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Zenati Middle School

2nd Term Test

Level: 2Ms


Mum: Take some fruits for me and your dad.

Sandra: okay mum but I’ll take more apples for me, I hate the other fruits.
Dad: Do not forget the strawberries for me, I like them a lot.
Mum: Is there any milk left in the fridge, Robert?
Dad: I think there is but I’m not sure. I can’t remember. Have a look at our shopping list.
Daughter: I’ll take a coke and a chocolate bar too, mum.
Mum: But that’s very bad for your health!
Dad: Your mum’s right Sandra.
Mum: Ok. Here’s the shopping list: two bags of flour, two bags of sugar,
three cartons of milk, two cartons of orange juice, two jars of jam, tinned sardines and
tuna, tinned tomato puree, two packets of dried grapes and , salt, pepper, olive oil and
Dad: Your shopping trolley’s going to be very heavy in a minute, Sandra.
(When the shopping is over, the family heads towards the cashier who puts the
Shopping in shopping bags and gives the father a receipt when he pays.)
Part One
Reading comprehension(7pts)
Task One: I read the text and say “true” “false”(3pts)
1. The family goes shopping for clothes…………………………..

2. Sandra is the name of the shop assistant……………………..

3. Soda and chocolate are good for health……………………...

Task Two: Answer the questions (2pts):

1-Does the family use a shopping list ?

2-Who pays the cashier?


Task Three: Find the(2pts):

a) Synonym of: Refrigerator =………………… Mother =…………………..…

b) Opposite of: Love ≠……………………….. Good ≠………………………
Mastery of Language (7pts):
Task One: Choose the correct answer (3pts).
- l want ( many / much) sugar in my tea.

- There ( is / are ) five apples in the basket.

- There is not ( any / some) water in the cup.

Task Two: Reoder the following words to get a coherrent sentences (2pts)

1- /need / . / any / We / apples /don’t /

2-/you / ? /help /Can /I /

Task Three: fill in the blanks using : ( Right – How – Next – Supermarket) (2pts)

A: Excuse me sir! ............... can I get to the………………?

B: Go straight on , then turn ....................... It is …………… the bakery.

Part Two

Integrated Situation(6pts)

Your friend wants to go to the supermarket help him to find the way.

Fill in the blanks using (Next-Between-Can-Walk-Right-Far)

The library

The supermarket

The hotel

Friend: can you show me the way to the library?

you: Yes, I ....................

Friend: is it ...................?

You: No it is not very far from here. first you just ..............straight, turn ............... it
is the mosque................the library and the hotel.

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