulted from
the inhibition of the production of cytokines and other
inflammatory entities like prostaglandins. The
administration of COX-2 inhibitors and substrate-
selective COX-2 inhibitors decreased the onset of stress-
induced symptoms and fear behaviors in animal and
mouse models. Muller et al. (2006) also conducted a
placebo-controlled, randomized study found that the
combination of the antidepressant reboxetine and the
COX-2 inhibitor cele-coxib reduced depressive
symptoms. These findings have implications for future
GAD treatment strategies.
VI. Treatment
Homeostasis between GABA and glutamate Psychotherapy aims to assists patients develop effective
neurotransmission is thought to be responsible for strategies to cope with symptoms of anxiety. Addressing
appropriate emotional regulation, and GABAergic this unrealistic outlook by cognitive therapy and
neurons exert inhibitory control over pathways linked to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has therefore been
the amygdala. Deficits in intercortical facilitation, a effective for GAD patients. Applied relaxation to target
neural communication process controlled by GABA A the excessive worry and muscle tension of GAD is also
and GABAA receptors, were found to be associated with an effective treatment. A combination of psychotherapy
an abnormal rise in anxiety symptoms in GAD patients. and pharmacotherapy is promising for the treatment of
Another study of the central benzodiazepine receptors depression, and so it is possible that a similar combined
found that benzodiazepine binding is significantly approach may prove effectiveness in the treatment of
reduced in the left temporal pole of patients with GAD. GAD.
The density distribution of these cerebral
benzodiazepine receptors is more homogenous than in Pharmacotherapy
control subjects, providing evidence for deficits in Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines became widely
GABA function in GAD. available in the 1960s and all have anxiolytic, hypnotic,
V. Neuroendocrinology/Immunology anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. They are
produced by potentiating the effects of gamma-
Generalized anxiety may occur in the presence of aminobutyric acid (GABA) at GABAA
endocrine disorders and following exogenous hormone receptors/chloride ion channel complexes. This
administration. In addition, the HPA axis is a crucial interaction leads to hyperpolarization and reduced
feedback circuit that triggers the release of multiple neural transmission throughout the central nervous
hormones during stress, eventually leading to the system. Benzodiazepines are anxiolytic in patients with
adrenal glands producing cortisol. Albeit the HPA is GAD and have a rapid onset of action. However, their
enacted by stressors, aftereffects of studies examining efficacy in long-term treatment may not be as robust as
cortisol levels in GAD have been mixed: GAD patients assumed.
have been found to have baseline hypercortisolemia.
However, hair samples from GAD patients and control
subjects also showed signs of hypercortisolemia,
suggesting that cortisol is secreted less frequently in
times of chronically high stress. Some of the most
important stress hormones, such as adrenocorticotropin
and cortisol, have been studied as potential biomarkers
for stress and anxiety. Additionally, immune processes
are regulated by the HPA axis.
Abnormal levels of hormones, including cortisol, are
related with either pro-inflammatory or smothered Figure 4. GABA is mediator of Benzodiazepine- induced drug effects
immunological reactions. C-reactive protein (CRP), Azapirones. The azapirone group of compounds-
interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), buspirone, ipsapirone, and gepirone, is structurally and
all statistically significant elevations in subjects with pharmacologically unrelated to benzodiazepines, but
increased cognitive and somatic symptoms of anxiety, also has anxiolytic properties. The mechanism of the
were found in the Netherlands study of Depression and anxiolytic action of buspirone and other azapirones is
Anxiety, which examined data from more than 2,800 not fully understood, but has been speculated to involve
adult participants. In the future, promising
reduced firing of serotonergic nerve fibers through the
partial agonist effect of these compounds at presynaptic
serotonin-1A (5-HT1A) autoreceptors on serotonergic
nerve cell bodies. Patients with GAD respond to
buspirone in a manner that is comparable to that of
benzodiazepines in terms of anxiety reduction, albeit at
a slower rate and lasting at least two weeks. Although
buspirone is the only agent currently available from this
group, ipsapirone and gepirone both have similar effects VIII. References
on GAD.
Bahçeci İ., et al. (2021). Evaluation of the Relationship between Apelin 36
and Oxidative Stress in Patients with General Anxiety Disorder. Middle
Black Sea Journal of Health Science. 2021; 7(3): 397-403.

Barlow, D.H. and Wineze, J. (2007). DSM-IV and Beyond: What is Geralized
Anxiety Disorder? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.

DeMartini, J. MD, et al. (2019). Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Annals of

Internal Medicine.

Gorman, J. MD (2021). Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Figure 5. 5-HT1A partial agonist (buspirone) mechanism of action.
Additional treatments (pharmacotherapy) for GAD
Munjack, D.J., et al. (1997). Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Some Biochemical
includes the intake of tricyclic anti-depressants, Aspects. Psychiatry Research, Volume 32, Issue 1.
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and
serotonin- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor-
venlafaxine. Ranjana, K.S., et al. (2012). Markers of Oxidative Stress in Generalized
Anxiety Psychiatric Disorder: Therapeutic Implications. Journal of Stress
VII. Conclusions Physiology & Biochemistry.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a common and
impairing illness. Symptoms includes chronic,
Spitzer, R. MD, et al. (2010) A Brief Measure for Assessing Generalized
persistent anxiety and worry, along with vague Anxiety Disorder: The GAD-7. Arch Intern Med.
physical and psychological symptoms (such as
restlessness, exhaustion, trouble focusing, irritability,
muscle tension, or sleep difficulties). The length of Stein, M.B., MD, MPH and Sareen, J., MD. (2015). Generalized Anxiety
its screening tests varies, and many include screening Disorder. The New England Journal of Medicine.
for additional disorders. Patients with a positive
result on any screening tool will be further evaluated
to assess whether they meet the diagnostic criteria in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Generalized
Anxiety Disorder’s pathogenesis includes the role of
Genetics, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and 3-
methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG). Apelin 36,
Oxidative Stress, Serotonin and GABA also plays a
part in the development of GAD. The interaction
between the nervous and endocrine systems or the
Neuroendocrinology have also been linked to the
pathogenesis of GAD. Treatment for GAD involves
psychotherapy (cognitive therapy and cognitive
behavioral therapy) and pharmacotherapy (intake of
Benzodiazepines, Azapirones, Tricyclic anti-
depressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs), and serotonin- norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitor- venlafaxine.

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