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Class : Essay Writing (D)

Members :
1. Vera Marta S. (225110500111015)
2. Itsna Nahdliyatul Azza (225110500111004)

The Effects of Junk Food on Our Health

Food is the basis of the human diet. Lately, junk food has become a widely consumed
food by the public because it doesn’t take a long time to serve and it’s practical. Although
junk food gives us quick service and convenience, it’s very important to be aware of the
negative effects they bring on our health. Behind the instant pleasure of junk food, the
effects of junk food overconsumption extend to several aspects of our well-being, including
several potential health risks caused by junk food. There are several effects that can be
caused by eating too much junk food.

1st effect
The first effect caused by eating too much junk food is obesity.
1. Junk food often contains high calories and unhealthy fat, but low fiber.
2. The high sugar levels in junk food contribute to weight gain and increased risk of

2nd effect
Another consequence of eating junk food is lack of essential nutrients.
1. Junk food doesn’t contain enough nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
2. Unbalanced nutrients can cause our bodies to become weak and get sick easily.

3rd effect
Eating too much junk food will increase the risk of chronic diseases.
1. Junk food contains unhealthy fats which can cause many chronic diseases.
2. Some chronic diseases that can be caused by eating too much junk food are heart
disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

So, in conclusion, when people are attached too much to junk food, it can lead to obesity,
result in a lack of essential nutrients, and increase the risk of chronic diseases. We can
give a solution to these problems by knowing better food choices, encouraging healthier
options, and making rules to support good eating habits for ourselves

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