Designing Concrete Mixes For Increased Fire or Heat Resistance - tcm45-345583-1

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is the top surface temperature (see

Designing concrete the article “What is a Standard Fire

Test?”) this extra time afforded by

mixes for increased the plateau could cause the unit to

receive a higher fire rating. To mini-
mize the likelihood that this will

fire or heat resistance happen ASTM E 119 was changed in

1959 to call for closer control of the
moisture content of concrete sam-
ples being fire tested.
Since tests of the effect of fire on
Fire endurance can sometimes be doubled simply by concrete strength are usually made
changing the mix on small specimens—two- by four-
or four- by six-inch cylinders—in-
formation obtained can be some-
what misleading if several factors
he fire resistance of a build- that occurs during a fire. If the con- are not kept in mind. Because the

T ing will hinge on many mat-

ters. These include the
building design, the materi-
als used in its construction, the
potential fire load created by mate-
crete contains a high water content
at the time it is exposed to fire its
tendency to spall may be increased.
On the other hand, when the water
content of a concrete is high, as in
specimens are small and subjected
to heat on all sides, they heat rapid-
ly. Therefore concrete in entire
specimen begins to deteri o ra t e
soon after the test is initiated. Under
rials stored or used in the building, some lightweight aggregate con- actual fire conditions, on the other
the kind of fire detection and extin- cretes before they are dried, it was hand, high temperatures are often
guishing devices installed, the way found that a higher fire rating was reached on only one face of a con-
the building is used and main- achieved in some instances. On the crete unit. In addition, because con-
tained. side of the concrete test specimen crete structural members are typi-
One factor that is seldom consid- not exposed to fire the temperature cally considerably thicker than test
ered in striving for a high degree of curve typically rises to 212°F and specimens, it takes much longer for
fire or heat resistance in a concrete levels off until the water in the sam- concrete throughout the member to
s t ru c t u re is the design of the con- ple is driven off. Then the tempera- be brought to the elevated tempera-
crete mixture itself. And yet, to ture begins to rise again. The higher ture. It should also be remembered
name just one example, a study has the water content of the concrete that in an actual fire hardened con-
shown that an appropriate change test specimen the longer it will stay crete which is new and wet may not
in the type of aggregate used can at the 212°F plateau. If the deter- p e rf o rm as well as more mature,
sometimes double the fire en- mining factor in the rating of a unit dried concrete.
durance of concrete.

