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Jashmine: Never sacrifice your studies just for love. If you need to choose between the two, choose
studying. Love can wait but the door of education isn’t always open for you. It won’t wait for you.
Time passes by so fast, so please, never be dumb and fool at the same time just because you love
someone so much. That kind of love is toxic. It would ruin you, your family and your future. Your
relationship or “love” cannot solve inflation either poverty, it’s merely a feeling that’s never useful for
survival, but with academic knowledge, you can have a lot of opportunities to solve the problem of the
world with your wisdom

Danyz: Yes, love can do wait. But, I don't care if you think that the relationship is toxic, if I'm going to
die young, as long as i enjoy it doesn't really matter, school is stressing me, but my love for him is true.
I would rather die with great memories with my partner rather than die stressing out about academics.

Trix: Love is something you can feel in a relationship. But education is something which you can gain.
Academics should be given a top priority if you have a choice because that is what makes you more
eligible for relationship and you’ll be earning more respect as well. Being in a relationship doesn’t
require any degree or something, you are free to be in a relationship with anyone. But if have to earn
respect from the society, then you should be educated.

Arkin: According to a research, Relationships provide support to get you through rough times.
Having someone to help us through these struggles can make all the difference. If we don't have a
strong support system behind us, it is important to find one. Without love, you wouldn’t have someone
to support you from whatever you do.

Tristan: Being in a relationship doesn’t alwys mean that they can support you through your hard times.
It could distract you from your academics. And Academic or Education is power. Let it go for anything
and you’ll regret it!

Keishann: Based on my research,relationship is Ultimately, being in a fulfilling relationship can

contribute to overall happiness and well-being, which can positively impact all areas of life, including
academics.and relationship can give us motivation. If you have a supportive partner than can motivate
you to pursue your goals and can serve as a source of inspiration during challenging times.

Lindsey: No, if relationship is more important than Academics, then why are a lot people choosing
their studies first rather than their relationships? And if relationship is much more important, then why
are your partner being destroyed by academic pressure?

Marcus M.: While academics are undeniably important, we must not lose sight of the value of
relationships in our lives. Human connections bring joy, support, and fulfillment that cannot be found
in textbooks or lecture halls. Research has consistently shown that strong relationships are linked to
better mental and physical health, increased longevity, and overall life satisfaction. Moreover, fostering
meaningful connections with others cultivates empathy, communication skills, and emotional
intelligence—qualities that are essential for success in both personal and professional realms.
Therefore, while academics have their place, they should not come at the expense of neglecting our
relationships and the people who matter most to us.
Anne: While it is true that relationships offer emotional support and personal fulfillment, we cannot
ignore the practical realities of the world we live in. In today's competitive job market, employers
prioritize academic qualifications and skills when making hiring decisions. Without a solid educational
foundation, individuals may find themselves struggling to secure stable employment and financial
security. Additionally, academic achievements provide a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence
that can positively impact all aspects of life, including relationships. Therefore, prioritizing academics
is not only practical but also essential for long-term success and well-being. We’re still students who’s
barely living our lives, being practical might hurt but it could save our future.Let's cut through the
romanticized notions and get real. While relationships may warm the heart, they won't pay the bills or
solve the world's problems. In a society where success is measured by accomplishments, academic
prowess reigns supreme. It's time to stop prioritizing fleeting emotional connections over tangible
achievements. Academic pursuits demand dedication, discipline, and intellect the very qualities that
separate the leaders from the followers. So, while you're busy swiping left and right, we'll be busy
conquering the world one research paper at a time.

Liam: I understand the importance of academic success, but we must recognize that a singular focus on
academics can lead to burnout, stress, and isolation. Relationships, on the other hand, provide a support
system that helps individuals navigate life's challenges and setbacks. Research has shown that people
with strong social connections are more resilient in the face of adversity and experience lower levels of
stress and anxiety. Furthermore, relationships enrich our lives in ways that go beyond professional
success, bringing joy, love, and a sense of belonging. By prioritizing relationships, we create a more
balanced and fulfilling life that ultimately contributes to our overall well-being and happiness.

Kate: In conclusion, while relationships are undoubtedly important, they should not overshadow the
pursuit of academic excellence. By prioritizing academics, individuals lay the groundwork for a
successful future and gain the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today's competitive world.
Academic achievements not only open doors to career opportunities but also foster personal growth
and self-confidence. Therefore, I urge you to prioritize academics while also nurturing meaningful
relationships to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.

Dolor: I want to emphasize the importance of relationships in our lives. While academic success is
valuable, it should not come at the expense of neglecting our emotional and social needs. Relationships
provide us with love, support, and companionship that are essential for our well-being and happiness.
By prioritizing relationships, we create a more fulfilling and meaningful life that enriches not only our
personal experiences but also our professional endeavors. Let us remember that at the end of the day, it
is our connections with others that truly matter.

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