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Reaction Paper

Student Name: Joville Ocarez

Course/Year/Section: BSBA 2-C
Professor: Ralph Evan Urdelas
Course Code: ITE 1
Subject Title: Computer Literacy A Day Made of Glass 1&2
Date: October 15 2023
My reaction about this video “A Day Made of Glass 1&2” It is
how people known how to used the advantage of high
technology now, then and the better future, the appliances
makes it easy to used by using press button the standard of
the word surface display, the wall even the table and
electrochromic, the flexible display that is good to used and
portable 3d display the high technology visual impact of the
users it is all goods the film/advertising its good giving
communication to others also.

Moreover, the focus on sustainability and renewable energy

sources is commendable. The video highlights the use of
solar panels and energy-efficient buildings, demonstrating a
responsible approach toward the environmental

Overall ‘ A Day Made of Glass 1&2’ offers a captivating vision

of how technology can enhance our lives in remarkable
ways. It opens up a dialogue about the possibilities and
challenges that may come with such advantages, reminding
us to be conscious of both the benefits and the possible

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