Heat resistance
Before considering the contribu-
tion made to heat and fire en-
durance by each individual con-
crete ingredient it is worth
examining a few facts about con-
crete performance in general when
subjected to high temperatures. Fig-
ure 1 shows the effect of high tem-
peratures on compressive strength
of concretes made with three kinds
of aggregate. During heating each
specimen was loaded to 40 percent
of its original strength, then loaded
to failure at the temperature desig-
Figure 1. Effect of aggregate type on the compressive strength of concrete
nated. The concretes underwent lit- stressed during heating to 40 percent of original strength. (Average original
tle loss in strength up to tempera- strength was 3900 psi.)
tures of about 900°F.
Water saturation of the concrete —From “Compressive Strength of Concrete at Temperatures to 1,600 F”, by M.S.
also bears on the amount of spalling Abrams, a part of ACI Special Publication SP-25, Temperature and Concrete.
The water that has combined to fire and heat must also be known less than 30 percent free silica, Type
with cement during hydration is dri- and applied if maximum perfor- II includes all others. Aggregates in
ven off by high temperatures. Natu- mance is to be achieved. the latter category (with higher sili-
rally, this dehydration starts at the ca) commonly receive a lower fire
concrete surface. Fo rt u n a t e l y, the Cement resistance rating.
d e h yd rated concrete has even bet- High alumina and, to a lesser de- The American Insurance Associa-
ter insulation value than normal g re e, pozzolanic and blast furnace tion classifies aggregates into two
concrete. The result is that the heat- slag cements have been shown to groups for fire insurance purposes.
ing of the interior, important por- deliver better heat resistance and Another insurance classification
tion of a concrete structural mem- fire endurance than the standard separates aggregates into four
ber is retarded. portland cements. Howe ve r, high groups on the basis of their physical
A number of common applica- alumina cements are not widely reactions to high temperatures. Ref-
tions in which concrete is exposed used in general concrete construc- erences to these classifications may
to high temperatures over long peri- tion because of considerations of be found in various codes but fire
ods of time under actual field condi- expense, extremely rapid setting research of the past ten years makes
tions also bear testimony to its good characteristics, and loss of strength it appear that the groupings do not
performance at high temperatures. at later ages. Spotty availability of furnish realistic or systematic guid-
There are concrete chimneys, for ex- the pozzolanic and blast furnace ance for concrete mix design.
ample, that have performed well de- slag cements may limit their appli- The practical classification of the
spite being exposed to temperatures cation, but if they are available it is future may designate three groups:
up to 600°F for periods of 20 years. advisable to employ them for high carbonate, siliceous and sanded
Concrete in chimney linings has al- temperature concrete. lightweight aggregates.
so provided excellent service even The original water-cement ratio Carbonate aggregates undergo
when exposed to 1,000°F. Concrete in itself appears not to have a bear- loss of carbon dioxide at tempera-
made with aggregates of crushed ing on the percentage reduction in tures mainly in the ranges of 1320 to
fire brick is used in fire test furnaces strength that will be experienced by 1795°F for calcium carbonate and
that are heated to over 2,000°F and concrete in a fire. 1365°F to 1540°F for magnesium
maintained at that temperature for As the cement paste undergoes carbonate. This chemical change
hours. d e h yd ration, its response is to absorbs heat without correspond-
Public utility companies report shrink in an attempt to compensate ing temperature rise. (About 80 per-
good service from concrete heated for this loss of water. Aggregates, on cent as much heat is consumed in
to 500°F in the foundations for nat- the other hand, expand when sub- liberating this carbon dioxide as
ural gas compressors. Concrete in jected to high tempera t u re s. This would be consumed in evaporation
beams supporting their boilers per- contrary physical response—at dif- of the same weight of water at at-
forms well structurally even though ferent rates—sets up internal stress- mospheric pressure.) At the same
subjected to 700°F. At one station, es and explains why a low aggre- time it builds up a film of carbon
the concrete piers supporting a boil- gate-cement ratio is desirable. dioxide at the concrete surface to
er floor were heated repeatedly to produce an insulating layer, espe-
950°F and yet no spalling or deteri- Aggregates cially when the gas is being gener-
oration showed. Crushed brick, charmottes, ated in considerable volume. This
In re f ra c t o ry concrete (concrete corundum and other special aggre- further retards the rate of tempera-
designed for service at temperatures gates can be used for concrete to be ture rise. The net effect is better fire
in excess of 1,000°F) special ce- exposed to fire or high tempera- endurance than is found in a con-
ments and aggregates are frequent- t u re s. We are concerned here with crete with siliceous aggregate. Small
ly used to enhance its resistance to aggregates commonly used in gen- disadvantages are that concrete
extremely high temperatures. This is eral concrete construction. continues to flake off the affected
a subject all to itself and is not in the One of the important factors in regions for some time after the fire
province of this article, which will judging the performance of an ag- and that there is local loss of
confine itself mainly to standard ce- gregate under high temperatures is strength.
ments and mineral aggregates. its contribution to spalling. The Siliceous aggregates (those con-
Whenever concrete is being de- great majority of comparative fire taining silica) do not have this built-
signed for resistance to fire or great tests have indicated that many in safeguard. In the past they have
heat, the matters of curing, age at siliceous aggregates can cause also been faulted because of the ex-
time of exposure and saturation spalling; these aggregates have been pansion accompanying the silica in-
must be taken into consideration. penalized in ratings. version which occurs at a tempera-
But the data to be given here regard- American and British agencies ture of about 1,600°F. The effect of
ing the contribution the ingredients frequently divide aggregates into the silica inversion does not become
make to the resistance of concrete two types: Type I includes all with important in most fires, howe ve r,
Fire rating of cast-in-place floor slabs made from various aggregates concrete slabs made with va ri o u s
types of aggregates are compared.
slab thickness, aggregate reinforcement FIRE RATING
As can be seen, merely by switching
inches used cover, inches HOURS
from a siliceous aggregate to an ex-
4 Siliceous 3
⁄4 1 panded slag it is possible to more
than double fire endurance of a
3 Limestone 3
⁄4 1
floor slab.
6 Traprock, limestone, 1 3 A better idea of how much data
calcareous, siliceous translate into actual fire ratings may
43⁄4 Air-cooled slag 3
⁄4 21⁄2 be obtained from the comparison in
the table of fire ratings of cast-in-
6 Air-cooled slag 1 4 place floor slabs made from various
41⁄2 Expanded slag 3/4 4 aggregates, as conducted at Under-
w ri t e r s’ Labora t o ri e s. The table
(Test data from Underwriters’ Laboratories) makes it evident that the thickness
as well as the aggregate type of a
floor slab have a major bearing on
the fire rating it will achieve because
of the heat transmission require-
ments of ASTM E119.
To examine the relative influence
on fire ratings of slab thickness and
aggregate type refer to Figure 3.
With a fire endurance of three hours
for a goal, a 4.4-inch slab using ex-
panded slag would provide the
same endurance as a slab 6.2 inches
thick made with a siliceous aggre-
gate. Thus in cast-in-place concrete
s t ru c t u re wherever the slab thick-
Figure 2. How the nature of the aggregate affects the fire ness can reasonably be reduced by
endurance of the concrete. one-third by using a lightweight ag-
gregate a savings in slab weight can
be had with little or no change in
and it is likely that the main differ- The comparative resistance of fire endurance. This savings in
ences in fire endurance between various aggregate materials to heat weight could mean a marked reduc-
siliceous and carbonate aggregates and fire, in terms of their volume tion in foundation costs. St ru c t u ra l
are ascribable to the benefits ob- change, is illustrated by the follow- considerations are, of course, usual-
tained by driving off carbon dioxide ing compilation of coefficients ly the overriding factor in deciding
from the carbonate aggregates. of thermal expansion (expressed in on the thickness of a floor slab, but
There is a possible counter advan- millionths of an inch per inch as the current interest in fire resis-
tage offered by siliceous aggregates per degree F) by the Bureau of tance continues to increase the fire
in that they do not lose strength by Reclamation: rating of a given slab may well be
loss of carbon dioxide. worth additional thought.
Lightweight aggregate with natur- Base Material Patented precast units must be
al sand as the fine aggregate is the Basalts, gabbros 3.0 fire rated to gain wide acceptance
third useful class of aggregates in Marbles 3.9 and their weight is a large consider-
terms of fire endurance. The coarse Limestones 4.4 ation in handling and transporting.
aggregate has higher resistance to Granites, rhyolites 4.4 The depth and weight of these units
heat flow than normal weight aggre- Sandstones 5.6 loom large in their commercial via-
gates and helps insulate the interior Quartzites 6.1 bility.
and the unexposed surface against
rapid increase in temperature. It al- This listing underlines the fact Water
so has higher water holding capaci- that the higher the silica content of As already noted, water plays a
ty than normal weight aggregate, an aggregate, the greater will be its role in several aspects of fire resis-
but the extent of its absorption coefficient of thermal expansion. tance. If the water content of hard-
varies a great deal from one light- In Figure 2 the fire test perfor- ened concrete is at saturation when
weight aggregate to another. mances of 4 3/4-inch-thick solid the concrete is exposed to fire or
strength of the portland cement
paste. Plasticizing water reducing
admixtures have been reported to
be of help in increasing fire en-
durance by reducing shrinkage.

