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history- 17 september

social contarct theory- continuation

indian version-
buddhist did not believe in god and so brahmadev as the creator of the first king
and code does naturally not figure in it.
but as told earlier people were living in a golden era so the formation of the
state according to the buddhist is due to the fact that people assembled and agreed

to choose a cheif [a person who was best favoured] have the charismatic qualities
and is more capable and hence their came three kinds of social order.
1) mahajan sammata - (chosen by the whole population)
2) khattiya - (the lord of the feilds)
3) raja - (the person who charms the people by the means of dharma)

mahajan sammata were wise , virtuos and able person and the people requested him to
be their king by agreeing to give him a part of their rice in return of his
hence the contemporary law books bauthayana lays down that the king should protect
the people in return for one sixth of the produce
the only limitation proposed on the power of the ruler is that he had to function
according to the dharma.


nature aims and function of the state-

evolutionary theory of the state{refer to the 1st ppt diagram}
the tribe was under the rule of its cheif or king who was often heridatery. the
king led the tribes in battle and ensured their protection in return for which
the people rendered him obedience and gave him gifts.sovereignity was rested in the
king, the epics and especially the arthashastra talk about the nature of the
state and the functions of the govt in ancient india. the state consists of sabhas,
samitis, and diff villages. the state was conceived as an organic whole like a
human body and its constituent parts are called as limbs. the state can exist and
function properly only if all the limbs of its body politic becomes mutually
integrated and cooperate with each other. the body politic cannot run if one of the
limb is missing.
wheather an ideal state should consist of people of exclusively of one nationality
having the same race, religion and language or wheather it can be a composite
political unit of people of different nationalities belonging to diff race and
speaking several languages is a question which has not been discussed by ancient
indian thinkers.
the number of foreigners like greek, khushanas, and hunas invaded and conquored the
country and settled down in it as its governors, but they did not remain
foreign nationals for a longer period of time within a generation of two they
completely became indianised and got converted into hindus and buddhists.
the moarch was regarded as the protector and enforcer of law, morality and dharma.
the relation between diff states also received a great deal of attention
from kautilya. the relationship between two neighbouring states is based upon their
economic alliances. a ruler should adopt the policy which is calculative
to increase the power and wealth of its state irrespective of any moral
considerations. the governing idea of kautilya seems to be that there is no moral
in the state craft, morality is the watchword in the private sphere rather than
public life.

the vedic literature does not specifically discusses the aim or ideals of the
state, the king or the head of the state was to act like a god who is regarded as
the upholder of law and order. the three main aim of the vedic state are- 1st
dharma- postering the feeling of compassion, maintaining free hospitals,
feeding houses for the poor and needy people.
2nd artha- encouraging trade, industry and agriculture, bringing the fresh land
under cultivation and building dams.
3rd- kama- ensuring peace, encouraging fine arts like music, dance, painting.

30 september
JAINISM is a reactionary religious movement opposed to the varna system and its
exploitation. it was regarded as a practical solution to the people, later vedic
society saw the corrupt brahamnical practices and rituals, there was a large scale
of animal killing. jainism preached in a simple language of pali and
prakrit. their teachings were quite practical and moral in their nature. the advent
of jainism in the 6th century BC was expected, as many people were beginning
to oppose the heirarchial organisation and formalised ritualism of the vedic
religion. mahavira was the 24th tirthankar. jainism is closely associated with
vardamana mahavir who lived from 540 BC to 468 BC. his father was siddharth
maharaja who ruled kundapura. at the age of 30 he left his wife and child and
started the life of total renunciation. the jains hold that the living souls have
higher consciousness and that every soul has the potential to attain infinite
consciousness, power and happines. the jains with respect to moksha or liberation
that if the bondage of the soul is its association with matter, liberation must
mean the complete dissassociation of the soul from matter. according to the jains,
there are 3 jewels that one must adhere to. they are- right knowledge, right
faith and right action. shortly after the death of mahavira, the community split
into various sects. the 2 important sects are digambara and shwetambara.
digambara- no clothes. it was said that women cannot attain salvation because they
cant be naked. they are more liberal
shwetambara- white clothes. a little conservative in teir teachings and practices.
the doctrine that all judgements are conditioned, holding good only in certain
conditions, circumstances or senses expressed by the word syadvad[maybe.
the way of looking things are infinite in number, the truth has various dimensions.

anektavada- it means non absolutism. it encourages the principle of pluralism.

according to this truth and reality are perceived differently
from different pov and no single pov is the complete truth.

dravaya astikaya- it means the fundamental entities by which the universe is made
up of. the universe is made up of soul[jiva], matter[pudgala], space[akash]
and motion[dharma] and time[kala].

jiva and ajiva- jiva is someone having a soul whereas ajiva is everything other
than a soul.

joe mama

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