Narrative Report (Carlo)

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Our Lady of the Pillar College-San Manuel, Inc.

District 3, San Manuel, Isabela, Philippines

College Department S.Y. 2022– 2023

Here are five questions and answers about interviewing people regarding social norms and the
possible consequences of violating those types of norms:

Question 1: What are some common social norms that people are expected to follow?
Response: Some common social norms include personal space boundaries, appropriate dress
codes, and using polite language.

Question 2: What are the consequences of violating social norms?

Response: The consequences of violating social norms can range from mild embarrassment to
serious social exclusion or legal penalties.

Question 3: Why do people sometimes intentionally violate social norms?

Response: People may intentionally violate social norms as a form of rebellion, to gain attention,
or to challenge the status quo.

Question 4: How do social norms vary across different cultures and communities?
Response: Social norms can vary widely across different cultures and communities, based on
factors such as religious beliefs, historical traditions, and social values.

Question 5: How can we encourage individuals to adhere to social norms without infringing on
their personal freedoms?
Response: Encouraging individuals to follow social norms can be done through positive
reinforcement, education, and creating a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
Our Lady of the Pillar College-San Manuel, Inc.
District 3, San Manuel, Isabela, Philippines
College Department S.Y. 2022– 2023

Narrative Report:
This set of questions and answers discusses social norms, including common examples
and consequences of violating them, reasons why people may intentionally break them, and how
they can differ across cultures and communities. It also offers suggestions for promoting
adherence to social norms while respecting personal freedoms, such as positive reinforcement
and education.
Social norms are the unwritten rules that govern social interactions and expectations in
society. They are often deeply ingrained in cultural traditions and values, and are expected to be
followed by individuals in order to maintain social harmony and cohesion. Some common social
norms include respecting personal space boundaries, adhering to appropriate dress codes, and
using polite language.
Violating social norms can have consequences ranging from mild embarrassment to
serious social exclusion or legal penalties. The severity of the consequences often depends on the
specific norm that has been violated, as well as the cultural or societal context in which the
violation occurred.
Despite the potential consequences, people may intentionally violate social norms as a
form of rebellion, to gain attention, or to challenge the status quo. This can be seen in the rise of
counterculture movements throughout history, as well as in more recent social movements that
challenge traditional gender, racial, and socio-economic norms.
Social norms can vary widely across different cultures and communities, based on factors
such as religious beliefs, historical traditions, and social values. For example, while it may be
common for individuals in some Western societies to greet each other with a handshake, in some
Asian cultures it is customary to bow as a sign of respect.
Encouraging individuals to adhere to social norms can be done through positive
reinforcement, education, and creating a culture of mutual respect and understanding. It is
important to strike a balance between promoting adherence to social norms and respecting
individuals' personal freedoms. This can be achieved by emphasizing the importance of social
norms in maintaining a cohesive and functional society, while also recognizing the diversity and
complexity of individual experiences and perspectives.

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