General guides to mix design

To sum up, if the designer of a
concrete mix wishes to achieve a
high degree of fire endurance in the
concrete itself without going to the
use of special refractory materials,
he should heed the following ad-

• Of the aggregates available, use the

one that exhibits the greatest sta-
bility at high temperatures.

• Use a low aggregate-cement ratio.

• If available, employ pozzolanic or

blast furnace slag cement.

• Design the mix for a strength in ex-

Figure 3. How fire endurance increases with slab thickness
for various aggregates. cess of what is structurally needed,
determining the increase in terms
of what is needed to endure the
great heat the water strongly affects In regard to water in concrete greatest temperature anticipated.
its performance. The original water- mixtures for fire resistance, then, it
cement ratio in itself has little or no would be wise to keep water content • Cure the concrete long enough to
bearing on performance except to in the plastic concrete low, cure achieve the needed strength.
the extent that it affects compres- thoroughly to achieve a high
sive strength where strength is im- strength and then thoroughly dry • Thoroughly dry the concrete be-
portant. the concrete before exposure to fire fore exposing it to fire or to really
In slabs and beams concrete or great heat. great heat.
strength is of negligible importance
in determining a fire rating because Admixtures
they usually fail from heat transmis- In concrete designed specifically
sion. On the other hand, in fire tests for exposure to severe heat, finely
of columns the structural capacity is ground admixtures such as sodium
usually what determines a fire rating silicate (water glass) are sometimes PUBLICATION #C740403
and consequently the concrete used to bind the free lime in con- Copyright © 1974, The Aberdeen Group
strength is a significant factor. crete to increase the bond and All rights reserved

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