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The door slammed as Ginger arrived at her

boyfriend’s dorm room. After

a long tiring day, all she wanted to do was unwind
and relax with her
boyfriend. Seeing no sign of Eric, she decided a
long hot shower was in

She started the shower and stripped out of her

clothes while she waited.
Jenny had always been slim and athletic, her small
breasted body possessed
the kind of muscle tone that came from years of
cross country running and
playing soccer. She stepped into the shower and
closed the curtain,
pouring a generous dollop of shampoo into her
hands and working it into her
shoulder-length bright red hair. That same red hair
that had gotten her
mocked mercilessly in elementary school, which
had earned her the nickname
“Ginger” (her real name was Jenny), had become
the key to her popularity
once she had blossomed in high school. Her razor
sharp wit had in turn
gotten her nickname changed to “Ginger Snaps”.
The shampoo having been rinsed out of her hair,
Ginger grabbed the bar
of soap and started lathering herself up, gently and
slowly covering her
body in an expanding blanket of warm suds. She
sighed softly as she gently
worked the lather over her body, sweaty from a
long summer day running from
class to class to work, only to find the AC in her
office was out. Her
reverie was interrupted by a soft metallic grating
sound at her feet and
looked down to find the cause.

Just as she looked down, a red blur shot out of the

now exposed shower
drain, and she felt something thick and slimy slam
its way into her pussy,
lifting her several feet off the floor of the small
shower stall with a
shocked gasp. Her head slammed into the tile wall,
stunning her further as
the intruder dropped back down into the drain,
letting her feet hit the
ground before thrusting back up again. This time,
she was only lifted a
few inches up, as much of her invader instead went
up into her cunt. She
grabbed the shower curtain, rings popping loose as
she dragged it to the
bathroom floor with her. She turned and saw her
rapist, a thick red
tentacle coming out of the shower drain!

Ginger crawled toward the bathroom door only to

be dragged back by two
more tentacles which wrapped themselves around
her thighs. Muscles
strained as she tried to kick herself free of the
tentacles, but her legs
were pried open and she gasped and grunted with
each thrust of the limb in
her cunt. To make things worse, she felt her body
betraying her as the
tentacles’ slime soaked into the membranes of her
canal. Suddenly the door
burst open and Eric looked on at the scene in his
bathroom, his girlfriend
being raped by tentacles, with more trailing up
behind her. Ginger knew
he’d save her somehow!

“Eric! Ohh! Please do ughh something quick


Her boyfriend stared at the sight of his girlfriend

being fucked by some
kind of monster, and after a few moments, dropped
his shorts, took his
stiff cock in hand, and began stroking it up and
down before her eyes.
Before she could say anything, Ginger felt another
thick tentacle squeeze
its way into her virgin asshole, and she cried out as
she felt the burn of
the invader forcing its way into her colon.

More tentacles slid past her towards Eric. He slid to

the floor and
raised his legs, allowing one of the thick crawlers
to slide unopposed into
his ass with a sigh. He continued to jack himself
off, riding on the
sensation of his Master fucking him, and the sight
of his girlfriend being
brutally taken. He listened as her cries of pain
turned slowly into cries
of pleasure, just as his own cries had been
transformed when the monster
took him a few hours earlier.

Ginger’s cries were silenced suddenly as another

tentacle pushed its way
into her mouth. This time there was little
resistance; Ginger was an
accomplished cocksucker, and numbly took the
new intruder down her throat.
The tentacles thrust faster and harder, Eric’s
moans and Ginger’s
muffled groans filling the small room until the
tentacles all suddenly
swelled up before unleashing a torrent of cum into
their bodies, setting
off their own mind-blowing orgasms. The
otherworldly properties of the cum
finished Ginger’s transformation from rape victim
into willing whore, and
she shuddered with pleasure as the monster
withdrew. As the tentacles
pulled free of her, she rolled up into a ball and sank
her fingers into her
oozing snatch, eagerly awaiting his next visit.

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