Week 2 Activity 2 in Gec 6 (Isip)

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INSTRUCTION: Using the principles of logical reasoning and critical thinking, explain your
stand on the following ethical issues:

1. Divorce in the Philippines

Marriage is mean to last forever, and vows usually include the phrase, “till’ death do us
part”. These words that most of us believed. Marriage is regarded as a sacred union between
man and woman, thus, it must be cherished and valued with love. But what if love that a
couple once shared together fades away? What if the love becomes weak and unstable as
time passes by? What if everything changes and a person started to live a life full of misery?
One of their options to solve these problems would be divorce.

It should be implemented in the Philippines. As present situation demands it. Reality

tells us that there are many failed, unhappy marriages across the nation. Marriage is never
as blissful as people imagine. Divorce gives people a fresh start to lead better lives. Living
in a marriage where love, respect, friendship, and compatibility are gone is a life without

Let us think about other people suffering due to unhappiness brought by their marriage.
What is the sense of being blinded by a piece of paper when it is ruining your whole life?
Divorce nullifies marriage, therefore, giving couples the freedom to remarry and to escape
from an unhappy relationship.

2. Death Penalty in the Philippines

Death penalty should not be implemented in the Philippines because the judicial system
is faulty. The judicial system in the Philippines is very slow, the due process of a case is
not effective in the country because it takes too long to solve whereas most cases last for
years before being processed. The delays prolong the criminal cases, which end in them
going nowhere and not being solved. There are also too many errors in the system, these
errors being having an inadequate lawyer represent the defendant, incomplete or lack of
evidence, and unreliable witnesses.

If capital punishment were in effect in the country, majority of the cases would result in
wrongfully convicting innocent people. Authority, money, influence, and fraud could sway
the judicial system in the Philippines. Due to the rich and powerful men influencing the
decision of the case, it does not even matter if the accused is truly guilty of the crime or
innocent because the result will be based on their choice. The case would then be
manipulated through forged evidence, false witnesses, or forced confessions. The judge
would then have to incriminate the accused man for his alleged crime. This leads innocent
people to die without having the chance of parole and their freedom (Wrongful Conviction
in the Philippines).

No man deserves to die because of his crime; life imprisonment is a better option for a
criminal to be punished. There are too many problems if capital punishment was in effect.
Innocent people would die because the justice system does not carefully handle the case
and they cannot defend themselves well. As a Catholic nation, it is not agreed upon today
that death penalty gives justice. The Catholics believe that only the Lord can decide a man’s
fate. Death penalty should not be imposed in the country since it against Catholic teachings
the criminal justice system is faulty.

3. Same Sex Marriage in the Philippines

Love comes in all forms. It would be wrong to say that a person cannot marry someone
just because they are not from the opposite sex. The world is evolving more than ever, and
we need to keep up with times. Same-sex marriage is when any person chooses to marry the
same sex instead of the opposite. We should not shun this concept anymore.

In other words, gone are the days when people had to be ashamed because of their
sexuality. In today’s accepting world, we must make way for every human being
irrespective of their gender. One needs to realize that there are more than two genders. The
society needs to be more inclusive of all kinds of people. It will make the world a happier
place when everyone feels they are accepted and appreciated.

All of us are human beings at the end of the day. Before labeling each other with the
religion we follow or the people we choose to love. Everyone must realize this fact and act
like it. Same-sex marriage is more than important in today’s time as the world is progressing.
Moreover, people can finally be themselves and own their individuality. Just because
someone does not love a person from the opposite sex, it does not make them wrong. We
can love anyone we want.

Same-sex marriage gives the other people hope that they can also have a future. In
addition, it paves a brighter path for the LGBTQ community. This community has already
suffered enough due to discrimination. They deserve to be able to marry whomever they
wish irrespective of gender or sex.

Sindh energy. (2013). Should Divorce be Legalized in the Philippines. Retrieved on February 6,
2023, from https://www.sindhenergy.gov.pk/2022/11/30/should-divorce-be-legalized-in-the-

Vatican News. (n.d.). Philippines Bishops explain opposition to death penalty. Retrieved on February 6,
2023, from https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2020-08/philippines-bishops-explain-opposition-to-

Conde, C. (2017). Philippines Should Adopt Same-Sex Marriage. Retrieved on February 6, 2023, from

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