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Az első értékelő rendszer a Elo Rating System (ERS), ami a Rasch model dinamikus becslésére lett

létrehozva. Az IRT családba tartozik, a frissítési rendszer nem követel bonyolult számításokat és
lehetővé teszi a tanulók összepárosítását hasonló értékelésű feladatokkal. Viszont statisztikai
szempontból vannak hibái, általános limiteloszlást nem mutat. Ezért létrehoztak egy újabb értékelő
rendszert az „Urnings”-t. Ez az algoritmus [0;1] intervallumba helyezi be a paramétereket, és az
értékek is ebből a diszkrét arányrácsból kerülhet ki. Vele elérhetjük a korlátozó eloszlást, ahogy a
válaszok száma nő, ha a rejtett változók állandóak maradnak, ami azonban nem az APS célja. Elem
Párosított Frissítési Eljárás erre kínál megoldást, lehetővé teszi, hogy a rejtett változó érintetlen

The convergence of ratings in the Urnings algorithm, or any rating system,

is influenced by several factors, including the stability of participants'
abilities and the frequency of competitions. Additionally, the algorithm's
ability to adapt to changes in participant abilities depends on its
responsiveness to new data.

1. Convergence with Stable Abilities:

 In scenarios where participant abilities are not changing, ratings
should eventually stabilize as more data is accumulated. The
speed of convergence is influenced by the number of
competitions and the quality of the initial ratings.
2. Adaptability to Changes in Abilities:
 The Urnings algorithm, like other rating systems, has
mechanisms to adjust ratings based on new information. The
balance between the size of the change and the amount of
response data needed depends on the system's sensitivity
parameter or the update rules.
 A system that updates ratings more aggressively in response to
new data will adapt more quickly to changes in abilities but may
also be more susceptible to short-term fluctuations.
 On the other hand, a more conservative system may require
more substantial changes in abilities or a larger amount of data
before adjusting ratings significantly.
3. Finding the Right Balance:
 Achieving the right balance between responsiveness and
stability involves tuning the algorithm's parameters. This tuning
process often requires experimentation and analysis of the
specific characteristics of the data and the desired behavior of
the rating system.
 The relationship between the size of the change in abilities and
the amount of response data needed is inherently context-
dependent and may vary across different applications.

In summary, determining the optimal amount of data for convergence and

finding the right balance between adapting to changes and maintaining
stability in the Urnings algorithm involves a combination of empirical
analysis, experimentation, and parameter tuning based on the specific
characteristics of the data and the desired system behavior.

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